SPM Science Notes - Body Coordination

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Bomy Eoormgnhtgon

Bomy eoormgnhtgon gs h agc` proe`ss tjht gnvoav`s jhriongous cuetgongnf oc gnt`rr`aht`m orfhns

hnm phrts gn tj` bomy to promue` h eoormgnht`m r`spons`

]wo bomy syst`is tjht eontroa hnm r`fuaht` eoormgnhtgon hr`4

]j` n`rvous syst`i

]j` `nmoergn` syst`i

H stgiuaus gs h m`t`ethba` ejhnf` gn tj` gnt`rnha or `xt`rnha `nvgroni`nt.Gt `vok`s h


R`spons` gs hn hetgon or iov`i`nt hs h r`suat oc h stgiuaus.

]j` n`rvous syst`i jhnma`s chst hnm sjort r`spons`s wjgej gnvoav` tj` trhnsigssgon oc 

`a`etrgeha gipuas`s

 ]j` Juihn N`rvous Uyst`i

]j` juihn n`rvous syst`i ehn b` mgvgm`m gnto4

]j` e`ntrha n`rvous syst`i *ENU' wjgej eonsgsts oc tj` brhgn hnm spgnha eorm.

]j` p`rgpj`rha n`rvous syst`i *\NU' wjgej eonsgsts oc erhngha n`rv`s hnm spgnha


n`rvous syst`i

H n`uron` gs h n`rv` e`aa wjgej gs tj` bhsge cunetgonha ungt oc tj` n`rvous syst`i

]j` e`ntrha n`rnous syst`i eonsgsts oc tj` brhgn hnm spgnha eorm

]j` p`rgpj`rha n`rvous syst`i eonsgsts oc erhngha n`rv`s hnm spgnha n`rv`s.

]j` brhgn gs hn orfhn tjht gs tj` e`ntr` oc eontroa hnm eoormgnhtgon gn tj` n`rvous syst`i

]j` spgnha eorm eontroas r`ca`x hetgon

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]j` p`rgpj`rha n`rvous syst`i gs tj` n`twork oc n`rv`s wjgej eonn`et tj` e`ntrha n`rvous

syst`i wgtj otj`r phrts oc tj` bomy.

Erhngha n`rv`s eoipos`m oc 82 phgrs oc n`rv`s wjgej orofonht` croi tj` brhgn hnm hr`

eonn`et`m to s`ns` orfhns gn tj` j`hm hnm n`ek! hnm haso to `cc`e tors suej hs tj` iusea`s

or fahnms gn tj` bomy ehvgty.

Upgnha n`rv`s hr` eoipos`m oc 58 phgrs oc n`rv`s wjgej orgfgnht` croi spgnha eorm hnm hr`

eonn`et`m to s`ns` orfhns hnm `cc`etors gn tj` wjoa` bomy gneaumgnf jhnms hnm a`fs.


H n`uron` gs h n`rv` e`aa.Gt gs tj` bhsge cunetgonha ungt oc tj` n`rvous syst`i

]j` e`aa bomy eonthgns ihny prod`etgons

M`nmrons ) prod`etgons croi tj` eytopahsi tjht pognt outwhrm croi tj` e`aa bomy

M`nmrgt`s ) sihaa`r prod`etgons tjht brhnej croi m`nmrons or hxons

Hxons ) hnotj`r typ` oc prod`etgon

M`nmrhns hnm m`nmrgt`s r`e`gv` i`sshf`s croi otj`r e`aas hnm trnhsigt tj` i`sshf` to tj`

e`aa bomy

Hxons eonmuet i`sshf`s hwhy croi tj` e`aa bomy

Uoi` hxons gn e`rthgn n`uron`s hr` eov`r`m by iy`agn sj`htj.]j` sj`htj br`hks up ht

gnt`rvhas haonf tj` m`nmrons or hxons.]jgs `nhba`s gipuas`s to duip croi on` nom` to

hnotj`r! sjort`ngnf tj` tgi` gipuas`s trhv`a haonf tj` surche` oc tj` hxons or m`nmrons.

B`sgm`s tjgs! tj` i`yagn sj`htj gs giporthnt b`ehus`4

Gt hets hs hn `a`etrgeha gnsuahtor

gt gs h soure` oc coom cor hxons hnm m`nmrons

gt haso prot`e ts hxons hnm m`nmrons croi pjysgeha gndury.

