St. Viateur's College Journal, 1890-03-08

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Vol. VII, No. 9




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I NDIA~ A, ILLI NOI~ I!< 10\\'A.

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11.10 ,\ ~~ '

... Pas~t' ll J!f'r 1-!. :.H .\~ ~

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GE:\El::\L !ILr\Cl\S:i l iTI!. J\l ,\ C l: I.~<TST .

All !dads of fill'liH ' J' '" i !nple­m e ats, J' (' pa ii·e :i n H« l ;;atisf:t<'­tiou ~.pra ~~iaHtr(~ .l.

S. Tetreault Bourhom:ais nrove .

----·---·- _____ .. __________ _ Someth!t1g Interestin g

l fyoll il axP :··k litHJ I Hhni\:o; w ll it-h yon (hl II~"•'

(':H'C tfJ kt~ f' J• . I wm t:ll.;f' tllt• J;\ i!l f\Xt'ha.l\~{· ' fnr hook~ ~·nn 111ay I H •~:• tl. l'! t·ast~ sPnd Ill~' a li :'t o f t::o~w ynu \\'OI:td }i!({• i n PXi' li:tltge ol' s t· il. AJ sj• S.l'l:d for list I ha vt' to st·ll. Ordt'l'S s o!ild 1.Pd fo r Cih' ap s(~h nn l Boa\{~ . tl!Hi ft;l' tni !"('~·llmH·O I \!-'

JJool\:-:, Sc.• !Hl yo11r onlt··r~ t.o ~J-.t',.... (' . l\1. !L-\'1:7~ E S.

7f) and 11 \\';.!.hash A \ ' I'., C!tie:t g-o . !!! .

l .OU lS GOUDl\ EAU, IR. :-;ue~·~ ·~:-<t.r o[ .'\Ol'i g ,.d,SI';I. \1 ,

Ll'J SUf~ANCE 'J.·' JJ:E, LIFE & llCC ilJENT.

C :m v :;y<'!<1Cing & N<> t a l"y Publ ic .

J:EAI .. ~-:: :--o·r ~- \..'J'E . !\"o. 1 l & 3 ( 'o tnt St.,


ED. I~""'· ,.

--?.;.""i FEELEY & CO.~-

Gold and Silversmiths.


R e l igi o us, Cradua.ting & Reward


Of OhoiC!) Dtl.:;igns and· Fin e

Vl orkmanship.

.\1.1. l :uOP"i .'.T F AC'I'OltY l'H!I ; t·:::;

!-lend I'm· Ca talog·u e~;.

n F PT(" -~t: o_ vACTTTQRV u ...... .... ..... . -" .... - ex. .r ..L J.. .... 1. ,

W <:> EDD Y STlt.EI<:T, l:o .r r; ·!?. FiL(JJ .. fOiil ;\'(}1;/. !l _l

L .-\ I 1-.:-.T J :\l Pl{V V E~j 1<::'\l~ J;>;


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SCHOOLS. Aids in Every Deuar!ment of ths SGiencJs .

CO .\[PLJi;'fE SET IX 'l'!i ysic:<. CLemistry, "\uatomy mHll'l'iy-



( A M~~/7::c~~~~~~o~i ;YPE BOD'ES )

-~ SENO F' R EXPLANATORY CIROUlAR . B 139 v.nd 141 Monroe Street, CHICAGC' ~-----

i ' DENTI S'I'.

Ii:'a.nh:a.h:ee~ Ill.

Round Trip Rates 'to Southern Resorts , Vi a Illinois Centra l R. R

The Iilinu i ~ Ccu ; ra.l J:{a,ilruad a re uow ::.t> lllnt; ronud tri11 Lick e t"s to Ja.ekson; l'enn ., AIJe ·eH, Durant, J a<:ks<>!l auct ll1cComlJ ci ty, Mi.<s. , Ham ii 'Olld <t tld )iew Ol·l eans, La ., tl1e G ;h Jte.:;ort:; Ba.y ~t. Lotlls, Pass Chrhtla.11, Mhsissippi < lt.r, IUuxi , ·>t u<l Oce:m :,> ;.ring•. Mbs., Mobil e l'eu­sacoia. J;H:ksu!lv ill e aud otltn- Florida poluts; also tl • .Jell!liltg:'i a;1Ll Lake Charles . La... , H~ms­

ton, An~t.i l t, San Antcmio, G:t;ve.sto ll , a nd l'J Paso, T exas, Cit.y of 1\fcx. ico, Los AllgHll'S a.ull

:! U Fr<LH CiHCO

·; lck<~ t; g-uocl to return unt il June l ~t. 89 \ rx­Cl'Jlri .. g ~i"xi co lLilCI Co~ !i f Tuia tickN.s, wl;i ch are ~o<H"l to ret.urr1 within ~j x 1\ : 0lith~ fi'Oil l (lHto ol sal•·. The lll inoi > Ct·ntr; d R. lt. rnn SPiid tr<J.ins of e: eg-a.nt day co:h~ ll(· M and Pullnl ~Ul km!"Iet slt"'("~por~ '.Y it h ont cha.ugp. IJe t. \\'Ct~ll ~ \ hlc ~o and L'C("W Orleans , \:..'}w'r l! dil•f•ct' - cuulll·c . io u:-; an" 111Wlc ~w!t,!i l..ltrottg h .c:~r..r :>ttJ~htc ,, TO }1ofut.~ tn F lo r ida , T exas, 1\'lexico a11 d C,alifonda. For tltr01lgh rat ..' :o', tiek o:!L~ . et<'. , a pply Lo I '· L lVt'i'­

Li('k~· t agl'llt., J\ iinl< akc~ , HtHl for fnrth \:' r i11f( r le i: t ' ~ ' <Hlo.l p,uuphlet disc~ ripti v~ · of t i te t: .11 lk.-wr t, ap;.l ,· to F. H. HO \V l-':;.;,

C ch 'i )Tpt'Tht· J·n Pa~s Age nt", l Ut e;. i , cutrnl R . l L,

1 ~11 Clark st .• Chkag1 .

,\ J:E Y<.>I: I .;O I S<: TO N lcW OI:LEA~ ~ 01\.

Fl.O ltl D.l '? [f sn , yn11 c.· ·{n ~o hy t. h1 · l\'Ionnn Ronte v ia l.otti~­vtl:\ ' <11\d ~ lillt ilnoL h C:·wt·, or CoJ ;Cillll<tt i ·:wet C' l,n.t.t.a.iHifi!!H. lt irllll\lgh :tll l. ~'fot~t ~ ona· .rs . M.ol>i e :tnd t.lw g u lt' f t, t· t h e £-ta.m e t.Jw,t w .U rakt! • ( \tl t h\'.l\:6 !1 tltPch·, · :n~.v . tllli·uh bi ted ~.·ti s .... is,sipJ i swatttp~: ·,\·,~ ;t J' tj ( 'O td1 Ut~nt . you ca.unoL l)t'lt ct auothr·r lin to tlw Hout lt t'l ·j oy ing half t iJ<:• :!il­\':tlttago.~ ~ t i tili :11'1' p~~SSPi".St~d by th e i\'I OII(H'l; ·Hl) llt e iU Hl ii:; SOH tiJ P I"JI COI}Ji f •C.t}OIIS ,

I\o tllt 0 s ho11ld thi n I< of go iug south w it.h out v!:--:iti: :g dH.· ;\'L t.llttl :o t ll C avt•, t:hc g r·eat nat.unil WoJ;dt· t' u :· I hi r-ontl .r:ut. :-\o mncl\ h as 1 Cell wrlttC!tr}f this w nrld fa n d Hl F. WO!IflPr tltat I t ~ s iJ11pos 1o) ildt · to sny ;-myll\il lg IH .. W in r egard t n i . 11. caniH li lw d ~-'~<Tilwd; !t,· f•:l\'Prns be ~x­i'lqrr-d, il. ~ dnr!\ ncss felt ~ i f~ lwa.H t. i c~s SPf' ll, o t c ;~pPt .• .. ·ia l.t·d n r rc> a.liz d His th e gr(·1 4:\.lt~st c ur i~ . 1 ~ it,. -N l ag::--tra 11c1t eXCP Jlt(•t.i (}r . -J?lorirl H.-wa.rt1 u:lgS P t ! rnuk <Pi fl l' th e old His t>rit-al Batt t-1

s iolug:y. 'F i t-·~dr; a.lnt t!; t.IH· ! i n(~ o[ t.J w W. & A. or t u• F. T. V. & '~ - Ra fl wtt\'S I· r tno . MoUil<' t.o :"lew Or! 1~ans, Ueolvgy, .. A.stronorny, etc., etc. ( 1 nn1c,~ l til •· ri(l•· Blnng th ~ ~ulf c<•ngt. is :tlnn e

.':'iPJ~Cl .:\ I.~ ()UrfFIT8 1::\' ··,\'nrt,h\ ' nf tlH· t·ntin~ eo~ l . of tl tc wilou· t r ip. ''I ' ll ''<! 1"'(' 11~~ 1 l it fu!l~ i g; l!t of t.iw wt-~y , p<-t.~t OcerHI !-;prjng..:, l ··'- , .:- . . ·' • . ·... l'rojectit;il cl..pp:t.ratus, J\iicrOl<CO[Jes nne 3! iRShO! J•Ioi _<' ity, !'ass < h:_Jsthm. Ila.y St Luui"

nonn:::.:. _ \ ( !(:,t~surje:; .

Astronomical Telescope:;, Barometers, Thermometers, etc.

E t·vc J·ythin;.:· for Schools and

au d Ikanvo Jr. r.lw ho1ne ot .J eff D;l\'lS. · \ VJlf·ll ynn ~~ ·< ·itl ;~ t.o g-o son tl~ mak <) np your

nli 11d tl! i.ra.vf'lnve·r titr. lil:e q1at passt •!=\ t.Ju·ohgh tin~ lw~t. e<,unt.1· a.nct !!1\'t>S you t he ])Pst hhtce:; t .l ) stnp ovm· Thi:' I ..: cally r.he ]\10IIon H.o ut e . i11 C(JDiH~d. i ' m with thl"' Lnnisv-1lle a:11rt Na.:.; ll vi!lf'. a.nd t lw f'inciu na.ti S .•tith.l 'l'11 R ;tit ­way:-;. Pn ll m<t.Il pa.J :we :- 1rf! pt·n·· anrl palace

('orr ~ :-; ou ~ el:Ce S~~iid t rd Deser pt. \'f' a1 d ~~~ :- lc·!ir:s, do!~hl l~ da il y train s . Th·· h<:st ·f.o f ' iu-'.: . t 1 . , ,.. . . ~.. . ~·wnatL I on·~nHP, '< w. ch~lPa.ns 0 1· flond.;.~.Fm·

cl { . , J. ~.Ln.~ne fi'I .. R L to f p, •<'h 1 I "' · Add. ~~'-~ J full in f•lrll'lat.Hlll S, <1--'srrJptl v,.lJooks, oomph lets, NATIONAL 3Cii00l FURNISHING CO., J , , ", >Jc\ •lres;; .Jn.nws Barke!'. GPneral l'a sscnger a

i 41 & 143 \ VA nASH :\VF.., A ~!~nt :\•luL{1ll !'m:lr•. d < .) P"'arborn .!-'tr• •f·1 . ( " fll (..'\(~ 1'1 . }11 .1 ' s ( 'h : ~"': l 211



····~========~======'=============== VOL. .VII BOURBONNAIS GROVE. ILL. SATURDAY, March 8 lf9J. ~0 9.


