Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology || Nanowires

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Nanowires4. Nanowires

This chapter provides an overview of recentresearch on inorganic nanowires, particu-larly metallic and semiconducting nanowires.Nanowires are one-dimensional, anisotropicstructures, small in diameter, and large in surface-to-volume ratio. Thus, their physical properties aredifferent than those of structures of different scaleand dimensionality. While the study of nanowiresis particularly challenging, scientists have madeimmense progress in both developing syntheticmethodologies for the fabrication of nanowires,and developing instrumentation for their charac-terization. The chapter is divided into three mainsections: Sect. 4.1 the synthesis, Sect. 4.2 the char-acterization and physical properties, and Sect. 4.3the applications of nanowires. Yet, the reader willdiscover many links that make these aspects ofnano-science intimately inter-depent.

4.1 Synthesis ............................................. 1154.1.1 Template-Assisted Synthesis .......... 115

4.1.2 VLS Methodfor Nanowire Synthesis ................. 118

4.1.3 Other Synthesis Methods ............... 1204.1.4 Hierarchical Arrangement

and Superstructures of Nanowires .. 122

4.2 Characterization and Physical Propertiesof Nanowires ....................................... 1244.2.1 Structural Characterization ............ 1244.2.2 Mechanical Properties................... 1284.2.3 Transport Properties ..................... 1304.2.4 Optical Properties ......................... 141

4.3 Applications ......................................... 1454.3.1 Electrical Applications ................... 1454.3.2 Thermoelectric Applications ........... 1474.3.3 Optical Applications ...................... 1484.3.4 Chemical and Biochemical

Sensing Devices ........................... 1514.3.5 Magnetic Applications................... 152

4.4 Concluding Remarks ............................. 152

References .................................................. 153

Nanowires are attracting much interest from those seek-ing to apply nanotechnology and (especially) thoseinvestigating nanoscience. Nanowires, unlike otherlow-dimensional systems, have two quantum-confineddirections but one unconfined direction available forelectrical conduction. This allows nanowires to beused in applications where electrical conduction, ratherthan tunneling transport, is required. Because of theirunique density of electronic states, in the limit ofsmall diameters nanowires are expected to exhibitsignificantly different optical, electrical and magneticproperties to their bulk 3-D crystalline counterparts. In-creased surface area, very high density of electronicstates and joint density of states near the energies oftheir van Hove singularities, enhanced exciton bind-ing energy, diameter-dependent bandgap, and increasedsurface scattering for electrons and phonons are justsome of the ways in which nanowires differ fromtheir corresponding bulk materials. Yet the sizes ofnanowires are typically large enough (> 1 nm in the

quantum-confined direction) to result in local crys-tal structures that are closely related to their parentmaterials, allowing theoretical predictions about theirproperties to be made based on knowledge of their bulkproperties.

Not only do nanowires exhibit many properties thatare similar to, and others that are distinctly differentfrom, those of their bulk counterparts, nanowires alsohave the advantage from an applications standpoint inthat some of the materials parameters critical for certainproperties can be independently controlled in nanowiresbut not in their bulk counterparts. Certain propertiescan also be enhanced nonlinearly in small-diameternanowires, by exploiting the singular aspects of the 1-Delectronic density of states.

Furthermore, nanowires have been shown to providea promising framework for applying the “bottom-up”approach [4.1] to the design of nanostructures fornanoscience investigations and for potential nanotech-nology applications.



114 Part A Nanostructures, Micro/Nanofabrication and Materials

Table 4.1 Selected syntheses of nanowires by material

Material Growth Technique Reference

ABO4-type templateα [4.2]

Ag DNA-template, redox [4.3]

template, pulsed ECDβ [4.4]

Au template, ECDβ [4.5, 6]

Bi stress-induced [4.7]

template, vapor-phase [4.8]

template, ECDβ [4.9–11]

template, pressure-injection


BiSb pulsed ECDβ [4.15]

Bi2Te3 template, dc ECDβ [4.16]

CdS liquid-phase (surfactant),recrystallization


template, ac ECDβ [4.18, 19]

CdSe liquid-phase (surfactant),redox


template, ac ECDβ [4.21, 22]

Cu vapor deposition [4.23]

template, ECDβ [4.24]

Fe template, ECDγ [4.25, 26]

shadow deposition [4.27]

GaN template, CVDγ [4.28, 29]

VLSδ [4.30, 31]

GaAs template, liquid/vaporOMCVDε


α Template synthesisβ Electrochemical deposition (ECD)γ Chemical vapor deposition (CVD)δ Vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growthε Organometallic chemical vapor deposition (OMCVD)μ Liquid phase synthesisν Self assembly of nanocrystals (in liquid phase)

Material Growth Technique Reference

Ge high-T, high-P liquid-phase, redox


VLSδ [4.34]

oxide-assisted [4.35]

InAs VLSδ [4.36]

MgO VLSδ [4.37]

Mo step decoration, ECDβ+redox


Ni template, ECDβ [4.11, 39, 40]

Pb liquid-phaseμ [4.41]

PbSe liquid phase [4.42]

self assembly ofnanocrystalsν


Pd step decoration, ECDβ [4.44]

Se liquid-phase,recrystallization


template,pressure injection


Si VLSδ [4.47]

laser-ablation VLSδ [4.48]

oxide-assisted [4.49]

low-T VLSδ [4.50]

W vapor transport [4.51]

Zn template, vapor-phase [4.52]

template, ECDβ [4.53]

ZnO VLSδ [4.54]

template, ECDβ [4.53, 55]

Driven by (1) these new research and developmentopportunities, (2) the smaller and smaller length scalesnow being used in the semiconductor, optoelectronicsand magnetics industries, and (3) the dramatic develop-ment of the biotechnology industry where the action isalso at the nanoscale, the nanowire research field hasdeveloped with exceptional speed in the last few years.Therefore, a review of the current status of nanowireresearch is of significant broad interest at the presenttime. It is the aim of this review to focus on nanowireproperties that differ from those of their parent crys-

talline bulk materials, with an eye toward possibleapplications that might emerge from the unique prop-erties of nanowires and from future discoveries in thisfield.

For quick reference, examples of typical nanowiresthat have been synthesized and studied are listed in Ta-ble 4.1. Also of use to the reader are review articles thatfocus on a comparison between nanowire and nanotubeproperties [4.56] and the many reviews that have beenwritten about carbon nanotubes [4.57–59], which can beconsidered as a model one-dimensional system.



Nanowires 4.1 Synthesis 115

4.1 Synthesis

In this section we survey the most common syntheticapproaches that have successfully afforded high-qualitynanowires of a large variety of materials (see Table 4.1).In Sect. 4.1.1, we discuss methods which make useof various templates with nanochannels to confine thenanowire growth in two dimensions. In Sect. 4.1.2, wepresent the synthesis of nanowires by the vapor-liquid-solid mechanism and its many variations. In Sect. 4.1.3,examples of other synthetic methods of general ap-plicability are presented. The last part of this section(Sect. 4.1.4) features several approaches that have beendeveloped to organize nanowires into simple architec-tures.

4.1.1 Template-Assisted Synthesis

The template-assisted synthesis of nanowires is a con-ceptually simple and intuitive way to fabricatenanostructures [4.62–64]. These templates contain verysmall cylindrical pores or voids within the host ma-terial, and the empty spaces are filled with the chosenmaterial, which adopts the pore morphology, to formnanowires. In this section, we describe the templatesfirst, and then describe strategies for filling the templatesto make nanowires.

Template SynthesisIn template-assisted synthesis of nanostructures, thechemical stability and mechanical properties of the tem-plate, as well as the diameter, uniformity and densityof the pores are important characteristics to consider.Templates frequently used for nanowire synthesis in-clude anodic alumina (Al2O3), nanochannel glass, iontrack-etched polymers and mica films.

Porous anodic alumina templates are produced byanodizing pure Al films in selected acids [4.65–67].Under carefully chosen anodization conditions, the re-sulting oxide film possesses a regular hexagonal array

1 μm100 nm

a) b)

Fig. 4.1 (a) SEM images of the topsurfaces of porous anodic aluminatemplates anodized with an aver-age pore diameter of 44 nm [4.60].(b) SEM image of the particle track-etched polycarbonate membrane, witha pore diameter of 1 μm [4.61]

of parallel and nearly cylindrical channels, as shownin Fig. 4.1a. The self-organization of the pore structurein an anodic alumina template involves two coupledprocesses: pore formation with uniform diameters andpore ordering. The pores form with uniform diam-eters because of a delicate balance between electricfield-enhanced diffusion which determines the growthrate of the alumina, and dissolution of the aluminainto the acidic electrolyte [4.68]. The pores are be-lieved to self-order because of mechanical stress atthe aluminium-alumina interface due to expansion dur-ing the anodization. This stress produces a repulsiveforce between the pores, causing them to arrange ina hexagonal lattice [4.69]. Depending on the anodiza-tion conditions, the pore diameter can be systematicallyvaried from ≤ 10 nm up to 200 nm with a pore densityin the range of 109 –1011 pores/cm2 [4.13,25,65,66]. Ithas been shown by many groups that the pore size dis-tribution and the pore ordering of the anodic aluminatemplates can be significantly improved by a two-step anodization technique [4.60, 70, 71], where thealuminium oxide layer is dissolved after the first an-odization in an acidic solution followed by a secondanodization under the same conditions.

Another type of porous template commonly usedfor nanowire synthesis is the template type fabricatedby chemically etching particle tracks originating fromion bombardment [4.72], such as track-etched polycar-bonate membranes (Fig. 4.1b) [4.73, 74], and also micafilms [4.39].

Other porous materials can be used as host tem-plates for nanowire growth, as discussed by Ozin [4.62].Nanochannel glass (NCG), for example, contains a reg-ular hexagonal array of capillaries similar to the porestructure in anodic alumina with a packing densityas high as 3 × 1010 pores/cm2 [4.63]. Porous Vycorglass that contains an interconnected network of poresless than 10 nm was also employed for the early



116 Part A Nanostructures, Micro/Nanofabrication and Materials

study of nanostructures [4.75]. Mesoporous molecularsieves [4.76], termed MCM-41, possess hexagonally-packed pores with very small channel diameters whichcan be varied between 2 nm and 10 nm. Conducting or-ganic filaments have been fabricated in the nanochannelsof MCM-41 [4.77]. Recently, the DNA molecule hasalso been used as a template for growing nanometer-sized wires [4.3].

Diblock copolymers, polymers that consist of twochain segments different properties, have also been uti-lized as templates for nanowire growth. When twocomponents are immiscible in each other, phase seg-regation occurs, and depending on their volume ratio,spheres, cylinders and lamellae may self-assemble. Toform self-assembled arrays of nanopores, copolymerscomposed of polystyrene and polymethylmethacrylate[P(S−b−MMA)] [4.79] were used. By applying anelectric field while the copolymer was heated above theglass transition temperature of the two constituent poly-mers, the self-assembled cylinders of PMMA could be

20 30 40 50 602θ (°)

Intensity (arb. units)






c) (110)

Fig. 4.2a–c XRD patterns of bismuth/anodic aluminananocomposites with average bismuth wire diameters of(a) 40 nm, (b) 52 nm, and (c) 95 nm [4.78]. The Millerindices corresponding to the lattice planes of bulk Biare indicated above the individual peaks. The majorityof the Bi nanowires are oriented along the [101̄1] and[011̄2] directions for dW ≥ 60 nm and dW ≤ 50 nm, respec-tively [4.13, 78]. The existence of more than one dominantorientation in the 52 nm Bi nanowires is attributed to thetransitional behavior of intermediate-diameter nanowires asthe preferential growth orientation is shifted from [101̄1] to[011̄2] with decreasing dW

aligned with their main axis perpendicular to the film.Selective removal of the PMMA component affordedthe preparation of 14 nm-diameter ordered pore arrayswith a packing density of 1.9 × 1011 cm−3.

Nanowire Template-Assisted Growthby Pressure Injection

The pressure injection technique is often employed forfabricating highly crystalline nanowires from a low-melting point material and when using porous templateswith robust mechanical strength. In the high-pressure in-jection method, the nanowires are formed by pressure-injecting the desired material in liquid form into theevacuated pores of the template. Due to the heat-ing and pressurization processes, the templates usedfor the pressure injection method must be chemicallystable and be able to maintain their structural in-tegrity at high temperatures and at high pressures.Anodic aluminium oxide films and nanochannel glassare two typical materials used as templates in con-junction with the pressure injection filling technique.Metal nanowires (Bi, In, Sn, and Al) and semiconductornanowires (Se, Te, GaSb, and Bi2Te3) have been fab-ricated in anodic aluminium oxide templates using thismethod [4.12, 46, 78].

The pressure P required to overcome the surfacetension for the liquid material to fill the pores witha diameter dW is determined by the Washburn equa-tion [4.80]:

dW = −4γ cos θ/P (4.1)

where γ is the surface tension of the liquid, and θ

is the contact angle between the liquid and the tem-plate. To reduce the required pressure and to maximizethe filling factor, some surfactants are used to de-crease the surface tension and the contact angle. Forexample, the introduction of Cu into the Bi melt canfacilitate filling the pores in the anodic alumina tem-plate with liquid Bi and can increase the number ofnanowires that are formed [4.13]. However, some ofthe surfactants might cause contamination problems andshould therefore be avoided. Nanowires produced bythe pressure injection technique usually possess highcrystallinity and a preferred crystal orientation alongthe wire axis. For example, Fig. 4.2 shows the X-raydiffraction (XRD) patterns of Bi nanowire arrays ofthree different wire diameters with an injection pressureof ≈ 5000 psi [4.78], showing that the major (> 80%)crystal orientation of the wire axes in the 95 nm and40 nm diameter Bi nanowire arrays are, respectively,normal to the (202) and (012) lattice planes, which are



Nanowires 4.1 Synthesis 117

denoted by [101̄1] and [011̄2] when using a hexag-onal unit cell, suggesting a wire diameter-dependentcrystal growth direction. On the other hand, 30 nmBi nanowires produced using a much higher pressureof > 20 000 psi show a different crystal orientationof (001) along the wire axis [4.14], indicating thatthe preferred crystal orientation may also depend onthe applied pressure, with the most dense packing di-rection along the wire axis for the highest appliedpressure.

Electrochemical DepositionThe electrochemical deposition technique has attractedincreasing attention as a versatile method for fabricatingnanowires in templates. Traditionally, electrochemistryhas been used to grow thin films on conducting surfaces.Since electrochemical growth is usually controllablein the direction normal to the substrate surface, thismethod can be readily extended to fabricate 1-D or 0-D nanostructures, if the deposition is confined withinthe pores of an appropriate template. In the electro-chemical methods, a thin conducting metal film isfirst coated on one side of the porous membrane toserve as the cathode for electroplating. The length ofthe deposited nanowires can be controlled by vary-ing the duration of the electroplating process. Thismethod has been used to synthesize a wide variety ofnanowires, such as metals (Bi [4.9, 74]; Co [4.81, 82];Fe [4.25, 83]; Cu [4.73, 84]; Ni [4.39, 81]; Ag [4.85];Au [4.5]); conducting polymers [4.9, 61]; superconduc-tors (Pb [4.86]); semiconductors (CdS [4.19]); and evensuperlattice nanowires with A/B constituents (such asCu/Co [4.73, 84]) have been synthesized electrochemi-cally (see Table 4.1).

In the electrochemical deposition process, the cho-sen template has to be chemically stable in the electrolyteduring the electrolysis process. Cracks and defects inthe templates are detrimental to the nanowire growth,since the deposition processes primarily occur in the

a)a) b)

1μm100 nm

Fig. 4.3 (a) SEM image of a Bi2Te3

nanowire array in cross-section show-ing a relatively high pore filling factor.(b) SEM image of a Bi2Te3 nanowirearray composite along the wire axis[4.16]

more accessible cracks, leaving most of the nanoporesunfilled. Particle track-etched mica films or polymermembranes are typical templates used in simple dcelectrolysis. To use anodic aluminium oxide films inthe dc electrochemical deposition, the insulating bar-rier layer which separates the pores from the bottomaluminium substrate has to be removed, and a metalfilm is then evaporated onto the back of the templatemembrane [4.87]. Compound nanowire arrays, such asBi2Te3, have been fabricated in alumina templates witha high filling factor using the dc electrochemical de-position [4.16]. Figures 4.3a and b, respectively, showthe top view and the axial cross-sectional SEM imagesof a Bi2Te3 nanowire array [4.16]. The light areas areassociated with Bi2Te3 nanowires, the dark regions de-note empty pores, and the surrounding gray matrix isalumina.

Surfactants are also used with electrochemical de-position when necessary. For example, when usingtemplates derived from PMMA/PS diblock copoly-mers, a methanol surfactant is used to facilitate porefilling [4.79], thereby achieving a ≈ 100% fillingfactor.

It is also possible to employ an ac electrodeposi-tion method in anodic alumina templates without theremoval of the barrier layer, by utilizing the rectifyingproperties of the oxide barrier. In ac electrochemicaldeposition, although the applied voltage is sinusoidaland symmetric, the current is greater during the ca-thodic half-cycles, making deposition dominant over thestripping, which occurs in the subsequent anodic half-cycles. Since no rectification occurs at defect sites, thedeposition and stripping rates are equal, and no ma-terial is deposited. Hence, the difficulties associatedwith cracks are avoided. In this fashion, metals, such asCo [4.82] and Fe [4.25, 83], and semiconductors, suchas CdS [4.19], have been deposited into the pores of an-odic aluminium oxide templates without removing thebarrier layer.