]yp`s oc n`uron`s

]j`r` hr` tjr`` typ`s oc n`uron`s

s`nsory n`uron`s

iotor n`uron`s

gnt`rn`uron`s *r`ahy n`uron`s'

N`rvous Eoormgnhtgon

R`e`ptors hnm cc etors

Hny ejhnf`s wjgej oeeur gnsgm` hnm outsgm` oc tj` juihn bomy hr` known hs stgiuag

R`e`ptors hr` s`nsory e`aas tjht m`t`et hnm r`e`gv` stgiuag hnm turn tj`i gnto `a`etrgeha


@cc`etors hr` iusea`s or fahnms wjgej promue` r`spons`s mu` to stgiuag.]j`y r`sponm to

stgiuag by4


fahnm s`er`tgon

Cgfur` hbov` sjows jow tj` juihn n`rvous syst`i works.

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N`rv` Gipuas`s

hr` i`sshf`s eonv`y`m haonf tj` n`rv` gn tj` cori oc w`hk `a`etrgeha puas`

Hn gipuas` iov`s onay gn on` mgr`etgon hs sjown gn cgfur`.

  Gipuas`s iov` gn on` mgr`etgon

R`ca`x hetgon

H r`ca`x hetgon gs h rhpgm!hutoihtge una`hrn`m r`spons` to h stgiuaus.]jgs hetgon gsgnvoaunthry hnm ehnnot b` eontroaa`m by tj` brhgn

H r`ca`x hetgon mo`s not r`qugr` eonsegous tjoufjt or m`egsgon by tj` brhgn

]j` eoipon`nts gnvoav`m gn h r`ca`x hetgon hr`4

]j` r`e`ptors

]j` `cc`etors

U`nsory n`uron`s

R`ahy n`uron`s

Iotor n`uron`s

R`ca`x hre

H r`ca`x hre gs h s`qu`ne` oc phtjwhys thk`n by tj` gipuas`s croi r`e`ptors to `cc`etors gn

h r`ca`x hetgon

]j` phtjwhy oc gipuas`s gn h r`ca`x hre hr` hs coaaow4

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\htjwhy oc gipuas`s


\roprgoe`ptors hr` s`ns` orfhns wjgej hr` eonn`et`m to s`nsory n`uron`s.Juihns hr` hba`

to m`t`rign` tj` posgtgon oc tj`gr a`fs! hris! j`hm hnm otj`r phrts! haonf wgtj tj`

org`nthtgon oc tj` bomy hs h wjoa` wgtj tjgs typ` oc r`e`ptors

\roprgoe`ptors hr` counm gn haa sk`a tha iusea`s! t`nmons! agfhi nts hnm dognts.]j`y provgm`

gncorihtgon to tj` brhgn r`fhrmgnf hmdusti`nt gn postur` hnm iov`i`nt.]j`r`cor`!

hmdusi`nts ihy b` ihm` to ihgnthgn bomy postur` or to ehrry out h phrtgeuahr bomy



Kgnh`stj`sgs gs tj` hbgagty to s`ns` tj` posgtgon! aoehtgon! org`nthtgon hnm iov`i`nt oc tj`

bomy hnm gts phrt wgtjout aookgnf ht ours`av`s.

]j` Juihn Brhgn hnm Gts Eoipa`xgty

Utruetur` oc tj` brhgn

]j` juihn brhgn gs tj` iost eoipa`x orfhns gn tj` juihn bomy.Gt gs haso tj` iost eoipa`x

brhgn hionf haa ihiihas.

]j` brhgn gs tj` e`ntr` tjht eontoas hnm eoormgnht`s our r`spons`s hs sjown gn hbov`

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]j` juihn brhgn jhs hn `xt`rnha ahy`r wjgej gs wjgt` gn eoaour.

]j` fr`y)eoaour`m ahy`r gs ihm` up oc eaos`ay phek`m n`uron` e`aa bomg`s wjgej cori

tj` fr`y ihtt`r oc tj` brhgn

]j` wjgt`)eoaour`m ahy`r gs ihm` up oc n`rv` cgbr`s wjgej cori tj` wjgt` ihtt`r oc 

tj` brhgn

]j` juihn brhgn ehn b` mgvgm`m gnto tjr`` ihgn phrts4



I`muaah obaonfhth

Juihn Brhgn


]j` e`r`brui gs tj` ahrf`st phrt oc tj` juihn brhgn.Gt ihk s up hbout :<% oc tj` ihss oc 

tj` juihn brhgn.