He•shiuiJblcd n·wkw:~ rfl on the ~t:tge", the 'while

1\c;o~s the .waiti11g aurlieuce swept a bmile.

•"'• .With clumsy ~ou~b. ~hen lirsL he drew the how

Ht> ~nfrJ <p<~d 1\ atri11g. Thi' :awl e .. ce· tittered low.

• • • Auotber str~>kel <>ff f:l,.·~ nnotht>r stri11g!

'.\'ith h•ughtcr t.c.w t.LE> d1cling galler:e8 ring.

• • $ •

Once m••rc·! The thirrls trin.,: t;reaks its qnivt!ring str:~nrls

And his8es greet tlw phyer as· he stan<ls. ... ... .

He ~tanrls-the whilt · his gen iu~ nnbereft

l s calm-one' stJ ing.nud Paganini kf'. • .. .

. Heplay!!. The one string's daring notes Ul rise Against ·that storm, as i£ they sought the skies.

* . .. A silence falls; then awe; the people bow,

And· they. who erst had hissed are we~ping now. • • •

: And when the last ·note, trembling ·died away

Some shouted "Bravo." Rome had pray. Independent.


,1 . I: P, GE"orj!t>, LE'o1 olrl; 1\1· z·•rt, .1\· <'Olll't. mu8icinn, •. r • ~<nmontalent.wn~ l"ru '1'\ . vtmher 141117.9 nud nt: rried M :~ rin Atma PP. tl < n tbt• 21 ~1. d.J tot' N<•. Vl'tfliot-1' 1747. 01' 7 <·hiJtlrPll ~h i t·b >be bl't ught [J, t

hu~barrl, two nJJiy ~urvived. Maria Aunn, b. •rn uu

Jul) 30• lt . · I71Jl. a.nrl 11 s• n, b~>rn in :Sn 'zhury un tite ~7th . • f Ja11U11r~ 1756, 'l'lh<· 1'E>erinrl ito huptism 011 thP f •llowmg rlt . ~·, th« nantN cof Jtohillll •Us, l'l•ry>ostumu>, W , .: fg: 1>gm, Tht•otldlu~. The I ' C•I fi,u,:.tiou unme ol ~igiMmlll"!u,., was ~trlrlt· rl lnler, but lie always culled

hiw~~lr ia~ uf<er .) ear,, W o!lgan~ Amade.

Wolfgang Amarle M• •zq·t, 'I'I':J~ thf'! n:nne of one w! • m H'lJOn c;~llPii, tile grea.te~t of cotnp<'·~<'r~, :\n•l if he h•t•l one Or t'fo rival", hP ~undy ha.~ III'V<·r been Sllt'P''"'"''l. His llllffi<', i:<one of :h · imm~or:.a l n·1n1< ·" :11 tltot~ic, :uui contr:ulkt~ tlte rulf' tlmt "t>Xtmordinnry youth foal t dt>11t i~ followerl hy a ~luggish, a11<i cnmmo· phce maturity .' H;, I •thf••·, ('ntering the toom· nne rl:ty, with " fri• ·•Hl foo1nrl him bPn'tiing OVt'l' :o mn~ic ~c·orP. The little ldl•oW (' .e was not yet 5 ~· r~. old) t ... Jol hi" f th.,r, he ~·,.~ wl'it­

itog- a C<•J .eerto for the 1 i:111o. Tlu· f:du·r f'X!InoiJtf',l it :mrl lf'llrs of jn.r, nn•l nst•H•bhnu·ut rollolil f!·.,w,. lois

f ·c··, on percdv'ing- its nccuraey. "But it it~ ''"' rli :H;·u:t for ).!('JtPI':tl use" snirl th< · l't·i<·nd. •·0 1. ' · aid \Voll)!'" g "it lllUStht> practi~Pd until iJ. i• It• ,., ,,.d" and goi • l! to the piano sai(l "thi:s is th" w:~y it ~· • ,., pin\ iHg it with pf'rfect correPttwss. A ft>w \\'t •f'k• l:ttP.r Itt> , ,ft', ·rP. .I IoJ •b.r 1he vinlin at a jlf'rform:lllcc ••f ~nme ch o111he: mu ic:

Hi s fhther rPfn~erl s · o~·i n J! "h" w c:111 .r ·n•? l''" · lmn: nev<'r learnerl the vinli11~" .. 0 ,,. n•·P<l• nor s . u•l_,. for that'' ~A id the m11s:c:~ · l pr .. digJ. •t:o d t:~ ki " g 1 !of> in, t rn · nwut., hepl11yerlt.lw se -- .. Jifl vi, ,Jill with E>:o ~e a11•l :wen

rncy. Such prec .. l'ity ~Pem . iiiCJ'<•rlihl , :u,d iutht• hi~t .. •·y of music, rloes not. fi11ti :ul\· p:~ral ' l'l. !'':;' '"' hi~ E> ·•rJ'P,t . :~g•· he ~h1nreti a11 t•X! l' >: ordill:lfJ p·•~ :-- i<J o: I r ouu•i ··, :: ml matlwmatic~. , ,.ntwlilog n"te ·, :tJod i .• gr:un•, ht l'\'t'l',Y

pl:tce ncees~ihle to hi ~ tir..te~~ }11'Jtcil. Til ill .•·ouui! urt.isi. a• the nge .. t s ix . n~tnni,Jwrl the eont·t. .. r y ,, """• hy hi s b .llinnt t:o lf' ~> ts . At P:ll'' '· i.e wns w:~rml_y rl'et>i,·e.l, :tt

the cronrt,nnd i ~~:d.J tn h.ovt• < · Xpl'<·S~l''l Li ~ >Ul pr l;r·, w\.tn l\latlnmt> rle PollJ\•arlont· rd'u:--erl to kis~ him , ~"Ji"g

··Wi;!o is she thllt slw will '"'t k·q, llll', hnvt· I lld! h··en k•ss•·•i l!y the qu• o·ul"' l11 L• •r.rl• n his inq.n .v is:•ti .. n anrl piano sonatas I'Xl·ited tht· gr<'lllt>~t :•rlmirntion. Ev<'rywhere the grt-lllf'st. e11tl •n•i:t>m was t>ViJoc·Ptl in this chnrnmog burl tof pr< ·llli>t'. At t.lte :1~e , ,J thirlt'<'ll, lw f{'CI'iVt'fl nn orrlPr tu wl'itelh\· c>p•l'" f ,f .. Mi thrid .t . l · ~"

whh:h w:~s ~ucces;full,Y )J J'<~tlu 1 rl " 1\ltlnlo i11 l'iiO At H.• mP, he at\t~ urled tLe !-ii~ : iJ,t· CI· •· J • I. :•J. rl 1:< :. I ill,\!

Ah•gri'~ ~reat mas~. ("'·h id t wa~ f,.rbi<i<h 11 I• bP c·• 1• •• ) qorote .the ,corl'frim1 tht' mo ·m •. r.r •·l':r ~i•·glt> J"'•I••J' Ilta!ln~.

The record of l\1< z · rl'~t y• u ' l,ful triullj · h ~ mi.411t ue o · xtt~ Hdt'rl at great lt'ugth, lout n~itle i'fl m :lw pro<;f'tloo·y furni~h of hi~ • x •r orJ i11m·.v prt> t•ocity~ thP.r havt> l•··ht Vila! s igo. tfiCaiJCe t •l the grt•:lt pt•,b~HIH • f lt ia career; except ~o far us Lht·Y s timulated tUe ·w:u·\'clou.o


bny, to lay a cl eep fo un rlnti v n fo r hi s gren.t. fu t ure,

,vhi nh shn r l'. ns it W:1s , was l'r n itJul in und ying r es nlt R.

\Vith 1\I , znrt.'s r et. urn to Gr>.rm:wy in 17 79, lwing t.he n

23 .re:l l' !' o f nge, comes the rl ;tw n of lliil r·.lMs ir:•l pc·r iotl

n~ n composer. Th >~ g reater nnmh cr u l hi s massc>B ha cl

::dread ,v heen written a ncl 1:0w he 5ltl lc rl him self, in

earnr.~t r· ull·iv ntion o f a t ru e Germn n c ~ (' l1 no l · ln 1782, nt the h " lHiP. ofBn ron e~s ' Vn lrl .,: Ptlr•!1, ],e nHII'·

1ierl f:nnstnnCt' "\Vc\wr, n bri g h t :< 11 rl eh· tr 111i11g y c•:l: ';::: la fly, of poo r, b n t r es prc t.n.h.le pnrcntng•'. ~.l " z ,,r l , lli' i" .!!

pnor , l.h r inc·r P:l>'ing Pxpe nse pricked him i11U• illt<'n .< f',

rf'<t less f' IH'l'!}·y. · H i ~ li fp harl no lu ll in its r. rrnliv e in­

fl nstry, n.nrl ~o. h i~ ~;> l f'nrl irl ge niu ~, ins:< ti nLle f1tcl

tirrlP~" brnJ\ E, i!nwn hi s h oc1.v. l ike :1. swnnl wea rin g o ut

its ~ rnbhn r rl . H e pnm Arl sy m ph nny ~fte r ~ymph ony;

OpPrns . Sonata~, w ith ~uch prorlig; ty :t,; to nstonis h uP, evf'n whe n recolkct in g how fu :nnrl t.J ,e mn s icn l mincl

hns oft,e n 1-)een. Alilte ns artist nnrl composer, he nC'ver

ceased his labor•, flny a ftp r ciny; ni g ht ni ght, he

h arflly snatchrfl nn h our o f r est. Y e t h e was rd. w:1.y~

p urs uerl by th e spectre of wnnt. Ofte ;:l im cs hi s sick wife

co ulcl not. th e n eei!ed rn Aifi() in e . H e m:vl e mor11

mnney, t ha n m ost mu sicians yet wns a lways impove ris h­

eel. Bnt. it wl'ls his g lory , t l1 a t it w:<s not on account of

spnsnnl indnlger. ce, extrnv:1g·:1nce, anrl rioto us li vi ng.

hut h y lavi sh generos ity, to th ose, who in ma ny cnsus

neerl erl help, lei'S than bim sli\lf. Bnt like oth e r men o f

g11ni ns, nnd sensih il ity , he eon lrl no t Rny , 1Hd to even

the pretense of suffe rin g-, fond i!i s tres~ . Sn o ur rnn sic i;l.r>

struQglerl o n through the .cl\)s in g ye:n s of hi~ I if<' , with

tl1 e wolf constantly ht hi s door. Often he snw hi ~ i11V:llid

wife, who m h e p:<ssionately loverl , s uffe r fr om th e want.

of the comm on necessari es of life. In 17Dl J\Ir •z;l r t',.;

hea lLh !wok e rlown with great rapirlit.y. Th o ngh he him­

self coulcl never rAeognize hi ~ own siv i ftly nrl v:1ne ing

fate, st ill he experienced deep mclnncholy, whi e h

nothing conlrl rcmov~. A n in c ide nt no ~.> oc,·u re rl wh ich

impressed ::'IInz~rt with an ominous c hilL On e ni ,g ht

there came a strnng;er s ingulnrly dressec1 in g rey , wi l h

a n orcl er for a requiem t·o be compo,ecl wit.hnnt fail

within a m onth. The v is ito r witho•.1t reve:di ng hi s n:<m•.',

depaPted in m ysteri ous g loom a" be cnnw. Ag:tin · tl:e

stranger cnllerl and solem nly rem ini! e rl 1\Ioznrt o f h is

promise. Mozart b e ing exha ust ed wit,h labor :11vl s ick­

n ess, easil y pers ua cl rri him self that. t hi s wasn vis itor from

the oth<er world , and t he requi e m woulrl b e lli s own.

