Spring 2012 Preview

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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Wednesday Nights @ the Park 4How to Join Beltway 5

Life Groups 8

Adult Bible Fellowships 10

Family Ministry Classes 11

More Family Ministries 12

Freedom Ministry Classes 14

Worship Ministries 16

Young Adults 17

Men’s Ministry 18

Women’s Ministry 20

University Ministry 22

Youth 25

Beltway Kids 27

Kids’ Club @ the Park 32

Servanthood Ministry 33

Beltway Sports 33

Outreach and Missions 34


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Wednesday Nights @ the Park

5:00pmFamily Meal•

Great opportunity or amilies & Lie Groups to

eat together! 

6:00pmWorship & Prayer•

James: Mercy Triumphs•

(Women’s Study 

Begins January 25)Leader DNA•

(Lie Group Leaders)


Rooted• (Jr. High)



(8 weeks – 2 years)Worship Warriors•  

(3 years – Kindergarten)

Wednesday Warriors•

(1st – 5th)

6th Grade D Groups•

Praise Team Class•

(1st – 6th)

7:00pm  University:

College Park •

Resumes January 18


Men’s Bible Study•



recharge• (High School)

Resumes January 4


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How to Join Beltway

Discover Beltwa

ySundays @ 9:00am / Fellowship Hall 

I you simply want to learn more about Beltway Park or become a

member o our church amily, this three-week course is the place tostart. Typically oered on Sunday mornings, this class explores our

core belies and culture here at Beltway Park, our purpose and mission

as a church, how we practice that mission in everyday lie, and muchmore. To become a member, all three sessions must be completed in

addition to a brie interview with one o our church pastors or elders.

Upcoming class schedule (subject to change):

January 8, 15 & 22•

February 5, 12 & 19•

March 3 (special Saturday course – all three sessions at one time)•

April 1, 8 & 15, May 6, 13 & 20•

 Than Brown

Email: nathanaelbrown@beltway.org 

Phone: 325.692.6540, x148

Beverly Stevens

Email: beverlystevens@beltway.orgPhone: 325.692.6540, x118


Jan Russell

Email:  janrussell@beltway.org Phone: 325.692.6540, x168


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Mission Fundraisers:Proceeds rom the ollowing events, Ballet Magnicat!, Passover

Meals, Garage Sale and Gol Scramble benet Beltway Park’s School o 

Missions teams traveling all over the world in 2012.

Hope in the ace o suering.

Bravery in the midst o despair.Choreographer/Artistic Director

Jiri Sebastian Voborsky’s Hiding

Place ollows the struggle o two sisters, Corrie and Betsie ten

Boom, as they help their lie-long

Jewish neighbors and riendsnd security in a small hiding

place built in the wall o theirhome, only to be discovered andtransported to the concentration

camp o Ravensbruck to ace

struggles ar exceeding theirwildest imagination. The story

is unveiled with a great level

o drama, passion, pain, yet

  joy and ultimately hope, asthe audience is challenged to

believe the unbelievable, thepower o orgiveness through

Jesus Christ.

Plan now or an evening o dinner

and the ballet or Valentine’s!

Look or inormation regardingreservations and tickets!

Ballet Magnifcat! presents

The Hiding PlaceTuesday / February 14 @ 7:00pm / Beltway Park 


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Passover MealsSpecial Guest: Don FintoMarch 27 & 28

Easter is not a biblical holiday. Passover is.Jesus was crucied at Passover. Want to

nd out more? Plan to attend one o thePassover Meals eaturing Don Finto.

Annual Missions Garage Sale April 20 – 21

When you clean out your garages, attics,

closets and storage units this spring

remember the Beltway Missions GarageSale! We will need your stu! Your

donations are tax deductible. Then on

the weekend o April 20, come nd great

treasures or a low price at the MissionsGarage Sale! For a small admission ee you

can “sneak-a-peek” on Thursday evening,April 19.

3rd Annual Beltway Gol ScrambleSaturday / May 5 / Shotgun start @ 9:00am

Look or more inormation in comingmonths about this 4-man scramble. What

a deal, play gol and raise money or


 Tommy Hood

Email: tommyho


Phone: 325.692.6540, x157


Diane Monteith

Email: dianemonteith@beltway.org Phone: 325.692.6540, x128


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Lie Groups

Real lie change rarely occurs in isolation. That’s why at Beltway you

hear a lot about getting together in small groups – we call them LieGroups. Gathering all over the Abilene region, people rom every

stage o lie (diverse, young married, women, men, college, and single

adults) meet to ollow Jesus more closely. You might not think thatengaging truth or ministering to one another could be so inormal –

yet be so intensely rewarding. Simple. Spiritual. Encouraging. Lie


Lie Groups at Beltway Park create a great environment or genuinecommunity , spiritual growth, and developing servant leaders.

Leader Appreciation Banquet April 17 / Lytle Bend Ranch

  The Lie Group leaders o Beltway Park are an incredible group o people within our church amily that purposeully invests in the lives

o others. They are on the rontline and in the trenches o ministry,

loving and shepherding those within our congregation. This dinnerand awards ceremony is a small way to express deep appreciation or

their willingness to weekly embody the heart o Jesus.

