St. Mark's News - September 2013

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Episcopal newsletter


September 2013

St. Mark’s News

Volume 16/Issue 8

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From the Rector On Sunday, September 15, churches of all denominations across the nation are invited to participate in National Back to Church Sunday. Because that title makes it sound as though we are hoping you will return to

church after your summer vacation the Episcopal Diocese of Texas has renamed it Invite Someone to Church Sunday, or even more succinctly Invitation Sunday. The idea is simple: extend an invitation to a neighbor, to a friend, or to a family member inviting them to join you for church on Sunday, September 15. Statistics indicate that 82% of those who are unchurched are somewhat likely to

attend a church if they are invited, but only 2% of those who have a church home extend invitations.

I would like to encourage every one of us at St. Mark’s to take this challenge of Evangelism. On Sunday, August 18 and 25, we were once again reminded of what a wonderful and lively parish St. Mark’s is. On the 18th we gathered in the Parish Hall to share a summer potluck of salads, sandwiches and desserts. There were newcomers among us who expressed appreciation for the invitation to stay and eat. As is always the case at St. Mark’s, there was an abundance of food – more than enough to feed our parish family and the strangers among us. The brightly painted Blood Bank bus parked outside for our summer blood drive vividly demonstrated our commitment to the wider community. The following Sunday, the 25th, we welcomed three young people into the household of faith, into the Body of Christ. We blessed backpacks and we distributed crosses to our young people returning to school. Our generosity was expressed in the number of backpacks we collected to give to needy Austin school students through Communities in Schools (CIS). We wandered around the Parish Hall and we were given the opportunity to be part of our many ministries at St. Mark’s, and to the wider community. What we say about ourselves is that “the vision of St. Mark’s is to be a warm and welcoming community; to teach, to preach, and live out the Gospel in our daily life and work; to pray and work for justice for all God’s people.”

During the vestry retreat on August 17 we asked two icebreaker questions: what are five things on your Bucket List, and what five things are you grateful for. There was considerable unanimity that (more) travel within the United States and abroad were on our lists. For some, that travel would be more adventurous than for others of us. And on almost everyone’s gratitude list was belonging to St. Mark’s. The feeling was genuine, and not simply “please the rector” answers.

Assuming that gratitude for being a part of St. Mark’s is shared by more of us than the 15 gathered around that table, let’s extend an invitation to our families, friends, and neighbors to join us for worship (and education) on Sunday, September 15. If you invite them, they will come. EZT+

In this Issue

From the Rector .................. 1 Outreach ............................. 3 Parish Life ........................... 3 Christian Formation ............ 5 Parishioner Highlights ......... 8 Caffeine Ministry ................. 9 Celebrations ....................... ? ROTA .................................. ?

September 2013

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Three Sunday Services Schedule Resumes

SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 – MAY 25, 2014

7:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I

9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II

10:00 a.m. Christian Formation for Adults and Children/Youth (Begins on September 8)

11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Seeking Adult Confirmands!

Are you an adult, over the age of 18, who has not yet been Confirmed or Received in the Episcopal Church? Bishop Dena Harrison will be with us at St. Mark’s for our annual Bishop’s Visitation on January 26, 2014. We will soon be forming the Adult Inquirers’ class. You are also welcome to join the class if you want to know more about the Episcopal Church’s history, tradition, and practices but are not yet certain about “officially” becoming an Episcopalian. If you are interested, please talk to Elizabeth+ or Travis+.

Mission and Ministry Meals – October 2013

The summer seems like it has really gone by quickly and before we know it we will see the cooler temperatures of fall. October is Stewardship Month at St. Mark’s. This is our time to gather together to talk about how we can all be better stewards and participate more fully in the Mission and Ministries of St. Mark’s.

Our three Sunday meals were such a success last year that we have decided to continue the same schedule, having meals on the following Sundays: October 13, 20, and 27, following the 11 a.m. service. Hopefully you had a chance to sign up on Rally Sunday but if not, the sign up sheets will be available in the Parish Hall. The menus will be your favorites brisket, fajitas, and chicken. You only have to sign up to bring a side dish or a dessert and we provide babysitting.

This year our discussion will focus on "Where to from here?" During the vestry retreat in August, we discussed priorities in term of Worship, Education, Outreach, and Discipleship. We also discussed staffing and space. We will share some of the priorities discussed and we will give you an opportunity to do the same. The Finance Committee will present the proposed 2014 budget and we will be given our pledge/commitment cards, to be returned the first Sunday of November (November 3) at all three services.

