St. John’s Parish · PDF fileSt. John’s Parish St. John’s Church Church...

Post on 01-Mar-2018

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St. J


s Pa


St. John’s Church Church Phone - 845-679-7696 St. Augustine’s Chapel 12 Holly Hills Drive FAX - 845-679-8393 71 Watson Hollow Road Woodstock, N.Y. 12498 West Shokan, N.Y.12494


St. John’s Church Saturday Mass 5:00 pm Sunday Mass 8:00, 11:00 am Mass 9:00 am on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday Eve of Holy Days 5:30 pm Holy Days 9:00 am and 7:30 pm

Penance 4:00 - 4:45 pm Saturdays


Rev. George W. Hommel, Administrator

St. Augustine’s Chapel Sunday Mass 9:30 am Holy Days 5:30 pm Penance 9:00 am, 2nd Sunday of the month.

Religious Education—845-679-2869 Elementary: Tues….1st-6th Grade....4-5:30 pm Jr/Sr High: Mon…..9th Grade……...7-8:30 pm Tues….8th Grade……...7-8:30 pm Wed…..7th Grade….…..7-8:30 pm John A. Coleman Catholic HS ….…..845-338-2750


For Hannah Noel Berryan-Lowe

on Jan. 27th at 6pm! $10.00-per person

$5.00-for 6-10 years old FREE 5 years old & under

Includes Bread, Salad, Dessert and Beverage 50/50 Raffle and Basket Raffle

Location: St. John’s Church, 12 Holly Hills Drive, Woodstock, NY 12498 at 6pm in the Parish Hall.

Snow date Jan. 28th at 3pm

DONATION STATEMENTS will be available by January 30th. State-ments will be mailed unless otherwise noted. Please put an “X” on your weekly offering envelope and place it in the regular collection basket to receive a statement. You may also send an email to or call 845-679-7696.

Hannah’s story

On July 12th 2014 Hannah was struck by an automo-bile while walking to the bank at the age of 16. Han-nah suffered a massive brain injury. She was in a coma for 4 months and has had 4 brain surgeries. Her last surgery was right before Thanksgiving of 2017. Hannah had to learn to walk, talk, eat and breathe again.

Since her accident Hannah and her single mother Kate have been struggling. Kate has dedicated her life to Hannah’s recovery. They live in a one room apartment and have no in home support. Hannah did not receive a settlement since the driver had no financial resources.

Hannah still has a long way to go in her recovery and

she needs our support!

FIRST FRIDAY: Mass will be offered at 9am fol-lowed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Benediction and Litany to the Sacred Heart. FIRST SATURDAY: Mass in honor of Our Blessed Mother will be offered at 9am followed by devotions. MASS FOR LIFE: First Fridays at St. Peter’s Church, Rosendale, at 10am followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 10:30 – 5:20pm, Benediction and 5:30 Mass. All are welcome.

Thanks to everybody who participated in our annual blood drive last Saturday, Jan. 20, 2018. We col-lected 32 units of blood. Each unit of blood can help up to 3 people. So your generosity touched 96 people who were hospitalized with life threatening medical conditions. The Red Cross has a need for millions of pints each year and the only source of blood is from volunteer donors. There is no artificial or manufac-tured blood. Please plan on joining us for next years drive. Again thanks to all who helped with this im-



Added in November Lisa LeClerc Ralph brueckner T. Kulakowski Shelli Millert Added in December Craig Entwistle Tory Entwistle Nancy Bernard Jessica Shultis Leilani Robichaux Lemmieux Dave Quinn Suzie Kaiser Terese Fair Bill Dean Fr. George Glen Patrick Jim Ray Galvin Ray Haberski Alice Pompey

Hannah Berryan Katheryn B. Mike America Andrew S. Marianne David Neuza Added in January Kevin Scanlan Family of Brig Tagliaffo Janice Walsh William Lucas Joan C. Fauci Lori Wright Conor Harkins Tabitha Alessi Rose Barros John Kirker

TRUE PROPHETS In Deuteronomy today we hear that God’s very words will fill the mouth of a true prophet, but a false prophet will, in a manner of speaking, put mere mortal words into God’s mouth. In Mark’s Gospel, we see Jesus teaching and healing as a true prophet, one filled with the authority of God’s own voice. The whole history of our church is filled with both true and false prophets. Some false prophets were extremely popular and quite well-versed in scripture, and even held positions of authority. But in today’s Gospel we learn that Jesus’ fame spread because he taught with authority; he wasn’t an authority because he was popular or famous. Else-where, we also learn from him, in his desert temptation con-frontations with Satan, that anyone can quote scripture, even against God’s purposes. Today we hear that his authority was not like that of the scribes, who held the official posi-tions of religious authority in his day. Our work is to do our best to discern the true prophets in our midst, and to be true prophets as well. The psalmist tells us how to do this: by not hardening our hearts when God speaks. If we truly listen to God, it will be God’s very words filling our mouths. ~Father George

OPEN HOUSE at John A. Coleman Catholic High School in Hurley, NY

Sunday January 28, 2018 1:00-3:00pm

Prospective Students and Parents are invited to come and see what we’re all about. Tour our school and meet with Teachers and Students about classes and activities. Visit and Discover how Learning is Different Here! Come and explore all of Coleman’s possibili-ties! C h e c k o u t o u r w e b s i t e or call 338-2750.




