Spot's Three Muses & Picking Up the Pieces

Post on 11-Mar-2016

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Spot's final chapbook collection draws from the fount of three inspiring ladies, as well as his own upbringing, bringing previously unprinted treasures to you.



TThhrreeee MMuusseess


PPiicckkiinngg uupp tthhee PPiieecceess

Spot’s Three Muses & Picking up the Pieces is copyright © 2008 by Aaron Victor Steimle. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from that guy.

Published in the United States of America by Lulu Press, Inc. Seven-Year Edition - 2013

For Caitlyn, Jennifer, and Sal, the namesake

muses who brought these verses about.


Hi there. This final poetry chapbook completes collecting all of my poems. As you can see, it’s divided into what could have been two separate books, but I figured I’d let you have them all at once, in one big wallop. In fact, the latter portion of Picking up the Pieces is called “Leftovers” simply because they were the poems left over after the others had been… uh… gathered. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this last foray into my poems ; I’ll talk to you again after you finish reading them.

- Spot

Three Muses:



Spot’s Three Muses


Spot’s Three Muses



Allow Me My Fantasy

Although I write out words of passioned love, Unfold my heart's desires to public view,

I understand when push becomes to shove They're all just letters, punctuation too.

However flow'ry the words that come from me, Connected as they are to feelings true,

They hope for things that will likely never be Express the actions I will never do.

And so I write to live vicariously To live the life that I will never know;

Thereby allow me my own fantasy, For fantasies are all I have to show

And our lives will be peaceful as a dove's, As I may well express my hidden loves.

Spot’s Three Muses


Katie from Ahwatuk'

I've met a lass whose name is Katie, Who carries herself as quite a lady; I'd even like her if she were eighty,

That Katie from Ahwatuk'.

She can't help to be but naturally flirty Because her look is exceptionally perty; I could love her lots if she were thirty,

This Katie from Ahwatuk'.

Outfits she wears are often quite trendy, Tasteful appeal with variety plenty

As her age lingers at right about twenty; Miss Katie from Ahwatuk'.

How she came this way, I just do not ken, Neither from whence; I know only when.

(She must have been cute when she was ten, Cute Katie from Ahwatuk'.)

Those out with Katie always have fun: Excitement plenty; enjoyment, a ton.

She was a real babe when she was one, Little Katie from Ahwatuk'.

Spot’s Three Muses


To happiness here I'm sure she will lead us, With never a fear she ever could cheat us;

She must have partied when she was a fetus; Rockin' Katie from Ahwatuk'.

We're lucky she's here to help bring in joy,

To draw the attention of each watching boy. Oh how I adore her; oh how I... OY!

Lovely Katie, Blessed Katie,

Amazing Katie from Ahwatuk'.

Spot’s Three Muses


Mistress Mystery

With smiling mouth and crystal eye You face the watching crowd, Presenting the placid image of calm So not to speak aloud The hidden tumult rumbling within, As the storm within a cloud. What secret stirring brew inside That well-put-up facade; What firing passions, what settled thoughts, What desires seeming odd To call for hiding from our view Those which would leave us awed? I would unfold this mystery Presented to our view, Discover the mistress so well hid, And reach the person true; To finally see with unveiled eyes The treasure that is you.

Spot’s Three Muses


Anime Eyes

Oversized heads with oddly shaped faces Outlined in simplicity

And framed by hair of kaleidoscopic hue Set the stage for eyes enlarged

To enhance their glittering beauty, Making the humane connection And giving the characters life. As such eyes of beauteous size

Are the artists' trick For enlivening their beauties' images to our view,

They are found only In the realms of created fiction.

Or so I had thought. But such eyes of beauteous size

Appeared one day to practical view, Adorning an even lovelier face,

Neither oversized nor oddly shaped; No, such eyes came as a glittering light

Beaconing the arrival of a beauty brought to life, And, more joyously,

To my presence. I came to see and discover

Your own anime eyes; And now all I had ever thought unreal

Is possible.

Spot’s Three Muses


I Just Want to Cheer You Up

I don't want to tell you Of how I love you so, Or how my comfort arms Will never let you go; I don't want to tell you All the things you know, I just want to cheer you up. I'd heard how the past few days Have ripped into your heart, How the people and the circumstances Have torn you all apart; Hearing of the pains you suffer Sent my soul a stinging smart. So I just want to cheer you up.

I want to do things to bring back your smile, Bring in humor to make you laugh a while, Help you return with your beguiling charms. I want to lift your spirits up from despair, Remove from you the burden of every care, And watch you gleefully play with your hair Once again, everywhere.

Spot’s Three Muses


I don't like the feeling Of you taking all the lumps That lead you to the feeling Oh so down inside the dumps; Hey, don't I look spiffy In these pink sequin pumps? I just want to cheer you up. Don't be so gloomy; I just want to cheer you up. Means so much to me: I just want to cheer you up.

Spot’s Three Muses


Pretty Lady Whom I Don't Know

Pretty lady whom I don't know Carrying with you such a glow And putting on the finest show, I would like to learn what's right For you to o'erpower any spite

So we together may share our light And find within each other some joy.

Pretty lady whom I've not known, For whom affection so has grown,

Through poetic verse has been shown: I would strive to hear your voice,

To feel your song, partake your choice So we may both in each rejoice,

Our potential happiness to employ.