The Yard Sale is Coming, The Yard Sale is Coming! Saturday, September 28

Yard Sale preparation is underway! Jill Collins, event coordinator, is in need of a co-chair! Please contact Jill by email if you are available to serve as co-chair:

• The trailer is ready for your donations. The key is in the office. • Sign-up sheets are in the Parish Hall. Leaders & volunteers are needed to take charge of specific areas. • Assistance will be needed with heavy lifting on Friday, September 27, to set up the sale.

Notes regarding donations: All donations need to be in clean, working order, particularly any electrical appliances, TVs and computer equipment. No adult clothes will be accepted!

September 2013

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Looking Ahead to October: Pet Blessing on October 5

St. Francis’ feast day is on October 4. On Saturday, October 5 at 10:00 a.m., we will bless all manner of creatures and pets on the lawn outside the Columbarium. I always love this opportunity to meet the beloved creatures that are part of our families: dogs, cats, guinea pigs, sugar gliders…. The only request is that they be leashed, caged, or in some way restrained.

Outreach Austin Diaper Bank is a new non-profit organization dedicated to providing diapers to babies and seniors in need. Persistent poverty in the greater Austin area, coupled with increasing cost of living, means more families in our community are finding it difficult to afford basic necessities like food and diapers. Approximately 12,000 Austin children are in a diaper need situation. Federal assistance programs, such as WIC and SNAP, do not cover diapers. And diapers cost an average of $100 per month per child.

Let’s make a tangible difference by participating in a diaper drive! From September 8-15 (which coincides with National Diaper Need Awareness Week), please donate diapers, wipes, pull-ups, swim diapers or adult diapers in a bin in the Parish Hall. Austin Diaper Bank is even able to accept those open packages that you no longer need! All sizes and brands are welcome! Please contact Becky Poynot with any questions.

Parish Life First Friday Book Group; Bennett Wing Classroom at 11 a.m. Below is the reading list for the First Friday Book Group. Join us any month you are able to do so!

2013 2014 Sept. 6 Flight Behavior Barbara Kingsolver Jan. 3 Illuminations Mary Sharratt Oct. 4 Me Before You Jojo Moyes Feb. 7 Rules of Civility Amor Towles Nov. 1 In the Garden of Beasts Erik Larson March 7 Benediction Kent Haruf Dec. 6 Eventide Kent Haruf April 4 Heft Liz Moore May 2 Canada Richard Ford

Tuesday Brown Bag Bible Study Resumes at Noon on September 3

Every Tuesday at noon we gather in the Bennett Wing classroom for Bible study. For the remainder of 2013, and January 2014, we will read and discuss the book of Genesis. In February and March we will study the Sermon on the Mount and some of the parables in Matthew’s gospel. After Easter we will discuss some recurrent themes in the Bible: Covenant, Forgiveness, and Atonement. Join us as you are able.

September Youth Events 1st – Labor Day Weekend. Unofficial rosary day (no other activities)

8th – Kitchen, games and prayer. Official rosary day

15t – Kitchen, games and Contemplative Prayer with Guy.

22nd – Kitchen, games and prayer

28th – All Parish Yard Sale (Sat.) Youth are expected to attend and help! 29th – Kitchen then snorkeling in Barton Springs with David Johns. Bring your suit, towel, entry fee, and mask and snorkel (if possible)

September 2013

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Women’s News August was very busy. Many thanks to all the women of St. Mark's who participated in the Annual Parish-wide Salad and Sandwich Luncheon. We are also grateful to all the ladies who made their contribution of $5.00 for the Diocesan Fair Share Assessment during Rally Day. A great big "Thank You" goes out to Lisa Martin who chaired the ECW Fundraiser. Please mark your calendars for the following events in September:

• Bunco is Monday, September 23. Set-up starts at 6:00 p.m. followed by Potluck at 6:30 p.m. The roll of the dice begins shortly after 7:00 p.m. Come join in on the fun.

• September 28: St. Mark's Yard Sale. Jill Collins is in need of volunteers. There are many opportunities for us to lend a helping hand. In addition, the ECW will provide bottled water during the sale and is in need of coolers. Please bring coolers to the Parish Hall no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, September 27. (Approximately 8 coolers are needed.) Thank you in advance for all your help.