 Than Brown

Email: nathanaelbrown@beltway.org 

Phone: 325.692.6540, x148

Beverly Stevens

Email: beverlystevens@beltway.orgPhone: 325.692.6540, x118


Jan Russell

Email:  janrussell@beltway.orgPhone: 325.692.6540, x168

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Is God nudging you to get connected with other believers, to nd

a small group that shares and encourages you in your spiritual journey? GroupLink is just the event to avoid the awkwardness o “just

showing up” and to nd the best group or you.

GroupLink is a specic, two-hour experience designed to help

individuals and/or amilies connect with a small group. Lie Group

leaders are present who either want to start a brand new group orsimply add to their existing group. Through the course o the evening,

time is given to visit at length with these leaders, to discover what

their group is like, and to discern whether their group is a great t.By the end o the event, almost all have ound a Lie Group that truly

excites them.

DNA InusionWednesdays @ 6:00pm / Fellowship Hall 

Calling all Lie Group leaders! For three months each school semester,

the Lie Group Ministry is acilitating specic courses designed to

instill a central DNA and vision into each o our groups. Essentialand required or all group leaders, these sessions are designed

to not only give leaders a clear direction and purpose but alsoto strengthen critical skills and to oer needed encouragement.

Upcoming Semester Schedule (subject to change):

January 4, 15, 22 & 25, February 1, 8, 15, 19 & 22, March 7, 22, 25 &April 1

GroupLinkFinding the Right Group Connection

 January 29 @ 6:30pm / Worship Center 

February 26 @ 10:50am / GroupLink Mixer / Chapel 

May 20 @ 10:50am / GroupLink Mixer / Chapel 

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Adult Bible FellowshipsAdult Bible Fellowships provide classes or interactive Bible study,

connecting through ellowship, caring or one another, andopportunities or ministry and growth so that we may become

ully developing ollowers o Christ. Most groups meet on Sunday

mornings during our normal worship service times. We also have aew classes on Wednesday evenings.

Check the bulletin each week or class times and locations. Stopby Park Connections in the oyer to pick up a brochure o class

descriptions or visit beltway.org/connect/classes. You can join one

o the Ongoing Bible Studies at any time. Register or new topicalclasses online or call Laura in the church oce.

Laura Bentley

Email: ino@beltway.org Phone: 325.692.6540, x125


New topical classes include:

Financial Peace University•

Starting Point•

World Religions•

 The Smart Step-Family•

Single & Parenting•

James: Mercy Triumphs•

(or women)

 The Quest or Authentic•

Manhood Part 2 (or men)

Understanding Dreams•

Why These 66 Books?•

And more•

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Family Ministry Classes

The Smart Step-Family January 15 - March 25

Sundays @ 9:00am

Are you newly remarried? Divorced with children that go betweentwo homes? Are you thinking o marriage or seriously courting and

wondering how this is going to aect your children, teens or adult

children? In today’s world, step-amilies come in all shapes andsizes. Statistics are stacked against the survival o step or blended

amilies. This class equips step–amilies with tools or the journey.

While using a Christian Foundation and supported by scripture, wewill explore realistic solutions to the issues that our amilies ace in lie.

Community is key, and with tools and support we can help make this

 journey more successul. *Book available in The Learning Center.

Single & Parenting January 25 - April 26

Wednesdays @ 6:00pm

Many people don’t truly understand how tough it is to be a single

parent—day ater day ater day. Sometimes you want to give up.And that’s a normal reaction—you’re doing the job o two people.

Sometimes it’s all you can do to survive rom one day to the next. In

Single & Parenting you’ll discover how to deal with your deep-downworries and your day-to-day struggles. During these 13 sessions you’ll

learn and discuss parenting strategies and hope-lled insights in asmall group environment.*Workbook available in The Learning Center.

Ministry begins in the home. Here at Beltway Park, we hold the

conviction that our church is only as strong as the marriages and

amilies within it. That is why we are dedicated to seeing amiliesencounter Jesus and be deeply rooted in Him. Our mission is to care

or and to strengthen the relationships between a husband and wie,between parents and their children, between siblings, and between

those considering marriage.

Mike Hill

Email: mikehill@beltway.org 

Phone: 325.692.6540, x146


Laura Bentley

Email: laurabentley@beltway.orgPhone: 325.692.6540, x125

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Side by Side January 16 - March 5

Mondays @ 6:30pm / A-109

Death, divorce, separation, relocation, miscarriage, inertility, etc. can

cause amilies great pain and be an open invitation to lose their hopein Jesus. This 8-week Bible-based grie ministry will help us identiy

where we’re at in the grie process, teach God’s aithulness to heal,

and allow us to examine our own eelings, while providing biblicalprinciples needed or daily living. This small group atmosphere

provides a great place or us to support and encourage one another.Children’s Ministry provided. Register at the Family Ministry Kiosk onSunday mornings through January 15.

