St Columba’s Berrigan

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St Columba’s Berrigan Parent Prospectus



Welcome to our Learning Community at St. Columba’s School, Berrigan. St. Columba’s is a Catholic School catering for boys and girls from Kindergarten to Year 6. We aim to provide a school that is striving for excellence in the Religious, Academic, Sporting and Cultural areas of education. St. Columba’s is located in picturesque grounds that enhance learning opportunities as well as providing a very safe environment. At St. Columba’s we aim to create a learning environment that meets the diverse needs of each student. The following information is intended to explain more about how the school operates. If you require more information or have a question about the school, please do not hesitate to contact me. Ms Helene Cahill PRINCIPAL


School Staff – 2020


● Parish Priest Father Rick Micallef ● Principal Ms Helene Cahill ● Religious Education Ms Helene Cahill

● Class Teachers Ms Nancye Spiteri & Mrs Melanie Cattell

● Mathematics Focus Teacher Ms Helene Cahill

● Inclusive & Diverse Learning Mrs Julie Cornish

● School Secretary Mrs. Arlena Pyle ● Cleaner Ms Sharnee Horton


St. Columba’s Vision Statement

Vision Statement St Columba’s, as a Catholic School, strives to mould people who, being self-directed and optimistic, will take a role in renewing both the church and society. In moving towards this renewal mission this school will strive

▪ To be a place where a shared commitment to a faith based on Christ as a model, guides all our efforts towards the total development of each student.

▪ To recognise the dignity of each person within its community, working to create a climate characterised by trust, openness, encouragement, mutual support, tolerance, forgiveness and reconciliation.

▪ To show special concern to those who are disadvantaged.

▪ To challenge students in order to enhance their personal achievement and spiritual growth.

▪ To be a Christian educational community, where human knowledge, enlightened and enlivened by faith, is shared by teachers, students and parents, in a spirit of freedom and love.

Mission Statement A Community of Care

At St. Columba’s School we believe we are a community of care:

▪ Informal structures are in place to ensure pastoral care is experienced by all members. We encourage social attitudes, so that the children live responsibly, respecting their dignity and the dignity of others.

▪ We support and nurture family unity.

▪ We accept and welcome all who come to our school.

▪ We challenge and initiate structures so our society is more just and compassionate.

▪ Individual differences are accepted and celebrated. The community is encouraged to love and care for the environment.

A Community of Service

As teachers of St. Columba’s School we will:

▪ Model the Gospel of Jesus through our relationships and actions with the whole community.

▪ Nurture and foster social attitudes so that our children will live responsibly in the community respecting their dignity and the dignity of others. Give the child the opportunity to reach their full potential in such a way that they will make progress spiritually, academically, culturally, physically and emotionally.

▪ Give the children opportunity to live a full and interesting life in a stimulating environment whereby he/she will develop their natural ability to widen their horizons and skills, enabling them to be responsible citizens in our society.

▪ Develop the children’s ability to work collaboratively on decision making.

▪ Foster in our children a generosity to help those in need and to willingly share their gifts and talents.


Community of Faith As a community of Faith, we at St. Columba’s believe we will:

▪ Provide the community where faith is centered on the Gospel of Jesus.

▪ Provide the programs in the Sacramental life of the Catholic Church.

▪ Impart our Catholic tradition and proclaim we are a faith community.

▪ Recognise that each member of our faith community has an individual faith journey to foster and celebrate.

▪ Respect each person’s faith and tradition.

▪ That community members are lead by good example emphasizing the relevance of the Gospel in today’s world. Recognise the school as being part of St. Columba’s Parish and wider community.

▪ Participate in classroom and school prayer.

▪ Celebrate the Catholic Church's seasons and special events through liturgical celebrations.

▪ Have a sequenced Religious Education program.

▪ Foster a sense of hope.

A Community of Learning As a community of learning we at St. Columba’s will:

▪ Seek to provide teaching and learning experiences which are relevant, developmental, and challenging, so that children can develop to their full potential.

▪ Provide opportunities for professional and personal development of staff. ▪ Develop in the children a love of learning and foster an inquiring mind.

▪ Recognise that education happens in partnership with families and the wider community.

▪ Develop an interesting, relevant and imaginative curriculum.

▪ Affirm all in their efforts to learn and make the world a better place.

▪ Involve parents in activities to develop their own growth and the growth of their children.

▪ Provide a safe and happy environment.


