St. Joseph St. Vincent De Paul · 10/6/2019  · reflection in the pond and fell in love. Instead...

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October 6, 2019 • 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time

General Information

Parish Membership: Register online or at either par ish office

Mass Schedule: Mass schedule & intentions are inside on pg. 2

Adoration: Perpetual Adoration Chapel is located at St. Joe

Confessions: Saturday 4pm (SJ ), Sunday 8am (SV), Monday 5:30pm (SV), and 3rd Friday 9am-9pm (SJ), or call Fr. Mike for appt.

Baptisms: Classes are held the 2nd Monday of the month in the Office (English) and the 2nd Sunday of the month in the church (Spanish). Scheduling takes place at the end of class.

Marriage: Marr iage preparation is available for registered members. Arrangements should be made at least 6 months in advance. Contact Fr. Mike or Sr. Joan.

Anointing of the Sick: 1st Tuesday of the month after the 8:15am Mass (SJ), or call Fr. Mike for a visit. Call anytime.

Fr. Mike make homebound visits every First Friday.

Vocations: Contact Fr . Mike or Sr . Joan

Rosary: Saturday 4:30pm (SJ) & Wednesday 5:30pm (SV)

Religious Education, Faith Formation & Youth: See pg. 8

St. Joseph & St. Vincent De Paul

St. Joseph Catholic Church

Parish Center: Address…………………...…….....228 E Hendricks St. Phone & Website…….(317) 398-8227 Office Hours……..Mon-Fri: 8am-4pm, Tues: 8am-5pm

School: Address……………………….…..127 E Broadway St. Phone & Website….317) 398-4202 Office Hours…………..……….….Mon-Fri: 8am-3pm

Perpetual Adoration Chapel: Address……………………….………...228 E Hendricks St Phone & Website…..(317) 398-8227

Staff (all emails are Fr. Mike Keucher, VF, Pastor.....(812) 391-0047…....frmike Dcn. Tom Hill, Deacon………………...………..……...thill Billy Cross, Pastoral Associate…………...…..……...bcross Bryan Fischer, Buildings & Grounds………....……bfischer Jan Lux, Parish Secretary……………………..…………jan Rebecca Makowski, Business Manager…….….….....rebecca Gaye McKenney, Parish Council President…...…….…gaye Kathleen Simpson, School Secretary…......simpson.kathleen Bill Turner, Facilities Manager…………..………..turner.bill Jim Tush, School Principal…………….….………..tush.jim James Velez, Hispanic Ministry Director……..……...james

St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church

Parish Center: Address…………………..…………...4218 E Michigan Rd Phone & Website………….…(317) 398-4028 Office Hours………………….…...…………..Call Sr. Joan

Staff: Sr. Joan Miller, PLC....(317) Billy Cross, Pastoral Associate… JJ Jones, Cemetery(317)364-2827 Larry Haunert, Parish Council President… Eileen Settles, Hall Rental…………….……..765-525-9956

SVdP Society of Shelby County

Contact Information: Help Line……………………….……....…(317) 395-7027 Website……………………….…….… Store Address……………….…….……..424 E Jackson St. Store Hours………………..…….………....Sat. 10am-2pm Warehouse Address……….…….….….…....628 Hodell St. Warehouse Hours………….…………...1st Sat. 9am-11am

