Spring ISSUE 2

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Second Highlander issue of the Spring 2012 semester


Beloved Lyon College baker

Brenda Hyatt, author of the

newly released Bakin’ with the

‘B,’ signed copies of her cook-

book at a reception on Tuesday,

Feb. 7, in the Mabee-Simpson


Students, faculty, staff, and

community members turned out

to celebrate the release of

Hyatt’s cookbook. Hyatt has

sold about 70 cookbooks so far.

According to Sodexo Dining

Services General Manager

Paula Zagata, Hyatt “still

doesn’t understand what all

the fuss is about over her,”

adding, “but we all know the

truth—she’s the most be-

loved person on campus!

“It means the world to have

Brenda on staff with us here

at Lyon,” said Zagata. “She’s

the one person that everyone

is sure to visit every day—

mainly because she makes us

feel special.”

Following the fire that

destroyed Edwards Com-

mons in October 2010, Hyatt

thought that all of her recipes

had burned

along with the

rest of the

building. How-

ever, her reci-

pes had in fact

survived, and

Hyatt compiled

many of them

in the new


The cook-

book costs $20,

and half of the

profits will go

toward the new campus center

building fund. “Brenda gets the

other half, which is richly de-

Beloved baker signs cookbooks at reception

Organizations host Valentine’s Day fundraisers and events

Many Valentine’s Day activities oc-

curred on the Lyon campus this year. The

advanced art students conducted a Valen-

tine’s Day card fundraiser. Alpha Xi Delta

conducted the Tuxedo Strawberry fund-

raiser while Chi Omicron hosted a card

making party.

Assistant Professor of Art Dustyn Bork

explains that the advanced art students

“designed and printed the cards them-

selves with the screen printing techniques

and skill they learned in Printmaking II.”

The students will use the money to

attend the annual SGCI (Southern

Graphic Council International) Printmak-

ing conference, which will be held in

New Orleans.

“We raised just over $500 dollars,”

Bork said. “This was much more than last

year.” The art students sold 117 cards.

According to Bork, “The most popular

cards were the ‘Nerdy is the new sexy,’ ‘I

Mustache you a question,’ and the dog


Bork admitted that the least popular

card was the one he designed with a skull

on it. He says, “Apparently, people do not

want to associate death with this romantic


Bork said that the “fundraiser was a

huge success. It is a great opportunity for

my students to see the impact that design

and printmaking can have in terms of a

marketable commodity, and is a great

hands-on lesson in business.

Being a little shy of their goal for their

trip to New Orleans, Bork hopes to have

another “exciting printmaking fundraiser

in the near future, maybe St. Patrick’s


Alpha Xi Delta hosted their annual

fundraiser for Autism Speaks, selling

Tuxedo Strawberries. Students could buy

six chocolate-dipped strawberries for five


According to Hannah LaCombe, Alpha

Xi Delta’s Philanthropy Chair, the soror-

ity “raised approximately $250 for Au-

tism Speaks.”

LaCombe said that the “campus was

very supportive. We are very thankful to

everybody who supported us by either

buying strawberries or donating


The sisters of Chi Omicron invited the

campus to an “impromptu Valentine’s

Day party” where students could make

their “own Valentine’s cards and eat

yummy Valentine’s-themed snacks.”

Their invitation said, “Celebrate Valen-

tine’s Day by creating hand-made Valen-

tine’s Day cards for those you love, like,

or even hate. Cupid doesn’t discrimi-

nate.” Molly Young attended the event

and said, “The party was lots of fun! I got

to make really cute cards for all my


SPRING 2012, I SSUE 2 FEBRUARY 23, 2012

Scots Basketball 2

Body Shaming 2

Junior Etiquette Diner 3

Davy Rothbart 3

BSA Banquet 4

Hogwarts Day 5

New Fraternity Members 8


Jon-Michael Poff

Staff Writer

Elizabeth Ellis

Staff Writer

served!” Zagata said. “Bakin’

with the ‘B’” is for sale in The

Scot Shop.

Sodexo baker Brenda Hyatt signs a cookbook for Susan

Dempsey. (Corey Burrow, photographer)


Lyon’s men’s basketball team fell to

Bethel University during the teams’ sec-

ond season matchup, 59 – 68. The Scots

are left 1 – 13 for the conference season.

Lyon last played the Wildcats on their

court in McKenzie, Tenn., losing by only

three points (71-74). The game proved to

be another close struggle for the lead

throughout the night.