118 Part A Nanostructures, Micro/Nanofabrication and Materials

a) b)

0.1 μm 15 nm

Fig. 4.4 (a) TEM image of a single Co(10 nm)/Cu(10 nm)multilayered nanowire. (b) A selected region of the sampleat high magnification [4.84]

In contrast to nanowires synthesized by the pressureinjection method, nanowires fabricated by the elec-trochemical process are usually polycrystalline, withno preferred crystal orientations, as observed by XRDstudies. However, some exceptions exist. For exam-ple, polycrystalline CdS nanowires, fabricated by anac electrodeposition method in anodic alumina tem-plates [4.19], possibly have a preferred wire growthorientation along the c-axis. In addition, Xu et al. haveprepared a number of single-crystal II–VI semiconduc-tor nanowires, including CdS, CdSe and CdTe, by dcelectrochemical deposition in anodic alumina templateswith a nonaqueous electrolyte [4.18, 22]. Furthermore,single-crystal Pb nanowires were formed by pulse elec-trodeposition under overpotential conditions, but nospecific crystal orientation along the wire axis was ob-served [4.86]. The use of pulse currents is believed to beadvantageous for the growth of crystalline wires becausethe metal ions in the solution can be regenerated betweenthe electrical pulses and therefore uniform depositionconditions can be produced for each deposition pulse.Similarly, single-crystal Ag nanowires were fabricatedby pulsed electrodeposition [4.4].

One advantage of the electrochemical depositiontechnique is the possibility of fabricating multilayeredstructures within nanowires. By varying the cathodic po-tentials in the electrolyte, which contains two differentkinds of ions, different metal layers can be controllablydeposited. Co/Cu multilayered nanowires have beensynthesized in this way [4.73, 84]. Figure 4.4 showsTEM images of a single Co/Cu nanowire which isabout 40 nm in diameter [4.84]. The light bands rep-resent Co-rich regions and the dark bands representCu-rich layers. This electrodeposition method provides

a low-cost approach to preparing multilayered 1-Dnanostructures.

Vapor DepositionVapor deposition of nanowires includes physical va-por deposition (PVD) [4.8], chemical vapor deposition(CVD) [4.29], and metallo-organic chemical vapordeposition (MOCVD) [4.32]. Like electrochemicaldeposition, vapor deposition is usually capable ofpreparing smaller-diameter (≤ 20 nm) nanowires thanpressure injection methods, since it does not rely on thehigh pressure and the surface tension involved to insertthe material into the pores.

In the physical vapor deposition technique, the ma-terial to be filled is first heated to produce a vapor, whichis then introduced through the pores of the template andcooled to solidify. Using a specially designed experi-mental set-up [4.8], nearly single-crystal Bi nanowiresin anodic aluminium templates with pore diameters assmall as 7 nm have been synthesized, and these Binanowires were found to possess a preferred crystalgrowth orientation along the wire axis, similar to theBi nanowires prepared by pressure injection [4.8, 13].

Compound materials that result from two reactinggases have also be prepared by the chemical vapor de-position (CVD) technique. For example, single-crystalGaN nanowires have been synthesized in anodic alu-mina templates through a gas reaction of Ga2O vaporwith a flowing ammonia atmosphere [4.28,29]. A differ-ent liquid/gas phase approach has been used to preparepolycrystalline GaAs and InAs nanowires in a nanochan-nel glass array [4.32]. In this method, the nanochannelsare filled with one liquid precursor (such as Me3Ga orEt3In) via a capillary effect and the nanowires are formedwithin the template by reactions between the liquidprecursor and the other gas reactant (such as AsH3).

4.1.2 VLS Method for Nanowire Synthesis

Some of the recent successful syntheses of semi-conductor nanowires are based on the so-calledvapor-liquid-solid (VLS) mechanism of anisotropiccrystal growth. This mechanism was first proposed forthe growth of single crystal silicon whiskers 100 nm tohundreds of microns in diameter [4.88]. The proposedgrowth mechanism (see Fig. 4.5) involves the absorptionof source material from the gas phase into a liquid dropletof catalyst (a molten particle of gold on a silicon sub-strate in the original work [4.88]). Upon supersaturationof the liquid alloy, a nucleation event generates a solidprecipitate of the source material. This seed serves as



Nanowires 4.1 Synthesis 119

a preferred site for further deposition of material at theinterface of the liquid droplet, promoting the elongationof the seed into a nanowire or a whisker, and suppress-ing further nucleation events on the same catalyst. Sincethe liquid droplet catalyzes the incorporation of materialfrom the gas source to the growing crystal, the depositgrows anisotropically as a whisker whose diameter isdictated by the diameter of the liquid alloy droplet. Thenanowires thus obtained are of high purity, except for theend containing the solidified catalyst as an alloy particle(see Figs. 4.5 and 4.6a). Real-time observations of thealloying, nucleation, and elongation steps in the growthof germanium nanowires from gold nanoclusters by theVLS method were recorded by in situ TEM [4.89].

Reduction of the average wire diameter to thenanometer scale requires the generation of nanosizedcatalyst droplets. However, due to the balance betweenthe liquid-vapor surface free energy and the free energyof condensation, the size of a liquid droplet, in equilib-rium with its vapor, is usually limited to the micrometerrange. This obstacle has been overcome in recent yearsby several new methodologies. (1) Advances in the syn-thesis of metal nanoclusters have made monodispersednanoparticles commercially available. These can be dis-persed on a solid substrate in high dilution so that whenthe temperature is raised above the melting point, the li-quid clusters do not aggregate [4.47]. (2) Alternatively,metal islands of nanoscale sizes can self-form whena strained thin layer is grown or heat-treated on a non-epitaxial substrate [4.34]. (3) Laser-assisted catalyticVLS growth is a method used to generate nanowiresunder non-equilibrium conditions. Using laser ablationof a target containing both the catalyst and the sourcematerials, a plasma is generated from which catalystnanoclusters nucleate as the plasma cools down. Single

100 nm 10 nm




a) b) c)

Fig. 4.6 (a) TEM images of Si nanowires produced after laser-ablating a Si0.9Fe0.1 target. The dark spheres with a slightlylarger diameter than the wires are solidified catalyst clusters [4.48]. (b) Diffraction contrast TEM image of a Si nanowire.The crystalline Si core appears darker than the amorphous oxide surface layer. The inset shows the convergent beamelectron diffraction pattern recorded perpendicular to the wire axis, confirming the nanowire crystallinity [4.48]. (c) STEMimage of Si/Si1−xGex superlattice nanowires in the bright field mode. The scale bar is 500 nm [4.90]

Si/Metalcatalyst (liquid)

Si vapor


Si vaporSi/Metalcatalyst (liquid)

Si (solid)

Fig. 4.5 Schematic diagram illustrating the growth of siliconnanowires by the VLS mechanism

crystal nanowires grow as long as the particle remains li-quid [4.48]. (4) Interestingly, by optimizing the materialproperties of the catalyst-nanowire system, conditionscan be achieved for which nanocrystals nucleate ina liquid catalyst pool supersaturated with the nanowirematerial, migrate to the surface due to a large surface ten-sion, and continue growing as nanowires perpendicularto the liquid surface [4.50]. In this case, supersatu-rated nanodroplets are sustained on the outer end ofthe nanowire due to the low solubility of the nanowirematerial in the liquid [4.91].

A wide variety of elemental, binary and compoundsemiconductor nanowires has been synthesized via theVLS method, and relatively good control over thenanowire diameter and diameter distribution has beenachieved. Researchers are currently focusing their at-tention on the controlled variation of the materialsproperties along the nanowire axis. In this context,researchers have modified the VLS synthesis appara-tus to generate compositionally-modulated nanowires.GaAs/GaP-modulated nanowires have been synthesizedby alternately ablating targets of the corresponding ma-



120 Part A Nanostructures, Micro/Nanofabrication and Materials

terials in the presence of gold nanoparticles [4.92].p-Si/n-Si nanowires were grown by chemical vapor de-position from alternating gaseous mixtures containingthe appropriate dopant [4.92]. Si/Si1−xGex nanowireswere grown by combining silicon from a gaseoussource with germanium from a periodically ablatedtarget (see Fig. 4.6c) [4.90]. NiSi−Si nanowires havebeen successfully synthesized which directly incorpo-rate a nanowire metal contact into active nanowiredevices [4.93]. Finally, using an ultrahigh vacuum cham-ber and molecular beams, InAs/InP nanowires withatomically sharp interfaces were obtained [4.94]. Thesecompositionally-modulated nanowires are expected toexhibit exciting electronic, photonic, and thermoelectricproperties.

Interestingly, silicon and germanium nanowiresgrown by the VLS method consist of a crystalline corecoated with a relatively thick amorphous oxide layer(2–3 nm) (see Fig. 4.6b). These layers are too thick tobe the result of ambient oxidation, and it has been shownthat these oxides play an important role in the nanowiregrowth process [4.49, 95]. Silicon oxides were foundto serve as a special and highly selective catalyst thatsignificantly enhances the yield of Si nanowires with-out the need for metal catalyst particles [4.49, 95, 96].A similar yield enhancement was also found in thesynthesis of Ge nanowires from the laser ablation ofGe powder mixed with GeO2 [4.35]. The Si and Genanowires produced from these metal-free targets gen-erally grow along the [112] crystal direction [4.97],and have the benefit that no catalyst clusters are foundon either ends of the nanowires. Based on these ob-servations and other TEM studies [4.35, 95, 97], anoxide-enhanced nanowire growth mechanism differ-ent from the classical VLS mechanism was proposed,where no metal catalyst is required during the laserablation-assisted synthesis [4.95]. It is postulated thatthe nanowire growth is dependent on the presence ofSiO (or GeO) vapor, which decomposes in the nanowiretip region into both Si (or Ge), which is incorporatedinto the crystalline phase, and SiO2 (or GeO2), whichcontributes to the outer coating. The initial nucleationevents generate oxide-coated spherical nanocrystals.The [112] crystal faces have the fastest growth rate,and therefore the nanocrystals soon begin elongatingalong this direction to form one-dimensional structures.The SimO or GemO (m > 1) layer on the nanowire tipsmay be in or at temperatures near their molten states,catalyzing the incorporation of gas molecules in a direc-tional fashion [4.97]. Besides nanowires with smoothwalls, a second morphology of chains of unoriented

100 nm

Fig. 4.7 TEM image showing the two major morpholo-gies of Si nanowires prepared by the oxide-assisted growthmethod [4.95]. Notice the absence of metal particles whencompared to Fig. 4.6a. The arrow points at an oxide-linkedchain of Si nanoparticles

nanocrystals linked by oxide necks is frequently ob-served (indicated by an arrow in Fig. 4.7). In addition,it was found by STM studies that about 1% of thewires consist of a regular array of two alternating seg-ments, 10 nm and 5 nm in length, respectively [4.98].The segments, whose junctions form an angle of 30◦,are probably a result of alternating growth along differ-ent crystallographic orientations [4.98]. Branched andhyperbranched Si nanowire structures have also beensynthesized by Whang et al. [4.99].

4.1.3 Other Synthesis Methods

In this section we review several other general pro-cedures available for the synthesis of a variety ofnanowires. We focus on “bottom-up” approaches, whichafford many kinds of nanowires in large numbers, anddo not require highly sophisticated equipment (suchas scanning microscopy or lithography-based methods),and exclude cases for which the nanowires are not self-sustained (such as in the case of atomic rows on thesurface of crystals).

A solution-phase synthesis of nanowires with con-trollable diameters has been demonstrated [4.45, 100],without the use of templates, catalysts, or surfactants.Instead, Gates et al. make use of the anisotropy of



Nanowires 4.1 Synthesis 121

the crystal structure of trigonal selenium and tellurium,which can be viewed as rows of 1-D helical atomicchains. Their approach is based on the mass transfer ofatoms during an aging step from a high free-energy solidphase (e.g., amorphous selenium) to a seed (e.g., trigo-nal selenium nanocrystal) which grows preferentiallyalong one crystallographic axis. The lateral dimen-sion of the seed, which dictates the diameter of thenanowire, can be controlled by the temperature of thenucleation step. Furthermore, Se/Te alloy nanowireswere synthesized by this method, and Ag2Se compoundnanowires were obtained by treating selenium nanowireswith AgNO3 [4.101–103]. In a separate work, telluriumnanowires were transformed into Bi2Te3 nanowires bytheir reaction with BiPh3 [4.104].

More often, however, the use of surfactants isnecessary to promote the anisotropic 1-D growth ofnanocrystals. Solution phase synthetic routes have beenoptimized to produce monodispersed quantum dots,(zero-dimensional isotropic nanocrystals) [4.106]. Sur-factants are necessary in this case to stabilize theinterfaces of the nanoparticles and to retard oxidationand aggregation processes. Detailed studies on the effectof growth conditions revealed that they can be manipu-lated to induce a directional growth of the nanocrystals,usually generating nanorods (aspect ratio of ≈ 10), andin favorable cases, nanowires with high aspect ratios.Heath and LeGoues synthesized germanium nanowiresby reducing a mixture of GeCl4 and phenyl-GeCl3 athigh temperature and high pressure. The phenyl lig-and was essential for the formation of high aspect rationanowires [4.33]. In growing CdSe nanorods [4.20],Alivisatos et al. used a mixture of two surfactants,whose concentration ratio influenced the structure of thenanocrystal. It is believed that different surfactants havedifferent affinities, and different absorption rates, for thedifferent crystal faces of CdSe, thereby regulating thegrowth rates of these faces. In the liquid phase synthe-sis of Bi nanowires, the additive NaN(SiMe3)2 inducesthe growth of nanowires oriented along the [110] crystaldirection from small bismuth seed clusters, while watersolely retarded the growth along the [001] direction, in-ducing the growth of hexagonal-plate particles [4.104].A coordinating alkyl-diamine solvent was used togrow polycrystalline PbSe nanowires at low temper-atures [4.42]. Here, the surfactant-induced directionalgrowth is believed to occur through to the formation oforganometallic complexes in which the bidentate lig-and assumes the equatorial positions, thus hindering theions from approaching each other in this plane. Addi-tionally, the alkyl-diamine molecules coat the external

surface of the wire, preventing lateral growth. The as-pect ratio of the wires increased as the temperature waslowered in the range 10 ◦C < T < 117 ◦C. Ethylenedi-amine was used to grow CdS nanowires and tetrapodsby a solvo-thermal recrystallization process starting withCdS nanocrystals or amorphous particles [4.17]. Whilethe coordinating solvent was crucial for the nanowiregrowth, its role in the shape and phase control was notclarified.

Stress-induced crystalline bismuth nanowires havebeen grown from sputtered films of layers of Bi andCrN. The nanowires presumably grow from defects andcleavage fractures in the film, and are up to several mil-limeters in length with diameters ranging from 30 to200 nm [4.7]. While the exploration of this technique hasonly begun, stress-induced unidirectional growth shouldbe applicable to a variety of composite films.

Selective electrodeposition along the step edges inhighly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) was used


Elektrodepositionof MoO2 nanowires

Reduction to Mo° in H2at 500 °C for ≈ 1h

Cast poly(styrene) film

Lift-off of embeddedMo° nanowires


Fig. 4.8 Schematic of the electrodeposition step edge dec-oration of HOPG (highly oriented pyrolytic graphite) forthe synthesis of molybdenum nanowires [4.38, 105]



122 Part A Nanostructures, Micro/Nanofabrication and Materials

to obtain MoO2 nanowires as shown in Fig. 4.8. Thesite-selectivity was achieved by applying a low over-potential to the electrochemical cell in which the HOPGserved as cathode, thus minimizing the nucleationevents on less favorable sites (plateaux). While thesenanowires cannot be removed from the substrate, theycan be reduced to metallic molybdenum nanowires,which can then be released as free-standing nanowires.Other metallic nanowires were also obtained by thismethod [4.38, 105]. In contrast to the template syn-thesis approaches described above, in this method thesubstrate only defines the position and orientation ofthe nanowire, not its diameter. In this context, othersurface morphologies, such as self-assembled groovesin etched crystal planes, have been used to generatenanowire arrays via gas-phase shadow deposition (forexample: Fe nanowires on (110)NaCl [4.27]). The cross-section of artificially prepared superlattice structures hasalso been used for site-selective deposition of paralleland closely spaced nanowires [4.107]. Nanowires pre-pared on the above-mentioned substrates would havesemicircular, rectangular, or other unconventional cross-sectional shapes.

4.1.4 Hierarchical Arrangementand Superstructures of Nanowires

Ordering nanowires into useful structures is anotherchallenge that needs to be addressed in order to har-ness the full potential of nanowires for applications. Wewill first review examples of nanowires with nontrivialstructures, and then proceed to describe methods usedto create assemblies of nanowires of a predeterminedstructure.

We mentioned in Sect. 4.1.2 that the preparation ofnanowires with a graded composition or with a super-lattice structure along their main axis was demonstratedby controlling the gas phase chemistry as a function oftime during the growth of the nanowires by the VLSmethod. Control of the composition along the axial di-

a) b) c) d)

Fig. 4.9a–d SEM images of (a) sixfold- (b) fourfold- and (c) twofold-symmetry nanobrushes made of an In2O3 core andZnO nanowire brushes [4.108], and of (d) ZnO nanonails [4.109]

mension was also demonstrated by a template-assistedmethod, for example by the consecutive electrochem-ical deposition of different metals in the pores of analumina template [4.110]. Alternatively, the composi-tion can be varied along the radial dimension of thenanowire, for example by first growing a nanowire bythe VLS method and then switching the synthesis con-ditions to grow a different material on the surface ofthe nanowire by CVD. This technique was demon-strated for the synthesis of Si/Ge and Ge/Si coaxial(or core-shell) nanowires [4.111], and it was shownthat the outer shell can be formed epitaxially on theinner core by a thermal annealing process. Han et al.demonstrated the versatility of MgO nanowire arraysgrown by the VLS method as templates for the PLDdeposition of oxide coatings to yield MgO/YBCO,MgO/LCMO, MgO/PZT and MgO/Fe3O4 core/shellnanowires, all exhibiting epitaxial growth of the shellon the MgO core [4.37]. A different approach wasadopted by Wang et al. who generated a mixtureof coaxial and biaxial SiC−SiOx nanowires by thecatalyst-free high-temperature reaction of amorphoussilica and a carbon/graphite mixture [4.112].