Pretty lady whom I never knew I would touch your graced hand too,

And place on your foot the gilded shoe. I would see your troubles cease,

See your life put all at ease, So we might together find that peace

E'er sought throughout our daily lives.

Spot’s Three Muses


Pretty lady whom I don't know, Whom I see only come and go

With your eyes as lovely as a doe. Endless platitudes I would send,

To reach your deepest heart they'd wend So to be perhaps more than a friend,

These ever would become our drives, Pretty lady whom I would know.

Spot’s Three Muses


I could just sit and watch you all day; Observe the things you do, listen to what you say.

Your every step would be my best show, Each gesture and twitch the only thing I'd know.

When you move to dance all others' moves would cease In green envy of your majestic, grace-laden peace.

Your captivating stare would quickly hold me bound The moment your entrancing eyes have found

Any prize that would your interest view (Oh would that I should draw your interest too).

Your vocal tones do make all hearing bliss: Throughout numberless hours I would strain not to miss

The softest sound to slip-slide from your mouth; Never hearing your voce would send my spirits south

For the emptiness that would hollow in my soul. To be near you always would ever be my goal;

Ever in your presence I would choose to be So that your lovely person I could always see.

Oh, I could just sit and watch you all day; Observe the things you do, listen to what you say.

Spot’s Three Muses


The Poems Posted on the Wall While I sit and write these words, Then post the verses to the boards, I have need to pause a bit And think what possible discords These my postings wring for you, My aim; I guess I did not think. I afore had should have thought About the grief, and of the stink Of embarrassment that would Arise from such a frank display; Thought about what ridicule Such abject adoration's play Could have brought upon your head. I should have taken time to care For the waves that radiate From posting's ping to strike you there. But I callously just placed My love expressed for all to view; Even though it's posted there To be discovered by you too, Hoping you will come to find The verses really are a ball, Taking my words' core to heart; The poems posted on the wall.

Spot’s Three Muses



Violet's Afterglow

A playful jest made in my absence, A daring move to step out; A whim fulfilled in lasting effect; All at once in the time without my sight Because I was gone; And missed your fun. So when I finally returned I only got to see Violet's afterglow.

Spot’s Three Muses


Dangerous Doppelganger You have her hands, You have her smile, You even have her eyes; You have her feet, You have her laugh, You have her calves and thighs. You have her step, You have her grasp, You have scrunching nose; You have her voice, You have her gait, You have her wriggling toes. You carry as yours So many facets Mir'ring those in she That you show the threat Of searing pain That did come to be Through her quick And oh so sudden Choice to wave away Whatever joy We'd together shared; Whatever blissful day

That could have been Our first step toward A life of joy and love.

Instead of joy To share with me

She gave our love a shove, Pushing away

All we could have, Leading her to part;

With such a move My fairest friend

Did rip outward my heart. Yet you come here

So unaware Wearing her own skin,

Unconsciously Pulling hard

At my heart to draw me in Toward another

Affections' grasp, Making me not a stranger;

Oh, I must hide From you fast,

You dangerous doppelganger.

Spot’s Three Muses


Only Inches Away Resting your arm across a tabletop When conversing with a friend Seems innocent enough, Safe enough for its comfort. But all comfort becomes suddenly shattered When She arrives, standing by To lean for support on the same table, And suddenly her hand rests Only inches away from yours; Now the cover is pulled across To hide what you want: You want to touch her hand, To caress her hand, To hold her hand in yours, Intermingle your fingers And feel the warming radiance Of the flowing fluids beneath her skin; You want reach out And say in a moment's contact All the things you cannot With mere words express Because of social anxiety's bindings. Instead you remain unmoving, Cover your yearnings And keep your arm's resting Immobile;

Spot’s Three Muses


Even as close as you are To reaching your desired joy, You cannot let yourself Embrace this opportunity Of even hidden possibility. Instead you restrain Any revealing reaction Until soon she departs for other events. So her hand and her heart remain Only and always Inches away.

Spot’s Three Muses


Busy Work

Finishing tasks is ever our goal; When one's completed 'tlivens the soul.

But when we have found The tasks' gone to ground,

That's when the craziness begins to roll.

We have to find for us something to do; Something productive, and profiting, too.

'Cause when tasks have soared We tend to get bored;

Lacking activ'ty transforms us cuckoo.

That's when we seek out our own busy work, Like testing wet water, or sharp'ning a dirk.

It gives occupation, Removes our frustration,

Thus the insanity we fin'lly shirk.

Spot’s Three Muses



Perhaps I am just lost And looking for a light;

Perhaps I fight with morals, What is wrong and what is right;

Perhaps it is just my nature To want what I cannot have;

Perhaps it's mere desire To have someone whom to give

Perhaps what fledgling joy Remains within my heart; Perhaps it's vain ambition

To see what growth could start Perhaps through tender feelings

Mutually shared with one Perhaps this link unwanting.

We'd see what kind of fun Perhaps could come about

Through desired efforts' dream. Perhaps my struggle is without

What destiny's whim would seem Perhaps to lead us ever to,

No matter my desire; Perhaps this just shows outward

A stifled inner fire. Perhaps I don't know what I want,

Therefore my judgment’s lapse; Perhaps I'm really wrong to doubt.

Perhaps it's love, perhaps.