Divorce CareOngoing Group

Sundays @ 10:50am / A100B

 January 16 - April 9Mondays @ 6:30pm / A-110

Divorce Care ocuses on the importance o a personal relationshipwith Jesus Christ in healing rom divorce. Explore what the Bible says

about divorce, why it hurts so much, and how to stabilize your lie.

Learn to deal with anger, depression, loneliness, new relationships,nancial survival, children, orgiveness, reconciliation, and growing

closer to God. Children’s Ministry provided. For the Monday evening

session, register at the Family Ministry Kiosk on Sunday morningsthrough January 15. Registration not required or the Sunday morning

ongoing group.

ReEngageBeginning January 25 / Wednesdays @ 6:00pm / B201

ReEngage oers hope to marriages by helping couples move towardoneness through stories o grace, teaching and small groups. Would

you rate your marriage as a 2 or a 10? Maybe even a 0? You are not

alone. Whether your marriage needs to be REIGNITED, or is in needo a complete RESURRECTION, ReEngage is a sae place or couples to

RECONNECT. Join us or 16 weeks or praise and worship, a teaching

or a testimony by a couple who has experienced victory in the midsto hard times, and small group time which ollows the ReEngage

curriculum. Children’s Ministry provided.

More Family Ministries

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Marriage on the Rock January 15 – March 25

Sundays @ 9:00am

Society requires years o 

preparation or almost any

signicant career endeavor, butdemands no real preparation

or one o the most crucial

undertakings in lie: marriage. In

an age o disposable marriageand inormation overload, where

can couples turn or real answersthat will make their relationships

work? Only to God. Marriage on

the Rock and its ten DVD sessionsclearly detail God’s principles that

will turn disillusioned, divorce-

bound marriages into satisyingrelationships. *Discussion Guide

available in The Learning Center.

Young Marrieds ClassSundays @ 9:00am

Join Shane & Kim Robertson in

this discussion-oriented class

designed or newlyweds (married1-3 years) and engaged couples.

Gary Chapman’s book, Things

I Wish I’d Known Beore We Got Married , is packed with wisdom

and tips that will help many

develop the loving, supportiveand mutually benecial marriage

men and women long or. *Book 

available in The Learning Center.

Mike Hill

Email: mikehill@beltway.org 

Phone: 325.692.6540, x146


Laura Bentley

Email: laurabentley@beltway.org Phone: 325.692.6540, x125

Couples Coaching Couples (C3)

Beltway Park is blessed with many couples that have immensespiritual maturity and incredible insight into the relationship between

a husband and wie. These couples serve as coaches or a set season to

help couples who are:

Single but pursuing marriage•

Married and acing real struggles in their relationship•

Married and want to make their marriage even stronger and•

more ullling

I you are interested in serving as a coaching couple or i you’d like to

meet with one o our couples, please contact Mike Hill.

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Freedom Ministries

Sherrie Saltzgaber

Email: sherriesaltzgaber@beltway.org  Phone: 325.692.6540, x129


Freedom in ChristSundays @ 10:50am

Beginning January 15

  This class is designed as an in-depth study o the war we aceas believers in Christ. “It is or 

reedom that Christ has set us ree.

Stand rm, then, and do not let 

 yourselves be burdened again by 

a yoke o slavery.” (Gal. 5:1) Christ

promises His children that knowingthe truth will set us ree. Do youstruggle to identiy and break 

ree rom condemning thoughts,personal conficts, behaviors andhabits that hold you captive? Areyou eager to learn God’s way o ghting the battles and strugglesyou ace? This class is or you. We

will search the Word o God to learnwhat every believer in Christ needsto know about spiritual warare,reedom, our true identity, God and

the invisible battle.

Freedom Tools TrainingSundays @ 9:00am

Beginning January 15

What do you say to someone whois hurting? Kingdom businessincludes conessing our sins to oneanother, bringing dark things intothe light and praying or restoration.But most people eel ill-equipped,even in close relationships, to help

others draw closer to God. Freedom  Tools oers an easy-to-ollowprocess that shows how you can

make a dierence. Prerequisite

to attending this class: Musthave attended and completed ALLFreedom in Christ classes.

You will learn:

the root causes o sin and•

woundingthe role o evil in establishing•


the way to coness sin, break •

vows, expel demons, speak orgiveness and extend mercyoundations about God, our•

enemy and us

the Four Doors•

Father Ladder•

presenting Jesus and more•

Inner pain is oten inescapable,

but healing and wholeness arepossible. These proven tools willgive you the condence you need tohelp others be truly transormed.

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Healing Ministry7:00pm (Dates below)

Join us as we experience and

witness the miraculous move o 

God in the area o healing. TheHealing Team would like to extend

an invitation to those in need o 

healing prayer. I you or someone

you know has a desire and need or

healing prayer, we have a group o 

people that are called, gited anddesiring to serve through prayer

and intercession. We would love

to have the opportunity to joinyou in your journey to seek God’s

healing in your lie.

Spring prayer dates: January 10

& 26; February 7 & 23; March 6 &

22; April 3 & 19; May 8 & 24. Prayer

time begins at 7:00pm.