A different category of nontrivial nanowires is thatof nanowires with a nonlinear structure, resulting frommultiple one-dimensional growth steps. Members ofthis category are tetrapods, which were mentioned inthe context of the liquid phase synthesis (Sect. 4.1.3).In this process, a tetrahedral quantum dot core is firstgrown, and then the conditions are modified to induceone-dimensional growth of a nanowire from each one ofthe facets of the tetrahedron. A similar process producedhigh-symmetry In2O3/ZnO hierarchical nanostructures.From a mixture of heat-treated In2O3, ZnO, and graphitepowders, faceted In2O3 nanowires were first obtained,on which oriented shorter ZnO nanowires were crys-tallized [4.108]. Brush-like structures were obtained asa mixture of 11 structures of different symmetries. Forexample, two, four, or six rows of ZnO nanorods couldbe found on different core nanowires, depending on the



Nanowires 4.1 Synthesis 123



100 nm

Fig. 4.10 A TEM image of a smectic phase of a BaCrO4

nanorod film (left inset) achieved by the Langmuir–Blodgett technique, as depicted by the illustration [4.113]

crystallographic orientation of the main axis of the corenanowire, as shown in Fig. 4.9. Comb-like structuresmade entirely of ZnO were also reported [4.54].

Controlling the position of a nanowire in the growthprocess is important for preparing devices or test struc-tures containing nanowires, especially when it involvesa large array of nanowires. Post-synthesis methods toalign and position nanowires include microfluidic chan-nels [4.114], Langmuir–Blodgett assemblies [4.113],and electric field-assisted assembly [4.115]. The firstmethod involves the orientation of the nanowires bythe liquid flow direction when a nanowire solution isinjected into a microfluidic channel assembly and bythe interaction of the nanowires with the side walls ofthe channel. The second method involves the alignmentof nanowires at a liquid–gas or liquid–liquid inter-face by the application of compressive forces on theinterface (see Fig. 4.10). The aligned nanowire filmscan then be transferred onto a substrate and lithog-raphy methods can be used to define interconnects.This allows the nanowires to be organized with a con-trolled alignment and spacing over large areas. Usingthis method, centimeter-scale arrays containing thou-sands of single silicon nanowire field-effect transistorswith high performance could be assembled to makelarge-scale nanowire circuits and devices [4.99, 116].

The third technique is based on dielectrophoretic forcesthat pull polarizable nanowires toward regions of highfield strength. The nanowires align between two iso-lated electrodes which are capacitatively coupled toa pair of buried electrodes biased with an AC volt-age. Once a nanowire shorts the electrodes, the electricfield is eliminated, preventing more nanowires from de-positing. The above techniques have been successfullyused to prepare electronic circuitry and optical devicesout of nanowires (see Sects. 4.3.1 and 4.3.3). Alter-natively, alignment and positioning of the nanowirescan be specified and controlled during their growth bythe proper design of the synthesis method. For exam-ple, ZnO nanowires prepared by the VLS method weregrown into an array in which both their position onthe substrate and their growth direction and orienta-tion were controlled [4.54]. The nanowire growth regionwas defined by patterning the gold film, which servesas a catalyst for the ZnO nanowire growth, employingsoft-lithography, e-beam lithography, or photolithogra-phy. The orientation of the nanowires was achieved byselecting a substrate with a lattice structure matchingthat of the nanowire material to facilitate the epitaxialgrowth. These conditions result in an array of nanowireposts at predetermined positions, all vertically alignedwith the same crystal growth orientation (see Fig. 4.11).Similar rational GaN nanowire arrays have been syn-thesized epitaxially on (100) − LiAlO2 and (111) MgOsingle-crystal substrates. In addition, control over thecrystallographic growth directions of nanowires wasachieved by lattice-matching to different substrates. Forexample, GaN nanowires on (100) LiAlO2 substratesgrow oriented along the [110] direction, whereas (111)MgO substrates result in the growth of GaN nanowireswith an [001] orientation, due to the different lattice-matching constraints [4.117]. A similar structure couldbe obtained by the template-mediated electrochemicalsynthesis of nanowires (see Sect. 4.1.1), particularly ifanodic alumina with its parallel and ordered channelsis used. The control over the location of the nucleationof nanowires in the electrochemical deposition is de-termined by the pore positions and the back-electrodegeometry. The pore positions can be precisely controlledby imprint lithography [4.118]. By growing the tem-plate on a patterned conductive substrate that servesas a back-electrode [4.119–121] different materials canbe deposited in the pores at different regions of thetemplate.



124 Part A Nanostructures, Micro/Nanofabrication and Materials

4.2 Characterization and Physical Properties of Nanowires

In this section we review the structure and propertiesof nanowires and their interrelationship. The discov-ery and investigation of nanostructures were spurred onby advances in various characterization and microscopytechniques that enabled material characterization to takeplace at smaller and smaller length scales, reachinglength scales down to individual atoms. For applications,characterizing the structural properties of nanowires isespecially important, so that a reproducible relationshipbetween their desired functionality and their geometricaland structural characteristics can be established. Due tothe enhanced surface-to-volume ratio in nanowires, theirproperties may depend sensitively on their surface con-ditions and geometrical configurations. Even nanowiresmade of the same material may possess dissimilar prop-erties due to differences in their crystal phase, crystallinesize, surface conditions, and aspect ratios, which dependon the synthesis methods and conditions used in theirpreparation.

4.2.1 Structural Characterization

Structural and geometric factors play an important rolein determining the various attributes of nanowires, suchas their electrical, optical and magnetic properties.Therefore, various novel tools have been developed andemployed to obtain this important structural informationat the nanoscale. At the micron scale, optical techniquesare extensively used for imaging structural features.Since the sizes of nanowires are usually comparable toor, in most cases, much smaller than the wavelength ofvisible light, traditional optical microscopy techniquesare usually limited when characterizing the morphology

a) b)

100 nm1 μm1 μm


Fig. 4.11a–c SEM images of ZnO nanowire arrays grown on a sapphire substrate, where (a) shows patterned growth,(b) shows a higher resolution image of the parallel alignment of the nanowires, and (c) shows the faceted side-walls andthe hexagonal cross-section of the nanowires. For nanowire growth, the sapphire substrates were coated with a 1.0 to3.5 nm-thick patterned layer of Au as the catalyst, using a TEM grid as the shadow mask. These nanowires have beenused for nanowire laser applications [4.122]

and surface features of nanowires. Therefore, electronmicroscopy techniques play a more dominant role at thenanoscale. Since electrons interact more strongly thanphotons, electron microscopy is particularly sensitiverelative to X-rays for the analysis of tiny samples.

In this section we review and give examples of howscanning electron microscopy, transmission electron mi-croscopy, scanning probe spectroscopies, and diffractiontechniques are used to characterize the structures ofnanowires. To provide the necessary basis for developingreliable structure–property relations, multiple character-ization tools are applied to the same samples.

Scanning Electron MicroscopySEM usually produces images down to length scalesof ≈ 10 nm and provides valuable information regard-ing the structural arrangement, spatial distribution, wiredensity, and geometrical features of the nanowires. Theexamples of SEM micrographs shown in Figs. 4.1 and4.3 indicate that structural features at the 10 nm to10 μm length scales can be probed, providing infor-mation on the size, size distribution, shapes, spatialdistributions, density, nanowire alignment, filling fac-tors, granularity, etc.. As another example, Fig. 4.11ashows an SEM image of ZnO nanowire arrays grownon a sapphire substrate [4.122], which provides evi-dence for the nonuniform spatial distribution of thenanowires on the substrate, which was attained by pat-terning the catalyst film to define high-density growthregions and nanowire-free regions. Figure 4.11b, show-ing a higher magnification of the same system, indicatesthat these ZnO nanowires grow perpendicular to thesubstrate, are well-aligned with approximately equal



Nanowires 4.2 Characterization and Physical Properties of Nanowires 125

2 μm

Fig. 4.12 SEM image of GaN nanowires in a mat arrange-ment synthesized by laser-assisted catalytic growth. Thenanowires have diameters and lengths on the order of 10 nmand 10 μm, respectively [4.30]

wire lengths, and have wire diameters in the range20 ≤ dW ≤ 150 nm. The SEM micrograph in Fig. 4.11c

a) b)

100 nm 100 nm

50 nm 300 nmc) d)Fig. 4.13a–d TEM morphologies offour special forms of Si nanowiressynthesized by the laser ablation ofa Si powder target. (a) A spring-shaped Si nanowire; (b) fishbone-shaped (indicated by a solid arrow)and frogs egg-shaped (indicated bya hollow arrow) Si nanowires; and(c) pearl-shaped nanowires, while(d) shows poly-sites for the nucleationof silicon nanowires (indicated byarrows) [4.123]

provides further information about the surface ofthe nanowires, showing it to be well-faceted, form-ing a hexagonal cross-section, indicative of nanowiregrowth along the 〈0001〉 direction. Both the unifor-mity of the nanowire size, their alignment perpendicularto the substrate, and their uniform growth direction,as suggested by the SEM data, are linked to thegood epitaxial interface between the (0001) plane ofthe ZnO nanowire and the (110) plane of the sap-phire substrate. (The crystal structures of ZnO andsapphire are essentially incommensurate, with the ex-ception that the a-axis of ZnO and the c-axis ofsapphire are related almost exactly by a factor of 4,with a mismatch of less than 0.08% at room tem-perature [4.122].) The well-faceted nature of thesenanowires has important implications for their lasingaction (see Sect. 4.3.2). Figure 4.12 shows an SEM im-age of GaN nanowires synthesized by a laser-assistedcatalytic growth method [4.30], indicating a randomspatial orientation of the nanowire axes and a widediameter distribution for these nanowires, in contrastto the ZnO wires in Fig. 4.11 and to arrays of well-aligned nanowires prepared by template-assisted growth(see Fig. 4.3).



126 Part A Nanostructures, Micro/Nanofabrication and Materials

Transmission Electron MicroscopyTEM and high-resolution transmission electron mi-croscopy (HRTEM) are powerful imaging tools forstudying nanowires at the atomic scale, and they usu-ally provide more detailed geometrical features than areseen in SEM images. TEM studies also yield informa-tion regarding the crystal structure, crystal quality, grainsize, and crystal orientation of the nanowire axis. Whenoperating in the diffraction mode, selected area electrondiffraction (SAED) patterns can be made to determinethe crystal structures of nanowires. As an example, theTEM images in Fig. 4.13 show four different morpholo-gies for Si nanowires prepared by the laser ablationof a Si target [4.123]: (a) spring-shaped; (b) fishbone-shaped (indicated by solid arrow) and frogs egg-shaped(indicated by the hollow arrow), (c) pearl-shaped, while(d) shows the poly-sites of nanowire nucleation. Thecrystal quality of nanowires is revealed from high-resolution TEM images with atomic resolution, alongwith selected area electron diffraction (SAED) patterns.For example, Fig. 4.14 shows a TEM image of one of theGaN nanowires from Fig. 4.12, indicating single crys-tallinity and showing (100) lattice planes, thus indicating

5 nm



100010 110







Fig. 4.14 Lattice-resolved high-resolution TEM image ofone GaN nanowire (left) showing that (100) lattice planesare visible perpendicular to the wire axis. The electrondiffraction pattern (top right) was recorded along the [001]zone axis. A lattice-resolved TEM image (lower right)highlights the continuity of the lattice up to the nanowireedge, where a thin native oxide layer is found. The direc-tions of various crystallographic planes are indicated in thelower right figure [4.30]

the growth direction of the nanowire. This information issupplemented by the corresponding electron diffractionpattern in the upper right. A more comprehensive reviewof the application of TEM for growth orientation index-ing and crystal defect characterization in nanowires isavailable elsewhere [4.124].

The high resolution of the TEM also permits thesurface structures of the nanowires to be studied. Inmany cases, the nanowires are sheathed with a nativeoxide layer, or an amorphous oxide layer that forms dur-ing the growth process. This can be seen in Fig. 4.6bfor silicon nanowires and in Fig. 4.15 for germaniumnanowires [4.35], showing a mass-thickness contrastTEM image and a selected-area electron diffraction pat-tern of a Ge nanowire. The main TEM image shows thatthese Ge nanowires possess an amorphous GeO2 sheathwith a crystalline Ge core that is oriented in the [211]direction.

Dynamical processes of the surface layer ofnanowires can be studied in-situ using an environmen-tal TEM chamber, which allows TEM observations tobe made while different gases are introduced or as thesample is heat-treated at various temperatures, as illus-trated in Fig. 4.16. The figure shows high-resolutionTEM images of a Bi nanowire with an oxide coat-ing and the effect of a dynamic oxide removal process

100 nm






Ge GeO






Fig. 4.15 A mass-thickness contrast TEM image of a Genanowire taken along the [01̄1] zone axis and a selected-area electron diffraction pattern (upper left inset) [4.35].The Ge nanowires were synthesized by laser ablation ofa mixture of Ge and GeO2 powder. The core of the Genanowire is crystalline, while the surface GeO2 is amor-phous



Nanowires 4.2 Characterization and Physical Properties of Nanowires 127

carried out within the environmental chamber of theTEM [4.125]. The amorphous bismuth-oxide layer coat-ing the nanowire (Fig. 4.16a) is removed by exposure tohydrogen gas within the environmental chamber of theTEM, as indicated in Fig. 4.16b.

By coupling the powerful imaging capabilities ofTEM with other characterization tools, such as an elec-tron energy loss spectrometer (EELS) or an energydispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS) within the TEMinstrument, additional properties of the nanowires canbe probed with high spatial resolution. With the EELStechnique, the energy and momentum of the incidentand scattered electrons are measured in an inelasticelectron scattering process to provide information onthe energy and momentum of the excitations in thenanowire sample. Figure 4.17 shows the dependenceon nanowire diameter of the electron energy loss spec-tra of Bi nanowires. The spectra were taken from thecenter of the nanowire, and the shift in the energyof the peak position (Fig. 4.17) indicates the effect ofthe nanowire diameter on the plasmon frequency inthe nanowires. The results show that there are changesin the electronic structure of the Bi nanowires as thewire diameter decreases [4.126]. Such changes in elec-tronic structure as a function of nanowire diameter arealso observed in their transport (Sect. 4.2.2) and opti-cal (Sect. 4.2.3) properties, and are related to quantumconfinement effects.

EDS measures the energy and intensity distributionof X-rays generated by the impact of the electron beamon the surface of the sample. The elemental composi-tion within the probed area can be determined to a highdegree of precision. The technique was particularlyuseful for the compositional characterization of superlat-tice nanowires [4.90] and core-shell nanowires [4.111](see Sect. 4.1.2).

Scanning Tunneling ProbesSeveral scanning probe techniques, such as scan-ning tunneling microscopy (STM) [4.127], electricfield gradient microscopy (EFM) [4.13], magnetic fieldmicroscopy (MFM) [4.40], and scanning thermal mi-croscopy (SThM) [4.128], combined with atomic forcemicroscopy (AFM), have been employed to study thestructural, electronic, magnetic, and thermal propertiesof nanowires. A scanning tunneling microscope can beemployed to reveal both topographical structural infor-mation, such as that illustrated in Fig. 4.18, as well asinformation on the local electronic density of states ofa nanowire, when used in the STS (scanning tunnelingspectroscopy) mode. Figure 4.18 shows STM height im-


Before After H2 annealing at 130 °C for 6 h

Fig. 4.16 High-resolution transmission electron microscope(HRTEM) image of a Bi nanowire (left) before and (right) afterannealing in hydrogen gas at 130 ◦C for six hours within the envi-ronmental chamber of the HRTEM instrument to remove the oxidesurface layer [4.125]

ages (taken in the constant current STM mode) of MoSemolecular wires deposited from a methanol or acetoni-trile solution of Li2Mo6Se6 onto Au substrates. TheSTM image of a single MoSe wire (Fig. 4.18a) exhibitsa 0.45 nm lattice repeat distance in a MoSe molecu-lar wire. When both STM and STS measurements aremade on the same sample, the electronic and structural

Energy loss (eV)8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

35 nm

60 nm

90 nm

Intensity (arb. units)

Fig. 4.17 Electron energy loss spectra (EELS) taken fromthe centers of bismuth nanowires with diameters of 35,60 and 90 nm. The shift in the volume plasmon peaksis due to the effect of wire diameter on the electronicstructure [4.126]



128 Part A Nanostructures, Micro/Nanofabrication and Materials

properties can be correlated, as for example in the jointSTM/STS studies on Si nanowires [4.98], showing al-ternating segments of a single nanowire identified withgrowth along the [110] and [112] directions, and differ-ent I–V characteristics measured for the [110] segmentsas compared with the [112] segments.

