St. David's Advent Calendar 2011

Post on 27-Mar-2016

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Follow the 4 weeks of Advent with prayers, readings, and music in preparation for Christmas, the celebration of Christ's birth.


Come, Lord Jesus St. David’s Episcopal Church and School

Calendar of Activities for Advent 2011

“Come, let us walk in the light of the Lord.” Isaiah 2:2

Advent means “to come.” During this season we prepare for

three advents. The first is the coming of Jesus two thousand years

ago. We remember the faithful people who waited and watched for

God’s promised Messiah: Abraham and Sarah, Moses, Miriam

and Aaron, David the king, Isaiah the prophet, Elizabeth and Zech-

ariah, Simeon, Anna, and many more. They lived by faith, holding

fast to God’s promise.

The second advent is the coming of Christ among us now. Every

day is an advent because Jesus is Emmanuel, God-always-with us.

Christ comes to us in the waters of baptism, with the bread and

wine of his holy meal, through the Word of God, and in the commu-

nity of faith. Christ surprises us by coming at the times, in the

places, and through the people we least expect, startling us with

grace and bringing us new life.

The third and final advent is yet to come. No one knows the day or

the hour. Christ will come at the end of time, gathering God’s be-

loved people into one embrace and mending with mercy what sin

has torn apart. As with the coming of Christmas Day, we cannot

make it happen sooner because we are eager, nor can we delay it

because we are not ready. However, we can be awake and alert,

standing on tiptoe, wide-eyed and watchful, read to receive him

whenever he comes.

Even as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, we confess the

deepest truth about him: Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ

will come again. So we pray with hopeful hearts, “Come Lord Je-

sus. Surprise us with life that has no end, life that comes from


Loving God, you call us to wait at this season of the year, to wait as

did the prophets, the people of Israel, and Mary and Joseph.

Please help us to prepare during this season to bring Jesus into our

world more fully, into our homes, our schools, and our workplaces.

Come, Lord Jesus.


is a time to prepare spiritually for the arrival of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Use this calendar to help you prepare to welcome Jesus-the Light of the

World-into your heart and home.

The Advent Wreath Ritual

The Advent wreath is a powerful way to focus our prayer during the Advent

season. It consists of a wreath of greens laying flat with four candles, usually

three purple and one rose. The latter is beginning the Third Sunday of Advent.

The never-ending circle of greens reminds us of God’s unending love and the

source of our hope. The growing number of candles lit each week of Advent

reminds us of the coming of the light of Christ into a cold, dark world.

The making of the wreath can be a family event. A purchased frame for the

greens is unnecessary; see the instructions, at right, to make your own. One

family uses the wreath for meal prayer during Advent while singing the chorus

from “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.” During the family’s prayer, they turn off

all other lights to enhance the sense of light in the midst of darkness.

As you light the candle or candles, you may follow the prayer, reading and song

selections provided for each week in this calendar.

Blessed are you, O Lord our God, ruler of the universe. John the

Baptist calls all people to prepare the Lord’s way, for the kingdom of heaven is near. Bless us as we light the candles on this wreath. Baptize us with the fire of your Spirit, that we may be a light shin-ing in the darkness, welcoming others as Christ has welcomed us, for he is our light and our salvation. Blessed be God forever.

Make an Advent Wreath to use as the focal

point of your Advent devotions.

Make or buy a circular base. It must be made of

nonflammable material, such as wire. (The circle

symbolizes God’s eternal nature.) Securely attach 4 nonflammable candle cups or

inserts to the base. (Each candle represents 1

week of Advent.) Attach artificial (nonflammable) evergreen

branches to the base. (Evergreen stands for life

everlasting.) Add other artificial (nonflammable)

decorations. Insert 4 non-drip candles into the base. (People

often use 3 purple candles and 1 rose candle.

Purple represents preparation; rose stands for

joy and for Mary, the Mother of Jesus.) Light 1 candle on the 1st Sunday of Advent, 2 on

the 2nd, etc. (Light the rose candle on the 3rd



Use extra care when burning candles. Never leave

them unattended. Replace candles before they be-

come fire hazards. Children should light candles only

under adult supervision.

The First Week of Advent

In the darkness we can see the tiniest glimmer of light.

We’re in a tunnel, a long, dark tunnel, but at the end there

is the light of Christmas.