(snow day on Jan. 28th at 3pm) LITURGY COMMITTEE on Jan. 29th 7pm parish hall

PIN AND NEEDLES every Tues. 9:30am parish hall MUSIC GROUP practice every Thurs. 7:30-9pm church

L i v i n g L e n t D a i l y

Come to know Jesus as a friend this Lent, and experience God’s unbelievable love and gener-osity toward us. Living Lent Daily is a daily e-mail series designed to help you grow in friendship with God. It’s based on the book A Friendship Like No Other by William A. Barry, SJ. Walk with us—and more importantly, with Jesus—through a most m e a n i n g f u l e x p e r i e n c e o f L e n t . Sign up to receive the daily messages from Loyola Press starting on Ash Wednesday, February 14, 2018. Visit


1/22/17 $4,037.55 1/21/18 $3,774.40

Our Cardinal’s Appeal Goal for 2018


Renew + Rebuild Goal is $413,000.00 47 Parishioners contributed $341,910.00 (83% of goal)

(Only 10% of our parish has participated thus far.)

Thank you for your generosity!

Saturday, January 27th 5:00 PM OPEN INTENTION Sunday, January 28TH 8:00 AM PURGATORIAL SOCIETY 9:30 AM OPEN INTENTION 11:00 AM ISABELLE LACASSAGNE Chris Molinelli Monday, January 29th 9:00 AM INTENTION OF PARISHIONERS Tuesday, January 30th 9:00 AM PAULINE NERP Dolores Kelley Wednesday, January 31st 9:00 AM OPEN INTENTION Thursday, February 1st 9:00 AM NO MASS First Friday, February 2nd 9:00 AM OPEN INTENTION First Saturday, February 3rd 9:00 AM OPEN INTENTION 5:00 PM OPEN INTENTION Sunday, February 4th 8:00 AM OPEN INTENTION 9:30 AM OPEN INTENTION 11:00 AM EDWARD TWOREK The Curran Family

Our Military, especially for Joseph Turck, James Mault, Johnathan Schwab and Danny Brennan (Navy), Justine Lamoreux Repose of the Soul, especially for, Junious Leo Harris II, Pauline F. Nerp, Robert R. Carelli Sr., Deacon John Kollar

PARISH ORGANIZATIONS & CONTACT PERSONS Altar Servers ................................. Cindy Frisbie 246-1819 Altar Society ................................. Christine Molinelli, 679-5332 Baptismal Committee................... Francine Carmody 679-7205 and ........................................................ Bernadette Poremba, 679-7643 Beautification Church ........................................... Brian and Joan Hagedorn, 679-7622 Grotto and Outdoor Stations ...... Bob and Lori Biamonte, 679-2239 Bereavement Committee ............. Francine Carmody 679-7205 Bulletin .......................................... Jeanine Meisler, 679-7696 Eucharist Ministers/Lectors ........ Bob Dietrich, 657-8556 Food Pantry .................................. Guy Oddo, 338-0624 Holiday Food Baskets .................. Harold & Cindy Frisbie 246-1819 Liturgy Committee ........................ Sue Curran, 679-8617 Maintenance Committee .............. David Sudlik, 657-6782 Music Group ................................. Dave Christi, 430-8040 Newsletter ..................................... Colleen Mountford, 679-8546 Parish Council .............................. John Spindler 679-4462 Parish Nurse ................................. Colleen Short, 417-4522 Pins and Needles .......................... Pat Lindtveit, 338- 1720 ........................................................ Helen DeVoe, 679-5947 Religious Education 1 - 6 ........... Cindy Frisbie, W 679-2869 Religious Education 7 - 9 ........... Alice Haberski, W 679-2869 and H 679-6791 R.C.I.A. .......................................... TBD Respect Life .................................. Rosemary Cyr 679-6872 Secular Franciscan Order ........... Lorraine Pioli Sciarrino 626-7000 Social/FUNdraising Committee ... 679-7696 Soup Kitchen ................................ Barbara Runz 845-657-4022 Tree of Life .................................... Dolores Hagedorn 845-679-7607 …………………………………… Jeanine Meisler 845-853-3042 Ulster Vicariate ............................. TBD Wedding Committee ..................... Alice Haberski, 679-6791 ........................................................ Sandi Armstrong, 679-1098 Youth Ministry/Activities ............. Harold & Cindy Frisbie 246-1819

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13; Ps 3:2-7; Mk 5:1-20 Tuesday: 2 Sm 18:9-10, 14b, 24-25a, 30 — 19:3; Ps 86:1-6; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday: 2 Sm 24:2, 9-17; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12; 1 Chr 29:10-12; Mk 6:7-13 Friday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32] Saturday: 1 Kgs 3:4-13; Ps 119:9-14; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147:1-6; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39

SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time;

Catholic Schools Week Wednesday: St. John Bosco Friday: The Presentation of the Lord; Groundhog Day; First Friday Saturday: St. Blaise; St. Ansgar; First Saturday; Blessing of Throats; Blessed Virgin Mary

HAPPY FEBRUARY BIRTHDAY TO *James Altizio 2/2 *Valentine Berryan 2/14 *Kristen Brady 2/8 *Matthew Brennan 2/26 *Jamie Browning 2/9 *Chad Callahan 2/16 *Anthony Cannistra 2/21 *Marilyn Cannis-tra 2/19 *Danielle Cardona-Graff 2/25 *Jacqueline Carey 2/28 *Francine Carmody 2/7 *Joseph Carmody III 2/7 *Jason Clayton 2/3 *Christine Cox 2/5 *Marion Cunningham 2/28 *Peter Cusumano 2/28 *Chrystal Delisio 2/10 *Lauren Diamond 2/13 *Linda Dia-mond 2/8 *Michael Diamond 2/25 *Cassandra Diehl 2/15 *Tara Downie 2/12 *David Dubord 2/25 *Veronica Fassbender 2/20 *George Fauci 2/2 *Theresa Fauci 2/19 *Victor Fauci 2/7 *Grace Foster 2/14 *William Fraser 2/3 *Brian Goldblatt 2/12 *Angela Greener 2/2 *Jonathan Greener 2/9 *Raymond Haberski 2/25 *Shannon Haggerty 2/1 *Anthony Harris 2/22 *Jesse Hill 2/24 *Patrick Howland 2/10 *Kim Hoy-Baker 2/27 *Donald Incal-caterra 2/12 *Jaden Incalcaterra 2/17 *Kaitlyn Jankovitz 2/15 *Lucinda Kaiser 2/16 * Michael Kavanagh 2/2 *Peter Kennedy 2/15 *Patti Klercker 2/26 *Michelle Landman 2/3 *Avery Leighton 2/14 *Diane Lindeman 2/18 *Alice Maceyak 2/17 *Margaret Mantey 2/9 *Gabriel Martindale 2/6 *Marilyn McCarthy 2/28 *Kathleen Mikesh 2/10 **Lori Mize-rak 2/25 *Jeremiah Mountford 2/24 *Stacey Murphy 2/12 *Lisell Perez-Rogers 2/20 *Karen Robbins 2/23 *Robert Roe 2/22 *Kim Rury 2/11 *Mary Ellen Rury 2/25 *Kimberly Schiappa 2/5 *Nicole Schneider 2/26 *David Schussler 2/5 *Fred Scoville 2/7 * Shelley Scoville 2/9 *Colleen Short 2/15 *Becki Shultis 2/27 *Keri Shultis 2/26 *Dorothy Solomon 2/26 *Christopher Staiger 2/23 *Ann Stein 2/9 *Joseph Strauss 2/28 *Kiristen Torkelsen 2/9 *Nicole Tripp 2/5 *John Van Baaren 2/12 *Kimberly Van Baaren 2/5 *Mary Waldron 2/29 *Aneska Zindulka 2/15


Barbara & Gerard Cuffe 2/14 Allyson and Raymond Nichols 2/20

Kathleen & Andrew Ugolino 2/9

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


2 First Friday 9:00am Mass 10:30 Mt. Valley Manor Mass Groundhog Day

3 First Satur-day 9:00am Mass


5 7-8:30pm Rel Ed 9th gr

6 4-5:30pm

Rel Ed Elem

7-8:30pm Rel Ed 8th gr

7 7-8:30pm Rel Ed 7th gr

8 7pm Finance Mtg


10 8th gr Bake Sale after all Masses

11 8th gr Bake Sale after all Masses World Day of the Sick

12 7-8:30pm Rel Ed 9th gr

Abe Lincoln’s Birthday

13 Burning

of the Ashes at 4:30pm outside Hall on left side of building

4-5:30pm Rel Ed Elem

7-8:30pm Rel Ed 8th gr

14 7-8:30pm Rel

Ed 7th gr

Ash Wed. 9am Mass/Ashes 4pm Imposition 5:30pm Chapel Mass/Ashes 7pm Mass/Ashes

Valentines Day Fast & Abstinence

15 7pm Parish Council

16 6:30 Soup & 7:30 Stations



18 Rite of Election at 11am Mass


20 4-5:30pm Rel Ed Elem

7-8:30pm Rel Ed 8th gr

21 7-8:30pm Rel Ed 7th gr

22 George Washington’s Birthday

23 6:30 Soup & 7:30 Stations


24 10-12:30pm 2nd grade Eucharist Retreat


26 7-8:30pm Rel Ed 9th gr 7pm Liturgy


Rel Ed Elem

7-8:30pm Rel Ed 8th gr

28 7-8:30pm Rel Ed 7th gr

February 2018