Contacts: Email……………………

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time +JMJ October 6, 2019

Mass Schedule & Intentions

Sun., Oct. 6 8:30am 10:00am 12:15pm

Don Buening For the Parishioners Sylvia and Lizbeth Medina

St. Vincent St. Joseph St. Joseph

Mon., Oct. 7 5:00pm John and Mark Lewis St. Vincent

Tues., Oct. 9 8:15am John Soller St. Joseph

Wed., Oct. 10 8:00am Omer Brewer St. Vincent

Thur., Oct. 11 No Mass

Fri., Oct. 12 8:15am Reed Chenevert St. Joseph

Sat., Oct. 13 5:00pm Naomi Woods St. Joseph

Sun., Oct. 14 8:30am 10:00am 12:15pm

Bob Muckerheide Fr. Leon Reuter and Fr. Glen O’Connor For the Parishioners

St. Vincent St. Joseph St. Joseph

Schedules, Counts, & Prayers

Weekly Numbers

Mass Counts September 29, 2019

5:00pm……....242 10:00am….…..298 8:30am……...219 12:15pm….…..183 Total: 942

St. Joseph Sunday Collection September 29, 2019

Budgeted Sunday Collection……………....….,$14,500.00 Total Sunday Collection……….……………….$12,034.49

Sunday’s Surplus (Deficit)……...……..……......$( 2,465.51)

St. Joseph Year-To-Date Collection YTD Collection Budget…………………………..$188,500.00 YTD Collection Total………………………….….$182,371.99 TD Surplus (Deficit)…....…………..................$ (6,128.01)

St. Vincent de Paul Collection

September 29, 2019 Sunday Collection.…………………..………...$3,459.00

Children....………….…………………………...$ 4.63

Thanks for your generosity! It is amazing what God can do when we are generous. Please be sure to remember your parish in your will!

Prayer List

If you would like to place a name on our Bulletin Prayer List, please send an email with your loved one’s name along with your name and phone number to or call the Parish Office at 317-398-8227. Be sure you have their permission before submit-ting their name.

Bob Artmeier Max Branson Roger Brewsaugh Jan Chandler Ronnie Chandler Leonardo Leon Chavez Kelly Wheeler Chesebrough Rick Comstock Alice Cossairt Danielle DeWitt Liz Fallis Kate Freeman Leopoldo Gomes Diane Hargitt Bill Holt Colleen Hradnansky Alex Kalsxheur

Liam Kapfhammer Jim Knecht Betty Knight Dianne Reuter Lebryk Rose Mary Martin Millie McVey Mary Myers Ruth Pennycuff Grant Plue Dixie Redelman Michael Schreiner Sloan Allen Snow Mona Spalding Jerry Thomas Char Rene’ Thompson Travis Whelen Rosie Young

Readings for the Week

Bulletin Sponsors & Submissions

Sponsors: This bulletin is furnished to our parish without charge. Please patronize our sponsors to thank them. Submissions: Please submit your submissions for the bulletin are 9am on the Monday before the weekend to

Sunday: Am 6:1a, 4-7; Ps 146: 7-10; 1 Tm 6:11-16; Lk 16:19-31 Monday: Jon 1:1 — 2:2, 11; Jon 2:3-5, 8; Lk 10:25-37 Tuesday: Jon 3:1-10; Ps 130: 1b-4ab, 7-8; Lk 10:38-42 Wednesday: Jon 4:1-11; Ps 86:3-6, 9-10; Lk 11:1-4 Thursday: Mal 3:13-20b; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11:5-13 Friday: Jl 1:13-15; 2:1-2; Ps 9: 2-3, 6, 16, 8-9; Lk 11:15-26 Saturday: Jl 4:12-21; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12; Lk 11:27-28 Sunday: 2 Kgs 5:14-17; Ps 98:1-4; 2 Tm 2:8-13; Lk 17:11-19

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time +JMJ October 6, 2019

St. Joseph News

Pastor’s Column

Dear Parishioners,

Several have asked for the list I shared part of last week in the sermon. I got it from a YouTube video by TopThink: You might find you’re guilty of some of these. Remember that Narcissus looked at his reflection in the pond and fell in love. Instead of messing up his reflection, he died of thirst. Moral of the story: if you’re a narcissist, you bring about your own demise.

1. Hero syndrome - A narcissist has what you might call “hero syndrome.” He loves to tell stories, because when you tell stories, you’re the center of attention and others are eating out of your hand if you do it well. A narcissist will make himself the hero of any story. They are always winning, they’re never in the wrong, and if anything bad happens, they’re the victims.