St. Columba’s School Exit Outcomes

St Columba’s is a community of faith, learning, care and service. We believe that learning is a life long process. We at St Columba’s School expect that children on exiting our school will be able to grow into the adults they need to become. To achieve this, we need to prepare children to acquire and integrate their knowledge, to use knowledge meaningfully, to extend and refine knowledge and to be creative and critical thinkers. This will be achieved by: Providing opportunities to grow spiritually through ● Developing a sense of wonder, awe and mystery as a foundation of their faith ● Learning more about, and living, the Gospel values ● Participating in the sacramental life of the Church ● Realisation that prayer is part of forming a relationship with God ● An understanding of the Scriptures and the teachings of the Catholic Church

Providing opportunities to be inquirers who ● Have a love of learning ● Are people who are curious, who question and who investigate ● Are constructive and purposeful in their approach to learning ● Are able to research a wide variety of topics and issues in order to further their knowledge and


Providing opportunities to be thinkers who

● Are able to think creatively and critically ● Who can make sound decisions and solve problems ● Who can access, use and apply learning processes and information in many contexts

Providing opportunities to be reflective people who

● Can reflect on their thinking and learning ● Can reflect before, during and after an action ● Can analyse their strengths and weaknesses thoughtfully ● Can improve their effectiveness, knowledge and learning processes through planning and goal setting

Providing opportunities to be adaptable by

● Welcoming and questioning change ● Knowing how to work with change ● Using their initiative to explore and create new roles, ideas and strategies ● Being open minded, resourceful and flexible ● Being risk takers in their learning ● Being resilient

Providing opportunities to be knowledgeable by

● Having a depth of understanding of ideas and concepts, which are both personal and global ● Seeing relationships and patterns in systems and daily life ● Exploring and nurturing gifts and talents ● Broadening their horizons and experiences ● Providing a quality comprehensive curriculum which challenges all learners


Providing opportunities to be communicators who

● Can receive, express and represent information in a variety of ways ● Can make appropriate choices for their audiences Providing opportunities to be collaborative people who ● Know how to work effectively with others ● Demonstrate appropriate team work skills ● Use interpersonal skills in a variety of situations Providing opportunities to be principled people who ● Use a combination of emotional, intellectual and moral qualities, such as perseverance, courage,

loyalty, honesty, fairness and respect ● Live out these Gospel Values in all aspects of their lives

Providing opportunities to be caring people who ● Show sensitivity towards the needs and feelings of others ● Have a sense of responsibility to social justice issues

Providing opportunities to be global citizens who ● Are able to view the world as an integrated community ● Understand interdependence ● Value cultural diversity ● Consider a range of viewpoints in decision-making, relationships and daily lives ● Promote outreach to the poor and disadvantaged ● Encourage the stewardship of all creation Providing opportunities to be healthy ● By understanding the importance of physical and mental balance and personal well being ● By having a positive relationship with self and others ● By demonstrating a sense of individual and group responsibility Adapted from Today’s Children: Tomorrow’s Adults

School Ethos

Parents are attracted to Catholic schools because of their special atmosphere, where Religion is a core part of the curriculum and this permeates through all aspects of school life, the quality of education and the commitment of staff. We recognise that you as parents are the prime educators of your children and we understand our role in supporting you in this endeavour. Children who are from other denominations are most welcome to attend St. Columba’s. Children will not be pressured in any way to join the Catholic Religion, but will be encouraged by staff to learn about the Christian faith.

The children will also be expected to uphold the Catholic ethos of the school.

Parents and Guardians Code of Conduct

Parents and guardians are an indispensable part of a child's education. We recognise that parents and guardians are part of the School community and have a right to participate in their child's education.


In order to balance the rights of parents and guardians, students, teachers and staff, we expect parents/guardians to uphold a certain standard of behaviour. This standard allows children to learn, teachers to teach, and other community members to participate in education, free from harassment, violence, intimidation and vilification. Parents and guardians should set an example for their children, and the children of others. They have a shared responsibility with their children, other parents/guardians and the School to ensure that their children abide by the Student Code of Conduct. Values: Parents and guardians should uphold the values of St Columba's Primary School. Our values are:

● excellence - in your schoolwork, extra-curricular, sporting and other personal endeavours ● respect - for your teachers, parents/guardians, peers and members of the community ● courtesy - with everyone you interact with ● pride - in yourself, and the way you represent the School ● personal responsibility - for your actions ● integrity - honesty and candour in all of your dealings ● tolerance - for others, regardless of their background, age, gender, sexuality, religion or race ● inclusion - of all those who decide to come to St Columba's Primary School, and of those in the community.