Be on the lookout for an announcement for "Chick Flick Night" at the theatre. Feature presentation is Lee Daniels’ The Butler. Date, time, and location to be announced.

Remember to Keep a Smile on Your Face and Love in Your Heart! ~Yvonne Chavez

Ladies’ Beer Tour Organized by the FWYC (Families with Young Children) group, the moms of St. Mark's will have their next get together on Saturday, September 21. We will tour the 512 Brewery and then have time to visit afterwards. This will be a fun opportunity to enjoy one another's company and get to know each other better. If you are a lady of St. Mark’s (with or without children) and would like to join us for a brew tour, please contact Suzanne Smith at or Jennifer Santos at

Walking Where Jesus Walked - Holy Land Trip Informational Meeting: September 22 Have you ever dreamed of walking where Jesus walked? Would you like the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ? Your chance of a lifetime is here. St. Mark’s is hosting a ten-day journey to the Holy Land from April 1-10, 2014. The itinerary includes the Galilee, Nazareth, Jericho, Qumran, the Mount of Olives, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, and the Dead Sea with lots of other stops in between. The trip takes you from Nazareth, the boyhood home of Jesus to the Upper Room where Jesus shared the Last Supper. We’ll pray at Capernaum, the center of Jesus’ ministry. At the Mount of Beatitudes, we will read the Sermon on the Mount. You’ll even have the chance to swim in the Dead Sea.

This exclusive trip, designed just for St. Mark’s, includes guided sightseeing, roundtrip airfare from Austin, entrance fees, buffet breakfast and dinner each day, deluxe motor coaches and first class hotels. The trip price $3756. The only items not included in the price are lunches and the love offering for the bus driver. If you would like more information there will be a trip overview meeting that will be held at St. Mark’s on September 22 at 12:30 p.m. in the Bennett Wing Classroom. If you cannot attend the meeting, please contact Lisa Martin at 512-431-7716 or for more information. Don’t pass up this opportunity to more fully experience the Old and New Testaments as you walk in the footsteps of our Lord!

September 2013

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From the garden ~ Rally Day is behind us, but the Garden Guild remains hopeful that we will find some new volunteers who are ready to don gloves and dig!

Our Adopt a Spot policy for our grounds has yielded really beautiful results. When Eagle Scout Drew Edgerton, scout helpers, and family first took on what we now call McKinney Isle, it was a tangle of the usual vines, briars, and undergrowth. Their project brought out dozens of scouts and volunteers. Following their work, we had a park-like space with neat rock edging, paths, wonderful stone benches, and a ready canvas for the other projects which were to follow.

Following what Drew started, Eagle Scout Will Smith and volunteers noticed that our occasional hard rains washed the decomposed granite paths into the parking lot, so river rock was brought in to hold those paths in place. Then, Gardener-in-Chief Al McKinney began to putter. Over an extended period of time he has planted trees, established and maintained beds, and planted pockets of color throughout the area, so that this multi-layered project has become the most surprising and elegantly beautiful space we have. He further enhanced the walkways with lovely stepping-stones helping us women in our wobbly heels. Multi-talented James Wier created a rustic Celtic cross near one path, and most recently, the appreciative Men’s Group funded a stunning wooden carving of St. Francis near the cross. This project has taken about 10 years, but scrubby to stunning is the result.

Becky Nolan and her wonderful cohort, now Kiwi, Roberta Preston, took on the corner of our grounds near our sign which faces the street corner, because they saw our corner as the neighborhood beacon for Barton Hills. They have brought in a dazzling array of color and fun from October’s pumpkins through Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany. Becky has been seeking a partner for her projects since Roberta returned to New Zealand. Dee Ann Thomasson has helped her there too, with watering and shrub removal. Becky has further plans for mulching and cleaning along the sanctuary wall.

Dee Ann, Dee Ann. What doesn’t she do? She works quietly behind the scenes taking on task after task showing her love and devotion to this parish in so many areas. She is a Martha, but she is also a Martha Stewart! Thomasson Triangle has been just one of her projects in the past several years. She was frustrated by the dying ivy at the intersection of our walkways in front, so she began bringing rocks from her own yard to fill in the space and create a resting place adorned with colorful pots. Jim and Barbara Keahey shared their memorial bench for the space, and voila! Another special spot has emerged.

Parish Admin and parishioner Joanne Foote recently adopted the front gardens, leading into the church offices. Aviatrix Susie Bain first built the area into the sectioned garden it is, then Pattie Rose and later, yours truly worked on it for a while. Bothered by the lackluster look that drought and neglect had created, The Foote Path was the result. In the past year she has transformed the garden so that it is much more colorful and very inviting. It is lush where it needs to be and colorful in the sun. Wow!

Looking back on the St. Mark’s I remember from the time we first joined in 1977, there have always been generous people who do so much in an effort to tame the acreage we have with pennies and sweat. Al McKinney and son Scott planted most of the original shrubs around the church in the mid-80s; Dorothy Ramsey plucked two loquat starts from her yard, and now they tower over 25 feet around the side of the Sanctuary! Volunteers like Jim Keahey and others used to bring mowers from home to keep the grass under control. Jim Keahey and other volunteers also created the Meditation Trail in the 90s. Parishioners have always done a little bit here and a little bit there so that the grounds have emerged as a patchwork quilt of love and caring. Some of the patches are prominent like McKinney Isle, others are small, like caring for a pot, trimming the Columbarium Garden like mariner Tom Delameter does the removal of poison ivy like great-grandmother Cynthia Archer does, or digging deep and adding new soil to a bedding area a la Jim Casparis, or creating a parking space by hauling tons of decomposed granite like Jonea Raney, Jim Casparis, and others. In memory of Bob Peery, his widow Natalie Peery had roses planted and the left side of the grounds cleaned up a couple of years ago. CB Ross’s wife Virginia planted the large mountain laurel near the Columbarium Garden in his memory about 10 years ago. It has really prospered!

Contributions by our Eagle Scouts—Ben Ramsey and family creating pathways around the Day School; Casey Edgerton’s grooming the barbecue pit area; Mason Shea building planters to mark our new granite parking area; and most recently Wesley Cooper revised and planted a formerly blighted area along Barton Hills Drive, and Kyle Way built 3 benches for the labyrinth—have made a significant difference to our grounds. The point is, there will be other scouts who want to make a difference, other people who become available to help, and each and every one is important and appreciated. Adopt a Spot!

Diane Brewer, Coordinator

September 2013

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Christian Formation For Children and Youth (by Cathy Nelson, Director of Religious Education)

The summer is coming to an end, and we are preparing to start a new year of Christian Formation programs for children. At the same time that families were putting away their summer vacation gear and buying school supplies, St. Mark’s volunteers and I were finishing up preparations for the beginning of the new program year. Church School teachers, Children’s Chapel leaders, our Youth Lector coach and Youth Acolyte directors are ready to meet with your children. Other gifted parishioners helped create new materials for our Godly Play Two class. Bill Kibler, our master woodworker made more Godly Play materials to use with new stories about the lives of Old Testament characters; Deen Denny and Ginny Acker painted some of the materials; and Cindy Cabler created clay and fabric items. St. Mark’s is blessed to have a rich supply of volunteers committed to sharing their time and talents with the children of our church! Thank you!

Church School classes begin on Sunday, September 8. The first story children will hear in the Godly Play classes introduces them to the rhythm of the Church year. The Circle of the Church Year teaches the children that we move through the year experiencing all kinds of time - at home, work, play and in the church. The children are invited to think about the special kind of time we experience in the Church as we journey through the Church year using a circular frame marked by colored blocks for the church seasons that goes on forever and ever. “For every beginning there is an ending and for every ending there is a beginning.” In the words of Jerome Berryman, founder of Godly Play, “Each year, the Christian people move through a circle of memory and expectation to open themselves to the elusive presence of God.”

In the Godly Play classes for younger children, storytellers Jennifer Baumgart, Scott Forrest, JP Kloninger, Henry Olivas and I will lead the classes. Children in Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten are invited to Godly Play in the Common Room. Godly Play Two for 1st and 2nd graders will meet in the Parish hall behind the portable walls. Both classes will have an orientation on September 8 to introduce the children and parents to the program. The Godly Play class will hear the story, The Circle of the Church Year. The following Sundays, the class will hear The Holy Family, which is told each time we begin a new season of the Church year, and stories about God’s presence among his people in the story of Creation and The Flood and the Ark.