2. They Lie - A narcissist is self-absorbed, he wants to be seen and noticed, desperately wants to be liked. He is always anxious -- can’t stand criticism, always overwhelmed and on edge….because he’s worried others might think he’s less than great. This combo of being self-absorbed and anxious is why they lie and stretch the truth; they exaggerate their accomplishments and importance, minimize their fail-ures…..they avoid criticism at all costs...blame everything on others…they’re scared of losing their repu-tation or power…they’re worried about feeling inferior….so they LIE LIE LIE….they tell you whatever you want to hear, like an unscrupulous car salesman…you never know if you can believe what they’re saying.

3. Social reclusiveness - Covert (vulnerable) narcissists don ’t like attention as much, because these people are convinced that everyone wants to shame or criticize them, so they run away from the public eye.

4. Defects in agreeableness - Overt (grandiose) narcissists have no desire to get along with others. They’re rarely helpful, and they hate making sacrifices, they don’t like asking others for help….because they’re the most important. They are a nightmare to deal with.

5. Sky-high neuroticism - Covert (vulnerable) narcissists are emotionally volatile, they can’t relax, have trouble sleeping, get super stressed out…overwhelmed, can’t get ducks in a row….because they’re so worried about others thinking they’re less than great.

6. Taking everything personally - Vulnerable narcissists take everything personally...every com-ment, gesture–it all feels like a personal attack. They’re always on high alert for those who may not like them, and they will try and talk their way into anyone’s graces.

7. Controlling parents - Most narcissists were raised by really controlling parents. I don ’t get this one. 8. Frequent name dropping - Narcissists can’t resist showing off. These folks, in order to feel more im-

portant, mention other people they believe to be important and pretend those individuals are their best friends -- even if they only know them from having shaken their hand four years ago.

9. Self-centered manipulation - Deceit comes naturally for a narcissist. If they want something, they don’t mind manipulating others to get what they want. They’re only interested in themselves.

10. Aggressive under the microscope - Narcissists hate being analyzed, they have terribly low self-esteem. These folks, when you criticize them, hold grudges and lash out. Their ego is like a banana -- the smallest criticism leaves them bruised.

11. Going with their gut - In the mind of a narcissist, no one is more reliable than themselves. Ask him a hard question, instead of doing research or asking for help, he simply goes with his gut...because he knows the best. No matter the data, they’ll ignore anything you throw at them.

12. Self-directed affirmations - A narcissist loves affirmations and often toots his own horn. “I’m the best looking person in this room,” or, “I’m the best doctor,” or, “I’m the best priest this place has ever seen and my predecessors didn’t know what they were doing.”

13. “You just don’t get it” - When you call a narcissist on something, they don’t apologize or reconsider. They simply say, “You don’t get it.” They think they’re a cut above the rest of us, so that “normal people” can’t understand why they do what they do.

God bless you always, Fr. Mike

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time +JMJ October 6, 2019

St. Joseph News

Rosary Rally—Oct. 12

Joining America Needs Fatima, St. Joe will host a rosary rally at noon on Saturday, Oct. 12, together with hundreds of other Catholic parishes around the United States. All are welcome.

Mass Card—Sept. 29

Pet Blessing—Oct. 6

The feast of St. Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of animals. His feast day is October 4. We will have the annual pet blessing on Sunday, October 6 at 6pm in the green space. Bring your furry friends!!

Kermes Fundraiser Report

Kermes was a great celebration two weeks ago! It brought in $1,676.50. There were no expenses because of generous donations. Thanks to all!

Next Baptism Classes—Oct. 13 & 14

Remember that the next baptism class in Spanish is Sunday, Oct. 13 after the 12:15pm Mass in the church. The next class in English will be at 6:30pm on Monday, Oct. 14 in the Parish Office. Parents and godparents should attend. Paperwork is filled out in the class.

