Spring Conference & Supplier Showcase © Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved Lean...

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Spring Conference Spring Conference && Supplier ShowcaseSupplier Showcase

© Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved

Lean Principles and Sustainability

(Purchasing too)

Robert MenardRobert Menard

Author of

You’re the Buyer-

You Negotiate It!


Green Purchasing and Sustainability

© Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved

Workshop TourWorkshop Tour

HOW Purchasing, Lean, and Sustainability interconnect

Tips, techniques, and practices

Speak up to participate

NOT dive deep into theory

Spot exercises © Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved

Value of PurchasingValue of Purchasing

© Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved

Nothing happens until a sale purchase is made

The contribution of purchasing to profit dwarfs that of sales… Purchasing is the most efficient profit generator in business. ((p.viip.vii))

Cost Reduction &Profit Cost Reduction &Profit (p.vii)(p.vii)

Sales $1,000,00


Sales 10%


Costs 10%



$450,000 $495,000 $405,000

Labor $450,000 $495,000 $405,000

Total $900,000 $990,000 $810,000






Plus 10%


Plus 90%

© Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved

Does Price = Cost ? (Chap. 2)

The cord on the right was a price bargain …until a few seconds ago!

Best Value = lowest TCO © Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved

Lean = Waste Lean = Waste (Cost) (Cost) ReductionReduction

© Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved

JIT - father of Lean (?)

Six Sigma – 4 defects per million

TQM – W. Edwards Deming

ISO - family of standards

The Five Principles of LeanThe Five Principles of Lean

© Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved

1. Value to customer

2. Identify processes

3. Enhance/shrink


4. Less WIP

5. Kaizen

Major Contributors

Henry Ford

© Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved

Ben Franklin

Eli Whitney

Kiichiro Toyoda

8 Wastes of Lean8 Wastes of Lean

The “extra” one

© Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved


Waiting: Process mapping

Motion: WIP, down time, ROBOTICS

Defects: Six Sigma, TQM

Talent: Educatiion and Trainig

Overprocessing: Diminishing returns

Overproduction: SOP © Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved

InventoryInventoryJust In Time (JIT)Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI)Vendor Owned Inventory (VOI)ABCs: 5%, 20%, 75%SKU LOC: Parts by venueOptimization: Unexpected, predictable and seasonal demand

© Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved


Supplier selection: HOW?Define “Delivery” (p.360 Law)

Define FOB, origin, destinationDefine FAS, origin, destinationInbound/Outbound (?)Fuel & Productivity: UPS (p.42)

© Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved

Spot ExerciseSpot Exercise

If you are pursuing Lean:1.What has prompted Lean?2.What are your initiatives?3.How do you measure results?

If you are new to Lean:1.What are your motivations?2.What are your goals?3.Which are the most likely successes?

© Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved


1.People, Planet, Profitability

2.Social, Environmental,


3.Economical, Educational,


What is your definition?What is your definition? © Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved

The Five Values of The Five Values of SustainabilitySustainability

© Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved

1. Energy

2. Reduce/Reuse/

Recycle3. Construction &

Facilities4. Chemical &


5. CSR


Pick a Lean/Sustainable project

• How does it relate to Purchasing

• How is it Lean• How is it Sustainable• How will it reduce costs• How will you implement it?

© Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved

““How-to”s How-to”s EEnergy (p.28)

© Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved

Rank Fuel Btu value Approx. unit price


9 Electricity 3,413/kWh$0.12/kwh Utility


8Oil #1 (kerosene)

135k/gal $2.75/gal by C/L 49,100

7 Gasoline 125k/gal $2.50/gal by T/L 50,0006 Propane 91.5k/gal $1.75/gal by T/L 52,3005 Oil #2 (diesel) 140k/gal $2.25/gal by T/L 62,200

4Oil #6 (industrial)

150k/gal $2.00/gal by T/L 75,000

3 Wood (average) 16Mil/cord$200.00/cord by


2 Natural Gas 100k/Mcf $12.00/Mcf by P/L 83.300

1Coal (anthracite)

22Mil/ton $50.00/ton by C/L 440,000

““How-to”s How-to”s ElectrictyElectricty

E = IR (Ohm’s Law, (p.22)E x I = Watts (Power)

• 120V (house), 120W bulb, Amps = ?

Heat loss (high V, X-frmrs)Rebates (p.24)Demand, soft starts (p.23)Solar, LED, Energy Star

(Kohls, p. 109, many others) © Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved

““How-to”s How-to”s 3Rs 3Rs (p.63)(p.63)

1,000 catalogs @ 2#/each1,000 catalogs @ 2#/each•34-62 trees•14,000 gallons water•920 gallons oil•1,180 lbs of GHG emissions•6 CY landfill waste•8,200 kWh energy

© Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved

““How-to”s How-to”s 3Rs3Rs

COSTCOST 1,000 catalogs @ 2#/each•50 trees @ $15/ea = $375•14k gal water @$0.25 = $3,500•920 gal oil @ $2.00 = $1,840•1,180 lbs GHG @ $1 = $1,180•6 CY landfill @ $500 = $3,000•8,200 kWh @ $0.12 = $984

TOTAL $10, 879

© Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved

Water Water (pp. 77-81)(pp. 77-81)

Gray, Runoff, Rain, Process, ...

• Xeriscaping (irrigation)• In situ collection (fire,

process)• Pervious pavement• Low Impact Development

(LID) • Retention/Detention ponds• Cooling, 3R-ed, © Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved

HeatHeatWaste heat• Compressors• Process heatInfrared• Heats maass, not air• Ideal for production linesHVAC, econo-miserLighting – Home Depot

(P.91) © Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved

Corp. Social Corp. Social ResponsibilityResponsibility

Wal-Mart (pp.125-129) leaderMcDonalds (p.132)The Limited (p.133)Data Centers (p.136)• Is print or digital more

sustainable? (Hmmm)Writing the Green Purchasing

Plan (Chap. 7)

© Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved




© Robert Menard MCMLXXXV-MMXIV, all rights reserved