His w ife fnn ncl him with a f:<tal pallor on l1is fnce,

silent and me!:Lt~ cboly, laboring with inte nse a b­

sorption on tbe funeral mas,; lit wo uld sit brooding

over the score t ill be swooned awll.y in hi s cbai r and

only came to cons io us ness again t o Lenci hi s wnning

energ ies to their g hastly work . We know t llis my sterious

stranger to ha v e been, Co un t \Valseek, who bad r ecent­

ly l os t bis wife, :<nrl wisbetl :< requi em mnes fr o m

l\.f0znrt, .tn lw ~u ng n.t her m n$sf's. H ; fin nl ~ickpess nt.

tn ckAil t lw COrilpmPr, whi] P· lf1 b nrin g nt thn r f'qniem .' ThA

g reat Mozn.1't wns rlyin,g beftn·fl hA h:vl renchei! the f11ll

powAr ofmn nhoorl . One rlnv, when he hi ~ E> nrl a n

n roaehing, be en ll r fl fo r som fl of hi s mn <icn l ff'ipwl< H r

w:1. n trr1 to fill h is r: 11·• flll ( 'P more w ith brnutifn l hRJ'­

mnny, and Rn. irl li f'. s'"''P 1- <'om pnsA• l t.h i~ r·pquiem fo r mysplf, l wil l h:lVP :Vf\ 11 s illg, it. wh il r T ~11n rlvin Q.

P :11·1· nf tJ1 r• fCi ll' r• h .l' on j-,; "' hr rl, anrl hi .• f r· i'" " 'ls hr!!·:l.n

tn sing t.hnsp gr:rnrl n.n d ~n. rl s trni ns ' flpqu i r-m mtPJ·11 rrm

dnna. Pis Domine. 'P r"~- lhP lwg illr.ring n f it .• r rn rlil ion, hi s PV P~ wPrr. l;li nr1,..rl wi 1h t.enr• •-Yrr n ~PP" h.A s ·drl ­

h is hrPnt.hina· b,.. rn ming mMr ,·Ji ffi r. nlt - Y n 11 """ I hnvr.

cr•mposPrl n1y "wn r~> q n iPrn' Th r shgP1·• went. nn with

l.hrir sH<l r1 111.v . T(yrie. DII'Sf:ae, on<'P mnrf' lH·' trir rl f.o

spP:l k hn t. nn, it wns tn .. l;, t.<'. At.. th f' Tv ba m in1rn lw

triPr1 tn imit.ntf' som~> inst rnm <>nt nl e ff PC' hy puffi n if. nu f·

his cheAks. a s m ilA n f snl i"f•ct.ion hA"m f'il on his N •n nt f' ­

na nce wlwn thP s ing <> !'< rrpr :1 tr' i! t.!t Ht . .Q-rPn•· nn rl nr "j c• <f ir. ­

• tt· nin , Tuba minl?1~ spm·gens Siln~trn, 11 is AyP.• h Pr1nme

fi xf'rl, nnrlhebrrnt.herl out hi~ life.. in f.IH' n r · rn~ " th is ",jf,., anrl hiR fr· iPn rl S us m nier The Pp il·•g nc Jr, hiq lifp .rlrnmn

is one of the sn.i! c1cst in th e hi s t.nry of nrt. n. p~n p r r

flln PrR l fn r· onA of f'lw world'< [!Tf'nt rs t QPn in ~~rs. Tt wn~ l nte one nftPrnonn, sn.v~ A.n nlrl r f'f'n r rf, lw f<' re 1 lw 'cn flin

wns rl Ap<~s i !e rl nn the si i!P a isle , o n t he ~on th <drlr of

St. Stephen'~ - Th r. priP~t, :1 111 ~ , V ·:n-Swi f't('n . S:rlco iri,

Su~m n. i A t', two nnkno wn rn n~ i c i n n~ ll.11fl t lw J• n ll-h r.~r-P r·<

w ere th e onl_,f per oons prr "P' >t ..

ThA dny was stnr n11· . r :1in n:rrl ~ l ret c~me i!nwn fns t .

A n eye wit. n r s~ rl p ~ c r i ht'~ . how!.\"' li tLlP b Hnrl nf mr•tll' nPrs

s tood sh ivering in'" " l oln~ t . n~ •l>e fnn e rll l left the rl nn r

o f t he C hurch. vYh "" 1 ht•y h rench fl r~ the g raveyard o f s~- M:orx. A ll WP rP f[I•IH' r·xcrpttllf' clri,·er nftl re ' ' li'ar~r.:

t\l Py lwrl rlrnpp<·r1 nfl'OIIf' h v onr, :1 nrl thPQTP.l.t. u0r nposm·

ofthf' 9t.h sym J'honv. n nd th e R Pqni em, fnunrl h is r ef' f· .•

i111f p1:H' " 11l :r g rnv r· • ,f th e 3i'rl . cln~.s. TlrP.rr- l1ncl lw r n

two ntltf'r paup~>r f11n P r ~ l ~ thfll. rlnv ., nrl 1\lf,.znr l w <•s to

h r> th e third o ne in tl1r _g rnvr , >~nil upperm n~t.

T o rhy, no ~tonP. marks the spol wh e rf' nrr rlf'pr•sit.Prl

thelast re m a insofo neo llh e b r ig htest ofmusic:Jl spirits.

To i! ay tl.J e very g r"'-e i ~ u nknown for i t was th P grave

o f a pauper. - Mr,zn.r t\ runsi c" l greatness s hown in 1hr

sy · n " ' ~'Y of h iq nrt, as we ll n.s in t,l1e ri c: hn e'~ of his in­

spira tions, has been u n:~nim o 11 s ly ncl'""wl edged by bis

fellow-'comp>Jsers. 1\IeJ e rb eer con Iii not rest.rnin h1s

tears, when spen ki 11g o f !rim; 'VPbe r, Menrle l ~ohn,

R osini a 11d W ;r gne r n lw:~ys p!·ai ;:e him in terms rrf

' enthusiastic Hrlmirn.t ion . H~ry<lll 'ca \le c! him the g-reatest

ot R!l co:~ pos fors . In fertilit.y of invention. beanty of

form, anr1 exactn es~ of nr eth0d be hns · never had a.n

eq ua l, a nd we mH y wf'!l !'ny, in the wo rds of one of his

mn>"t competent critic~; l\1ozn rt was a King, and a sla ve

-King in hi s own beautiflll rcoJm •)f mu s ic; slave of

• ST. VI iXTEUR's·· COU.EG E JOUI~r\ A L. ' 75

thP l' ircamsta,ces, artd the conditio"~ of the W• rl<i.

0 .1( '1' OVI'J the b<~llllderieS o.f his 11\\'11 kio g<J !JI, alld ho­

W ' ·' ~ll i' ' Pill' ' ; b•ll· th<' pown~ t : lu· t•a rth ··cktoowl· rlge.,

tuore hi : s••Vt-reigrny. A.


'vYil a t mar\'elou ~ fact~ an· n ·vo ·: olt·• : to the ~tudo·11 , f

hi~lot ·,\. Heo\1 I.e p.-r. til'~ age ,,ftt:l' :ogt-. :o11d t'l'e ut afto·r

eVt'IIL • f .he llll•~L ltolt'I'C~l.Jtog lii i<>I'IIJ:llill"· W11 "t bt> ii iiiJ­

flll! "C' ll l'<·S • l' l:l pa.iuted in wurd ~ . <~ • •d how o·e'l""''i V<'

the !Je .or t to the t-n t rnncing vcr.- cs of t·h.e pun, to a J.,y,, of i>Lt•rat.ure au d P'·l'lry. W .th wh •' ol t'lig lot fl .. e• 1.11L tho ·

co . ll• ; J So l ' ''l' · ~taud ,,.,((,r :1. 11 1 • ' • l'['iece of tic ll!ptun· " ' ar L.

Bu·. lo olo im "'' eek· ~· · teii C!' . i ••h i tiiWhorf' : d z. ·.•liJo.- t· jJ•·PI 1C w .. ocl~ thai. ·• m ••• c:111 [,,,.1< u1o t l·ro' ua1.11re 1.••

11 :11111"t ':-- (,. ~ ~ " tiu ·re en:: Ue 1•t, '... h111g '"''rt· <•L ir:tetiv• ·.

01 l't' ill ol lliCiil' t' lh:t tl LV .,Jo~.- . V e :IIJd SIUd ) th e 1' - l'JO •IIS u10, ·c. :-- :•l'NU 11 (·i.

(<' .. r .,,,,. t. !llt .' l.raitt etl , lh e~f'· o.hjo cl~ !'OIII'<•y a dc•f•l• UIJ'd tt>e I'll! ]P>8t>ll,

J) ,(· i• ·•· l'te .v .de •JJI'I ', in t!IC' ct'e:llioll of tlti- earth, h·"

~e l ' ll tit t.\1 io.LI' I''I·•er,e Wt . h wh :1.. iti h·· .oJ I 1t'11l ,,.,,) attr:o el ·

i v• · tlt '" •.Y o·U}JClti propo niot:nte i,)· lt .d e .. us ;u"..i •···••ll S i ve · y ,.t W< li toe•\\ lh:.t, w) ,<' th t' l' lol t•:o >il tz oor tolltt ·ol\·i.- o, Go ha~ l i t~ f·a led i ·· tl o t ... xi~L··· IIce :1 tl :oie lt •H ... ud 1"•, th ,Jt t-' Vt t' \ .

tl i. ~ IIJII .~t ·,o ·t:ve "'rto•· l • ~eful pnrp11so· .. \h11,Y o j c : ..

tl11 ·o1• a n• , . itli L ltH\'t' ]lr<•l' 1·d 111~>.-L illll · ro · ~ litlg .o til• Sl ll lo• Ool. < f II ol.III':J h,,t."l'j' , lotll Whto ·h it . \'e J>, (;II )!1\'e ..

'•Lot . title th :tg 1!. by .tllllk ' o I l!<l -1. '1'• 1 y . A .ol ~v it h:.,

h· l'll "ith thP T ··r:lloiUI:o :t>:cl C•·ntipt·de . 'llw T:oratotu! ·. or "Lycos:o T:tr:tntnl "h<>long~ t" tlw

11oin11•g ~ J•• · <•it·~ of tho• l'•lllily Lyco-id .t,. 101' \\'o•lf-.- pid,·o· .