Magnetic field microscopy (MFM) has been em-ployed to study magnetic polarization of magneticnanowires embedded in an insulating template, such asan anodic alumina template. For example, Fig. 4.19ashows the topographic image of an anodic aluminatemplate filled with Ni nanowires, and Fig. 4.19b demon-strates the corresponding magnetic polarization of eachnanowire in the template. This micrograph shows thata magnetic field microscopy probe can distinguish be-tween spin-up and spin-down nanowires in the nanowirearray, thereby providing a method for measuring inter-wire magnetic dipolar interactions [4.40].



c) d)

Fig. 4.18a–d STM height images, obtained in the constantcurrent mode, of MoSe chains deposited on an Au(111)substrate. (a) A single chain image, and (b) a MoSe wirebundle. (c) and (d) are images of MoSe wire fragmentscontaining five and three unit cells, respectively [4.127].The scale bars are all 1 nm

X-Ray AnalysisOther characterization techniques that are commonlyused to study the crystal structures and chemical com-positions of nanowires include X-ray diffraction andX-ray energy dispersion analysis (EDAX). The peakpositions in the X-ray diffraction pattern can be usedto determined the chemical composition and the crystalphase structure of the nanowires. For example, Fig. 4.2shows that Bi nanowires have the same crystal structureand lattice constants as bulk bismuth. Both the X-raydiffraction pattern (XRD) for an array of aligned Binanowires (Fig. 4.2) and the SAED pattern for individ-ual Bi nanowires [4.13] suggest that the nanowires havea common axis of nanowire alignment.

As another example of an XRD pattern for an arrayof aligned nanowires, Fig. 4.20 shows the X-ray diffrac-tion pattern of the ZnO nanowires that are displayedin Fig. 4.11. Only (00) diffraction peaks are observedfor these aligned ZnO nanowires, indicating that theirpreferred growth direction is (001) along the wire axis.Similarly, XRD was used to confirm the different growthdirections of GaN nanowire array grown epitaxially on(100) LiAlO2 and (111) MgO substartes [4.117]

EDAX has been used to determine the chemical com-positions and stoichiometries of compound nanowiresor impurity contents in nanowires. However, the resultsfrom EDAX analysis should be interpreted carefully toavoid systematic errors.

4.2.2 Mechanical Properties

Thermal StabilityDue to the large surface area-to-volume ratio innanowires and other nanoparticles, the thermal stabil-ity of nanowires is anticipated to differ significantlyfrom that of the bulk material. Theoretical studies ofmaterials in confined geometries show that the melt-ing point of the material is reduced in nanostructures,as is the latent heat of fusion, and that large hysteresiscan be observed in melting–freezing cycles. These phe-nomena have been studied experimentally in three typesof nanowire systems: porous matrices impregnated witha plurality of nanowires, individual nanowires sheathedby a thin coating, and individual nanowires.

The melting freezing of matrix-supported nanowirescan be studied by differential scanning calorimetry(DSC), since large volumes of samples can thus be pro-duced. Huber et al. investigated the melting of indium inporous silica glasses with mean pore diameters rangingfrom 6 to 141 nm [4.129]. The melting point of the pore-confined indium shows a linear dependence on inverse



Nanowires 4.2 Characterization and Physical Properties of Nanowires 129

0 μm 1.25 μm 2.5 μm

0 μm

1.25 μm

2.5 μm0 μm 1.25 μm 2.5 μm

a) b)Fig. 4.19 (a) Topographic image ofa highly-ordered porous aluminatemplate with a period of 100 nmfilled with 35 nm diameter nickelnanowires. (b) The correspondingMFM (magnetic force microscope)image of the nanomagnet array, show-ing that the pillars are magnetizedalternately “up” (white) and “down”(black) [4.40]

30 40 50 60 2θ (°)70 80 90

Intensity (arb. units)



Al2O3(110) Al2O3(220)

Fig. 4.20 X-ray diffraction pattern of aligned ZnOnanowires (see Fig. 4.11) grown on a sapphire sub-strate. Only [00] diffraction peaks are observed for thenanowires, owing to their well-oriented growth orienta-tion. Strong diffraction peaks for the sapphire substrate arefound [4.122]

pore diameter, with a maximum melting point depres-sion of 50 ◦C. They also recorded a 6 ◦C difference inthe melting temperature and the freezing temperature of12.8 nm diameter indium. The melting profile of thepore-confined indium in these samples is broader intemperature than for bulk indium, as expected for theheterogeneity in the pore diameter and in the indiumcrystal size aspect ratio within the samples.

Sheathed nanowires provide an opportunity tostudy the melting and recrystallization of individualnanowires. The shell layer surrounding the nanowireprovides confinement to keep the liquid phase within theinner cylindrical volume. However, the shell–nanowiresurface interaction should be taken into account when

analyzing the phase transition thermodynamics andkinetics. Yang et al. produced germanium nanowirescoated with a thin (1–5 nm) graphite sheath, by pyrol-ysis of organic molecules over VLS-grown nanowires,and followed the melting and recrystallization of the ger-manium by variable temperature TEM imaging [4.130].The melting of the nanowires was followed by thedisappearance of the electronic diffraction pattern. Itwas found that the nanowires began melting from theirends, with the melting front advancing towards the cen-ter of the nanowire as the temperature was increased.During the cool-down part of the cycle, the recrys-tallization of the nanowire occurred instantaneouslyfollowing significant supercooling. The authors reportboth the largest melting point suppression recorded thusfar for germanium (≈ 300 ◦C), and a large melting–recrystallization hysteresis of up to ≈ 300 ◦C. Similarly,carbon nanotubes have been filled with various low-temperature metals [4.131]. A nanothermometer hasbeen demonstrated using a 10 nm liquid gallium filled-carbon nanotube, showing an expansion coefficientthat is linear in temperature and identical to the bulkvalue [4.132].

A different behavior was observed in free-standingcopper nanowires [4.133]. In this system, there is lit-tle interaction between the nanowire surface and thesurroundings, and the nanowire is not confined in itsdiameter, as in the case of the sheathed nanowires. Ther-mal treatment of the free-standing nanowires leads totheir fragmentation into a linear array of metal spheres.Thinner nanowires were more vulnerable than thickernanowires to the thermal treatment, showing constric-tions and segmentation at lower temperatures. Analysisof the temperature response of the nanowires indicatesthat the nanowire segmentation is a result of the Rayleighinstability, starting with oscillatory perturbations of thenanowire diameter, leading to long cylindrical segments,



130 Part A Nanostructures, Micro/Nanofabrication and Materials

that become more separated and more spherical at highertemperatures. These observations indicate that anneal-ing and melting are dominated by the surface diffusionof atoms on the entire surface of the nanowire (versustip-initiated melting).

4.2.3 Transport Properties

The study of electrical transport properties of nanowiresis important for nanowire characterization, electronicdevice applications, and the investigation of unusualtransport phenomena arising from one-dimensionalquantum effects. Important factors that determine thetransport properties of nanowires include the wire diam-eter, (important for both classical and quantum sizeeffects), material composition, surface conditions, crys-tal quality, and the crystallographic orientation alongthe wire axis for materials with anisotropic material pa-rameters, such as the effective mass tensor, the Fermisurface, or the carrier mobility.

Electronic transport phenomena in low-dimensionalsystems can be roughly divided into two categories: bal-listic transport and diffusive transport. Ballistic transportphenomena occur when the electrons can travel acrossthe nanowire without any scattering. In this case, the con-duction is mainly determined by the contacts betweenthe nanowire and the external circuit, and the conduc-tance is quantized into an integral number of universalconductance units G0 = 2e2/h [4.134, 135]. Ballistictransport phenomena are usually observed in very shortquantum wires, such as those produced using mechan-ically controlled break junctions (MCBJ) [4.136, 137]where the electron mean free path is much longer thanthe wire length and the conduction is a pure quantumphenomenon. To observe ballistic transport, the thermalenergy must also obey the relation kBT � ε j − ε j−1,where ε j − ε j−1 is the energy separation between sub-band levels j and j −1. On the other hand, for nanowireswith lengths much larger than the carrier mean free path,the electrons (or holes) undergo numerous scatteringevents when they travel along the wire. In this case, thetransport is in the diffusive regime, and the conduction isdominated by carrier scattering within the wires, due tophonons (lattice vibrations), boundary scattering, latticeand other structural defects, and impurity atoms.

Conductance Quantizationin Metallic Nanowires

The ballistic transport of 1-D systems has been ex-tensively studied since the discovery of quantizedconductance in 1-D systems in 1988 [4.134, 135]. The

phenomena of conductance quantization occur when thediameter of the nanowire is comparable to the electronFermi wavelength, which is on the order of 0.5 nm formost metals [4.138]. Most conductance quantization ex-periments up to the present were performed by bringingtogether and separating two metal electrodes. As the twometal electrodes are slowly separated, a nanocontact isformed before it breaks completely (see Fig. 4.21a), andconductance in integral multiple values of G0 is ob-served through these nanocontacts. Figure 4.21b showsthe conductance histogram built with 18 000 contactbreakage curves between two gold electrodes at roomtemperature [4.139], with the electrode separation upto ≈ 1.8 nm. The conductance quantization behavior isfound to be independent of the contact material, and hasbeen observed in various metals, such as Au [4.139], Ag,Na, Cu [4.140], and Hg [4.141]. For semimetals such asBi, conductance quantization has also been observed forelectrode separations as long as 100 nm at 4 K becauseof the long Fermi wavelength (≈ 26 nm) [4.138], indi-cating that the conductance quantization may be due tothe existence of well-defined quantum states localizedat a constriction instead of resulting from the atom rear-rangement as the electrodes separate. Since conductancequantization is only observed in breaking contacts, or forvery narrow and very short nanowires, most nanowiresof practical interest (possessing lengths of several mi-crons) lie in the diffusive transport regime, where thecarrier scattering is significant and should be considered.

I–V Characterizationof Semiconducting Nanowires

The electronic transport behavior of nanowires may becategorized based on the relative magnitudes of threelength scales: carrier mean free path W, the de Brogliewavelength of electrons λe, and the wire diameter dW.For wire diameters much larger than the carrier meanfree path (dW W), the nanowires exhibit transportproperties similar to bulk materials, which are indepen-dent of the wire diameter, since the scattering due tothe wire boundary is negligible compared to other scat-tering mechanisms. For wire diameters comparable toor smaller than the carrier mean free path (dW ≈ Wor dW < W), but still much larger than the de Brogliewavelength of the electrons (dW λe), the transport innanowires is in the classical finite size regime, wherethe band structure of the nanowire is still similar to thatof bulk, while the scattering events at the wire bound-ary alter their transport behavior. For wire diameterscomparable to the electronic wavelength dW ≈ λe, theelectronic density of states is altered dramatically and



Nanowires 4.2 Characterization and Physical Properties of Nanowires 131

quantum sub-bands are formed due to the quantum con-finement effect at the wire boundary. In this regime, thetransport properties are further influenced by the changein the band structure. Therefore, transport properties fornanowires in the classical finite size and quantum sizeregimes are highly diameter-dependent.

Researchers have investigated the transport prop-erties of various semiconducting nanowires and havedemonstrated their potential for diverse electronic de-vices, such as for p-n diodes [4.142, 143], field effecttransistors [4.142], memory cells, and switches [4.144](see Sect. 4.3.1). So far, the nanowires studied in thiscontext have usually been made from conventionalsemiconducting materials, such as group IV and III–Vcompound semiconductors, via the VLS growth method(see Sect. 4.1.2), and their nanowire properties have beencompared to their well-established bulk properties. In-terestingly, the physical principles for describing bulksemiconductor devices also hold for devices based onthese semiconducting nanowires with wire diameters oftens of nanometers. For example, Fig. 4.22 shows thecurrent-voltage (I–V) behavior of a 4-by-1 crossed p-Si/n-GaN junction array at room temperature [4.142].The long horizontal wire in the figure is a p-Si nanowire(10–25 nm in diameter) and the four short vertical wiresare n-GaN nanowires (10–30 nm in diameter). Each ofthe four nanoscale cross points independently forms a p-n junction with current rectification behavior, as shownby the I–V curves in Fig. 4.22, and the junction behavior(for example the turn-on voltage) can be controlled byvarying the oxide coating on these nanowires [4.142].

Huang et al. have demonstrated nanowire junc-tion diodes with a high turn-on voltage (≈ 5 V) byincreasing the oxide thickness at the junctions. Thehigh turn-on voltage enables the use of the junction ina nanoscale FET, as shown in Fig. 4.23 [4.142] whereI–V data for a p-Si nanowire are presented, for whichthe n-GaN nanowire with a thick oxide coating is usedas a nanogate. By varying the nanogate voltage, theconductance of the p-Si nanowire can be changed bymore than a factor of 105 (lower curve in the inset),whereas the conductance changes by only a factor of 10when a global back-gate is used (top curve in the insetof Fig. 4.23). This behavior may be due to the thin gatedielectric between the crossed nanowires and the bettercontrol of the local carrier density through a nanogate.Based on the gate-dependent I–V data from these p-Sinanowires, it is found that the mobility of the holes inthe p-Si nanowires may be higher than that for bulk p-Si,although further investigation is required for completeunderstanding.







02.0 3.0 4.0

Conductance (2e2/h)

Au –AuGoldwires


a) b)

Fig. 4.21 (a) Schematic representation of the last stages of the con-tact breakage process [4.139]. (b) Histogram of conductance valuesbuilt with 18 000 gold contact breakage experiments in air at roomtemperature, showing conductance peaks at integral values of G0.In this experiment the gold electrodes approach and separate at89 000 Å/s [4.139]

Because of the enhanced surface-to-volume ra-tios of nanowires, their transport behavior may bemodified by changing their surface conditions. Forexample, researchers have found that by coating n-InP nanowires with a layer of redox molecules, suchas cobalt phthalocyanine, the conductance of the InP

Current (nA)

– 4Bias (V)





0– 2 0 2 4

Fig. 4.22 I–V behavior for a 4(p) by 1(n) crossed p-Si/n-GaN junction array shown in the inset. The four curvesrepresent the I–V response for each of the four junctions,showing similar current rectifying characteristics in eachcase. The length scale bar between the two middle junc-tions is 2 μm [4.142]. The p-Si and n-GaN nanowires are10–25 nm and 10–30 nm in diameter, respectively



132 Part A Nanostructures, Micro/Nanofabrication and Materials

nanowires may change by orders of magnitude upon al-tering the charge state of the redox molecules to providebistable nanoscale switches [4.144]. The resistance (orconductance) of some nanowires (such as Pd nanowires)is also very sensitive to the presence of certain gases(e.g., H2) [4.145,146], and this property may be utilizedfor sensor applications to provide improved sensitivitycompared to conventional sensors based on bulk material(see Sect. 4.3.4).

Although it remains unclear how the size effect mayinfluence the transport properties and device perfor-mance of semiconducting nanowires, many of the largerdiameter semiconducting nanowires are expected to bedescribed by classical physics, since their quantizationenergies �2/(2med2

W) are usually smaller than the ther-mal energy kBT . By comparing the quantization energywith the thermal energy, the critical wire diameter belowwhich quantum confinement effects become significantis estimated to be 1 nm for Si nanowires at room tem-perature, which is much smaller than the sizes of manyof the semiconducting nanowires that have been inves-tigated so far. By using material systems with muchsmaller effective carrier masses me (such as bismuth),the critical diameter for which such quantum effectscan be observed is increased, thereby facilitating thestudy of quantum confinement effects. It is for this rea-

Current (nA)

Bias (V)




– 200

– 400–1.0 – 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0










0 1 2 3 4 5

Current (nA)

Gate (V)

Fig. 4.23 Gate-dependent I–V characteristics of a crossednanowire field-effect transistor (FET). The n-GaN nanowireis used as the nanogate, with the gate voltage indicated (0,1, 2, and 3 V). The inset shows the current versus Vgate fora nanowire gate (lower curve) and for a global back-gate(top curve) when the bias voltage is set to 1 V [4.142]

son that the bismuth nanowire system has been studiedso extensively. Furthermore, since the crystal structureand lattice constants of bismuth nanowires are the sameas for 3-D crystalline bismuth, it is possible to carryout detailed model calculations to guide and to interprettransport and optical experiments on bismuth nanowires.For these reasons, bismuth can be considered a modelsystem for studying 1-D effects in nanowires.

Temperature-Dependent ResistanceMeasurements

Although nanowires with electronic properties similarto their bulk counterparts are promising for construct-ing nanodevices based on well-established knowledgeof their bulk counterparts, it is expected that quan-tum size effects in nanowires will likely be utilizedto generate new phenomena absent in bulk materials,and thus provide enhanced performance and novel func-tionality for certain applications. In this context, thetransport properties of bismuth (Bi) nanowires havebeen extensively studied, both theoretically [4.147]and experimentally [4.8, 10, 78, 148–150] because oftheir promise for enhanced thermoelectric performance.Transport studies of ferromagnetic nanowire arrays,such as Ni or Fe, have also received much attention be-cause of their potential for high-density magnetic storageapplications [4.151].

The very small electron effective mass componentsand the long carrier mean free paths in Bi facilitate thestudy of quantum size effects in the transport propertiesof nanowires. Quantum size effects are expected to be-come significant in bismuth nanowires with diameterssmaller than 50 nm [4.147], and the fabrication of crys-talline nanowires with this diameter range is relativelyeasy.

Figure 4.24a shows the T dependence of the re-sistance R(T ) for Bi nanowires (7 ≤ dW < 200 nm)synthesized by vapor deposition and pressure injec-tion [4.8], illustrating the quantum effects in theirtemperature-dependent resistance. In Fig. 4.24a, theR(T ) behavior of Bi nanowires is dramatically differentfrom that of bulk Bi, and is highly sensitive to the wirediameter. Interestingly, the R(T ) curves in Fig. 4.24ashow a nonmonotonic trend for large-diameter (70 and200 nm) nanowires, although R(T ) becomes monotonicwith T for small-diameter (≤ 48 nm) nanowires. Thisdramatic change in the behavior of R(T ) as a function ofdW is attributed to a unique semimetal–semiconductortransition phenomena in Bi [4.78], induced by quantumsize effects. Bi is a semimetal in bulk form, in whichthe T -point valence band overlaps with the L-point con-



Nanowires 4.2 Characterization and Physical Properties of Nanowires 133

duction band by 38 meV at 77 K. As the wire diameterdecreases, the lowest conduction sub-band increases inenergy and the highest valence sub-band decreases inenergy. Model calculations predict that the band over-lap should vanish in Bi nanowires (with their wireaxes along the trigonal direction) at a wire diameter≈ 50 nm [4.147].

