Spread Evaluation

Post on 24-May-2015

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When I look at my spread design compared to the professional design I can see that there are several conventional and unconventional features. First, the image used is very unconventional. It is not an image the target market would expect, they may want to find out what the image is about. The use of colour is also unconventional, the bright colours is not always seen on professional magazines. Making the reader to want to find out more and see what the story is about. Also the quote used is very unconventional, the colours used make it stand out and become different. Also, the positioning can be said to be conventional. This may be seen as the same placement as on a professional magazine.

The images used is very unconventional, the colour is not always seen in this type of magazine. Also, the way in which it is edited. They may want to find out what the purpose of the image is.

This quote is conventional and unconventional. The way in which it is set out and placed on the page is like a conventional design of a magazine. However, the colour’s that are used are unconventional. They may want to understand what point is being made and read on.

This text based on the story links with the quote due to the colour of the first letter. Customers may want to read on and understand the quote. This is a very conventional factor.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

When we need to identify areas of my spread that attract a specific group of customers I need to consider its features. This image initially will attract females due to the colour used. This may also mean that females will want to read on as they are attracted to the story. However, when we look closely at the image, we can see a guy playing a guitar, this then men males will wan to read on. Also, this image can be seen as being very bold, this is a key representation of lower class. As shown the image is not a soft upper class feel.

The information provided on the page then is an important part of the page. The use of red and a gold type colour is key to the magazine attracting younger males . They Will once again feel that the magazine is made to attract them. The use of slang within the comment on the page will also mean that manylower class customers will feel that they are entitled to read on.

The use of colour in the spread of my magazine is a representation of a bold more lower class feel. Instead of the magazine using soft more lighter colours which representation upper class, the colours are bolder and harder to link with lower class. However, this use of colour may help my magazine gain customers as it will be very unconventional to possible upper class customers.

The image used in the spread has very much a lower class attraction to it. The character playing the guitar in its original state may attract upper class. Although if it was a person sitting with his guitar would be more attractive to the upper class. However, the colour used in the image will create an image that stands out to much of the lower class. The use of colour is very unconventional which will not attract the upper class . This will be more attractive to the lower class. This is due to red and goldish type colour are not always seen, they are very hard unlike the light colours used in an upper class style magazine.

Also my media product has many social representations within the target market. For my spread, the use of the main story which was identified on the front cover of the magazine will increase many social issues. The image is important, and a key part of my magazines social representation as it looks into the youth fame in rock. Much of my young customers will want to know what is going on with the bands that they are fans of. Then the use of colour and the story the text is based on is key. The unconventional use the colour represents youth, and the story the text is based on links to the social issues that are available.

What kind of media institution would distribute my media product and why?

The website of the institution above seems to be quite popular. Its portfolio consists of many magazines, however, they have a completely different theme to my magazine. I they took me in they would help me work along creative designers and developers. They will also create buzz, build my brand and break boundaries. This media institution will make my magazine a success everywhere.

The institution of “Conde Nast” is a publisher that is key t many magazines success. Below are just a few of their huge portfolio of magazines they publish throughout the world. When I do look closely at the magazines they actually do publish, and then consider there themes, I can clearly identify that my magazine will have little, if not no competition when on this institution. The could be good or bad, if my style of magazine is new to this institution, it may not get accepted as the style I have is not what they want. Although, there is a possibility that if they do begin to publish my style of magazine, they can break into other markets that are not currently in their criteria. They could begin to establish their brand to other magazines by entering new markets like my magazines currently in. If, I was able to enter my magazines into this institution then I could be the top magazine in its market on the institution, it would not be as hard as if there was already my theme of magazine on the institution.

When actually considering if my magazines would be suitable, I feel it may not be wanted, the magazines on this website are a completely different theme to my magazine, but also, they seem to be much more softer and lighter than my magazine. “Conde Nast” does not have a hint of my theme of magazine, this will make it much harder for my magazine to be wanted on the website.

From the research I conducted earlier in the process of making my media product, I identified several magazines which helped me identify a suitable target audience and genre for my magazine. I could then use this data finally see that the rock genre which my magazine was aiming itself at was in fact a niche market. This market is much smaller and condensed market rather than a mass market which is aimed at everyone. This is a great advantage to me as I would not have to design my product at a huge population, therefore meaning I can be more specific with my design.

After conducting research into magazines in the same niche market/genre I could identify design features that would attract many of the target market in my genre of magazine. I was able to identify a more serious rock feel over other styles of rock. I did not want to go not heavy metal but keep with a more serious feel. When I took design features from several magazines alike I could intervene those into my own style to make it different from others.

My spread is very simple in the way it goes about having features needed for its niche market. Firstly the image is very simple but very effective, its edited features represent a guy playing a guitar but in a more darker toned colour. Then we can see that font used is very simple, once again linking to the theme of not messing about, being serious. Then the colour used in the text is a link to a darker more toned colour, bringing out the theme of not messing about. Also, the colour used for the for the quote is a key link to rock, this may be seen in many uses for rock.

By using the image of a person shown as being tall playing the guitar, being above others, again brings in the serious feel to rock. This can then be seen as the person in the image not wanting to mess about, linking to the serious feel. This would also help my magazine to represent what the rock theme is all about, the guy in the image is out of control, it represents emotion. This can be seen in the image.

Who would be the audience of your media product?

My magazine attempts to portray the theme of rock in a way that stands out from others. It attempts to be different from the rest, this can be identified through the serious feel to the way the design is shown.

How did you attract/address your audience?

Firstly, the image used on the spread links directly to the serious rock theme that I attempt to show. It can clearly be seen through the use of the person in the image standing tall with A low angled shot. He represented as not messing about, and being very serious. Also, I can consider the colour used in the Image. This colour has a very much of a roc feel to it, helping my magazine meet its criteria.

When I consider the question, I feel that the information provided for the story is very important, as I want to have my magazine being a serious rock them, the Story needs to cover this area. Also, I Can consider the font used, this is a very simple font that can e easily read. This is Important to my magazine being a very Serious theme to rock. Finally I can consider the colours used in the page. It Can clearly be seen that they attempt to cover the area of a serious rock feel. The darker more toned red gives the magazine a serious feel to rock. Then we can consider the title of the page, the pink used in this section is key. It makes the magazine have a unconventional look to rock. The use of the quote draws the reader in. The colour is very different from other colours on the page. This helps my magazine to stand out.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

When I consider the processes that I have gone through to construct my final product I can see that I have used many technologies available to be used.

I can also consider when using the website blogger that I have learnt how I can connect and share work with others with a internet connection. Other people can view my work and take ideas from these to help me to create my final products. I can also allow myself to be able to share work with others through the website.

Also I have found that I can show much work, especially power points through the use of the slide share website. I can then provide people with much work o my blogger leaving others the chance to view work. This would allow others to apply features of my magazine to their final products giving them the chance to improve work.

Finally through the use of message boards on the internet, people can gain access to information through message boards. People can have the chance to receive updates on any changes that may have been made to work or resources available. These will allow all people to be able to gain access to any additional information.

When considering my final product, I feel I have progressed quite a long way, my preliminary task allowed me to get use to the areas I may cover when making my final product.

For my final spread, the design can clearly be seen as improved. From the other two pages, their is a key difference in the design of the magazines helping me to have a great final product. Wit the careful construction of my products, I have a design that attracts much of my attended target market.

As shown in the two magazine, I have used colour much more effectively, the use of fonts is shown in much more detail and care. And finally, the overall lay out of my magazine is apparent. The final product is carefully constructed.

Looking back at your preliminary task, What do you feel you have learnt in the progression to the full product?