Spongepaint: A General Purpose C++ Framework for VLSI...

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MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, March 2003 127

Spongepaint: A General Purpose C++ Framework for VLSI Layout

Christopher Batten and Krste Asanovic

Introduction: A designer usually has two choices when deciding how to translate a logic-level design into actuallayout: use an interactive editor to manually generate layout or use a standard cell library and a synthesis tool to auto-matically generate layout. Although manual layout offers the designer the most control and results in highly optimizedlayout, it is time-consuming to create and modify. Automatic layout is convenient and flexible but can produce layoutwith significantly poorer performance and higher energy consumption than full-custom designs. There has also beenwork on a third design methodology called procedural layout, which involves using a program to describe the stepsrequired to create a layout. Procedural layout attempts to combine the convenience and flexibility of automatic layoutwithout sacrificing the control and quality of manual layout. Spongepaint is a new general purpose C++ frameworksuitable for procedural layout. Using a general purpose programming language offers significant advantages over othercustom procedural layout languages: optimized compilers are readily available, most of our designers are already fa-miliar with the language, and the library is easily extendible. Spongepaint provides a framework for layout at severalabstraction levels which makes it suitable for use in a wide range of designs including datapaths, memory arrays, andparameterized leaf cells. In addition to producing fabrication quality layout, Spongepaint will enable rapid area andenergy estimation for microarchitectural blocks.

Approach: Spongepaint is implemented in C++ and uses a simple object hierarchy to promote ease of use at anyabstraction level. The Spongepaint abstraction levels are illustrated in Figure 1. The Spongepaint primitives includeclasses corresponding to the basic layout constructs such as rectangles, labels, and containers (called cells) to holdthese basic constructs. Spongepaint tools are collections of functions which operate on primitives and cells to providea convenient interface to the higher abstraction levels. Tools are usually simple and perform tasks such as point-to-point routing, array pitch matching, and file I/O. Spongepaint builders use several parameters to actually generate acell. Builders are more complex than tools and can include sophisticated synthesis routines. Applications use any ofthe lower abstraction levels to actually instantiate a layout.

As an example, consider the process of building a data cache. The circuit designerwould first create a leaf SRAM cell and a leaf sense-amp cell using a traditionalinteractive layout editor. The designer would then write an application whichmight first use an spDecoderBuilder to create an appropriate decoder for the cache.The application would use the cell output from the spDecoderBuilder and the twoleaf cells as input to a spDataCacheBuilder. The spDataCacheBuilder might usea more general spCacheBuilder which in turn uses Spongepaint tools to create anarray of SRAM cells, possibly flip alternating cells, pitch match the sense-amps,and wire the decoder to the SRAM array. Notice that although the abstractionlevels help the designer, there is no need for the designer to blindly use givenbuilders. A designer can directly manipulate primitives with the tools, or writea custom builder which better implements the desired automation. The abilityfor the designer to easily use any abstraction level is a fundamental Spongepaintdesign goal. Figure 1: Abstraction Levels

Progress and Future: The Spongepaint primitives and a datapath builder were originally developed by Gong KeShen and implemented in Java [1]. We are currently porting Spongepaint to C++. The primitives, several basic tools,and file I/O tools supporting both Magic and GDSII file formats have all been implemented. A standard cell datapathgenerator has been developed which leverages a supplied standard cell library to create compact semi-custom layout.Figure 2 shows a generated eight-bit counter datapath, and Figure 3 shows the adder and register block for a similarcounter datapath in more detail. Notice how the datapath generator must carefully orchestrate cell abutment, columnpitch matching, data bus routing, control signal routing, and the adder carry chain. We are currently working on cachebuilders, register file builders, and more flexible datapath builders which use custom leaf cells.

Spongepaint will be used extensively in the development of the SCALE architecture. As an example, the SCALElane array will first be described in C++ using Spongepaint. The designer can then write a Spongepaint application togenerate the layout for several design points. Area, performance, and energy characterizations can be gathered fromthe generated layout, and the designer will be able alter the C++ lane array definition to meet various design goals. The

128 MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, March 2003

Figure 2: A full eight-bit counter datapath generated using the C++ standard-cell datapath generator

Figure 3: Partial datapath illustrating: adder carry chain, control signal routing, and data bus routing

layout can then be regenerated and recharacterized. This rapid iterative design process should greatly aid the SCALEdesign team in narrowing the large design space.

Research Support: This work is supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, DARPA PAC/C award F30602-00-2-0562, NSF CAREER award CCR-0093354, a donation from Infineon Technologies, and an equipment grant fromIntel.


[1] G. K. Shen, “Sponge Paint - A procedural layout library in Java,” M.S. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Tech-nology, 2000.