I t~ body i~ prot.ectt•d !•,r a '""llh coov .. riug or >kill wlo :eh i ~ thkldy e"V<\re•: with redd, , h brown h ·oir. I ,

si7.•· it vuries, uccurdi11g to the clima te :n whi<·.h it i~

f ll tH·l., from 1 to 2-k inches in lr ro gth . Uke ntht'r :; pido ·rs

ol is ~ 1 11-'C i• · ~, it P"'~ess<' " f.,ur p:o ir, of l··g•, the •hiocl p:tir he ··t•ll tlw siJC•rt.est. a nd tlte t" urtlt the long•·~ t. It

h:" •·ig ltt t'.)'!' " :tn·:uog-E'cl in thr•·•· llfltt · ver>l' ro·w~. th• · :otJt• rio or Cootol:oini "g fn11r ~mall ~'.Y""• w:,i .P li t- hind the·~t> .

two !•:• •r:oo ••f larg•· r· Ollt'S :111cl :•tT ' '' '~Pd in two row~.

l'l• t> J'PIIl )p "'"'"'S '' "ll ~i d ern hl< · f'll l' t' for lte ·r off-pt•it 1)!. wloi e·lt :dto·t' !wing h.lLC!teol Hl'e '" V• ·r j .. fL t.lto •.\ ' ll l'l•

f':lj >~t h)P nf· l:.k ' llg' !'II I'P of tlll'lll'' lVI '"· Till • Tal'llotu):, i~ wid,• l) rli tl'lhnl o rl. It i" f',.llllll lit Sp: in, F r: t• Cl', A •i:o 11 I Af't·i,·n , I•'• ltnly, it i.- S .i ol lo loP \' 1'1'.1 ('oollllllflll

ill .\J •UI " , fii'CI Il i1 d the LCIWIJI •fT:or:ont " f'rotll wlti<·lopi:J('I' Ll11• na 11w oof t.hi s ~ p i J,. , ;,. t, , i vt>rl It i·• :ol~" f'oon .ri iu

Mexico :t ud the southern p~rt of the Uuitetl Stutes

w: .• •re it.attaito~ i :s grwlle.-t. l .. , J,, tid " c• 11ntry. :~s W< ·ll :1, ito M .. xice •, it itdt : - loit~ d oe ,;ot .rl pr:~ir ies II JH :cuc l. tlti

phin~. 0 :''t>ntilllP8 it is f re• ·<l tu lo · :~ve it.s dP~etl. ltoute

fi•r wnut of' liJod. It f'et-d~ <•n 11ll ki11d, , ,f i ''' 'Clti anJ ·· ltio on son e of the ~m !lPr r• ptilc•,, Uul •ke· most ~picle·~. the tnr:iutn!:o m : k : digging a c·ircH !at· ho le, !rom one to oue :1110 , ttc··half

i• ·•·ht•s i11 di:t:UI'il' r, ancl :tl ... n! two ft· e t cl• ·<'p. fh,. i11 ~i cle

o!' the t•c·st. is <:e·u•cttlcd with n ~ilk.~ weh, I'PIIoll•ring its

h• •llle p<'rfN:tly w·.te•· tight. At the e utr.•nn>. • j tiH• ue,t

tt. ''"" ' trnclti it cov1·r of l'h_Y . liued on th e i:o~ ,er sirle aud lli••g"d with Wt·h. "' :tH ~~~ f'or•n :t. lll'l'f•·cr tiLt i· g t1 p d, , I' lo it.~ clotnieil1•. ThP tar·•11t.11!:t is n·ry :oe1i1·e

·•11'1 l'""""rfH'. and wl.en :os .- atllc.o wi1l defetl(! it, df with g · t• : t \'!![til ' .

H-•i,i ug il~ entire b . • cly npo11 it~ I•·.~·, (m11ch :tfter

ll w f'.. ~h io11 of :t c:o I wl11 ·11 loronghl t" h •.Y by :L doog,) •t. w•ll '['l'ill)! at its eul'rrt.Y :ttl'l hllr,Y it' Ill ill lih:e;, oo r pi1oC!'I'S ·J,; tll('y :o n• CoolllliJO . ly c:oll• ·cl, i11to I he body vf

it- r ..... Tlli'Se· lo' s ('l od il l a ~tr . ng- l ..... k. Ill the

,.,,,j qf whi e: h L1lP I'•! i~ :til "IJ ·ni ·•!{, le tding to :t. duet

wh ch (•on ll 'ojLS with a p oi!:iiiiJOII~ g-la11ri ,.i : nalt•d in t I.e

'"'·"'· ( , i~ with this poi"ou that it kil 's its pro ·y. Its lo ile l.:t~ 1 ften 1 ro,ecl ht ol too m:on . Ju ~ t·cl> C:t>e.- it. has h··· ·u · ·b·<'rved th:tl lit!' patie·Jil fir ti l (,, <.::lltl(' r .. ve·rioh, r. 1-l• •Wt•d hy n••n · e · ll~ ['I'• •FIIitliolt pr<HIII!'ing· L• lliJ"'~'"'.Y iJl­s:q,i :y . Tllt'lllhi~ !'XI'itllll(' lll \\'totllcl ~ udcl• · tdJ it h:ll<•,:uod

il tP hnol y g r: dt~ :tlly gr •• w ,-o 'cl till I if<- "' " "~· xlitJ<.;l .. Tlll'te is :on atlliolntl! l<•r tlw loit1 • of 1!11! T :o r :o tottol :o . :l oJC I wiJtll

J•r• ·mt •LI.I acllllinistl'l'l d the· re lt<'• ·d lw II" f,·:o r of' l al ;~ l " '•

•ttl•, e•xt ·•·;.>t wlu ·n the ['t'I'SCJII It .s " "'' :t l; iilld dt- li• ·a te ,, t"ti'llt.i• ·n The 11a! ttl' l e . • · nti · · ~ or t lol' T " r" ••tltl:o are •>CJI \'l'lo( ' IIIOII'i like it· c•li: Oil ti lt' CIOIIII'.•I'.)', tiH•,\' ['CIS~ e ·~S

"" pooi , ot •Otl>' gl:lttcl , , Til! '_\' :ore tiJC• ('o•I'II!Jie>ll liz·• rd, gr:tss

~n:.kl'. ' ' '"'~·m e ' ])I ci• · ~ or !I.e ln:od. ll ·•vio •gdotto w1 t h the Tar;~utul:o. W•· will sny a f. ·w

W• •I'd~ CJil I he• rn '"L poi ~li ii O tl .; • ol :o .l i 'e C" tS, ll :O I'Il t'l)' the

C e·11t ipid P. Tl-<· ( \•til ipoed•'· ~r .. c ·i •!~ g-ig-:ttill ·:o , getotts

>C· I<>I H' ttc lrn, \\'fl f !'CJI'lllo ·rii c!:J>H 'O widt io' ~ ' e : ~ whicl1 it n• ;P mhl •·s in i t" j ooi tt !c·d litnh, and :ntl e t•to:tc>, and It > i ts

r<'>'jlir:ilory ~y .- t .. m. Ih h"" Y i~ <'<> lltp••SI'd of fl olll·n c>d H•·g nt PII 'S wltidt are con'J'eol wil lt :t l< ·; loery >ki " or~< · ;~lr-,

'"' ' ' lt:o v •· fill!' p:lir of l1 ·g~ ln l''lt'h "gllt!'llt, the po~ : Pri CJ I' pair he iug dirt-ete cl b: c·l;w·:·Hl :tlld • I• g o1 , . to

n·> e tttld., it ('Oll)>lt· of p oo tnlt•d la.ils Tl..w }"t:ug c·IO:< I'I.r

r··~t'tllhle- it~ pare 11 t~ t't"lll the t ime it lt': tvc•s the •·gg. "' ly il lt a.!:i ft•wer lin . b~ :tnd H'i!ITIPtil~ . !11 the· ltO!• ics wltc ·f'P tl 1e rno,t IH i ~o l o OII~ RJ !'e·i!'l' i" f~>ttnd, il . rtlh it :l'

it" gTI'ales t. IHIIg-111 . Tilt· c lnr of lit., Ct•ttt.ipe ·de· is :t

'-ltti-h g-n •c> tt, hut th" _, ., n • g :tr• ,,f " rt>ddi>h It• ·<',

~!."'du a lly lu'C•·IIting rlarlit'r ti il it lo a<' r!':J! 'll·d it~ f11 I gt· · wilt, wltPII i t It ~ IW~Il ,\' H•g-nto •nt, :11111 :J>' llt:ti•,Y jl io_ii S ,. f ]pg' . It hre:11 lws hy lll!':tll =' , .f •r .. ehi:tl t ttl11 ·•, np:·ni• g

U)' 5 t igW.<tU p]UC~ d VII Uv\\l ~ide~, Ucl.liud the iu~ cl'ti\!U

1 (


76 -,T, VlATlWR'S COU ... ~;GE J:OURNAL.

"t t.he leg ', :tnci are kept open JH'I'IIl:~llelltly, by ·n Rpiral clliliiiOU , film •. TJII,OI''{:tn,; ulihe month :~ re m :LstiGatonry

a''" a re a l tnir:tbly a•l tp t e Ito the car .liver·ons habirs of th e l' •·'illipP·I e. IL f•••eds principa.lly 011 insect~, ~rizing

t lof' \0. w:t •· it." IJ ' "''•·rf,,[ Jll'l ' '' e"~ile urg 118, and inj .. ctin{l

n t. ' '' " ~' 'I IIC liiiH' it:- Vt·llum i11to 11ie wnnnc!, The Centi. p•·rl l' i ~ f. •nn<l i11 m :111Y l<w .. liti <s, IJ\lt d iff• ·rs m n.te rill.lly

i11 \' :t Ch. I '' l•: "g lHIId, C• ·itlrn l J•:ur" P"• n11d i,., the stales n t' .\1 ' ·"u ri , K: 111 ~ :1 ~ a 11d i\ e hru,kn , n. ~pl?d f's hn:s been

f<~ III Hl , t h1L :tl.t :t i .,;.; n l <> "l?''h of l'r"m 2 c., 4 i11ellf'~ , of a

g.·:.yisll C • lur :lltt'l wlli('lt nrl-' p1 rf .. ctly h :~ rml<>~;>.

.T he m"st. \'t ' l<f'IIIOII:' i" 1: •1111ol i 11 A r iZ1111:1, S~ .•ul II \Vest.

