St Patrick’s RE Curriculum...God creates each person in love, in his own image and likeness....

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St Patrick’s RE Curriculum

Religious Education is the core of the curriculum at St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School. Placing RE at the core of the curriculum in our school helps us to fulfill our mission to educate the whole person in discerning the meaning of their existence, since Religious, Personal and Social Development is concerned not only with intellectual knowledge but also includes emotional and affective learning. It is in the mystery of the Word made flesh that the mystery of what it is to be human truly becomes clear. Without religious education, pupils would be deprived of an essential element of their formation and personal development, which helps them attain a vital harmony between faith and culture. Furthermore, religiously literate children are able to engage in a fully informed critique of all knowledge and experiences.

Catholic education at St Patrick’s, with RE at its core, exists in order to help parents and teachers to hand on the Deposit of Faith in its fullness to a new generation of children so that they may come to understand the richness of the Catholic faith, and thereby be drawn into a deeper communion with Christ in his Church. With this as our primary aim, we serve diverse populations of pupils and within this context the aims of our Religious Education are:

1. To present engagingly a comprehensive content which is the basis of knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith; 2. To enable pupils continually to deepen their religious and theological understanding and be able to communicate this effectively; 3. To present an authentic vision of the Church's moral and social teaching so that pupils can make a critique of the underlying trends in

contemporary culture and society; 4. To raise pupils' awareness of the faith and traditions of other religious communities in order to respect and understand them; 5. To develop the critical faculties of pupils so that they can relate their Catholic faith to daily life; 6. To stimulate pupils' imagination and provoke a desire for personal meaning as revealed in the truth of the Catholic faith; 7. To enable pupils to relate the knowledge gained through Religious Education to their understanding of other subjects in the

curriculum; 8. To bring clarity to the relationship between faith and life, and between faith and culture.

The outcome of our Religious Education is religiously literate and engaged children who have the knowledge, understanding and skills – appropriate to their age and capacity – to reflect spiritually, and think ethically and theologically, and who are aware of the demands of religious commitment in everyday life.

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Religious Education EYFS RE Curriculum

Topics: Autumn:

Topic 1 (A) Domestic Church – Family: Myself - 4 WEEKS - Know and Understand: Every person needs to come to an understanding of who they are to appreciate their value and uniqueness, the wonder and mystery of life. God creates each person in love, in his own image and likeness. Living in thanksgiving, acknowledges God who knows and loves each person – “me”. Topic 2 (B) Baptism/Confirmation – Belonging: Welcome - 4 WEEKS - Know and Understand: The sacraments are actions and signs, which deepen communion with God the Father, son and holy spirit. At Baptism, the church invites and welcomes the person into the church family. The sacrament of Baptism is the basis of all Christian life. Topic 3 (C) Advent /Christmas – Loving: Birthday - 4 WEEKS: Know and Understand: Advent is a time of waiting for the celebration of Christ’s birth. He is with us and will come again in glory. For Christians, the birth of Jesus changed the world.

Spring: Topic 1(A) Local Church – Community: Celebrating - 4 WEEKS - Know and Understand: The local church gives thanks for God’s blessings in its liturgical celebrations and in the way it lives its parish life. Christians belong to the local church community – the parish, which celebrates in a variety of ways. They celebrate tradition and story and find their meaning in Jesus. Topic 2 (B) Eucharist – Relating: Gathering - 4 WEEKS: Know and Understand: The parish family finds strength in gathering for the celebration of the Eucharist, a sign of God’s love in our lives. We share memories, love and thanks as we celebrate the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Topic 3 (C) Lent/Easter – Giving: Growing - 4 WEEKS: Know and Understand: Lent is a time to work at growing spiritually in preparation to celebrate the death of Jesus and his resurrection at Easter. This process involves growing in many ways. It is not always easy.

Summer: Topic 1 (A) Pentecost – Serving: Good News - 4 Weeks: Know and Understand: For Christians, the Gospel is the Good News of God’s love for everyone. At Pentecost, in the gift of the Holy Spirit given for all, Christ’s mission of bringing the Good News was entrusted to the community of believers which is the Church. Topic 2 (B) Reconciliation – Inter-Relating: Friends - 4 Weeks: Know and Understand: Christians believe that, in Jesus Christ, the world has been reconciled to God. Through Christ we are offered the power to forgive and make peace and to receive and offer reconciliation. Relationships bring both joy and challenge. Topic 3 (C) Universal Church – World: Our World - 4 Weeks: Know and Understand: Christians believe that life is God’s gift. All that makes up life – people, the earth, places and things – are part of that gift. We appreciate and wonder at the understanding that all is gift. There are two concepts of wonder, in reference to thinking and the wonder of our world. Both are necessary but worth noting as a possible area of misconception for the children. Some children’s knowledge/experience of our world may only be their immediate surroundings (i.e. home/street etc.)

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EYFS RE Curriculum Outcomes: Skills and Knowledge

Area Autumn Spring Summer

Prior Learning

Children will have experience of being part of a family. Children will have experience of belonging to a family and to a nursery/class group. Children will have the experience of celebrating birthdays at home.

Children will have experienced celebrations at home. What a celebration is and that the parish family celebrates in church. Experience of activities that are good to do together.

The ways in which we grow and that lent is a time to grow more like Jesus and look forward to Easter. That everyone has good news, and that Pentecost is the celebration of the Good News of Jesus. We can make friends and Jesus had good friends.





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Topic 1(A) Children will be able to recognise that their name is important to them and others and will be able to talk about how they feel when they are known and called by name. They will be able to wonder about why their name is important and will recognise that God knows and loves each person by name.

Children will be able to talk about their own experiences and feelings about celebrations they have been part of and how the celebration was shared and wonder about why people celebrate and how they feel when they celebrate. They will be able to recognise the story of Mary and Joseph taking Jesus to the Temple and some of the elements and words used in celebration and that the church/parish family celebrate in particular ways. They be able to talk about their own experiences of celebrations and their feelings before, during and after celebrating and be able to say what they wonder about celebrations.

Children will be able to talk about how they feel when they hear and share good news and say what they wonder about good news and about Pentecost day and the Holy Spirit. They will be able to recognise the Pentecost story as a religious story and use some religious words such as Pentecost, Good News, Alleluia, Easter and Holy Spirit. They will be able to recognise that Christians are happy at Pentecost and go to Church to celebrate the Good News.

Topic 1(B) Children will be able to recognise some religious signs and symbols used in Baptism and use some religious words and phrases from the rite and able to talk about their own experiences and feelings of being welcomed. They will be able to say what they wonder about how they can make others feel welcome.

Children will be able to talk about the times they have gathered together with others and how they felt and their experience of visiting church and listening to God’s Word. They will recognise the story of Jesus with the children as a religious story, the phrase ‘The lord be with you. And with your spirit’, the lectern and lectionary and know who uses them and how, at Mass, people gather to share the stories of God’s love. They will be able to say what they wonder about the enjoyment of being together.

Children will be able to talk about their experiences and feelings about what a friend is and making friends and when friendships go wrong and be able wonder about what makes people friends. Children will be able to recognise that Christians show love for one another because Jesus asked them to do so and will recognise Jesus’ words ‘love one another’.

Topic 1(C) Children will be able to talk about their own feelings as they wait for a birthday and their experience of celebrating a birthday. They will be able to wonder at the joy of birthdays. They will be able to recognise the Nativity story and that the advent wreath, the crib and other signs indicate the approach of Christmas. They will begin to develop a vocabulary of religious words and phrases.

Children will be able to talk about their own experience of ‘growing’ and how they feel about ‘growing’ and be able to say what they wonder about growing, in themselves and in nature. They will be able to recognise the stories of Good Friday and Easter Sunday, the Cross, the words of the sign of the cross, the Easter garden and that Christians try to ‘grow more like Jesus’.