John 8:32 Freedom


Date TBA

Watch or urther inormation

on this exciting and lie

changing weekend in upcomingpublications. Contact Sherrie

Saltzgaber or more inormation.

Celebrate RecoveryThursdays @ 7:00pm

Welcome to Celebrate Recovery;

we would be honored or you

to spend the evening with us. Ourdesire is that you nd a place o 

healing. The purposes o Beltway

Park’s “Celebrate Recovery” is to

ellowship and celebrate God’s

healing power in our lives through

the 12 Steps and 8 RecoveryPrinciples. This experience allows

us to “be changed” and we open the

door by sharing our experiences,strengths and hopes with one

another. In addition, we become

willing to accept God’s grace insolving lie’s problems. By working

and applying these biblical

principles, we begin to grow

spiritually and we become ree

rom our addictive, compulsive,

and dysunctional behaviors. Thisreedom creates peace, serenity,

  joy, and most importantly, a

strong personal relationship with

God and others. As we progress

through the program we discover

our personal, loving and orgivingHigher Power - Jesus Christ.

Childcare is available.

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Worship Ministries

MUSICOering our lives an an act o 


We believe that worship is much

more than what takes place

during our services while wesing; it can happen anywhere

at anytime. Worship Ministryprovides many opportunities

or you to use and develop ways

to express worth to God. Wewant to help you and others

experience God and develop a

lie o worship.

Choir RehearsalWednesdays / 6:15 - 7:45pm

Choir AuditionsWednesday / January 11

6:00pm / A109

Interested in choir or a Beltway

Band? Contact us!

Have a song you’ve written? Send

it to us. We can’t promise we willbe able to use every song but

we’d love to hear what God has

given you!

Renee Morrow

Email: worship@beltway.org or av@beltway.orgPhone: 325.692.6540, x119



Media is a powerul tool orcommunication. All o our

corporate meeting rooms are

equipped with sound, lights,

and video capabilities. We needpeople who love to work behind

the scenes and understandthe value o bringing all the

technical pieces together so that

the congregation has the bestopportunity to clearly hear the

gospel and be led to worship


I you are interested in serving

on our Media Teams includingcamera crew, stage crew,

lyric presentation and sound

engineers, contact the A/Voce.

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Young Adults


Young Adult MinistryResumes January 9

Mondays @ 7:00pm

20twenty is a group or youngadults in their 20s to early 30s

to come together in ellowshipto worship Jesus, and studythe Gospel. 20twenty meets on

Monday nights at 7:00pm.

20twenty also has Lie Groups 

which are led by young adults or

young adults. Lie Groups create

an environment or genuinecommunity, spiritual growth,

and developing servant leaders.

RelevantTuesdays @ 6:30pm / A110

Relevant is a gathering or single

adults 30 and up who walk together in their aith and love

or Christ. Journey with us as we

seek to dig deeper into what theBible says about the struggles

o being single as well as

discovering the relevance o thepromise that we are never alone.

  This gathering is designed as a

way to build community throughBible study, un, and outreach.

Lance Huston

Email: lancehuston@beltway.org 

Phone: 325.692.6540, x158


Mike Hill

Email: mikehill@beltway.org 

Phone: 325.692.6540, x146

Laura Bentley

Email: laurabentley@beltway.orgPhone: 325.692.6540, x125


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Men’s Ministry

The Quest or Authentic 

Manhood (Part 2)  January 8 - April 1

Sundays @ 9:00am

 The Quest is designed to help aman embrace a bolder and more

noble concept o manhood.Journey toward real biblical

masculinity while ostering

deep spiritual, emotional, andpersonal growth. This study

also takes a man inside himsel 

to consider the orces that areshaping — or misshaping — his

personal manhood.

Men’s BreakastFridays @ 6:30am

Join us Friday mornings at

6:30am in the Fellowship Hall.

Breakast is $3 and comeswith a side order o ellowship,

testimonies, and guest speakers.

Men’s Fireteams(Small Groups)

Fireteams are a great way to

connect & learn rom the lives

and experiences o other menand oer the chance to mentor

and lead younger men into

deeper relationships with theLord.

“For Men Only” Groups  The small groups are sae and

condential and designedor men who struggle with

pornography or other sexual

issues. Groups ocus onencouraging men to pursue

sexual purity and accountability

among one another.


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Randy Reese

Email: randyreese@beltway.org 

Phone: 325.692.6540, x154


Boot Camp – Advanced February 2-5

Big Country Camp, Lueders

Boot Camp Alumni, take the

next step in your journey into

manhood and regaining yourheart at Advanced Boot Camp.

Step into your destiny as a man in

roles o leadership and increaseddiscipleship. We’ll ocus on

spiritual warare, walking as men

o integrity, spiritual gits, and acloser look at who Jesus was and

is. Advanced Boot Camp is oneday shorter than regular BootCamp, running Friday evening

through late Sunday morning.

Boot CampMay 17 - 20

Camp Rio Vista, Ingram

Boot Camp is a 3-day adventure

in the Texas Hill Country based

on the Wild at Heart Boot Campdesigned by John Eldredge and

Ransomed Heart Ministries.