]j` e`r`brui ehn b` mgvgm`m gnto two j`igspj`r`s.

Rgfjt j`igspj`r`

A`ct j`igspj`r`N`rv` gipuas`s croi tj` a`ct sgm` oc tj` bomy wgaa b` r`e`gv`m by tj` rgfjt j`igspj`r`

wj`r`hs n`rv` gipuas`s croi tj` rgfjt sgm` oc tj` bomy wgaa b` r`e`gv`m by tj` a`ct


Cunetgons oc tj` e`r`brui hr`4

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Gt eontroas voaunthry hnm jgfj`st gnt`aa`etuha cunetgons suej hs tjgnkgnf! a`hrngnf hnm

proba`i soavgnf.

Gt r`fuaht`s `iotgon hnm i`iory tjroufj tj` agibge syst`i.

Gt eontroas juihn b`jhvgor.

R`e`gv`s hnm gnt`rp`ts gipuas`s croi s`nsory orfhns


]j` e`r`b`aaui gs aoeht`m b`aow hnm b`jgnm tj` e`r`brui

]j` cunetgon oc tj` e`r`b`aaui hr`4

Eontroaagnf hnm ihgnthgngnf postur` hnm bhahne` oc tj` bomy

Eontroaagnf hnm eoormgnhtgnf iuseuahr hetgvgtg`s

I`muaah obaonfhth

I`muaah obaonfhth gs tj` aow`r iost portgon oc tj` brhgn hnm gs eontgnuos wgtj tj` spgnha

eorm.Gt gs tj` sihaa`st eoipon`nt oc tj` brhgn

I`muaah obaonfhth r`ahys n`rv` sgfnhas b`tw``n tj` brhgn hnm spgnha eorm.

I`muaah obaonfhth eontroasn hutoihtge cunetgons

Soaunthry hnm gnvoaunthry hetgons

Juihn r`sponm to h stgiuaus tjroufj voaunthry hetgons hnm gnvoaunthry he tgons

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@cc`et oc gndurg`s to sp`egcge phrts oc tj` juihn brhgn

Jorionha Eoormgnhtgon gn tj` Bomy


hr` ej`igehas s`er`t`m by `nmoergn` fahnms.Jorion` promue`m hr` s`er`t`m mgr`etay gnto tj`

baoomstr`hi hnm ehrrg`m by baoom to tgssu`s or orfhns wgtjout tj` n``m oc hny muets.]j`y

hr` usuhaay s`er`t`m gs sihaa hiounts

]j` jorion`s jhv` h sp`egcge `cc`et onay on tj` tgssu` or hn orfhn m`sgfn`m to r`e`gv` gts

i`sshf` .]jgs tgssu` or orfhn gs ehaa`m thrf`t tgssu`or thrf`t orfhn.]jgs gs b`ehus` onay tjgs

sp`egcgetgssu` or orfhn wgaa r`sponm to tj`i.

Giporthnt roa`s oc jorion`s hr`4

ehusgnf pjysgeha hnm pjysgoaofgeha ejhnf`s.

Eontroaagnf tj` rht` oc bomy proe`ss

Gncau`negnf frowtj

]j` nmoergn` syst`i

Ej`igeha eoormgnhtgon gnvoav`s tj` `nmoergn` fahnms hnm tj`gr s`er`tgon

@nmoergn` syst`i eonsgsts oc `nmoergn` fahnms hnm tj`gr s`er`tgon

@nmoergn` fahnms mo not jhv` muets.]jus gt gs haso ehaa`m mueta`ss fahnms.

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\gtugthry fahnm

gs aoeht`m ht tj` bhs` oc tj` brhgn dust b`n`htj tj` jypotjhahius

]j` hnt`rgor aob` r`fuaht`s tj` hetgvgty oc s`v`rha fahnms.Hionf tj`s` hr` tjyrogm!hmr`nhas

hnm r`promuet gv` fahnms.

Gt promue`s jorion`s suej hs4

Eortgeotropgn ) stgiuaht`s tj` hmr`nha fahnm to promue` e`rthgn jorion`s.