Children will be able to recognise some words and phrases from the Psalms and recognise that people want to take care of the world and share with others because God said, “Take care of my world!” They will be able to say what they wonder about the world and how we can all work together to care for the world and will be able to talk about their own experiences of the world and what they love about our world.

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EYFS RE Curriculum Outcomes: Skills and Knowledge

Area Autumn Spring Summer AT

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Topic 1(A) Children will be able to be aware/know that: - God has called us by name. - Prayer is talking and listening to God. - It is possible to pray at any time. - Introduction to a litany. - Some Scripture from Isaiah and a Psalm.

Children will be able to know that the Parish community gathers to celebrate such occasions as Baptism, Christmas, weddings

Children will be able to know that Jesus rose from the dead at Easter. - ‘Alleluia’, a word to praise God. - Jesus sends the Holy Spirit. - The coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. - Sharing the Good News that Jesus is alive.

Topic 1(B)

Children will be able to recognise/know: - The Sign of the Cross. - Baptised in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. - The simple sequence of the Baptismal rite. - Some symbols used in Baptism: water, font, Easter candle, white garment. - Introduction to godparents.

Children will be able to know that the Parish family gathers for Mass. How to enter the church: the holy water font, the aisle and the benches where the people gather. Parts of the Mass - gathering - welcome - listening to God’s Word - receiving Jesus in Holy Communion.

Children will be able to know that: - They can talk to Jesus as friend. - God is kind, understanding, loving and gentle, always ready to forgive and never changes. - Forgiving others is being like Jesus. - Pray the ‘Our Father’.

Topic 1(C) Children will be able to know what people do during Advent: Advent is a time for getting ready for Christmas. Means of preparing: advent calendar, advent wreath. Advent – a special season of longing and waiting for Jesus’ birth at Christmas, The Crib, The Nativity story, The shepherds, The Wise Men, The Hail Mary.

Children will be able to know that Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. Lent - a time to grow in love to be more like Jesus and to look forward to Easter Jesus died on Good Friday. Jesus rose from the dead at Easter.

Children will be able to know that God created the world and it was good. Everyone shares God’s world. We share in taking care of the world.

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Year 1 RE Curriculum Topics:

Autumn: Topic 1 (A) Domestic Church – Family: Families - 4 WEEKS - Know and Understand: Everyone belongs to the family of God. It is in the love of a family that most Christians first experience the reality of Church. Topic 2 (B) Baptism/Confirmation – Belonging: Belonging - 4 WEEKS - Know and Understand: Baptism enables people to belong to God’s family in a special way. Christians believe that everyone is invited to share in the life and work of God through Baptism. Topic 3 (C) Advent /Christmas – Loving: Waiting - 4 WEEKS: Know and Understand: Advent is a time of waiting in joyful hope for Jesus; it encourages believers to wait for Christ who comes each day and who will come in a special way at the end of time.

Spring: Topic 1(A) Local Church – Community: Special People - 4 WEEKS - Know and Understand: All families who live or worship in a parish are part of the parish family. As in any family there are people who have special roles within the parish. On Sunday in church, we meet people who do special jobs as we gather to celebrate the Good News of Jesus. There are special people in our lives who are there to help. Topic 2 (B) Eucharist – Relating: Meals - 4 WEEKS: Know and Understand: The parish family gathers for the Eucharist (mass), Jesus’ special meal. We find strength in gathering for the celebration of the Eucharist and of God’s love in our lives. Topic 3 (C) Lent/Easter – Giving: Change - 4 WEEKS: Know and Understand: Lent offers a time to reflect on life and change. This is a time to prepare for Easter. Change is a necessary part of healthy growth.

Summer: Topic 1 (A) Pentecost – Serving: Holidays & Holy Days - 4 Weeks: Know and Understand: For Christians Sunday is the special day of the week. It is the day on which Jesus rose from the dead and is considered to be a day of rest. Pentecost is a special celebration of the gift of the Holy Spirit, through whom the risen life of Jesus is given. Topic 2 (B) Reconciliation – Inter-Relating: Being Sorry - 4 Weeks: Know and Understand: For Christians it is important to make choices in the light of our belief in a loving God. There are times when we need to acknowledge our sorrow for making wrong choices. The church offers the sacrament of Reconciliation which celebrates God’s unconditional love for us. Topic 3 (C) Universal Church – World: Neighbours - 4 Weeks: Know and Understand: The church is universal; it is the people that God gathers in the whole world. Each person has God given dignity. Loving our neighbours is an essential part of Christian living.

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Year 1 RE Curriculum Outcomes: Skills and Knowledge

Area Autumn Spring Summer

Prior Learning

God knows and loves me and each one by name. Baptism: a welcome to God’s family. Advent: looking forward to Christmas, the birthday of Jesus.

How the parish family celebrates. The joy of gathering together to celebrate at Mass. Lent: a time to grow more like Jesus and look forward to Easter.

Pentecost; the celebration of the Good News of Jesus. Jesus had good friends. God gave us this wonderful world.





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Topic 1(A) Children will be able to recognise that Jesus was part of a happy family and recognise that some psalms tells us about God’s love Children will be able to use some simple prayers and explain why we and others say them to thank God for the love and care given during the day Children will be able to retell some of the psalms in their own words and draw/write about how Jesus grew up in a happy family

Children will be able to recognise some stories about Jesus Children will be able to recognise that people, because of their religion, gather to celebrate Mass and why they do this Children will be able to use religious words and phrases to describe some parts of the Mass celebration and describe some of the ways people help with the preparation and celebration of Mass

Children will be able to recognise the story of Pentecost Children will be able to recognise some religious signs, symbols and words linked to the Holy Spirit Children will be able to retell the story of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and describe some religious signs, symbols and words linked to Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit

Topic 1(B) Children will be able to recognise that the story of Jesus and the children is a religious story Children will be able to recognise and use some religious words and phrases used in Baptism Children will be able to describe how Baptism is an invitation to belong to God’s family and the Church family

Children will be able to recognise the story of the Last Supper Children will be able to identify some religious signs, symbols and words linked to Communion at Mass Children will be able to use religious words and phrases to describe what happens at Communion at Mass

Children will be able to recognise some religious words like ‘forgiveness’ and ‘be sorry’ Children will be able to recognise and retell the story of the call of Levi and the story of Zacchaeus Children will be able to describe how the priest uses God’s power to forgive those who are sorry and say so

Topic 1(C) Children will be able to recognise the Christmas stories are religious stories Children will be able to recognise the Advent wreath, calendar, the colour purple and the crib as religious signs and use some religious words and phrases Children will be able to describe how Christians use the time of Advent to help them wait for the birth of Jesus at Christmas

Children will be able to recognise the story of Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday Children will be able to recognise some religious signs, symbols and words linked to Ash Wednesday, Lent and Easter Sunday Children will be able to describe some religious signs, symbols and words linked to Ash Wednesday, Lent and Easter Sunday

Children will be able to recognise that everyone is our neighbour Children will be able to recognise that we and our neighbours are loved by God and recognise that as neighbours we should act fairly towards each other Children will be able to draw/write, describe ways of being a good global neighbour

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Year 1 RE Curriculum Outcomes: Skills and Knowledge

Area Autumn Spring Summer AT

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Topic 1(A) Children will be able to talk about their own experiences and feelings about the love and care shown to them in their family Children will be able to say what they wonder about how families show love and care for each other and how God loves us Children will be able to ask and answer questions about their own and others’ experiences and feelings about love and care in our families

Children will be able to talk about their own experiences and feelings about special people they know and have met Children will be able to say what they wonder about how special people help them – Mum / Dad /Priest /Teacher Children will be able to ask and answer questions about what makes a person special

Children will be able to about my own experiences and feelings of holidays and holy days Children will be able to say what they wonder about what makes a holiday a happy time Children will be able to ask and answer questions about the difference between ordinary days and holidays and talk with their friends about what they wonder about the Holy Spirit

Topic 1(B)

Children will be able to talk about their own experiences and feelings about belonging to different groups – dance club – class - family Children will be able to say what they wonder about belonging and what that means Children will be able to talk with their friends about some questions that are difficult to answer about my learning on Baptism and becoming a Christian

Children will be able to talk about their own experiences and feelings about meals which are special to them Children will be able to say what they wonder about why people share special meals Children will be able to ask and answer questions about meals which are special to them

Children will be able to talk about their own experiences and feelings about making choices Children will be able to talk about their own experiences and feelings about making choices – what do they mean to them and others? Children will be able to ask and answer questions about choices and their consequences and talk with their friends about how it can be sometimes difficult to forgive others

Topic 1(C)

Children will be able to talk about their own experiences and feelings about waiting Children will be able to say what they wonder about how people feel and act whilst waiting for something Children will be able to ask and answer questions about their own and others’ experiences of waiting and how it feels

Children will be able to talk about their own experiences and feelings about changing and whether it is good, bad or scary Children will be able to ask and answer questions about how we can change as people – is it good to change our ways sometimes? Children will be able to ask and answer questions about how we can change as people – what makes us change?

Children will be able to talk about their own experience and feelings about neighbours Children will be able to say what they wonder about neighbours near them and in those in the wider world Children will be able to ask and respond to questions about their own and others’ experiences and feelings about neighbours- is everyone a good neighbour?

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Year 2 RE Curriculum Topics:

Autumn: Topic 1 (A) Domestic Church – Family: Beginnings - 4 WEEKS - Know and Understand: God is present in every beginning. Teaching about creation is important as it concerns the foundations of human and Christian life, making explicit the response of the Christian faith to the basic question (that people of all times have asked themselves): where do i come from? Where are we going? What is our origin? Where does everything that exists come from and where is it going? Topic 2 (B) Baptism/Confirmation – Belonging: Signs & Symbols - 4 WEEKS - Know and Understand: For Christians, signs and symbols speak of God’s mysterious presence in the world and in our lives. Special symbols are called ‘sacraments’ because they put us in touch in a powerful way with the life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus and they point to his continued presence among us today. Topic 3 (C) Advent /Christmas – Loving: Preparing - 4 WEEKS: Know and Understand: God had prepared his people for the coming of his son, the messiah over many hundreds of years. Advent is a time of preparation to celebrate Jesus’ first coming on earth. It also reminds people that he will come again at the end of time.

Spring: Topic 1(A) Local Church – Community: Books - 4 WEEKS - Know and Understand: The scriptures are the treasured word of God for the Jewish and Christian communities. The books used by the Christian community record and hand on its story. The lectionary which is used at mass contains the scriptures used by the community throughout the year. Topic 2 (B) Eucharist – Relating: Thanksgiving - 4 WEEKS: Know and Understand: The word Eucharist meaning ‘thanksgiving’. The Eucharist is another name for the mass. The parish family gathers to give thanks to God, most of all for the gift of Jesus, his son. Topic 3 (C) Lent/Easter – Giving: Opportunities - 4 WEEKS: Know and Understand: The forty days of Lent is an opportunity for Christians to turn about from what is bad and to seek ways to do good by prayer and by doing something extra to prepare for the celebrate of Jesus’ Resurrection at Easter.

Summer: Topic 1 (A) Pentecost – Serving: Spread The Word - 4 Weeks: Know and Understand: The gift of holy spirit, which is celebrated at Pentecost, strengthens Christians to share in the mission of the church by spreading the Good News of the message of love of the risen Christ. Topic 2 (B) Reconciliation – Inter-Relating: Rules - 4 Weeks: Know and Understand: For the Christian Christ’s rule of love of God and neighbour offers freedom and happiness. The exercise of the conscience enables the Christian to follow God’s law and through love to express sorrow for wrong doing. The sacrament of Reconciliation grants pardon and peace. Topic 3 (C) Universal Church – World: Treasures - 4 Weeks: Know and Understand: Christians believe that life is God’s gift. Appreciating that all is gift leads us to treasure everything in life.

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Year 2 RE Curriculum Outcomes: Skills and Knowledge

Area Autumn Spring Summer

Prior Learning

Jesus was born and lived in a human family. God’s love and care for every family. That Baptism is an invitation to belong to God’s family That advent is a time of waiting to celebrate Jesus’ coming at Christmas.

That on Sunday in church, we meet people who do special jobs as we gather to celebrate the Good News of Jesus. Mass as Jesus’ special meal. A time to change in preparation for the celebration of Easter.

Pentecost; a holy day – the feast of the Holy Spirit. God helps us to choose well and to be sorry. God forgives us. Everyone is our neighbour and is loved by God.





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Topic 1(A) Children will be able to recognise that the special story of Creation (Genesis) is a religious story Children will be able to recognise and use some religious words about different types of prayers and recognise that people are kind and loving because God made them Children will be able to retell the story of Creation and some of the psalms and use religious words and phrases to describe the importance of prayer and prayer spaces

Children will be able to recognise that the Bible is a special book and also recognise other special books used in church Children will be able to recognise some religious signs and symbols and use some religious words and phrases connected with the Mass and the Gospels Children will be able to use religious words and phrases to describe the actions and symbols related to proclaiming the Gospel

Children will be able to recognise the story of Jesus’ Resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit Children will be able to recognise and name some religious signs, symbols and words linked to Pentecost Children will be able to use religious words and phrases to describe the religious actions and symbols of Pentecost and describe some of the ways in which the power of the Holy Spirit changed the disciples and us as Christians

Topic 1(B) Children will be able to recognise that some babies are taken to Church to be baptised Children will be able to recognise the signs and symbols used in Baptism and use some religious words and phrases used in the sacrament Children will be able to describe some ways in which Christians live as followers of the light of Christ

Children will be able to recognise the story of the Last Supper Children will be able to recognise some religious signs and symbols and use some religious words and phrases used in the Eucharist (Mass) and recognise that Catholics go to Mass to give thanks to God and remember what Jesus did Children will be able to describe how Catholics try to live what they have experienced at Mass in their daily lives

Children will be able to recognise the story of Peter asking forgiveness as a religious story and recognise that people say sorry and ask forgiveness because they are followers of Jesus Children will be able to describe how Christians try to practise Jesus’ commandment of love, peace and reconciliation and use words and phrases to describe the examination of conscience and the Sacrament of Reconciliation Children will be able to make links between the story of Peter asking forgiveness and the Christian belief in forgiveness

Topic 1(C)

Children will be able to recognise that the special story of Jesus’ birth is a religious story Children will be able to recognise some religious signs and symbols and use some religious words and phrases connected with Advent, for example Advent wreath, calendar, crib Children will be able to retell the stories of the Annunciation, the Visitation and the Nativity

Children will be able to recognise the story of Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, Good Friday and Easter Sunday Children will be able to recognise some religious signs, symbols and words linked to Ash Wednesday, Lent Holy Week and Easter Sunday and recognise that people use the opportunity of Lent to choose to do good Children will be able to retell the story of Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday and use religious words and phrases to describe the religious actions and symbols of Lent, Holy Week and Easter

Children will be able to recognise some special stories about creation and treasuring our world whilst recognising ways in which people treasure God’s world Children will be able to retell some special stories about creation and the treasures of God’s world Children will be able to make links between religious stories about Creation / treasuring our world and beliefs

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Year 2 RE Curriculum Outcomes: Skills and Knowledge

Area Autumn Spring Summer AT

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Topic 1(A) Children will be able to talk about their own experiences and feelings about new beginnings Children will be able to say what they wonder about the beauty of God’s creation and the excitement that a new start can bring Children will be able to ask and answer questions about my own and others’ experiences of and feelings about new beginnings

