St. Viateur's College Journal, 1886-09-25

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Vol. IV, No. 7




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... H. PIKE.

HTL'UE1\'l. nnrt TEA'-'IIEH~ HI go, ILL.

.lccvrflte Jf,tp.•. ~Jlf,''''":r lnt''-~1 /h.•­corerifl:l nwl 11-mmiHru~.~. (1,,,._,-,,,, f~o·s-

and Coffees . rript:,.,. Te:rl with •Jn~frrn•l 'I'·J•i·'•( ~J rrn r'!l•'11t'''' f. ,\111 >~"t'l; u "'l • ! PJ · rd 1 •PI' b

l !IIIMTotif!n.•. j )lup!<.-Tu~: ~IAI'S .\I!E \\ lt" l.L¥

Nt. \\, An•l pri'•I'Jlt. w!th th" gr•·at•·~t R('l('urrtcy, lht' n•~ult>t of thf! lara~t in\'1·•­tlt;Minn,. :aml PXplornli•••·-. Th•·r h:n·e l>et:n •lrnwn >lft•'r Inn,~~: ••:rd p:lliPilt "IH<ly a111l <'!>tnp•tri~on nf tilt' IJ('•f ruilh••ri! iH, ~nlli .. tie<\1. d-•"'l'ripfh•t ~~ntlt:Jrt•)~t a phi<-· al. •

t1TTr JJf.; .\! lEY.

---,,.,., 1-


' . .!lj\\"al !!h.\\'1'11111'( hicat; ;><L:. \ ir·r·:~,~ ,.P1•I W•'l• q,·l··~t. •i ; .. :,, ....... 11f (\~~ 1 ~ •

l'r.l';f'r il ~t da,·,t H•tt1k ... ·'"·~·-.tnt··')i,, t J. tr• :1 ~ ~1,0\•'b !•f)(\ -l~l jbiP~~ ~J .. Ilh .1 ~. I l"l ;1 ~

,·;:,~·· C.tlt!l"~';9: -no~·~: ..;,f.,n-· \tf,ir'l i' r tl 1 ·, .. ' ... ~

• ...,r1·,,· r• .i·!r~rrttt.

I. CHUY'CF O}ll'f~ME ~i I'S.

Tho• ll!lOWI" ll-!1 sn the> map" :.r·· <' ·ll··d­f'd ira'''~ ,.tphat"•tiet.Jly ar• aH>:•·ol i11tl "· In whlclt i$ indh-<~ted.nnt 0111~· the map. hutth••pt""t'lfepl:t('f•outh•! nl•'l'inwhi•h Ul•mi.;'': frum Ct~l':·•';,, ,la<i ~''t.-lt u;mu• can,,.. fn1111d. Tid~ "R••;.~oll·

1 Re!lg.ous, Crad.Jating a. Re~~~oc.rt.l ·' tlotl

JCpft•rt>u~· !fl•kX"C'f'lltlliH-•Ha"i_l· Jit.PI~Iilhd•l' In-f. ·:1·· ,)..1, r.:. llch• II: n:un•" t>f <'iti!'~ '111•1 h•vnt.• ft"'"'' on tit\' 1 lOIIJt•. {.'p\11. "I ; .

Text.-A Inn~"'· dP:u •w•l dl,!iJtc ~tilr nfty(>tl I!~ H~t'l l.

B}· the u<r• nf tWo) ,,,.,., ··f IYJII', ll

l~ni<'r a.nd :u•lt• r•cr t'flllfoll'' M•· ltnlk: l· ·~. ~1.\'Tllf'.·\t.-\(Jf ''~· ;t u\ f:•\.;~ •. H .. ,,, .. , .• ,!- ·j

1 l\1' aN> taU\ trt·.st,·t1 t t th, t. r 1 ,.~ ... , ..., _ trr~<lt t-a.t't" , .. ~--~··t, ~-- 't• .. ~-', • ., 'f 1, ••

(A\t.~Y4'f:lf:'~\TfiH.t.f.t•lft",:'<l•\l;, ..... \. j All.tvmgh l'"diH._ht11l nt··f_ r.·r, ~ ' • tlJf'l\ t,i'i

llr'fli '\•'fl hl\"1 ,-_.llh r··t~t•j..· 4 '("'I I •J•. l:t .. ' ·

~;;~,~·a·t·v~~j~~.:rc~·,·;·~s~ ... Ia.: ' 1 F·'~ ri!"f"?tl.'\M \\lltl r~ttn;. ll~ :· ;:~ l

YU UT\lt:Rr, r.JUG~ & I'll .. ruMts!ll'r•. I C"fCJ"IATI !. !lEW fORI( ( ')·''(' \ (' ' 1·r J iff_ \.TfJ ..• ·"

' Of 01w)P-r. f',, q,_{"f> I!'Ple


\1 i. t;PH~' .\1' 1-'.V TOU'Y'l'Hll.J.".


f'].-•11 /.1<,~·;;.•. - l(, '·



I. DI ANA, I LU NOii::i & IO WA.

East. West

5.1 5 P. ~1 .

1U O A M ..

... Fassenger.. . . 8. 34 A M. . . .. I•' reigl!t .. . ... 11.20 A M


All ldads of fartner' imple­nl.ents, repair ed and satisfac­tion guaranteed.

S. Tetreault Something Interesting

If yon I.Hwe Sc.uool Books which you do no t ca re to keep, I will take 1 hem in exchange fOl' hoolts you nmy need. Please se11d me a list of those yon wo uld like to excllange or sel l. Also snn<l for li st I have to sP.JI. OrderR solicited for cheap School Bool,s, and for Jni scelhtneous Books. SmHl your orders t o ~C. M. BARNES,

151 and 153 'IV>tbash Ave., Chicngo, Ill.


HEAJ~ ESTATE, LOANS And Collection s.

NOTARY T'UI\ LJC. COUHT ST. , SJ,;co:tm STOR Y Nos. 11 ancl13


CI-!AS. E. VOSS. Photographer.

37 Court Sreet,



Fresh, Salt and Smoked ~Ieats, S:1usage, Poultl'y, Ete.

1\,brket, North Side Court Street., Kaukakee. I ll.

J. A lANCLAiS. 11ook.!:H:~l!P l· , ~Ha.iion er rmd ,¥-i nc 1\'l' C' r('h a.nt.

. 177 H\ ..• To"':.l ~ h Stl·eet. St .. n och, (QH(· J, c·~)

.Propt·te1·.,JI' Of c.h e eel('brat:Nl F n·1u•.11 Cl·to;;Rjf' ~ b y E. ROnt~1\.T, a.11d nlso of " A ;.:re \'·i cOt\rSC of Can ncl hln l'enH1allship ' ' ilt 9 'Nns. (FI't.'n<~1 l an d E o g-1is l\ ) ~ilO.r,O :.i. gTus.;;-of '' Lasema.ine Dnl 11te. " wi ill mns ic, 1sn. llHif l>ollllrl , Sr..oo 'til il v.- <•f "Lf· P a roiss iC'n Note,'' l ~o , f ull cloth : $10.80 'iii d t. · h:tH b<n111<l, $HOO ~~ (1Z. '

I£ns a lways ou lwn<l, an 1l aJ th f• Iowf'st priCC'f\ all ki otl" or Frenth :1nd Eugli:; lt cl as~ical goodS:

Depot or \lJr: Cckbral<'d "COLDEN CIWHS" Fine Cu t. E~tal>lislw:l l '<GG . _,

S. ALPJ .~.'ER, ., J.V{ ;1.nnf~1Ctll r0l' o f F rX}-: CIC:..' .. H~ a11 d t1l'i!] l'lr in

s rno ldnh a.11d U!lcwing Tobaccos and nH J\.in (lS of Knln].:: i"ts' A~·UdP~ .

No. 2:3 ]~a . ·t: A ve. 1\:n.H k nk (w , nJ.


Court St.


~ ~ ~ ·




We have lately bought an immen~e lot of Having opened, and rem•wed the Chanlber Sets

Stock of the above number, with a the whole stock of a . fine an1 elegant line of'acture,



GLASS, Etc., Etc.


An assortment of fine domestic, and


Hair, Cloth,

Nail, nnd

Tooth Brushes, Toilet Soa,p,

Etc., Etc., Etc.

We solicit the patronage of the Public

and feel sure that our prices will

meet the approval of all.

--Special U at.ciil t o Rct:<iJcr~.--

·w e have rr line of the choicest brands

o t Cigars in the City .

Our Motto, Fa ir Dealings and

Good Goods is the ;oad to wealth.

Prescr-iptions com pounded

DAY or NIGHT. Telephone 102

CfTAS . F. WTLSON, Jlfav (lgl"f.

40 cts. on the Dollar.

W c can sell you the most l>eR.utifu 1 set

in the city for

.$-4Z.5H, which never was sold below


If you wish ·to make a present to a fi-iend, come and see us, we will g ive you the best opportunity yo u ma..y ever be offered; we have a few hum'lrecl s 1eft, and they go rapidly .

If you are in the city, come and

see our large stock of J:->arlor Sets,

Magnifi c e nt. 1'\t.I:irrors 20x .72,

French G -lass

$ .~7.00.

~adrrr ~unaus, in grc >Lt vm·ieties;

j BOO ::I~ CASES, 0 t •t• i c e Desks ,


Lou NGEs, Sofas,

&&& &



~ ) f r

I ,'!!!


.. $

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l 1 ' ,<f

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EDITORIALS. -~·- .. ~

AGAIN ST. VIA Tl<:UR'S throws witle open its doors and welcomes the throug or sciences-see kers, o kl a nd y onng, who fo uu rl the ir w:ty to its sacrc•l shades . Again our c.;lassic grove opens its coo l w::lks t o the grave peripatetic, its green, snn ny enmpus to the sportive junivr, its woody hills an1l s loping vales, its p ictu resque ravines anc1 b e[l. n tifu l river to the lovers o.f 1:a ture's clmnns; lo.::t ll it vpens-lJooks ! . . . . Tl.Jc little minim fiuds his A . B. C .. an d LiH' thcol<>6ian hi s dogmas ;1 bslr u~e; all Gnd one nnoJ!wr'" r heerl'u l co1n panionsl!i r. Tbu~ let :11. 0 l her year rollwenily or.

* * * AGAI N TBE SA!\CTUM, th~ttpG!t:-1ndc hJ,yriuth

whent:e '"to i::;sue fo rth light to e nliven an tl e 11lig hten this li tt.le wo rld , nnlucks to til e restc•l "S ~:tll" ' it:; hc>ly pn:ciuets. The E<:izzo rs, all sh iny with rca1ly :bt;tmwn, hang conspicuous on thei r peg; tue new peus, p:ts te-pot tnill other like artillery, frowu in r eady profusion . New reams of immaculate leaves a wait the outpourings of'Lhc ' ·G-e nius o f the c; hai r". 0 fortun~ttc, fra il u1 e ;:,Se~tger,

Jou?'JWi of 86 ancl 87, bm•r faitlt l'ully to our hi cud ::; the impressions you will this year receive or our collcg·e li fe.

* * AGAIN THE BOOK Oli' SUJBCRI!3ERS opens its

pages with ·•Dr" on oue side nncl ••Cr" on the other. The transverse marks on i ts old re<.:ords indicate tbat there haS been som e ~etLliug. T hanl<ing uur former su b~c; riiJcrs W\J

beg tl.wir further patronage, n nd at tne same tim<.: take the liberty of passing the booktotbcgrutlu atingcbs:; or "8li" and a ll friends uf the college. This uun1ber sl.Jrtll lJe sent to al l t he known atl(lresses of tile h .te g1·aclu:tLes.

* * * THE OLD STUDENTS have evincecl a true love

and gen nin e esteem of their Alm[l. M["r by clirl"cting many or our new r ec ruits t() fill t he empt.y phr·e.s in

our ranks. Th ere is nothing mnre d eeply grnti(y ing th[l.n t.o see growing widesprc~rl Lh :1t ~pirit r,( gr [l. t.itmle,

t he fru it, no doubt of t!Je J i Ltle seed tktL was her e St;a t. _


te red [l.llG fell in the gooll g rO\liH1 of generous hearts. i\hy St. Viateur's evermore experience like ma ni!cs t[l.­tior:s or her true suns' gratefulness.

"* * *

RAfLROAD LlTERATURE, generally it, la P eek 's l.Jad l>oy or "1' ig<Jr Billy", slwws its cars !'rom be!Jinll Van Antwerp',; description ofli1eglobe. N:m licet, boys; bet tcr tear up tlie Lr:ts li and w:tlt it l ight yo ur "hav~tna-fill­

ell" .... . up more s ubstanLi[ll mental p[l.bulum: one of um new, ~;apti llistorical novels, [1. goo<l p oet; rc:u1 history, science; ;;tore your min•ls with av:c i];,lJle knowledge even in seeking to please the fanL·y or to \Yltilc a L1u ll bour n.way.

OUH . . JOURJ'\EY COl\DU::-'- rcE.':i-blne sky-IJlne be.ll - bluc eyes LlmL see everythin g blue ... vVb en we s tan ll un this sick ol' time awl cctst a, lonesome look nlo ll g the long T~1pcr ing vista of thys, w eeks, n.ntl lll(• JlLIJ S !:il ill before us ar11l uotice how caeh minnLe sect li S to dmg su cruelly slow, we fee l a kind of remorse for having left l.Jome an1l it:; loud eml e~mnents; we arc almo~t p[l.mlizc•l witlt a sense oE 111101H.ling c:-tpti vil.y as we look in t he fhcc o[ tucse weeks which seem eternal years c"cry one ... Tlt[l.t spell, though, [1. sho-rt livcll - illn­sion unly will qnickly vanish-sight resume its norm[l.l stn.te; snnsh ine will be as sunny, tile !loweh; :ts ga.y, tltc

frien•1s, too, as soci:tlly [l.Ud playful ns those we lcCt bch iml . Life n· i ll even wear a chn.rm [1.11<1 the ltalf-yc:u

will bave glitle11 hy, we will think, t oo ~oon.