T · X >, i\• ·w :1 111( Old l\1• x i('o 1111rl l\1\11:. 1 A 11:!•ricn. l11

;;o' ' ' e n f t he,;e loc:tl i ti e, it a tta i 11~ 11 le ; ·!!I h ol'8 :q,fl 9 i n<·hes

Dr . C u lli1 •gwo• ·<l • ·b H ' I'Vt' i' tl.:1t " tl.• ·• fr,·<:t of a won nil fro~ the y o un g o f t h is s pecies c" n be ol'en:"mv. by 1.!1e appli­

Cll t iu n o r Ammoni :l, bllf that the bii·C of' an lllluh ill i ,, c·n,nblto, no nnti ,:ote hav ing ,Yt't been di~co,·t'rerl ." it

is • Ye n m o l' e \'HI Pllll>l : f' t ha:1 t.h:1t. mn~t l'"i ~ ''''ous of rt' pt ilP;, til L· Colora nf' lndin . S t: VI r:d Fn lltil Phy~ician!l

witt • w•· n· in M<' xko a few Y''nrs a'\'" • f.,r the purpose Hf ' e> ting tl1e VPII< ·lll of t.h<' C< 11 1 ipe rl,~ ::s wPII a s to stun\·

its :, · 1, ~ . fiH1:1d th ·1t ''· horse af'L< ·r he i1, g bit ten, di!:'d i·;,

8 h t: ur ~ , n !'log i :1 3 '"".1 a r:~l, in 4.0 ( .. J :)<:)il ," CO.J Vt' lltioll ,,f Pliys : ,·ian~ a11d Snt'~'f>Oil!lnl

thP s·nt•• l >t' T t> X' '8 W:l ~ l :dd' in the City •. . D .dhs. A

p :~ per was l't'lld i>y a fl··l('g-Ht t> from s.lll Allt nllio on tlu,

Celll t' pede, :olt."JI' wh ich the <.'h:drma11 ibvitetl JL.cuhi. n

0 .1 U11· su hjL·ct ..

N e:n ly P.\'l•ry delegnte ~p· h:P, n.nd snm e hnd brPn

wit11eSst's tu the dl\:t.:IS • ,f th1' htte vf 1 his :~ nte 11 nae, all(!

of' tltPse 11on e hnd ev er kitt .WII , ,fa 1 Pn'<JII to It -eo er

who hn•l lle,,.n b itten. N"ne k11f>W of 'tn nnti.Iute hu. many ~uggestiuns were utf.; red that might be goofl but of n•m ,.,die·s met the ~'l'('lova l • f <·on\<·i tl.iuu .

then it wns r eH>h '<flthat. t],.. Oid,Y :lntiflt·IP f(,,. tht· bite

of a CeutipidP, was to •·murder the c ri11e r before he b it··

In e:whc ·1se a.; repurt.e.l. by witn•!S,es, tlH' person hit1t'n

8 uff refl excnwiating ngony n; .cl tlmt c!t·llt.i, i~ ~ 111 (l within from 5 to 8 hours. En·ry tldng livil •g hns 111 ,c

or more natural P-ne1n ies, so thP- CP1 11 i perlr, ul1 hough St>

venrmon~, is easily C011qncrerl br the Tai':J ntuln. The only pl ('e where the Cen1 ipNle is s·nfe from it ~

rlreacled t,l,ell'Y wht• IJ 011 the pl:~ ~ n~. is to en~.conse it 1'!1

in the center of :t cactu~, f<>r the Tnrantu l:· , whose skin i., suft, cannot enciure the ,,et·•lles <,f the phwt, wherea~ , tl11 scnly cov<•ril•g of th e budy of th e Centipe<le protects him frnm injury.

lr. co11elnsion I wou l<l ntld ihat it would bell grent

ble~~il . g It> ID:<Jl;iJ :d, if t) .e Tr lfJ1t .l: "1 t1'cl n t:'Ti)ly to

such an t'XtPnt ns to exterminnte f>Very mt>ml•rr of t(w

Centt'pede f:-11nil,r, nnd in t.urn received the snme fate from some of its enemies.

J) . ofT.


Rn~e-As fi•r me, I ean hut admire tl11 · dignified de.

ponm l'nto!' Al· •l·7. •. Hi ::: fignre, his tires~ , his bows and

ges: ure~ , hi~ l:n •gnngp nnci ~mil(•s , urr,ntly , J•repos­

~es~ing. I thf11k th " t if there are polite person11 in the

'~' .l'}d , lie is ont'. H~< is 1 efi nement itH lf. W hJ pl·<>ple d·i.~ like h11n :-1nd call him a elude , I could neve1· comprehencl;

a1 .d rnnch les 6 do I see ·why they rtg!lrd Angelo as n g<'l't ."m"l l, "ltlwugb he is not half so rich, hanrlson .,.,

or g-rn(·t ·ful. The C:tUSI" uf tl1at <::ll!uot be UIIJtbiug else t li an rrL•.lice and ignOI': IIIce. .

Eugene- vVhy HoSP, I :tm ··mn;wf! nthea~ing .\' II Si cnk

til" ' · Yuu st·' f'ID '" men~ure the true gt•ntkmnn by his flj>I>E'HI'NJICe only . 1:\t, W, th!iL Wi i) lt€Vel' d<, 110 DlOl'e lh:tn it would do tu sty that ~hr.t ~;; ,, 1 1-,liltu's is g v ld

althongl' th11t wh ich is gold does ar;d must glitter, since

hnllinncy is tl1e chief mnrk by which it is · so highly

prizt>rl. \\'itliont thi - , it would have no greater value

1 han lear! or iru11, In like mnn11er be is ~wt ulwll._ys a gt·•JIJII II who has the :lpJ •eamnce 11f One, although }10

who i" ... w, fl .,c , and must 11 ppem· as~ uch, ns it j., impos­Sib 'c fiJI' lig!:t not to shine.

Ro ('-But how do you know tbut Aionzo hns only

1he :'p(>t'lll':llH'P ()f n ~Pntlemau n11d ··i:;uot ·uue i11 rellhty.?

En~t ·ne-An :nti<: l!:'. is gennilot> if it po~~~· ssr.s nll the

~~:; ('Ill ia r ]>l' t •pPrl ies: if uot, i I.'s ~pur i ou,, A piece o frnetlll IS g•·Lu :ne g old if. lu·~ides ht·ing- wft., ductile aud malle. nb :t•, it is of such a br ight ydlow color, thnL it will not larl •ish. If it will, th!'n it's surely not gold but something

e i~P, s:~y l:ras", hi;.thly poli1'hecl, or, u.t . the utm <>st, l, i kcwi~e a ]>Prson i:; a true gentleman, if he is polite, i ,· not, he i:< hut a would.h(e g PntlPnHtrJ, a -sham.

Ho~e-Auri is not. AloiiZ') politP? Engt,ne - To he polite '1 perso n must observe the

J'l'it eip lt·; A l w:oys J>le:t ~P (wh <' lli'CIISOuah li·)-llever dis­ple:. ,f> (wi llful I.') . l.n other W(Jrth: Do to ot,hers a~ you

w .. uld ( n•ason:. ldJ) lin"" othf-rs do to ) ou, wldcb of I'Olll'SC nwm,e :t\'<>id whnt would hurt their feelings.

Fnr it. is imp0ssible to p iPase aud at the &lme time dis­

please. 11 ~I'- \ ' d n ~>eE Alonzo not do so?

Eugent>- Hardly. R· •>e - \Vhy n1•t? Eugene- W .:· ll, he !.nrts the feeling of o:hers. He is

ovt·1·bearing nn<l conte mptuous. He lo• ks down upon

Pver,rbo<ly with dis<iain. l\Ioreover he is selfish. Not, on ly is he quite rel!nrdless of the good of others, earing

oniJ for hi~ own , whether i1 be plellsure or gain, but s met i nw~ hi.\ ev<'n prvrm·es the samP nt the ex)'ense of

other~. BP,i•lf>•, ht> is ns cove ,ou~ ns Jurlas, and a.s stingy

as Dive&. All th i~ cannot plea~e 1 am sure.

Rose-But to be polite i:. it absolutely necessary of




J"U 1<-'a·r your pt:inc,ipl .... : . AIJ.vays pleas{l-ne,ver rli ~­

ple: •.~,.,? I~ it not sutf.! .·ieut t.o ob~erve tile rules of eti ·

q:uette ? _t., t)pon "''hat principl e nre the ru!Ps cl

·etiqnette bascrl: :Aiwfly& pleflse-ne,·er di,plea~"? Wily do sometbin).! rather ot;c; way than nuothl·r ? "Why

euch t,J-,i-ngs ·:lS saluta . ion. gr:1ctiful c - rriag~>. ~weP t rlis.

position if twt to plt•ase ? W hy 1w s1lch thing~ as rnfT'nn

- slang~. c!owt1ish runnn er~, l,lt · :~r-litn~ w .. y~, if uot, to

a v o ir! what mny clis plense?

-· Rose~And Jo all polite pe•>ple netually observe that

p.ri nei 1 •lc•·? l<:Ngene-Eve R t'1e p1gans who wpre 'rn 1 ,. polite

rl irl w. for instance the ptg Ill e m,>ero r AI• xanrler

the S(;Vt're. He is consi<lerecl a nohle character hy Bidt ·

baru~,.r, a recent chnn;h- ' ,j • .,.· , ., · · " ·'l'"use :lis prl~ ciple was: •-A~ you would have oth r rs rio> to y<•ll , ~o rlu

yv u· uPto t he tn"; which am<~ ' l 11 1 ~ '" : \ w:o _\ · ~ , .J, .

n eve r rHs plea~e. Tl1i ~ princi ple he h;~cJ even e ngr:o v c·cl

upc •11 the vP.ry walls c•fhis p:d ::wf', lest lle sl.toulcl j l\' 1'­

ehanc., cl ~;:v iat.e from it.

Hose- The-HI .You mea:n to say t.ha t po lis l.te I mRnners

an,'l fi 110 d 1 e::l~ w1ll not mal<e a g-Pn tleman .

Eugene-No morP than the imagt-s on nf.•rgeil eoi 11

will make it HIOnt·y. It', the silvt·r that J,fls il •t· v:duc

a;nd n•-•t -the impressiolfM. Tnw, without Lht-m it m:•.r

not h>IV t; the s:tme, full , value ; it IVill iw w .,. , : , '' '" to­thing. w'1 e r~>:tS th e in1press ion o n z int: o r cl.q would hf'

worth not hing. Lilil'wi se, it's not th e p .. Ji,h that " '' I e~

the ge nllema n, hut the principle. Th e polish will on ly

r. ·:<'<> tnpli sh him . Wit.h it l.e' il be nut o nly n gt•ntlemau

b 11. :1 finished gt~ntleman,

Ro~e-~o a geu tl e HHtn mu~t alwnys pl_ense ne ver rlis­

ple:tsl' . But snppo~e Alonz•> were :L busine3s mannge 1·,o ~

a school- JH·i,,eipul and harl to correct other~. then he

eriulil be 110 _,cll ikman, or y tJII r principle could nc,t

holcl? Eugene-W"hy n 11. ? ~ .. mntter h ow l1itter the pill is.

it. can a lw:tys be CO'\te'l with Sl1 ,5" 11'. i:So :dso the ~t> ver.

es t re prima11rl may be give n wis .. !y s wee tly, a,,rl ought

t .. , i.f t lw rle~ irerl effec:t sl<cJUid fo !J .. w. Otla·rwise tl.e-re

is t'ffect e cl nothing but pwvoc;Ltion , wh ich ends o 11 1y in

ma king things wor~e.

Ro'•~ -B--~ it so. Yet I ca.nnot fully un cle rs1a n<1 . why

pPople shoul•1 rl e~ pi .;e :1. m nn nn 1 c dl him a pup. it' hP

won't jn't cnst himself to their f~; et a nrl swing iucc11se

before them? Eugene-No one Pxpects to rlo thnt. Snch hehnvior

would he 1iot only servil~ an•l ll ll l'l':l.S".n:<h !P, Lu•. nbo

offPns i ve. ExePs;; i vP heat is not better t hn 11 ··xCI'~si "'"' eold. too g reat a rli~pl :iy 1•f Jnlit••ne.- s di"r • lea~l's ~~~

none nt all. ·Bu t whnt is PX JII'l'tP•I or him i ~ J!, .,t " " trl'lll otlwrg as he wo_nl.rl (r••aq"tl'lhly} h ,y,. othe r • tr;~ •1. ldm.