Children will be able to recognise some of the ways in which people take part in the celebration of the Mass Children will be able to talk about their own experiences and feelings of the different books they use at home and school Children will be able to ask questions about what they and others wonder about the need for books and their importance in our lives and realise that some questions are difficult to answer

Children will be able to recognise who the Holy Spirit is and who sent him Children will be able to talk about my own experiences and feelings of passing on and receiving messages Children will be able to ask questions about what they and others wonder about how the power of the Holy Spirit affects people

Topic 1(B) Children will be able to talk about their own experiences and feelings about signs which help me in daily life Children will be able to talk about their own experiences and feelings about signs which help me in daily life and symbols which are important to me Children will be able to ask questions about what they and others wonder about the power of symbols to convey meaning and realise that these questions are difficult to answer

Children will be able to say what they wonder about how others feel when they are thanked Children will be able to talk about their own experiences and feelings of receiving and giving thanks Children will be able to ask and answer questions about their own and others’ experiences of and feelings about giving and receiving thanks

Children will be able to say what they wonder about the importance of keeping rules for themselves and others Children will be able to ask questions about what they and others wonder about Jesus’ commandment of love, peace and reconciliation that some questions are difficult to answer Children will be able to make links to show how our actions as Christians are shaped by the belief in forgiveness

Topic 1(C) Children will be able to recognise that Christians prepare in a special way during Advent Children will be able to talk about their own experiences and feelings of preparing for special occasions and the birth of Jesus at Christmas Children will be able to ask and answer questions about their own and others’ experiences of and feelings about how important it is to prepare well

Children will be able to recognise why Jesus died for us Children will be able to talk about my own experiences and feelings of using opportunities for good and know why Jesus died for us Children will be able to ask and answer questions about their own and others’ experiences of and feelings about opportunities that are offered to choose good- know why Jesus died for us

Children will be able to say what I wonder about the treasures I have and share this with a partner Children will be able to talk with my friends about what they and they wonder about the treasures of our world – can they name some of them? Children will be able to make links between the actions of some people as they treasure God’s world and their reasons and beliefs for doing so

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Year 3 RE Curriculum Topics: Autumn: Topic 1 (A) Domestic Church – Family: Homes - 4 WEEKS - Know and Understand: In this topic we explore how God is present in every home. This is expressed in the love that binds the family together within the home through good times and bad times. Topic 2 (B) Baptism/Confirmation – Belonging: Promises - 4 WEEKS - Know and Understand: The promises made at Baptism and Confirmation are the call to a new way of life. At Baptism and Confirmation people are welcomed and initiated into the Christian church and supported in responding to God’s call. Topic 3 (C) Advent /Christmas – Loving: Visitors - 4 WEEKS: Know and Understand: For Christians, this topic emphasises the coming of God, in the person of Jesus, 2,000 years ago at Bethlehem. He was not a passing visitor, but one who comes to dwell among us, the word made flesh. The joyful expectation of Advent is an encouragement to take steps to recognise the coming of God into the world today, and to believe that in the future this same God will come again in glory. Spring: Topic 1(A) Local Church – Community: Journeys - 4 WEEKS - Know and Understand: The Christian life is about journeying with Christ and sharing his way of life the church’s year celebrates the key elements of Christ’s life. Topic 2 (B) Eucharist – Relating: Listening and Sharing - 4 WEEKS: Know and Understand: The Eucharistic celebration consists of two parts. The first part is the liturgy of the word, where Christians listen to God’s word in the readings, listen to the homily and the prayers of the Faithful. The second part of the celebration is the liturgy of the Eucharist. Here the gifts are prepared, the Eucharistic prayer expresses thanksgiving and Communion is shared. Topic 3 (C) Lent/Easter – Giving: Self-Discipline - 4 WEEKS: Know and Understand: Lent and Holy Week is a time of giving in different ways and remembering the total giving of Jesus. Summer: Topic 1 (A) Pentecost – Serving: Energy - 4 Weeks: Know and Understand: Christians believe that the gift of the Holy Spirit within them gives them energy and the power to live the way of Jesus. The symbols used for the holy spirit – wind and fire – are symbols of power and energy. At Pentecost, the disciples were filled by the gifts of the Holy Spirit and went out courageously to carry the Gospel of Jesus to the whole world. Topic 2 (B) Reconciliation – Inter-Relating: Choices - 4 Weeks: Know and Understand: When making a choice, it is important to examine your conscience in order to make a good choice and minimise bad effects for ourselves and others. The sacrament of Reconciliation is a celebration of God’s love and mercy; it is about the forgiveness of sin and being reconciled with God and one another. Topic 3 (C) Universal Church – World: Special Places - 4 Weeks: Know and Understand: The Christian community has many special places: places where people gather for prayer and worship; places are holy because of their association with Jesus or holy people; places of pilgrimage.

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Year 3 RE Curriculum Outcomes: Skills and Knowledge

Area Autumn Spring Summer

Prior Learning

God is present in every beginning. Signs and symbols used in Baptism. Advent is four weeks of preparation for the celebration of Jesus at Christmas.

The books used in Church on Sunday by the parish family. The Eucharist: the parish family thanks God for Jesus. Lent, the opportunity to turn towards what is good in preparation for Easter.

Pentecost, spreading the Gospel message through the gift of the Holy Spirit. The reasons for rules in the Christian family. The world is God’s treasure given to us.

AT1 Learning

about religion

Children will be able to ask and answer questions about what they and others wonder about what makes a house a home Children will be able to retell the story of the Baptism of Jesus Children will be able to retell the stories of the events surrounding the birth of Jesus Children will be able to can make links between the scripture studied and the belief that God can make a difference in everyday life: Paul’s letters to the early Christian community teaching about God’s vision for every family Children will be able to make links between the story of the Baptism of Jesus and the promises we make at Baptism and give some reasons for the promises made at Baptism Children will be able to make links between the Scripture stories and Advent as a season of getting ready for the coming of Jesus and give reasons for some actions that Christians do during Advent/Christmas

Children will be able to describe how some prayer leads to good actions Children will be able to will be able to ask and respond to questions about their own and others’ experiences and feelings about listening well and sharing – when/how do we listen to the word of God? Children will be able to describe some ways in which Christians use the time of Lent to give to others Children will be able to use religious words and phrases to describe the liturgical year and retell some of the stories of the Mysteries of the Rosary and special feasts of the year Children will be able to describe ways in which Christians share the Good News of Jesus Children will be able to retell some of the stories of Holy Week and the Resurrection and describe some of the religious actions and symbols of Lent and Holy Week Children will be able to use developing religious vocabulary to give reasons why Catholics celebrate certain feasts of the year and the reasons for the actions and symbols used making links between some scripture and what Christians believe. Know what ‘liturgy’ is. Children will be able to give some reasons for some of the actions and words used during the celebration of the Eucharist i.e. listening to the Gospel – receiving the body and blood of Christ - God speaks to us through the scriptures Children will be able to make links between the Scripture stories and what Christians believe about how they should act

Children will be able to use some religious words and phrases to describe what happened to the apostles at Pentecost Children will be able to retell the stories of the Two sons and the Prodigal Son Children will be able to retell some of the stories about special places for Jesus Children will be able to retell the story of the Ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and describe some ways in which Christians live when they use the energy and gifts of the Holy Spirit Children will be able to use religious words and phrases to describe saying sorry and ask forgiveness and the Sacrament of Reconciliation Children will be able to describe some religious actions and symbols linked to pilgrimage and worship Children will be able to make links between the Pentecost story and Christian belief in the power of the Holy Spirit Children will be able to make links between the stories of the Two sons and the Prodigal Son and the belief in a loving and forgiving God Children will be able to give reasons why Christians go on pilgrimage

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Year 3 RE Curriculum Outcomes: Skills and Knowledge