!Hr. Park's ~ultlre~ s , tlw lis t ul' ltonor~, catholic no tes ,

perc;onab , sportive lisL we re left as ide t],rough a seri ous "er­

~· :1tnm" in thcJnne number oftbc .To unNAI" A lso the r eport of the Commencement e ntitle1l ''St. Vin.teur's College.' ' ought to have ~~ecn credited to the K anlmkce Chid':

another serious "erratum." For these nnll UHLJJY o thers >~"e cannot nt present recall we mu st say : P lcasP. cxcnsr.

1.\ttron« n f St. r intr:nr's 0 Jllege, pny J'0UT ol]hscrip­

ti nn t~JI' J )~!i.


(,;-, "iT.VlATEUH'~ COLLI~(.;~<, .JOUH~AL.

Tll< ll!i; I !TK

--( ,,. 11:1> W!:J.I, 'I'IIY Tll·>I'I:!IT.,·Ol'H Tllol'i!ll rs .11:1·:

tn•:.l!> I :>: J! E.\ \'1•:"."

J 1~;t{·h ti!Pii_·...:·liL has wings 1u cle:lV{' Lhu :~ull.iie!IL :lir

~l!:ll' <'\.! i ,; i\. i]l:dgt·d, 1\'iJi'! l IJl <Jli llLine!· II[J i t \J'[;o;

ll~ i'<;:.ri'lll t•o wt· r; and, l'tr IJP.)I<J ild l,!te skit•s

~vvks I il'avcn'~ g:i!.t•, L'lliurH th e hul:,· ph•·1·

, \,1(1 iluLtering, l'nlls 1)('1'•)1'1' .Tt:hov:tl< 'n l'nl·t·.

J),. ~~lvd it hlls ])cl'ore ti1:tt. hli11•ling ligh t

A!tl1 prostr:L:e lie::;;' eonl'o~sed iu Gu .l't~ ::igiJL 1

Nn thing iJ !' ti ill or gnil<• shoul<l en tur there

Xo tltought~, uo word~, ::;:J.Ve tllw'e ut !live :l.ilfl [>l':i.)' l'l'.

The ~i u- tl: oug l•t ~ickens in tho:w realm,; aiJliVL\

Uut 1.i1t'l't' llwt·e li<::l.til e"t"; gTow the t.IJ""ghL~ , ,f' l•wt•.

'l'lll'll gu:Lnl Ll1y Lllougi,L:;, lur >il I Llty 1.\Juugh t::; :tl"<' gi ve1;

A.~ ~Wit'l t ·sL tllcs:,ellg•, rs twixt tli0U and lle<LV i:ll,

\Vith tltc•~c, <ll•[)(:ntls it LIH'.Y be :u ig<·h' In i:;h L

Or d,~mons, dark :<s !2-·lo .. m .,f lbdes' night;

0o ~lru".~ the po·wur of ev·~ry Ltlllt<~JJ w1!1

Tlt<'ll .~II It'd ".; " "<1 llto•::~llt,·, l11Ji ,:i: n'.i<'i'l II"· ill:


< l! 1!: ,'\ E\\' TEXT !lOOK:-:. ()f<' '!'Il J-:( l L( I(; Y A>:[)

Pl1l I.O>Ul'l! i'.

l 'o_'\:-'l:i'L'l"l !: OJ.' ~[1 11·: ,'J'tt11~JJMI :._.,· 1/li tiiUU t)t ~-~T. 'i'lilJ;\l.\S,

111 l~IC\'.C.lL BJT.IX.IJ!'I' U l'.,cu::t:t:c•TtW.IXIl 1-:Nf.,\W~!·:J>

J.Y !'.F. Ec,u.u·:; A~n 'I'l l " Fril1w J!l'iocif'l'l 81'i('ntirrr11m

.\!'t'n~:Pt~n ro ~r. ' l' lf< ,\1 \S. ny l\I. ltu~~ET. Til<: tle.,in• Jn:ilii:·,.,,f<·<l 1,_,. l l1s [f,.Jit" ' '~ J, .. ,, :k· :\Ill

!o s''" otwe llHIJ 'lJ lit<'. ,;,.J t" l:t sli<: lll t:l.l:od 11 v<l ill tlw t•·:l('hil .. !!; qf' s<'llliJJ:II'il'~. 11'i:i" l: de~ in~ ll!c i'<'i~ t>l t i ll·

11 ! ('••111\l'i i or Jh ltiJtH•l' i' IJ;l\'(' l'llllh.:lit•d ill thl' ir <kl'J'l ,.,

I 1;;, :uti\ I li~l. h·l:i ill'!H'H"t1 lljH>J\ liS 1.Lc: Jll'ct':'si1y ,,J'

:wil'd itt~ 'i <'OliiJ>l'itditllll ol' Tltt•ology r<'jil'l" lul'itlg tlw

,[ll<'LI'illL' .:1 the .\ll~~c li c llut;t•ll' !lii<J llO\ !Jfll_\' li!s clt:<,'­

IJ'iltl', ill!( l ikt 'll l, i;-; ll ll'II J<>d :!Jill "~'"' r l•l ' tv:ldi;IJ~ .

T ltis '"'''' eclili"ll or tlw Coi"l'''ti'lillnt "1· 1\illu:trt, a lll""t. l'aithi'nl lalll1lllf>ilt:\lpr oi' :·.,_ Tl<i>lll'ts, <·nn'l<il:·d

1'nnt1 t.ltt· ~l:L ... {t:r'~ .~ rt·.:t 1 Wl1 1'k .... <lllll' l ~iJ .\ <'.:r.~; :1~.:;~1 :1!1!

nuw" ,·.cems to :mswPr perfectly our ptirpose. ll()we\'cr the C•>~<IJil'll•lillln such as it came from the l1:mds uf Bil­

luart 1:20 )'C~i l'~ <!gO i;,; ftr fl'0111 lJeing CC>mpJete Itt Lllll ['H'0Cut flay. Sin 'lc that time lllHllY new questions b:t\'C

ari~eu, and ha\' e hee11 t:reateil l>y more modem uut,hors. :Thl:wy abo h:1 vc until now been neglected. Moreov e r

llillnart, uLiwrwisc :>u juilici(>US, penu:ttud himself in the lll 'Jr:l ! p•trt <>f hi8 duetrinc to !Je ruled by th:Lt spirit vf' ri;;<>r·jsuJ su ri ;'c in Frallee clur iug his epoe!J. The Rev. l\L Ee.dle, fur m·u•y ye:U'.'i Professo r of 'l'lieo l.,gy

iil th e Gr.t1:rl :-iel!l iuary o£ Truie, Fr:l.l!Ce, nnd a writer of note, h~s iu his ed.ioion of BiJlnr,rt Sll[>[!liccl tlJ eo<.: d elieie uc.ic.s and m •tde tile neeess:try corrections.

lu ltb work he hns imposed upon llirnself two invari. :tble rules, lu Lu m:LinLain sti·ict ly the o rder a d .,pt(~d l>y

Hilluart whieb is t he Hnmc !M that c,f tile "l:iuu1nm" of 1-il. Tl101Jl:l~; the liecessary a<l<liLions ct.l J easily au<l ll<\l.u­

ra lly l;e l' lJJ I>o.l i ed in that pl:w. :2J the ' ·::)urn:na Thcol"­

gica'' of Sl. Tlt<llllas being the alJridgJ,lcnt of uni ver~:tl science, eV<'l'.)' one •>l' 'the new tile:::Ps i ~ dcrivnd fwtll

Ll w llllctrilitl or tiJ<:J Angel uf Llle ~dwol nnd n~:;<dvt·d

uc:, or<lr tlg tu hi::~ principle~ :wd mcL!J .,d. FttrLIJtmtH)l'l' ,

(;\'l! l '.\' \'('dific::tl.iuu in the r!lur:Li [!'i t' l. i.-; t:i.ket l fr· >Ill St.

ThotiJ!tc, ~~~t. Lir,·••uri aurl t.ll<.l ch,c isiuus ul the H<m l:t ll

Pont if:-. lluwe v~cr the \\' >I rk ur l>il: uarl l't' i::i llid(Hll'll

e<l; :1.1! t l>e nd.tilious, "biclJ :;re very exteu~i v~c, :1re iJ~c·lucled li<~Lweuu l1rad' 'ts. In <.:nsc o[ div<!r;2,·en.·e t ill' thi'.'il';i or Dil!tlal'l. }I('('(Jille •. hjectiou.; :~g:tiJISt tlu.•SU ()['

!Jj,, !JliH ll"ril v<1it"l'. Till' additi <) ilS or l{cw. i\L E~:tlk do

Jli>L i11 auy wi~' ' disli,.;·ure Lhc work of Dillu:nt; SOlllll ,,(

l11:; LIJ,•svs ar..; l'l':d ly very l'CIIl ':rl,::~ lJie. The wl.ulc work t'lll ll!'~'i se;-; 1; vol lllllL'S iu 1 :2".

Tl1Ll :1dnpt.ion of the~ · lwl a:;;t ii~ Tb~olngy <;:dle.l l•>l' tltl: iJtl.r <.~ <lu('tion ,, f' the S · h~>l :t~L ic l'ililu ;ophy. Hne 1.1\'11

v .. nq>•·ndi u llJ<' witl• Lhe ['hi11 i'i'}lr(l(lu ct. ioll or tile duc­t till'' .,f ~t.. Th.,lll:;:" c:d !··<l Pi l l' aLI!':ILiOJI: :SuullicU J>hi­lniit'L'/uu. in u.-:u11t ,,,.fwlnru111. ltv ('!lrdiil'·il Zigli:1n1, :<lid

Priu!.'tt. }Jri.ur·ijli!l Hcient,u,·llm, >!1'/f 1'/u lusi>Jih iu C'ulhu/i,.,,

jusltl lJ i iJU'/11 '1'/i.r;nutm, hy lli .,lJ. ·[' R <Jtl> Ct. The 11'< >rk , d

c,u·,!i tl:tl Zigli:lr:J, whn,-t: . illtrin ~i ,; llll:l'it is Ullt <If qu.·s­

Lion, cl oe~ 11<11. SC\'1!1 to llllii\\T l' the ll\'CIT:; or tJ tll' A lliLII'i­

(':\11 :<~u cl ·11ts. IL i~ c•, •sy 111 ~L'•' tli:~t lhl' etuiii<'Jit 1':·"­i'<'>'H ll' w::::> u~ct1 Lt> lt•:tcll <1 i'!Jl,<; of ~l!!C<'i t<Ltl<lcu(,; ;,:;

11l'l' lil l'·t<·t 1]!()"(' ll'hll r .. Jl uw Lb e ('(l\\I'!'CS or the A<:a<J ,. _

Jli_\' ul' lltLI 1\Iil~l.'l'l':: ill l l.<>ltl\'.

l:isltop Htb;>t'L oil t ilt' <·oJlL!'<l!')' " '·'"for o.11' rou rLIJ a

,.t,I!Lury Prt~ fe~so r i11 :w orclin~ry Ornnd St•tniu:~r.y

ll'lll'l'l' the chs.; oi' I'ltilos:>pl ty is ('()llljlt'SC<l or StllllL'IliS

111' ail dt•grCl'S u!' i1 1t.dl igc•nee llllt lwhu l1 aV<' kt.l nu other

jil'<'p:ll·at.ion tlt:~n the c•>muwn ehs"ieal eolll'"l' ol'<.:ull(•ge. ii i.; long expcrien•·'-' IJ:t>l tanght. liitn the J'I'IJili remeut;. , th<· ll<·tC'l">< iLi~b ~11 the te:whing of illl!'l. a l'la,.;s of pupils. .\JJII :dlltt>ll'!'h pc•ri'< ·t·lly :1 Tlt<Jllli~t he };uo\1';; lto\1'<·\'••r,

l11<\' t•• 10'1\' \;1, I ll'il!l'llj'lril\' IJit•\ltotflif· 't!'tll·!P:!t' ('!lifii,_:J





·~ '"l•e • .~i~i·



to be understood by the average mind. He may without disadvantage be compared, as to his pbil~sophical value, to Cardinal Zigliara. In a paper published by the Civilta Catholwa, the Rev. Liberatore, so competent in such matters, writes; "No, t.he book of the illustrious professor of Chamberry (now Bishop Rosset) does not contain a poor and miserable philosophy as do the trivial works produced within an unwholesome atmosphere, and bearing the marks of their author's medionrity. As a proof take either of the two volumes of the work and you shall readily discover the philosophical riches therein contained. They are exposed in all truth; everything is treated with clearness, order, and profoundness, in these two volumes which are wholly substance and solidity without any ost.entation. As a class text-book it is a perfect work" . ... We shall not add anything to this competent judgement.





Rev. Sirs, Ladi('.S and Gentlemen:-Already the exercises of t.his, our Annual Com­

mencement, are drawing to a close. The bright pageant upon which our eyes now rest will soon fade from our view, and, ere hour has pas&ed, nothing will be found around this, vur college home, to indicate the life and joy which once reigned within it-the crowcled hall deserted, the noisy room and corridor left vaeant and the dreary echo of perhaps a single foostup alone breaking the solemn silence. To us students who have wit­nessed the long year with its heavy burdens of study and confinement drag slowly by nnd who now behold spread out before us and almost within our grasp the pleasures of a free and happy vacat.ion; but who at the same time feel twined around our hearts the tendri!s which fall from those old gray walls clinging to us, as it were, and striving to hold us yet longer within their loving embrace, to us the occasion ·suggests a thousand con­flicting thoughts which, mingling together like sunshine and rain, form in our souls a counterpart of the bright arch of heaven. As the child in its early years naturally looks forward with anxiety to the time when it will be a man and will be able to enjoy life to its fullest mea­sure; in like manner have we looked forwaru to this day, as the opening into a world o£ new delights, new pleasures, which, like music in the distancn, charmed our young listening ears and stirred up within our buoyant hearts fond hopes and bright expectations.