Sophomore C.J. Blount set the tone for

the suspenseful game, dunking the ball

and posting night’s first points. Despite

this aggressive start, seven minutes into

the game the score remained tied as it had

for the greater part of the game. Bethel’s

junior Jarvis Palmer caused a few prob-

lems defensively as he stole possession

several times; but despite their struggle to

maintain possession, the Scots were able

to stay ahead offensively and closed the

first half with a three point lead, 35 – 32.

With the opening of the second half,

junior Slater Belew began scoring and

was closely followed by Bethel’s Palmer

who scored after stealing the ball again.

The Scots maintained the lead for most of

the half, but with less than seven minutes

on the clock the score was tied. A time-

out was called with 5:20 on the clock;

Bethel led by four points.

As the game continued, Bethel swept

the lead and with 34.1 seconds left, they

were beating the Scots by five points and

had possession. The Scots enacted a hard

defensive press on Bethel, taking posses-

sion of the ball; but several fouls later,

Bethel still held the lead and defeated the

Scots by nine points.

After the game, freshman Marcus Wil-

liams stated, “We gave it a lot of effort.

We just didn’t finish it out.” Sophomore

Daniel Ritchie expressed a similar opin-

ion, stating, “We just couldn’t close it.”

The Lyon Scots will be playing Freed-

Hardeman on the road, Thursday, Feb. 23,

at 8 p.m.

arise do so in an equally aggressive way,

hence the body-shaming posts on social

networking sites, which all seem to ignore

the fact that healthy bodies can all look

vastly different. -

Everyone is certainly allowed his or her

own opinion about what makes a person

attractive, but if we are to learn anything

from the movement promoting curvy

women, we must learn that accepting one

body type doesn’t mean that other body

types are inferior. -

The simple fact of the matter is

that there is no perfect body.

What’s attractive to one person

won’t be held in such high regard

by the next person. -

Just because someone doesn’t

think a thin girl (or a thick girl, or

an athletic girl, or a girl with pink

hair, or a girl with tons of freck-

les) is attractive, that person has

absolutely no right to proclaim

that every girl fitting that descrip-

tion is fundamentally worth less

than whatever type of girl he or

she finds attractive.

If we’re going to preach body

acceptance, it would be downright

stupid to pick and choose what

bodies we “accept” instead of

accepting all healthy forms across

the board . -

Women have been mutilating

their own bodies for centuries in order to

Our generation—and the several gen-

erations before us—has grown up trained

to believe that the only way a woman can

be considered attractive is if she retains

her prepubescent body shape forever.

In the past few years, plus-size and

curvy women have gained more accep-

tance in the public sphere, with major

beauty companies like Dove launching ad

campaigns such as “Real Beauty,” which

employ women of all sizes, shapes, and

colors to put forward a very progressive

face of body acceptance. -

In 2006, Fashion Week runways were

made off-limits to models with Body

Mass Indexes of less than 18.

Regardless of what face is shown by the

media or advertisers, the public has had

the “thin is in” mentality beaten into their

heads for so long that whatever rebellions

conform to society’s standards of beauty.

Imposing any one person or group’s

abstract idea of perfection onto all women

is no less harmful than corsetry or foot-

binding, perhaps even more so, because

while physical constraints impose outward

restriction, societal body shaming culti-

vates a self-contained prison in the minds

of women.

Conference loss leaves Scots 1-13

Body shaming in today’s society

Molly Young

Staff Writer

Jess Phelps

Guest Writer

Women’s basketball continued on page 7

Editor’s Note: February is Na-

tional Eating Disorder Awareness

Month. Visit websites, such as

nationaleatingdisorder.org, for

more information. There are also

multiple “National Eating Disor-

der Awareness Month” groups on

Facebook and other websites.


individual. The note, embellished with

several choice words and agitated script,

accused Mario of being with an unnamed

“Her” and ended with an optimistic “P.S.

page me later.” `

As Rothbart shared this first find with his

friends, he realized he was not the only one

who prized such discoveries. `

On the Found website, the progression to

commercialization is explained: “As a

way for everyone to join forces and share

their finds with everyone else, we decided

to start a magazine called FOUND, a

showcase for all the strange, hilarious and

heartbreaking things people’ve picked up.”