Area Autumn Spring Summer

AT2 Learning

from religion

Children will be able to describe some ways Christians live as people chosen by God Children will be able to ask questions about what they and others wonder about why people make promises Children will be able to ask and respond to questions about promises and ask questions about what they and others wonder about why people make promises – are they hard to keep? Children will be able to say what they wonder about in what makes a house a home and how God is always with us Children will be able to talk about their own experiences of and feelings about Baptism Children will be able to talk about their own and others’ experiences of and feelings about visitors and say what they wonder about the joys and demands of visitors Children will be able to make links to show how feelings and beliefs affect how we behave within our family life Children will be able to make links between their actions and the promises made by Christians (their parents) at Baptism Children will be able to make links to show how feelings and beliefs affect how they prepare for and receive visitors

Children will be able to ask questions about what they and others wonder about how we help one another on the journey through the year - being a good friend/listener Children will be able to identify ways that they can be a good listener of the word of God Children will be able to ask and respond to questions about their own and others’ experience and feelings of how people give themselves for others Children will be able to ask and respond to questions about their own and others’ experiences and feelings about the events which mark the year or the season Children will be able to ask questions about what they and others wonder about the joys and difficulties of listening and sharing and realise that some of these questions are difficult to answer Children will be able to ask questions about the courageousness of giving and realise that some questions are difficult to answer Children will be able to compare their own and other people’s ideas about difficult questions relating to how people deal with sad or difficult events on their journey Children will be able to make links to show how feelings and beliefs affect their own and others’ desire to listen and share Children will be able to make links to show how feelings and beliefs affect their own and others’ attitude to giving of our/themselves

Children will be able to talk about their own and others’ experiences of and feelings about the power of fire and wind Children will be able to talk about their own and others’ experiences of and feelings about making choices Children will be able to ask and respond to questions about my own and others’ experiences of and feelings about special places Children will be able to say what they and others wonder about the power of wind and fire and realise that some of these questions are difficult to answer – symbolic in religion Children will be able to say what they wonder about how choices are made and realise that some of these questions are difficult to answer Children will be able to talk with their friends about some questions that are difficult to answer about special places that cause us to wonder – what makes them special? Children will be able to make links to show how feelings and belief about the power of the Holy Spirit affect how we live and behave Children will be able to make links to show how feelings and beliefs affect their own and others’ decisions about choices and their consequences Children will be able to make links to show how feelings and beliefs about special places affect their own and others’ behaviour

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Year 4 RE Curriculum Topics: Autumn: Topic 1 (A) Domestic Church – Family: People - 4 WEEKS - Know and Understand: This is a sensitive theme. The experience of ‘family’ in society today is varied, with many joys and sorrows. Whatever the experience, family still remains the first place for growth and development, the basic social unit. Topic 2 (B) Baptism/Confirmation – Belonging: Called - 4 WEEKS - Know and Understand: Our lives are marked by many different experiences of being welcomed into new situations and groups. We recognise the importance of welcome, of feeling comfortable with new situations and belonging to new groups. We belong to families, to work places and to social groupings. Topic 3 (C) Advent /Christmas – Loving: Gift - 4 WEEKS: Know and Understand: God’s gift of Jesus is a gift of love to all people of all time. Jesus reveals God’s love for humanity and the possibility of friendship. This gift is celebrated each Christmas. During the season of advent we explore this gift of love and the promise of Jesus’ return at the end of time. Spring: Topic 1(A) Local Church – Community: Community - 4 WEEKS - Know and Understand: In the local church lay people of all ages are called to undertake various roles, called ministries, by virtues of their Baptism and confirmation. They help to build up the local community of the parish. Topic 2 (B) Eucharist – Relating: Giving & Receiving - 4 WEEKS: Know and Understand: When we celebrate the Eucharist Jesus gives himself to us in word and sacrament. We are called to follow the example of Jesus by giving ourselves to others in the world. In the concluding Rite we are sent out to continue the work of Jesus. Topic 3 (C) Lent/Easter – Giving: Self-Discipline - 4 WEEKS: Know and Understand: Lent is part of the liturgical year when people unite themselves with Christ in order to grow in self-discipline through the practices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. We celebrate growth of new life in Christ, in preparation for the feast of Easter. Summer: Topic 1 (A) Pentecost – Serving: New Life - 4 Weeks: Know and Understand: On the day of Pentecost, the apostles spoke to the gathered people in the power of the spirit. St. Paul continued this work and we continue it today. Topic 2 (B) Reconciliation – Inter-Relating: Building Bridges - 4 Weeks: Know and Understand: In order for bridges to be built, a person has to acknowledge wrongdoing, so as to be reconciled to others and to God. This can be formally celebrated in the sacrament of Reconciliation. Topic 3 (C) Universal Church – World: God’s People - 4 Weeks: Know and Understand: “Communion of saints” is the collective name given to all members of the church community, whether living or dead. Some members of the church family are named as martyrs or saints. Martyrs are people who have given their lives for their faith. Saints are people who have lived in God’s way. They show us what God is like – loving, faithful, forgiving, caring for others and God’s world.

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Year 4 RE Curriculum Outcomes: Skills and Knowledge

Area Autumn Spring Summer

Prior Learning

People – the family of God in Scripture, a deepening awareness of ‘who I am’ Confirmation is a call to witness the Good News Advent and Christmas: the church’s seasons of preparing to receive God’s gift of love and friendship in Jesus

The Christian family’s journey with Jesus through the church’s year. Listening to the Word of God and sharing in Holy Communion. Lent, a time to remember Jesus’ total giving.

The wonder and power of the Holy Spirit. The importance of conscience in making choices. Special places for Jesus and the Christian community

AT1 Learning

about religion

Children will be able to retell some of the scripture stories about Jesus’ family and describe some ways in which characters in the Bible lived out their lives Children will be able to retell some of the scripture stories about David and the call of the apostles and describe some of the actions and symbols linked to Confirmation Children will be able to retell the story of the birth of Jesus and the visit of the Wise men and describe some ways in which religion is lived out by believers during Advent Children will be able to make links between scripture stories and what people believe about God and Jesus and give some reasons for the actions of believers such as Ruth Children will be able to give reasons for the actions and symbols used at Confirmation - linking between scripture and the call to holiness Children will be able to make links between scripture and the belief that God sent Jesus to earth as the long-awaited Messiah Children will be able to show an understanding of how God leads and guides his people and how religious belief has shaped the way some people live/lived out their lives Children will be able to describe how religious belief in the call to holiness has shaped their life and the lives of others Children will be able to use religious terms to show an understanding of different liturgies during Advent

Children will be able to retell the story of the call of the apostles and describe some of the actions and symbols within a funeral Mass Children will be able to able to describe what happens during the Introductory Rite Children will be able to retell some of the stories of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter and describe some of the religious actions and symbols of Lent and Holy Week Children will be able to make links between the call of the apostles and God’s call to people to serve him today and give some reasons why people give service to the parish community through various ministries Children will be able to able to give reasons for the actions and symbols used in the celebration of the Eucharist Children will be able to give reasons for the religious actions and symbols connected to Lent and Holy Week and give reasons why Christians try to be self-disciplined in Lent Children will be able to describe and show an understanding of the story of the call of the apostles, as well as how the advice St. Paul gives us affects our community Children will be able to use religious terms to show an understanding of different aspects of the Eucharist and show how belief in the Eucharist shapes lives Children will be able to describe and show an understanding of Scripture, beliefs, ideas, feelings and experiences connected with Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter and use religious terms to show an understanding of the different liturgies of Holy Week

Children will be able to use some religious words and phrases to describe the events of Pentecost and retell some of the scripture stories about Pentecost Children will be able to describe some ways in which believers ask forgiveness of others and forgive those who have hurt them Children will be able to retell some of the scripture stories about God’s people Children will be able to make links between the story of Pentecost and the Christian belief in the new life of the Easter message through the power of the Holy Spirit Children will be able to able to give reasons for the actions and symbols used in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and make links between the story of the Lost Sheep and how God looks after each of us Children will be able to give reasons for the actions of those people they have researched and learned about and link to scriptures Children will be able to show an understanding of how the apostles spread the Good News and give examples of the actions of Peter, John and Paul, saying why they acted so Children will be able to able to use religious terms to show an understanding of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession/Penance) Children will be able to describe and show an understanding of scripture, beliefs, ideas, feelings and experiences; making links between them

