SSP Kindy Kidz Program for Early Reading and Spelling

Post on 02-Dec-2014

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The Speech Sound Pics (SSP) Kindy Kidz Program - developed by the Reading Whisperer Miss Emma Part of the new BRICKS program- Bringing Research Into Classrooms 4 Kids


Phonics is a method of teaching reading which first teaches the letter sounds so that children can blend these sounds together to achieve full pronunciation of whole words. Within SSP the Speech Sound Detective looks for the links between speech sounds and speech sound pics in words…and children learn how to blend, segment and manipulate within SpeedySSP Skills activities

RWI cards used throughout the SSP Approach

SSP Blue Level Sound Pic Sandwich (split digraph)

Speech Sound Clouds used to show all spelling variations for the speech sounds

Phonemic Awareness

•Phonemic awareness is NOT phonics.

•Phonemic awareness is AUDITORY and does not involve words in print.

Research indicates a strong relationship between early phoneme awareness and later reading success and, conversely, links reading failure to insufficiently developed phonological awareness. Research has identified PA as the most potent predictor of success in learning to read. It is more highly related to reading than tests of general intelligence, reading readiness, and listening comprehension. It is central in learning to read and spell. Intervention research clearly demonstrates the benefits of explicitly

teaching phoneme awareness skills. SpeedySSP is an evidence based, research driven early intervention

program that is ideal for Kindy Kidz.

SSP Kindy Kidz™ Programs are Based on Neuroscience ie How the Brain Develops into a Reading and

Spelling Brain. If interested, you will find out a lot

of fascinating things, about how the brain works!

Our brains scan ahead all the time as readers. We barely look at the smaller

parts (the sound pics) because our brains say ‘I get it’ and move to the

next word. Read the label again..

When you can read, your brain can scan ahead, and make sense of words it

recognises, even if jumbled. Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is that the frist and lsat ltteers are in the rghit pclae: you can raed it wouthit a porbelm bcuseae we don't raed ervey lteter but the word as a wlohe

When you don’t know the words, however, and especially if located within a sentence you don’t understand (so you can’t even guess at

meaning) your brain struggles as it can’t link the speech sounds to the speech sound pics. Read this aloud, quickly...

Polysyllabic numbers present gargantuan quandaries for students,

who become conspicuously discombobulated.

This is why knowing the code (sound pic recognition), and how to blend, isn’t enough.

Vocabulary knowledge is also necessary. However, even if you know how to pronounce ‘polysyllabic’ etc can you explain what it

means? This is the comprehension part of the puzzle. Now, can you spell the words correctly if read to you?....If you

memorise them will you remember them in a month?...

Of COURSE you need all five elements, but phonemic awareness and phonics are needed to create a solid foundation for life.

Without it, your wall will always be shaky and not serve its purpose.

Bringing Research Into Classrooms 4 Kids

Ask about a 4 or 6 hour SSP Kindy Kidz™ Workshop for EY Educators

Learn how to run a 20 minute SSP session each morning, and afternoon that includes; Speech Sound Harry™ Activities Speech Sound Detective™ Activities SpeedySSP Skills™ Activities – inc letter formation ‘Close your eyes and visualise™’ Activities Reading to the Speech Sound Family activities (using your own SSP Book Tier) Each child will also have their own SSP Folder, so that they can play with their sound pics and sound pic words at home! You will have your own SSP facebook page – dedicated to your centre- where parents and carers share experiences, ask questions, and post photos and vidoes of their children using SSP at home. Miss Emma will be a page administrator, so that she can add personal messages, and support that centre personally. When you book training an SSP Starter Pack is included in the training cost.

The SSP Kindy Kidz Program Another Option is that a qualified SSP Reading and Spelling Coach comes into your centre once a week, working with your Kindy Teachers and Pre-School aged children for a total of 40 minutes. This is fun, intensive ‘reading and spelling brain training’. Each session includes; Speech Sound Harry™ Activities Speech Sound Detective™ Activities SpeedySSP Skills™ Activities – inc letter formation ‘Close your eyes and visualise™’ Activities Reading to the Speech Sound Family activites (using your own SSP Book Tier) The aim is that the EY teachers are then trained in SSP, alongside the children, and can continue this after the official program has ended. They can also advise the 2-3 year old room leaders, on fun activities to prepare the for the pre-school room. All SSP resources are free, even after the program has ended. Your educators remain in contact with the coach, for online support, and links to updated and new resources. EY teachers will practice specific activities every morning and afternoon, before the next SSP Coach’s visit. Each child will also have their own SSP Folder, so that they can play with their sound pics and sound pic words at home! There is a one off cost for the program delivery, paid by the Centre, and includes an SSP Starter Kit .

What is the SSP Approach to Reading and Spelling?

Pocket size resources

Individual Speech Sound Cloud Albums

First helpful words

helpful words


SSP helps to get parents and carers involved !

We want children to form letters in round, flowing shapes with exits ready for pre-cursive. It is far better for the reading and spelling brain to do it like this, than to teach print, or fonts that go against research Teach a 'style' when the children can form letters correctly, for direction and flow. The RWI phrase helps them with direction, and the link to speech sounds. Please, please, please dont teach print. It doesnt matter if children have them to read - they should see a range of fonts, as they do in books. For their letter formation however, we need round, flowing letters that are ready for joining. Em

Children need to practice forming the 26 letters of the alphabet in Prep regardless of level – please use the phrase and character cards daily as this helps develop symbol imagery etc

You may practice a – f on Monday, g – l on Tuesday etc. You can call them by their name if you wish- talking about the fact that these have a name - however stressing that this is just a label. What matters most , to shape reading and spelling

brain, is the speech sound to sound pic link.

Taking her Purple Level reader (a

Fitzroy Reader) to the reading area, to

read to the Speech Sound Hippo


Email for Dandelion Reader Order Form (red stars are recommended by Miss Emma for schools)

Then show them the Speech Sound Cloud !


busy women

Most SSP Resources are Free

Eg – print and laminate the following, to use over and over again

s s s s s s




tin _____ _____ _______ 1 2 3




tin _____ _____ _______ 1 2 3

t t t t t




tin _____ _____ _______ 1 2 3

p p p p p




tin _____ _____ _______ 1 2 3

i i i i i




tin _____ _____ _______ 1 2 3

n n n n n




tin _____ _____ _______ 1 2 3

nip ___ __ ____ 1 2 3

SSP Kindy Kidz™ Program - Pilot Study Your Centre has been invited to take part in an SSP Kindy Kidz Program Pilot, to start Thursday May 9th, and run for 8 weeks. Emma Hartnell-Baker (a registered QLD teacher) will be working with your children, and their teacher, for 40 minutes. Between sessions your child’s teacher will practice SSP activities, and we hope you will support us, by making use of your child’s home folder. As this is a pilot, there is no cost involved! These session will be videoed and uploaded to for educational purposes. Any questions? Email Name of Child: I ___________________________ parent/ carer/s of ______________ give my consent for participation in the weekly SSP Kindy Kidz Program, and understand that sessions will be filmed for educational purposes. Signed: Date: