ST JOHN’S PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER ·  · 2015-06-10The PIC met last night to continue their...

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55 Cape Street, Heidelberg Vic 3084 Ph. 9459 2963 E.

10 June 2015 Edition 17- 2015

Dear Parents, CONFIRMATION On Sunday the Parish will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation at St Patrick’s Cathedral. In Iast week’s Sunday sermon, Father Mario spoke of the significance of the Holy Spirit in our lives. ‘The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of love, the very life of God. God sends his Spirit within us so we can grow into being images of God. The Spirit leads us to God and to one another. I am invited to accept and welcome this spirit as I keep on following Christ’s teaching.’ We pray for our Confirmation Candidates, that they will open their hearts to welcome the Holy Spirit in their lives. How is the Spirit of love evident in your life? PASTORAL LETTER Archbishop Denis Hart, at a meeting of Bishops held in May 2015, has produced a letter for distribution on the issue of Same Sex Marriage. This issue is gaining momentum nationally, and His Grace Archbishop Hart encourages the Catholics of Melbourne to be fully informed.

The letter is available from the school office.


Congratulations to Lucy B who was chosen in the Under 12 State Netball team. Lucy is one of twelve girls chosen from 3000 children from both metropolitan and regional Victoria. A wonderful achievement Lucy. We are very proud of you! PIC The PIC met last night to continue their planning to financially support the school by raising money for specific projects. In so doing they are also creating opportunities for parents to come together in social events and develop a sense of con-nectedness to the school community. It is hoped that these events are well attended and that it is a positive experience for all. Have you purchased your tickets for the ‘Winter Glam Cocktail Party’ to be held on Saturday 18 July. More details in the newsletter. SCHOOL BALL The ball will be held at The Centre Ivanhoe next Thursday 18 June. All children are to arrive by 7.15pm. Prep children have been asked to arrive at 7.00pm. A light supper and refreshments will be provided. Thank you to the classroom reps, Gabby Vincent, Cathy Edgar, Margaret Ferma and Catherine Mikhail who organised the ticketing. A super effort! PARENT/TEACHER MEETINGS

A letter was sent home on Friday with logon details. Please ensure that you book a time to meet with your children’s teachers. This will be a good opportunity to discuss childrens’ progress, celebrate success, seek clarification and set goals.

Have a happy week!

Carmel Armiento Acting Principal


RE News - Elizabeth Williamson, Education in Faith Leader

'Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love'

Confirmation Sunday June 14th St Patrick's Cathedral 2.30p.m. This Sunday our Year 6's and 13 children from the parish who attend schools other than St John's will be confirmed by Archbishop Denis Hart at St Patrick's Cathedral. Tomorrow they will travel to the cathedral and meet Archbishop Hart and then practise for Sunday's ceremony. Please keep these children in your prayers as they confirm their baptism. ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers you did it to me.’

St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal This winter, thousands of people in crisis will be left with no option but to do whatever they can to make it through the long, harsh, challenging and often lonely months. Out of necessity, many have to rely on survival techniques to get by. The St Vincent de Paul Society invites you to help the thousands of people who do know these things, by giving to the 2015 Winter Appeal. Each year St. John’s School supports this appeal by collecting non-perishable food items – cans or packets to give to St Vinnies to distribute in the Heidelberg area. Blankets and doonas are also welcome donations. The St Vincent De Paul Society makes a real difference in the lives of 1 out of 18 people in Australia. Please leave any donations in the container outside your child's classroom during June.

Family Offertory Roster

Class Masses Term 2 Each class has now celebrated their class mass for the term. Thank you to those family members who have been able to attend one of the masses.

Saturday 6.00pm Sunday 8.30am Sunday 10.30am Sunday 5.00pm

Saturday June 13th/Sunday June 14th

Bennett family (Jett)

Bult family (Bridget)

Talarico family (Savina)

Tamis family (Madeleine)

Saturday June 20th/Sunday June 21st

Cahill family (Ella)

Burns family (Timothy)

Stokhla family (Anastasia)

Campbell family (Ella)

Saturday June 27th/Sunday June 28th

Caminiti family (Claudia and Isabella)

Russo family (Alex)

Stewart family (Callum)

Cardamone family (Alessio)



June 10 Daniel C 3P

June 13 Tusanee D PN

June 15 Ruby B PN

Matilda B PN

James C 3P

June 16 Charlie L PV


Sunday June 14 Confirmation


St Patrick’s


Thursday June 18 School Ball

Maths Challenge - Connie Bandiera, Maths Leader

Family Mathematics Challenge 12 - Answer The large cube will have:

One cube with no faces painted (in the centre of the cube).