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Year 4 RE Curriculum Outcomes: Skills and Knowledge

Area Autumn Spring Summer

AT2 Learning

from religion

Children will be able to talk with their friends about some questions about family trees that cause them to wonder Children will be able to ask and answer questions about their own and other peoples’ experiences of being chosen Children will be able to ask and answer questions about their own and other peoples’ experiences of what is important in friendship Children will be able to give examples of how their own and others’ behaviour is influenced by Jesus and his family – family trees Children will be able to compare their own and others’ responses about questions that are difficult to answer linked to the call of God - The ways in which we can respond to the call of God Children will be able to compare my own and other people’s ideas about the gift of love and friendship and realise that these questions are difficult to answer Children will be able to engage with and talk to my friends and others about questions of life related to family trees that are difficult to answer and how their own and others’ decisions about actions in life are informed by beliefs Children will be able to engage and talk with others about questions related to the response to God’s call Children will be able to engage and talk with their friends and others about questions related to the gift of love and friendship

Children will be able to ask questions about what they and others wonder about the responsibility and commitment of belonging to a community, realising that some of these are difficult to answer Children will be able to ask and answer questions about their own and other peoples’ experiences about giving and receiving Children will be able talk with their friends and ask questions about what they and others wonder about how people reach their full potential Children will be able to make links to show feelings and beliefs affect their commitment to community and that of others Children will be able to compare their own and others’ responses about questions that are difficult to answer linked to the Communion rite Children will be able to make links to show how feelings and beliefs affect their self-discipline and that of others Children will be able to engage with and talk with my peers about questions of life related to community, that are difficult to answer Children will be able to engage with and respond to the question: ‘why do Catholics receive Holy Communion?’ in the light of religious teaching Children will be able to show how their own and others’ decisions to be self-disciplined are informed by beliefs and values

Children will be able to ask and answer questions about their own and other peoples’ experiences and feelings of good news bringing life Children will be able to talk with friends about what they and others wonder about how friendships can be mended Children will be able to ask and respond to questions about their own and other peoples’ experiences of what makes a person do extraordinary things Children will be able to make links to show how feelings of sadness and joy and the beliefs in the goodness of others, affects their and others’ behaviour Children will be able to make links to show how feelings and beliefs can affect the strength of friendships Children will be able to compare my own and others people’s ideas about the question of what makes a person do extraordinary things Children will be able to engage and respond to questions about how good news brings life and realise that some of these are difficult to answer Children will be able to engage and respond to questions of life in the light of religious teaching about reconciliation, mercy and forgiveness Children will be able to engage and respond with my friends and others about questions related to ‘the call to holiness’

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Year 5 RE Curriculum Topics: Autumn: Topic 1 (A) Domestic Church – Family: Ourselves - 4 WEEKS - Know and Understand: This is a sensitive theme. The experience of ‘family’ in society today is varied, with many joys and sorrows. Whatever the experience, family still remains the first place for growth and development, the basic social unit. Topic 2 (B) Baptism/Confirmation – Belonging: Life Choices - 4 WEEKS - Know and Understand: through Baptism the Christian is called to a life of holiness and to the mission of spreading the Good News. That life may be lived out in different ways. For some it will be through marriage. whatever life choices are made, the Christian is called to a commitment of holiness and service of others Topic 3 (C) Advent /Christmas – Loving: Hope - 4 WEEKS: Know and Understand: Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus, the promised one, on 25 December. It is preceded by the season of advent, a time of preparation. It focuses on Jesus’ coming in history and encourages believers to prepare for the Christ who comes each day. They also wait in joyful hope for him to come in glory at the end of time. Spring: Topic 1(A) Local Church – Community: Mission- 4 WEEKS - Know and Understand: the church, the Christian family, is made up of smaller Christian families called dioceses. Each diocese is led by a bishop. The bishops continue the work of ‘the twelve’ the apostles who continued the work and mission of Jesus. Jesus is the head of these families. He is the head of the church. There are other Christian families which are not part of the catholic church. Ecumenism is the word used for promoting unity among Christian churches. One of the final prayers of Jesus was that we all might be one. Topic 2 (B) Eucharist – Relating: Memorial Sacrifice - 4 WEEKS: Know and Understand: the Eucharist is a memorial sacrifice in the Jewish sense of remembering, that is it makes present a past reality. It is a memorial of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, through which Christ gives his body and blood for the salvation of all people and provides hope for the future. Topic 3 (C) Lent/Easter – Giving: Sacrifice - 4 WEEKS: Know and Understand: Lent is the season when Christians try to focus on giving. This helps us to identify with the complete sacrifice of Jesus which is remembered in the liturgy of holy week, especially the Easter Triduum (holy Thursday, Good Friday and holy Saturday – Easter Sunday.) Summer: Topic 1 (A) Pentecost – Serving: Transformation- 4 Weeks: Know and Understand: Christians believe that the spirit of God is active in each person and in a special way in the community of believers, which is the church. It is the work of the spirit to enable people to hear Gods message, to respond and share it. The feast of Pentecost is a celebration of the gift of God’s spirit and its transforming power. Topic 2 (B) Reconciliation – Inter-Relating: Freedom & Responsibility - 4 Weeks: Know and Understand: Christians believe that God has given to each person the free will and power to choose. The gift of God’s spirit, guarantee of God’s abiding presence is the foundation of Christian faith in the holiness of conscience. The creative interplay of freedom and responsibility informs the life of the community of believers, the church. Topic 3 (C) Universal Church – World: Stewardship - 4 Weeks: Know and Understand: Christians believe that every human being is created in the image of God and has the special gift and challenge of sharing in God’s creation. We ourselves are part of creation, and are dependent upon it: we are made aware that caring for creation is part of caring for ourselves.

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Year 5 RE Curriculum Outcomes: Skills and Knowledge

Area Autumn Spring Summer

Prior Learning

People – the family of God in Scripture, a deepening awareness of ‘who I am’ Confirmation is a call to witness the Good News. Advent and Christmas: the church’s seasons of preparing to receive God’s gift of love and friendship in Jesus

Recall a time when you were thanked. How was the gratitude expressed? How did you feel? How are relationships deepened in everyday life? Where two or three are gathered together in my name I am there among them. (Matthew: 18:20) What can a school community do to enhance the sense of feeling ‘included’ and ‘forgiven’? Different saints show people what God is like.