Spot’s Three Muses


I Feel We'd Be Good You're kind, warm and gentle while walking with grace, Frequently brandishing a smile on your face, Displaying to all how true joy with you stays. You're sharp, calm and witty, subdued in your art Of friendly day passing, guided by your heart As into new adventures every day you do chart, Drawing from the adventure you are. I'm neither unfriendly, nor painful when seen, Keeping my movements and appearances clean, Revealing my interior being to glean. I've wit far more than I ever could spare, Yet enjoy more fully deeper chances to care And comfort, as I ever endeavor to share In the greatest adventures by far.

Spot’s Three Muses


We'd probably together match up quite well, I the foul beast to meet your beauty's Belle, Our commonalities to strengthen us beyond we can tell. Truest treasures of life and love and joy we would find, When we together leave all our troubles behind To face as one future challenges, whatever the kind, With firmness of strength as oak wood. Yet beyond our over-compatible natures, We've our potential as embryonic-divine creatures And caretakers of the limitless futures. Together we have so much we can do, So much we can be, so much to go through; Together we'll do it, we: I and you; Which is why I feel we'd be good.

Spot’s Three Muses


Crossing That Line into Love

As friends we related well, we were all heard Joking and laughing with every third word And nothing we'd said implied even a curd

Of crossing that line into love. Our passing adventures we'd share on a whim, But deeper reflections as friends we would skim

And sing without sacredness approaching a hymn 'Till crossing that line into love.

But since crossing that line into love we're always apart; Since crossing that line into love deep within my heart

I can't leave it all frivolous Let it remain... surpifilous,

Since crossing that line into love.

Since crossing that line, we have grown very distant; Remaining close as we were would make me more persistent

Than you wished us to be, since I put my mind's fist in, Crossing that line into love.

Since crossing that line into love I can't forget it.

Crossing that line into love, I won't regret it Even if we don't come together

In our feelings to whether Our crossing that line into love.

Spot’s Three Muses


But now that we’ve crossed it

It seems that we've lost it, Our friendship that brought us this far.

Or could it be hiding And simply abiding

Its time until it can resurge And take us to the brightest star.

Yes, since crossing that line into love we get to moving

Past crossing that line into love; there's no more proving If we need to discover

That I could be your lover; If we now resemble

The feelings we assemble. We'll no longer be fighting,

Now we'll always be delighting Since crossing that line into love...

And I'm glad That we can never go back.

Spot’s Three Muses


You, Yourself – Short Form Push aside the reflections, Cast off first impressions, Ignore what all others describe; Must discover the truth, See past the veil of your youth To find the you, yourself hidden inside. Once I have found it My heart can resound it And affection may transform to true; Away all fallacies shove, So you can open to love That person who's truly yourself, you.

Spot’s Three Muses


Aged and Decrepit

Aged and decreed you ever appear To those who've not seen so many a year,

Importing a barrier created by fear Of breaching the social taboo.

Lack of relatable thought is presumed And possibility becomes sealed up, entombed

Unless true feelings' courage exhumed Brings early maturity to view.

For taboo with time is quickly struck down, And barriers dissipate, revealing renown Lost chances at living, providing a frown

For inaction's payment. Who knew That aged and decrepit's false images too

Held barriers their own, stirring loss up anew?

Spot’s Three Muses


You, Yourself – Long Form When first affection's view had raised its head I thought 'twas fancy frolicking anew, But fancy's frolic into fondness grew With greater draw, soon introducing dread Of scorn to come drawn from society For difference in ages we each hold. Although the pains would come, were I so bold To act upon this draw for all to see, It's you who'd feel the worst of scorning's tongue. Beyond this, something else held action back, A something gnawing off in backmind's rack Until awareness' ping with res'nance rung: What caused the draw at first, it fin'lly came, Were qualities I'd loved in one the same.

You carried with you visions from my past That had in passing torn my heart in two, Possessed by one whom I too-well knew; A love formed true that sadly didn't last When lover left me empty of all care. In you I saw her qualities renewed, Those virtues cherished as I viewed, All blinding me to what I should see there. And so we talked to try to work it out, Revealing that you didn't feel the same (Not that you should, I'm only here to blame); We cleared it up without a cause to pout. Although between we two things became clear, Attraction strangely holding remained here.

Spot’s Three Muses


Continued draw's claws reaching linger still Toward me, pulling my affections hence. E'en climbing over pain's graffiti'd fence, It beckons me; as if with living will This newer draw steps out onto the scene Enticing me, yet not from painsource known. Instead arising from as-yet unshown Mysterious facets bright. What could it mean? What virtues hidden by my blinded sight Would pull me now inex'rably to you? Could it be it is truly yourself, you Appealing now emerging into light - The visage of your inner being come From parts obscured to make me bite my thumb.

I must discover you beyond the veil Drawn up by my poor pastime's pained sting; I need to seek the vision that you bring To understand what makes my yearning sing; Thus through this verse I hereby seek the tale Of that great mystery that is you, yourself.

Spot’s Three Muses


I've Forgotten Why I Love You

Reflecting in my bed last night So soon before I slept,

Came I upon a wand'ring thought That a moment had me wept:

In thinking of how from inside My feelings for you sprung

I pondered on th'affecion's source And worry's writhings wrung

Away my mindscape's lovingspring, Its effervescent view;

I'd forgotten exactly why it is That truly I love you.