Six cubes with one face painted (in the centre of each face).

Eight cubes with three faces painted (on the corners of the cube). As 1 + 6 + 8 = 15, there must be 27 - 15 = 12 cubes with two faces painted.

Family Mathematics Challenge 13 2 mothers and 2 daughters are sitting at the kitchen table. On the table are twenty one $1 coins. Is it possible for all mothers and daughters to get the same amount of coins? You cannot change the coins. If it is possible, how is it possible?

Record how you do the challenge and then bring it in to school (with name and class) and post it into the Mathematics Family Challenge Box in the office by


Inter school sport Last week we played our last away game against Buckley House. It was a close round in many games but in particular the football with our team winning by 3 points 35-38. Well done to everyone who participated! This week we have a home game against Mother of God. Girl’s teeball and netball will be played at school with boys teeball and football played at Heidelberg Park from 1:30pm. Good luck to everyone! Next week, Friday 19 June is the double header finals day. With the semi-finals in the morning and if successful the grand finals in the afternoon. At this stage we won’t know where we finish on the ladder and the location of games until mid-next week due to catch up games being played early next week with other schools. Cross country Good luck to the children running the division cross country today! We wish you lots of luck. Soccer Yesterday the St John’s soccer teams played in the Ivanhoe district tournament. It was a great day with sunny skies and muddy ovals. Both teams played really well and improved as the day went on. Both teams just missing out on the semi-finals with the boys missing out by goal difference and the girls missing out by one point. Well done to all children who played! Thank you to the parents who came down and supported and a big thank you to Mr Sortino who helped with coaching on the day. A reminder any school socks and all school soccer tops need to be returned by Friday 12 June. Too many school sport tops are not returned so please ensure this is done as soon as possible. Netball A huge congratulations to Lucy B in Year 6 who has made the Under 12 State Netball team. Lucy was selected in the final 12 girls from all over Victoria. What a huge achievement. Lucy will compete in Perth later in the year. We wish Lucy the best of luck with her training sessions and the tournament. Congratulations Lucy!

Sport News - Steph Doutre, Sport & Physical Education



Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday

Before Care Activities Blow

Painting Melting Crayon

Art Felt Art

Pancakes Slime

After Care Activities Origami Cookies

Fruit Kebabs

Capture The Flag

Cotton Tip Painting

Parent Information

OSHC program phone: 0401 333 932

Coordinator: Trent Harkom

Assistants: Jill El-Khoury

OSHClub Head Office: 03 8564 9000

All families must be enrolled to attend the program, remember this is Free!! Please create an account online at all bookings and cancellations can also be managed via your online account. For on the day bookings

please contact the Coordinator direct at the program.

Hours of Operation:

Before Care 6:45am-8:45am

After Care 3:20pm-6:00pm

Staff: Trent Harkom

Hi everyone, Last week we did even more awesome science experiments! The children really wanted to make more crystals which turned out really well. We also did a whole lot of bubble themed activities because everyone loves bubbles. We then fin-ished up the week with a delicious homemade orange cake! Please be aware that as our numbers are increasing significantly (particularly on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays) it is becoming more important for parents to book their children in online or to give more notice for an on the day booking. This gives us enough time to ensure we are adequately staffed and able to provide a quality program for you and your chil-dren. If your child/ren are absent from school or other arrangements are made for them, could you please let us know that they won’t be attending afterschool care. On the day cancelations/bookings must be made with a phone call or text to the program number on 0401 333 932. You will not be able to make online bookings or cancelations on the day. Online bookings or cancelations can be made up until midnight the night before. We hope to see you at OSHClub! Enjoy the rest of your week.


Father Mario’s Sermon 06 June 2015 (Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, Year B) Exodus 24:3-8; Psalm 115:12-13,15-18; Hebrews 9:11-15; Mark 14:12-16,22-26. Take it, this is my body! This is my blood … poured out for many! Last Sunday we were invited to reflect on the great mystery of our relationship with God; God’s life within us, the Holy Trin-ity. Today we consider an equally great mystery: the Body and Blood of Christ. As a Church we gather, especially on Sunday, to celebrate this great mystery of the Eucharist. This feast of the Body and Blood of Christ encourages us to reflect on three very important and related realities: the Eucharist as real Body and real Blood of Jesus Christ, the Church as the Body of Christ, and the Mass where the Church gathers to offer and eat this Body and Blood. Each part of this great mystery is closely inter-related with the other parts and we cannot look at one without the other two. Each time we come together as the body of the Church, we gather to participate in the sacrifice of the cross. On the cross Jesus the high priest offered himself to God as the Lamb of sacrifice. The language and imagery of sacrifice strongly re-flect the language of the Old Testament temple liturgy. In the Jerusalem Temple three types of sacrifice (sacrum facere – to make holy) were offered: the holocaust, the sacrifice of communion and the sacrifice of atonement or reparation. In the sacrifice of holocaust the whole animal was burnt (destroyed) and offered completely to God. In the sacrifice of commun-ion the choicest parts of the animal were offered up to God, while the people offering the sacrifice, together with the priest, ate the rest of the animal. By participating in this meal they entered in communion with God. In the sacrifice of atonement the blood of the animal was sprinkled on the altar of sacrifice and on the people, sharing in the life of God. (The first read-ing talks about a sacrifice of atonement.) We do not repeat the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross each time we celebrate Mass. The sacrifice of Jesus was performed one and for all, its effect is eternal. Christ died once for our sins and cannot die again; he now lives with the Father in glory. (Today’s second reading from the letter to the Hebrews explains this.) Rather, we gather to celebrate the Eucharist we make ourselves present to this great sacrifice of Christ and we participate (become part of) in this eternal sacrifice. At the Last Supper, and again at each Eucharist, Jesus offers us his Body and Blood as real food and real drink: take it … this is my body … this is my blood! This is the Lamb of God who takes away our sins and the sins of the world, blessed are we called to take part in the supper of the Lamb! When we look at the Eucharist as a communion sacrifice we notice the Lamb that has been offered to God on the cross and we are invited to eat the flesh of this lamb and drink of its blood. The Eucharist thus becomes a real communion with God, a meal with the divine. The prophet Isaiah talks of a banquet of rich food prepared by God on his holy mountain. This banquet is attended by God the Father, the Son and the Spirit, the angels and the saints, and all our relatives and friends who have gone before us and who share in the life of God. Each time we eat and drink at the table of the altar we are in-vited to take part in this eternal banquet. Today we are not sprinkled with the blood of the Lamb, instead we are invited to drink and consume it. In an Old Testa-ment context blood represented the life of the animal. When we drink the Blood of Christ from the chalice at Mass, in a very real way we are drinking the very life of God so that God’s life within us can be continually strengthened. It is important that each time we gather as the Body of Christ we remind ourselves of this great reality that is the Eucharist and the Church. When we share the one bread and the one cup we become one body. Let us look at and respect each other as members of this holy body of Christ. May the Body and Blood of Christ continue to make us all holy! Fr Mario




˚• Winter Glam Cocktail Party •˚ Raffles ˚• Silent Auction •˚ Door Prizes

The 'Winter Glam Cocktail Party' is the main social and fundraising event for the St John's PIC this year. We invite you (and your family and friends) to attend for a night of great company, food, drink and music. All while raising funds for important improvements to our children's school, specifically additional classroom air-conditioning and shelter for outdoor play areas.

Date & Venue Saturday 18th July from 8pm - 12am Likor Lounge @ Stolberg Beer Cafe 197 Plenty Road, Preston (corner of Bell Street and Plenty Road) Likor Lounge is accessed via the stair entry facing Bell Street, on-street parking is available

Cost $150 per double ticket (all inclusive) $80 per single ticket (all inclusive) $50 per single ticket (non-alcohol beverage package) •˚ Tickets include substantial finger food, beverages (beer, wine, cider, soft drink, tea and coffee) •˚ Non-alcohol beverage package includes 1 (one) drink on arrival. •˚ Please contact us if you are not able to pay online as time will be arranged for cash sales to be processed at school prior to the function.

Click here to buy tickets or visit

Contact We would appreciate any assistance with sourcing items and donations for the silent auction, raffle and door prizes. All donations will be acknowledged prior to and on the night. For further information please contact:

Ivanka Barritt 0424 175 446 Hayley Laing 0414 474 972