Extra-Curricular and Sporting Events: We recognise that parents and guardians are often actively involved in the sporting and extra-curricular events of their children. We encourage parents to participate in such activities and to support their children, however we also make clear that we have high expectations of parents at these events and activities. At these events, especially sporting events, parents are expected to:

● encourage (without forcing) their children to participate ● never ridicule, berate, discourage or otherwise interfere with their child or another child ● uphold the principles of good sportsmanship and fair play ● never yell, abuse or otherwise interfere with a sporting official, coach or other person ● never incite, encourage or commit acts of violence ● never use foul or abusive language ● never interfere in an activity.

Dealing with the School: Parents and guardians are expected to deal with our teaching and non-teaching staff in a way that is courteous and respectful at all times. Parents and guardians should only deal with teachers in accordance with our Parent Communication and Involvement Policy so that teachers are able to discharge their duties without interference. Parents and guardians should not approach or interact with the children of other parents without their permission. School Policies: Parents and guardians should support their children so that they can comply with School policies. Parents and guardians, as members of the School community, are also expected to comply with School policies and reasonable directions, including those relating to health and safety and communications with the School. Complaints and Feedback: St Columba's Primary School has developed a complaints policy to ensure that all grievances and complaints are dealt with by the School in the appropriate manner. Should a parent or guardian be unable to resolve an issue informally, they may lodge a complaint with the School. Refer to our Complaints Handling Policy. Breach of code of conduct: Parents and guardians are expected to follow the Parent Code of Conduct. Serious breaches of the code may lead to the withdrawal of their child/ren from St Columba's Primary School.

Student Code of Conduct

St Columba's Primary School recognises that effective learning can only occur in a secure environment where the rights and responsibilities of others are known and respected and where standards and rules are fairly and


consistently applied. This Student Code of Conduct has been developed to clearly set out standards of behaviour that students are expected to meet. Managing the Code of Conduct is a shared responsibility between the student, parents/guardians and the School. All students and families have ready access to support offered by School teachers and staff. Values: Students are expected to uphold the values of St Columba's Primary School. Our values are:

● excellence - in your schoolwork, extra-curricular, sporting and other personal endeavours ● respect - for your teachers, parents/guardians, peers and members of the community ● courtesy - with everyone you interact with ● pride - in yourself, and the way you represent the School ● personal responsibility - for your actions ● integrity - honesty and candour in all of your dealings ● tolerance - for others, regardless of their background, age, gender, sexuality, religion or race ● inclusion - of all those who decide to come to St Columba's Primary School, and of those in the community.

These values are to be upheld in the way you conduct yourself not only in the School, but also the community. Rights And Responsibilities: Students are expected to observe and uphold this statement of rights and responsibilities:

You have the right to: You have the responsibility to:

● Reach your full learning potential in a safe and supportive

● environment. ● Be safe. ● Be treated with respect, courtesy and kindness. ● Be an active part of, and contribute positively

to, the community. ● Be treated fairly and justly. ● Have your human rights and legal rights


● Enable others to learn in a safe and supportive environment.

● Follow School policies and procedures, as well as the directions of

● teachers, at all times. ● Treat others with respect, courtesy and

kindness. ● Represent the School well in the community. ● Accept and consider the consequences of your

actions. ● Respect the human rights and legal rights of


School Rules and Policies: Students are expected to abide by the directions of teachers and School rules and policies. Breach of Code of Conduct: A breach of this code of conduct will be dealt with according to our Student Discipline Policy.


A Brief History

St. Columba's School & Parish History

The Presentation Sisters' story begins with Nano Nagle (1718-1784), born in Balygriffin, Ireland, during the persecution of Irish Catholics under the English Penal Laws. Having received her education in France, she returned to Ireland only to be confronted by the squalor, ignorance and

accompanying social ills which surrounded her, especially in the city of Cork. She saw as the immediate need of the children of Cork that they be educated. On Friday, 20 July, 1866, a small group of Presentation Sisters left Ireland, their homeland and friends, to make a three month journey by boat to Tasmania. When this group of four professed sisters and five postulants arrived at Hobart they opened the first Presentation convent and school in the Southern Hemisphere at Richmond. In May 1874, five sisters arrived from Kildare and started the

Presentation Congregation at Wagga.

