St. Richard Parish - Parishes Online€¦ · April 3rd. 3:00pm ~ Living Stations of the Cross....

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  • St. Richard Parish March 29, 2015

    Palm Sunday ~ Passion of the Lord

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    Year B / Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 29, 2015 St. Richard Parish - 90 Forest St., Danvers

    The Rite of Christian Burial was celebrated recently for:

    Please remember in your prayers the sick, homebound,

    and those who are in nursing homes/rehabs:

    John Abdula, Rita Andrews, Andrew Beal, Henry Bedard,

    Birthe Clarke, Robert Faneuf, Helen Flynn, Dan Hussey,

    Tom Leonard, William McMahon, Ann Moore,

    Jeffrey Morrison, Anastasia Nickole, Ciara O’Connell,

    Robert Osgood, Shirley Picillo, Shirley Stone, Yvette Stowe,

    Ron Taylor, Michael Tripoli, Anita Walecki,

    and Elaine Young

    To add/remove a name from the prayer list

    Please call 978-774-7575

    Welcome Visitors

    We wish to extend a warm welcome to all

    who attend Mass with us each weekend as

    visitors to St. Richard Parish.

    We are happy to have you with us. Please introduce yourself

    to our priests, Fr. Flannagan, and Fr. Martin at the back of

    the Church at the end of Mass.

    ~ ~~~~ All Are Welcome ~ ~~~~

    We would like to extend a warm and caring invitation to you to

    join our parish. We look forward to having you become a

    member of our faith community. Each individual member of

    our Parish is an important part of the Catholic family. The

    gifts of faith from the Lord are strengthened and deepened by

    our Communion in Jesus Christ. The celebration of the

    Eucharist is the heart of our parish life.

    Come share your “faith”, your time and your talent in one of

    our wonderful ministries.

    There are white registration envelopes on the back table

    or call our office at 978-774-7575

    If you are already a registered parishioner we would like to thank you for all your support!

    Sat., Mar., 28th 4:30pm Joseph Catino

    Sun., Mar.,29th 9:00am Sheila Finn and

    Arlene McCarriston

    Sun., Apr. 5th 9:00am James Donlon

    11:00am George Colantonio

    Scripture for the week of March 29, 2015

    29 SUN Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16/Is 50:4-7/Phil 2:6-

    11/Mk 14:1-15:47 or 15:1-39

    30 Mon Is 42:1-7/Jn 12:1-11

    31 Tue Is 49:1-6/Jn 13:21-33, 36-3821

    1 Wed Is 50:4-9a/Mt 26:14-25

    2 Thu Ex 12:1-8, 11-14/1 Cor 11:23-26/Jn 13:1-15

    3 Fri Is 52:13-53:12/ Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9/Jn 18:1-


    4 Sat Easter Vigil: Gn 1:1-2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a/Gn

    22:1-18 or 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/Ex 14:15-

    15:1/Is 54:5-14/Is 55:1-11/Bar 3:9-15,32-

    4:4/Ez 36:16-17a,18-28/Rom 6:3-11/Mk 16:1-


    5 SUN Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-

    8/Jn 20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7

    Holy Week Schedule

    Holy Thursday

    April 2nd

    The Lord’s Supper

    7:00pm Mass

    Good Friday

    April 3rd

    3:00pm ~ Living Stations of the Cross

    7:00pm ~ The Lord’s Passion

    Holy Saturday

    April 4th

    7:00pm ~ Easter Vigil

    Easter Sunday

    April 5th

    Masses 7:30am, 9:00am and 11:00am

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    Year B / Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 29, 2015 St. Richard Parish - 90 Forest St., Danvers

    It is the Lenten season and our tradition at St. Richard

    Parish is to reach out to those organizations and

    institutions that reach out to those in need, on a local,

    national and international level.

    The Fifth organization we will be reaching out to this

    lent will be St. Vincent DePaul, South Boston with

    a donation of $500.

    Special Easter Collection

    Next week’s Easter collection is for our priests,

    The Clergy Health and Retirement Trust helps care

    for the health and well-being of our 628 priests,

    ensuring an appropriate level of care and quality of

    life for the men who have dedicated their lives in

    service to our Archdiocese of Boston. Our priests

    have been there for us. Now, it is our turn to care

    for them in their time of need.

    Thank you in advance for your prayers and

    support to ensure the continuing care for

    all our priests.

    St. Patrick’s Day

    Dinner Celebration

    We wish to thank all of our wonderful parishioners who

    generously devoted their time and talent into making our

    annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner a great success.

    We served 130 people. Also, we were able to donate the two

    large trays of food to the River House.

    Thank you to the O’Shea Chaplin Dance Academy for a

    wonderful performance.

