SS.912.A.4.1 Analyze the major factors that drove United States imperialism.

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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EOC Review Day 4

SS.912.A.4.1 Analyze the major factors that drove United States imperialism.

 Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan: The Influence of Sea Power upon History, (1890) Thesis: Control of the sea was the key to world

dominance and empire. U.S. should build large navy and build defensive

bases and refueling stations strategically placed on world’s oceans. 

Take Hawaii and other Pacific islands.  Josiah Strong: Our Country

 Advocated superiority of Anglo-Saxon civilization Urged Americans spread religion and democratic

values to “backward” peoples.

SS.912.A.4.1 Analyze the major factors that drove United

States imperialism.

Direct Cause of Spanish-American war USA sent a ship to support and protect Americans

in danger in Cuba Explosion of the USS Maine-1898 266 soldiers dead Remember the Maine! To hell with Spain!

SS.912.A.4.3 Examine causes, course, and consequences of

the Spanish-American War.

Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hurst

Used their positions as journalists to support the concept of war

Hearst sent artist Frederic Remington to Cuba to draw sketches. 

“Your furnish the pictures, I’ll furnish the war.”

Yellow Journalism

USA much weaker than Spain militarily Theodore Roosevelt and the “Rough Riders”

led the army on the Ground in Cuba US navy completely destroyed the Spanish

fleet Teller Amendment-assured the world that

Cuba would be returned to its people after the war

Course of Spanish American War

When fighting began the US sent ships to

attack Spain’s Philippine holdings US destroyed 10 Spanish ships and killed or

wounded 400 Spainards in the Philippines

Spanish American war in the Philippines

The United States increased their policy of Imperialism after the Spanish American War.

 Annexation of Hawaii (July 1898) U.S. used the pretense of needing Hawaii as military naval base.  Annexation of Hawaii was rushed through Congress and approved by

President McKinley Hawaiians granted U.S. citizenship and received full territorial status

in 1900.

U.S. Army invaded Puerto Rico U.S. sought to take the island before the war with Spain ended.  Most of population regarded U.S. soldiers as liberating heroes.  Spain signed an Armistice on August 12, 1898. 


SS.912.A.4.2 Explain the motives of the United States’

acquisition of the territories.

Treaty of Paris, 1898

Cuba freed from Spain U.S. received Pacific island of Guam which they had captured

early in the war.  U.S. gained Puerto Rico.

Treaty of Paris

Anti-Imperialist League

Williams Jennings Bryan (Democrat) Feared lower wages for immigrants, factories

relocating overseas Did not want to increase size of military

because it would increase taxes Platt Amendment

Changed the Teller Amendment to give the US the ability to reinvade Cuba if neccessary

Imperialism Debate

  Filipinos assumed they would be granted freedom after

the war, like the Cubans. Open rebellion began Feb. 1899; Emilio Aguinaldo

declared Philippines independent. More savage fighting and resulted in more casualties than

Spanish American War.  Filipino armies fled to the jungle where they waged

vicious guerrilla warfare. Insurrection finally broken in 1901 when Aguinaldo was


Insurrection in the Philippines

Open Door Policy-Agreement between the

western countries granting equal rights to trading ports in China

Written by the United States Increased the US presence in Asia Boxer Rebellion-Chinese uprising put down by

Japan, Russia, Britain, France, Germany and US troops.


Theodore Roosevelt- “Big Stick Policy” Panama Canal- United States helped Panama

fight off Columbian rulers Took Control of Panama and built the Canal to

improve shipping and naval efficiency Disease and death plagued construction

SS.912.A.4.4 Analyze the economic, military, and security motivations of the United States to complete the

Panama Canal as well as major obstacles involved in its


China -- Manchurian Railroad Scheme

1909, Taft proposed that a group of U.S. and foreign bankers buy the railroads and turn them over to China. 

Japan and Russia refused to give up important railroads. President Taft showered in ridicule. 

 Caribbean  Taft urged Wall Street bankers to loan money to Honduras

and Haiti to keep out foreign funds.  Ultimately, U.S. sent forces to Cuba, Honduras, the

Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua to keep control and order.

Dollar Diplomacy

Latin America and the Caribbean

Kept Marines in Nicaragua making that country, in effect, a U.S. protectorate.

U.S. forces sent to Haiti in 1914-15 when Haitian president torn to pieces.

1916, U.S. Marines sent to Dominican Republic when riots and civil war broke out.

1917, U.S. purchased Virgin Islands from Denmark

Missionary Diplomacy