Ss 2012.04.29 the lisbon resolution what culture do we practice

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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The Lisbon Resolution:What culture do we


Let us become True Parents’ heirs by:

Building loving communities that unite the generations in advancing the providence.

The Lisbon Resolution

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

John 13:34-35

Christianity is a religion of love. It strives through love and sacrifice to

open the path to restore the horizontal relationships of give and take between people in the love of Christ. On this horizontal

foundation of love, the way is opened to

restore our vertical relationship of give and take with God. In truth, this was the main purpose of all the teachings and deeds of Jesus.

EDP, Ch. 1 Section 2.2

In order to construct the four position foundation in their family,Adam and Eve should have joined in loving oneness as husband and wife and raised children. This wouldhave been the fulfilment of the second blessing… When God's

second blessing is fulfilled, this family or community also becomes a good object partner giving joy to God.

EDP, Ch. 1 Section 3.2

When a family practices living for the sake of others, it creates a miniature culture of true love in the home. This culture naturally propagates to the next generation. Through the family’s service, it can spread to the community… A life of living for the sake of others only blossoms where conjugal relationships are clear and absolute.

True Family Values, Pg. 260

It is true love, to live for the sake of others. Therefore the younger families must attend the elder families and the elder families must love the younger families. We must also become families that love and live for the others, that feel the pain when others are suffering, and share the joy when others are happy.

Dae Mo Nim, 16th December 2006

the husband must absolutely love the wife, the wife must give beauty and love to the husband, the parents, interest and love to children, and the children, respect to their parents, in accordance with the Principle.

Dae Mo Nim, 16th December 2006

Let’s build the4PF culture!