The more it approached the stronger grew its influ­ence and the brighter grew those visionary scenes

which it suggested; so that, a t the present moment, you wrongly estimate our joy when you jnJge it is confined to this hall , however beautiful, or to tbose companions, schoolmates, however dear. Oh no ! A l­though this home is bright and a.ttracti ve, fancy sees one compared with which the glory and splendor that our eyes here behold, grows pale. Although these eompan.ion,; of our college life are dear to us, inJ eed, anJ riveted to our hearts with the surest ties of friendship, our wander­ing imagination perceives face.; and homes a thous:LUL1 tim~, dearer than they. Yonder is the fo nd mother­waiting and watching her boy's r eturn. Already , with tears of joy glist~n ing in her eyes, she stretches forth her arms to embrace t.he idol of her affections, the hope of her declining years. There too stands the fa ther joyJul and happy. Brothers and sisters cluster around. T!Je old home! The blessed fu·eside! Oh consecrated spot ! Yes, there our young fancies fly. There already are our hearts. Soon, but not too soon, will this bright Jream be realized. Even now we stand at the door which opens into those blissful scenes-Yet, at the same time, we stand upon the threshold o£ our college home. Ere we bir.l welcome to the world and i ts delights, to parents and friends, we must t ear ourselves from the embrace of this good foster-mother, this dear Alma })htor. Turning to her with reverent tenderness, we feel per­ceptibly the ties of love which bind us to her; we fe el the delicate threads which she has wound aroun d our hearts, threads as pure and as holy as ever a mother's fnndness wea ves. Turning to her at this solemn moment, when about to part from her, perhaps forever , the splendor in which she is clothed grow.; brigll ter, ller beauty more fascinating, her charms more magical and ou~· love for her deeper a n.d stronger. Oil sweet Alma Mater, mother of our 'llappiest days, Lily vc ne raiJ! C

form to us is dear. Thy olJ walls to us arc shw wt1l:!L1 with a beauty and a glory upon which our eyes woull: feign linger longer. Around them are clustered a tllous­and fond bri ght memories which will eve r remain (l ecp­ly engraven in our souls-memories which, like stars, will shine ..... .. . .. "in the sky of our spirits forever fond and over our pathway will Jlasb afar, a ralli­

ance that perishes never." Those sacred precincts , those halls and corridors, .

those beloved companions with wht'm we swdied, play­eel and prayed, fond associat~s in whom 1'1-e have nl­ways found a brother's love and tenderness, a llrotbcr's warm affection; those dear superiors, parents witl1 pnr­ents' heart, how can we leave their sweet embrace, :tn<l how, when gone, can their memory be ever dimme-d in our souls? Oh ! we go; bnt in the shadow of these walls, in those vacant empty rooms om spiri t shall remnin, lwv­ering about them, like the falll crl l':1iry whi ch ,vas sni<l


111 In \'I· f;,JhJwt•d in tl•'' tr• il • ,ft .. ,:.h \ldth pih•oth> t•ti•·• • toll! tW•l ,.~ gt'{';:'l 1lwm with l~t'f!. }f::n· this t.tJ!W

ano! 111•"•~11-; <JUr Ul••il_ltt-o. ••!tr l>OIIb \\ill n·llllll, : u•l r it•n•hl:ip I..,. la-,(,J<.! 1\fl;l n•ti-lvt.lobt M thtl ol<t ~hy thhs will h\'!: a~·dn tho~" I.t,q I'\ •h) ,., !ll> liJI' 1><•·1 orl'l•ll• _\'t'·tr l>e n •u'l" E'.

d•ill, th:,•\\11 iutu !! •: ,.,)·1•··•111p:wy ;,(.tr:.t•,.:•·r•, (1i"a•u

i• '·~·du ill IHI'IIl"r.r lllt!Jit it.- ule~b•.'tl llllllhl'' ·~ l.·a-t•. Hut llw tnrtin:.; h";r, :1 •\ln:l•:r li•·~ a• )•lin· :t!i·l lw 1\t'II-Lke n~ :UJ;!d·' lnwl-. •·•·uhll;iwl. H •n·n·n•l.m.l .t ... ar dirt"<·l·•r, to ,ron, ~->,..-. i:tlly we (t• I au I ltH ,. :d'''Y' l••h l!w ~trou~··· • :: .• th•·!:ukut, awl, 1•• thiltl< of ,.,p·tmtiu:,!: fr,tn

·' 011, d•··or hlht·r. IJring~ t.u ..,.,rr••l\' l!a: j••.\ w;•i•·la ",. uutio·iv•'e f,-,.,u a IU"tL•·r'- f"ud .-whr,•~···· Y••U !Ia\ t• ""'"'

,·., .. tt• r,lo.n· I '.m a (> ar\.'llt ('olll'.( ;~ .. , l;•r IJ,.,, h•:oo 10\•in·.! ·t

•I•·Yoto•d 1' ll"'"'l .\'"ll Ia·•\'•• lot'VII l•.• II' !I ~ui.t~ :1u•l 1l Ill'•·

.1.-1. By _v~>lll' w .. r.l, ,ro(l t-t•t:• ... nra;J•·•I :111 l l'·•it.H•d 1>Ul

till' 11':>.\' whkh le.ul.., to\ in•w i!Ud troth. :u.d, l>y .\'' nr

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d•··• .r. iud•·au .. u. \\' .. a.•L '"u' t•r '·'. r• '' h•·u ,,,. :.n· " ;.;"'"'• '11111 h"t"' lu 1>1' rt·u ... ml .. ·n·d L1· .' •nl t''l"·.-J.a!l.'

\\11\'11 I ••••. •!·llld ,.,.f .. jl· tit "''"'' "" •• .j ... r. 1 IIi•! "l that .:.k:,)il •:lt'llli"<' _,j,i,·h y •II '''i\t· lHt .. .:\ti ll• I' '"' •

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j,_ll!.ktt••.llt,"lt•·H·Ii.lllol, .......... ,·h·p•" llt \1'1 P·•'·'d ;',,,, .. ".-11 .. \t' ,.j i l<uut!t;ar J.:d!,: Ve:ll lrl:lt• • ""'i"'l 111 •dti, lo

111· :dll,l), i, "ll and 1"".\<••l•ltlil l<'.ll• "' 11 .. 1.1 J••.\ ''''-1\dl. II 1111' .,f "Ul \ 1>111!,'_. i,. •l d·., •, l io <1 \ !t•t.t \l tl.o 1

l.u ,\ Htt_ \\l' i~ttf fll"P'tiH~iJ: f(th•\H.·tl tH ll~t ('. itt ••IH bc.''d 1 ...

tl1.\ lllt'ltot>l) ,j,,.ll !t\l'(t•l"•\•l"ll•~.•·",.j i••lt'\•rol.o•tt•lt­

(•tL :\d tl!;dlt·r \\la·tt \\t• ru;,Jt) llu• II l;_.:tH.'t ufHtlf ~ .u\1-il

will :1!"")'- t1rna ithtiu•·t,,.-1_1 '" 11 ...

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lHt·l lt\ Llll'~•\ •'1IH'tll. \\ ,. ,1ft• ''Htlr'~d"' J!l I h


lt• fu.· t.'ol.~i~-1 l,·l•' l _, ..... ,t fJ. J~ i .. ill -~~• "\' 'irl I' _;,._

llt<t\liiJ,•t.• ..... , .. ,, ll!.il"!tllf04.'l''""'-'"li!Fd, \1

tlur p·q~t r h · "" -··h' ~ iu t•nto!, • •tod ''"' i.,tht"i"~cJ-·•tit•,!ufH'il't·l\1' '''t t' !wth-ld 11 Ht

p·q.-·r \\·tfk, p••i.\ ~\lq·'"'" \\1.t 1t q\U •.•• tf'"'-' \\\ !r i. ..

f•~nu··t .._.,, h!,!t"" \\dt t•~u Di ''.\. ,.- l ~" liJ ,.1.1 ... ~til· •• , ~ l~\- r.,,t'·'·~•IHl"'' """'-•lll~' I{C'•\ I' .~.'i ...... ~.! lc•

.\IY L1 rn.E TREK

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' \




, .. --~ .......... ~ ..... ~. --


will pend the present year with u and gether with those among our new arrivals a good nine et\11 be form­ed.

A little apology for the defeats in Chicago last J une and July wiU not be out of place. I t might be known t.bat but few of our players took part in either of the games. Mr. Ullivan our l•ack top was missing in the first game and Mr. ~ 1eGavick our old reliable on 1st. did not play in the second game; and Messrs. Legris, Park, Cusack and 0' eil played in neither, and instead ufit being t. Viateur's College nine it was a Picked ~m.

At the present outlook hunting will be excellent this fall and Winter. Our sporstmen are now shining up and cleaning tht:ir kit, preparatory to scouring the woods between here and the neighboring cities. " J acko" has a new boat on the river; launched some time during the vacation which w.ill be let at reasonable rates to hunt­ing parties.

Progress is of this age: We have now brand JJeW from ~pnldiugs' store rooms, 3 sets of Indian clubs, 2 sets of dumb-hells, quoits, foot-ball, baoeballs, etc., etc. Further g,v mna tic appliances, p..·u·allel bars, rings, turning poles, etc., nre in way of preparation and Bt·o. Gallagher, ot the Holy Name School, Chicago, P rof. of gymnastics, promises to come in a short t ime to assist us in make­ing a uitable dispos ition of these in our halls.

Wedncsda.y last a Tery exciting game of base-ball was played between two picked np nines, j ust at the end of the 9th. iuning the game was tied and had to be suspenderl, dinner Leing in order. A fter the repast another, the rlecisivt>, inning was pbyed anrl the Victors won it and the bushel of apples that Fr. Marsile had set up.

While this g11me was tossing on the mnin diamond three other games of ball a ; spirited were going on in diflereot parts of the campus, npples being also there aujeu.

'!he score is ns fvllows:


VICTIMS. 1 ~ 3 4 5 6 "' 8 !) 10 T to B H I

H. Lesage l) 1 X 0 2 1 0 (i ~

C. L<'gettc 2B 0 3 0 :] X X 2 .... 2 I

E. Bennett c X 03 1 3 :X 6 1

J. Bigham 3B X 0 l 0 2 X G 2

C. Bnll c f 2 0 -~ 0 3 6 ~

J. Moore s s :{ 1 X i X ll 0

J. IcGavick I f • 1 0 X X 3 X (j 1 J. Bennett r f 0 2 3 3 0 i (j 2

A. Fm:r,cr In 2 0 1 2 1 0 G 1

ToTAl. I 1 7 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 ;;.) 13


F. Dandprand W . Cutsinger H. O'Neil A. Leacll T . Normoyle D. Cahill H. Legris W . Deering W. Convey



I 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10

p 0 X. 2 2 3 2 rf 1 1 0 X. X.

lB 0 2 0 3 1 s 2 3 0 1 2 3

3B 3 l 0 3 cf 1 2 0 1 c 2 3 3 0 0 2 B 3 1 1 2 0 If X 0 0 X 0

2000 41 30 3

T to B

7 5 5 6

0 5 1 5 2 6 3 6





1 1 2 1 2

1 2 1 3



To people living in this century of steam and elec­tricity, when manual and intellectual skill are every­where exert ing their energies to the utmost, there may seem little need to speak of the importance and nect::&li­ty of labor, or of the wonders which labor accomplishes. B ut as there still are many , especially among thH young, who look upon ment-al or bodily exertion as something unnatural, something to be avoided; who see in labor nothing but a curse, a heavy burden disgracing those who bear it, as there are yet, practically speaking at least, many of those professional doers-of-nothing, these few lines may not be entirely out of place.

Labor is natural to man. When God created us, he cre..'l.teu us with faculties of action, with pow ers of self development and self improvement. As uredly it was not his intention that we should be mere idlers or doers of nothing. W e have a destiny to work out,~ perfection to acquire, an end to attain, and these things cannot, anrl never could be d one without exertion, without labor . .1\lnn, therefore even though be had never sinned, would still have had to work ; labor is his natural por­tion, God created him for it; formed and fa hioned him for it. However much his fa ll may have embittered it, or robbed it of its sweetness, t he fact still remains that by nature we are laborers. And why should it be other­"' il;r.? I& man of all created things to be the only excep­tion in that regard? Look around you, glance even at inanimate nature. Everywhere is everything working , working out its own appointed destiny. The earth by turning on its axis, and by it.'3 yearly revolution ronnd .the sun, supplies us with heat and light, and all the varied ble sings which the different seasons bring. The sun, tb'e planets and starry bust h:.we each its ap­pointed task, each its own pvrtion of labor.