Make plans now to join us thatweekend in May, Thursday

evening through Sunday

aternoon. You can attend as agroup with the men o your Lie

Group, co-workers, or riends.Registration will begin in March.

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Women’s Ministry

James: Mercy Triumphs (Beth Moore)Sundays / 10:50am / January 15 - March 4

Wednesdays / 10:00am & 6:00pm / January 25 - March 22

Women’s Bible Studies

Something’s BrewingSaturday / March 24

6:00pm - 9:00pm / B201

Connecting Generations with Friendship

All Women are invited to join us or a special time o un and

encouragement. University and 20-something women will have the

opportunity to mix with older women in a relaxed atmosphere. Liewill be the topic o discussion during our “panel time.” You don’t want

to miss our “Cups o Blessing,” which are unique mugs passed rom onegeneration to the next with the added blessing o riendship! RSVP

online at beltway.org/connect/womenor at the Women’s Ministry Kiosk 

on Sundays in March. Coee and snacks provided. Children’s Ministryby reservation only.

Special Events

James, Jesus’ own brother, started out as a skeptic.See how one glimpse o the resurrected Savior

turned an unbeliever into a disciple. Bible scholars

compare James to the prophet Amos. In otherways, James more closely resembles the Book o 

Proverbs than any other New Testament book.

  Topics in this study include: joy, hardship, aith,reversal o ortunes or rich and poor, wisdom, gits rom above,

single-mindedness, the dangers o the tongue, humility, and prayer.Workbooks can be purchased or $16.18 in The Learning Center inthe south oyer. Children’s Ministry is available or a small ee during the

Wednesday morning session o James.

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Compassion In ActionBeltway Women’s Conerence

Saturday, April 28th, 9:00am - 4:00pm

Beltway Park Worship Center 

God is unleashing His women all over Abilene and the world to bring

Jesus to the lost, truth and healing to the brokenhearted, and to meetthe needs o the less ortunate. Compassion In Action is the call to

“Wake up and change your world!”  Beltway women, mark your

calendar now or this one day super-charged event.

Motherhood Groups

Moms in Touch

Mondays @ 8:15amAttention, Moms! Here is anopportunity or you to become

part o a group called Moms in

 Touch International. It is a groupo Wylie mothers who meet

weekly or one hour to pray

and ‘stand in the gap’ or their

children and schools.


Mothers o PreSchoolers 2nd  and 4th Mondays o each

month / 9:15 - 11:30am (during

the school year)

MOPS is experiencing

God’s love, celebrating

motherhood, meeting needs,and making connections.

Children’s Ministry is provided.

Jill Teague

Email: jillmteague@hotmail.com  

Phone: 325.370.4204


Heather Henson

Phone: 910.818.7448


DeAnna Fields

Email: deannafelds@beltway.org 

Phone: 325.692.6540, x124


Laura Bentley

Email: laurabentley@beltway.orgPhone: 325.692.6540, x125

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University Minis


College Students! Welcome back to Abilene! We are excited about all

that God has in store or you this coming semester as we seek to liveout a passion or Jesus and His purposes in the earth. Check out belowor the ways you can be involved.

College Park Wednesday NightsBeginning January 18

7:00pm / Paramount Theatre/ Civic Center 

Encountering God’s presence with hundreds o other students throughpassionate, genuine worship and engaging, relevant teaching!

College Park Lie Groups  The heartbeat o this college ministry are our Lie Groups, student

led co-ed small groups that meet weekly in students’ homes and

on campus to live out Acts 2:42-47. Lie Groups provide the bestopportunity or genuine community and spiritual growth.


Find out how to get plugged in at College Park Wednesday night or bychecking out our College Park website.


 Twitter: @BeltwayCP

Facebook: Beltway College Park 

iTunes: Beltway College Park Podcast22

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14:12 School o Discipleship

Term / May 25 – August 5

Are you looking or a summer experience that will launch you intowhole-hearted love or Jesus and discovering your God-given

purpose? That is the purpose o Beltway’s 14:12 School o Discipleship:

equipping 18-25 year olds to live out passionate love or Jesus anddiscover your God-given purpose!

Class Schedule: Monday - Thursday / 8:30am - 12:30pm•

 Tuition Cost: $550 until January 22•

($650 – February 12 & $750 - March 25)•

14:12 Mission Trip cost not included in Tuition•

More ino available at www.beltwaycollegepark.org.

Spring Break Trip

March 20 - 16

We invite you to join us on a journey that will undoubtedly revolutionizeyour walk with Jesus and understanding o what it looks like or true

Christianity to be lived out!

Cost will be $300 (includes transportation, all meals, lodging)•

Location: Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex•

Mandatory Training Days: February 11 & 25•

ADULTS NEEDED! I you are interested in helping serve alongside our

college students during this trip, please contact Jeremy West.

