Springer govt summit 2012 huffine slideshare

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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material for presentation at the Springer Government Libraries Summit on August 3, 2012


Springer Government Summit: Innovation in Government Libraries

Panel Member: Richard HuffineAugust 3, 2012

Tablets and Smartphones

In the hands of our managers and our users!

Users Creating and Annotating

digital content remotely and in collaboration with others!

Good Enough is Good Enough

free resources may be sufficient for some purposes and should be the first place we always look

Copyright and Fair Use

should be a part of what we do to educate and support our patrons to manage

Public Domain Literature

actually in the public domain!

Making Content Accessible

For use, re-use, and everything in between!

Patron-Driven Access

The future of document delivery is seamless to our users!

Data Mining (Uncovering the value of information)

is the new primary job of the librarian/info pro!

The Library as Place is secondary (for most of us)

libraries are now brokers/connectors/bartersof information for our patrons