R us<J-But wha~ is tl.e prcdse re:..S· •Il fur wLieh {HlUI•le

d cs pise him ? Thcn·llJI · tti<J~ !1 11 t :d e 1.o t a lway ss •

po!itl' , a.t~rl yet thc ·y are not rl··~pif'.Pd.

J-: tl~ f'JI-~· ('I • Il • IJ~· cJflcHH<JJ . J ( ' IJC' f\"11' yi1l c ol

ro.,ps w!Jere he pl:n ,t<-d th• n s. n .r did lillY om• draw

hon1y from a "en>lt he had fillHl wii11 ,.(,,Pp:« r .

hl•>e-Aild why rlo th e.1 c:1b ld111 n. rlul. · ?

E ngene -lnhisnm hitioll to ~hine f• > l•f'•cnctt, f.p

o ,·c· rdoes thing~ . By hi s la "g n·• ge :wd b W;< J,,. ,JI'lllll!!y

r Pmincls Ill!' o f a c<'rtain "rnt· ll' whu i,, • rd ,• r to~ lw Vl' ry

lliCP, WO UJd sn.y rJirec l_y, 0 ' nn l CllllP«Villg t.hPpi:Jt !"llrlll

wou'd make nut one wu.Jer.,te bdw, !Jut three ~ue.;es,; i ve

Io v otw~.

· n · •sP-The n yon renlly hul<l A lo1 z0 is no gentlunnn,

a ncl 1 h:1t AngPIO is ?

Eng•·uP-I cl o. AngPlo lwsiuc: AI c 1 zu i> 1:k1· 1 tne

hnrndeF~, nnd nse ful w: -t.Pr C'r.nq ·:P I' rl wi ll ' f·br ic·at•· •l

wiul', whi ch having the nppP:I)'.Il •Ce o f n·nl wi1u•, is

nothing hut strongly i·J,"·o ··•·l. co nt ·•m in :~tf' d w ll Pr ,

highl y injuri o us. Of cou··~p I illl'l e rst:u:d th ·tt if A nl! ·' IO

ha .J the po ll:<lt of A iel ,z,,, h~ W<>ul •l th r~ rd •r<! re ,e :nb le

not ,, ,,. " 1111!/l!"f't. of purp g~>lcl. hut c• fg •1·1 wm u.{ltt in

ton rlnzz'ing- jf WP!: lie W" ltl•l the u bt! no t on ly a gP nt.l e ll·an, l•u t a pPrfeet gent.lf'm: 111 .

Ro~e-Ao I rlo11't k11ow wh:~t. tn OrP. t o s:•y i 1 lwh:t ll Of Alonzo, I will give in. For 11 It I] the ' ruth. I myself

tiel con v incPd A ng• ·ln, :~lillc · ugh phinn i n -his W•)• · is

renlly more polite. You lt:tv Pch·t,g•·,.l c nti r..Iy 111 - notion

of gc·nuine pulitt'IIP~~ . I S<'e · th:tt po Ji,h e 1 m li lll f' I'S,

without t he pl"i11ciple you la id d ow n, will not llt.<ke a gf' ntl•·•n••• ·. A l< •l<e they are iikl-l s .. np huhhle,, wl.i,·h

.. ]though fi,.e to bel•ul•l, nr~ empt.y: w:.ich t he •· e fure

ri <i 11 g in t1 c n ir tn ntm t high er nnrl hi gher, Ulltil Lh ey

Hre hurst hy t.he lo:l• t. o b .; t:te le. N i.> W•lll · le •· t.herd ll'e

tl<at J.wo ple mi s lntst a n rl dis like tho- e w••Hl·l- he ge n t le. m e 11. For, who can I'<" ally PSteern th pm '? \VI1y, they are

11 0 l>t:tl er tha11 qli lll"k, , who n utw itl< ~ l.auc!iJig nll the it•

hoast i< •g. rlon ' t do n11y goorl, but a gre:~t clen l o F

. mi ~c l iPI. \Yho nut o nly tllhn· Jn·"~c nt n11d d ·g rad e in t.he publ ic c·stim:t tiun the 1n edic:d ar t a nJ prvf-J,~ i vn ,

hu t who a l,o make i t C011tenq,t1 bl e .


Eu11·ene- Yuu are ri )!;h t, R·~e . W here people fee a man po :so neJ n,ud rubbed hy a qunck, they h en•·.e tiJrtiJ

mi~ tru st a nrl lut'l e very p!tysici :tll. The same mn y he

s:ti<l of every tlting e lse, eve• • n , li ,s ious u1· pi e ty. 011 nceount .,f hypocrites mnny hatc: f•V t·ry c hurclnuan,

without m:~kin g: th e neeess:~ry rli:;Liuct io ll . But ScP, we

a •·e home a lready .

- Ifthe pnrt.y whn wrest]Ps with the •·hig fi l•lle''

•~ur i n l[ pmct ice timP. will ell"l nQ:e h is tu •1e nee 'sio n:tlly

or f it. wl PI'<' we <'fl n ~ea]t1 him whPn th PPngin• · h:tssteaw

on, l1e will hear of sometllin :; to his act v:111tage.



I'( ' BLISHED SEl\U-:\lOXTHTJY, IIY Til E " Tf' DI'::\'Ti;.

!Wl'J.'()JlS. ,.,. . I . r) .r n .. · .n f' t' . ... ........ . ... ' 90 · '• ' 11 ·"' ~ lll , . ,;e · ( 1' . :\' <> i' III• ·,Yl• · ............ .. '!)l

( )<' , () 1 II d Ill': I 1\1 I , , • , , • , , , , , • • 9 [ A ~, i, L: tril Edi L<l, ., ~ t. F.dJ.·.I' ... .. ........... ."U:-3

. !'l.l i · >l!dll .. . .. .. .. . • .. .. . '!l:~ lll FJ .,,.; ,, ... . . .... . . . . . .. . '0 l


011 e year - - -TE IOI S. Si x ,;lo11tlt s - •

P:~y :1 hl e in n<ivflnec.

- St. fiO. !;0.75.

A ' l ~ llt t\1 ' 111 :-> of l ilt-' ( 'oH! •gi..• an: iu v i ted to ~Wild coll t.l'il.HJt iUil 8 HI

IH i t l l t · r t o r t lw .Jo n B "A L .

All (' oi! J IIll!11 ii.~a t. io ll s :-i h Ot!l d hr <Hhln·ssPll ·• s t. Viate ur 's College .l onrnal ." HourhOIIIla i:-; Urov .... 1\ankai.::t•P Co .. I d .

!.ut• •l'i·d at llu· l 'o;-; t OHi<'l' at Btmrboll tJ ai~ U rovt.·, Ill. , as seco11tl class ma :t' ' ''·


:KOW IS THE W i~TER OF OU!t DIS CON-1' ,>~ r -wonb writt en b; the great Shakespeare and h wr:l· y m;mgled 1l)' ·the o1 'y elocutionist." - \Ve q :wle them with the as-;urance that they will attract ihe desired attention to what we ha.v J to say- To many a college boy his sc bool days constitute the winter o£ his discontent.-He cannot be brought to consider iche college period o£ his life as anything else than <.t dismal, dreary waste; a loss o£ his best years, years which he is comp~ll ed to sacrifice for the small gain of ·'a l ittle learn ing." It is rather unfortunate th at this position should be so commonly assumed by ~tudents . vV e can however assign causes £or this mistake, which show its absurd ity.-Among them is first a lack of aprreciation of study in general-110 enthusiasm for science. I£ a love o£ books is once infused, it dispels the incidental and accidental diE­ad vantages of college life as the sun dispels the mist .> o£ daw n. Second comes a cert.aiu kind o£ natural or chronic iunolence which re:::oils from the daily iasks which college rul e.> impose. This indolenc", i£ allowed to become a habit, wi ll cut a sorry figure before this '·hu tling'' world. Better that the boy be forced ou t o£ it even th rough college di~·cipline . Next. comes as a cause o£ discon tent the Amer:can b)y'~ idea o£ independence ; the sovereignty of ·'his own way.''­This in m'1Jly particular is disreg:trdecl by the co~ lege

code which is so rude and de potic as n ot to respect j whimsicalities! The boy is t herefore compelled to

le:1rn practically the dialectic idea of inde~endence and . of obedience-something which will be useful :to h 'm in life even if it on 'y keeps him from becoming an anarchist . ... For these :1nd many more reasons stu .. dents, e>en th-;- young, might consider themselves less m .. , ah'e c~ m . ng their college days and years. Vie~ved · n ! the light o£ the e considerations hfe at college, instead o£ being a perpetual winter of discontent, b ~comes the sowing and b1Wdi1 g and blooming springtime o£ profitable labor an<l of pure pleasure­a period which justly promises the golden harvests of t \e autumn of life, a solid and knowing manhood.

nlTP, JOUR.]\" A L ron.c-· atulates the Scientific A.'3-sociation in she selection of Mivart as the patron of their society. This organizat,ion was form erly called ~he "Agassiz" Association from the fact that it was a clnpter o£ the National Association. But after due rlPliberation and a close study of the great scientists, the members decided to call their Association after the Catholic who successfully overthrew the Darwin­. n theory-St. George Mivartr Hereafter it will be · 10w n ~ , tlw ''Mivari Scientific Association" of St. Viate nr's College. Our readers will remember th~t ' [imrt wn;; nskecl to fill the chair of science at the College University in Washington, but owing to pressing duties he declined. Our scientific Association has done excellent work since its organization and with t he zeal of its presen t members as well as the deep interest taken in scientific matters it will cer­tainly succee<~ ·n inducing more o£ our young men to )Ve n .' ur(' and science. 'l'he JOURNAL wishes it grea~er sucres :mel hopes that it will receive the en . couragement it deserves.

WA!'HI:\GT0:\'3 A:'\l' l VER3ARY AT ST. VIA­


~: 1 lurrh.v <' Vf' ning-. F· ·hl'll'll',Y 22, Wn f:hing-ton's Anni ­VPrS:1r·y, wa,; cl'l• · hm!<~< l a t f't.. Vi:1tenr's in n. manner th:~t, i ·, prf'CP<Iing- .Yc ·•r"· h:t;; ~eltlom ht>e n Pq 11nllt•if nnil

11 .. ,.f' ,. , l ' ll1~!'et 1 . Ti <P gpirit nf Am PriMn indPJ)PIHiPJH'e

nn<l of JovP :'Inti rt>VPrPn cc for il$ p;lorinn. founc!Pr, s<'PtnPfl tn nnimntP 1hP lu>nrtl< nf nll, nnif p jp,·n.tP tlwm nhovo:~ thP pP t tv wr-~ knr>~ · .,f "''·er.' ' rl:ly lifP. T he lnrge nnrliPlll!P hMl n.s eml.Ierl in the coJl pg-P hnll to think nf

\V : 1 ~h i n)!ton ; to lwnr his p m i ~t>s s!Hl nri <> d in t.hP ,!!lowing

w ·rks r.r t.hP <~i f: I ingui shPif ornto r~ !'PIPCtPif fqr t.ho OCC/l ion, and to offer the g rate ful homnge of an Pn .


francl'li~eci peuple to him wl.,; IJ:,rl vffuHI up Hll hi'

own ·enrthly hnppiness on the nlt.:.r • r Fr

A very interesting, nnd, ~~~ tl e sn n1r tiP •<', ;II 1 •'r tflt t

essay, ••tJI itleci , " Seienee and R,·Ji-g iun,'' w:t~ n nr1 I y :M:r. l\f . F, Lennartz.