They move without ceasing in their vast orbits, <:on­tinually <lispeusing l.Jlcssings in their never ending


m:lr<:!J , and proel::timing CJI'<' ry wb crc cve!l to the rr­

mo1c·st c'nris'or the u1livl'I'St' tho glory of t.l1e IJ:Lnd lltnt m:Hlc Lh cm. T heir son6· is a song orlallor; tlici r music the mu ~ i<.: ot' rcstleRs ac l ivity. Com ing nga in to ou r own ;;nnll worl<l, what d o W'e see? IIm· atnH>~j,lJC'J'C is neve r at r<· ~l: . ITer o(lcaus anrl ;;ens arc CJYl' l' ll<':tving an<l

::;n;ging, cv t• r culling a.JHl il•11Ving. Th<! l>:d,[ing lJmok, Ute wlti ~ lling wind , t.lJ C ~1\'('Ct l:i 0i1 2,S or li'l'll ::;, all 'P()[I k Lo 11 o f' l:tl >Ol'. The lwc ga~h<-ll'S bon f'y; t],n ant builllS f'or itscH a home; wil<l be:•sts ni.c; IJLly go l'orth to seek \.ll(·ir lJrey: rn :u1 surely is no cx<.:ej >Lion. 1J e too, must work; natmc ll:ts OJ'(biue<l it ;;o. She gave him :I:Jenlties nnrl po wer'; ; she g[tve him c::pocial1y I im hs, entlowe<l witb strengLl• and ilur:LbiliLy , adopte,l toclift'c rentmovem·enls anrl posL nres atlll so we ll sui l.ed ~o v~t'lOUS kincls of employment. This she cli<l for :1 purpose, ~nd that pur­pose is no oilH~ r than th:ct we mi ght he :1.ble to work. . S ince there fore lrtbor is a necessiLy or our n~ture, it

follows tu~ l our existen(;e Llemnmls it. But it ou t· mere existence demnt tcls from us labor, how much more does our <leveloprncnt -ancl perfection clem ~ncl i t. Tile truL!J is th~ t in iltis wodd nothing great or good notbing worLlty of recognition is able LD Lenccoml1li sh­ecl wi t bouthhor. WiLh it, we may even sny, aren ll tbi11gs d one, ancl without it not bing . The world is a v :tst work­s!Jop nncl anything that the world boasLs of' is tlH~ pro­duet, r·l1e creation of those who toi l therein. The w canh ancl t l1e power of n:ctions are the resu 1t o l' lnho1·. Tbe mo ney of tbc rieh _ m :Ln anrl th e lmowk·<lge of 1he Jearne<l were JJ CVCl' ncqnire<l w i L L!o·~t t toil; they :11'0 i nvariably t li e rcs nlt of lnbo;·. Tbe old >nying i> s iill trne ; "no cn_.~s, no crown." The gnlcl of'tltis w ol'lcllie5 deep : c:onstauL, im:ess:w t hhor alone can r e: Lcil iL

He th erefo re who Ll ut ·ing li i'c wo ulc1 clo anything goml or 11 sel'ul ~bou.ld Jlr::;t \llH1 er::; tan <1 well tl1at ilOllli11g g·oo <l or u >e t'ul ll [lS OYer brcn, or cvHr c.:u1 he, (] one wi lliOLlt ]:lb.JJ·. 1 f' yo u [\l'e a sLu<l cnt Slwking ni'Ler knowh:<l;s·<', ci lllet· gi\'c up sccki: 1g a llc·r k tHJWie<lg·<', or m:tke 1![)

your lllii!d lo lJc :t h: ll'l l c :IJ'I t C~L worker. Tl 1e C'i L:t lh:b ul'

tru ! il can ·h<' s!0r11W<l :t!l<l l:Jkl'il o, Jiy l>y :111 :l t'lll l' ul' gi :111 1~ .


- lh\J.\·:. - OttC<' m· :t·c :tL om· shr/.·-' - Tl:,, W• >rHls :1re l_o:cd t> d 1ri llt nul >:. - 1'<JU irt·rl l! ttllt:t Jg' is hu :~;e spor t. - D r:tw Ll: l' Jll'O;u:tllll11C lur t;: l. Vi :tlf't·r·s c\:1 \' . -Mr. ~ullir:\11, t he lenm ul· ll~t' IC K. Kcc~, is ~li lt

1Jc hin<1 tltc b:Lt. - TlJC nJ in im;; l!:tYC two <l i:t111<1 Jtll '-' on tht·ir ll<'W

g rouut1:-;.

- CrnB.ll the oltes tn ut-bell fi end at the very st::trt. Ex. -The :JeW vil[:lge u:riclge sp.en,ks for itself and for

tho G-rove. - Hut tc~ is a w::mu friencl . Ah! Oh ! Gee! l\Ir. G. - H shorty is no t in " luuk'' he is in Horace j ust the


- Tltn JI !'O : .Tame;; D. h:1s been W:\:ting a week; the 0011: t1in e lu c.kk s:-; Loys ::tt same t ab le l ilicwise in

waiting. . - Ont· eol'l'idurs n,ncl bnlls been mnch emLr.Jlioh­

e<l wiLIJ li:LtJ<LutiJe pict ures ohL:tinetl by ou r p:Lins-Lak­

iJig- pn·fret Hev. F1·. Dooling. - J> rul'. Tbcr:·ien, Ollr sucu'ssful musical instructor,

has l't'Stlmc<l l !Je di r eeLion o f Lhe orellesL!'a. Tue absen ce of such melllLers <lS g t·t~tlnaLed tue prececling year al ­w~ys ll e<'rssi ta l.cs t ile admiss ion oF new members and c:lla11 g<'s in tllis as in ot.bor org:1niz:1Lions. Ou r orchestral cil·c le t!Jis ye<1 1' is Lbu~ l y woul)(l : Pt·c,f. T her­rien wirlds !.he lnton. Messrs P . Sullivan ancl G. 1\fnr­tineDn pl:1y li1 ·~t vivlin ; H. O'Neil and ·vv. Mueld e rlll ­forclt, SCCO!lll violin. \V. Convey the viola; F. n~\J1(lu ­

mncl Ll1e tlu i.c :J!Jd A . Ft·nzf'l' tl1e clar iunet; II. Legris, bariton e : l\J. Hoy, li t'i't B. tla l ; P. Wibtaeb, t he v io! in­cello; Rev . F t· . L egris. an c1 JUr. Snerth. t he p i:nwf'o ;te an<1 Alex. Gt·:1nger, the bass. Fr. Marsile, who en lc·r ecl th e m1t sic !Jnll !J l1 t he night of i lJ ei r first pr:tcLicc, prom ­ised Lhe m IJSic.i:lllS a i re~1t as soo n ns they nre alJie to pl:l.Y "He:trt itt !1 :\ n<l," a p ieee on whieh the Pro !'cssor w:ts tryi ng his uew arLisls. Ft·om res ults so f:t r obtained Fr. JYI:Lrsile wil l SO(Jll ha ve to se t them np fo r the boys.

- Tho L:ltJd, too, h:ts nn llergone some in1p0r La nt changes and is :; ssirnil:tt ing new elcmeol s un lo ilse lf Rev. Fr. l\1:Linvi\le h :,~; p1·oc nrcd new and qnickme~hotls of insl rt tclions for tbe ne w Ucrlgecl pi['c:·s n ll d already th<·y toot in the measures- of Ll1eir sen ims. H. O'Nei l r epb<:es Jo~ . Kelly or· ' ·Dig B:1 se' ' J:m1e, anll Alex G rau ­gc•J·lJent;-; llH: big lJox ; ,J _ DeJ Jt!C( t r>~tLle s Lbe su:u·e <hum . J. Ca l• ill wi :r )>hy Li> c n Jh t llOLsr, ~ ne•v iJJStl'n­Ul ( '[} l. ; J I. L<':51·is Ll <> IYS tile. bar iLunc. Mr. P . .SulliV:IJI fi ;·:;;L K fl:i t c<>!'J,el, _ E. Ibgolte sec·on<l, A. !l'!at·c·olle lltit·tl, E. Atl :Jtn s J'()JJ\'l.i t, J . :)uet·: l1 fir~t Allo, J. Rivarcl ~ceo nd, A . Lc~=~~-e tl>inl . V. P.ov fit ·s t te nc. r, K G rondpre St,c-o ntl , A. F1 ·:1 /. L' I' B. Jl:lt C' l:t r !nl!\ .. F. D:1nclur:1n d pie­colo. Fali JC'l' l\l:tiu Yill e 1ri il lc:1 d willt :1. splen rli cl fir::;t E. 11:\t el:niutlcl he: [,:ts j ust. pttrd>:csecl h orn ~\[. Cyrier 1>1' the Y ilb:,:e lJ :11 11l.

- Tl te l>illi:ln1 el ult ncccl s rqnirs . . . . T be chill sc:t­S(}!l :u)f1 tl :trk ercuings :ne lt<'re, :1nd Utcencs ar c noLyet -Lippr 'l . 1\' lt c·rc arc y<•U, hny s ?

-HeY. 11. lll'i ll,\·7

o l· C ilm:111, in a n,ce nt leLtcr, i ells u:; b~ i~ lll'(':JcllitJg " .inlJi kc ~ t C'uelx\llse for nev. c. Gu 11 :1DL :1JJd i;; also lo :1:ssi:st Re '' - Z. Dcrard at Mvlil et 1ce. Sw - C'<'S~ :ll l l'JHl .r•·U r good work.

- 1~, . , . _ .L 1\l c,ysant, of the Ium1acu:ntc C\,r!Crp tion

. '

\ \

l '

I •



Church, Chicago, our former prefl'Ct :ltitl teJ~cber, Jlllid us a pleflS."lnt vbit a week ago. At Fr. R ivard's reqne"l, be visited his ei!ISll of ('locution and oo entering thun­dered forth: 4' Y e cr:tgs anrl pt-.akst I am with you once again'' which sbook the piJbrs of the olrl hall. Fr. )[oy5-'lnt delighted at finding that on•rythiog looked so cheerful and like itself at. SL. Viateur'::;. He likes his new Oeltl wtll.

-llro. L'lu?.on will soon ~<<"t to wm·k at the n<'w

turning (Utes, J~rnllel b:u~, swing~ :mrl l•lhcr gymnas­

tic fixtu.-.-s.

zeal hy their ru iduity to the regular exerci c~ of devo­tion antl will no doubt benefit by the many graces otfered them in these day of pardon. The jubilee will probably clo~e by a solemn renewal of lle promi of baptism nnll a special consecration oi the p:\ri'h to tbe . ·acrerl Heart of Jc:;us and ~ tile Immaculate Heart o.f ~Iary.


- Re . Z. Bl·ronl, Pa~tor at ~t. Anne, Ill. pnyctl ns nn acirroble visit a wt'ek ago. .J. Cc:<ACK ........... '::\7 A. G 1:.\N(H:R .......... '87,

- "&fnsler Loni~ f':dley gnve a reeit:tlion on his gui- P. \\-ll.Hacu .......... '8!1. t:u l:l.~t sundr~_\' Pvr-ning in tbe minim's hall; he w<~s

listeoe<ll.oo wilb hrc~~thh-ss :t<teution :wtl ;hus [WOCnrcd

his lillie eomp·wions mo8t ngreahle amu~t·nwnt fi1r the DEATU.

evening. En•r.v hml,v r,::-~ys; l'fl(t)I'P.

- Tommit• 1\fc~ :mutra, the min;.lrd, nml ,Johnnie Col11•tt, hi, parlncr, nrc nn f:'•Jle1tnining m:rleh nntl gi\·c the little bnys much fun with their pr.mks jokes, Stmg3 !Ill I 1 fl~ II (:P'I,

- \\·her·c i'l the tt1n:.hall? .. hmsted. The <A.hcr t'onl­

lmtl? .. hnr~.l rd t• o? \\'eli the other then? .. gone l•Jo.

Then ll t> gr•t a (new) one. - Til:tire s:>ys there i::~ n snd mixtnre of chrtracter iu

tht1 printing ofii('t' t'.i:-~ lNm. - :\h-. T. Mt'l'nt m it·k of~-! nnd t>.5 bns returned and

t>nlet c•l the IHJ\. it ialc.

-The Ph ... ~ ofh•~<•k-kPt>piu~ under Rev. A. :\l:iinvillr i11 ln~·:;el.v nllt•nth·tl. The philosophers nre L'lking tiH' ('0111"51'.

- ~1••'-.(';l H1 •V ha• hern eh:t• min~ nur ITlll:-ic·al e:rrs

with th(' G•and ALirdtut'(':1rdiual 'J':helwrrt':1 U a new

piN't> eomp ... ilifln. - Tlwre was not a ~ingle cxt·eption t.n urtivcr,~tl glee

nn ~t. Mieh:wl's d:t.\' on which Ft·. Doolin~ pro··nred

tlw 1~<·~·- a lrolilln_v. The cnmpn"' was fdhe all monrin;{ wiLh hall ~1mc~. \\hid1 en•n tlte dinner lwll c<ndd

fl<'.'lrrrly t>nd. Tht• :1flt'f n•·on w:ls well ~l'e"t i11 lllli i in:.:

f':'\Cill"'i"ns . .,;,('r_vhod_,. ('.'lffiP ku.:k witlt:1 ~:liel,.l. n !.:•_:!'· a h:~ttrlkcrchh•l an•l lri" porkc·l.~ full .,r 1111h 'I iti•·li ar,• p!t>nlilnl !\II I•Yt•r llw wood,-. Th:t~tk~ tn Fr. j),.,,Jin:.r.

- ,Jos. of ,·,wnl fimw, int.r.ltils t~lill in the ,;l•·t'l'.l. hcigh•-1 ahvYP. P rt.'ptlrt) n~ a new song lor :->t. \' i:tiPur·s

dn~- . .lo .. - l'rot: Th,"-;if•n 1\tlfl Fr. W \·:u.J h;t \ P exch'rn::;<'d

rooms fur thP ~rt•a Pr <'•tllVCniPnc·.-. of tl:c tnll,.it·i:w~. - Pt·ol. T ou··rit·n !t,t~ ju;.t req•i\·cd a Jll'IV roll of

!<h<'t't nlll'!it• rrum l~llf'f•I'C !\lld iult•ntl~ 1J .. ~i11uill:.t: imtnC-0l9tf't~· \.o pn•pa n· I ltc l\ln ;;il-:d ('I'Pf!f:\ m lltt.' of tltt' ·_!! ;;t.

ol (l.-toher. - Hl'. l~ebnrllP i,t n0\1" prt>:H'hinf! the juloil•'e to tlw

Jlllfi!<h of BourhumHii~. Tit (• ~~·nl'l·· manitbl a ;.rreat


DPath is ht.'re, and Death is Lhere, Denth i:1 hn~.r everywhere; All around. within, beuc:~.tb, Ahove, is Death-antl we ltftl Death.


1 >cath h:~.s set his mnrk and saa] On all we arc nud nll we frcl, On nll we know and nll we t'e:Jr.


Fir"t our plensnrC'S die, nn(l then Out· lH>[W-.; 1 anrl Lhen our fears: nnd, when

These ::tl'<' dend , the debt is dne, Dust claims tlust-and we die too.


A 11 lhin!,TS WP love and e!Jerish, Like onrs•·lv··~. mnst ,clic n.nd perish. Sudt is our rude mortal lot; Love it".elf w<ould, ditl they not.

r'cr~o nnls.