Pentecost is the celebration of the spirit’s transforming power. God’s rules for living responsibly – the commandments. The church is called to stewardship of creation

AT1 Learning

about religion

Children will be able to discuss links between their beliefs about talents and qualities and how they use them and how it affects others and compare their own and other people’s ideas about questions of talents and qualities. Children will be able to use religious words and phrases to describe signs and symbols used in the sacrament of marriage Children will be able retell some scripture passages about Advent/Christmas and use religious words and phrases to describe the Advent Wreath Children will be able to describe and show an understanding of the scripture, beliefs, feelings and the experience of being made in the image and likeness of God Children will be able to use a developing religious vocabulary to give reasons for the religious actions and symbols used in the sacrament of marriage Children will be able to make links between scripture and how Christians wait in hope for the coming of Jesus at Christmas Children will be able to describe how God is as a loving parent to us and how we can love and serve him every day Children will be able to use religious terms to show an understanding of the marriage liturgy and the Promises made and be able to show understanding of how religious belief shapes the life of married people and of those who are involved in the community as volunteers Children will be able to describe, show understanding and make links between scripture, other religious sources, feelings experiences and the belief in the coming of Jesus at Christmas - Isaiah and Jeremiah’s prophecies about the coming of the messiah

Children will be able to make links to show how inspirational leaders affect their behaviour and that of others Children will be able to describe how believers follow the example of Jesus in his life of sacrifice Children will be able to retell some special stories from scripture e.g. Events from Holy Week and the Temptation in the desert Children will be able to give reasons why people carry out Jesus’ mission in different ways through what they say and do using stories from the Bible to support their answer Children will be able to make links between the Passover in exodus, the last supper and belief in the Eucharist and use a developing religious vocabulary to give reasons for religious actions and symbols connected to the Passover and the celebration of the Eucharist Children will be able to make links between scripture stories of Holy Week and the Temptation in the desert Children will be able to describe and show they understand how dioceses and different Christian communities continue to carry out the work and mission of Jesus by making links between this and what they have read in scripture - know the meaning of ecumenism Children will be able to describe and show understanding of scripture, beliefs, ideas, feelings and experiences about the Jewish Passover, the last supper and the celebration of Eucharist, making links between them - transubstantiation through the power of the holy spirit, of bread and wine Children will be able to describe and show understanding of a range of scripture stories, beliefs, ideas and feelings about the sacrifice of Jesus and his resurrection and make links between them and use different words and actions to show an understanding of the different liturgies of Holy Week and the Easter vigil

Children will be able to retell some stories from Scripture e.g. Road to Emmaus, Saul’s Conversion Children will be able to retell some stories from Scripture e.g. the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes and use religious words and phrases to describe some religious actions connected to the Sacrament of Reconciliation Children will be able to describe the ways in which Christians are stewards of God’s creation Children will be able to use religious words and phrases to give reasons for religious actions and symbols linked with Pentecost and make links between scripture and God’s gift of the Holy Spirit and forgiveness- give reasons for the actions of Cleopas on the road to Emmaus Children will be able to make links between the stories of the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes and belief in God’s rules for living freely and the responsibility this brings to us as Catholics Children will be able to make links between scripture and the belief of caring for Creation; giving reasons why Christians are concerned about the stewardship of creation Children will be able to describe and show understanding of religious sources, beliefs, ideas, feelings and experiences linked to the conversion of Paul, making links between them Children will be able to describe and show understanding of religious sources, beliefs, ideas, feelings and experiences of living according to God given laws and use religious terms to show an understanding of the Sacrament of Reconciliation Children will be able to describe and show understanding of scripture, beliefs, ideas, feelings and experiences of being stewards of God’s creation and make links between them

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Year 5 RE Curriculum Outcomes: Skills and Knowledge

Area Autumn Spring Summer

AT2 Learning

from religion

Children will be able to make links between the words of Paul and the Christian’s belief in peace and give reasons why Christians believe in peace Children will be able to ask and answer questions about their own and other peoples’ experiences and feelings about care and commitment Children will be able to ask and answer questions about their own and other peoples’ experiences and feelings about waiting and hoping Children will be able to show understanding of how the call to be holy shapes life and how values affect our love and care of each other Children will be able to make links to show how feelings and beliefs affect their own and others’ quality of care and commitment towards each other and be able to compare their own and other people’s ideas about questions concerning care and commitment that are difficult to answer Children will be able to make links to show how feelings and beliefs about waiting and hoping affect their behaviour and that of others Children will be able to explain in detail what beliefs and values inspire and influence Christians to develop their qualities Children will be able to engage with and respond to questions of life, particularly relationships, in the light of Christian teaching Children will be able to show how their own and other’s decisions to prepare through love and service to others is informed by the belief that Christ will come and respond to questions about the coming of Christ using religious teaching

Children will be able to give reasons why people carry out Jesus’ mission in different ways through what they say and do Children will be able to ask and respond to questions about their own and others’ experiences and feelings about memories Children will be able to ask questions about what they and others wonder about giving and refusing to give and realise that some of these questions are difficult to answer Children will be able to make links between how Jesus’ undertook his mission to share the good news and how each diocese continues that mission and work today Children will be able to give reasons for why believers follow the example of Jesus in his life of sacrifice Children will be able to make links to show how feelings and beliefs affect giving and refusing to give and appreciating the cost of life Children will be able to show they understand why Christians, because of what they believe, share the mission of Jesus and do so in different ways Children will be able to show an understanding of how belief in the sacrifice of Jesus shapes the lives of Christians and will be able to engage with and respond to questions of life choices in the light of religious teaching about sacrifice - the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist Children will be able to show how their own and other’s decisions about giving and refusing to give are informed by beliefs and values

Children will be able to ask questions about what they and others wonder about transforming energy and realise that some are difficult to answer Children will be able to ask and respond to questions about my own and others’ feelings about freedom and responsibility Children will be able to ask and respond to questions about their own and others’ feelings about caring for the earth Children will be able to compare their own and other peoples’ ideas about questions about questions that are difficult to answer about transforming energy and its uses Children will be able to compare their own and other peoples’ ideas about questions concerning the use of freedom and responsibility and know that some of these are difficult to answer Children will be able to compare their own and other peoples’ ideas about questions that are difficult to answer concerning their stewardship of the earth Children will be able to engage with and respond to questions about how the belief in the power of the Holy Spirit and the message expressed in Paul’s letter give meaning and purpose to life Children will be able to engage with and respond to questions of life in the light of religious teaching on the freedom and responsibility given to us by God through his laws Children will be able to show how their own and other’s decisions about how to care for the earth are informed by beliefs and values

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Year 6 RE Curriculum Topics: Autumn: Topic 1 (A) Loving - Know and Understand - 4 WEEKS: The love and care of people and that God’s love is unconditional. It is in the love of a family that most Christians first experience the reality of church. Everyone begins life in a home and family or community of some kind. Topic 2 (B) Vocation and Commitment - Commitment in life - 4 WEEKS: Know and Understand: Through Baptism and confirmation, all Christians are called to share the mission of Jesus. In the words of Blessed John Henry Newman: ‘He has committed some work to me, which he has not committed to another. I have my mission’. There are many different ways of carrying out that mission. For some people their mission or vocation is as a priest or member of a religious order. Topic 3 (C) Expectations - The meaning of expectation - 4 WEEKS: Know and Understand: Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus, given by God as a sign and expression of God’s love. Giving and receiving reflects the truth that all life is given by God and life is given meaning through the birth of Jesus. Advent is a time of joyful expectation, as we prepare to receive Jesus into our lives and to share this gift with others at Christmas and throughout the year. Spring: Topic 1(A) Local Church – Community - Sources - 4 WEEKS: Know and Understand: A wide variety of books and the purpose for which they were written. Know the Bible as the story of God’s love, told by the People of God Topic 2 (B) Eucharist and Relating - Unity - 4 WEEKS: Know and Understand: For Christians, communion has a significant meaning. To receive communion means being in union with Jesus Christ and with one another. It means breaking and sharing the consecrated Bread which Christians believe is the Body of Christ. To celebrate Eucharist means community. It challenges believers to ask ‘can I share this Eucharist if I do nothing to help my brother or sister who is hungry?’ ‘Can I partake of this communion if I refuse to forgive a wrong?’ Topic 3 (C) Lent/Easter - Death and New Life - 4 WEEKS: Know and Understand: For Christians, it is through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus that new life begins. He reveals the way to eternal life for us and so a new life begins here and now, a life which will culminate in future glory. The Lenten journey is one which takes us to the glory of Easter Sunday, from death to new life. Summer: Topic 1 (A) Pentecost- Serving - 4 Weeks- Witnesses: Know and Understand: Christians believe that the spirit of God is active in each person and in a special way in the community of believers which is the church. The Feast of Pentecost is the celebration both of the gift of God’s Holy Spirit and the trust God places in people to be witnesses in the world Topic 2 (B) Reconciliation – Inter-Relating- 4 Weeks- Healing: Know and Understand: The church believes that the anointing of the sick is one the seven sacraments. It is intended to strengthen those who are ill. Topic 3 (C) Universal Church – World:4 Weeks- Common Good: Know and Understand: The common good is central to catholic social teaching and is intrinsically linked to social justice. At the heart of this teaching is respect for the human person made in the image of God; the social well-being and development of all; peace between all peoples; understanding of the equality of all and respect for difference; human solidarity and an awareness of being part of God’s global family.