Women’s Retreat—Nov. 2

Save the Date: November 2nd. Calling all Holy Women of the Catholic Community of Shelby County to attend this year’s women’s retreat. All women who are interested in being on the plan-ning committee, please contact Judy Hill at

Adoration Summit—Nov. 30

There are five exits in a row off I-74 that have churches with perpetual adoration chapels!! Ador-ers from all parishes are invited to join for a day of prayer on Nov. 30. More details to come.

A Comment About the Collection

God has a lot to say about money (there are 2300 Bible verses about money), so let me make a quick comment about our collection.

Most of us are familiar with the “ten percent tithe” in the Bible. Among other places, this comes from Deuteronomy 14:22, which reads: “Make an offering of ten percent, a tithe, of all the produce which grows in your fields year after year.”

That’s a pretty good deal because God gives us everything, and asks only for 10% back! It’s okay to go above and beyond that, too, but it shouldn’t be 1%. Some people make so much that even 1% seems like a lot. Make it 10%.

I know many folks are already doing more than 10% and I’m not asking for you to do more! You do your part and you shouldn’t have to do others’ too.

I would like to make an appeal to those who don’t use envelopes at all. Every two months, we send out 735 packets of envelopes to families. The last time we sent them was Sept. 20.

That said, last weekend, we had fewer than 200 envelopes turned in from adults! That’s only 27%.

That leads to other problems. For example, last week we were $2,500 short of our weekly need and overall we are now over $6,000 short of our overall weekly need. Let’s not let that shortage get too big -- better to nip this in bud than to have to look under rocks at the end of the year for $40,000! Thanks for your generosity and help!

Thanks, Fr. Mike

A Bigger Font

The font size and font face for the bulletin an-nouncements is now exactly what it was before the bulletin re-design. Sorry for any inconvenience.

RCIA Update

We have a packed room for RCIA this year. Thank you!!!! It’s not too late to join, either!

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time +JMJ October 6, 2019

Upcoming Events & Meetings

St. Joseph News

Knights of Columbus News

Monday thru Saturday Lunch from 11:00am - 1:00pm

Phone: 317-398-9914

Dinners Friday evening from 6:00 - 8:00pm

2nd Sunday of each month from 11:00 - 1:00pm

Golf League Tuesday evening 5:30pm at River’s Edge

Wing and Shrimp Night Wednesday evening from 6:00 - 8:00pm

Served Hot, Honey Garlic and BBQ

Bingo Thursday evening from 7:00 - 10:00pm

Knights of Columbus Meeting Dates Council Meeting: 8:15pm (1st & 3rd Wednesday) Finance Meeting: 7:00pm (1st Wednesday) Columbian Homes Mtg.: 7:00pm (3rd Wednesday)

Dispense of Your Broken Sacramentals

There is a new plastic box under the Jesus statue in the narthex where you can put items that have been blessed (sacramentals) but that are broken or no longer usable. Fr. Mike will take these items every now and again and burn and bury them. Remember that you can never throw anything away that has been blessed.

Date Time Event Oct. 6 11:00am Religious Ed at St. Joe Oct. 6 4:00pm Confirmation Prep. at St. Joe Oct. 6 6:00pm HS Youth Group Oct. 6 6:00pm Pet Blessing at St. Joe Oct. 7 10:00am Fr. Mike’s Bible Study St. V. Oct. 7 7:00pm RCIA at St. V. Oct. 8 4:00pm Evangelization Committee Oct. 8 6:00pm School Commission Mtg. Oct. 8 7:00pm St. Joe School PTO Mtg. Oct. 8 7:00pm Fall Book Study with Deacon Tom

St. Joseph News

Collection Counter Schedule

October 7 Betsy Stephen’s Team October 14 Teresa Wood’s Team October 21 Tom Duvelius’ Team October 28 Nancy Nolting’s Team THANK YOU!!!

Parish Library

A book can change your life! All are welcome to borrow a book from our library anytime. Please return the book when finished.

2nd Sunday Chicken Dinner—Oct. 13

Come join us for the Second Sunday Chicken Din-ner at the Knights of Columbus from 11:00am - 1:00pm this Sunday, October 13th. A delicious fried chicken dinner will be served.

A HUGE Oktoberfest Thanks

A huge thanks to all who helped out at the third annual Oktoberfest and to all who attended. It was a beautiful time and a great turnout. A record, I think. An event like this is beautiful in that it brings us all together, along with many other folks in our community. Thanks so much. Fr. Mike

St. Joseph Liturgical Ministers

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 5:00pm Mass for October Host—Paul Nolting, Marilyn Williamson, Jessica Zuroske Cup—Alice Brown, Sue Rudicel, Mary Ann

Turner, Pat Cassidy

10:00am Mass for September Host—Erica Chudzinski, Mary Kay Hart, Jerry J. Lux, Cup—Ron Chudzinski, Mike Johnson,

Steve Lancaster, Sherry Mohr

Lectors 5:00pm Mass October 12 Betsy Stephen and Anne Renton

10:00am Mass October 13 Jean Adams and Jack Boyce

Ushers 5:00pm Mass for October Brad Jones, Jill Jones, Steve Woods

10:00am Mass for September Ed Moody, Sarah Moody, Matt Settles, Bryan Waltz

Musicians 5:00pm Mass October 12 Richard Gray

10:00am Mass October 13 Richard Gray

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time +JMJ October 6, 2019

Sr. Joan’s Corner

Dear Parishioners, In this weekend’s Gospel the apostles ask Jesus to increase their faith. He answers with a meta-phor of the mustard seed: “if you had the faith the size of a mustard seed you could do whatever it is you want.”

The problem is that we do not have that kind of faith. We do not really believe that we can accom-plish the things we desire. We cry out to God like they do in the first reading, about the violence in the world and wonder why God does not do some-thing about it. We do not seem to believe that God’s love for us surpasses all our hopes and de-sires. Moreover, we do not have faith in our own ability to do wonders such as to move a mulberry tree. There are many things we can do to bring about peace in our own lives with the help of God. But we continue to be overwhelmed with violence and misery if we do not have faith in God and in ourselves.

This week as we pray, let’s pray for more faith in God and more faith in ourselves that with God’s help we can make this world a better place for everyone.

Sr. Joan


Please join us in praying the Rosary. We will be praying on Wednesdays at 5:30pm at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Fields, weather permitting. If weather is inclement, we will be in the St. Vincent Parish Hall.

St. Vincent Purpose Statement

We joyfully share our gifts to nourish the community.

St. Vincent News

Salvation Army Dinner—Oct. 13

St. Vincent will be hosting the Salvation Army Din-ner on Sunday, October 13, 2019. The menu will be fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, rolls, applesauce and dessert. Drinks are lemonade and iced tea; the Salvation Army pro-vides coffee.

Donations needed: Desserts - 6 to serve 15 each

If you would like to donate any of the above items, or help set up and/or serve on Sunday, October 13, please call Jean Adams at 317-696-0778 or Joyce Ford at 317-392-4210. Thank you for your generous support. We would like to give a very big THANK YOU to the Knights of Columbus who cook this meal for us each time.

Vision Committee Meeting—Oct. 6

Immediately after Mass next Sunday, October 6, there will be a Vision Committee Meeting. Anyone interested in future planning is invited to come. Donuts and coffee, milk and juice will be provided.

October Newsletter

The October Newsletter is in the rack at each door of church. Please take one and pass one on to a friend or you may view it online at

Knight of Columbus Meeting—Oct. 10

St. Vincent K of C meeting is on Thursday, Octo-ber 10th. The dinner is served at 6:30pm and the meeting begins at 7:00pm.