True, your features favor all Earning up a lasting praise,

And true, we'd shared a closening time Or two o'er passing days;

But features' favor and clos'ning times Live behind us in the past. So what is it here and now Making my love e'erlast?

And then, in question's finding lack Wherein my thoughts did go

Brought to my mind a maddening doubt O'er if my love is so.

Spot’s Three Muses


So feeling, pushing past this doubt

To check heart's clarity I inward reached for true reflection

To reveal disparity, But found there none. Instead within

The gem of crystalled gleam Showing past facets' surface shine;

And so now it would seem My love has moved beyond its cause

Enough to let me cry: "I love you in the truest way, And need no reason why."

Spot’s Three Muses


It Should Be So Simple – Short Form

It should be so simple, Our love should be so clear.

But because we complicate ourselves Now we find us here,

Apart from one another Each shedding separate tear.

But inside our hearts you and I know The very thing you fear:

Our love is true and simple, pure. Lasting year after year after year.

Spot’s Three Muses


Together in Our Own Little World As facing each other with our steady stare, Our breathing in harmony, and all else in sync, Laughing with our words we become unaware Of all else around, of what lies within the brink Of peripheral vision's range; we only care For the person before us, what they feel and think Together in our own little world.

The only sounds we register are each other's voice, Relishing the tones ever familiar and clear While with our lips they form words of choice, Conveying affectations' wellsprings of dear Adoring and comfort and praising with poise The warmth radiating with our standing near Together in our own little world.

Time's bindings release us as all hours past Fold upon themselves into heaping piles; Ignored events vanishing, ambitions long cast Away by reflecting our mutual wiles To entrap full attentions faster than fast, Leaving behind only shadows of current smiles Together in our own little world.

Enwrapped in conversation both silent and heard, Of seriousness and also of play, Connection is strengthened through forming each word Along with receiving what each other may, Ensuring love's flame will become further stirred; Would that we here forever could stay Together in our own little world.

Spot’s Three Muses


Lingering Taste – Long Form

Your kiss happens quickly, Pursing upon my lips

The message of affection. With loving touch it grips

My heart into yours; Together, they are one.

But too soon you leave me, Our kissing becomes gone

Apart from each other. And now we are faced

With relishing the blessing Of your kiss's lingering taste.

Though actions be done Still remains the savor

Found by a lick of the lips; Discovering the flavor

Of that exquisite experience Left behind by our touch

Reveals more of its importance, That taste is so much.

Spot’s Three Muses


This taste of sweetness

Beyond honey's acclaim Comes through texture so softened

And smooth that we'd name It rose-petaled softness,

And the smoothness of silk, Friction-missing satin, Or words of that ilk.

But none of these words Could accurately describe

The blessed, precious flavor I'm left to imbibe

From my lips, giv'n by yours When your kisses have left.

In comparison we find All other flavors bereft

Of quality of joy, Or savor so sweet;

The taste left by you Does so thoroughly defeat

Any competitor arising To challenge your taste.

Truly, you conquer All foes you have faced.

So even without you here, Your presence is not missed

As I'm left with the lingering taste, When it's you that I've kissed.

Spot’s Three Muses


Knights and Queens She can move Any which way she pleases, Striking from the furthest reach And protecting with the most power. All others growing Would travel the farthest distance To be as she.

He can jump Only in prepared placement. His attack, a pre-planned strategy Valuable only at the critical moments. Completely set apart From other conventional practices Are his actions.

Working in unison, They together become a force Completely uncheckable by corrupting opposition That would strive to foil Eternal machinations. But for now They must remain apart By royal decree.

Spot’s Three Muses


Returning to Basics

Using a tool day after day In manners routine, or varying little,

Makes your proficiency therewith a habit; Without the slight thought you can wind your way,

Without target's aim, you hit the middle, As second nature needs you only to grab it.

But the routine use of the tool Wanders across but its useful surface,

Leaving the tool's potential unrealized; Looking at basics you could seem the fool,

Criticism to e'er make you nervous, But doing so you may discover disguised

Details to make the tool into more Than what you have thus far giv'n it for a use,

Some yet-unseen functions or features The tool's designers placed there in store.

Returning to basics will help loosen the noose Binding you into becoming one of the tool's creatures.

Spot’s Three Muses


It Seems I Gave You All My Love It seems I gave you all my love, Leaving nothing here to spare, So when affection 'tempts to shove It uncovers nothing there. To you I gave my heart for life, My means to share the soul; I gave away my desire for wife Or children as a goal. Away I gave my chance to kiss And hold in my arms that dear Sweet peace that I now ever miss; Yet also gave away my fear Of others snatching fast your heart, Invoking jealousy's raging green Which in me was so quick to start, That beast you'd never seen. I imparted all my love to you Allowing nothing to be left When you vanished as you wanted to, The act that my heart cleft. All my love had with you flown, And all affection, too. Now if adoration potential's shown I must learn to love anew.

Spot’s Three Muses


Elephant Tears – Short Form

Across the room The words that we choose

To share our affection Are "Elephant Shoes."

But since the day We succumbed to our fears

I find myself crying Only elephant tears.

Spot’s Three Muses


It Should Be So Simple – Long Form What we have should be so simple, So easy to progress; Our love should move without a dimple. Yet we just regress, Pull back from possible joyous future Through our own concern Creating the most aberrant suture, Cutting as we learn Of possible pain lying at our door; The faults all grow from our Anal stretches for seeking more Available from higher power. We make love harder than it should be, Throwing in our twist And turn to surpass destiny, But only slit our wrist For the joys that simple love could bring; We keep ourselves away From companionship to make us sing.

Spot’s Three Muses


Leading to today When we kept apart from each remain Due to stubbornation, Leading us to ever complain About our complication. It should be so simple, our love, So easy to progress, It's even endorsed by up above; But we've made a mess Of our shared gift. Yet we'll come to own That this inside we knew: Inside we've always deeply known Our so simple love is true.

Spot’s Three Muses


Reflecting Life's Face As Fagan reviewed, so too must I, Retracing past stepping, my mistakes decry For image to view, looking into the mirror Transforming a future walkway to clearer: To choose where to go I must see where I went, What paths were pursued, how time there was spent, And what decisions' actions fin'lly came into being; What brought my life here I would be about seeing. Thus watching the mirror reflecting life's face I form up conclusions about where to place My next footfall's support, on which cobblestone To move forward upon this path tread alone. For past leads to now as now leads to next And on into the future, so none should be vexed At what-called surprises leap from rounded turn; With taken reflection we surely will learn The patterns' entwining, and how holds the glue; We'll see what had happened, and what will happen, too. Reviewing as Fagan the situation's stance, I will uncover steps to come for the dance Continuing onward throughout all our lives. So toward mirrored surfaces as turn we our eyes To view through past patterns this truth is discerned: In reflecting life's face the future is learned.

Spot’s Three Muses


Lingering Taste – Short Form

When we kiss, The taste of your lips

Still lingers upon mine, Forcing me to lick them So I may savor the taste

Of your sweetness. This way you stay with me

Even when you've left, Allowing me to cherish you

Even more.

Spot’s Three Muses


Elephant Tears – Long Form Silently Gazing at each other from across the room, You looked to my eyes, and I looked to yours,

Wantingly Watching for different ways to exhume From our hearts the emotion that pours

Readily. An idea grew, from imagination slips To conscious thoughts, from which to choose

Carefully The words there formed in shape with my lips: The unusual phrase with meaning: "Elephant Shoes."

Giddily, You smiled as my sent meaning was caught, Then sent by your lips to me was returned.

Playfully, We marveled at the many methods bought To say we love each other, as we learned

How much more it is true. Slippingly, Time moved with us trapped in its flow, Our love growing with each passing day;

Unerringly Heading the direction predestined to go, Until something arose to block its way.

Suddenly The realization of this potential success Poured out upon us a plethora of fears,

Spot’s Three Muses


Deceivingly Displaying our future as only a mess. So now I'm crying out elephant tears,

Profusely Mourning how, while I chose to face the view, You instead fell to the fear and turned away,

Pridefully Pushing the ideas you felt that you knew: The foreseen mess of our lives would abide the day

To become what is true. Determinedly You threw away our love and affections For the safety of avoiding what you were shown,

Unerringly Cutting away any of my possible attentions Toward maintaining and enhancing what had grown

Appropriately Between our hearts, our lives and our souls. But still I tried to return us together,

Strugglingly Grasping for methods to still fulfill the goals We at one time had intended to weather.

Saddeningly, You block my attempts, just shut me out Of your entire world. So I am merely left

Dejectedly Sitting by myself in emptiness, without Anything worthwhile; remaining completely bereft

Of our love that was meant to be true.

Spot’s Three Muses


Picking up the Pieces:

Growing Up


Spot’s Picking up the Pieces


Growing Up

Hot Chocolate Bubbles Light reflecting onto hot chocolate bubbles Breaks into prismatic glory, Scattering from unseen total beams To strike out at retinas With perceptions of greens And reds and even sky blues. How strange the brown liquid Whose bubbles bring out the rainbow.

Spot’s Picking up the Pieces


On the Move

For housing's sake It seems we were always on the move.

One year here Or seven more there,

The move was the only thing we could count As entirely inevitable. Security and solidarity

Ever are the plague of others; Ours traded for adventure And wide-visioned growth

Drawn from heterogeneous exposure. Never trapped in a single hole,

Never locked into a single viewpoint, But open to opportunities we all became,

Because we ourselves remained ever changing. When even the threat of being so stuck

Dared to rear its head, We all knew the threat was a paper dragon,

For we all knew our security Protecting from such shackled look

Would soon return, Once again placing us

On the move.

Spot’s Picking up the Pieces


Hidden in the Piles of Sand

They appeared overnight, the huge piles of sand, Coming for us like an invasion,

Coming to bury us all. But we are smarter than they are.

We can run and hide In between them

And behind, Around the back

And climbing up to their tops. But you have to be careful

When climbing and hiding in the piles; All at once they can strike out

And capture you In their burying embrace.

Then you will be lost, Lost to everybody forever.

I know. That's how they got my brother's best friend.

Spot’s Picking up the Pieces


Waiting Forever Mom and Dad departed from us around eleven, Off to who-knows-where. Now we've played out all our games And done all that we care; We've pretended meta-lives as far as we can go, Our made-up worlds depleted, We watched the last of morning's cartoon shows This Saturday repeated. And now we have nothing else to do But sit here on the porch And wait for Mom and Dad to come back home. So we all sit here and watch The cars one by one drive on past the house, Zooming fast down the street Ever hoping that our loving parents will be in The next car our eyes meet. We've been waiting here on the porch forever, The time just can't be measured. Timeless moments pass with our wasted waiting, Times we could have treasured. Waiting forever here on the house's front porch Is incredibly boring too. How very long will it take them to return? It's almost ten to two.

Spot’s Picking up the Pieces


Making Towns

Living back in our house, With so many people around

So often we'd spend Our time making towns.

There's be restaurants and boutiques And oh so many stores,

And we'd act all as shopkeepers All because, even more,

We'd have city government And print our own money

(Often leading to arguments That weren't a bit funny).

Our economy would thrive As we'd eventually pay one another,

The cash going from sister To sister to sister to brother,

And then back again, For full circulation,

Simulating an idyllic place

Spot’s Picking up the Pieces


More efficient than our nation. But our towns oh so often

Would have but a moment's life Before turning to forgotten Abandoned due to strife.

But someday soon And once e'er again,

The Steimleville Towne Would creep up again,

With its business to make And money to pay,

Renewing its played life To live another day.

Spot’s Picking up the Pieces


Hiding Place Not too wide, not too deep; Just enough space in which to sleep. Enclosed by bar and hanging drape, Wired top with blanket cape Ensures darkness for the night, Enough cover to keep out of sight. This escape from parental eye Held false rebellion as a sty Meant to discomfort authority's reach. Instead, such recluse did teach The futility of the childhood act, As received was only the fact That when every other day you hit your head, The best place to rebel isn't beneath a bed.

Spot’s Picking up the Pieces


I Wanna Be Superman

He flies fast as lightning, Is stronger than a mountain, Has the breath of a tornado

And eyes blasting lasers That burn right through anything.

His cape of pure crimson Carries that shining yellow shield

The same written in red Stretching across his chest.

His skin is unbreakable, His smile shines bright with light,

And his hair always falls Just so it forms an "s" on his forehead.

He's tall and strong And always tells the truth,

With his x-ray vision He can see right through you,

Into your heart and bones. He never drinks or smokes,

Or does anything that's wrong. He's the best that a person can be,

And even better; He's the guy I want to grow into;

I wanna be Superman.

Spot’s Picking up the Pieces


Five Fingers

Five fingers come together as one in a hand Forming up for purposes many,

Some forms less reputed, some even more grand, But all sending ripples a-plenty:

When formed up in anger, irrational fury Blinded thoughts from seeing the action

Until already-made movements entered through hurry, Though bringing the brief satisfaction, Result in a motion so socially pointed

(Sending clear the message of hate) That parental emotions transform to disjointed;

Realization catches up here too late. Authoritative reaction moves in even swifter

Than earlier's breach of restrain' To produce from swinging board that much stiffer

The feeling of punishment's pain. Yet feeling this hurting gave experience no loss,

Seeing gesture produced so fast Became seen as a profaned-motion because

Of which finger fell into fist last.

Spot’s Picking up the Pieces


Forgotten Impact

They say I was happily playing with toys With one of my friends, just as little boys

Often will do: toy soldiers caught in a war. They say his yard was small, we wanted more

Space where to play, space my house o'er there had, Across the street, not too wide, the traffic not at all bad.

They say a light fog rested that day on the road, Too light for concerning trouble to goad Into danger; so crossing it would be safe.

They say I first stepped out, footsteps to strafe Across the way, head turning often to look

For trouble to stop for. But I must have mistook, They say, something in sight for safer than not,

For I stepped on quite lively, and ended up caught Right in the path of pure trouble embodied.

They say the silver car was spinning, somebody'd Lost their control, putting everyone in danger,

As the car careened toward me, driven by a stranger. They say when it hit me I flew in the air ten feet At high velocity before finally hitting the street

And lying out in the pavement, thorough with injury. They say I was unconscious when they came out to hurry And revive my trauma-thrashed person, waking delirious

As the paramedics checked to see if my wounds were serious. They say I came to several times on the stretcher, Thankful the contusions didn't make me a retcher Who'd fill the ambulance floor with ejected vomit.

They say being hit by that car, I'd stake my life on it, Was dreadful and terrifying, they're hearts were truly wrought;

I have to take their word, because being hit by a car I forgot.

Spot’s Picking up the Pieces


An Evening on the Apartment Patio

Off to the East

Falling sun's rays striking against the mountain Cut into the sides shadows of jagged edge, Concealing corners and nooks, Preparing for the unveiling of the stars; Twisting and growing Into shapes of sharpened mystery, Alive on their own, Creeping from their places of slumber To revel in the nocturnal awareness Coming with the sunset.

Turning Westward Wisps of clouds lingering in the skyline Catch the kaleidoscope of colors Sent streaming straight from solar core, Reaching out for day's final breath In bursts of glory Surpassing the light of white Into yellows, greens and violets Stretching their arms overhead To pull across the blanket of blue, Fading the endday sky into darkness.

Spot’s Picking up the Pieces


Back to the East

Falling sun's rays striking against the mountain Throw their painting hues across the face, Brushstrokes of emblazoned light Pulled from the skycast masterpiece Down onto rocky palette To form a metamorphic menagerie Exhuming emotion through Twisting and turning and transforming Colors cast by the rays Coming with the sunset.

Here in the Middle Looking east to see the beauty of the rock, Then west for the sky's color casting rays Striking the projection screen of eastward mountain Surrounds my position with the brightness of beauty. But here in the middle, Here I am left to watch all the beauty surrounding alone, Without a beauty to fill this viewingplace core. Empty, I remain a watcher Of true beauty all about me Coming with the sunset.

Spot’s Picking up the Pieces


Here We Go Again

Packing it all up, Storing it away.

Taking the beds apart, Done in one day.

Load up the trailer, Make it all fit.

Remember not to forget Even one bit.

Here we go again

Making another move, Another house to leave. It seems it's all the same: We always have to prove

Starting over is no reason to grieve; We've done it so many times before.

Into the new place,

Let's get our stuff set. This room here's yours,

That one I get. Move the furniture in

And don't scratch the walls; How will we fit in

Everything through these halls?

Spot’s Picking up the Pieces


Here we go again Making another move, Another house to leave. It seems it's all the same: We always have to prove

Starting over is no reason to grieve; We've done it so many times before.

Hi, my name is this

I'm new here in town, How do I get there? What kind of gown

Do I wear in that place? Can I be your friend? What can we do here?

(Will the questions ever end?)

Here we go again Making another move, Another house to leave. It seems it's all the same: We always have to prove

Starting over is no reason to grieve; We've done it so many times before.

We've finally settled

And all things are in place; Our TV selection's just right, And a smile's on Dad's face. The days finally are mellow,

Daily actions turning the same And... what was that? Oh bother.

Here we go again.

Spot’s Picking up the Pieces


Bubble Lights On the tree in the middle of the night Glimmering with color are many a light: Some constant in view, Some there flashing too. Making magical the entire Christmas sight.

Of the lights, many of their bulbs are round, While other, long ones buzz with the sound Of power passing through The filaments not new, But older than the tree from the ground.

Yet of the lights, the ones that give trouble, That make my dad want to tear out his stubble Because they keep falling (He says they're appalling), Are those that upright are lights with the bubble.

Up the long glass tube the bubbles all rise, Almost like magic to this child's eyes, Never ever running out Of their bubble spout, The colors of each bubble shape a surprise.

With this mystic action our attention they keep, Those bubble lights leaning on angles so steep, Not ever boring, But interest restoring Until finally I drift away into sleep.

Spot’s Picking up the Pieces


I'm Done

When I get a job I don't waste like a slob,

I dig right on in it and work Right onto each task, Whatever they ask,

Without a doubt, pause, or a shirk. I fulfill every duty,

Collect all their booty And make the facilities shine, 'Cause it's not for the money

Or anything funny, The desire to work there is mine.

So day after day I accept what they pay

With appropriately stifled jubilation; Putting in every hour From happy to dour,

Never seeming to take a vacation. Thus I tend to lose caution

And work up to exhaustion, Changing its feel from day's fun

Into making me tired (Though I rarely get fired);

I walk off from the job saying, "I'm done."

Spot’s Picking up the Pieces



Reflecting Pool – Short Form

Looking into the reflected view We see the joys that we once knew And mourn at what we've lost. But if we make that view our own We'll receive blessings we've never known, Making it worth any cost.

Spot’s Picking up the Pieces


Highlighter Youth is as a highlighter shining in the shade - First the color marks on bright, but then begins to fade. Florescent striped swipings once enhancing letters bright Dim away to tartar's yellow, tarnishing the white Pages holding highlight's key. Making persons left Regretting what did not come to be; leaving them bereft Of present-time's open joys, as giving all here spite For their struggled reaching back to their youth's highlight.

Get Up and Go

Some get up and go Is all that I need

For the tasks that I want to get done; Some effort to show

That I do indeed Want to finish my work and have fun.

But the more that I talk Instead of just work

The more of my time I have spent. I should walk the walk

And my projects not shirk; But my get up and go all just went.

Spot’s Picking up the Pieces


Anonymous Invitations

No. 1 Who are you? Frequently I see you At the institute or on campus: A vision of beauty Who remains A maiden of mystery; Ever carrying a spirit of peace, An energy of light and grace, With your every step No longer can I stand idly by And merely gaze at you from afar. I must discover Who you truly are, For beauty as rich as yours Not long can go nameless.

No. 2

How do you do it? Again

Your beauty shines as the sun, Illuminating our hearts

And brightening my day. Its radiance reaches out with joy,

Pouring upon us The peace of the eternities.

You give away so much, How can you retain any

For yourself?

Spot’s Picking up the Pieces


No. 3

Do I know you? While I confess You are unfamiliar to me, I cannot shake the feeling That we have known each other before. Perhaps in some other time, Some other place, Some other circumstance We knew each other And shared our joy together. Maybe it was in another world, One prior to this we walk in today. I don't know. But I do know That I want to know you, And share our joy Again.

Spot’s Picking up the Pieces


The Devil in Her Smile

You feel her draw you deftly in With glittering eyes all innocent And smile so sweetly saccharine

Foreseeing but only goodness meant. But when you're finally caught, entrapped

By prettiness' all-seducing allure, True intention's malice is snapped

And you're wracked ill without a cure. For in that smile the Devil lies

Waiting for you to step in reach Where he can snatch you by surprise;

With each new trapping you think it'd teach You to utilize a more regular caution

When moving yourself to beauty's approach. For behind that displayed beauties portion Could be hidden sudden peril’s encroach; Even you yourself will come to discover When being held and placated a while

You'll find only trouble awaiting, brother, As you meet the Devil in her smile.

Spot’s Picking up the Pieces


Feeling Your Pain

Upon learning of loss' disappointment One reacts as usual with most sympathy

Helping to share the empathic hurt. But learning here that the loss is yours

Induces feelings even more excruciating; And knowing the pain is yours

Makes feeling your pain All the more worthwhile.

Spot’s Picking up the Pieces


Suspension of Disbelief Suspension of disbelief Is believing something is real When within you know it isn't. Like when you watch a movie Or a television program, You know the story is fiction And you know the people are only actors, But you choose to forget all of that While you watch the show. You choose instead To immerse yourself in the story, The characters, In the goings-on and consequences, Making them for the moment More real than real; The story becomes your reality.

Spot’s Picking up the Pieces


While the reality in the story Offers escape from the doldrums Of your otherwise mundane life, You know it is only a temporary escape, That too your life you must soon return. Sometimes remaining in this suspended reality Becomes preferable to returning To any other reality you face, And by remaining there You are labeled insane By those trapped in their mundanity. But if their reality is merely What they chose to accept as real, Suspending acceptance of all other possibilities, Then do not they themselves Live in a suspended reality? This being the case, Do we not all live in our own Suspension of disbelief?

Spot’s Picking up the Pieces


Reflecting Pool – Long Form Shimmering light dances across its surface, Revealing the smooth, unwavered polish Formed by the water's stillness. Gazing within unfolds a window Leading to a deeper place Filled with lights and trees and buildings Just as those surrounding us, But marked with an ethereality Removed from our own world. For this place we see within Still holds all of its dreams, All of its joys and passions and expectations Unfettered by our own attached despair; It holds all of this we so readily discard In our attempts to extend futility To every aspect of our mortal lives. Looking within this watered pool reflecting The pristine possibilities once available, We may perhaps one day realize That reflected here are not merely Opportunities we've foolishly cast away, But also the myriad of possibilities That we may ultimately return unto If we but embrace the joy of the reflection And transfer its view Into our own lives here. In doing this, The reflection will become our reality.


And there you have it: my last bunch of poetry. What did you think? No, wait. Don’t answer me now (I can’t hear you from here anyway). While clearly the poems in Three Muses are inspired by the ladies identified, those in Picking up the Pieces have a wider range of inspiration. “Growing Up”’s poems draw mostly from memories of my younger years, and the “Leftovers” come from all over the place. Either way, I hope you found at least one poem that you either enjoyed, or can relate to. Thanks for reading…

- Spot (again )

Index Poem Page

Aged and Decrepit 31

Allow Me My Fantasy 9

An Evening on the Apartment Patio 62

Anime Eyes 13

Anonymous Invitations 70

Bubble Lights 66

Busy Work 24

Crossing That Line into Love 28

Dangerous Doppelganger 21

Elephant Tears – Long Form 48

Elephant Tears – Short Form 43

Feeling Your Pain 73

Five Fingers 60

Forgotten Impact 61

Get Up and Go 69

Here We Go Again 64

Hidden in the Piles of Sand 54

Hiding Place 58

Highlighter 69

Hot Chocolate Bubbles 52

I could just sit and watch you all day 18

I Feel We’d Be Good 26

I Just Want to Cheer You Up 14

I Wanna Be Superman 59

I’m Done 67

Poem Page

I’ve Forgotten Why I Love You 34

It Seems I Gave You All My Love 42

It Should Be So Simple – Long Form 44

It Should Be So Simple – Short Form 36

Katie from Ahwatuk’ 10

Knights and Queens 40

Lingering Taste – Long Form 38

Lingering Taste – Short Form 47

Making Towns 56

Mistress Mystery 12

On the Move 53

Only Inches Away 22

Perhaps 25

Pretty Lady Whom I Don’t Know 16

Reflecting Life’s Face 46

Reflecting Pool – Long Form 76

Reflecting Pool – Short Form 68

Returning to Basics 41

Suspension of Disbelief 74

The Devil in Her Smile 72

The Poems Posted on the Wall 19

Together in Our Own Little World 37

Violet’s Afterglow 20

Waiting Forever 55

You Yourself – Long Form 32

You Yourself – Short Form 30

Collect all seven of Spot’s Poetry Chapbooks:

Heart on a Silver Platter Reflection on Relations in Poetry and Prose

Angellic Visitation Lost in Thought

Finally Finished with Life, Lessons, and Love

Schooled Proddings Three Muses & Picking up the Pieces

…and the Complete Poetry Collection:

Spot’s All Together Now…

Or collect all three of Spot’s Storybooks:

Three Pigs When three pigs head out to build new homes, they find

themselves suddenly faced with all-too-familiar troubles standing in their way, leading to an ending that none of the pigs could foresee.

Bphlats What are the Bphlats, and where are they today? Discover the

secret behind these ancient animals and uncover their hidden connection to the longevity of the Chicken.

Three Bears and the Golden-haired Girl When a young blonde lady stumbles onto the abandoned

porridge of the Bear family, she soon finds her overpowering hunger to be more a burden than a boon.