Frowtj jorion` ) stgiuaht`s tj` frowtj oc bon`s! iusea`s hnm otj`r bomy

orfhns.\ahys h roa` gn tj` jhnmagnf oc nutrg`ns hnm ign`rhas gn tj` juihn bomy.

\roahetgn ) proiot`s tj` m`v`aopi`nt oc fahnmuahr tgssu` gn tj` c`iha` br`hst murgnf

pr`fnhney.Utgiuaht`s igak promuetgon gn woi`n wjo hr` br`hstc``mgnf.

]jyrotropgn ) stgiuaht`s tj` tjyrogm fahnm to promue` tjyroxgn` jorion`s.

]j` post`rgor aob` oc tj` pgtugthry fahnm r`a`hs`s hntgmgur`tge jorion`s *HMJ'.]jgs jorion`

hets on tj` kgmn`ys to r`fuaht` wht`r eont`nt hnm wrgt` output.Oxytoegn gs haso r`a`hs`m by

tj` post`rgor aob`.Oxytoegn trgff`rs tj` eontrhetgon oc tj` ut`rus murgnf ahbour.Gt haso

stgiuaht`s tj` `d`etgon oc igak croi tj` ahethtgnf br`hst.

]jyrogm fahnm

]j` tjyrogm fahnm gs aoeht`m gn tj` cront oc tj` aow`r n`ek.Jorion` tjyroxgn` promue`m by tj` tjyrogm fahnm jhs tj` coaaowgnf cunetgons4

Eontroas i`thboage rht`

Eontroas sk`a`tha frowtj

Eontroas i`ntha m`v`aopi`nt

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\hner`hs promue`s two giporthnt jorion`s

Gnsuagn ) gnsuagn m`er`hs`s baoom faueos` eone`ntrhtgon by stgiuahtgnf tj` eonv`rsgon oc 

faueos` gnto fayeof`n gn tj` agv`r.

Fauehfon ) fauehfon gner`hs`s baoom faueos` eone`ntrhtgon by stgiuahtgnf tj` eonv`rsgon oc 

fayeof`n to faueos` gn tj` agv`r.

Gnsuagn hnm fauehfon work tof`tj`r to ihgnthgn h st`hmy a`v`a oc faueos` gn tj` baoom.]jgs gs

giporthnt to promue` hnm ihgnthgn stor`s oc `n`rfy.

Hmr`nha fahnm

gs aoeht`m on top oc `hej kgmn`y.

]j` hmr`nha fahnms jhv` two phrts; tj` gnt`rnha phrt gs tj` hmr`nha eort`x hnm tj` gnn`r phrt

gs nhi` hmr`nha i`muaah

Hmr`nha eort`x promue`s jorion`s ehaa`m eortgeost`rogms.Eortgeost`rogms gncau`ne` or

r`fuaht` shat hnm wht`r bhahne` gn tj` bomy! tj` bomy&s r`spons` to str`ss!i`thnoagsi!tj`giiun` syst`i hnm s`xuha m`v`aopi`nt hbm cunetgon.

Hmr`nha i muaah promue`s eht`ejoahign`s suej hs hmr`nhagn`.


hr` aoeht`m gn tj` c`iha` r`promuetgv` syst`i

Ovhrg`s promue` two froups oc c`iha` s`x jorion`s.



O`strof`n gs gnvoav`m gn tj` m`v`aopi`nt oc s`eonmhry s`xuha ejhrhet`rgstges gn c`iha` suej


]j` m`v`aopi`nt oc br`hsts

]j` heeuiuahtgon oc bomy cht hrounmtj` jgps hnm tjgfjs.

Ihturhtgon oc r`promuetgv` orfhns suej hs tj` ut`rus hnm vhfgnh.

\rof`st`ron` pr`phr` tj` ut`rus agngnf cor pr`fnhney


gs aoeht`m gn tj` iha` r`promuetgv`s syst`i

t`stgs s`er`t`s jorion`s ehaa`m hnmrof`ns

]j` iost giporthnt hnmrof`n jorion` gs t`stost`ron`.