November Newsletter—Oct, 20

The deadline for the November Newsletter is Sunday, October 20th. Please share your joys and sorrows with your parish family. Please call Pat 765-265-7195, email her at or put your news item in the orange envelope at the church door.

October Food Drive—Oct, 20

The October Food Drive is Sunday, October 20. Please bring at least one food item, personal care product or paper product to help your neighbors in need. Thank you to all who give so generously each month, your help in greatly appreciated.

St. Ann Rummage Sale

Thank you to everyone who helped in any way to make this a successful event. A special thanks to you who helped set up and clean up the hall, your help in this is greatly appreciated.

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time +JMJ October 6, 2019

News for Both Parishes


Thanks to the huge crowd who came out to support the annual Oktoberfest celebration last Saturday. A Special thanks to all the volunteers who worked to provide the food and drinks!

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time +JMJ October 6, 2019

News for Both Parishes

Fall Book Study—2019

Dear Friends,

Our faith community has an immense desire to be a community of prayer and to grow spiritually through prayer. Sacred Scripture offers us a masterpiece of prayer, The Book of Psalms. The purpose of the Fall Book Study is to nurture our faith community’s desire for better prayer life by becoming more familiar and gaining greater understanding of the Psalms.

The book for this season is Psalm Basics for Cath-olics; Seeing Salvation History in a New Way; author John Bergsma. Classes will be held each Sunday and Wednesday for six weeks beginning on Wednesday, October 9th at 7pm and Sunday, October 13th at 11am (ending on November 13th & 17th). You may attend either class or both classes each week. The Wednesday class will meet in the St. Joseph School cafeteria. The Sunday class will meet in the St. Joseph School in Mrs. Vogel’s classroom.

There are three registration options: 1) The St. Joseph Parish website; 2) E-mail me at; 3) Call me at (812) 343-1749 (leave a message). Please, indicate whether you plan to attend the Wednesday or Sunday class. The books will be furnished by St. Joseph Parish. If you wish, you can purchase the book via the typical internet outlets.

Books and study guides are available at the St. Joseph Parish office and are available after the weekend Masses through this weekend, October 6th.

If you cannot commit to attending the study classes, you are welcome and encouraged to study on your own, as a family or as an independ-ent study group.

In advance of the first class, please read the Introduction, Chapters 1 and 11 and prepare your answers to the study guide questions.

Please met me know if you have questions.

Blessings and Peace, Deacon Tom

Faith Formation is for EVERYONE at St. Joseph and St. Vincent!

Faith formation is for everyone. That is to say, all our life we are seeking to be formed into Christ, into saints. This looks different at various stages of life:

Preschool through 5th Grade go to one or more of the following: St. Joe School Religious Ed classes at SJ meet Sundays from

11am - 12pm (started Sept 8). Religious Ed classes at SV meet Wednesdays

from 6:15pm - 7:30pm (started Sept. 4). As a supplement, Children's Liturgy of the Word

also takes place every Sunday during the 8:30am and 10am Masses. All preschoolers, kindergarteners, and first graders are welcome!

Middle Schoolers go to: Sunday morning Religious Ed at St. Joseph Wednesday night Religious Ed at St. Vincent As a supplement, Middle Schoolers are encour-

aged to attend the monthly enrichment opportuni-ties (social, service, and spiritual). Details to be shared in classes.

Confirmation Candidates (generally HS freshmen) go to Confirmation Preparation. St. Joe and St. Vincent do Confirmation prepara-

tion together. The Confirmation class meets the First and Third Sundays at St. Joseph.

