Sportmaster “Twitter Santa Claus”

Post on 16-Jun-2015

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THE TASK: Launch twitter account for sporting accessories retail chain Sportmaster few weeks before Christmas and make people regard sport goods as a bright idea of a New Year's Eve present. I had the privilege of running almost the whole campaign starting from developing an idea to publishing status updates and contacting the winners.


Everyday lots of people publish their random thou!hts on twitter





Absolutely anythin! that pops up in their heads.

Some of them often talks about their wishes.

And even ask their followers to !ift them somethin!.

But in almost every case it's just a shot in the dark…

…and people don't actually expect that someone will !ive them

anythin! for real.

But… What if someone will?

Introducing “twitter Santa

Claus” campaign

Few weeks before New Year's Eve we've launched a Sportmaster's twitter pa!e…

…and started seekin! for tweets in which people requested sports related !ifts.

When we found messa!es matchin! this criteria…

“I need skis, ice skates, treadmill and coffee machine! or and also I want to go to the cinema!!! I have a toothache so today I'll be cranky and whining!”

…we simply tweeted to those people that we will !ift them this thin! for Christmas.

“@Solevantado Treadmill and coffee machine probably won’t be that easy, but we’d love to give you ice skates

and skis. Just like that, as a Christmas gift.”

People were amazed and immediately started spreadin! the word.

“Pretty Sportmaster made me a present of ice skates and skis!)))))))) So nice to feel Christmas spirit


“Sportmaster made a twitter @ru_sportmaster and gave me a Christmas gift (I came by their office yesterday and picked up

a gift card, all real.”

“Eeey! Darling @ru_sportmaster gave me a belief in Christmas and a cool gift! Ice rink are in danger.”

The news spread across Twitter in a flash.

Sportmaster's pa!e !ained their followers from the scratch.

And !ot LOTS of !ift requests.

In a week people !ot their present at the closest Sportmaster store.

And lots of dreams came true…

Some people even started believin! in Santa Claus a!ain…

“@akikomiyim ask Santa Claus for heated shoes”

“@monkeyhed there no santa clauses like that”

“@akikomiyim Yet bet there are! We will give you those shoes. Just like that, it’s Christmas after all :)”