A de:o.feni11g storni of a~>phnse h11rs t frnm t.he erowci­

e<l ha ll ns the meJiJdions voice .,f i\lr. M. Anrln>gg, the

virttH.>So ·o f St. Viateur',; snng 'I liP ti11 a l l'l'u rd :; ,_. r tLe

•' King':; Ch~mpion." It \'\'aS hPn r ti l_y e JIC 'Orf" rl.

The personality of \Vashington wns hU t ly depicted J.y Mr. J. J. O'Connor. \VItn.t, vt>r ltl:l.}' ha.1 ,. l!ee 11 tl .,. !!IT­

co nceived ideas oftheau<lience, · •· '" ' ' ' ct, u!d p .-.- ! ly hrtve rleparterl from ll 'o:~t l1all with •o nt "~-'"'' ' " .- with '

l\lt". O'Conn~>r that the imm c, rt . l W as ' ·i, .gt- 11 "''"· it­

deed ••First "' w ; !ir~t. in P•·a •·P, :tu'l first it, the hP: II s of Ids countr,1 men."

1\Jr. \Vm. McH11gh, one of Professor Bo11rget.'s mn~t

promi~ing pupil~, added a11othP. ft , .. ,. ,. '·" o], , . bright

c hn tJ iet of glory which the goddess •>f '" n8ir: i , 9lreudy wenving for hi :; yuntld'tll brow.

The c lim:tx of Lhe entert:tilltuent w·•s re:1cherl whl'll

~h .. 1, .J. (' , , dun :qope:treJ l>d,.re . the \':~S t :tudit>I>CP

·llnrl in a d<·nr nud <H>Liuct. vo ,., . uttered the iu:<pirit •g

words;, "Ou r ( ntt b titutiu ~ · - " '[Ltc •·,-~,.,,,,, '"' . ~ ol

things" .see nw·d lu ·. "h:ll' <' 1, . I • f"l ly r" , ];z,· : ' . whe11,

We CO' I•I • I• 1 1 lo · ' ' "I ' f1J !e and t<•]iil'p: t> lllyllf'OCe

of Lhb lnt!y rr.ngnifieent i'jlt><·ch wilh the imp<•sing nt•­

pe:tnllJCe uurl ptrle<:L t ·hy oiy ue of the dbtinguish ... J orator.

· The e 111l ' 'in Em of his hc·:11 ~>rs luww no 1 · ' ' "" 1, w hen

w ith word :; that thl'ill <- d Ll>e hrnr Ls of nll ]Jrl'sent, nnrl

With a ll 1- h qnence that W:•S truly "tJ.>IillH', ~II'. C'cmrlun.

]'Ointill;.( I<• the magnitice11L oil painting ol the immort"l lVn:;hi11gLon, srt id, t :Jat Lu hitu a11d 10 I1>1TI a luu e w:t$ tu

be nttnl>n1ed all til e praise and glory of having s trich:e,

the HhlwkleR of U[JI•ressiun from the I hubs of our fi>re

father!' , and pl:wt1~<1 tn fruitful l'o il t.IH· s o·, l '' · t.l~:tt Lr!'e

of L1 bt>r ty , whi ch to-dny, i'p renrl; i ts branches [1om

Maiue to Calif, l'llia, fno ut th e ice bou"fl regious of tlte

nonh e\'e ll to the uurning sands of • ·"' '"' •. ,

Apart from the exeellence uf the entertainmen!, when

v iewed from a l:tera ry :Lttd mu,.ic:al st:~ nrl poi nt , it is "

source of great pi P:~sure, 1nrle• ·rl, to ttote the truP

Am~>ricnn ~lJi1·it a1 .J luve t, f u .. unt.ry P"' rvnrle cvc· ry

youthful heart within ti.Je walls"' ~t. Vi:~lt.".tr '~ C<dh·gc•.

The freedom for wllich we fought anoll.JIP-d in 1 ~76 ;,; Lhi:l

grcate:; t tre:tsure of ou r henrt~; nnd the ri:<i11g g~'ll<'mt ion

eh uld certn.i 11ly be marl e 111lly ltW<Jl'l' <•f the fitct 1h:1t

the freed om, S<J rle:t.r!y purchnsed with the be~t hl11<H'l

of our f ori':tth ~ r·~, is a he l'itnge to he gu:11d Prl hy til' ,

their •:hil dren, ns the mothe r g u:~Hl ~ hPr r,ff pri1 •g; to

be e lrc1 bhed as the miter clH:rishes hi :< It irld< ·ll !l' -I d.

1{. 1( ]( Tirnes.

LOCALS. ~The Big 4. - Bnh_y-E~t>ph'lnt.

- Get th e step Sh<'a.,

- 1· ' ianHpolis Ql,liq_tA'P,

-:_Did yon get a va le 11tine ? ·-Who said he c ut his t hroa.t?

-"Prot. I c;nnnot ge t, the s had e."


- '\Ve hn. ve fl. Cl"nwer iII c .. li t'gfl llf) W.

- C •·dl, to " l. iC' I• 1: . (( ' clt • wo · ht·i•ong?

--Look ou t for B:.t ttery 13, S 111JOI:J j: eVellillg, i\lardt I 6th . 189).

-- Ro:tsled mice a lwnys on hnll(l . A. F . D. Pu< >P


-A~· nts :HP wnnterl t o hny c·ourt p :n s tr r for the

Fir~t Arithmetic Clns~ .

-Two more stnd P nt.~ wn11tPrl th b w:ty Tlt e f;~p : o u s

two hnwlrerl will t hPn l1 e rt> :H·hl'd.

- I?ev. Fath<'l' M:~r,ilo• :ot ' e lorlo ·d the G •·lole" Jul11lle

c.fMgr. lksso ni es nt I11rli:onnp<•li~ 1:~,1. ll'f'o k.

-The ('adc·ts · nrP ,., ry : 1 x :r Ill' te o wi 11 n1 i1it :o ry

honors f( ,rthey F['!-"' rl \lhc]e J'f'(' l'< · :• tiot~ i11 f] ,,. A · " ' "''Y · - Tl oc• ,Jtnlic•n·' h lc 1 c·<' p rdi r·t I rF t ·• n I' l l :~ ( k nu li Jt.

All t hP .JIIPio rs h"i e that t.he Re v. D in •<"to r will give

him th r snme position.

-It wns ~r·mPL hing- • ' se th :tn !'ir·I\II <'SF ihn t rlrpw

th e ~· on11g nwn home from eo ll< ·g<'. Th e D a iiiJ ii!e Sun­

dCI.I/ P1'f'89 •

-The Jou RNAL n·tmn!'l tl > n tl;~ t(t Tit•v. F. X. (' lonni.

Jt :t rd C. S. V, I' s;or uf l\lnnteno, Ill., fur th e $5.00 p;i ven to the fir m.

- Th r> rlrill of th r. ''P;c '' ,., , u ~. •l" at t he rer.>l pt.inn

Ft·id a_y F eb. l/J. s t, w Gs one of tl1e Le:;t militnry <:>x l•i ­

l>iti o n~ ever $<' e n in the coll <'ge.

- ery B. is p ro nounc '"d hy t. he prPS'> throngh­

ont the ccountry to be one of the strunge~t dr,lmas now

011 LhP Sf :tgf',

- - Fr~>lll tllf' prr>~e nt o nt.lor•k it. wil l ~on n he ! im e 1o

tld11k of orga n iz ing- t he lt :~se bd l! e luhs. T be re is ple11ty

of gnocl mat .• ·rinl t hi s yen.r.

-- A. h :tllrlWmP g:wel hr•s bren pre~e n tr.rl hy G nstnve

l-l:ou~er t .. Hev. Jo~ .• 1 B<·ueler to l> e nsr.d i:; tile meet­

ings .:tf Id s Agass iz A;;~odaLinn.

_St. C harles l-loch·ty lin~ lo:'l hen,· il _r in mumher~ ltip

011 :lCI'O ttlll <>f th1• f11 t'!'PI! l'f',ig loll l ion~ O f' llte :--t•Jtior~. ·"t·

J., hll ' ~ n11rl the Dut~li11g K> •i!-!ht$ •·ftlt r S " co rd wi ll :dso

lo ;e on ~cc~>un t of e wit.hdr:tw:d o:· th e ,lL'IJ iors a nd

1\Iinillls. Tlte !:o tt e r wd€1,Y ' ' "~ cli , h;ll d f' d . - L•l St F1i<lll_r, in the ~:tc-n·d llo ·nJt. C h••]>rl , n. n nm ­

b Pr of ou r tiemi to nri :w s r<' <:!'iverl i\Ii tll •l' On l• · r~. 11' . R o·v.

B >-hnp C lu tr. offieiilli ng. TlwFr> n ·c• ·i1· il·g li iC nrdt · r~

wen•: MP:.:;rs . J L. ~1nlntH'Y· J . F . ~nlnn, T. J . Lyol('l ·,

A. A . F11r111111. D .. S. O' Bcg lr · ~' - on f'l Tons ure was given

to Mes~r~. J _ F . Suert.l.! , J . T. B t:!uuetL






T i,e world h:t ~ :olw · .r~ dwrishecl wi~h in.tinctive

v et•P u io .. t'l'' l1.1v~ wit 'eh wis•·ly gnide hum :tll c ·lltcllict

:11 :d prol< 'CL llli!ILIII lilll ·l·t.•·. Tile 1uos t :l iH ' Ie ••t J:,w thnt

we fi,,.J thu~ J' m~en· ed i11 tlH~ nrchive:> <d' hlltnlillity-::~.

lnw f•. nd . !DI'I1111l 1 f ni l HibH QII PIIt kgi : lati1 n iS IhC

t\los:1ie L 1.w, ~t'<LV e tt b1· th ,., Al1n.i_;·hty !l ·m •Pif llJl"ll

s'o11 e t:~blt" t~ mid tilt' thtlllders oF .\lount. Sinai. An­

ot.h• ·r is t l1 e ( ' hri~tian rP\'f'lnt ion i~s 11ing- frn m the lip,

o f O : v ill< ' Wi~dorn incnr11:1te nnd b•·~ <·omi11g f, ·,r :dl

tint~ · ~ t.hf' oniy law 11! nil '"'lion' <:hliruing- to l.m civil -. iz r-· d . Tl1 P ll<·· xt is t.h:1 t J', m(ln' iw•: rnm .: 11t ,,f. j'lf'l'Silll :.l