Dates: Oct. 6, Oct. 20, Nov. 3, Nov. 17, Dec. 1, Dec. 15, Jan. 5, Jan. 19, Feb. 2, Feb. 16, Mar. 1, Mar. 15, Apr. 5, Apr. 19, May 3 - updates possible to this list

Retreat and service hour dates TBA

High Schoolers go to HS Youth Group Every Sunday from 6 - 7:30pm. Come as you

can. Trips, service projects, etc. as announced

Adults take part in Adult Faith Formation Pro-grams, such as Fr. Mike’s weekly Bible study on Mondays at

St. Vincent at 10am Adult Formation during Sunday Religious Ed

times at SJ (English and Spanish available) Deacon Tom’s Book Studies Adult Education Nights RCIA every Monday at 7pm at St. Vincent Retreats, talks, workshops as announced Elements of Faith/Fr. Mike Minute emails

We all must take faith formation very seriously! We are never done being formed in the faith, and its riches are endless.

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time +JMJ October 6, 2019

Today’s Readings

First Reading — The just ones, because of their faith, shall live (Habakkuk 1:2-3; 2:2-4). Psalm — If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts (Psalm 95). Second Reading — Bear hardship with the strength that comes from God (2 Timothy 1:6-8, 13-14). Gospel — The apostles said to Jesus, “Increase our faith” (Luke 17:5-10).

Pilgrimage with Fr. Mike to Mexico— June 23-28, 2020

Join Fr. Mike and the Marian Center of Indianapo-lis on a pilgrimage to Mexico! Father Mike will guide the group to several holy shrines in Mexico -- the famous Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine, the Shrine of San Miguel Del Milagro, the Basilica of Our Lady of Ocotlan, and many more places. Email the Marian Center at to sign up or for more info. What a joy it will be to pay special honor to Our Lady.

News for Both Parishes

National Catholic Youth Conference— Nov. 21-23

Well everyone, it is that glorious time of the year again, it’s time to sign your child up for NCYC! NCYC is the National Catholic Youth Conference that is held here in Indianapolis! There will be speakers, musicians and religious figures from around the world coming to simply party and worship our Lord with Catholic youth from all around the country. The Conference itself is November 21-23, 2019. We will be staying in Indianapolis at St. Michaels Parish with the youth group from St. Michaels and high schoolers from Cardinal Ritter High school. We will be leaving St. Joes around 5pm on Thursday, November 21st and return to St. Joe around Midnight on the 23rd. This will (should) count as an excused absence for Friday the 22nd. The total cost of the trip is $230 per child. Can you please let me know what of this you might be able to cover? We will fundraise for the remainder. It is not a problem if you can’t cover the whole thing!!! The Lord always provides. If you, or someone you know would like to sponsor a child or simply donate money to the trip, please contact Billy Cross at

Bulletin Blooper

Diana and Don request your presents at their wedding.

Getting Engaged?

Remember to book the church early on and to book the church before the reception venue. Please remember that we don’t do weddings on festival weekend. Most importantly, remember that a Catholic seeking marriage is REQUIRED by Church law to get married in the church by a priest in order for his/her marriage to be considered valid.

Hurricane Dorian

Recent news reports have made us very much aware that Hurricane Dorian brought about mas-sive destruction to the Bahamas, leaving our broth-ers and sisters in these islands in dire need. Catholic Relief Services is working to pro-vide food, emergency shelter, and safe water. To help support these relief efforts please do so through Catholic Relief Services. You may make contributions online by going to, or you may send checks made paya-ble to Catholic Relief Services to: Catholic Relief Services, Attn: Theresa Chamblee, 1400 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202.

St. Joe Social Club—Oct. 21

The St. Joe Social Club will meet on Monday, October 21st at the Knights of Columbus. Doors will open at 11:15am with lunch being served at 12:00 noon. Cost is $12.00. Fried chicken will be the entrée served at lunch along with delicious sides, salad and dessert. Reservations or cancel-lations must be made by 12:00 noon Wednesday, October 16th by calling Peggy Forrest at 317-398-0084. Come join us and meet new friends or visit with old friends. Please remember to bring canned or non-perishable food items for the Salvation Army Food Pantry.

D of I Card Party—Oct. 23