The Godly Play Two class will hear many new stories this year. In these stories from Volume 6 of Godly Play, we dig deeper into the lives of many of the central figures of the Old Testament stories. Following the initial classes the children will hear the Second Creation: “The Falling Apart,” The Story of Abraham and The Story of Sarah.

The 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade Class will continue to use the curriculum created by the Rev. Travis Smith. The class will meet in Classroom D in the main building with David Genet and other parent assistants, to hear the stories of Bible heroes and villains. The children will explore stories from Genesis, God creates the world, The Great Fall and God’s Grace, The First Murder and God’s Grace, and Noah and God’s Grace, through drama, art and games.

On September 8, the Youth Class for 6th - 12th graders will join the Adult Formation class in Grace Chapel for a presentation by two of St. Mark’s teens. Connor Fuhrman will talk about his summer working among the poor in Guatemala and Julia Greer will share her experiences working in an orphanage in Thailand. On September 15, the class will meet in the Day School building with their teachers Danielle Adkins, Jay Brown, Kathy Genet and Harry Lipp.

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A Confirmation Class for 7th graders and up will meet from September 15-October 20 in the Bennett Wing classroom. The class will be led by seminarians Vivian Orndorff and Tom Schneider using the With God’s Help confirmation curriculum. The Youth Class will move to the Day School building while the class is in session. After October 20, students from the Confirmation class will join the Youth Class.

When we return to three services on September 1, Children’s Chapel services for 4 to 6 year olds will be available during the 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. services. To provide a safe environment for the children, we will continue to ask a parent to help our Chapel leaders during each Chapel service. Chapel leaders this year are Anna Bryan-Borja, Kevin Cromack, Amy Farley, Henry Olivas, Mai Rogers and Cathy Nelson.

St. Mark’s children’s programs would not exist without the support of our community, so thank you for the many ways you welcome and care for the children in our church. If you would like to be more involved, please contact me or the church office. All volunteers are required to take the Safeguarding God’s Children class so please watch for announcements about upcoming classes.

~ Cathy Nelson, DRE

For Adults Adult Formation classes will resume on Sunday, September 8 at 10 a.m. in Grace Chapel.

On September 8 we will hear from two of our young people about their summer service opportunities. Connor Fuhrman spent time in Guatemala working among people whose homes were in the local dump. Julia Greer worked with children in Thailand whose parents were alive but unable to care for them. She also heard some remarkable Burmese refugee stories. We are inviting our Middle School and High School age youth to join us in the chapel on that Sunday.

On September 15 and 22 Ross Ramsey, the Executive Editor and co-founder of The Texas Tribune, will share his observations of Religious Voices in Legislative Discussions

On September 29 Jonea Raney and Ann Seyler will present a new St. Mark’s Ministry opportunity for lay pastoral care-givers: The Community of Hope.

Meet Our New Seminarian . . .

My name is Thomas Schneider – Tom – and I am entering my middler year at the Seminary of the Southwest.

I'd like to begin by saying how grateful I am for having received my field parish placement with St. Mark's. I've very much enjoyed the several visits I made to the parish last semester and look forward to working and worshiping here over the next two years.

I am a postulant from the Diocese of the Rio Grande – though by the time this sees print I will possibly have been granted candidacy. My home parish is St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Artesia, N.M. For those who don't know, the Diocese of the Rio Grande is a rather large diocese, encompassing all of New Mexico and a fair chunk of far-west Texas, including the Big Bend region, stretching as far west as El Paso.

In my previous life – before seminary – I worked for many years in the newspaper business. My undergraduate degree is in International Relations with a minor in journalism, and at the time journalism jobs were a bit more plentiful than diplomatic posts. I worked at several newspapers in both California, where I'm from, and New Mexico. I also served for eight years in the U.S. Navy as a Naval journalist and public affairs specialist. My last position was as City Editor of the Carlsbad (N.M.) Current-Argus.

I live with my wife, Sylvia, on a small farm outside Carlsbad, with our Labrador retriever, Phoebe, and our Russian Blue, Horatio. We have four grown children, Matthew, Adam, Charlotte and Lansden, and five grandchildren, Kylee, Zoee, Rainee, Jamie and Rachel.