As we journey towards that light, keep us unafraid of the


Give us courage and honesty in facing the truths of our

world, so that we may come to the Christ child with our

lives full of hope.

“The people that walked in darkness have seen a great

light; they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death,

upon them hath the light shined.”

Isaiah 9:2

Week One The first candle reminds us of the light of hope that the prophets

had as they looked forward to a Messiah who would bring peace

and love to the world.

Read………………. Luke 21: 25-36

Sing…………….”O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”

(vv. 1 & 2)


Dear God, our world is in darkness. We need the light of peace

and love to shine in our world. Help us to prepare our lives and

our homes to receive the One who said, “I am the light of the

world.” We pray in the name of Christ the Lord. Amen.

Scripture for reflection this week: Luke 21:25-36

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Light one candle on your wreath.

Pray: Lord, as we prepare for

Christmas, may this candle remind us

of your light.

Advent Wreath Making

(9:15am -10:15am)

Jr. High Youth Group

(4:30pm -6:00pm)


Adopt someone in

a retirement or

nursing home who

is alone. Bring

Advent and

Christmas alive

for them.

Sr. High (7:30pm-



Make Christmas

cards for family and

friends. Include

Bible verses. Make

gift certificates with

your child good for

services they can

bless someone with-

babysitting, helping

with chores, etc.

Holy Eucharist



Build family memories

by singing songs, bak-

ing cookies, playing


Mom’s Bible Study


Conference Room

Evening Prayer


Dave Ramsey Class


Choir Rehearsal



Donate a Christ-

mas bag full of

food for a family

at the Good Sa-

maritan Center.

Lists are in the

church office

Greenery and

Poinsettias pick-



Do something

nice for a neigh-


Greenery and

Poinsettias pick-



Say a prayer for

those suffering

from hunger in

the world.


Adults Worship

and Bowling


Second Week of Advent

A time to wait and pray…

Lord God, you promised that

you would come to us: be with

us in the silence of our hearts, in

the depths of our imagination, at

the center of our lives and fill us

with your love, now and for


Wait on the Lord: be of good

courage, and he shall strengthen

thine heart: wait, I say, on the


Psalm 27:14

Second Week The second candle reminds us of the dark night when Joseph

and Mary found light and warmth in the stable.

Read……………………………...Isaiah 35: 1-10

Sing, “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” (vv. 3 & 4)


Dear God, Help us to have room in our hearts and our homes

for other persons who need us. We thank you for friends and

strangers who received us when we were lonely, afraid, or

tired. May we be ready to receive the love God offers us in

Jesus. We pray in the name of Christ our Lord. Amen.

Scripture for reflection this week: Luke 3:1-6

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Light two candles on your


Pray: Lord, as we prepare for

Christmas, may these candles

remind us of your peace.

St. Nicholas Visit & Pictures

Taco Sunday

GAP Group (11:45am)

Jr. High Youth Group

(4:30pm-6:00 pm)


Set an extra place

at your dinner

table to remind

you of Christ’s

presence in your


St. Nicholas Day

at St. David’s


Sr. High (7:30pm-

9:00 pm)


Help someone who

has a disability

shop, put up a tree,

prepare for Christ-

mas, etc.

Holy Eucharist


Open house at St.

David’s School



Put a light in your

window to wel-

come guests to

your home.


Romans 13:11-14

Mom’s Bible Study


Conference Room

First Wed Pot

Luck & Bible

Study (5:30pm-


Dave Ramsey


Choir Rehearsal

(7:30pm-8:30 pm)


Bake cookies to

share with a neigh-

bor or friend


Watch a TV

Christmas special

or good Christmas

DVD with your

family. Discuss

the Christian val-

ues that you saw.

Christmas Market



Hang a wreath on

your door to symbol-

ize Christ’s victory

over death.

Christmas Pageant

Rehearsal (9:00am-


Christmas Market


Exceptional Adults

Worship and Bowling


Third Week of Advent A time to rejoice-Christ will soon be here!

Bless Your Christmas Tree and Nativity

God our Creator, we praise you for this Christmas tree. It is a

sign of your everlasting, evergreen presence. It is a sign of the

reign of heaven, sheltering the creatures of the earth under its

open arms. It is a sign of the cross, shining with the light of your

grace and mercy. Gracious God, let your blessing come upon us

as we illumine this tree. Send us your Son, the tender shoot of

Jesse, who brings us light and life. May all who stand in its light

eagerly welcome the true Light which never fades.