Davy Rothbart, co-creator and co-

founder of FOUND Magazine, shared

some works from his unique publication

with the Batesville community Wednes-

day, Feb. 8 in Nucor Auditorium.

FOUND is “a collection… of anything

people have found,” according to

Rothbart. The idea for FOUND began

with what Rothbart described as “a case

of mistaken Toyota Camry.”

One night in Chicago, he approached

his parked car and found a note placed

under the windshield. It was addressed

to Mario and was written by an angry

While most students dined in The Temp

on the evening of Thursday, Feb. 2, some

juniors enjoyed a five-course meal at the

first ever Juniors Etiquette Dinner.

Director of Alumni Services and Devel-

opment Gina Garrett said in an email

interview that the mission was three-fold:

to educate students about proper etiquette,

to connect current students with success-

ful alumni, and to build class identity. The

event was a combined effort of the Presi-

dent’s Office, Career Development, and

Institutional Advancement. .

“The dinner targeted juniors,” she said,

“because they are beginning to think seri-

ously about life after Lyon, and we de-

signed this dinner to bolster skills that

would be especially helpful for grad

school interviews, for job interviews, and

for simply making the best first impres-

sion possible.” `

The evening’s keynote speaker, Dwayne

Reliford, spoke about the increasing im-

portance of networking in a global job

market. Reliford, a marketing specialist

from Houston, is a 1994 graduate of Ar-

kansas College. `

Lyon College President Donald Weath-

erman was the master of ceremonies for

the evening, and First Lady Lynn Weath-

erman spoke on the importance of table

manners. `

Director of Career Development Vicki

Webb spoke about business in a dining

context, and Director of Enrollment Ser-

vices Josh Manning and Enrollment Ser-

vices Representative Scarlett Barnes

Freshman Tommie Ricker knows Mi-

crosoft Office inside and out, and for just

a few dollars she is willing to help you

learn Office too. `

In January, Ricker began advertising her

tutoring service to Lyon students, offering

training courses in all of the major Office

programs. She is capable of helping any-

“Truth really is stranger than fiction…”

Juniors attend etiquette dinner

Student offers Microsoft Office training

joined forces to explain men and women’s

business attire. In addition, Lucy Yeager, a

1967 graduate of Arkansas College and the

former director of alumni services for the

college, closed the evening with advice on

writing notes of thanks. `

While the dinner was for juniors only,

Garrett says other special events are being

planned to build class identity among the

other classes. “We have a pizza party in

the works for freshmen, a lunch coming up

for sophomores still trying to decide upon

a major, and a super special celebration for

seniors later this spring. `

“I hope this experience helps eliminate

some of the ‘fears of the unknown’ and

build confidence within out students who

attended,” Garrett said. “I sincerely hope

they had fun and learned a little something

in the process.”

Jon-Michael Poff

Staff Writer

Jon-Michael Poff

Staff Writer

Molly Young

Staff Writer

Continued on page 7

Photo Credit: @Lyon

one—from someone seeking a crash

course in Word to someone looking to

simply brush up on PowerPoint skills.

As Ricker explained, “Microsoft Office

is essential to any college student.

Whether it be writing a paper or making a

PowerPoint presentation, knowledge of

the program is vital. College is hard

enough already -- why not take one

stressor out of the equation by learning

how to use Office?” `

Luckily for students, Ricker said her

tutoring service is extremely affordable.

In fact, “The payment system is actually a

joke compared to most services out

there,” Ricker said. Unlike expensive

tutors that charge by the hour, Ricker

charges by the program. “Slow leaners,”

she said, “will not be charged extra.”

Each program costs either $5 or $10,

and the price includes even follow-up

Continued on page 6


In Celebration of Black History Month,

Lyon’s Black Student Association (BSA)

held their annual banquet; this year’s

theme was “Moving Forward.”

Dr. Weatherman, Dean Johnston and

several other faculty and staff members

were in atten-

dance, as well as

many members of

the community,

including the

Friendship Baptist

Church choir,

who sang two

songs as a part of

the program.

Many members of

BSA also at-

tended: Daniel

Ritchie and Mar-

cus Williams were

the Masters of Ceremony, and

others read poems from famous

African American writers. Jarret

Franklin read “We Wear the

Mask” by Paul Laurence Dunbar,

A n g e l i c a H o l m e s r e a d

“Phenomenal Woman” by Maya

Angelou, and Classie Wat-

son read “Frederick Doug-

lass” by Robert Hayden.