Mmvln·-'fr. .Jn~rph i\Inrphy. A.l\f. for three or four yc:lrsp:t~L ollr :dole profc.,~or uf I 'nnttJH'I'<'P anrl penman--ship, !tad f.,r;;:tkl'n our q11ieL and pn1•ticalGrove to tnkc• bim~elf a better h::tlt: lie has lately l1ccn uniL .. d in wed­ltwk to mw of '\'ilruington's fhirel!L d:-1\lghte~, Miss ;\[nn· M:ilwr. sisler of .IamPi:! Maher -~-1. Prot: is now Pnin.dn!! hi'l honey monn in ('ltie:l;_::o nncl will soon

gt·t i .. w.,rJ, f•.'r the ('.H . .\. <,1. RH. ( 'o., lor which he



IISC 1 to w<~rk bdiJrc Cl•ll•h:;; (u llourbolluHL'>. All hi.s friends ol' :'t. Viatcur', wi~!t !.im llUCee:<s ~md all pu~:>si­

blc h:tpt•iw:.-~ ., io ltb H•""' of life. Lt>t,tg~-We mb~ thd t>crcuo cuuutcmnwe or Philip

Le~·tg•·, .\. B., 'fk;. Afrer ~ig!JL or niw~ yean; attcuJunce l1u h~t.t l,e , w•: ~:~oiuliumtd_r t:<JilJkct~:•.l 11iLh the col1c:gc th:tt ic !Utbl b<J alwo~L ai tLa·d f•n hi:11 tu bl.':tl' the ~t·pa­rali<Jll fi,,JU !Jj,; old fri<•tt<l::o :IS it i:; for the~c h) thiuJ.[ of

ui,; •th.<~:un:. It is gtt~t•rally under,tvud that Philip

ilt~•- ud, t .. lH!.:<>tll~ a di.-c~:iplc uf (ll<l JE ,cuhtpitll!. l>•>rc-Mr .. JulmlJore,A.I.:. 'l"lj, i.,L~lckto;::)L \' ialcur':.

l•J l~~.~gia tlte ::.tu ly ut Th··ulugy. Hid beaming eouutc­ll:tbc•· tcudtl !Wl '' lit tlc tu ~ntlcr t)llr cullcgc h<JllH~

cllo:etlul ;~ud agT•Jc . .tiJ!c to ull. Th<! IN):. I.IIUl'Utllr t.h:<t he

will p·t !H.; uiJ!c tu twlp them in Lhcir pla.} :i.

llr•'·'~cau-Dnkut:t seems tu be Vt·ry di~taut, iULlcl.'d so 1lblant tlmt II'P lt:tl c uul; il' ycL ub:. .. iuc•l •lii.Y definite infnrtuatiua ctme~·ming Alfn~·l lkt)~'t'<lU, 'BG. It is pwhahlc tLnt ho: is y.:t :lt h~ h•.•Ulc iu Dutw.l. \\'.: unpc

t11 hc:\.1' tl't~tll lum suon.

l'ulrkj-By the htt:~t news we llt':tr•l t!J:cl Jul111

l'uwlt-y, 'H), qf \\' j,, uwdu, iti pur,ui"g hi~ ,.,tHdic:. iu

hawlwidt <:1Jllc6c, <•J>!J<J ,t t.0 l>e~r"it. Keuul·.ly -- \\' c gn·atly Jlti·,, the ~~duuty itlllul·twcs • ,f

tile ln·nigu •'utmteuautc t.)r <HI!' IJ,~al'IJl! '' tlu 1 we arc :i•JI'!Y

to lil'ctl', j, II 1\V given l!(.l tu tht• Worldly otutly Of lt'k. g-r.tplty. \lay f;,rtuuc smile 011 .Jvhu, 'oi.i, whul'lc uwmury 11illt·V<~l· lw elwrihhed by thuse who kli<~W h!11 •.

L• ·a r:h --·It is juyfttlli,r 11~ to lu:::r Alb"rt Leadt. ' Iii;, i~ l:<>lllittg !.Ind.: tueultliaue his du,,ic:tl stndt'"· ~lay lw liud pl<-a-urc :tHd cl.ijoj uwut in hi-. w,IJ!I: .,...,c.;upatiou~.

Muq•lt_1-Titv lla:.c-l.allitib, 11111\' t•rt>CL't:'liug·lo r~:'>rg1t­ltiZ<' tlwir !Iiiii'S, IIIUlll'll lltl: altll<><>l tl'fllllt:•ttahh! ((I~ Of

tftl'if· 1'<'1101\ m••! piidll'l'. ,J.Lilll'• .\(mphy, 'Kt;. ,_LUIH', j, ll• •\\'

Ltldug- thl~ [t·,,d iu tl.e IHhill"'' of bh w••Lih•r', ~t'-'"'•

:\1<:.\LlliFit .\Jth·d .\1 ... -'lulk-11, :u~o•liH•r ol our l.a:<t•­

l.:tll t•l:t.\ •·r~ ut' lust ) car, b all,• t.iy \<·d iu ti•e dry g''""l~ t,u.;i·a·~~~ ill ( 'hica~ll, hhy .\l:t<'. li .. 1 :he uuw a.,

·~ '""! ;tl Li~ !It·\\ 1\>•1'1~ a• lit· ll't'd lo~ Ill ~l. \ l.llPIII'•, :<i!Ol

Rpm-We know of llOt1.lUlg ddiu:te in regard to Tllonw Uyan, '85. lly tb6 In test we hcani of Wm, lie was Inking it eu<A 1u.d t'til'J, enjoying his vac-ation at his home iu D::~nville.

H·Jy-Mo:ws Roy, '86, ouq~pulsr musieiu, the J:l~Lria>b· C'i.J.urcb Ot'g':lrtist, whose kind mut>iool help we Cfi&Nd fot• tt while tu lose, is hack trunl u pleru;ure trip to hii hvrue iu \.':w:Hh, where ht• ~l'('nt his V:\t-ativn. He is

dc1·oting i!illJ!'eJf mot·e al:!bi•lnoubly then evct· t<.• his llHhir:d studit•s ami no doubt. wiU ~:>UCce<.'tl iu hi:; pr.lise-

wunlty mut.iti.,t•s. • ;::)aiudou --It w;~,; no lit!.lt> ;,.ut·prise fur msuy of us to

wect the Hmiling ftet' ut ~mucl Slliwlon, ·~6, as be in our lllidst t-Xt:bimwg; " I come to liv\1

with you agaiu. Sum will coutiune his cla~cll!tuJi~ th•l content with his C<llllll\tlrcial tliplwua of;t June.

('l•ll~:r-It will I.e n souree t.! plensure for the ul<l btttdcllt>' , ,f St. \'iateur's wl,o nre uow\tl hron•I-Nlst. in the worl<l, to hc~tr a few wonts in pmi~· ut' Tlh•UHIS

1 \Met· wh .~e Ul:tny geuiill llll ,litit>~:> t.hey t;till remembl.~r ' nn~l chl'ri~h. \\'e elip the fqllowiug from tlw McCook D<~tu(l<:rat, lle•l \\"illow l'ouaty, Nehraska. An{•r >tllll>>lltH·:ng !tim :.s e•.udhbt<" f<Jr rt:'pn·,.eHbti\·e, the p:qwr •tdd,;: · • .. \. n w;uJ Th •:'. Cultl:r pos»('sSI:'l; the douhle ad vant:Lf.r<! ._.r h~·in2; rhe sou vf tua old-tiu.<t'll ullll

cslt't'lllC l fanJJt•r of Li \'in,.,'bt<Hl couuly, Iltiuois, whusc fnuuly t'cctml h.t>~ been outofil<IIWt:lty aU<l indu11try,nn•l l!t·i 11g n IIIHll '•f e•l<lt':tti• •n :1n1l lt•uniiug inferior w none iu tl.e :;t;tte ul ~C'ltra.,lca. As a hlwyer we ha\'t.' to IJutluuk

at Lin• n.'<'' .rd~ of clttl' tlistrwt ~l!ld minor court~> where Wt>

liud !tis II:IHH' l'UltUt'd•·.J with •·it!:t>r dw dtJI~u..-t· or

pn>M·rutiou of rdnts~! t·\'t'ry ect,;c of iluportaucl!. The

h·~·i,l :t tlll't• t•l' llw 8Hitl' n·•1uiro, men of ~ultl• i••ut. jut\g.

tlli 11! Iii dl."lt·rmitw tlw tW<'«'ti.~ity ufn Hilutary :UHl !Jeue.

lh-1:tl !. g-i,[ ·ti.>ll, an•l .t lli:oo>, t'"'• 1\illt tit' tinu <'t>li\' t'·

tit •II to u-.t• :uul demnnd ll. For this l""'iti~tll Tug lJ..-.tu•·t·At n,,,.n, tl>:\t tit. 11· j, n•1 unn ill whom \Itt> ~-~~rllhiu:ttiun .. f"'•'iud 'l'll·•· ao~tl :tiJility b >:4)hrtppily llh·t

:•~ i11 ll<·n. Tho .... Coll;·l".

'"' ",j,, 'Y will <'\'1'1 l••·t.Jilttu•. t)'(.'pnll<•r-Edward tJ'l', ,n ll• ·r, 'Sio, i.~ "d·i"l~ ns s!.ip ..

\J,. itr· - \\';· lll·tt IIJ'<l \\''IIi 1111 \l .. ltr, ·..,,;, i~ :d,. .. ,,·y t ·in!.: ··lt•rk in ltj, htL. ,·, w!,,ll·s~ll•• l.!"r•~<·Ct')' ston.! in

It 1rd :•t 11 k \ltlh Jti, L1 •Liur "' .\li,,,, .. ,h. \\'o.: 1.-il! Jnoli::n:q"•li,, }tt'Ull:dth f, lH>; Jftf1J'\' :1 11 lll. h1!tl i11 ~;. ;'t·\\" fLl.\'"-:,

}):~JI\ -~ ;lt•IJl) 1":1tk ·""lo, •)• 1l!1' "'1' I'~ .....,,) tl 11 \\'1

j ..,,,

111tlll,\' ,.,.1·i d .1n::litt;·, W•' 11itl lun~ l<'lll<>tlll•t·r '·' ;.;- lll!

lw:ttl :tt•d ~"nl iuLn ltth ill t'''· llo · '' h·•uk-l,t·••l't·r j;,r "'Jo' .. rtl11· 1,, .•. 1 •:•Jt'l'"' u!' It,-, l!dl\ •' t<IWil, TP•_\', \hlnrt·~ .11 1•

h>l~ • Ill' 1,·,1 1\'t•hc•,;.

lllllll a•• ·- \\' illh111 1 ~·tittl·111, '1\1:, i., •·mpJ .. ,·,•d '·' th ld, l.rot\wr E L• u•l 110 I; , .. ,2·,. ·, l1r:~ • d~>thiu~ •tor•• in

( 'lii••·t~ '· \\ \' :tn· ln 1<1'.1 t" ,,.,.him i11 ~~~···· :1 hoi!.• · wl" n: th t• re 'ln' Ph'Uit.~P~ ttf di-ti!J ~ ni..,hill~. P~l··~ St·lf: ,·llf \\\•

l1"• '• ,,,r,,., \\'iji', ,J.t, l 'JI ·'I ·., ,

!{,.,. (-',·,. ltu n:ti••ll. :--!.:111 dt:lll nntl (;jiJhon,;, or•hiut.·<l l··~· .lutu•, ·tn 'ln!i••li •·• l rlt the c:t!ltt•tlr:tlg uf H:llt'!l(~ll-t,

1'l '1•:·iu~ :"''l li t•Ji \'•'r, lt1 .... p,·t·ll\'t..•l)'·

.. Fntlll'r I :jt,how•. ••tllllt p:t.~tur 111 tlw I><'IIH·r

r:lllu·dr•d, i'~''""'lk l :Ill :1hl·· l!<'rlllllll un Su11•ltly ut,:ht

Itt"'. ThP rw" h· ordHill{'d fttlt•·r is makiu~ t1 g•)<>•l Lt•. ;tinuin;! in hi• or;i!ori,·al t•lf.,rt.s" (l'vlurmlo C.tllt.,Ji,·).

l'·•th.·r "<•Utui., j, -.t:tli••llt'>l in }kl'lr•l,.ll'y, Miuu., ••n tiH· l•"nl··r- •·f J),,kn•a 'l't ·rrl tor.\·. Ill' [, J~btor uf tlw :• h••\('-J,all t•·• lph•·•• rmtl t .. n·l~ I•• lhr,.,.• mb~ioll!i, lllW ••f

""·· ' , '"'" ·:~ tl ,,. ln•r •ll ~of tit•· adjnia•in:z n..,.,.·nl·, "i~-


\ ~·


' '



" ...... .