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Year 6 RE Curriculum Outcomes: Skills and Knowledge

Area Autumn Spring Summer

Prior Learning

Ourselves as made in the image and likeness of God. The call to life within the community; marriage. Advent is the Church’s season of waiting in joyful hope for the coming of Jesus, the promised one, at Christmas and the end of time.

Recall a time when you were thanked. How was the gratitude expressed? How did you feel? How are relationships deepened in everyday life? Where two or three are gathered together in my name I am there among them. (Matthew: 18:20) What can a school community do to enhance the sense of feeling ‘included’ and ‘forgiven’? The Eucharist keeps the memory of Jesus’ sacrifice alive and present in a special way

Pentecost is the celebration of the spirit’s transforming power. God’s rules for living responsibly – the commandments. The church is called to stewardship of creation.

AT1 Learning

about religion

Children will be able to make links between the story of the Prodigal Son and God’s forgiveness Children will be able to compare their own and others ideas concerning questions about what it means to be committed Children will be able to make links to show how feelings and beliefs about expectations affect their behaviour and that of others Children will be able to show an understanding of scriptures, beliefs and feelings of God’s unconditional love for us Children will be able to show how their commitment to others is shaped by their beliefs and values Children will be able to will be able to describe and show understanding of religious sources, beliefs, ideas, feelings and experiences of advent as a time of joyful expectation of Christmas - The liturgical season of Advent Children will be able to explain in detail what beliefs and values inspire and influence Christians to demonstrate unconditional love Children will be able to explain what beliefs and values inspire and influence them and others to be committed to the service of others Children will be able to explain how beliefs arise and be able to identify similarities and responses to social and moral issues linked to their belief in advent as a time of joyful expectation - using links to scripture to support i.e. Isaiah’s expectation of the Messiah

Children will be able to compare their own and other people’s ideas about how books enrich our lives Children will be able to describe how feelings and beliefs makes and breaks friendship and unity Children will be able to make links to show how feelings and beliefs about loss and death affect their behaviour and that of others Children will be able to show an understanding of how the Bible shapes the lives of Christians and engage with the question ‘what is God like?’ or ‘what is Jesus like?’ Children will be able to will be able to use religious terms to show an understanding of different aspects of the Eucharist and show understanding of how belief in the uniting presence of Jesus Christ in Holy Communion shapes the lives of Christians Children will be able to use religious terms to show an understanding of the different liturgies of ash Wednesday lent, Friday of the Passion of the Lord, and the Easter Vigil Children will be able to demonstrate their belief that the Bible is the inspired word of God for his people and how it gives some explanation of the meaning and purpose of human life Children will be able to be able to identify scripture passages and parts of the Eucharistic liturgy which explain catholic belief in the presence of Christ in the Eucharist- one body in union with Christ Children will be able to describe and explain the meaning and purpose of a variety of forms of worship – ash Wednesday, lent, Friday of the Passion of the lord, and the Easter Vigil in the holy Night

Children will be able to make links between scripture and belief in the power of the Holy Spirit and give reasons for the witness to Jesus Christ by believers Children will be able to use religious vocabulary to give reasons for the religious actions and symbols used in the sacrament of the anointing of the sick and be able to give reasons why Christians care for the sick and the needy Children will be able to make links between Micah, Matthew 25, the Beatitudes and beliefs and give reasons for certain actions of Christians Children will be able to show how understanding of belief in the power of the Holy Spirit shapes lives and be able to describe and show understanding of scripture, beliefs and experiences of the power of the Holy Spirit in witnessing to the Good News of Jesus Christ- the choice of Stephen who was to be the first martyr Children will be able to use religious terms to show an understanding of the different liturgies which the sacraments offer to the sick and dying and that caring for and the common good in the light of religious teaching those in need is a Christian responsibility Children will be able to show an understanding of how religious belief in justice and of the common good of all shapes life and be able to engage with and respond to big questions around justice Children will be able to identify sources of religious belief in the power of the Holy Spirit and explain how distinctive religious beliefs arise i.e. the moral life of Christians is sustained by the Holy Spirit Children will be able to describe and explain the meaning and purpose of a variety of forms of the sacraments offered to the sick and dying and be able to demonstrate how religious beliefs and teaching about sickness and healing give some explanation of the purpose and meaning of life Children will be able to demonstrate how religious beliefs and catholic social teaching give some explanation of the purpose and meaning of life- the acceptance of personal responsibility - Justice - Respect for the dignity of the human person

St Patrick’s RE Curriculum Page 22 of 22

Year 6 RE Curriculum Outcomes: Skills and Knowledge

Area Autumn Spring Summer

AT2 Learning

from religion

Children will be able to give reasons for a Christian’s love and care Children will be able to recognise why some people are very committed to the service of others Children will be able to compare their own and other peoples’ ideas about questions about expectation that are difficult to answer Children will be able to describe how God’s unconditional love shapes our lives Children will be able to know and understand the vows and commitment made at the ordination of a priest Children will be able to show an understanding of how religious belief in advent as a time of joyful expectation and preparation Children will be able to explain how Christian beliefs like love, hope and forgiveness are developed Children will be able to recognise how religious beliefs shapes the lives of Christians through their chosen vocation Children will be able to will be able to identify sources of religious belief linked to advent as a time of joyful expectation of Christmas- The Word in John’s Gospel

Children will be able to give reasons for when and how Christians use the Bible and make links between scripture and Christian beliefs. Children will be able to they will be able to make links between scripture and the Eucharist and give reasons why Christians gather together in ‘communion’ and receive ‘Holy Communion’ Children will be able to compare their own and other people’s ideas about questions concerning loss and death, which are difficult to answer Children will be able to show how their own and others’ decisions are informed by beliefs and values which may be influenced by what they have read in particular show an understanding of the Bible and its influence on Christians Children will be able to show how their own and others’ decisions about friendships are informed by beliefs and values Children will be able to describe and show understanding of religious sources, beliefs, ideas, feelings and experiences, connected with lent, Friday of the Passion of the lord; and the Easter Vigil in the holy Night, and making links between them Children will be able to know that Sacred Scripture is the inspired Word of God and God is truly present in Scripture. Also that the Gospels are central, because Jesus Christ is at their centre Children will be able to explain what beliefs and values inspire and influence them and others about how friendships may be nourished and make links to scripture to reinforce this Children will be able to explain what beliefs and values inspire and influence them and others about loss and death

Children will be able to compare their own and other people’s ideas about questions that are difficult to answer about having the courage to be a witness to God Children will be able to compare their own and other people’s ideas about questions concerning serious illness and bereavement, which are difficult to answer Children will be able to make links to show how their feelings and beliefs about being treated fairly/unfairly, justly/unjustly affect their behaviour and that of others Children will be able to engage with and respond to questions concerning the courage it takes to witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ Children will be able to show how their own and others’ decisions about care and compassion towards the sick are informed by beliefs and values Children will be able to describe and show understanding of religious sources, beliefs, ideas, feelings and experiences around the common good of people, making links between them Children will be able to identify similarities and differences between people’s responses to witnessing to the Gospel through the gift of the Holy Spirit - Being modern witnesses to the Good News Children will be able to identify sources of religious belief and explain how distinctive religious belief arises about healing, death and heaven - the three sacraments received by those in danger of death - the effects of the sacrament Children will be able to explain what beliefs and values inspire and influence them and others to act justly and fairly - Human solidarity