The resistance of Bi nanowires is determined bytwo competing factors: the carrier density that in-creases with T , and the carrier mobility that decreaseswith T . The nonmonotonic R(T ) for large-diameterBi nanowires is due to a smaller carrier concentrationvariation at low temperature (≤ 100 K) in semimet-als, so that the electrical resistance is dominated bythe mobility factor in this temperature range. Basedon the semi-classical transport model and the estab-





0.01 10 100 10 100

0 50 100 150 200 250 300










R(T)/R(300 K) R(T)/R(290 K)

R(T)/R(300 K)

T(K) T(K)



a) b)


48 nm

36 nm

28 nm

7 nm

70 nm

200 nm

Bulk Bi

200 nm

400 nm

1 μm

2 μm

36 nm

70 nm (polycrystaline)

70 nm

Fig. 4.24 (a) Measured temperature dependence of the resistance R(T ) normalized to the room temperature (300 K)resistance for bismuth nanowire arrays of various wire diameters dW [4.8]. (b) R(T )/R(290 K ) for bismuth wires of largerdW and lower mobility [4.10]. (c) Calculated R(T )/R(300 K) of 36 nm and 70 nm bismuth nanowires. The dashed curverefers to a 70 nm polycrystalline wire with increased boundary scattering [4.78]

lished band structure of Bi nanowires, the calculatedR(T )/R(300 K) for 36 nm and 70 nm Bi nanowiresis shown by the solid curves in Fig. 4.24c to illus-trate different R(T ) trends for semiconducting andsemimetallic nanowires, respectively [4.78]. The curvesin Fig. 4.24c exhibit trends consistent with experimentalresults. The condition for the semimetal–semiconductortransition in Bi nanowires can be experimentally de-termined, as shown by the measured resistance ratioR(10 K)/R(100 K) of Bi nanowires as a function ofwire diameter [4.152] in Fig. 4.25. The maximum in theresistance ratio R(10 K)/R(100 K) at dW ≈ 48 nm indi-cates the wire diameter for the transition of Bi nanowiresfrom a semimetallic phase to a semiconducting phase.The semimetal–semiconductor transition and the semi-conducting phase in Bi nanowires are examples of new



134 Part A Nanostructures, Micro/Nanofabrication and Materials

transport phenomena resulting from low dimensional-ity that are absent in the bulk 3-D phase, and thesephenomena further increase the possible benefits fromthe properties of nanowires for desired applications (seeSect. 4.3.2).

It should be noted that good crystal quality isessential for observing the quantum size effect innanowires, as shown by the R(T ) plots in Fig. 4.24a.For example, Fig. 4.24b shows the normalized R(T )measurements of Bi nanowires with larger diameters(200 nm–2 μm) prepared by electrochemical deposi-tion [4.10], and these nanowires possess monotonicR(T ) behaviors, quite different from those of the cor-responding nanowire diameters shown in Fig. 4.24a.The absence of the resistance maximum in Fig. 4.24bis due to the lower crystalline quality for nanowiresprepared by electrochemical deposition, which tends toproduce polycrystalline nanowires with a much lowercarrier mobility. This monotonic R(T ) for semimetallicBi nanowires with a higher defect level is also confirmedby theoretical calculations, as shown by the dashedcurve in Fig. 4.24c for 70 nm wires with increased grainboundary scattering [4.154].

The theoretical model developed for Bi nanowiresnot only provides good agreement with experimentalresults, but it also plays an essential role in under-standing the influence of the quantum size effect, theboundary scattering, and the crystal quality on their elec-trical properties. While the electronic density of statesmay be significantly altered due to quantum confine-ment effects, various scattering mechanisms related to

0 50 100 150 200






R(10 K) /R(100 K)

Wire diameter (nm)

~ 48 nm

Fig. 4.25 Measured resistance ratio R(10 K)/R(100 K) ofBi nanowire array as a function of diameter. The peakindicates the transition from a semimetallic phase to a semi-conducting phase as the wire diameter decreases [4.153]

10 100



R(T)/R(300 K)


Zn 4 nm / Vycor glass

Zn 9 nm / Al2O3

Zn 15 nm / SiO2


Fig. 4.26 Temperature dependence of the resistance ofZn nanowires synthesized by vapor deposition in vari-ous porous templates [4.52]. The data are given as points,the full lines are fits to a T 1 law for 15 nm diameter Znnanowires in an SiO2 template, denoted by Zn/SiO2. Fitsto a combined T 1 and T−1/2 law were made for the smallernanowire diameter composite samples denoted by Zn 9 nm/Al2O3 and Zn 4 nm/Vycor glass

the transport properties of nanowires can be accountedfor by Matthiessen’s rule. Furthermore, the transportmodel has also been generalized to predict the trans-port properties of Te-doped Bi nanowires [4.78], Sbnanowires [4.155], and BiSb alloy nanowires [4.156],and good agreement between experiment and theory hasalso been obtained for these cases.

For nanowires with diameters comparable to thephase-breaking length, their transport properties maybe further influenced by localization effects. It has beenpredicted that in disordered systems, the extended elec-tronic wavefunctions become localized near defect sites,resulting in the trapping of carriers and giving rise to dif-ferent transport behavior. Localization effects are alsoexpected to be more pronounced as the dimensional-ity and sample size are reduced. Localization effects onthe transport properties of nanowire systems have beenstudied on Bi nanowires [4.157] and, more recently, onZn nanowires [4.52]. Figure 4.26 shows the measuredR(T )/R(300 K) of Zn nanowires fabricated by vapor de-position in porous silica or alumina [4.52]. While 15 nmZn nanowires exhibit an R(T ) behavior with a T 1 de-pendence as expected for a metallic wire, the R(T ) of9 nm and 4 nm Zn nanowires exhibits a temperature de-pendence of T−1/2 at low temperatures, consistent with



Nanowires 4.2 Characterization and Physical Properties of Nanowires 135

1-D localization theory. Thus, due to this localization ef-fect, the use of nanowires with very small diameters fortransport applications may be limited.

MagnetoresistanceMagnetoresistance (MR) measurements provide aninformative technique for characterizing nanowires,because these measurements yield a great deal ofinformation about the electron scattering with wireboundaries, the effects of doping and annealing on scat-tering, and localization effects in the nanowires [4.150].For example, at low fields the MR data show a quadraticdependence on the B field from which carrier mobilityestimates can be made (see Fig. 4.27 at low B field).

Figure 4.27 shows the longitudinal magnetoresis-tance (B parallel to the wire axis) for 65 nm and 109 nmBi nanowire samples (before thermal annealing) at 2 K.The MR maxima in Fig. 4.27a are due to the classicalsize effect, where the wire boundary scattering is re-duced as the cyclotron radius becomes smaller than thewire radius in the high field limit, resulting in a decreasein the resistivity. This behavior is typical for the longitu-dinal MR of Bi nanowires in the diameter range of 45 nmto 200 nm [4.8,149,150,158], and the peak position Bmmoves to lower B field values as the wire diameter in-










– 0.02

– 0.040












T(K)20 40 60 80 100

0.00 0.01 0.021/d w (nm–1)

1 2 3 4 5B(T)



a) b)




Fig. 4.27 (a) Longitudinal magnetoresistance, ΔR(B)/R(0), at 2 K as a function of B for Bi nanowire arrays withdiameters of 65 and 109 nm before thermal annealing. (b) The peak position Bm as a function of temperature for the109 nm diameter Bi nanowire array after thermal annealing. (c) The peak position Bm of the longitudinal MR (afterthermal annealing) at 2 K as a function of 1/dW , the reciprocal of the nanowire diameter [4.158]

creases, as shown in Fig. 4.27c [4.158], where Bm varieslinearly with 1/dW. The condition for the occurrence ofBm is approximately given by Bm ≈ 2c�kF/edW wherekF is the wave vector at the Fermi energy. The peakposition, Bm, is found to increase linearly with increas-ing temperature in the range of 2 to 100 K, as shownin Fig. 4.27b [4.158]. As T is increased, phonon scat-tering becomes increasingly important, and thereforea higher magnetic field is required to reduce the resis-tivity associated with boundary scattering sufficientlyto change the sign of the MR. Likewise, increasing thegrain boundary scattering is also expected to increasethe value of Bm at a given T and wire diameter.

The presence of the peak in the longitudinal MR ofnanowires requires a high crystal quality with long car-rier mean free paths along the nanowire axis, so that mostscattering events occur at the wire boundary instead ofat a grain boundary, at impurity sites, or at defect siteswithin the nanowire. Liu et al. have investigated the MRof 400 nm Bi nanowires synthesized by electrochemi-cal deposition [4.74], and no peak in the longitudinalMR is observed. The absence of a magnetoresistancepeak may be attributed to a higher defect level in thenanowires produced electrochemically and to a largewire diameter, much longer than the carrier mean free



136 Part A Nanostructures, Micro/Nanofabrication and Materials

path. The negative MR observed for the Bi nanowire ar-rays above Bm (see Fig. 4.27) shows that wire boundaryscattering is a dominant scattering process for the longi-tudinal magnetoresistance, thereby establishing that themean free path is larger than the wire diameter and thata ballistic transport behavior is indeed observed in thehigh field regime.

In addition to the longitudinal magnetoresistancemeasurements, transverse magnetoresistance measure-ments (B perpendicular to the wire axis) have also beenperformed on Bi nanowire array samples [4.8,150,158],where a monotonically increasing B2 dependence overthe entire range 0 ≤ B ≤ 5.5 T is found for all Binanowires studied thus far. This is as expected, since thewire boundary scattering cannot be reduced by a mag-netic field perpendicular to the wire axis. The transversemagnetoresistance is also found to be always largerthan the longitudinal magnetoresistance in nanowirearrays.

By applying a magnetic field to nanowires at verylow temperatures (≤ 5 K), one can induce a transitionfrom a 1-D confined system at low magnetic fieldsto a 3-D confined system as the field strength in-creases, as shown in Fig. 4.28 for the longitudinal MRof Bi nanowire arrays of various nanowire diameters(28–70 nm) for T < 5 K [4.150]. In these curves, a sub-tle step-like feature is seen at low magnetic fields, whichis found to depend only on the wire diameter, and is inde-pendent of temperature, the orientation of the magneticfield, and even on the nanowire material (see for exam-ple Sb nanowires [4.155]). The lack of a dependence ofthe magnetic field at which the step appears on temper-ature, field orientation, and material type indicates thatthe phenomenon is related to the magnetic field length,LH = (�/eB)1/2. The characteristic length LH is the spa-tial extent of the wave function of electrons in the lowestLandau level, and LH is independent of the carrier effec-tive masses. Setting LH(Bc) equal to the diameter dW ofthe nanowire defines a critical magnetic field strength,Bc, below which the wavefunction is confined by thenanowire boundary (the 1-D regime), and above whichthe wavefunction is confined by the magnetic field (the3-D regime). The physical basis for this phenomenon isassociated with confinement of a single magnetic fluxquantum within the nanowire cross-section [4.150]. Thisphenomenon, though independent of temperature, is ob-served for T ≤ 5 K, since the phase breaking length hasto be larger than the wire diameter. This calculated fieldstrength, Bc, indicated in Fig. 4.28 by vertical lines forthe appropriate nanowire diameters, provides a good fitto the step-like features in these MR curves.






R(B)/R(B = 0T)

1 2 3 4 5B(T)










0.13 T1.85 K

3.0 K

Bi J1A70 nm

4.0 K

Bi J4A48 nm0.3 T

1.35 K2.0 K4.0 K

Bi J2B36 nm

0.54 T1.39 K

1.97 K

4.32 K

Bi J5A28 nm

0.87 T1.39 K

1.97 K

4.33 K

Fig. 4.28 Longitudinal magnetoresistance as a functionof magnetic field for Bi nanowires of the diameters in-dicated. The vertical bars indicate the critical magneticfield Bc at which the magnetic length equals the nanowirediameter [4.150]

The Shubnikov–de Haas (SdH) quantum oscillatoryeffect, which results from the passage of the quantizedLandau levels through the Fermi energy as the fieldstrength varies, should, in principle, provide the mostdirect measurement of the Fermi energy and carrier den-sity. For example, Heremans et al. have demonstratedthat SdH oscillations can be observed in Bi nanowiresamples with diameters down to 200 nm [4.159], andthey have demonstrated that Te doping can be used toraise the Fermi energy in Bi nanowires. Such infor-mation on the Fermi energy is important because, forcertain applications based on nanowires, it is necessaryto place the Fermi energy near a sub-band edge wherethe density of states has a sharp feature. However, dueto the unusual 1-D geometry of nanowires, other char-



Nanowires 4.2 Characterization and Physical Properties of Nanowires 137

acterization techniques that are commonly used in bulkmaterials to determine the Fermi energy and the carrierconcentration (such as Hall measurement) cannot be ap-plied to nanowire systems. The observation of the SdHoscillatory effect requires crystal samples of very highquality which allow carriers to execute a complete cy-clotron orbit in the nanowire before they are scattered.For small nanowire diameters, large magnetic fields arerequired to produce cyclotron radii smaller than the wireradius. For some nanowire systems, all Landau levelsmay have passed through the Fermi level at such a highfield strength, and in such a case, no oscillations canbe observed. The localization effect may also preventthe observation of SdH oscillations for very small diam-eter (≤ 10 nm) nanowires. Observing SdH oscillationsin highly doped samples (as may be required for certainapplications) may be difficult because impurity scatter-ing reduces the mean free path, requiring high B fieldsto satisfy the requirement that carriers complete a cy-clotron orbit prior to scattering. Therefore, although SdHoscillations provide the most direct method of measur-ing the Fermi energy and carrier density of nanowiresamples, this technique may, however, not work forsmall-diameter nanowires, nor for nanowires that areheavily doped.

Thermoelectric PropertiesNanowires are predicted to hold great promise for ther-moelectric applications [4.147, 161], due to their novelband structure compared to their bulk counterparts andthe expected reduction in thermal conductivity associ-ated with enhanced boundary scattering (see below).Due to the sharp density of states at the 1-D sub-band edges (where the van Hove singularities occur),nanowires are expected to exhibit enhanced Seebeckcoefficients compared to their bulk counterparts. Sincethe Seebeck coefficient measurement is intrinsically in-dependent of the number of nanowires contributing tothe signal, the measurements on nanowire arrays of uni-form wire diameter are, in principle, as informative assingle-wire measurements. The major challenge withmeasuring the Seebeck coefficients of nanowires lies inthe design of tiny temperature probes to accurately de-termine the temperature difference across the nanowire.Figure 4.29a shows the schematic experimental set-upfor the Seebeck coefficient measurement of nanowirearrays [4.160], where two thermocouples are placed onboth faces of a nanowire array and a heater is attached toone face of the array to generate a temperature gradientalong the nanowire axis. Ideally, the size of the thermo-couples should be much smaller than the thickness of

the nanowire array template (i. e. the nanowire length)to minimize error. However, due to the thinness of mosttemplates (≤ 50 μm) and the large size of commercially-available thermocouples (≈ 12 μm), the measuredSeebeck coefficient values are usually underestimated.

The thermoelectric properties of Bi nanowire sys-tems have been investigated extensively because of theirpotential as good thermoelectric materials. Figure 4.29bshows the measured Seebeck coefficients S(T ) as a func-tion of temperature for nanowire arrays with diametersof 40 and 65 nm and different isoelectronic Sb alloyconcentrations [4.154], and S(T ) results for bulk Biare shown (solid curve) for comparison. Thermopowerenhancement is observed in Fig. 4.29b as the wire diam-eter decreases and as the Sb content increases, whichis attributed to the semimetal–semiconductor transitioninduced by quantum confinement and to Sb alloyingeffects in Bi1−xSbx nanowires. Heremans et al. have

S (μV/K)


– 20

– 40

– 60

– 80

Temperature (K)0 100 200 300



65nm Bi40nm Bi65nm Bi0.95Sb0.05

45nm Bi0.95Sb0.05

Bulk Bi



To voltmeterHeat Sink


To voltmeter

Fig. 4.29 (a) Experimental set-up for the measurementof the Seebeck coefficient in nanowire arrays [4.160].(b) Measured Seebeck coefficient as a function of temper-ature for Bi (◦,�) and Bi0.95Sb0.05 (•, �) nanowires withdifferent diameters. The solid curve denotes the Seebeckcoefficient for bulk Bi [4.154]



138 Part A Nanostructures, Micro/Nanofabrication and Materials

observed a substantial increase in the thermopowerof Bi nanowires as the wire diameter decreases fur-ther, as shown in Fig. 4.30a for 15 nm Bi/silica and9 nm Bi/alumina nanocomposites [4.52]. The enhance-ment is due to the sharp density of states near theFermi energy in a 1-D system. Although the samplesin Fig. 4.30a also possess very high electrical resistance(∼ GΩ), the results for the 9 nm Bi/alumina samplesshow that the Seebeck coefficient can be enhanced byalmost 1000 times relative to bulk material. However,for Bi nanowires with very small diameters (≈ 4 nm),the localization effect becomes dominant, which com-promises the thermopower enhancement. Therefore, forBi nanowires, the optimal wire diameter range for thelargest thermopower enhancement is found to be be-tween 4 and 15 nm [4.52].