,;. ...... rn .. ...., .. ~"~. ., ... i~ r·-r ~ •~' 4·~' .. " r U. tk~JO •II(Uu·•'·"" hi•h•1~ n::\_n~·ly; Mlolr. frd,ll'l Q,f! 5I.. P.sul; liJrt.lf,'lfty ,t(\'wktoo;*ndll~otr.N<i•l ·t•h•ll'lh of St. f 'I•>«J••· If· 1• '"b..,'"~ a t"ir (nt' Un..l:,•nt'ft• ••i bb i chlnrh n tl•• : •. • ;. ~tnot i. ~of flw-tol,.·r. ~by •• .-,-~,. (

lT'• ... n bl~ ftll" .. h•lir f.!ll•·"": F:~U~o~r J .. ,hm l'l ktt•l •~ 1t'ut•lc :tl thf' l'rendl rhn~<·h I

t.r Xn4«>r U·un•·· Cb""-""l<l''· lie f'njo·~- .. W"'"l a.,...,.,. Uw ln-ut.!,.... "r !h.· ntini.,try tn'lnhllly.

bt••\hh rlli<l ;


~~------------------------------------Ot'f'fCI-:."' I

~ U.-1·. flr. C. Fuutll;* r. :'-Hl~'l"i .. r. h'l._' n·tnm<'1l lo l f 'hk::lf('• JV'I"'uma•·mi•i·l 1 . .\ ,j, lk~<lho·!' !. r tlu· 11~>1~ ~ :\' ~'H~rt' ~l.tto >!. I

- ~Y. !U .. 1. )l,,...dt • .,,,r ·~····Hw•i llir•'- lr~r, rl'\., n~: I

ih4' (W ... Iti•.n l-..• h.;'!• tl!ll·•} 101,\l, ·\fdt I• >f ·"''' ''"' r r ' ~> llw"'O Ill II)) J I M'!'. j

-- J:, . ., . .\ lhi:n il!• Ill .. ··Ln;~· ..{ q,, :-- .. , il11l•·. h•· , fl.\~ f~ )'ti.Oiiif'·'fl ~fs:t~ dift.'' t.:''U ot th-t• '·"H'l "1 t\ !1·1 !f h~· ft~\!'1'

(•>:•"•·•I him-•• if ~·wh ;Ill dll• j,. t k:ukr. - ll••1·. t:. IA""~Ti:oo, llw ,,,., ... t.·,J _;,(tt •• r•li.~, ••1 ••11r in­

f n~ '·'''f'""~ 11' rt ... "'''5 • .. { H·i~·1lf't>. lu~ .,..,.,.,.h .. l f~>r "'' •·

(h~·r .' •·ur t lw 1 ..-d> 'hi<~ p of ~tH · 11 •. ll -~ t' ><' "'' e•·"·''~~ c•f ).,~,. p••!. t•\'N 0\tl~·~~·l hi, t•tf,rt... I

- Rn·. ('h:l ... l'rlt<•r h·· ll. 1•. rill• 'It·· , 1,,ir" ,.f l'ht !u.j ... ,.hy ·H~<I Tl~<·"l"!{.\. j

n ... ,. ~l .• \. p,~ ,!.1•..; ., mt.~o- . , •oidi.;i•..! lw.s L : •li•••tplm,lrill! ,,);!, ~lr ll•l••'' •· , ... ·'·•o~t !, :~ot '

~"fliur tft'Jt>H!H•• ll>r ·H~ J itf~t. ~~.·~!~ i.nt tli! 1 ' .f 1•\L

~·- ........ ~ .. 1..~ t\. ~ Ut·t. \"~ HH( ~· .,, ~~ ;·r·"' 1£' -,~f.: .• • . l I I'.' r~ ..

h~' t' 1~ ,l, .. •u'l:l~ :llitl l ~ n•Lt·4 tL•· ~jt.• t \ til 1u. , t ~ ..

\\'f.! tU.nK'ri11! tla.~ IHt• ,,.~ll •ll l11t fr••m J;.t.Mdaf"!l.

lt .. t~~n·,d, ('awul.~t. ""nk:b J[i-.t-. an 1\<'I.'"Uill "' tlof

~twl~nl~· ltl'iL h• tlw ! •I{ ~i•t• { >\tlw•lrnl:

- .. t·n·l"y '"(". I ~lh u~:, .. •. ·t·· ... d·H rlw • ~(•rw• .. 1 • •. 1

\ " iatf:'\lf tu Uw nulll~,.,r •If n1w htlll•ln·.t "''1'"11'! ··•n~<··l t., : .,,..., #A'W' \h,.\R.,.l it4 lllf'it·l~ut .. ~i~i!tvt th~> '"''ilr .,f •

tfl.f. t"-ttil("'ltal. ,\ l~t.•"utiJul 1\••·"'" .,.-, •• pn·••• n1t1! t .. ;

tt;., f,,..,f-bip ~h'""".fltl.-•nr Fah"' "''J'"' vrr_1 Into· lon~t 1

"' t·.sh.-r • llaDtf'"'fll4'tH', l<mtl)ri"T .,f lh• , . ..,,r~•h:\n: ho-IU!II"S' f•i t.h~ "f•tt>T. ft•· hu•f. t"\et ll'k•l ".\' I :.arl1 "I ;

M•llllft't'll. ""'"' <1\lfrHlllltlf>fl hy 1•; j>'l'flii~-Ot.; l'.>dl 1>("'1 \

rt"Jf !JJil llllflW cof '"'',-. <>I \tw '!'• .. ·hnn~<o or •~t•lh ll''o, llO•I • Uwo. RuliRl-.r «.t -.1url.,llf' r1'pr-•~tfll!.ll' ..,._h. j

J<~lh'1t• t ·,.,f.!..,tre w'l.~ n-•t•n,....nt• .. l It,- npw,,r,t. .. , I ';llllll-itt•INit<l *""l'trtloO.HiNI !.~- u .. ·ir ""'I"'"'' u •.. I«~·. i fall;..-.r<> ( l~u•Jn. '•rl•'rl'•f, 1•. "'I··· -~<•. l'tof•" 1 .. f

d.,', ~1. Pro( ,,f tnn!<i<'., 1 ... t'h:~rh-t,..i, .. Prot ~·f pl.iln•·ntth~ • t•. A. lldiL•\f'!;''• Pro.f. of Tllf'<>l<"!cy. )f. t'••n ... ;nau, l'r.,f. 11f Rheh'lric 1\n.J lf. 1'. 11-•!!ndry. )lr\rt!<b Jlf'i,~f. ui .J •h•tl••.

,.., S~wJ,•nt ... ·f t 1 i• 1'1>ll~ h."'T~ •u.,.·rit ..... t t\~O.t'14l for a •iwi••~ •. ( llw ol .. m .... Tlt.- ~~i:,n.•• :ru·tin--..:1 at

~ A. )" :tn•l rf'lt.rrn•··l !\t ,·, P. \L Tln• f,.u .... in;: :-t.r.. ""''"'' .,f th~ mlut,. <"<•H••t.-.;"' !\wl

:'ll"ll•1rmk ... -h~~<•'-" r"Jlr..,...,nh-.1: .1nlit•Hr Cull~. u,,, ~h·••l~ .,f St. J,~plt •h· L,·,-i ... 'L Hf'mi. St. t:n~t...,<'h".

L'\ l'·.fnlf• Ml'( Trt'n,l.ft-:o. L.11 ('ulf' :'t. 1.\;ul~. J\olu,•lN•r·

Yill. Mill" 1-:nd. ~t.. Rn·•·· JW:orlhiM', TeTn•lw'!flll<'. Y· ·r· • :ot•f'•, "'· Thimothl-.•, 1\.":''uham.,ilt, \'MHh'>•ull. ji;L .1('"tl lt'IJ>fi-!lh• ,,., ~fnntrt-11!, :m•l tJw ~.,r!\n•l nnmh tn~ti-

' tt '•' ..

lJI!; fHI :>I' I\'~-

,\ lllf'<·\lflt: ••f tlw Tlw~pinn A~~K'ia. ti• •ll "''"'" l'ltlt.-.1

~·I•t. I~·. t~ •r the- pnrpn-t~• Ill re.)n:.rnnb.inll for ttw !1<0'1\~)11

nrttl ""'''~1111.! the .. m. H11. fo'r. llh llnt who WIUI nmmim­

""·l~· dt '«'~''' t.y lh•• """·iety f\.1\ its mo•l<'rnt••r n•'1't>pWt1 tlw nfh•·•·· AR•·r thf' ll'<ttl\l I~IJ., Hw nili··•~ 'K'f'f''

thll" ~oth•t! nnt:

'fr. IIH\'1'_\' l.t•>.rri~ ................... .

:\tr. T l Ofll:l• \· fill•>\ l·· '' . . . . .. '· I ti'!:H_I .

l'rr ·•c.nrc' \h .J.,h•: I,, d•kll ....

\h. \\'it1•1tn ' ""'.' ,, , .. .l \Ill!'' Jl,•\'l'll• \ j

~rr . .J,,.,, ~ J: • .,, h , .... ' tl_• ~•fl1>4'f~f•'f··

.\(r. 1 •-• :-.r 1-\11-., . .r :r.••·H Ht><•'1l :\hn"l!'' r .\t ., .,,t,.,..,,n, . .,, ton·\10,.! lt1>· f,.JI..-.~~:in~ m w nwu•l .. ·r·

"'''n' ~·· •l••d in: M· ·~"'-t'<, 1'. \\"tl .. tA{'h, \V. ( ':tldll. J. lk>n­

n••tl. E. l~·tm• II. .\ l.••:wh. L. Om..r, 1-. 1.'''1."'· .1. l~l!b~tu. A. I'N\1•·r • • 1. )f,,.•n•, l-'. HUrtt"· ...,, ~m•lnn •. I

11 "' . m·1 .1 .\1 • •.•. .~ 1-. T t .. •u•m'~o•r .. r m• rill·• I· :11

i·"'!, . ,: I• ·~1. l lw h·•H,.r•n 111<111!"·111 nr•· :\lr .·l~•·••·.

.\I r. l 11111, an•l :\I ,...._v~. ,\ ruhl"'""'' >~rt•l A l<•x i ;r''r, '"''"

•<~th Br ... triL!Illl•. ~tillt .. • ••Hr •<t•nh' 'H1l•tll.

h "" •lr-fHIPd lnh'\\1"1111 ••nt••rt.!l!ntllf'fil. ''" tlw , •• · ,.f ~t. \ iAk11r'• It"~ io r. .. nur o( 110r•m. 4 'rr­

t,-,jn ptR.\''1 \VI'ff• '<11~!(1"<1\c'<i :'JO•l Wlf'fll fr~r, nthf"n Wt'r•·

f'v\lt< J...-1 f, if • · 'll m i foil I i HI\,

011 moliun tll~"t'!tn;: 1\•l.l'"''"~"l

... j. 1'.\ l' ........

F .. r n, •. 1"1'1~ .. , ... f "ff""'li· lt fh·· itnlll•"l .• t. ...,.. ••!

'.~. p·l~tH ~· ... hL'f"l:fY "-n ~'t h f IH-~lt;J .• t,:;·.:. ·t~ 1 ,,.,,~ }'ro-

1"""'~ 1 ,,, •·lnH'"'""· ,,h.- •·l·l "'' 111'·•·r- l<~<tu•l tl :v i-r••'~·

' "F-,.


ble to ·call a meeting for their ele~tion and transacting of other business.

Fr. Rivard assists as Moderator. The offices are held as follows :

Mr. Alex. Granger ..................... . . President. Mr. Thomas Normoyle ........ .... . .. .:Vice .President. Mr. Harvey Legris . . ...... . .... . . ... ...... Secretary. Mr. Oscar Knox ..... . ............. . ...... Treasurer. Mr. Paul Wilstach . .. ........ .. .... Sergeant at Arms. Mr. John Golden ........................ . Librarian.

Messrs. Cleary, 1\lcGavick, Frazer, and Saindon were elected members and on being notified entered the meeting where they received an enthusiastic welcome.

The regular meetings of the society will be held as usual after St. Viateur's Day.

It was propooed by some member and seems the sen­timent of the society to have the rules of the constitu­tion and the by-law:~ printed for the accommodation of all concerned. As a great deal of the success and good tone of the society depends upon the observance of society rules it would be desirable that all werefamiliar with them. The Moderator was requested to select a committee who will investigate and take proper steps for the execution of the projel't. The officers of the So­ciety are the acting committee. There being no further business adjourment was moved and carried.

H. Legris. Sec.

Le Cercle Moliere.

The Cercle Moliere under its same management has decided to play a drama for the entertainment on St. Viateur's Day. The plays are coming from Montreal and all will be in working order in a few days.

G. Sec.


It is our very sad duty in this· the first issue of the Journal to announce tbe death of our former classmate, Eugene A. Dory. Although he was with 'us but for a short time, we remember him as a pious, well applied student, and a model companion. At the time of his · death he was a little over fiftPen years of age, and had been an invalid for some ten months previous. Death came to him on the evening of September 12. We can­not but recall those beautiful words of our director, spoken at the death of our little fnend Willie Reaume: "As a gardener in selecting a beautiful bouquet pluck!l the fairest and most fragrant flowers first, so the purest and most innocent souls are first chosen from the great garden of the world by our God to adorn heaven." We present the family with our most sincere condolences.

R. I. P.




The ordinary calm that rests about the village of Bourbonnais, was ruffled last Wednesday by . an event of unusual gaiety. The twenty-fifth anniversary of Father Beaudoin's ordination to priesthood was the oc­casion which sumnwned his many fri ends to these silent groves. The arrival of invited guests and the serenade by the gentlemen of the village band in the evening, presaged a day that was to be made joyous and glad­some on the morrow. As such it proved to be. The weather was all that could be desired and though a week day, which means a Jay of labor, farmers left.their work in the field, the villagers their business in town, to share in the feast's proceedings.

Long before the stated time the ' parishioners gathered around the church which was well decorated in the interior, to attend solflmn High M:ass. At the appointed hour the holy sacrifice was offered up in thanksgiving by Father Beaudoin, with Fathers Chouinard and Goulet as deacon and subdeacon. Contributing much to the solemnity of this ceremony, wll.ll the good singing from the choir accompanied by the organ and orches­tra under the able leadership of Mr. Therien, who was kindly assisted by Father Mainville, Father Rivard, a silvery- voiced tenor of the congregation of St. Viateur, and Brother Main~ille, a violinist of no inferior order.

In the course of the service Rev. Father Poulin, a venerable priest and one ofthose who, twenty-five years ago, imposed hand~ on the newly annointed of God, paid in feeling terms a fitting tribute to him in whose name we were assemble<;]. The reverend gentleman re­viewed briefly the life of the present pastor of Bour­bonnais since the latter's elevation to sacerdotal digni­ty, and captivated his hearers' attention when reach · ing the present scenes of his life and works.