    Dear Parishioners,

    RCIA is winding down for this year and we are soon to be

    celebrating the Easter Vigil on April 4, 2015. The conversion

    of our catechumen is not done by the team alone, but by the

    whole community. Our catechumen needs the encouragement

    of every member of St. Richard parish and so we are once

    again asking for your help.

    Our catechumen has been an inspiration to all of us on

    team for her faith and dedication. Our catechumen, Mindy

    Murphy, will be fully initiated by receiving Baptism,

    Confirmation and First Eucharist. Mindy has been meeting

    weekly with us since the summer of 2014. We also prepared

    another adult member of our congregation, Savannah Rose,

    for the sacrament of Confirmation which she received on

    March 2nd at St. Richard’s. Savannah has been attending our

    RCIA sessions since last December and will continue to do so

    until the end of the Easter period.

    If you would be so kind as to write letters or express a few

    thoughts on a card to these dedicated people expressing your

    feelings toward them or just encouraging them as they journey

    towards full Initiation into the Catholic Church, it would be an

    added blessing.

    Mindy will be given the cards at our retreat on the

    morning of the Vigil. You may give the cards to anyone on the

    RCIA team, the Clergy, or put them in the collection baskets,

    attn. RCIA Team.

    We thank you ahead of time for your thoughtfulness. In

    past years these letters have meant so much to the

    catechumens and candidates.

    We will be having a small reception downstairs for our

    new Catholic after the Vigil. Please feel free to join us!!!!!

    Thank you again,

    Larry Kucy and Victoria Woodley

    RCIA Co-directors

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    Year B / Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 29, 2015 St. Richard Parish - 90 Forest St., Danvers

    St. Richard’s Calendar Raffle

    $1,000 Gift Card Raffle

    Price: $5.00 per card or

    6 cards for $25.00

    For each of the 30 days in April, one winning card

    number will be drawn and awarded a Gift Certificate to a

    local business or restaurant. Each card number has the

    ability to win up to 30 times in the month!

    Winners will be called as well as announced in the

    bulletin each week. The Gift Certificate can be picked up

    at the NDC Monday– Wednesday 9-5pm, Thursday

    9-3pm. NDC is closed on Friday. The Gift Certificate

    range in value from $25. to $100. Purchase as a gift for a family member or help us out by

    selling them to your friends at work. It is a great deal for just

    $5.00 a card or 6 for $25.00 you have 30 or 180 chances to

    win. If you are available to help sell the calendars after Mass

    please contact Julie McCarriston at

    or Kandance Kukas at

    Thank you for your help and support!

    Easter Flowers

    As we prepare for our Easter Season, we remember family and

    friends who have gone before us in faith. All the bonds of

    love and affection which draw us together in life do not come

    to an end at death. We await the coming of the Lord again. If

    you would like to remember your loved ones at Easter, you

    may do so by donating to our Easter Flower Fund. PLEASE-

    PRINT CLEARY the name(s) of your loved ones, living or

    deceased, on the envelope and drop it in the collection basket

    during Mass. Easter Flower Envelopes are available at the

    back of the church. The names of your family members and

    friends will be placed in our bulletin to be prayed for during

    the Easter Season.

    Though we are many, we are one Church.

    In making a gift to the 2015 Catholic Appeal, you will join

    hands with tens of thousands whose generosity brings the love

    of Christ to so many in our Archdiocese.

    Your gift to the Catholic Appeal helps cultivate the seeds of

    faith within and beyond your parish community. Together, we

    can continue to ensure that all who see Christ’s compassion

    and care will witness the presence of the Lord in our midst.

    Please pick up a pledge envelope they are located at the back

    of the church.

    Thank you

    On Easter Sunday, April 5th

    after the 9:00a Mass

    there will be an Easter Egg Hunt

    For children ages 4-10. If it is cold or raining out the hunt

    will be held in the church hall. So the hunt will take place

    rain or shine .The children are encouraged to bring a basket

    or a bag to put their eggs in. The Easter Bunny will be

    leaving 2,000 eggs filled with candy for the kids to hunt for.


    Matt Knowles

    St. Richard’s Parish is proud to announce that Matt Knowles,

    one of our dedicated Altar server for many years and now is a

    valued member of our music ministry, has recently received his

    Eagle Scout Award. Matt is a Boy Scout with Troop 58.

    Congratulation’s Matt

    Seder Supper

    We are sorry to announce we had to cancelled the

    Seder Supper. We did not sell enough tickets to support

    this event. If you purchased a ticket please call the

    office 978-774-7575 so we can return your money.

    We will try again next year.