Keith Roberson

Email: keithroberson@beltway.orgPhone: 325.692.6540, x135

 Twitter: @keithroberson24

Drew Dixon

University Administration Intern

Email: collegepark@beltway.org Twitter: @drewdixon


Jeremy West

Email:  jeremywest@beltway.orgPhone: 325.692.6540, x145

 Twitter: @jeremypaulwest

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College Park 2012 Summer Short-Term Trips

Each College Park Section is taking an international short-term missiontrip. We would love or you to go with us as we go to impact the nations

with the love and power o Jesus.

Why Should I Go?You will be inused with the vision and values o Jesus as you go withyour community to make disciples, impacting the nations with the

power & love o Christ’s gospel. Your lie will never be the same again!

Each o these trips will be ast paced with a ocus on:Sharing the gospel with the lost•

Healing the sick and ministering to the poor•

Baptizing and discipling new believers•

Planting churches in cities and villages•

Locations or 2012*

Keith Roberson

Email: keithroberson@beltway.org Phone: 325.692.6540, x135

 Twitter: @keithroberson24

Drew Dixon

University Administration Intern

Email: collegepark@beltway.org Twitter: @drewdixon


Jeremy West

Email:  jeremywest@beltway.orgPhone: 325.692.6540, x145

 Twitter: @jeremypaulwest

Honduras (June 3 - 12)

Leaders: Logan Cole & Ashley

Del RealCost: $1,500

Trinidad (June 22 - July2)

Leaders: Jeremy Kirles, Meguell

& Brittany SuellCost: $1,500

India (June 30 - July14)

Leader: Nathan Healy

Cost: $3,000

14:12 School o Discipleship

Trip (July 16 - 30)

Leader: Jeremy West

Cost: $3,000For 14:12 Students & Sta only

*Going on the Spring Break Trip is a pre-requisite and part o thetraining process or all College Park Summer Trips.

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 Jr. High & Sr. High DGroups Begins January 8

 These are our small groups broken down by age and gender. These

groups allow students to grow in relationship with one another andwith God through deep discussions, prayer times, and un.



Rooted Begins January 4

 Junior high mid week service - This is a time o high energy with

games, worship, videos, skits, and teaching. Rooted is an event thatis geared or a un time o growing in God in which students who

come regularly to rst time visitors will have an enjoyable time o 

growing in their relationships with one another and with God.


ReCharge Begins January 4

Sr. High School mid week service - This is a high energy night

that will be a setting o un growth in God through games, videos,

worship, skits, and teachings.


Facebook: Beltway YouthTwitter: @beltwayyouth

Leighton Lockett

Email: leightonlockett@beltway.org 

Phone: 325.692.6540, x103


Georey Turner

Email: georeyturner@beltway.org Phone: 325.692.6540, x149

 Twitter: @georeyturner

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Disciple NowFebruary 10 – 12 / All Current 

7th-12th Grades

 This will be a time or students togrow more in love with the Lord,

and with their ellow students.

We will have students in housesall across Abilene and the Big

Country. Cost: $50

Youth CampMay 28 - June 1 / Current 6th-

12th Grades

Beltway Youth will be

participating in their own camp.  This will not only be a greattime o un, but the worship and

teaching will be outstanding. I 

you have elt like it is hard to getto know everyone (or anyone),

camp is a great time to do that.

Cost: $299/$325/$350

Special Events

Leighton Lockett

Email: leightonlockett@beltway.org 

Phone: 325.692.6540, x103


Georey Turner

Email: georeyturner@beltway.org Phone: 325.692.6540, x149

 Twitter: @georeyturner

Mission America:

New OrleansMarch 10 – 16 / Current 9th-

12th Grades

A group o students will gointo the places in New Orleans

that were ravaged by Hurricane

Katrina, and help rebuild the city. This will be a great time to serve

in an area that is still hurting.

Cost: $450

Junior Leadership Trip April 20 - 21 / Current Juniors in

High School 

 This will be a time o ellowship

and training or the Juniors, inpreparation or their Senior year.

Cost: $0

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Beltway Kids

Kids ParkResumes January 8 / Sundays @ 9:00am

1st-6th Grade Kids’ Church ServiceAwesome, age-appropriate service where kids encounter Jesus in a

un and exciting way that is just or them!

Even though Kids Park is our Kids Church Service, we begin and end

the service in small groups!

Here’s how it’ll work 

Check your child in at one o our 3 check-in locations1.

 Take your child to his/her classroom upstairs2.

1st Grade: KP 214•

2nd Grade: KP 201•

3rd Grade: KP 202•

4th Grade: KP 204•

5th Grade: KP 205•

6th Grade Boys: KP 217•

6th Grade Girls: KP 218•

Small Groups will have Kids Park Shepherds waiting or them in3.

their classroom with an exciting activity to welcome them andprepare or the day’s theme.

When it’s time or Praise & Worship, all o the small groups will4.

 join together in the Gym with our Kids Park Band to give honor

to Jesus!

We will separate by ages or a more ocused teaching time as5.


1st-5th Grades: Gym• 6th Grade Boys: KP 217•

6th Grade Girls: KP 218•

At the end o service each group will return to the classroom6.

where you dropped them o, so they will be ready to be picked

up there!

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Beltway Kids Weekly Minsitries


ySundays @ 9:00 & 10:50am

Wednesdays @ 6:00pm Ages 8 weeks-2 years

Our teachers and volunteers love

to show the children the love o Christ each week and teach them

Bible Truths!


Preschool Bible ClassesSundays @ 9:00 & 10:50am

3 years to Kindergarten

Each week our Bible Study

teachers use simple Bible stories,crats, and games to teach the

children at their own level.

Kiddie ParkSundays @ 10:50am

5 years – Kindergarten

Each Sunday morning we

worship together in a large

group and then break up intosmaller groups to learn Bible

lessons through crat and prayer


Worship WarriorsWednesdays @ 6:00pm

 Ages 3 years to Kindergarten

Each week our Bible Study

teachers use simple Bible stories,

crats, and games to teach the

children at an age-appropriatelevel!


(Mothers o Preschoolers)

 2nd & 4th Mondays @ 9:00amGroup o moms who cometogether to encourage and

teach one another during some

o the most important years inchildren’s lives!

Bible Classes

Resumes January 8Sundays @ 10:50am upstairs in

Kids Park Building

1st-6th Grade

Small Group Classes providing

amazing age-appropriateopportunities to encounter

Jesus each week!

AWANAResumes January 8

Sundays @ 4:55pm

3 years-High School 

A relaxed atmosphere wherekids can enjoy AWANA games,

hear challenging Bible messages,

and memorize the Word o God.AWANA helps build a strong

oundation or kids to orm a

Biblical worldview.


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Wednesday Warriors1st-5th Grade

An exciting time or kids to

encounter Jesus up close – andhave un at the same time.

6th Grade D-Groups6th Grade Boys/6th Grade Girls

Boys and Girls separated or a

small group designed just orthem, where they can encounter

Jesus and build relationships to

help them grow in their aith.

Praise Team Class1st – 6th Grade (with Parent 

Permission & Application)

Class will be ofered twice

each month…see website or 

 schedule! Come and join us as we explorewhat it means to have the heart

o a worship leader--as well as

learn new songs and motions toprepare to help lead worship in

Kids Park on Sunday.

Barb Prim

Email: barbaraprim@beltway.org 

Phone: 325.692.6540, x140

Kimi Byington

Email: kimibyington@beltway.org Phone: 325.692.6540, x116

Chris Smith

Email: chrissmith@beltway.orgPhone: 325.692.6540, x127


Josh Hardwick 

Email:  joshhardwick@beltway.orgPhone: 325.692.6540, x142

Randy Turner

Email: randyturner@beltway.orgPhone: 325.692.6540, x114

Kingdom KidsSundays @ 9:00am in KP101

Special Needs Ministry Designed to minister to children who are developmentally delayed or

physically challenged, with leaders who are experienced, trained, andgited in ministering to the children they teach each week.

Wednesday Night Elementary MinistriesResumes January 4 / 6:00-7:30pm

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Beltway Kids Special Events

Baby Dedications Any age child 

Great opportunity or amiliesto publicly declare their desireor their child to be raised in

the truth o God’s Word and the

leading o the Holy Spirit.

Spring Dates: March 4 (Entry

Deadline: January 31), May 6

(Entry Deadline: March 30) 

AWANA Quizzing

March 3 / Location: TBA

Area-wide competition or

Scripture Memory.


March 3 / Location: TBA

Area-wide competition orAWANA Games.

AWANA Cubbies Awards

Sunday / April 29

End-o-year awards ceremony or

Cubbies who have participated

in AWANA this year.

AWANA Awards

(Sparks, T&T)

Sunday / May 6

End-o-year awards ceremony orstudents who have participated

in AWANA Sparks & T&T this



Registration InormationCamp Bonita - June 11-15, 2012 / near Ruidoso, NM

Registration Begins Sunday, March 18•

Early Bird Rate: $210.00 on or beore Sunday, April 8•

(i registered with $100.00 non-reundable deposit by April 8)

Regular Rate: $235.00 ater April 8•

(registration and $100.00 non-reundable deposit required to hold spot)

Camp Registration Deadline: Sunday, May 27•

Camp Bonita Parent Meeting

May 20 @ 4:30pm / Gym

Inormation or parents o all children going to Camp Bonita.

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Resurrection BreakastSaturday / April 7 

9:00am – Noon

Celebration or children ages5 years – 6th Grade and their

parents/grandparents to attendtogether! Breakast, worship,

un activities, and special

presentation to help us celebratethe Resurrection o Jesus!

*RSVP required or attendance

Kids Park Store

Kids Park Store is an opportunityor your child to “spend” his/her

Kids Park Bucks they’ve earned

in various ways (bringing theirBible to Kids Church, sitting near

the ront, bringing guests, etc.)

Kids Park Store will typically

ollow the schedule below: (with

exceptions or holidays, etc)1st Sunday: 1st & 2nd Grades•

2nd Sunday: 3rd & 4th Grades•

3rd Sunday: 5th & 6th Grades•

Kick Start ClassFebruary 5 & April 29 / 9:00am

Is your child asking questionsabout salvation, baptism, Lord’s

supper, or any other issue o 

aith? This class is a great tool oryou to take advantage o! Parents

are encouraged to attend with

your child.

Kids Park Game Nights4th-6th Grade Game Night 

Friday / Feb. 3 / 7:00 – 9:00pm

1st-3rd Grade Game Night 

Friday / Mar. 2 / 7:00 – 9:00pmWant to have some un playingsome crazy games and hanging

out with your riends? Invite

someone who doesn’t attendchurch anywhere, come and join

us in the Beltway Park Gym or a

great time!

6th Grade Promotion PartyFriday / May 4 / 6:00-8:00pm

Prime Time Entertainment 


 This party is our way o blessing

our 6th graders as they graduaterom Children’s Ministry into our

Youth Ministry! This will be a night

o un, as well as an opportunityto meet our Youth Pastors and

hear rom them what it’s like to

be a part o Beltway Park Youth


Parents, there will also be time

or you to ask questions aboutYouth Ministry while your 6th

grader enjoys some un!

Barb Prim

Email: barbaraprim@beltway.orgPhone: 325.692.6540, x140


For more inormation about 

any o these ministries, contact 

Barb Prim.

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Kids’ Club @ the Park

  The mission o Kids’ club @

the Park is to provide a aith-based program ensuring a sae

environment or the children in

our community with programsthat emphasize education,

the arts, tness and character

building activities.

Staf: Kids’ Club @ the Park 

sta consists o various high-school and university students

rom the Abilene area, who arealso leaders in our community.Each individual sta member

contributes their own unique

gits and talents to our manyprograms. With our ratio at 1-14,

our sta can eectively render

the environment in which your

child will grow, laugh, learn andhave un. Most importantly,

however, your child will be loved

and cared or. From the momentyour child steps o the bus, he/

she will be greeted by name

and with a smile. (All sta haveundergone criminal background

checks to ensure the saety o 

each child in our program.) 

  Transportation is provided bythe WISD school bus to the Club.Call about our monthly dues

which are on a sliding scale.

We ollow the WISD School 

schedule and are not open

during school holidays.

Monday – Friday / 3:00 – 6:00pm Ages 5 – 18

Registration Fee $25.00

See our Website or more inormation.


Linda Griggs

Email: lindagriggs@beltway.org 

Phone: 325.692.6966


 Tim Cox

Email: timcox@beltway.org Phone: 325.692.6966

BE ON THE LOOKOUT or Summer Club registrationOpen for Kids’ Club Members: March 1

Open for Kids’ Club Non-members: April 2

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Beltway Sports

Servanthood Ministry

Home Team Ministry   The Beltway Park Home Team works on the ‘ront lines’ as well as

‘behind the scenes’ to make this a great place to worship and ellowshipeach week. Ministry opportunities in this area include: Ushering,

greeting, communion preparation, baptism assistance, parking lot

patrol, library assistants, new member hospitality, special eventsservice, worship center clean-team and many other places to use your

time, talents and energy or the Kingdom purposes.

Marilyn Smith

Email: marilynsmith@beltway.org 

Phone: 325.692.6540, x121


Mike Hill

Email: mikehill@beltway.org 

Phone: 325.692.6540, x146


We will have several teams playing sotball in city leagues this spring,

both men’s teams and co-ed teams. Let us know i you’d like to join ateam or start a new one. Contact Mike Hill or more inormation. Visit

beltway.org/connect/sports, check out the schedule, then head out to

Nelson Park and support our teams!


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Outreach and Missions

The RampLocal Outreach

 There are countless opportunities right here in Abilene

to aectively share the gospel: visit  The Ramp or more

inormation and specic ministry opportunities.

Beltway Park is dedicated to presenting Jesus Christ personally to this

generation, to mobilizing as many as possible to help in this task, and to

the training and equipping o believers or their part in ullling the GreatCommission. As citizens o God’s kingdom, we are called to love, worship,

and obey our Lord, to love and serve His body, the church, and to present the

whole gospel or the whole person throughout the whole world.

Beltway Park provides various ways or you to be the hands and eet o Jesus

to this generation through local outreach (The Ramp) and short term mission

trips (School o Missions) around the world.

 Tommy Hood

Email: tommyhood@beltway.org 

Phone: 325.692.6540, x157


Diane Monteith

Email: dianemonteith@beltway.org Phone: 325.692.6540, x128

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School o Missions

School o Missions is the umbrella ministry or all short-term mission teams

endeavoring to share the heart o Beltway Park to partner with local churches

in the Nations o the earth. The emphasis o the school is team preparation,

understanding cross-cultural ministry and service to the local churches we

partner with. The School osters unity o purpose between all o the teams

being sent out rom Beltway Park. During the year the School o Missions

will provide our sessions or mission teams to worship and pray together,

and hear a short teaching on various pertinent topics. Participation in these

sessions is or all team members.

We encourage everyone to experience the hands-on ministry o sharing

Jesus through a short-term mission trip. Whether using a puppet, hammer,

stethoscope, playing baseball or engaging in one-on-one evangelism, you’ll

have the opportunity to reach the lost and brokenhearted.

 To nd the trip that best ts you or your amily visit :



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