"The great achievements," he said, . "which have crowned his incessant efforts, speak to you eloquently in testimony to the fact that his has been the character . of the true priest who is another Chdst on earth; and could it not be said that the important institutions of this favored parish, which have been reared by his un­tiring zeal and energy, are the fair blossoms of th~J.t

mustard seed of faith which he planted 'mid toil ·and care and many times watered with his tea·rs:" After setting .forth the many motives which should incite us






., j

-~-----------~-------'-------~----·- ------~-----------· -;

to grH.titude thi:.; day, tl:e urator cuncltided wit it nn ear-, nest exl.wrtntiou in this cJ irection to all present. After 1.\'Iass, followet1 an iltterc~tiug portion or the clfty's pro­graw, t.lw token of e:;tcern a.nd grrrtiturle presented to tiw pastor Ly the parishioner:;. The girt cons isted of an OXtFtisite fruit basket appropriately laden 'vith ~ilvel·

eoills amounting to up1vard:; of $:3nO. Sheriff L<:>tom­

nea\1 rcn.r.l iu clear tone.:.;, the ace<Jm p:~nying arlrlres::>, to

wh ich Father Be.~. ur1oin replicrl i11 tlt:tt plensing nHtllJJCr

for which l1e is noted. At this momc:nt appeared on the

ccne, the genial <.;onntcnauce of F:tther Mar~ile, wllo

invitcc1 -the guests to the spaci• "':; ball of the college where numcron~; tnhle,; were sumptnonc!y spre:t(1 a11d

wbere niusic a,ncl song C<•llllll<tllrled our divided attcn­ti()ll througlw_ut tbc rep:;.st ..

Aruong those se:1cted, w·ere: Father Goulet, .Juli et; Father Hirtz, MoutJ·; F:tth ;: r L;;ngbi f;, St .i\f:Jry's;

Fathtor Cholliuanl , .\fantell(Ji F:ttlwrJ:>ar:Lrli;;, Kankakee:

" Falh~·r Gonan, UitelHJ,nse; Fatlier L(' s:~gr·, ~t. Geor.C\·e ; I F:tthr"r Clancy, "\Vootl;;tocli:; Fatber T"0111ey , (;}tin:tg:o.

i:athPr Heilly, <+ilm:1u; Derard, St A111:e; F:: titer

l'eny, Chi<;ago; Dr. Fr:•zcr, K:mknke<.!; Mef;h rs. L<:>gris, s,atlit51J.)', Byron :J.JJr! ot.hcrs !rom BlH!!')lUiltli!tS.

In the rrn.e rJJ ()O.ll, . a recc pti011 w:;s teu<leret1 Lue

1-even:tnl ['Mii.or l>y the sisters t•f th: ·. G()ng rcg:d, ion of

l\'11tn: lJ:tme,. a nd during tl.Je thy lilllt!<:r<> tt6 cougmLu la­

L· ' ~'Y Jetter~ aw1 tekgrmns were n·<·<·i Vl'<l f't·nJ!l t.ltt,~l'

wlw:,e aiJscnel:l mt.:; tlll a v vidaL le. The Ltoro of t!tc oeea~ion, Father Benwloin, was

llun1 iu th e lnttnllle p::ri slt uf,-.:,t. p,,11l, C:I.!Ja<l:~., \VIteu yt.:t t1 c!Jil<l , hi~ p:tr<.!ilts l' l: ll!On~ti to ,l ,,[j('t\,(•, C':tila< ·,,~..

where lw (ll'Lerw:trds pttr.'3lll~<1 :1 full eoun;e of c[,,,~!es

:11:<l tile"logy. U :w ing c•>llllJiekd his er::('l<;:; ia:;tiC":d etlU­

c:ttion, the youug Lcdt..; ,v:l.S tiUl!lltJIJl1ed t o lVI onLtTa.i hi' hi:; ;--;nper ior~ where he w:t~ "l'<bined ! 'rit~:,(. hy tllf:

l:1 te Bi:,lwp lhurgct. \Yhile the oil or tinction w~1s still

frP:<il upon hi~ eooseerated ltan<ls, a eall t\Jr <~ssisL:mcn

wa;; made by Fathel' C•Jtr~, in t:tv or or th· ~ hr ot.r mi8~­

irm of Bnurl10J!l;nis tlwn under llis Ci!.I'C. Tl.Je l'<~iee li,nucl a resprHJsive ~'elw in th<~ hre:t;:; t of tlw .\' '"'ng prie.~t. ]n answer to the request, with prompti.tlt•lt· '' I"I ~encrosity worthy of a, foreign mi8~irm (H',\" , he : .. rr LO!m:,

co untry an<l ali th:ct wa:; dear to hitn , to l>ring· sadly

n<'crlcd aid to the <1istant. mission of Jllinnis. On e~r r iv­

ing witb two hrutltP-rs iu religion, h<.' fnund the pl;~ce

s lowly recovering from the ;;evcwe shoek~ snstaittc)<1 in

:1. recent schisw , rwd immer1L.Lely si!L :tbuut forming the importnnt ingre . lient~ ,,r :t p:trish, wltich its

sehools. Sine<> then, almo~t ninckl'it .\ c:JJ·~, ;~go , ti"' ['rl)p:n·~s

of 1,\tc h~' s been n 'nt:t.rk:: l• l, ·. 'l'lt<~ bln:tll <ii~irin1 ..

,c:honls whif'1J "·'·re nnc·c• , h.1• ictl 1'\' i h;· ht ., ·.f '";·

1•· . . ' ' .

F:~tlwr lkau tloin lu.s 11(J\V :lttni11t-cl tltc fi f1.y-tbird yc·:~,·

of his life, the \:1st t.\Ycnty-fi.,·e ofwlti:ch have been spent. 1n the ctrd uous bhors or the ministr . He is a man (l[

prepossessing appcaranee , ~dfable in manner and;plcasing in convers:ttion, be wins the fuYor o:E every-one he

meets. He is esteemed nn<1 respec}ed JJy his 1(:1llow priests iu the ;;rd1-<liocese of Chicago, ,but singularly w J,y tho~e of' bis floc.k. The widow :md orph3.n eannot soun

forg;et his con"oling words in the s<vl hour of tlteir hcro;ovewent n.ur the pour his, substantial friew1shi[l in

tlle ir' nee(\ ur r1ist.ress. Tiwugh time aJl(1 labor have he-

8prinkled his vonr:rn.ble hea,ct" with grny hairs, his vigo1·

uf mim1 am1 affection of heart nre ever yuuthl'ul antl strong;, a11(l !:is l.Jc[tlth.indiC'ates a long life aud the very

prob:1ble celolm:ttion oflris gol<len .inbilee. , P.~

~· J{ankul"ee Times,

C.\THOI-siC~ NOTEH. l'

Tit~:ru ar,, atr pr<.'~<·nt T.l torcign cnr<lin:-~.b and e4, tlte S;:UJ'' number <.> 1' 'canlinals. Thi~ ncv(,J' oec m­

re,] ]JOJ'( ll'e in t.J;e lii~t.ory or the P:t.p:wy. Tltt3 l:'ope has ll~:utkctl the En1per"rs <>f Cel'lnany

anrl A ustria lt>r luwiug cousidcred th•J eriti,·:tl cu.udiLi• .n of tlJC Ilnly St'e in tl:cir recent 1ncctit:g :tt Uust<,:iu. Tltis kit.dly (1isll ·.~iLit):l ,f Lite Ewl't::n;r, l1e:;rs :~ <lcup signifie:!l1CC J'(J l' th·>."'C IYliU l! :\\' C ~I k:J<)Wh;rlg<~ vf t,ltt: prc­

SCIJt politic~ E>t' l<:nr(!pv. TL:rcc: yc;\l'S ,,go ([ IC Oido \Vt):'tt<.!rn rrc:30l'VC, of wbich

Clevdaw1 is Llte liH'tr"l'''lit:lll, was ti:tl mu~l l>iguLul :;ection in tlu' cOlllltry, wiLit ~:atiJoliciLy weak :tlttl till­

known. To-rby the Catholie;; :\J'C one-funrth or t):w [!• >[llt ­

lation, t:1.ki11g [ll'<.IUliDC!li nllk in all tht~ C<tllings Oi' Jilt: with lnrge and h:Jt:•bntnc: :;lm rdi<'S, sclwob, colleges,

asylulllt<, etc· . (:New y,,rk Tal>kt)

}\ Uermail l':tjwr s"y~ ~h:tL one of the rcsElt:; of 1· 1 .. •

penc·c b<.!twccm Prlls~ir~ :m11 Lhc Vatic:nn will prolwlll.r /;c the mt urn of Lhe .fcsaits tu Gennnny . Ij.'tJ XIII iildeed has alwa,ys lJceH ioJU(1 in l1is pmi::;es of t he Society (11

.Tc~us an<l i t is ~mt btl'ly t.l!at Ito gave tu the world ~~.

strikiug prooi' of his gre:tt love and csteettt l'11t' it. The wealth ol' the Ca.~lwlic Cllureh in tbe Province ur

Queuec call only lte gnc~scd at, for no <lata ean lx: ulJ­

t~l iuc<l f•Jl' it::; compntn.tion. Jt (IWil:< :t tltir·1 of tlw ,,.rea of t]H: eity of Q1WfJCC, nn,( iL i~ tlte largest property

!J,,[tler in ]Hilt tlTe:J1. 'J.'ho t'Sktte~; uf' f'OVL:raJ of the relt­gious orders, as t\l() Grey N UiJ ,~ a.nd ilie Ursulines, yidd. prine<·ly ruvcttll''~. Ht!!. i.ltr Clmn·h's renl estate fol'Ulb

th<> sn1all(•sL porti o11 oi' it::, wcnll,h. ( Nvw Y"rk Tnhldf A hdy IH··l,li,'.':i".'-:' Lo Oli(i !1 f: fiw most ii-

}n:--;tri ~ 1ll!'-' Et~ri ~;_w:i n (': ! lnil i v.~-;, :t.\1.

11\·1· rr:l .·1t. i · ;·:~ ;,;·~·~..:.iHI:l),\'.'i i·l ~.

' ' •·llltreh. h:: ,.,. (

1qt\ VI 1 >I. I ~ j_ ' 'j I 1 II ' . \. I ' ~ i'. ) ' j,•



o£ Lltc Ei1glbll l'ass ionis ts, n,vcnue Hoche; Paris. For the vresent she wi shes her name, in connect ion wit h this happy event, kept secret. for rc:tsons pcr;:;onal to !Jer ­solf: l::llte will however soon allow t lle [JUblica ti on of her name, and also furni sh the Jctails of the eireumstauces which, u nd er God , have le1 l to her recept iun into the

tru e F old. Four years ngo F n,thcr \Val<l rou was as,; ign ec.l pnstor

of Pullman, near C!Jicago. !VIr. Pullma n, who then pos­sessed every fo ot or his :ittle city, would not f(>r the world ha ve sold au inch of it to the new priest who in­tenclecl to b uil d a. church there. Other churches been built and lensed by t he g reat owner anrl a Ca tho­lic church would also h:we been bu ilt all(! l e1~sed by him , for good rental, had not the policy of the Ch urch forb idden such propl'ietorsilip . The priest then hn,d to seek a location at some di stance from t.he town to the grent inconvenience of the parishoners. The zea­lous pastor di<l not give up his intention iu d espair. After t bese fo lll" yenrs of inconveniences, he is now al­lowed by Mr. Pullman !Jiruself to p rocure within the li­mits of the city n splenJ i(l loc~ttion fo r his chu rch wh ich will be bu ilt in the Roman S ty le, ata eo::. t of $ 10,000 .

H eart-rending d etai ls of persecutions of the Cbris­t inns in ce1 t ·<in parts of Chinn, are g iven in tile U~ivers of the last clays of August. T I1e poor habita tions of t he Christians and tile ch urches, or chnpels, a re sacked and Lumed , th e pr iests ar e seourged and d ragged in t!Je street..~ l>y the inf uriated populace, and . e ven children iin cl litt le merey nt their hands. Y et nmong a ll the~e

trials it is wonderful to note how calm and res ig ned arc i hc good missionaries. ..Will not these suffer iiWS

'(' t')'

these sacrilkes, and mar tyr Lloms, bring clown blessings, upon those poor mission:;? \Vill tl1 cy not clraw cl own

------------- - -

gmces of conversion · upo~ that mul ti tmlinc us nation sitting in the darkness of superstition and i<loln.try r­I t was in the t ime of the persecutions of its emperors t hat Rome wn,s [,e iug converted !

Amid the political llisturbances and confu ions wbi uh excite the world to-day, it is cheering for the Catholic heart to be :1ble t o f"inJ perso ns who can raise themsel­ves above the busy turmoil of affairs to r ender d ue homage to God and His Saints. Weare d aily ed ified by the. t:~;ccounts of pilgrimn,ges g i veu in Cn thol ic pn,pers. Bttt the other cb y, the F rench papers were publishing ex tens ive details of their National pilgrimage to the miuacn lous sn,nc­t uary of Lourdes. B' iftcen thousa nd perse>ns !Jall come from all parts of FmHce to join toge tile r so as to g ive a solemn proof of their venern,tion to the im mac ulate Queen of Heaven . They m<Hched hu mb ly and reverent­ly throug !J cities and towns nnminclful o r the hell ish scorn a ud derision of at!J eisis }.lJ id unbelie vers. Tltc sick nncl the infirm, t o the n nm be r of 800, to ll owe<l with the mult itu<.le, un ti l finally all hud t l:c lwp['iuess of fin rli og t hemselves in the holy retreat of L uunlcs. The devotions of t he pilgrims were presided o ver by bis!Jops and priests, numerun s miraculou:> curca were recorded afte r beiug te~Lific t l to by ab le p lty,; i ui<<I IS, n iJrl

after mn,ny fer vent p rayers h~c<l beea offered t"o r F ran ee n,nd ror the 'vVo rld, the pi lgr ims ehecr£Ltll y rcL nmcd home to t ';cir ocenpation !:' , bcari11g i11 their so nl s Lite remembra nce o t ltnly imp•·css ions whieb ne ither Lim e nor cteruity will ever ' VVc m:ty Lwrc rC1tn rk 11t:1t

nil t he pi!g rim s hn,d ret:ie ve<l the speuia l uless ing of H is Holin ess, th e P upe, to whom on th eir arriva.I in Lour<lc\~

they hacl addressell in the IJ:il11C or Fr:~nee a letter replete with t he most tilial sent ime nts or ll cvvtiou :1t td respect to the P~I]X1 CY .



l\1 n,n u fact urers antl Den lers

LUMBER. A h rge :mel complete nssor tment

of Lumber, Lath , Shingles, P osts, · S:1sh, Doors, Hlincl s and Mou lllings

In I ,UJ\IBI<:R, LATH, :::i l-IINGLES 1 :1 ! ways on ltnnc.