The guest speaker, Ter-

rell King, graduated from

Lyon in 2000 as BSA

president, as well as presi-

dent of the Catholic Cam-

pus Ministries and his senior

class. He now works as principal

in the Bastrop Independent

School District in Texas.

He spoke of the importance of

education and mentoring those in

need, and said, “Education remains a

c e n t e r -

piece for

m o v i n g

f o r w a r d

in the

A f r i c a n


c o m m u -

n i t y . ”

M r .

K i n g

c h a l -

l e n g e d

the audi-

ence to

mentor younger kids in the community,

and told first-hand accounts of turn-

arounds he has seen as a result of mentor-

ing programs in his area. “Everyone has a

r o l e t o p l a y , ” K i n g s a i d .

Dean Johnston presented two BSA Aca-

demic Achievement Awards to Angelica

Holmes and Debbie Onukwube for earn-

ing above a 3.5 G.P.A. this past fall se-

mester. `

BSA president, Raylon Wilson, is very

proud of the outcome of this year’s ban-

quet, saying the banquet was “a huge suc-

cess.” `

Wilson continued, “We had a great turn-

out of students, alum, faculty, and the

community alike… [Terrell King’s] mes-

sage of Moving Forward though education

has motivated me as well as others to be a

mentor to the youth and let them know

they can do whatever they put their mind


“I was going to stand on

[the beam] and ride up

with it,” he joked,

“ b u t … O S H A

(Occupational Safety

and Health Administra-

tion) might frown on

that.” Instead, the beam

was lifted up with the

traditional American

flag and evergreen tree

on top. .

Weatherman praised

the architecture and

construction firms re-

sponsible for the build-

ing. “They are about eight days behind

Almost four months after college offi-

cials broke ground on the new student

center, construction workers “topped out”

the building on Tuesday, Feb. 7 at a spe-

cial ceremony. .

The “topping out” ceremony com-

memorated the placement of the final

beam at the top of the building. Students,

faculty, and staff had been able to sign

the beam, which had been painted white

on one side, in the days leading up to the

ceremony. .

Lyon College President Donald Weath-

erman called the occasion a “very signifi-

cant step in the progress” of the building.

BSA banquet invites inspiring speaker

New student center “topped out” at ceremony

Angelica Holmes

Staff Writer

Jon-Michael Poff

Staff Writer

President Dr. Weatherman (left) and Dean Johnston

(right) with banquet speaker, Terrell King (middle).

Freshman Angelica Holmes (left) and junior Deb-

bie Onukwube (right) receive academic awards.

Lyon College Campus Safety Director Brody

Hubbard signs the topping out beam. (Chandra

Huston, photographer) Continued on page 8


Day aimed to encour-

age “a love of read-

ing” in Batesville’s

youth. The students

were separated into

the four houses of

Hogwarts and took

part in reading in-

spired activities.

Several organiza-

tions provided fun

activities for the

youth, utilizing with

the theme of Hog-

warts Day in mind.

For example, the

On Feb. 18, Lyon College’s senior

honor society, Mortar Board, held its

annual Hogwarts Day for the Batesville

community from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

“It’s mostly to encourage literacy in the

Batesville community and to get inter-

ested in reading,” explained Mortar

Board member Maci Powers.

“Mortar Board’s three ideals are schol-

arship, leadership and service, and this

event is geared towards service.”

Held in the Lyon Rotunda, Hogwarts

Non-traditional Student Asso-

ciation set up a bookmark

making table. `

Phi Mu Fraternity and

Habitat for Humanity pre-

sented Herbology, and the

American Chemical Society

gave a presentation on Po-


For Potions, Powers said

children “made putty and

used different chemicals to

change liquids from one color

to another.”

Highlander hosts print-release reception

Mortar Board hosts Hogwarts Day

This year’s Highlander staff

brings print version of the news-

paper to Lyon campus.

Special thanks to all of the

staff writers, as well as members

of SGA and Lyon College faculty

and staff!

Madeline Roberts

Staff Writer

Co-Editor Tyler Hudgens and staff writer Chelsea

Guess talk with Dr. Terrell Tebbetts.

SGA members DeAnna Massey and Maci Powers

chat with Highlander advisor, Dr. Han Ong.

The Highlander’s transition from online to print ver-

sions, available in Derby, Alphin, and Lyon buildings,

as well as The Temp and the Mabee-Simpson Library.