The effect of the nanowire diameter on the ther-mopower of nanowires has also been observed in Znnanowires [4.52]. Figure 4.30b shows the Seebeck co-efficient of 9 nm Zn/alumina and 4 nm Zn/Vycor glassnanocomposites, also exhibiting enhanced thermopoweras the wire diameter decreases. It is found that while9 nm Zn nanowires still exhibit metallic behavior, thethermopower of 4 nm Zn nanowires shows a differ-ent temperature dependence, which may be due to the1-D localization effect, although further investigation is








0 100 200 300


– 50

– 100

– 150

|S| (μV/K)

T(K)T(K)0 100 200 300

S (μV/K)a) b)

Bulk Zn

9 nm, Al2O3 sample 1

9 nm, Al2O3sample 2

15 nm, SiO2sample 1

15 nm, SiO2sample 2

Bulk Bi

Bi 200 nm diameter wires

Zn 9 nm/Al2O3

Zn 4 nm/Vycor


– π2kB


Fig. 4.30 (a) Absolute value of the Seebeck coefficient of two 15 nm Bi/silica and two 9 nm Bi/alumina nanocompositesamples, in comparison to bulk Bi and 200 nm Bi nanowires in the pores of alumina templates [4.52]. The full line on toppart of the figure is a fit to a T−1 law. The Seebeck coefficient of the 9 nm Bi/alumina composite is positive; the rest arenegative. (b) The Seebeck coefficient of 9 nm Zn/Al2O3 and 4 nm Zn/Vycor glass nanocomposite samples in comparisonto bulk Zn [4.52]

required for definitive identification of the conductionmechanism in such small nanowires.

Quantum Wire SuperlatticesThe studies on superlattice nanowires, which possessa periodic modulation in their materials compositionalong the wire axis, have attracted much attentionrecently because of their promise in various applica-tions, such as thermoelectrics (see Sect. 4.3.2) [4.90,162], nanobarcodes (see Sect. 4.3.3) [4.110], nanolasers(see Sect. 4.3.3) [4.92], one-dimensional waveguides,and resonant tunneling diodes [4.94, 163]. Figure 4.31ashows a schematic structure of a superlattice nanowireconsisting of interlaced quantum dots of two differentmaterials, as denoted by A and B. Various techniqueshave been developed to synthesize superlattice nanowirestructures with different interface conditions, as men-tioned in Sect. 4.1.1 and Sect. 4.1.2.

In this superlattice (SL) nanowire structure, the elec-tronic transport along the wire axis is made possible bythe tunneling between adjacent quantum dots, while theuniqueness of each quantum dot and its 0D character-istic behavior is maintained by the energy differenceof the conduction or valence bands between quantumdots of different materials (see Fig. 4.31b), which pro-vides some amount of quantum confinement. Recently,



Nanowires 4.2 Characterization and Physical Properties of Nanowires 139

Björk et al. have observed interesting nonlinear I–Vcharacteristics with a negative differential resistancein one-dimensional heterogeneous structures made ofInAs and InP, where InP serves as the potential bar-rier [4.94,163]. The nonlinear I–V behavior is associatedwith the double barrier resonant tunneling process inone-dimensional structures, demonstrating that trans-port phenomena occur in superlattice nanowires viatunneling and the possibility of controlling the elec-tronic band structure of the SL nanowires by carefullyselecting the constituent materials. This new kind ofstructure is especially attractive for thermoelectric ap-plications, because the interfaces between the nanodotscan reduce the lattice thermal conductivity by block-ing the phonon conduction along the wire axis, whileelectrical conduction may be sustained and even benefitfrom the unusual electronic band structures due to theperiodic potential perturbation. For example, Fig. 4.32shows the calculated dimensionless thermoelectric fig-ure of merit ZT = S2σT/κ (see Sect. 4.3.2) where κ

is the total thermal conductivity (including both thelattice and electronic contributions) of 10 nm-diameterPbS/PbSe superlattice nanowires as a function of thesegment length. A higher thermoelectric performancethan for PbSe0.5S0.5 alloy nanowires can be achievedfor a 10 nm-diameter superlattice nanowire with seg-ment lengths ≤ 7 nm. However, the localization effect,which may become important for very short segmentlengths, may jeopardize this enhancement in the ZT ofsuperlattice nanowires [4.153].

Thermal Conductivity of NanowiresExperimental measurements of the temperature depen-dence of the thermal conductivity κ(T ) of individual





A +εnmA

ECB +εnm



Fig. 4.31 (a) Schematic diagram of superlattice (seg-mented) nanowires consisting of interlaced nanodots A andB of the indicated length and wire diameter. (b) Schematicpotential profile of the sub-bands in the superlatticenanowire [4.162]

0 5 10 15 20







Segment length (nm)

PbSe/PbS SL nanowire

PbSe0.5S0.5 alloy



Fig. 4.32 Optimal ZT calculated as a function of segmentlength for 10 nm diameter PbSe/PbS nanowires at 77 K,where “optimal” refers to the placement of the Fermi levelto optimize ZT . The optimal ZT for 10 nm-diameter PbSe,PbS, and PbSe0.5S0.5 nanowires are 0.33, 0.22, and 0.48,respectively [4.153]

suspended nanowires have been carried out on study thedependence of κ(T ) on wire diameter. In this context,measurements have been made on nanowires down toonly 22 nm in diameter [4.164]. Such measurements arevery challenging and are now possible due to technolog-ical development in the micro- and nano-fabrication ofminiature thermal sensors, and the use of nanometer-size thermal scanning probes [4.128, 165, 166]. Theexperiments show that the thermal conductivity of smallhomogeneous nanowires may be more than one orderof magnitude smaller than in the bulk, due mainly tostrong boundary scattering effects [4.167]. Phonon con-finement effects may eventually become important innanowires with even smaller diameters. Measurementson mats of nanowires (see, for example, Fig. 4.12) donot generally give reliable results because the contactthermal resistance between adjacent nanowires tends tobe high, which is in part due to the thin surface oxidecoating which most nanowires have. This surface oxidecoating may also be important for thermal conductivitymeasurements on individual suspended nanowires be-cause of the relative importance of phonon scattering atthe lateral walls of the nanowire.

The most extensive experimental thermal con-ductivity measurements have been done on Sinanowires [4.164], where κ(T ) measurements havebeen made on nanowires in the diameter range22 ≤ dW ≤ 115 nm. The results show a large decreasein the peak of κ(T ), associated with Umklapp processesas dW decreases, indicating a growing importance ofboundary scattering and a corresponding decreasing im-



140 Part A Nanostructures, Micro/Nanofabrication and Materials

0 100 200 300







k (W/mK)


D = 115 nm




Fig. 4.33 Predicted thermal conductivities of Si nanowiresof various diameters [4.169]

portance of phonon-phonon scattering. At the smallestwire diameter of 22 nm, a linear κ(T ) dependence isfound experimentally, consistent with a linear T de-pendence of the specific heat for a 1-D system, anda temperature-independent mean free path and velocityof sound. Further insights are obtained through stud-ies of the thermal conductivity of Si/SiGe superlatticenanowires [4.168].

Model calculations for κ(T ) based on a radia-tive heat transfer model have been carried out for Sinanowires [4.169]. These results show that the predictedκ(T ) behavior for Si nanowires is similar to that ob-served experimentally in the range of 37 ≤ dW ≤ 115 nm




��� ������



� �� ����� �������


Fig. 4.34 (a) Suspended mesoscopic phonon device used to measure ballistic phonon transport. The device consists ofan 4 × 4 μm “phonon cavity” (center) connected to four Si3N4 membranes, 60 nm thick and less than 200 nm wide. Thetwo bright “C”-shaped objects on the phonon cavity are thin film heating and sensing Cr/Au resistors, whereas the darkregions are empty space. (b) Log-log plot of the temperature dependence of the thermal conductance G0 of the structurein (a) normalized to 16G0 (see text) [4.170]

regarding both the functional form of κ(T ) and themagnitude of the relative decrease in the maximumthermal conductivity κmax as a function of dW. How-ever, the model calculations predict a substantiallylarger magnitude for κ(T ) (by 50% or more) thanis observed experimentally. Furthermore, the modelcalculations (see Fig. 4.34) do not reproduce the exper-imentally observed linear T dependence for the 22 nmnanowires, but rather predict a 3-D behavior for boththe density of states and the specific heat in 22 nmnanowires [4.169, 171, 172].

Thermal conductance measurements on GaAsnanowires below 6 K show a power law dependence,but the T dependence becomes somewhat less pro-nounced below ≈ 2.5 K [4.165]. This deviation fromthe power law temperature dependence led to a moredetailed study of the quantum limit for the thermalconductance. To carry out these more detailed experi-ments, a mesoscopic phonon resonator and waveguidedevice were constructed that included four ≈ 200 nm-wide and 85 nm-thick silicon nitride nanowire-likenanoconstrictions (see Fig. 4.33a), and this was usedto establish the quantized thermal conductance limitof g0 = π2k2

BT/3h (see Fig. 4.33b) for ballistic phonontransport [4.170,173]. For temperatures above 0.8 K, thethermal conductance in Fig. 4.33b follows a T 3 law, butas T is further reduced, a transition to a linear T depen-dence is observed, consistent with a phonon mean freepath of ≈ 1 μm, and a thermal conductance value ap-proaching 16g0, corresponding to four massless phononmodes per channel and four channels in their phononwaveguide structure (see Fig. 4.33a). Ballistic phonon



Nanowires 4.2 Characterization and Physical Properties of Nanowires 141

transport occurs when the thermal phonon wavelength(380 nm for the experimental structure) is somewhatgreater than the width of the phonon waveguide at thewaveguide constriction.

4.2.4 Optical Properties

Optical methods provide an easy and sensitive tool formeasuring the electronic structures of nanowires, sinceoptical measurements require minimal sample prepara-tion (for example, contacts are not required) and themeasurements are sensitive to quantum effects. Opti-cal spectra of 1-D systems, such as carbon nanotubes,often show intense features at specific energies near sin-gularities in the joint density of states that are formedunder strong quantum confinement conditions. A vari-ety of optical techniques have shown that the propertiesof nanowires are different to those of their bulk coun-terparts, and this section of the review focuses on thesedifferences in the optical properties of nanowires.

Although optical properties have been shown toprovide an extremely important tool for characteriz-ing nanowires, the interpretation of these measurementsis not always straightforward. The wavelength of lightused to probe the sample is usually smaller than thewire length, but larger than the wire diameter. Hence,the probe light used in an optical measurement can-not be focused solely onto the wire, and the wire andthe substrate on which the wire rests (or host mater-ial, if the wires are embedded in a template) are probedsimultaneously. For measurements, such as photolumi-nescence (PL), if the substrate does not luminescenceor absorb in the frequency range of the measurements,PL measures the luminescence of the nanowires directlyand the substrate can be ignored. However, in reflectionand transmission measurements, even a non-absorbingsubstrate can modify the measured spectra of nanowires.

In this section we discuss the determination of thedielectric function for nanowires in the context of effec-tive medium theories. We then discuss various opticaltechniques with appropriate examples that sensitivelydifferentiate nanowire properties from those also foundin the parent bulk material, placing particular empha-sis on electronic quantum confinement effects. Finally,phonon confinement effects are reviewed.

The Dielectric FunctionIn this subsection, we review the use of effective mediumtheory as a method to handle the optical properties ofnanowires whose diameters are typically smaller thanthe wavelength of light, noting that observable optical

properties of materials can be related to the complexdielectric function [4.174,175]. Effective medium theo-ries [4.176, 177] can be applied to model the nanowireand substrate as one continuous composite with a sin-gle complex dielectric function (ε1 + iε2), where the realand imaginary parts of the dielectric function ε1 and ε2are related to the index of refraction (n) and the ab-sorption coefficient (K ) by the relation ε1 + iε2 = (n +iK )2. Since photons at visible or infrared wavelengths“see” a dielectric function for the composite nanowirearray/substrate system that is different from that of thenanowire itself, the optical transmission and reflectionare different from what they would be if the light werefocused only on the nanowire. One commonly observedconsequence of effective medium theory is the shift inthe plasma frequency in accordance with the percentageof nanowire material that is contained in the compos-ite [4.178]. The plasma resonance occurs when ε1(ω)becomes zero, and the plasma frequency of the nanowirecomposite will shift to lower (higher) energies when themagnitude of the dielectric function of the host materialsis larger (smaller) than that of the nanowire.

Although reflection and transmission measurementsprobe both the nanowire and the substrate, the opticalproperties of the nanowires can be determined indepen-dently. One technique for separating out the dielectricfunction of the nanowires from the host is to use aneffective medium theory in reverse. Since the dielec-tric function of the host material is often known, andthe dielectric function of the composite material can bemeasured by the standard method of using reflection andtransmission measurements in combination with eitherthe Kramer–Kronig relations or Maxwell’s equations,the complex dielectric function of the nanowires canbe deduced. An example where this approach has beenused successfully is for the determination of the fre-quency dependence of the real and imaginary parts ofthe dielectric function ε1(ω) and ε2(ω) for a parallel ar-ray of bismuth nanowires filling the pores of an aluminatemplate [4.179].

Characteristic Optical Properties of NanowiresA wide range of optical techniques are available for thecharacterization of nanowires, to distinguish their prop-erties from those of their parent bulk materials. Somedifferences in properties relate to geometric differences,such as the small diameter size and the large length-to-diameter ratio (also called the aspect ratio), while othersfocus on quantum confinement issues.

Probably the most basic optical technique is to meas-ure the reflection and/or transmission of a nanowire to



142 Part A Nanostructures, Micro/Nanofabrication and Materials

determine the frequency- dependent real and imaginaryparts of the dielectric function. This technique has beenused, for example, to study the band gap and its tem-perature dependence in gallium nitride nanowires in the10–50 nm range in comparison to bulk values [4.180].The plasma frequency, free carrier density, and donor im-purity concentration as a function of temperature werealso determined from the infrared spectra, which is es-pecially useful for nanowire research, since Hall effectmeasurements cannot be made on nanowires.

Another common method used to study nanowires isphotoluminescence (PL) or fluorescence spectroscopy.Emission techniques probe the nanowires directly andthe effect of the host material does not have to beconsidered. This characterization method has beenused to study many properties of nanowires, suchas the optical gap behavior, oxygen vacancies inZnO nanowires [4.55], strain in Si nanowires [4.181],and quantum confinement effects in InP nanowires[4.182]. Figure 4.35 shows the photoluminescence ofInP nanowires as a function of wire diameter, therebyproviding direct information on the effective bandgap.As the wire diameter of an InP nanowire is decreasedso that it becomes smaller than the bulk exciton diam-eter of 19 nm, quantum confinement effects set in, andthe band gap is increased. This results in an increasein the PL peak energy. The smaller the effective mass,the larger the quantum confinement effects. When theshift in the peak energy as a function of nanowire diam-eter Fig. 4.35 is analyzed using an effective mass model,the reduced effective mass of the exciton is deduced tobe 0.052 m0, which agrees quite well with the literaturevalue of 0.065 m0 for bulk InP. Although the linewidthsof the PL peak for the small-diameter nanowires (10 nm)are smaller at low temperature (7 K), the observation ofstrong quantum confinement and bandgap tunability ef-fects at room temperature are significant for photonicsapplications of nanowires (see Sect. 4.3.3).

The resolution of photoluminescence (PL) opticalimaging of a nanowire is, in general, limited by thewavelength of light. However, when a sample is placedvery close to the detector, the light is not given a chanceto diffract, and so samples much smaller than the wave-length of light can be resolved. This technique is knownas near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) andhas been used to successfully image nanowires [4.183].For example, Fig. 4.36 shows the topographical (a) and(b) NSOM PL images of a single ZnO nanowire.

Magneto-optics can be used to measure the elec-tronic band structure of nanowires. For example,magneto-optics in conjunction with photoconductance

has been proposed as a tool to determine band param-eters for nanowires, such as the Fermi energy, electroneffective masses, and the number of sub-bands to beconsidered [4.184]. Since different nanowire sub-bandshave different electrical transmission properties, theelectrical conductivity changes when light is used toexcite electrons to higher subbands, thereby provid-ing a method for studying the electronic structure ofnanowires optically. Magneto-optics can also be used tostudy the magnetic properties of nanowires in relationto bulk properties [4.27, 185]. For example, the surfacemagneto-optical Kerr effect has been used to measurethe dependence of the magnetic ordering temperature ofFe–Co alloy nanowires on the relative concentration ofFe and Co [4.185], and it was used to find that, unlike inthe case of bulk Fe–Co alloys, cobalt in nanowires in-hibits magnetic ordering. Nickel nanowires were foundto have a strong increase in their magneto-optical activ-ity with respect to bulk nickel. This increase is attributedto the plasmon resonance in the wires [4.186].

Nonlinear optical properties of nanowires have re-ceived particular attention since the nonlinear behavior isoften enhanced compared to bulk materials and the non-linear effects can be utilized for many applications. Onesuch study measured the second harmonic generation(SHG) and third harmonic generation (THG) in a singlenanowire using near-field optical microscopy [4.187].ZnO nanowires were shown to have strong SHG andTHG effects that are highly polarization-sensitive, andthis polarization sensitivity can be explained on the basisof optical and geometrical considerations. Some com-ponents of the second harmonic polarization tensor arefound to be enhanced in nanowires while others aresuppressed as the wire diameter is decreased, and sucheffects could be of interest for device applications. Theauthors also showed that the second-order nonlineari-ties are mostly wavelength-independent for λ < 400 nm,which is in the transparent regime for ZnO, below theonset of band gap absorption, and this observation isalso of interest for device applications.