K:tukal<ce, Ill.

Opp. Ill Centml It. R Depot.

L. E. :FOHMAN .. r. FlJJtMAN. B. E . COON. Office of

FOIUTAN & COOl~ . r r a.rt.iea.l h ous f', an cl D PaltTS i n \Vall

l ':q,c r and ' Vindow Shade:;, Pa. i n tl' e~ ' Stnck an d Tools. :Pape r H a n g·iug· aufl DccoTatiug . ()nt~ ~~oor S ~)Ht.h Ot rus t l)t!lt.:e , l L ·\XIC\K I;; F. , li.L.

F illi ng l:lrgc orders fo r Dimention Lumber :1 Specinl ty.

Yn,nls, on E:1st A venue, K ank::t kce, Ill. , 2n <l . Yarcl North Conrt Str eet, and nt 1\'fomence, hetwecn C. & L. I . an <l Riv c1·. Ad <l res , J. K. EAGLE, K ANKAKEE, ILL.

DRAZY & SON. Ge nern l Bl:·Jr;ksmith,

Hep:1 ir s of Mnchines, \Vngons, Pl ows, ::tn cl Horse shoe ing.

All work cl<me on short Not ice ancl g ua.rantcccl.

K ear Lite Hi vcr. K:uJk:1kec, Ill.

J First Y anl North of Court Street, t I Opposite Johnson's Gmin H uttse. )

Il itrd Co:tl Dir l}v t from llrc;tkor at


liard Wood W;tgon Stock it Spcci;tlty .'


ARCHITECT. Roms 5 antl ll ,


' I


"I!' •



i I''·


' · l I

~~~ llli~t:eule'~ ~ Qt:oll~g~, THE CoLLEGE affords excellent f:wilities for study, and the acqui.renl'~nt of a thorough knqwledge of

MODERN LANGUAGES, MATHEMATICS, CLASSICS, MUSIC, -CIENCE, P HILOSOPHY, and THEOLOGY. Most careful attention is paid to the business training of y0ung men, and a thorough practical knowledge of BOOK-KEEPING and COMMERCIAL LAW is imparted by skilled Professors. ...

The br~s t authors and most approved system of teaching are adopted in al1 grades of the College. Students m~y enter at any time. Term and t uition will begin with date of entrance.

Terms for board and tuition $200.00 _per annum. Catalogues, and any desired infurmation will be carefully given on n.pplica ion to the Director.

REv. M. J. MARSILE, C. ~. V. St. Viateur's College, Bourbonnais Grove, Kankakee Co., TIL


~$) ~o (~~hu:ltam1to STATIONERY~

No. 12 COURT STR EET, B o oks .. N e -wrs;. Music~ KANKAKEE, ILL, BASE·K~ ,,r,s aud ·BA·rs, F lSlHNO TACKLE.


C. H. ERZINGERS Is the pln.ce to get choice Ice-Cream, Fruits, Nuts, Cn,ndies, Oysters, Cigars and Tobacco. The largest I ce-Cream anrl Confectionery Parlors in the city.

Cor. Court St. & East Ave. KaNKAKEE, ILL.



Dearborn Avenne, 1st. Door Soutll of Court. St.

East Sirl e, KANKAKEE, ILL.

PETER W ALZEM, Grower of


Warsaw, Hancock Co., Ill. REFERENCES.

Rt. Rev. ,Jos. MELCHOR, 'Bishop of Green Hay n t . Re,·. M. W nl( , Bis1Hrp.o[ T.ea vwortb.





BRAYTON & CHRISTI AN D I~ALEHS in 1\'Ien 's , VVomeu's, ' and ehil cl ren's fine and m edium Shoes : ttl so all sizes ;m d gracles of Boot.s . Special iiH.lll tC JII CI! l3 for

Stu dents Two doors north of Post office.

K anka.l,;ee, Ill.

l(ERR BRO'S, HARDWARE:, STOVRS , mOL·~ . STEEL, TINWARE, NAJ LS, Etc., J ob work •1onc iu any part of tl tr County Cor. Court St. and Schuyler Avenue.



H ctrdwa·re, Stove.~ and 1'i,nwa1·e, IRON, NAILS and WAGON STOCK.

NO 13 EAST A VENUE, l{ANKAKEE, I LL. J obb·ing Done to Order.

D. Q. SCHEPPERS, M. D. '!~;: .

2 92 Lar1'ab ee St. Chicago, Ill.


Will be in Bourbonnais on the 1st of each .Month.


Wholesale P aper Dealers. A ftllll ine of C a rds and W edding good·

k npt constantly ou hand. Nos. 173 & 175 Adams Street,

Ohioe ... go, Ill. .l!'.l:UW ZI.PP.

The oldest. 'B(•ot & Sltoa House in t he. City, CustoJners will aJ \Va,J·s lw.v~ good Barg?..Jns. - No. 17 ConrtStreet , Kank <tl<ec , 111.

FARMERS1 B11y your Coal of and sell your

Hay to

A. F. MEYERS. Oflicn a nrl Vvnlo nt J:ourl •m•r;ms Cros~mg of

. I.l.&I. H.( •. TelephOllf; No. 131. KANKAK EE, ILL.



~ "' ~ .......... .

~T. VIAT:El.i H'S l ' l >LLl~GE J OU;R

--=----_-... ....:::·-=:=;:::=..-· -----·--=====-=--=-=-==-=-=--=======:~~~~=====-.::.-.~--~


Grr:'nanj French and:fimerican Pharmac1. (· , ~··. . .. t ~~·. ,l'-l_ i·Jt'reha;lt ;::,t, K A~.KAKK..E, ;J]l.

1\rA~p-i ~.·~ ·n.;t .:..utly ota l..if:t.Hd a fu!1Une- v t

!lfl!JfiS, Ml!l i!:IN!S, PAINTS, Oil~ ET!l, ETC. .. ·.l~ t a t:JJI' l!hf' dl Toile.i ArtldPs of all kinds,

1' • !H:; c ·~-~i.l.J' j tl.'(.lt\ T ohtH:c:,> .. :; ,... _'....t.l L .\::to SK1~ ME .. _~.£.oi:l


C ONGJtE(}ATIQ, OF l"\OTRR DAME. Thi~ Institution aftorcts every advantage t.or

i' om•g L&ll ies de~irous of ohtamit•g a •c•Uii and llui s l.t~t! otlucatl uu. l'or particular" avply tv

Mother Sup\:rior. Notre JJame A<:>adcmy,

Buurbonnai ~ GI'OVei .R ankakeP Co., II. -- ---~-·----~------- --p t C: k tlCH(10 L llOUK~. LKGAL HtA, ' KS.

l~OVt~W-.i~f.WAl'i-~H.W&ctS,<· ILL. R A l ' J{ E. HELLAM Y. ._.k i H;J.·;~i i-\ turt' () .r,eh·r ht-firor~ri~~~ HEA LEJI IN

j" \ ~·" .• ! ., 1 r::!'d" ii.rt', ( ':;tleF,:· . <~1;-t l;~war·e. . ... ~ ,; ;J k~·f-'J·~ ~·t·!l .. ~~ aHf 1,\ n11 ll:.lJ·d a 1:1.rj!"'.;

q,,.;.,_n!HEAl:·Y -f,.lAl.IEC L l iJ~ ~.( ;,


'l\_l.(lbf! ; n :H·~·~ i i,f C'! l~ · h:c l'on! t~oat=-r!es

('~·,~rf'd Ji'"'ds 1 .1: ki ods i•t Fruits l,.L"'>it a.nd

~;·.(~.· ,.,,; ,; .. i~~ "(j~'(i()'ii~\f:~N~· ~ .., ·:.. t East Awnn~,

Knnkah:ee. ------------- ----------- --

-.j{)HN G. K NECII'l\ ·----~-- ____.........- --·-·----,

'j'~-,~~~ h::;, \' (1.!).-,L·S, fll tllitiJung \. fl•U~b.

\\' i ::-:.n.l, !t.ttl>J' l•"i110 Shirt~.

J\0'-. •) A~.; D !· COC'HT STREET.

Kan }{akt'C, ill . --------- -- ---------

----l::i)i:ii)LET & BUOT!1ER

Duy· ths Emery $3 Shoe - AT -

l fi lU} l ,ET BRO'T1 IERS.

\'. I'Hl!.l'.b:. ~· .r rl · 1· 1' t • 11 1

1 , ::y·:. · .. 1~ ~11>l~ .:: :-;tiiTI', J\:~:.l~akel', IlL ;'!' 1! ·.f l . -t 4-., \\ nrk ;,•,n:• :-:~n t-, · , · 11.

,,d.·Jtl ; -~, .... ;;,; .· ''\ it•·lL

' \ ·-' I ~·' ·\. • •. '< ' \ ·, , . :.. l 'I : • ! I'~:,

f llf!t l\\• !;tr ~·· ct,.__ •• q.~ ·-lad F :·llt·· 1~·h~e .-:: ' ·'-'~• ~knt

r tf· 1 •• •1 ':• t ,.-(. ·. -·. t 1 I' 'it .:•t \I ;•l'k,•.

Cl·~AIL\~1 & ~~.O~S. f" w·' t·}l ti! f't lllt"·f'l~ f'•\q;\ t~, J,.j ~-~-- :•-' i 1 SJ•h l))

STATIONERY. Bonl< s , News, !dush·.

W"'U-Pa}H'r, Vliu(low Shades. KAKKAKEE, ILL

TOYS l'ICl'U!tEH. BABY ('ARHfA.(;f!S.



C. P. TO\VNI{END. Ea~r Av<'.1 ci,>or MOHtll nt Kn<·(('th';; Rinck.


A CARD . .. GP ..

T o all wl.iom it may concc•rn. H:1ving atlopted t.he One. Price

Systmn to all my Patrons, I will gi vc a fnrt!Jer discount of lt) Pl-r cen.t to all Clergymen, I'r<•te~sor~ u:Jcl Stu. den t..; of Bourbonnnis (\)!lege. Call at the Philadelphia One P rice Cloth­ing ll:tll S , :rLh \V. Cc)J'. o~ Court St. aut! E~sl Ave. Kank~the, Ill.

~I. Rohrht:imcr, Prop.

\\' lLLL\111 DAHl' liE.

G roC•'rie,; ,

Dry Good!>,

Ymtkec • 'otions.



Print<:t'S it' the Holy Apost.•Jlic :·,!.,, 1'uUfi.d,m n •1d BookJel!t~tS/

Al~u tnHJHtf'~t.:turers and impvrters of

~.fnn;:h (l}rruuufnt~ nnu ~f~1meut~.

No. :?1.,;; :-:o !lth Fclurth St. ~

Ku~ch and ~r2. :ra. ~ '· · l>ropdf'tors ,,

Tbe old ll~&lwna,n, 1~~- hu· .. 'P RESCRIPTION OH'uC ~-i C l':F..

Whr:ro yuv.·c,u: 1hul th!' Largn ... t < • -1 ·· meot of If (tiT -~n·l Tr.vth nr"!:.t:llt~~~ ·--._-L,·i . '- ... c ·- .. l"l"rfttUtE'n' . Hoa.t,s , R}.: 'J tt-:to: an l .~tl .,··-.tH·< .. 't'- ··~ lJrnggl ~t S'lll<~ri<•>. 1 •.

All 3h(n!.! d g1v t> ~t:Prn n c.;:~-~: ~

No.{>.Cora:rHT. --_.·~; ,,-:.·•-"' ·_-!, ~~. ul

' Fhrici" " r\. ,, u, 1 , i \ EAST C'frT'f>.T ~'l'IU·> T

. KA:\l-.\1\ET::. D aler in .;h ·\ ~<.•.q; h- "' · :· · .. : ,; .. .-(-,.· .

hranUs ofF! •Hor. ~: •. , l • '"· L: r: . ··•l: •! .c . a la~e a~RtHtJ!l t:ont \.d F( ct) ~·~ ; Prc •• i ~ i.-.· P1ea~e C"a11 ot JH ! -~ ·~\· 1i1i':' 1.:. f't~·~· f!u.:'t...

1\H) pla\."t· (·!,..e. ·---

H. L. Crawford ?{. Ci:., .. Wil3t£SAli. It RtL'.::.

GR.OCIL; ;; ~ , - o. 30 C<)1lrt ~~~ ··t•!''!.

''·· ' .• ,.. .. 1..

<:.>u.tfit~ tii.•r :.; ·- ... \' \, ''.• ·· Sen1l f,>r t~~h .Hl l(·'-. ~ WTYESE!f .. co.,

Foundry, &. Print m" '3upplies. l'Jpeotmen Eoo!i: 1e>1 rl F!'lhn'~t-es upon

'l:::>PliOI<tiOOl. W l"lta fo-r 6<.'.0<-'W-b.!.Hl.d tllltv! Pre11ses IUld Machin-es • .

~ & 56 Frank~~I_S:!::_~:i~<_'gO, tl!a,

I'\ " 0!\.J'n~.~.T !:J, } ·:t ..... , ... ... Prtlpr.t'tOf!'!l,; t: ~··(\ 1 .1 ·:: .· ~ ,, ··:;;..-· ,, .

L i me stv!h~s Quar r:es.

The "Jul -~usu ... t":1 ',,·.

medium for "Afi','L\: f! -.· .:·' · , -." ci:tl ~~tteu.f,ifJ"l pH i(, ,,, ,.! • ' '" i••··. · ·

BUSIN·E~':' C \JO ;, , ILL '1',11"' \ ~ i ' , •,• > ; I B ~ ~ ... .:. . , ,.~ ~. l~., • '- -~~Term :·· ,, .,J, ·) :•,'

The ST{]D i~:\'1· r:- : :. •·


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