The Presentation Sisters came to Berrigan from "Mount Erin", Wagga in 1904 at the request of the Parish Priest, Rev. Father Vaughan. The five Sisters, Sr. M. Alacoque (Superior) Fogarty, Sr. M. Aquinas Cunningham, Sr. M. Catherine Kerrigan, Sr. M. Patrick McMahon and Sr. M. Anthony Sweeney arrived by train on the 30th September, 1904, and were accompanied by Rev. Father Michael Slattery, the Parish Priest of Wagga, who also stayed for the opening of the School. Before the coming of the Sisters, there had been a Catholic School in Berrigan, opened in 1898, staffed and run by a lay teacher. Berrigan was not unique in having a lay-administered School, as this was the pattern in Australia

until sufficient religious were available from overseas first and then from amongst the Australian people, to take over the Schools. The last lay teacher at the school at Berrigan at the time of the Sisters' arrival was Miss Cecilia Flanagan who had previously been on the staff of St Joseph's School in Wagga. At first the School classes were from kindergarten to seventh grade. A secondary department was later added and continued until the "Wyndham Scheme" forced it to discontinue in 1968.

During the 1960's Father O'Donovan made extensive

improvements to the classrooms. With the completion of the present church, the old church building was converted

into a classroom and hall in 1970. In 1976 with financial assistance for the Commonwealth Government a staff room was built onto the hall, and a Principals office was also added to the existing classroom building.

In 1978 Sr. Clare O'Reilly retired as School Principal and in 1979 Mr. Michael Jones was appointed Principal of School. The Presentation Sisters continued to work in the School and parish until 1989 when they were farewelled on 10th

December. Srs. Clare Gaynor, Pascal Hayes and Leo Kennedy were the last members of the Berrigan community. Bishop W. Brennan was Principal Celebrant at Mass with Fr. R. Fitzgerald P.P. In 2004 Centenary celebrations of the arrival of Presentation Sisters in Berrigan were held on 12th September. Fr J.H. McGrath P.P. was Principal Celebrant at Mass. Sr. Maureen Watson, Congregational Leader and many other

Sisters returned for the celebration.


Catering for the Individual

At St. Columba's School, we are very aware of each child’s individual needs and therefore have structured our classes and programmes around this premise. Teachers provide learning experiences appropriate to each child’s development. Developmentally appropriate practice ensures that every child is learning at his or her own rate. It involves focusing on children as individuals who are growing and developing on a continuum of learning.

Parents and School in Partnership

As parents you realise the commitment you make in enrolling your child/children at St. Columba’s. This extends to supporting the school both physically and financially. We invite your support in areas such as attending working bees, reading groups, attending School or Class Masses as well as School Support Committee fundraising functions. Financial support comes through payment of school fees. The School Council raises much needed funds to provide current and up to date resources for each class.

Parish Priest

Father Rick Micallef is the Parish Priest of St. Columba’s. The school is a vital part of the Parish community and Father Rick works closely with the Principal to ensure that the school operates effectively and efficiently.


The Principal is Ms Helene Cahill and she is available for contact each day, though after recess is preferable as this is her office time. Should you require an appointment, please contact the School Secretary. If the matter is of a less important nature, please feel free just to call in to see her before or after school. If you have a concern, please contact the school early before it becomes a major problem. In the first instance, the class teacher should be approached about problems.

School Secretary

The school office is open Monday to Friday from 8.30am until 2.30pm. Mrs. Arlena Pyle will be available to assist you during those hours.

School Support Committee

The School Support Committee assists the Principal to ensure that the Catholic ethos of the school is maintained. The Committee’s task is to assist with maintenance, fundraising and promoting the school in accordance with Diocesan guidelines. The Committee does not have a role in the administration of the school. Every year, elections are held to elect parents to the School Support Committee and all interested groups are represented. Meetings are held once a term.


As the School Support Committee is the fundraising arm of St. Columba’s all parents are considered as members and are welcome to take part in all meetings, fundraising activities and social outings that occur throughout the year. New parents are especially invited to come along and find out how they can support the school.

Communication with parents

Communication between home and school is a vital and important part of your child’s education. The major form of communication with parents comes through the fortnightly newsletter which goes home every second Thursday. The Principal, teachers and students make regular contributions to the newsletter. The newsletter includes dates for coming events and is the most important aspect of communication at our school. Each classroom teacher is available to see parents upon request. An appointment can be made through the secretary, or by phoning the teacher before school, at recess or lunch time to request an appointment. Teachers are encouraged to contact parents by phone and request an interview should they have concerns about a student. School reports are sent home in June and December and parents have the opportunity to make an appointment to see teachers for an interview after reports are sent home. Three Way Goal setting meetings generally held during Term 1 and Term 3. These meetings are an opportunity for the teachers, students and parents to set goals for each of the semesters. The school also communicates through the Compass portal and the App called Compass which can be downloaded to your phone. There is also a Facebook page for the school.