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Parishioner Highlights Jodi and Jay Doran are two people that I got to know individually before they married each other. I love romance stories and their introduction by C.B. Ross brought two really cool and talented people together. It just doesn’t get any better than that! They both exude talent galore not only by what they have done (and are still doing) occupationally in their lives but also what they have brought to the St. Mark’s ministry related to their involvement and commitment to making St. Mark’s such a wonderful parish. And for that we thank them!

Beth Chenoweth

Jodi and Jay Doran

Jodi and Jay Doran live in Travis County with their little brown dog, Jester, whom they adopted

from the Dachshund rescue in 2009.

Jodi is a native of Cozad, NB, and was confirmed as a young married person. She came to St. Mark’s when her family moved to Austin in 1985. Over the years she has served in a variety of capacities including Vestry

member, Junior Warden, New Rector Search committee, Seminarian’s committee, Women’s Group officer, Chicken BBQ co-chair, Sunday School teacher, Parish Photo Directory chair, Stewardship committee, Greeter, and Dinner Groups co-founder. She is currently an Usher. Her children, Evan and Andrea Huston, grew up at St. Mark’s and attended the Day School. Jodi is a Registered Nurse and works in Cardiac Electrophysiology at Seton Medical Center.

Jay grew up in Midland and was confirmed when he was a college student in Lubbock. He was briefly at St. Mark’s in the late ‘80s when his family moved to Austin. In 1999, he and his wife, Cindy, and daughters Jennifer and Susan, followed the Rev. Elizabeth Turner from All Saints’ to St. Mark’s. Jay has served on the Vestry and been Junior and Senior Warden, and

he is co-founder of the Newcomer’s process. He is an Usher and Greeter. Jay has degrees in Industrial engineering and retired last year after a career in manufacturing Management and Materials Management. His daughter, Jennifer Shaw, and her family attend St. Mark’s.

In 2001, fellow parishioner C.B. Ross, with encouragement from the Rev. Bill Bennett, introduced Jodi and Jay. They were married at St Mark’s in 2006.

Mother Elizabeth’s history with the Dorans include presiding at one Memorial Service (Jay’s wife), four marriages (theirs and three of their children’s) and four baptisms (grandchildren). She definitely earned her position as their “Family Chaplain.”

Jodi and Jay enjoy their grandchildren, two in Austin, one in San Antonio and one in Madison, WI. Jodi enjoys photography and creating photo albums of family events, walking, and spending time with family and friends. In retirement Jay has had time to pursue his interests in landscape design using native plants, cooking, and genealogy. He volunteers one morning each week at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. He had a good experience at the recent parish Habitat for Humanity build and plans to volunteer regularly when the weather cools.

They both enjoy traveling and plan to do more domestic and international travel in the future.

September 2013

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Celebrations September Birthdays Marty Clark 09/01