Bless also, O Lord our God, our Christmas manger. With Mary

and Joseph, angels and shepherds, and the animals in the stable,

we gather around your Son, born for us. Bless us with your holy

presence and inspire us to help those who have no place to dwell.

Be with us that we might share Christ’s love with all the world,

for he is our light and salvation. We ask this through Christ our

Lord. Amen.

Third Week

The third candle reminds us of the love and joy which surrounded

the shepherd at the announcement of the birth of Jesus.

Read……………………………….Isaiah 40:1-11

Sing…”O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” (vv. 5 & 6)

Prayer Dear God, we thank you for your gift of Jesus to the whole world.

As the shepherds found Jesus in a manger, may we find Jesus in

the love and joy that we share together. Help us, O God, to love

one another. Help us to do our share to bring happiness, good-

ness, and peace to the world. Amen.

Scripture for reflection this week: Luke 3:7-18

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Light three purple candles

(including the rose candle) on

your wreath.

Pray: Lord, as we prepare for

Christmas, may these candles

remind us of your joy.

Christmas Market


Gingerbread house making


Junior High Youth

Christmas Party (4:30pm-



Say a prayer for

each person who

has sent you a

Christmas card.

Sr. High Christmas

Party (7:30pm-



Have a picnic

around your Christ-

mas tree tonight!

Share memories of

Christmases past

and hopes for the


Holy Eucharist




Place a sprig of a

flowering tree in

water indoors.

Watch it bloom in

winter, as Jesus

was born into dark-


St. David’s School

Christmas Program

Faith and Family

Night (5:30pm-


Evening Prayer


Choir Rehearsal

(7:30pm-8:30 pm)


Help take Christ-

mas bags to the

Good Samaritan

Center. Call the

church for more



Offer a ride to

someone who has

no way to get to


17 Make place cards for

Christmas dinner using

Christmas cards or make placemats from pictures

from Christmas cards

you have received in the past or present.

Christmas Pageant

Rehearsal (9:00am-


Exceptional Adults

Christmas Party


Fourth Week of Advent A time to share God’s gift of love

Use this prayer to bless your presents…

Blessed be your name, O God, you are the source of every bless-

ing. From your hand, we receive the good gifts of life, health, and

salvation. As we give and receive these presents, bless us with

hearts thankful for the birth of your Son. May our opening of the-

se gifts lead us to share our love, faith, and goods with the poor

and needy. Blessed by God forever.

Fourth Week

The fourth candle reminds us of the star which guided the magi to

the stable where Jesus lay.

Read……………………………………..Luke 1:26-38

Sing……………………’O Come, Come, Emmanuel” (vv. 7 & 8)

Prayer Dear God, we thank you for sharing Jesus with all the world.

Please help us to care about and befriend those who might be dif-

ferent from ourselves. Help us, too, to remember that the gifts we

share with each other at Christmas are reminders of the gift that

Jesus is to us. Amen.

Scripture for reflection this week: Luke 1:39-56

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun


Light the four candles on

your wreath..

Pray: Lord, as we pre-

pare for Christmas, may

these candles remind us of

your love-for us and for

all people everywhere.

Christmas Pageant

10:30am service

“Hanging of the greens”

& lunch

after 10:30am service


As a family, volun-

teer time to a pro-

gram that helps

young people at

Christmas (e.g.

Good Samaritan

Center; Mission



Say a prayer of

thanksgiving for all

the gifts God has

given us, especially

the gift of his Son,

Jesus Christ

Holy Eucharist



Invite someone to


Terrell Hills Fire

Dept Blue Santa

present pick- up

St. David’s Church


Evening Prayer


Dave Ramsey Class


Choir Rehearsal



Do a kindness for

each other as a

family and don’t

reveal who did

which act until



Watch a favorite

Christmas movie

together as a family.

Make popcorn or

your family’s favor-

ite Christmas snack.


Christmas Eve

Say a prayer of

thanks for the time

spent together en-

joying the season.

Attend a church

service and invite

someone to go with


Christmas Eve


(5:00pm and

10:30 pm)


Christmas Day

Christmas Day


(10:00am) Light all four

candles on your

Advent wreath.

Place a white

candle in the cen-

ter and light it in

celebration of

Christ’s birth.

Read: 1 Corinthi-

ans 13