Continued on page 6



Microsoft Office training before.

“The funny thing is,” she said, “a lot

of my students have been teachers at my

high school. It always starts with them

asking a question about something

(because I was a techie), which turned

into them wanting to know more, and

eventually just giving all-out lessons.”

Ricker hopes to have experiences just

support. “You pay me for the one time sit

down, as many hours as it takes, and if

you ever have questions after that, you're

more than welcome to e-mail, call, or text

me,” Ricker said. ‘

While her tutoring service is new to

Lyon College, Ricker has actually offered

Microsoft Office training, continued

Event Calendar

Feb. 21.

—Lyon Baseball vs. Wil-

liam’s Baptist College - 12

- 4 p.m.

—Bike Clinic - 5 - 7 p.m. -

LEAP Building

Feb. 22.

—Zumba - 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.

- Small Gym

—Yoga - 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. -

Brown Chapel

Feb. 24.

—American Red Cross

Platelet Bus - 8 a.m.-6 p.m.

Feb. 25.

—Honors Day 7 a.m. - 5


Feb. 26.

—LEAP Mountain Biking

- 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Feb. 29.

—Big Dumb Fun Air

Brush Tattoos - 12 - 6 p.m.

—Lyon Softball vs. Union

University - 1 - 6 p.m.

—Zumba - 5:30 - 6:30

p.m. - Small Gym

—Yoga - 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. -

Brown Chapel

Continued from page 5

like that at Lyon, helping her fellow

students navigate such important pro-

g r a ms a s Wo r d an d Ex c e l .

“Most people won’t realize just how

many things you can do with Office

until you’ve had the opportunity to

learn,” she said. “I look forward to

receiving requests in the future.”

Hogwarts Day, continued

Continued from page 3

Mortar Board presented Transfigura-

tion, in which children could face paint.

Literacy Project provided information

about their organization. RLS held a

much awaited event at 2:30: a Quidditch

match. `

Hogwarts Day could not have been

possible without help from other Lyon

Students. `

“A big thanks to Amanda Klipp for all

her help—she added energy and enthusi-

asm to the event!” said Powers.

Powers continued, “It was a successful

event with a great turnout, and it’s always

great to see students interacting with

community members.”



Feel free to contact us

with any questions, com-

ments, or suggestions.

Have a story idea that you

haven’t seen in the High-

lander? Students, faculty,

and staff are welcome to

submit ideas!

We also welcome guest

writers and photogra-


And don’t forget to check

out our interactive online

version, available through

the school email and on

our Facebook page!

February 21—March 11


Lady Scots claim victory over Wildcats

Continued from page 2

Lyon’s women’s basketball team de-

feated Bethel University during the

teams’ second season matchup, 57 – 47.

The Scots advance to 8-6 for the confer-

ence season. .

The last game between Lyon and Bethel

was close with the Lady Wildcats win-

ning by merely three points, 69 – 72.

This time around on the Scots’ home

court, the game remained just as evenly

matched. While the Wildcats proved to

be challenging down low, the Scots were

just as difficult to defend, their offensive

rebounding providing for multiple shots.

Lyon quickly adapted with Bethel’s

layup-oriented offense, avoiding the

threat of fouling which the close contact

produced. The Scots accumulated three

fouls within only the first two minutes of

gameplay. .

Senior Lauren Ramsey started the game

offensively with a layup, closely followed

by junior Phagen Altom contributing two

points at the free-throw line.

By halftime, the Scots stole the lead

when freshman Whitney Keith scored a

three-point shot, leaving the score 25-22.

The Scots began scoring for the second

half as well, taking a seven point lead

within the first few possessions.

Bethel took a one point lead with seven

minutes on the clock but within the next

possession sophomore Rachel Shellenber-

ger reclaimed it with a 3-pointer.

Ramsey furthered the lead with another

three points. With 51.4 seconds on the

clock, the referee signaled a timeout; the

Scots led by six points, 53-47. The Scots

continued to score until the game ended

and they held a ten point lead.

After the game, Ramsey stated, “We

ended our losing streak with a good

game.” She also felt that with this victory,

the team had become more prepared for

upcoming games. “We’re getting fo-

cused.” .

Altom added, “We have a really good

chance of getting to nationals.”

The Lady Scots will be playing Freed-

Hardeman on the road, Thursday, Feb. 23,

at 6 p.m.