Eoormgnhtgon b`tw``n tj` N`rvous Uyst`i hnm tj` @nmoergn` Uyst`i

]j` two typ`s oc eoormgnhtgon work tof`tj`r ht e`rthgn tgi`s.]j` juihn mgf`stgv` syst`i gs

h foom `xhipa`.Vj`n coom gs s`rv`m!tj` ioutj wgaa sthrt to shagvht` hnm tjgs r`spons` gs

eoormgnht`m by tj` n`rvous syst`i.Fhstrgn h typ` oc jorion` gs s`er`t`m wj`n tj` jhac)

mgf`st`m coom fo`s gnto tj` stoihej.Fhstrgn ehus`s tj` stoihej whaa to promue`

jymroejaorge hegm hnm otj`r `izyi`s to ehrry out curtj`r mgf`stgon.

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@cc`ets oc Mruf Hbus` on Bomy Eoormgnhtgon hnm J`hatj

M`cgngtgon oc mrufs

Mrufs hr` ej`igeha or bgoaofgeha substhne`s wjgej hcc`et tj` cunetgon oc tj` n`rv`ous

syst`i!`sp`eghaay tj` brhgn!ehusgnf ejhnf`s gn b`jhvgour hnm p`rsonhagty.]j`y ejhnf` tj`

why tj` bomy works.

]yp`s oc mrufs

]j` cour ihgn typ`s oc mrufs hr`4




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Mruf hbus`

gs tj` igsus` or ov`rus` oc hny i`mgehtgon or mruf

R`hsons oc mruf hbus` gneaum`4

us` mrufs b`ehus` tj`y hr` tjrgaa)s``k`rs

us` mrufs out oc eurgosgty or b`ehus` tj`gr crg`nms mo gt

us` mrufs gn orm`r to eop` wgtj unpa`hshnt `iotgons hnm mgccgeuatg`s gn agc`


@cc`ets oc @xe`ssgv` Eonsuiptgon oc Haeojoa on Bomy Eoormgnhtgon hnmJ`hatj

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@tjhnoa eoiionay known hs haeojoa gs counm gn iost haeojoage mrgnks.Gt gs h stronf

psyejohetgv` substhne` wgtj h m`pr`ssgnf `cc`et.

@tjhnoa gs promue`m gn h proe`ss ehaa c`ri`nthtgon.C`rihnthtgon gs h proe`ss tjht us`s y`hst

or bhet`rgh to ejhnf` tj` faueos` gn tj` coom gnto `tjhnoa.

  W`hst + faueos` > `tjhnoa + ehrbon mgoxgm` + `n`rfy

@cc et oc xe`ssgv` eonsuiptgon oc haeojoa on bomy eoormgnhtgon

Haeojoa gs h m`pr`sshnt.]jgs i`hns gt saows mown tj` cunetgon oc tj` e`ntrha n`rvous


Vj`n haeojoa gs eonsui m! gt gs hbsorb`m gnto tj` baoomstr`hi rhpgmay hnm trhv`as hrounm

tj` bomy to tj` brhgn.

@cc et oc `xe`ssgv` eonsuiptgon

Haeojoa gs brok`n mown gnto he`tham`jym` by tj` `nzyi`! haeojoa m`jymrof`nhs` gn

tj` agv`r.]j` he`tham`jym` gs tj`n brok`n mown gnto he`tge hegm by tj` `nzyi`

he`tham`jym` m`jymrof`nhs`.N`xt he`tge hegm gs eonv`rt`m gnto chts or ehrbon mgoxgm`

hnm wht`r.Chtty hegms bugam up hs pahqu`s gn tj` ehpgaahrg`s hrounm agv`r e`aas.Agv`r e`aas

b`fgn to mg`.]jgs a`hms to tj` agv`r mgs`hs` ehaa`m egrrjosgs.Hs w` know tj` agv`r gs

mhihf`m!e`rthgn toxgns bugam up.]jgs a`hms to syiptjois oc dhunmge`.

Co`tha haeojoa synmroi` gs hnotj`r on` eons`qu`ne` oc `xe`ssgv` eonsuiptgon oc 

haeojoa us`.

Co`tha haeojoa synmroi`4

h co`tus gs c`m tjroufj tj` pahe`nth gnsgm` tj` iotj`r.Ugne` haeojoa phss`s

`hsgay tjroufj tj` pahe`nth!tj` m`v`aopgnf co`tus f`ts h mos` oc haeojoa wj`n

tj` iotj`r mrgnks haeojoa.

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