Reflectivity and transmission measurements havealso been used to study the effects of quantum con-finement and surface effects on the low-energy indirecttransition in bismuth nanowires [4.188]. Black et al.investigated an intense and sharp absorption peak in bis-muth nanowires, which is not observed in bulk bismuth.The energy position Ep of this strong absorption peakincreases with decreasing diameter. However, the rate ofincrease in energy with decreasing diameter |∂Ep/∂dW|is an order of magnitude less than that predicted for ei-ther a direct interband transition or for intersub-band



Nanowires 4.2 Characterization and Physical Properties of Nanowires 143

Intensity (arb. units)

1.3 1.5 1.7 1.4 1.5 1.6

10 30 50

Energy (eV)







Energy (eV)

Diameter (nm)10 30 50

Diameter (nm)

P.L. max (eV)

10 nm

15 nm

20 nm

50 nm

10 nm

15 nm

20 nm

50 nm

RT 7 K

a) b)

c) d)

RT 7 K

Fig. 4.35a–d Photo-luminescence ofInP nanowires of varying diameters at7 K ((b)and (d)) and room temperature((a) and (c)) showing quantum con-finement effects of the exciton for wirediameters of less than 20 nm [4.182]

a) b)Fig. 4.36 (a) Topographical and(b) photoluminescence (PL) near-field scanning optical microscopy(NSOM) images of a single ZnOnanowire waveguide [4.183]

transitions in bismuth nanowires. On the other hand,the magnitude of |∂Ep/∂dW| agrees well with that pre-dicted for an indirect L-point valence to T -point valenceband transition (see Fig. 4.37). Since both the initial andfinal states for the indirect L–T point valence band tran-sition downshift in energy as the wire diameter dW is

decreased, the shift in the absorption peak results froma difference between the effective masses and not fromthe actual value of either of the masses. Hence the diam-eter dependence of the absorption peak energy is an orderof magnitude less for a valence to valence band indirecttransition than for a direct interband L-point transition.



144 Part A Nanostructures, Micro/Nanofabrication and Materials

Furthermore, the band-tracking effect for the indirecttransition gives rise to a large value for the joint den-sity of states, thus accounting for the high intensity ofthis feature. The enhancement in the absorption resultingfrom this indirect transition may arise from a gradient inthe dielectric function, which is large at the bismuth–airor bismuth–alumina interfaces, or from the relaxation ofmomentum conservation rules in nanosystems. It shouldbe noted that, in contrast to the surface effect for bulksamples, the whole nanowire contributes to the opticalabsorption due to the spatial variation in the dielectricfunction, since the penetration depth is larger than orcomparable to the wire diameter. In addition, the inten-sity can be quite significant because there are abundantinitial state electrons, final state holes, and appropriatephonons for making an indirect L–T point valence bandtransition at room temperature. Interestingly, the polar-ization dependence of this absorption peak is such thatthe strong absorption is present when the electric fieldis perpendicular to the wire axis, but is absent whenthe electric field is parallel to the wire axis, contrary toa traditional polarizer, such as a carbon nanotube wherethe optical E field is polarized by the nanotube itself


01,000 2,000 3,000 4,000







Experimentally measured

1/λ (cm–1)1/λ (cm–1)1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000

Simulation of the indirect L–T transition0.1a) b)

L-point T-point

Trigonal (z)



Binary (x)


Bisectrix (y)


Fig. 4.37 (a) The measured optical transmission spectra as a function of wavenumber (1/λ) of a ≈ 45 nm-diameterbismuth nanowire array. (b) The simulated optical transmission spectrum resulting from an indirect transition of an Lpoint electron to a T point valence sub-band state. The insert in (a) shows the bismuth Brillouin zone, and the locationsof the T -point hole and the three L-point electron pockets, including the nondegenerate A, and the doubly-degenerate Bpockets. The insert in (b) shows the indirect L to T point electronic transition induced by a photon with an energy equalto the energy difference between the initial and final states minus the phonon energy (about 100 cm−1) needed to satisfyconservation of energy in a Stokes process [4.189]

and is aligned along the carbon nanotube axis. The ob-served polarization dependence for bismuth nanowiresis consistent with a surface-induced effect that increasesthe coupling between the L-point and T -point bandsthroughout the full volume of the nanowire. Figure 4.37shows the experimentally observed transmission spec-trum in bismuth nanowires of ≈ 45 nm diameter (a), andthe simulated optical transmission from an indirect tran-sition in bismuth nanowires of ≈ 45 nm diameter is alsoshown for comparison in (b). The indirect L–T pointvalence band transition mechanism [4.189] is also con-sistent with observations of the effect on the opticalspectra of a decrease in the nanowire diameter and ofn-type doping of bismuth nanowires with Te.

Phonon Confinement EffectsPhonons in nanowires are spatially confined by thenanowire cross-sectional area, crystalline boundariesand surface disorder. These finite size effects give riseto phonon confinement, causing an uncertainty in thephonon wavevector which typically gives rise to a fre-quency shift and lineshape broadening. Since zonecenter phonons tend to correspond to maxima in the



Nanowires 4.3 Applications 145

phonon dispersion curves, the inclusion of contribu-tions from a broader range of phonon wave vectorsresults in both a downshift in frequency and an asym-metric broadening of the Raman line, which developsa low frequency tail. These phonon confinement ef-fects have been theoretically predicted [4.190, 191] andexperimentally observed in GaN [4.192], as shownin Fig. 4.38 for GaN nanowires with diameters in therange 10–50 nm. The application of these theoreti-cal models indicates that broadening effects should benoticeable as the wire diameter in GaN nanowires de-creases to ≈ 20 nm. When the wire diameter decreasesfurther to ≈ 10 nm, the frequency downshift and asym-metric Raman line broadening effects should becomeobservable in the Raman spectra for the GaN nanowiresbut are not found in the corresponding spectra forbulk GaN.

The experimental spectra in Fig. 4.38 show the fourA1 + E1 +2E2 modes expected from symmetry consid-erations for bulk GaN crystals. Two types of quantumconfinement effects are observed. The first type is theobservation of the downshift and the asymmetric broad-ening effects discussed above. Observations of suchdownshifts and asymmetric broadening have also beenrecently reported in 7 nm diameter Si nanowires [4.193].A second type of confinement effect found in Fig. 4.38for GaN nanowires is the appearance of additionalRaman features not found in the corresponding bulkspectra and associated with combination modes, anda zone boundary mode. Resonant enhancement effects





00 200 400

Raman shift (cm –1)

600 800 1,000

Intensity (arb. units)

T = 300 K

λi = 514.5 nm




A1(TO) E1(LO)





Fig. 4.38 Room-temperature Raman scattering spectra ofGaN nanowires and of a 5 μm thick GaN epilayer film withgreen (514.5 nm) laser excitation. The Raman scatteringresponse was obtained by dividing the measured spectra bythe Bose–Einstein thermal factor [4.192]

were also observed for the A1(LO) phonon at 728 cm−1

(see Fig. 4.38) at higher laser excitation energies [4.192].

4.3 Applications

In the preceding sections we have reviewed many ofthe central characteristics that make nanowires in somecases similar to and in some cases very different fromtheir parent materials. We have also shown that someproperties are diameter-dependent, and these propertiesare therefore tunable during synthesis. Thus, it is of greatinterest to find applications that could benefit in unprece-dented ways from both the unique and tunable propertiesof nanowires and the small sizes of these nanostruc-tures, especially in the miniaturization of conventionaldevices. As the synthetic methods for the production ofnanowires are maturing (Sect. 4.1) and nanowires can bemade in reproducible and cost-effective ways, it is onlya matter of time before applications will be seriouslyexplored. This is a timely development, as the semi-conductor industry will soon be reaching what seems

to be its limit in feature size reduction, and approach-ing a classical-to-quantum size transition. At the sametime, the field of biotechnology is expanding throughthe availability of tremendous genome information andinnovative screening assays. Since nanowires are simi-lar in size to the shrinking electronic components andto cellular biomolecules, it is only natural for nanowiresto be good candidates for applications in these fields.Commercialization of nanowire devices, however, willrequire reliable mass production, effective assemblytechniques and quality control methods.

In this section, applications of nanowires toelectronics (Sect. 4.3.1), thermoelectrics (Sect. 4.3.2),optics (Sect. 4.3.3), chemical and biochemical sensing(Sect. 4.3.4), and magnetic media (Sect. 4.3.5) are dis-cussed.



146 Part A Nanostructures, Micro/Nanofabrication and Materials

4.3.1 Electrical Applications

The microelectronics industry continues to face tech-nological (in lithography for example) and economicchallenges as the device feature size is decreased, es-pecially below 100 nm. The self-assembly of nanowiresmight present a way to construct unconventional devicesthat do not rely on improvements in photolithogra-phy and, therefore, do not necessarily imply increasingfabrication costs. Devices made from nanowires haveseveral advantages over those made by photolithog-raphy. A variety of approaches have been devised toorganize nanowires via self-assembly (see Sect. 4.1.4),thus eliminating the need for the expensive lithographictechniques normally required to produce devices thesize of typical nanowires that are discussed in this re-view. In addition, unlike traditional silicon processing,different semiconductors can be used simultaneouslyin nanowire devices to produce diverse functionalities.Not only can wires of different materials be combined,but a single wire can be made of different materials.For example, junctions of GaAs and GaP show rec-tifying behavior [4.92], thus demonstrating that goodelectronic interfaces between two different semiconduc-tors can be achieved in the synthesis of multicomponentnanowires. Transistors made from nanowires could alsohold advantages due to their unique morphology. Forexample, in bulk field effect transistors (FETs), the de-pletion layer formed below the source and drain regionresults in a source–drain capacitance which limits theoperation speed. However, in nanowires, the conductoris surrounded by an oxide and thus the depletion layercannot be formed. Thus, depending on the device de-sign, the source–drain capacitance in nanowires couldbe greatly minimized and possibly eliminated.

Device functionalities common in conventionalsemiconductor technologies, such as p-n junctiondiodes [4.142], field-effect transistors [4.144], logicgates [4.142], and light-emitting diodes [4.92,194], havebeen recently demonstrated in nanowires, showing theirpromise as building blocks that could be used to con-struct complex integrated circuits by employing the“bottom-up” paradigm. Several approaches have beeninvestigated to form nanowire diodes (see Sect. 4.2.2).For example, Schottky diodes can be formed by con-tacting a GaN nanowire with Al electrodes [4.143].Furthermore, p-n junction diodes can be formed at thecrossing of two nanowires, such as the crossing of n-and p-type InP nanowires doped by Te and Zn, respec-tively [4.194], or Si nanowires doped by phosphorus(n-type) and boron (p-type) [4.195]. In addition to the

crossing of two distinctive nanowires, heterogeneousjunctions have also been constructed inside a single wire,either along the wire axis in the form of a nanowire su-perlattice [4.92], or perpendicular to the wire axis byforming a core–shell structure of silicon and germa-nium [4.111]. These various nanowire junctions not onlypossess the current rectifying properties (see Fig. 4.22)expected of bulk semiconductor devices, but they alsoexhibit electroluminescence (EL) that may be interest-ing for optoelectronic applications, as shown in Fig. 4.39for the electroluminescence of a crossed junction of n-and p-type InP nanowires [4.194] (see Sect. 4.3.3).

In addition to the two-terminal nanowire devices,such as the p-n junctions described above, it is foundthat the conductance of a semiconductor nanowire canbe significantly modified by applying voltage at a thirdgate terminal, implying the utilization of nanowiresin field effect transistors (FETs). This gate terminalcan either be the substrate [4.30, 196–199], a separatemetal contact located close to the nanowire [4.200],or another nanowire with a thick oxide coating in thecrossed nanowire junction configuration [4.142]. Theoperating principles of these nanowire-based FETs arediscussed in Sect. 4.2.2. Various logic devices perform-ing basic logic functions have been demonstrated usingnanowire junctions [4.142], as shown in Fig. 4.40 for theOR and AND logic gates constructed from 2-by-1 and1-by-3 nanowire p-n junctions, respectively. By func-tionalizing nanowires with redox-active molecules tostore charge, nanowire FETs were demonstrated withtwo-level [4.144] and with eight-level [4.201] memoryeffects, which may be used for nonvolatile memoryor as switches. In another advance, In2O3 nanowireFETs with high-k dielectric material were demon-strated, and substantially enhanced performance wasobtained due to the highly efficient coupling of thegate [4.202]. A vertical FET with a surrounding gategeometry has also been demonstrated, which has thepotential for high-density nanoscale memory and logicdevices [4.203].

Nanowires have also been proposed for applicationsassociated with electron field emission [4.204], such asflat panel displays, because of their small diameter andlarge curvature at the nanowire tip, which may reduce thethreshold voltage for electron emission [4.205]. In thisregard, the demonstration of very high field emissioncurrents from the sharp tip (≈ 10 nm radius) of a Sicone [4.204], from carbon nanotubes [4.206], from Sinanowires inside a carbon nanotube [4.207], and fromCo nanowires [4.208], has stimulated interest in thispotential area of application for nanowires.



Nanowires 4.3 Applications 147

The concept of constructing electronic devices basedon nanowires has already been demonstrated, and thenext step for electronic applications would be to devisea feasible method for integration and mass production.We expect that, in order to maintain the growing rateof device density and functionality in the existing elec-tronic industry, new kinds of complementary electronicdevices will emerge from this “bottom-up” scheme fornanowire electronics, different from what has been pro-duced by the traditional “top-down” approach pursuedby conventional electronics.

4.3.2 Thermoelectric Applications

One proposed application for nanowires is for thermo-electric cooling and for the conversion between thermaland electrical energy [4.171, 209]. The efficiency ofa thermoelectric device is measured in terms of a di-mensionless figure of merit ZT , where Z is definedas

Z = σ S2

κ, (4.2)

where σ is the electrical conductivity, S is the See-beck coefficient, κ is the thermal conductivity, and Tis the temperature. In order to achieve a high ZT andtherefore efficient thermoelectric performance, a highelectrical conductivity, a hugh Seebeck coefficient and







0OR address level







AND address level






Vi(V)0 1 2 3 4 5

0 1 2 3 4 5

a) b)




01 10 11

Vi1 Vi2



Vi1 Vi2


Vi1 Vi2


Silicon oxide

Silicon oxide

np Vi1 Vi2




V0 Vi2Vi1 Vc2


V Vi2Vi1 Vc2




c) d)

Fig. 4.40a–d Nanowire logic gates:(a) Schematic of logic OR gate con-structed from a 2(p-Si) by 1(n-GaN)crossed nanowire junction. The in-set shows the SEM image (bar: 1 μm)of an assembled OR gate and thesymbolic electronic circuit. (b) Theoutput voltage of the circuit in (a)versus the four possible logic ad-dress level inputs: (0,0); (0,1); (1,0);(1,1), where logic 0 input is 0 Vand logic 1 is 5 V (same for below).(c) Schematic of logic AND gate con-structed from a 1(p-Si) by 3(n-GaN)crossed nanowire junction. The in-set shows the SEM image (bar: 1 μm)of an assembled AND gate and thesymbolic electronic circuit. (d) Theoutput voltage of the circuit in (c) ver-sus the four possible logic addresslevel inputs [4.142]

Intensity (counts)





0.01.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2

Forward bias (V)





0– 2 0 2

Current (μA)

Voltage (V)

a) b)

5 μm

5 μm

Fig. 4.39a,b Optoelectrical characterization of a crossed nanowirejunction formed between 65 nm n-type and 68 nm p-type InPnanowires. (a) Electroluminescence (EL) image of the light emit-ted from a forward-biased nanowire p-n junction at 2.5 V. Inset,photoluminescence (PL) image of the junction. (b) EL intensity asa function of operation voltage. Inset, the SEM image and the I–Vcharacteristics of the junction [4.194]. The scale bar in the inset is5 μm

a low thermal conductivity are required. In 3-D systems,the electronic contribution to κ is proportional to σ inaccordance with the Wiedemann–Franz law, and nor-mally materials with high S have a low σ . Hence anincrease in the electrical conductivity (for example by



148 Part A Nanostructures, Micro/Nanofabrication and Materials

electron donor doping) results in an adverse variation inboth the Seebeck coefficient (decreasing) and the ther-mal conductivity (increasing). These two trade-offs setthe upper limit for increasing ZT in bulk materials, withthe maximum ZT remaining ≈ 1 at room temperaturefor the 1960–1995 time frame.

The high electronic density of states in quantum-confined structures is proposed as a promisingpossibility to bypass the Seebeck/electrical conductivitytrade-off and to control each thermoelectric-related vari-able independently, thereby allowing for increased elec-trical conductivity, relatively low thermal conductivity,and a large Seebeck coefficient simultaneously [4.211].For example, Figs. 4.29 and 4.30a in Sect. 4.2.3 showan enhanced in S for bismuth and bismuth-antimonynanowires as the wire diameter decreases. In addition toalleviating the undesired connections between σ , S andthe electronic contribution to the thermal conductivity,nanowires also have the advantage that the phonon con-tribution to the thermal conductivity is greatly reducedbecause of boundary scattering (see Sect. 4.2), therebyachieving a high ZT . Figure 4.41a shows the theoreti-cal values for ZT versus sample size for both bismuththin films (2-D) and nanowires (1-D) in the quantum-confined regime, exhibiting a rapidly increasing ZT asthe quantum size effect becomes more and more im-portant [4.211]. In addition, the quantum size effect innanowires can be combined with other parameters totailor the band structure and electronic transport behav-
















Antimony content (at %)

Wire diameter (nm)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60dW (nm)

a) b)

0.25 0.5 0.75





0.75 0.5



Bi at 77 KTrigonal direction

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 4.41 (a) Calculated ZT of 1-D (nanowire) and 2-D (quantum well) bismuth systems at 77 K as a function of dW,denoting the wire diameter or film thickness. The thermoelectric performance (ZT ) is expected to improve greatly whenthe wire diameter is small enough for the nanowire to become a one-dimensional system. (b) Contour plot of optimal ZTvalues for p-type Bi1−xSbx nanowires versus wire diameter and antimony concentration calculated at 77 K [4.210]

ior (for instance, Sb alloying in Bi) to further optimizeZT . For example, Fig. 4.41b shows the predicted ZTfor p-type Bi1−xSbx alloy nanowires as a function ofwire diameter and Sb content x [4.210]. The occurrenceof a local ZT maxima in the vicinity of x ≈ 0.13 anddW ≈ 45 nm is due to the coalescence of ten valencebands in the nanowire and the resulting unusual highdensity of states for holes, which is a phenomenon ab-sent in bulk Bi1−xSbx alloys. For nanowires with verysmall diameters, it is speculated that localization effectswill eventually limit the enhancement of ZT . However,in bismuth nanowires, localization effects are not signif-icant for wires with diameters larger than 9 nm [4.52]. Inaddition to 1-D nanowires, ZT values as high as ≈ 2 havealso been experimentally demonstrated in macroscopicsamples containing PbSe quantum dots (0D) [4.212] andstacked 2-D films [4.167].