    Thank You, Joe Amari

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    Year B / Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 29, 2015 St. Richard Parish - 90 Forest St., Danvers


    Rev. Bruce Flannagan - Pastor

    Deacon Ed Elibero,

    Sean Reardon - Principal, St. Mary School, 774-0307

    Dale D’Agnese, Administrative Asst., 774-7575

    Sandra Ciruolo, Religious Ed. Dir., Gr 1-10


    Colleen Newbury, Religious Ed, 774-3715,

    Brenda Myers - Music Director, 774-7575

    Altie Nichols - Secretary/Receptionist, 774-7575


    90 Forest Street, Danvers


    Notre Dame Center 20 Otis St., Danvers - 774-7575

    Mon-Wed 9:15am-5pm; Thurs till 3pm;

    Closed Fridays

    Planned Giving

    Is it that time in your life when you

    are beginning to wonder where you can make the best impact

    with a gift from your estate . Have you considered your own

    parish and its needs to continue the work of the Lord. You can

    tailor your gift as you would like it to be used. It is always best

    to get legal council. Please know that we are most grateful for

    your prayerful consideration as a beneficiary.


    BAPTISM Celebration of Baptism - Sundays. Please call Rectory

    RECONCILIATION Saturdays at 4pm. Anytime by appointment.

    EUCHARIST Saturday Vigil - 4:30 PM

    Sunday - 7:30am, 9:00am Family Mass, 11:00am

    Weekdays, Monday-Friday - 8:00 AM

    MARRIAGE Contact the Church at least 9 months prior to your date.

    SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Contact the Rectory when needed

    Visit our website at

    In Collaboration with Boston College

    Department of Theology sponsor

    Everyone is invited to hear Francine Cardman, Ph. D.

    Francis, Bishop of Rome:

    At the Crossroads of Dialogue,

    Decentralization Participation

    Sunday, April 12, 2015 7:00 - 9:00pm

    St. Thomas the Apostle Church Hall 3 Margin St.

    Peabody, MA

    Francis, Bishop of Rome: At the Crossroads of Dialogue,

    Decentralization Participation

    What roads will lead the Roman Catholic church toward a

    greater realization of its catholicity in this century? Starting

    from the significance of Francis` very deliberate use of the

    title Bishop of Rome to describe his office, this talk will ex-

    plore the pathways he is opening for dialogue within and out-

    side the church, and for participation of all baptized women

    and men in evangelization and in decision-making at every

    level of church live.

    For further information call Mo Donovan at 978-5118-0133

    or Barbara and John Gould at 978-535-2321. Sponsored by

    North Shore Seacoast VOTFAffiliate.ll

  • 6

    Year B / Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 29, 2015 St. Richard Parish - 90 Forest St., Danvers

    Please keep our newly

    Confirmed in your thoughts

    and prayers.


    John Ackerly, Ashley Adams, Heather Adams, Rebecca Ahmed, Amanda Amari, Trevor Armand, Sarah Arnold, Thomas Arsenault,

    Julia Bracewicz, Benjamin Bartlett, Marisa Belthoff, Katrina Blaus, Dean Borders, Jessica Boutchie, Marissa Breen, Meaghan

    Carr, Sarah Ciruolo, Kelly Connors, Nicholas Curry, Paul DeFarias, Haley Delgado, Ashley Fischer, Delaney Gagnon, Valentia

    Gigli, Bryan Grasso, Zachary Hardenstin, Nora Kelly, Joseph Kowalski, Nicholas Krupcheck, Christian Kukas, Michael Lally,

    Rhianna Leslie, Sean Mackey, Erin Marmen, Ryan Marticio, Sean McHale, Julia McNulty, Tom McNulty, Kieran Moriarty,

    Celina Morin, Kristopher Mullaney, Katelyn Murphy, Emily Nestor, Taylor O’Connor, Molly O’Donnell, Megan O’Leary, Aidan

    O’Shea, Kathryn Packowski, Genevieve Paskowski, Gilberto Perez, Olivia Perez, Sofia Perez, Jamie Quinn, Katelin Redford, Sarah

    Roach, Abigail Rocker, Sean Rooney, Savannah Rose, Kevin Roussin, Will Sanborn, Paul Scherer, Tyler Schmink, Diana Silva,

    Jason Slattery, Emily Smith, Joshua Spicer, Ann Sta Cruz, Camille Tache, Leah Trocchi, James Turner, Zachary Turner, Brendan

    Walfield, Matthew Walke, Robert Walker, Jack Ward, and Ben Wolniewicz


    Sunday April 12th all grade 2 students are invited to attend the 9 o’clock mass with their family. Immediately

    following mass the students will stay for a music rehearsal assisted by our music ministry. Students will be ready

    for pick up at 10:45am. If you have any questions please call Sandra Ciruolo @ 978-774-6660.

    Thank You

  • For Adverti sing Informati on, Please Call 617-779-3770 Pilot Bulleti ns Saint Richard Parish of Danvers, MA

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