Davy Rothbart, continued

Continued from page 3

Rothbart began the convocation with

the the 8th page of a love letter written

about a Javier. `

As his expressive voice

allowed the audience to

delve further and further into

this anonymous love story, it

became clear why Rothbart

feels so passionately about

F O U N D m a g a z i n e .

He believes that through

such finds, he is “getting a

little glimpse into people’s

l i v e s . ” `

Sometimes these glimpses

are humorous, like a letter

addressed to an Illinois

mayor which argued the beneficial nature

of a fully-nude bar or ransom note threat-

ening a middle school child’s binder.

Other stories are not valued for their

humor, but for the surprising humanity

and emotion which may be discovered.

Rothbart admits that at times such finds

affect him; “Sometimes I tear up.”

Just such a sympathetic piece was

found in a son’s letter to his mother. As

the letter progresses, it becomes apparent

that the child hasn’t seen his mother in

some time. He tells her about his best

friend and how much the individual

means to him. He goes on to tell her

about this girl he has met and how much

he loves her. `

He dwells on this for a while, sends his

love, and adds postscript that another

individual misses her too. Rothbart’s

voice remained solemn as the letter’s

intimacy sunk in. `

Sometimes the best part of a find can be

how the object was discovered.

In the case of the previous letter, the

story adds an even deeper meaning. The

woman who sent in this find added a note

describing the letter’s location. She found

the letter tied to a balloon which was

caught in a tree in a cemetery.

Rothbart imaged that this son had at-

tempted to communicate with his dead

mother. With these thoughts, the value of

each find became more evident; each

piece is some part of a person’s life. By

preserving the finds, FOUND preserves

fragmented treasures of humanity.

Since FOUND began, Rothbart has also

published some of his own writing in a

collection of short stories, entitled The

Lone Surfer of Montana, Kansas. The

title story was inspired by a kid he spot-

ted in Montana, Kan., standing on a surf-

board wedged between two tractors.

He stated his fiction developed as he

“imagin[ed] what would have happened if

[their] lives had intersected.” Three sto-

ries from this collection are currently

being made into a movie by Steve Bus-

cemi. `

As a “community art project,” Rothbart

encourages all individuals to submit any-

thing they find. Submissions may be

made by postal mail or via e-mail. Only

two rules exist for submissions: “no dead

animals” and “it has to be real.”

To order a FOUND Magazine, visit

foundmagazine.com/shop/; all magazines

are $5.

FOUND is a “showcase for

all the strange, hilarious

and heartbreaking things

people’ve picked up.”

offices for student life, resi-

dence life, and student activi-

ties. `

According to Weatherman,

because of rain,” he said, “but

they have worked long days,

they have worked Saturdays,

and they have sneaked in here

a couple of Sundays to work

and get things done on time.”

The ceremony had been

scheduled for the previous

Tuesday, but college officials

delayed it because of weather.

According to a press release,

the $9.6 million structure will

be 43,427 square feet and

include a 352-seat dining hall,

a kitchen, The Scot Shop, the

game room, health and well-

ness facilities, the career de-

velopment center, meeting

spaces, student mailboxes and

a bistro. It will also contain

construction should be com-

pleted by the beginning of the

fall 2012 semester.

Topping out ceremony (continued)

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The Highlander


The Highlander Newspaper

Lyon College

2300 Highland Dr., Box 821

Batesville, AR 72501


Lilly Hastings



Samantha Jones



Tyler Hudgens


Andrew.hudgens@lyon.edu Continued from page 4

Fraternities welcome new brothers

Alpha Psi Epsilon:

Jarret Franklin, Marcus Williams

Kappa Sigma:

Matthew Baltz, Brett Bloodworth, Jonathan Farrar, Hunter McQueen, Zebulon

Schichtl, Matt Shelton, Zach Starr, Cody Statler, Adam Watkins

Tau Kappa Epsilon:

Sheldon Jackson, Luke Kinder, Conor Lawrence, Jon Lee, Trenton Powell, Dy-

lan Ray, Will Sonnier

East Harding Construction workers put the last beam into place

at the new campus center. (Chandra Huston, photographer)

Zeta Beta Tau:

Brett Alexander, Cameron Bowden, Kacey Johns, Bruce Jordan, Stephen

Rookey, James Spahr

The weekend of February 4th—5th each Lyon College fraternity welcomed

several new members to their brotherhoods during the bi-annual Chapel Walk