Miles Barker 09/02

Cindy Bogard 09/02

Andrea Michael 09/03

Gregory Knapp 09/04

Frank Severn 09/04

Max Reshetnikov 09/05

Connor Fuhrman 09/06

Dillon Johns 09/06

Emily Lehrach 09/06

Jacob Sondgeroth 09/06

Megan Crigger 09/07

Rosemary Nolan 09/07

Martin Mufich 09/08

Chad Stoner 09/08

Dayna Blazey 09/09

Anna Bryan-Borja 09/09

Alexandra Geraci 09/10

Kemble White 09/10

Jackson Clark 09/11

Chris Dammert 09/11

Vanessa Davila 09/11

Megan Frederick 09/11

Jackie Whalen 09/11

Barbara Dody 09/12

Al McKinney 09/13

Betty Lee 09/14

Owen Smith 09/14

Kyle Way 09/14

Zephyr Gates 09/15

Barbara Sharpe 09/15

Dan Bogard 09/16

Sydney Doidge 09/16

Logan Pugh 09/16

Sonnie Barham 09/17

Kim Buckner 09/17

Clay Buckner 09/18

Jill Collins 09/18

Emily Rogers 09/18

Carolyn Wier 09/18

Elizabeth Turner 09/19

Raymond Gallardo III 09/20

Carol Oppel 09/20

Marsha Topham 09/21

Bridget Bludworth 09/22

Michael Fuhrman 09/22

Tim Glover 09/22

Adam Stockstill 09/22

Rick Tennant 09/22

Susan Baxter-Harwell 09/23

Trent Weems 09/23

Josephine Baumgart 09/24

Steve Hicks 09/24

Stella Kloninger 09/24

Katherine McLane 09/24

Kate Nogarede 09/24

Claire Cabler 09/25

Shannon Eaton 09/25

Estella Minne 09/25

Lansing Pugh 09/25

Suzann Dvorken 09/26

Katherine Frederick 09/26

Georgia Green 09/26

Jim Nolan 09/26

Kathy Overstreet 09/26

Pam Johns 09/27

Benton Tso 09/27

Rex White 09/27

Phil Dutton 09/28

Christopher Elliott 09/28

Benjamin Forrest 09/28

Samuel Forrest 09/28

Mehron Azarmehr 09/29

Aaron Barker 09/29

Brent Dickey 09/29

Josef Genet 09/29

Laura Merritt 09/29

Diana Stangl 09/29

Henry Janes 09/30

MIchelle Lehrach 09/30

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September Anniversaries

Mina Kumar & James Spindler 09/03

Diana & Greg Stangl 09/03

Nancy & John Hicks 09/07

Liz Badger & Lansing Pugh 09/09

Irma & Tim Glover 09/10

Suzanne & Travis Smith 09/13

Penny & Christopher Considine 09/14

Beth & John Chenoweth 09/19

Amity Worrel & Robert Chambers 09/20

Jackie & Kevin Hall 09/28

September Caffiene Ministry 1st

Early – Nancy Bachschmid and Barbette Cooper

Late – Glen and Jennifer Baumgart


Early – Dan and Cindy Bogard

Late – Susan Baxter-Harwell and Phillip Harwell


Early – Pat Bullock and Becky Janes

Late – Chris and Melissa Blanding


Early – Danielle Adkins

Late – Clarence and Susan Bonnen


Early – Terry Dempsey and Marsha Topham

Late – Charles and Diane Brewer

Early: Arrive 15 minutes before 9 a.m. service, make lemonade, set out cookies, etc. (Coffee will already be made.) Late: After 11 a.m. service, replenish cookies, and other supplies. After hospitality time, clean up all containers. Complete instructions are in the kitchen above the coffee maker. *If you are unable to make your time, contact the vestry member for September, Andrew Poynot.

It was a great summer, from beginning—Vacation Bible School—to end—Rally Day!

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September ROTA

TIME MINISTRY September 1 Return to 3


September 8 Youth Sunday September 15 September 22

Youth Sunday September 29 October 6





LECTOR Amelia Sondgeroth Jonea Raney Pattie Rose Amelia Sondgeroth Jill Collins Jonea Raney


Pattie Rose Jill Collins Pattie Rose Nancy Middlebrook Jonea Raney Pattie Rose

USHERS Ed Shipsey Al McKinney

Beth Chenoweth Mary Smith

Danielle Adkins Stephen White

Jonea Raney Jill Collins

Ed Shipsey Al McKinney

Beth Chenoweth Mary Smith



. SE



LECTORS Nancy Kibler (1) Ken Whalen (2)

Youth Mary-Alis Kelly (1) Brian Kelly (2)

Youth Lynn Edgerton (1) Mike Thomasson (2)

Mike Fuhrman (1)

Becky Janes (2)

LEM Lynn Edgerton Bill Kibler

Kim Buckner Gary Taylor

Mary Cromack Mike Thomasson

Tom Schneider Carol Oppel

Vivian Orndorff Bill Kibler

Lynn Edgerton Tom Schneider


Connor Fuhrman Davis Fuhrman

Julia Comer Claudia Janes


Connor Lightsey Clay Buckner

Claire Dempsey Ryan Dempsey

Kim B.

Bennett Whalen Ariston Awitan IV Matthew Awitan

TBD Kim B.

Carson Buckner Clara Bogard Abigail Goff Eleanor Goff


Abbe Kelly Will Kelly

Julia Comer Claudia Janes Carol, Kim B.

Connor Fuhrman Davis Fuhrman Ethan Fuhrman

TBD Carol, Kim B.


Mark Breen Dee Ann

Thomasson Dodie Wells

Glen Baumgart

Mike Brode Phil Aboussie Ross Ramsey

Ken Whalen Ariston Awitan III

Dan Bogard

John Edgerton Lynn Edgerton Kevin Cromack

Mark Breen Mike Brode Ken Whalen

John Edgerton

Mark Breen Dee Ann

Thomasson Dodie Wells

Glen Baumgart

GREETERS TBD Meredith Childs Kevin Cromack

Cindy & Dan Bogard Kim Buckner

Michael Meigs Meredith Childs & Kevin

Cromack TBD


0 a.