School Fees

The fees at St. Columba’s are a vital part of our income and parents are reminded that enrolment includes meeting a fee commitment. Fees are used for the ongoing running costs associated with operating a school. Families are required to enter into a fee payment agreement on enrolment which is then renewed each year. If you are unable to meet your commitment it is vital that the matter be discussed with either the Principal or the Parish Priest. A confidential arrangement can then be entered into. No child would ever be excluded due to the inability to pay. School fee accounts are issued annually and can be paid either weekly, fortnightly, monthly, term or yearly. You will be given further details about this upon enrolment.

Fee Schedule

School Fees comprise of the three following components: ❑ School Fee ❑ Book Fee ❑ Cleaning and Maintenance Levy ❑ NSW & Diocesan Parent Council

❑ One child - $917.70 per annum ❑ Two children - $1235.40 per annum ❑ Three children - $1514.10 per annum

*These figures are based on the 2020 Fee Schedule.


Kindergarten Enrolments

In accordance with Diocesan policy, children should turn five by the 30th May in the year of their Kindergarten enrolment. It is advisable to seriously consider whether to enrol children who turn five after the end of March. If their fifth birthday falls between the 1st June and 31st July, the enrolment will need to be discussed at length and if the child is accepted, a form must be signed by parents agreeing to repeat the child if it is deemed necessary.

Kindergarten Orientation/Transition Days

Each year during Term 4, parents are able to send their child along to school on set days to participate in the Transition Program to help them get ready for starting school the following year. This is evaluated at the end of each year.


As from 1994, parents MUST present an Immunisation Certificate upon enrolment.

Key Learning Areas

In accordance with registration procedures set down by the NSW Department of Education, subjects taught at St. Columba’s school belong to one of the following Key Learning Areas: * English * Mathematics * Science & Technology * Creative & Practical Arts * History & Geography * PD/Health/PE * Religious Education is an additional KLA in Catholic Schools

Students at St Columba’s have access to up to date and modern resources provided by our

hard working School Support Committee and CEDWW grants.


The whole school participates in masses on feast days and important occasions in the Church year. They are advertised on the school newsletter. At different times throughout the school year we will hold paraliturgies for special occasions.


Catholic School’s Week

Each year Catholic School’s Week is promoted in our community. Our school is open for visits. During Catholic schools week we join our neighbouring Catholic schools in Finley for a celebration of Catholic education.

Special Education/Integration

Our school has Diocesan support for children who have special needs as determined by the guidelines. This includes support for children with learning disabilities, emotional or behavioural problems as well as those who have special gifts or talents.


Computer education is a top priority of the school. Our school has all the up to date equipment and resources needed to provide your child with extensive knowledge using technology. All the students receive their own iPad which is used purely for educational purposes in areas such as English and Maths. The children also have their own Chromebook Laptop. The students are able to access Google Drive through the email and Google accounts which are automatically generated in the office when the students are enrolled. We also have a SouthWest Deanery Bank of digital technology resources available for use in classroom programs such as lego WeDo, LittleBits, spheros and virtual reality glasses.

School Hours

❑ School commences 8.55am ❑ Recess 11.10am – 11.30am ❑ Lunch 1:00pm – 1:45 pm ❑ Dismissal 3:05pm

Children should not be on the school grounds before 8:30am, as the playground is not supervised until this time. At the end of the day, a teacher is only on duty until 3:15pm or until the last bus departs and therefore children should not be on the premises after this time.

Reports and Interviews

A formal written report is distributed at the end of Term 2 and is followed by an interview at the parents request. A written report is also given at the end of Term 4. Three Way Goal Setting Meetings are held at the beginning of the year and at the beginning of Term 3. Should you have any concerns about your child’s progress, please contact the relevant teacher. Where possible, we ask that you make an appointment to see teachers.


Assemblies are held each Friday at 2:50pm in the Hall. Families are welcomed and encouraged to attend.



Lunches may be ordered through the Berrigan Bakery Mondays to Fridays. Children ordering lunch are required to place their order in a bag or envelope with their name clearly labelled on the outside. We ask for your support in encouraging the children to eat healthy foods including fruit during the day as this reinforces what is taught in health lessons. The school has ‘Mind & Body Recharge’ during the morning and the children are encouraged to bring a piece

of fruit to eat during this time.