Although the application of nanowires to thermo-electrics appears very promising, these materials are stillin the research phase of the development cycle and arefar from being commercialized. One challenge for ther-moelectric devices based on nanowires lies in findinga suitable host material that will not reduce ZT too muchdue to the unwanted heat conduction through the hostmaterial. Therefore, the host material should have a lowthermal conductivity and occupy a volume percentage inthe composite material that is as low as possible, whilestill providing the quantum confinement and the supportfor the nanowires.



Nanowires 4.3 Applications 149

4.3.3 Optical Applications

Nanowires also hold promise for optical applications.One-dimensional systems exhibit a singularity in theirjoint density of states, allowing quantum effects innanowires to be optically observable, sometimes evenat room temperature. Since the density of states ofa nanowire in the quantum limit (small wire diam-eter) is highly localized in energy, the available statesquickly fill up with electrons as the intensity of theincident light is increased. This filling up of the sub-bands, as well as other effects that are unique tolow-dimensional materials, lead to strong optical non-linearities in quantum wires. Quantum wires may thusyield optical switches with a lower switching energyand increased switching speed compared to currentlyavailable optical switches.

Light emission from nanowires can be achieved byphotoluminescence (PL) or electroluminescence (EL),distinguished by whether the electronic excitation isachieved by optical illumination or by electrical stim-ulation across a p-n junction, respectively. PL is oftenused for optical property characterization, as describedin Sect. 4.2.4, but from an applications point of view, ELis a more convenient excitation method. Light-emittingdiodes (LEDs) have been achieved in junctions betweena p-type and an n-type nanowire (Fig. 4.39) [4.194]and in superlattice nanowires with p-type and n-typesegments [4.92]. The light emission was localized tothe junction area, and was polarized in the superlatticenanowire. An electrically driven laser was fabricatedfrom CdS nanowires. The wires were assembled byevaporating a metal contact onto an n-type CdS nanowirewhich resided on a p+ silicon wafer. The cleaved endsof the wire formed the laser cavity, so that in for-ward bias, light characteristic of lasing was observedat the end of the wire [4.213]. LEDs have also beenachieved with core–shell structured nanowires made ofn-GaN/InGaN/p-GaN [4.214].

Light emission from quantum wire p-n junctionsis especially interesting for laser applications, becausequantum wires can form lasers with lower excitationthresholds than their bulk counterparts and they alsoexhibit decreased sensitivity of performance to tempera-ture [4.215]. Furthermore, the emission wavelength canbe tuned for a given material composition by simplyaltering the geometry of the wire.

Lasing action has been reported in ZnO nanowireswith wire diameters that are much smaller than thewavelength of the light emitted (λ = 385 nm) [4.122](see Fig. 4.42). Since the edges and lateral surfaces of

ZnO nanowires are faceted (see Sect. 4.2.1), they formoptical cavities that sustain desired cavity modes. Com-pared to conventional semiconductor lasers, the excitonlaser action employed in zinc oxide nanowire lasers ex-hibits a lower lasing threshold (≈ 40 kW/cm2) than their3-D counterparts (≈ 300 kW/cm2). In order to utilize ex-citon confinement effects in the lasing action, the excitonbinding energy (≈ 60 meV in ZnO) must be greater thanthe thermal energy (≈ 26 meV at 300 K). Decreasing thewire diameter increases the excitation binding energyand lowers the threshold for lasing. PL NSOM imagingconfirmed the waveguiding properties of the anisotropicand the well-faceted structure of ZnO nanowires, limit-ing the emission to the tips of the ZnO nanowires [4.183].Time-resolved studies have illuminated the dynamics ofthe emission process [4.216].

Wavelength (nm)370 380 390 400

Intensity (arb. units.)




UV laser output

Wavelength (nm)

Intensity (arb. units)

380 390 400

Fig. 4.42 A schematic of lasing in ZnO nanowires and thePL spectra of ZnO nanowires at two excitation intensities.One PL spectrum is taken below the lasing threshold, andthe other above it [4.122]



150 Part A Nanostructures, Micro/Nanofabrication and Materials

Lasing was also observed in ZnS nanowires in an-odic aluminium oxide templates [4.217] and in GaNnanowires [4.218]. Unlike ZnO, GaN has a small exci-ton binding energy, only ≈ 25 meV. Furthermore, sincethe wire radii used in this study (15–75 nm) [4.218] arelarger than the Bohr radius of excitons in GaN (11 nm),the exciton binding energy is not expected to increase inthese GaN wires and quantum confinement effects suchas those shown in Fig. 4.35 for InP are not expected.However, some tunability of the center of the spectralintensity was achieved by increasing the intensity of thepump power, causing a redshift in the laser emission,which is explained as a bandgap renormalization as a re-sult of the formation of an electron–hole plasma. Heatingeffects were excluded as the source of the spectral shift.GaN quantum wire UV lasers with a low threshold forlasing action have been achieved using a self-organizedGaN(core)/AlGaN(shell) structure [4.219].

Nanowires have also been demonstrated to havegood waveguiding properties. Quantitative studies ofcadmium sulfide (CdS) nanowire structures show thatlight propagation takes place with only moderate lossesthrough sharp and even acute angle bends. In addition,active devices made with nanowires have shown that ef-ficient injection into and modulation of light throughnanowire waveguides can be achieved [4.220]. By link-ing ZnO nanowire light sources to SnO2 waveguides,the possibility of optical integrated circuitry is intro-duced [4.221].

Nanowire photodetectors were also proposed. ZnOnanowires were found to display a strong photocurrentresponse to UV light irradiation [4.222]. The conductiv-ity of the nanowire increased by four orders of magnitudecompared to the dark state. The response of the nanowirewas reversible, and selective to photon energies abovethe bandgap, suggesting that ZnO nanowires could bea good candidate for optoelectronic switches.

Nanowires have been also proposed for another typeof optical switching. Light with its electric field nor-mal to the wire axis excites a transverse free carrierresonance inside the wire, while light with its electricfield parallel to the wire axis excites a longitudinal freecarrier resonance inside the wire. Since nanowires arehighly anisotropic, these two resonances occur at twodifferent wavelengths and thus result in absorption peaksat two different energies. Gold nanowires dispersed inan aqueous solution align along the electric field whena DC voltage is applied. The energy of the absorptionpeak can be toggled between the transverse and longi-tudinal resonance energies by changing the alignmentof the nanowires under polarized light illumination us-

ing an electric field [4.223, 224]. Thus, electro-opticalmodulation is achieved.

Nanowires may also be used as barcode tags for op-tical read-out. Nanowires containing gold, silver, nickel,palladium, and platinum were fabricated [4.110] by elec-trochemical filling of porous anodic alumina, so thateach nanowire consisted of segments of various metalconstituents. Thus many types of nanowires can be madefrom a handful of materials, and identified by the orderof the metal segments along their main axis, and thelength of each segment. Barcode read-out is possibleby reflectance optical microscopy. The segment lengthis limited by the Rayleigh diffraction limit, and not bysynthesis limitations, and thus can be as small as 145 nm.Figure 4.43a shows an optical image of many Au-Ag-Au-Ag barcoded wires, where the silver segments showhigher reflectivity. Figure 4.43b is a backscattering modeFE-SEM image of a single nanowire, highlighting thecomposition and segment length variations along thenanowire.

Both the large surface area and the high conductiv-ity along the length of a nanowire are favorable for itsuse in inorganic–organic solar cells [4.225], which offerpromise from a manufacturing and cost-effectivenessstandpoint. In a hybrid nanocrystal–organic solar cell,the incident light forms bound electron–hole pairs (ex-citons) in both the inorganic nanocrystal and in thesurrounding organic medium. These excitons diffuse tothe inorganic–organic interface and disassociate to forman electron and a hole. Since conjugated polymers usu-ally have poor electron mobilities, the inorganic phaseis chosen to have a higher electron affinity than the or-ganic phase so that the organic phase carries the holesand the semiconductor carries the electrons. The sepa-rated electrons and holes drift to the external electrodesthrough the inorganic and organic materials, respec-tively. However, only those excitons formed within anexciton diffusion length from an interface can disas-sociate before recombining, and therefore the distancebetween the dissociation sites limits the efficiency ofa solar cell. A solar cell prepared from a compositeof CdSe nanorods inside poly(3-ethylthiophene) [4.225]yielded monochromatic power efficiencies of 6.9% andpower conversion efficiencies of 1.7% under A.M. 1.5illumination (equal to solar irradiance through 1.5 timesthe air mass of the Earth at direct normal incidence).The nanorods provide a large surface area with goodchemical bonding to the polymer for efficient chargetransfer and exciton dissociation. Furthermore, they pro-vide a good conduction path for the electrons to reachthe electrode. Their enhanced absorption coefficient and



Nanowires 4.3 Applications 151

a) b)





Practicle length


Fig. 4.43 (a) An optical im-age of many short bar-codedAu-Ag-Au-Au wires and(b) an FE-SEM image ofan Au/Ag barcoded wirewith multiple strips of vary-ing length. The insert in (a)shows a histogram of the par-ticle lengths for 106 particlesin this image [4.110]

their tunable bandgap are also characteristics that canbe used to enhance the energy conversion efficiency ofsolar cells.

4.3.4 Chemical and BiochemicalSensing Devices

Sensors for chemical and biochemical substances withnanowires as the sensing probe are a very attractiveapplication area. Nanowire sensors will potentially besmaller, more sensitive, demand less power, and reactfaster than their macroscopic counterparts. Arrays ofnanowire sensors could, in principle, achieve nanometer-scale spatial resolution and therefore provide accuratereal-time information regarding not only the concentra-tion of a specific analyte but also its spatial distribution.Such arrays could be very useful, for example, for dy-namic studies on the effects of chemical gradients onbiological cells. The operation of sensors made withnanowires, nanotubes, or nanocontacts is based mostlyon the reversible change in the conductance of the nano-structure upon absorption of the agent to be detected, butother detection methods, such as mechanical and opti-cal detection, are conceptually plausible. The increasedsensitivity and faster response time of nanowires are a re-sult of the large surface-to-volume ratio and the smallcross-section available for conduction channels. In thebulk, on the other hand, the abundance of charges caneffectively shield external fields, and the abundance ofmaterial can afford many alternative conduction chan-nels. Therefore, a stronger chemical stimulus and longerresponse time are necessary to observe changes in thephysical properties of a 3-D sensor in comparison toa nanowire.

It is often necessary to modify the surface of thenanowires to achieve a strong interaction with the an-alytes that need to be detected. Surface modificationsutilize the self-assembly, chemisorption or chemical re-

activity of selected organic molecules and polymerstowards metal and oxide surfaces. Examples include:thiols on gold, isocyanides on platinum, and siloxaneson silica. These surface coatings regulate the bindingand chemical reactivity of other molecules towards thenanowire in a predictable manner [4.226].

Cui et al. placed silicon nanowires made by the VLSmethod (Sect. 4.1.2) between two metal electrodes andmodified the silicon oxide coating of the wire throughthe addition of molecules that are sensitive to the ana-lyte to be detected [4.227]. For example, a pH sensor wasmade by covalently linking an amine-containing silaneto the surface of the nanowire. Variations in the pHof the solution into which the nanowire was immersedcaused protonation and deprotonation of the −NH2 andthe −SiOH groups on the surface of the nanowire. Thevariation in surface charge density regulates the conduc-tance of the nanowire; due to the p-type characteristicsof a silicon wire, the conductance increases with the ad-dition of negative surface charge. The combined acidand base behavior of the surface groups results in anapproximately linear dependence of the conductanceon pH in the pH range 2 to 9, thus leading to a di-rect readout pH meter. This same type of approach wasused for the detection of the binding of biomolecules,such as streptavidin using biotin-modified nanowires(see Fig. 4.44). This nanowire-based device has highsensitivity and could detect streptavidin binding downto a concentration of 10 pM (10−12 mole). Subsequentresults demonstrated the capabilities of these function-alized Si nanowire sensors as DNA sensors down to thefemtomolar range [4.228]. The chemical detection de-vices were made in a field effect transistor geometry,so that the back-gate potential could be used to regulatethe conductance in conjugation with the chemical detec-tion and to provide a real-time direct read-out [4.227].The extension of this device to detect multiple analytesusing multiple nanowires, each sensitized to a differ-



152 Part A Nanostructures, Micro/Nanofabrication and Materials

Time (s)






Conductance (nS)

0 200 400







Fig. 4.44 (a) Streptavidin molecules bind to a silicon nanowirefunctionalized with biotin. The binding of streptavidin to biotincauses the nanowire to change its resistance. (b) The conductance ofa biotin-modified silicon nanowire exposed to streptavidin in a buffersolution (regions 1 and 3) and with the introduction of a solution ofantibiotin monoclonal antibody (region 2) [4.227]

ent analyte, could provide for fast, sensitive, and in situscreening procedures.

A similar approach was used by Favier et al., whomade a nanosensor for the detection of hydrogen fromof an array of palladium nanowires between two metalcontacts [4.44]. They demonstrated that nanogaps werepresent in their nanowire structure, and upon absorptionof H2 and formation of Pd hydride, the nanogap structurewould close and improve the electrical contact, therebyincreasing the conductance of the nanowire array. Theresponse time of these sensors was 75 msec, and theycould operate in the range 0.5–5% H2 before saturationoccurred.

4.3.5 Magnetic Applications

It has been demonstrated that arrays of single-domainmagnetic nanowires can be prepared with controllednanowire diameter and length, aligned along a com-

mon direction and arranged in a close-packed orderedarray (see Sect. 4.1), and that the magnetic properties(coercivity, remanence and dipolar magnetic interwireinteraction) can be controlled to achieve a variety ofmagnetic applications [4.40, 79].

The most interesting of these applications is formagnetic storage, where the large nanowire aspect ra-tio (length/diameter) is advantageous for preventing theonset of the “superparamagnetic” limit at which themagnetization direction in the magnetic grains can bereversed by the thermal energy kBT , thereby resulting inloss of recorded data in the magnetic recording medium.The magnetic energy in a grain can be increased byincreasing either the volume or the anisotropy of thegrain. If the volume is increased, the particle size in-creases, so the resolution is decreased. For sphericalmagnetized grains, the superparamagnetic limit at roomtemperature is reached at 70 Gbit/in2. In nanowires, theanisotropy is very large and yet the wire diameters aresmall, so that the magnetostatic switching energy caneasily be above the thermal energy while the spatial res-olution is large. For magnetic data storage applications,a large aspect ratio is needed for the nanowires in orderto maintain a high coercivity, and a sufficient separationbetween nanowires is needed to suppress interwire mag-netic dipolar coupling. Thus nanowires can form stableand highly dense magnetic memory arrays with packingdensities in excess of 1011 wires/cm2.

The onset of superparamagnetism can be preventedin the single-domain magnetic nanowire arrays that havealready been fabricated using either porous alumina tem-plates to make Ni nanowires with 35 nm diameters [4.40]or diblock copolymer templates [4.79] to make Conanowires, with mean diameters of 14 nm and 100%filling of the template pores (see 4.1.1). The orderedmagnetic nanowire arrays that have already been demon-strated offer the exciting promise of systems permitting1012 bits/in2 data storage.

4.4 Concluding Remarks

In this chapter, we reviewed the synthesis, character-ization and physical properties of nanowires, placingparticular emphasis on nanowire properties that differfrom those of the bulk counterparts and potential appli-cations that might result from the special structures andproperties of nanowires.

We have shown that the newly emerging field ofnanowire research has developed very rapidly over thepast few years, driven by the development of a vari-

ety of complementary nanowire synthesis methods andeffective tools for measuring nanowire structure andproperties (see Sects. 4.1 and 4.2). At present, much ofthe progress is at the demonstration-of-concept level,with many gaps in knowledge remaining to be elu-cidated, theoretical models to be developed, and newnanowire systems to be explored. Having demonstratedthat many of the most interesting discoveries to daterelate to nanowire properties not present in their bulk



Nanowires References 153

material counterparts, we can expect future research em-phasis to be increasingly focused on smaller diameternanowires, where new unexplored physical phenom-ena related to quantum confinement effects are morelikely to be found. We can also expect the develop-ment of applications to follow, some coming sooner andothers later. Many promising applications are now atthe early demonstration stage (see Sect. 4.3), but are

moving ahead rapidly because of their promise of newfunctionality, not previously available, in the fields ofelectronics, optoelectronics, biotechnology, magnetics,and energy conversion and generation, among others.Many exciting challenges remain in advancing both thenanoscience and the nanotechnological promise alreadydemonstrated by the nanowire research described in thisreview.


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