LECTORS Suzann Dvorken

(1) Rex White (2)

TBD (1) Phil Aboussie (2)

Chris Blanding (1) Melissa Blanding (2)

Meredith Childs (1) Kevin Childs (2)

Michael Meigs (1) Karen Milton (2)

Kimberly Horne (1)

Matt Lamon (2)

LEM Vivian Orndorff

Dru Cabler Jay Brown

Vivian Orndorff Michele Bonner Tom Schneider

Brenda White Rex White

Vivian Orndorff Jim Casparis

Liz Davis Dru Cabler


Wes Johns Winston

Baxter-Harwell Emmaline

Baxter-Harwell Claire Cabler


Carey Stangl Matt Forrest Ben Forrest Sam Forrest


Patrick Camp Max Genet Josef Genet Evelyn Eaton


Jay Brown Meredith Childs


Michael Brode Bonnie Brode Elijah Gallardo

Evan Overstreet Jay

Winston Baxter-Harwell Asher Eaton

Emmaline Baxter-Harwell Claire Cabler



Carolyn Wier James Wier

Bo Overstreet Rick Tennant

John De Marines

Jim Casparis Charles Brewer

Bob Peterek Manuel de la Rosa

Jim Nolan Ryan Marquess

Henry Olivas Lark Anthony

Yvonne Chavez

Frank Severn Jean Severn Jay Doran Jodi Doran

Carolyn Wier Jim Casparis Henry Olivas Frank Severn

Carolyn Wier James Wier

Bo Overstreet Rick Tennant

John De Marines

GREETERS Jean & Frank Severn

Jay Doran Shelly Botkin & Ryan Marquess

Lark Anthony Barbara Dody

Jay Doran Jean & Frank







Sat. 9:00

Dee Ann Thomasson-TC

Pat Bullock Carolyn Wier

Cynthia Archer

Dee Ann Thomasson-TC Lynn Edgerton Barbara Dody

Diana Stangl-TC Tina Stonebarger

Henry Olivas Liz Davis

Meredith Childs-TC Susan Baxter-Harwell

Pat Bullock Judy Elkins

Millie Casparis-TC Helen Anderson

Karen Milton

Jonea Raney-TC Jill Collins

Carolyn Wier Lynn Edgerton

Depositor Al McKinney John De Marines Bo Overstreet Jim Nolan Shelly Botkin Al McKinney

WED. 6 p.m. September 4 September 11 September 18 September 25 October 2 October 9 Lector Meredith Childs Rex White Jill Collins Dodie Wells Jonea Raney TBD

September 2013

Page 12

Vestry Committees Staff Andrew Poynot, Sr. Warden Kathy Genet, Jr. Warden Vestry members: Dan Bogard, Susan Bonnen, Shelly Botkin, Kim Buckner, Lynn Edgerton, Becky Janes, David Johns, Nancy Kibler, J.P. Kloninger Jim Nolan, Bo Overstreet, Ross Ramsey, Rex White

Acolytes: Jay Brown, Carol Oppel, Mary Cromack, Kim Kiplin, and Kim Buckner Altar Guild: Millie Casparis Building Committee: Amelia Sondgeroth Christian Formation: Cathy Nelson Communications: Pattie Rose Daughters of the King: Jonea C.S. Raney Women of St. Mark’s: Yvonne Chavez and Judy Elkins Facilities: Ray Smith Finance: John Edgerton Outreach: Becky Poynot and Laurie Mayor Parish Life: Brenda White Pastoral Care/Health Ministry: Jonea C.S. Raney Stewardship: Amelia Sondgeroth Ushers: Henry Olivas


The Rev. Elizabeth Zarelli Turner

Curate The Rev. Travis Smith

Director of Religious Education

Cathy Nelson

Organist/Director of Music Mark Reed


Vivian Orndorff Tom Schneider

Head of Day School

Anne Wingler

Parish Administrator Joanne Foote

Newsletter Editor

Becky Janes

Deadline for the October 2013 St. Mark’s News is

Monday, September 16, 2013. Please submit your

article by email as an attachment to:

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 2128 Barton Hills Drive Austin, TX 78704 512.444.1449