Notes and Money

We ask for your assistance in placing all notes and money in clearly labelled envelopes with your child’s name on the front. There is a collection tray in the classroom for students to place notes in each morning. The office does not have change so we ask that where possible correct money is enclosed.


All Kinder, Year 1 and Year 2 children are eligible for free bus travel regardless of distance from school. To be eligible for free bus travel, all primary children (Years 3-6) must live outside a 1.6km radius of the school as determined by the NSW RMS and need to apply for a NSW Department Transport bus pass. If there is no bus run into town for country children and parents have to transport them to school, there is a bus subsidy available. All children who wish to obtain a bus pass or subsidy must apply online at the NSW Department of Transport website. This is normally done in the first couple of weeks of school.

Drop-off and Pick-Up

Please ensure that you take care when dropping off and picking up your children. The drop-off and pick-up point is at the front of the school.


Teachers handout School Merit Awards at the assembly each Friday. Awards: 2 x Class Teacher’s Awards each week and a Principal’s Award twice a term.

Behaviour Policy

Our aim at St. Columba’s is for each student to respect themselves and those around them. Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) If a child at St Columba’s is displaying inappropriate behaviour it is important that the matter is dealt with consistently and immediately after the fact. Staff have developed a Code to model positive student behaviour. All staff actively promote appropriate behaviours with students through constant verbal, relational and symbolic encouragement and praise. Regular use of descriptive feedback and encouragement is to be the norm. Clear steps to identify and correct behaviours are identified and a reward system put in place to promote positive behaviour outcomes.


At St Columba’s - Strive to be your best self. This is our Code: Right Place, Right Time, Right On Be Safe, Have Fun Learn and Let Learn Kind Words, Kind Actions Rewards for Following our Code

● Dojo points - awarded by staff members in each session - including recess and lunch times for students displaying good examples of our Code

● Weekly awards and prizes for individuals achieving agreed upon dojo points levels ● Whole class rewards when combined dojo points reach agreed upon targets

Consequences for not following our Code

● Staff Member to give student 2 verbal warnings ● If behaviour is not corrected after 2 warnings, the student has classroom timeout - 5 minutes in the

classroom designated area and a behaviour slip is completed noting the code that has been broken ● Further breaking of the codes, or for a severe offence, the student will have an out of class timeout in the

office area - 10 minutes in the designated area in the Administration Building where they will fill in a reflection sheet.

● Out of classroom timeout also instigates an automatic lunch time coaching and explanation note home to parents/carers.

● Warnings reset after each break ● Automatic time out of class/playground if the breach is a safety issue or hands on. ● These consequences also apply during recess and lunch times and the Playground timeout area is the seat

outside the Administration Building Sometimes when children are emotional they may forget specific details of upsetting incidents and the message parents may receive at home might not be entirely accurate. It is very important that if parents do have any concerns about an incident at school that they contact the principal or a classroom teacher to clarify exactly what has happened.

School Uniform

All uniform items are available from the School Uniform Shop.

Girls Boys Summer School Dress “Cleolene” design


Navy Shorts with two-tone polo shirt with school logo

Navy blue school hat with logo

Grey shorts with two-tone polo shirt with school logo

Navy blue school hat with logo

Grey Socks


White Socks

Black shoes/boots or

Black school sandals (no fashion sandals)

Black shoes/boots or

Black school sandals (no fashion sandals)

Winter School tarten fabric 9031 Pinafore or Skirt or

Navy pants with long sleeve sky blue or short sleeve two-tone polo shirt (sky blue skivvy an alternative)

Navy windcheater with school logo

Navy tights or white socks

Black shoes/boots

Grey trousers with long sleeve sky blue or short sleeve two-tone polo shirt with school logo shirt (sky blue skivvy an alternative)

Navy windcheater with school logo

Grey Socks

Black shoes/boots

Sports Navy pleated skirt with navy

sports briefs or

Navy sports shorts

Long sleeve sky blue or short sleeve two-tone polo shirt

White socks with runners

Navy tracksuit & navy windcheater with school logo

Navy sports shorts

Long sleeve sky blue or short sleeve two-tone polo shirt

White socks with runners

Navy tracksuit & navy windcheater with school logo


Further Information

Contact the School to arrange a tour or an Interview with the Principal. Phone: 03 5885 2428 Website: Email: