SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology1 WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Department of Speech Pathology &...

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SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology 1

SPPA 2050 Speech Anatomy & Physiology


Department of Speech Pathology & Audiology

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What is speech production?

(From Titze)

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What is anatomy? What is physiology? Why study these two disciplines together?

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Anatomy: scope of discipline 1. Systemic2. Regional/topographical3. Clinical/applied4. Radiologic5. Microscopic6. Developmental/embryology7. Pathologic8. Comparative9. Anthropological

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Systemic anatomy

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Regional/topographical anatomy

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Clinical/applied anatomy

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Clinical/applied anatomyExample from communication disorders

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Radiologic anatomy

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Radiologic Anatomy:Example from Communication Disorders

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Developmental anatomy

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Developmental Anatomy:Example from Communication Disorders

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Pathologic anatomy

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Pathological Anatomy:Example from Communication Disorders

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Microscopic anatomy

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Microscopic Anatomy:Example from Communication Disorders

Vocal noduleNormal Vocal Fold

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Comparative anatomy

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Anthropological anatomy

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Physiology: scope of discipline Cellular physiology Systems physiology Pathophysiology

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The “language” of anatomy Technical terminology Frame of Reference/Coordinate systems

Spherical/polar coordinate system Cartesian coordinate system

Anatomical relations

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Reference Planes

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Reference Planes

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Anatomical Relations Ventral (Anterior) vs. Dorsal (Posterior) Superficial (External) vs. Deep (Internal) Superior vs. Inferior Rostral (Cranial) vs. Caudal Medial vs. Lateral Proximal vs. Distal Central vs. Peripheral Dextral vs. Sinistral

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General Anatomical Terms

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Levels of Anatomical Organization Atoms/Molecules/Ions Cells Tissue Organs/Tissue aggregates Systems Organism

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The Cell

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Tissue Epithelial Tissue Connective Tissue Muscle Tissue Nervous Tissue

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Epithelial Tissue

Epithelial Tissue Proper

Endothelial Mesothelial

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Connective Tissue Loose Connective Tissue

Areolar tissue, Adipose tissue (FAT)

Dense Connective Tissue Tendons Ligaments Fascia

Special Connective Tissue Cartilage Bone

Vascular Tissue Blood Lymphatic tissue

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Muscle Tissue

Striated Muscle Smooth Muscle Cardiac Muscle

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Nervous Tissue Used for “bodily


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Organs/Tissue AggregatesExamples… Heart, lungs, liver Muscle-muscle tissue+connective tissue Joints-variety of connective tissue

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Bodily Systems

Skeletal System bones & cartilage

Articular System Joints and ligaments

Muscular System Muscles and tendons

Nervous System Brain, spinal cord, nerves,

ganglia and sense organs Respiratory System

Air passages and lungs Digestive System

Gastrointestinal tract and associated glands/organs

Circulatory/Vascular System Heart, blood vessels, blood

and lymphatic system Reproductive System

Genital tracts Endocrine System

Ductless glands of the body Urinary System

Kidneys and urinary passages Integumentary System

Skin, nails and hair

A bodily system is complex organism-wide functional arrangements of organs/tissue aggregates

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Circulatory System

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Identification of blood vessels