::t 1Hl (' ivil ril!-h l;:, th•· Mngno Charta, ""' l.dl< d fn •m th<' •l e~ poti c ki11g .Jo h11 , 11!' I•:, g hnrl, b.1 j,j,.; re~<>l11te nnfl

li!H · I · ty- ' ovin .~ b:q·,q s '" d tlw grawl cat l11oli c An:hbi :< hop

of Ca,t c.·rbury -St.P]•lwn Lnngt o n. A11d lnst but '"'t lca,-t th:lt· 111 0~1. ~plt>11dirl r vel:~.' ion of political wisdom.

t 1tl' C · n~ t.itn tion or Uloitefl Stair!', '1'\'1'1>11 IiI (1' .. l ·y

the " ""<'mi,Jt•d Filhrrs ol tlli~ ('< I.JI ,tty tlllrlPr the prPsi­

dei"'Y of the "''bh·st patriot nncl wi~e"t ~tntE·smnll of m11dem tin11 "• ~ o d,·~<'l'vl · dly c:d],·d Lhe F.Lt.l1er of tlli~ .

g'orions rel'nh ~ ic-Geot•ge V/.1, hing1on. It will J,p

doing l11>11or to t.l1e tn<•m,ry ol' ow· illn ~trion~ libern·o·

to entert:lin 011rselvP-~ upon n W•n·k with which l1e ~o

thot·ou ,; ldy ide11tifie I himself, to trace up .t~ !Jrigin

and !!l'llWth, nnd show forth the t:-xcelleuce (Jf (Jill'

eon!'titut.ion. "Ev c:·ything" 'HY" Mr.' Briee "w \,i('h hn ~ thP pow• ,.

to win tile .,!.Jedie:1Ce ann rf'S J,eet ,,f me n mn~t h ~1vP il'

root~ deep in the p:~st, nur! thP more ~ lowly evPr_r

insti t:.:t. io11 h:1s g • ·pw1~ Ill' so rnn('h tlw more enrltll'il•g j,

it likdy to I>Iov e.'' I11 PI' w<•rrls, ns P .• ri' wa~ 110•

mane in a O:I,Y-S>l IIPiLh e r wa~ AnJI'riC:lll 01' 11111(' 1'111',Y 1'111<1

itf' cnn~titntional Pxprt~~ion nn im.tllllt:lii<'<•IIS Pvdntio11

Tlwy were the natnr:>l nnd FJllf'ncllrlrP~IIIt o!'n g-r:tdn 1 l•llL ~tf'nd_y fle\·('loj lntellt of demo<.:rntic id f'n!' wh .. ~e fi1·,t.

germ nates ns f11· b 'l.d> :>8 the Mag11a Ch·t1·ta i t,e lf. Mot·e or less aclvance<i 1111d wdl d<'tilwcl j,l ea~ 111' S<elf.

govemment were imp:1rte<i here with the colo11i i't$ wl1o

at various ti111es Jdanterl tlwmselvr;s up'" the Athnti<'

c ci :1 s1. ·ThNe i<lea~ more nnd fill!'£' :>S>f'rtecl t hf'rr>8P]VI'~

nccoroling ns thE\ Pppr•·,sion of Trnm:ntln11tic IOynlty

lwcnmP mnre u"lwan1blP, anrl tlwy fin , Jly f•nn<lthdr

firs t cnt~<mon ''"PI't>tif.i on in the Decl:nat.ion of lnfl~­

pcn <lt:nce, an<l t.hen in the consLitut.inns wi1 h wldch thP

Sf'Vel·:d ct•loni e~ inve~tefl tlH'm~e l vps nnclt-r ihe olfl

Article~ of the cOI,ferlPrati l>l l. It WllS tllel! thnt popnl:tr

gov<'I'nr<~ent hPgnll to Px i,t tipon our ~h1•res . As Jon~ a ,

the people of t he U o~ ite<i Colonies hncl a cornni " n Clll.S t'

in w hich all intCl'f:llS were ulemleJ the :u t:c:es ol' Per-

retu ·,J Union fll SW<'rerl goV<'l'tlml•ntal pUI'P<•Se3.

But when Gn:al .Br 1tnii\ eensc<l to b•~ a mPnn ee ~o .the

iWl<'penflPilCC Of the C(l) o t.ieF lll d t h111 clifft'rt' lit intere~to t>nd j •·nlon8ies nwse amo.,,g them , the ol<l !lrtiQle··

pro\'ed f'ntirely . innclf'qnn.te to maintain nnion 01: even

Oilier. \Vnsltin!!'"" '' ' th e t inw pronvnnc•·rl tlwm of no I!Sf' and ns littl ~e better thnn anarch.\'. Centml autho_rity

n-ns so wen l\ me:ws could \le , £oNncl ol· rnisi.11.g

money to p·ty nntio .1nl 1leht~. F :o th ~tate was J•Oin·ing

its own currency nn<i i ~f' tiing bonos wldeh re. ultP<i in

mn ld ~:g mr>nf'y so wort.hless that i~ co&t in thos<J dn.j s

$300:) t•• buy n. pni1· of boots.

Ren.lizi11g ti1e sncl condition ot uffairs t.he wi;:c men

of the titn<'s--t hn~ e who han the nntiou's wt-lf:~t·c :1t

hcnrt f'Xl'tlerl their iloflu P, nce to hnve eonJ!tes~ ll~SPmble

~o as to properly amPnd the old A rLi<'le~ of ConferlPI'll·

tion. mud.1 <idny it was fi11nlly ngreerl11t Annapo­

lis that the st.ntP~ ~l.onlrl se n·l 11 presentnthe!l to the -

e~>PVPntion in Phihd,·ltdtia w.ith in,stnictions to mcrP.I.Y

nme11cl lt'.e old constitution. Tlle representfl.tiv"s that

m(:t th<· r(•, ,,.,.re tiH·re1'0re rt'!\tri et<'fl by thrir c -.nstituent!l

-to go no f•rtlwr thnn nmending or patching the old

Artie!••s of Confederation. B 1t with admi1':1ble. h~>ld11ess

Iht>y disrPgn.rded th e l 'mitat!ons that h11d h •len pntupon tht·m nnrl resoln·d to fr , . II,. ·•n I'll irely newc•liiS_t.itution.

011<'oft.he r<'prese11tatives in QI•,Jer toj,ust.ify : tl;e eourlle

· f liiP convPntio•t in the eyPs of hi~ t)OIIstit.uf'tlt,, upon

his n turn from P!•ilarldphi:t relntecl the ,tory th,,t is

to ld ol' the<l poe t-P.,pe. Thi~ hm·>US writPr wns

oiiC<·! walking along the slrc~ts of Lonrlon nccomtAtliiefl

by a sn1all boy tvh•J h ·lpe·:l him al•HJg. They c:tm H to~ a

g11ttt>r n. ud t.he UllJ' quickly jumpefl ov•·r it le: .• villl! Pope

lwhi11fl . The pof't <tCeor<ii"g to hi~ cn .<tom began to

r·xc lnim: •·Gucl me11d 1111 ·'' God meittl me:'' 'fl e h• ·y f,,rthwith n·plied: "f;orl mend yuu!" He'rlnl-tli< r 11:ake

:1 ]l:t\1 1loze11 llf'W IIIII'~ lh:.tll p~te!J J'Oll up." S11 COIItinuerl

t.lll' ('on,.,titut.ion m:.lwr; we prel~rred to make a new

!'!Oil~t iiut.i11n t.lnn v:dn ly • · n1i~>nvor to rev.isc the old.

Ot• the 25th . 1\1: y 17o7 th!\ mo_st ct"lebrnteu gntber.

;. g of ab ·e wen C\'P r ~ee 1 : i11 Atnl'l'iefl presiflefl. ove1· by \Vn,hin.!'"l' !.:1 ' ~ f'111'•led iu .the old State Hou,.e in

Phih<lelphi:1, c losed tilllllSPlY<'S in nncl mutually pleflg<·d

1 he strictest ~f'crec.r. All the ,e•.sioJts were ~ec ret, ~o Itt!

to keep pet•ple frum knowing the nature ot 'the proceed·

ingR, fill' iL wns th< \ught that if the states luvl knn-wn the

dilikul1 ies of the e>~~e. the di~t111ion nm1llig the framer8,

,].ll·n · wunld hnve. redi!ted universalnlnrm nncl clistrust

width 11· 1dd hnv<' prove.-! to the co11stitntion. So great wf're thPFe tliffic1dt ies ~tn 'o ~o fliviflcd w11s oplni~n th>~t the well know11 seeJ)tic Fr:wklin .propose<i thnt the

con nntion open thE' sess '(Jn with p1·nyPr. ':fhis m -tion

wa~ njederl lest it might \)e thence inferrefl thaL the d le

6;te,: were in d ePp trouble. Tbr:ough tite ~pplicfltion

or n.ue l,o liticabcieuee nnd tile ~xereise of judiciou . ' ; ~


compromise, there wll!' nt length fmnorl a commou plnt­

f~>rm to which all subs••ribed--their several irleas tiJPy

couched 1n Lbat famous instrument the con~titulion of

the Uo~i.terl S ultes. The !<pl•.'n1i<l re,oJizat.i"n o ftloP. tnu•st 8110 Uronrle.~t prineiples (If go\·ernment I he Sl oli rl f •llll·

d lotion of the m:o.z,•i!i<:eut EUJ ••·r!! ruct ure of pre~t>nt

Americnn Nntionnlity.

· Thus io it., beginnitL! I, i t ' r ~ee 1 o fpopuhrg"vNn.

ment l•h>~ no UJ>on these cnn~ t.« loy the winrls •·frleslin,r: strnp.gff:' rl , ·igi•T nu~ly tlorouglo the h:ml soi l and the tbi..:k rank ..-eeds of ignorance, pn·indice :qorl pnssion

fll,rl r h in12 pl1 li1 u,Jy 11L1 •H 11 c·u . fir1dly mt'l tloe glt1d

~ Un> hine c•f the illlelliget Ce Ill rl fnin eo~ of 11 better Hge

anrl u m •. re l!enerous pcopl1·, n people who imnwd!ntc :.\

pledged theit· w •rrl to rem Lin hrever hdne:Lth the

rdre~hing shnde of the mll~llificent tre!' of p• • pnl~tr

govem!Dent. In o ther wot·tl .~ all 'the ~t:ues :vl»pted the constitution milking it the law o f the n:~tion, >Lnd

perma ne ntly securing the hig-hest interest of tlw people.

Now let us ~ee in whn.t the so trnnsce wlet.t excellen<·f:' of our const1tution con~ists :11rcl whnt nrc tire I'PIIS 11!1

why WI' may truly a~sert that our constitution is tlw

model , nay the very itlf:'nl of a gover::iug fll!:~' n•·y. Jr

sh~1lll>c ln·i1 ·f. Tl oe govt·rmental cnns:itntion 'fn penpl!' is the gat l. or halrit dmt tlu~ nation ns a morn! JWrSoll

p • t · ~ 1 '· It. ~lwultl therH;>re fit, thnt•·p!'r~on }I JHl R11swer toll n• ·ed · , A nation there for!' is m:oki11g pro. f ,,f neep

P••lit ical wi srlom when it fi s on n con!llitution that

perft'ctl,r ngrees witb its Pn•videnti>~l Consli111tiflt1 (e. it.; natur.d s iz", cli,positiolls, npt.itnd<'~, powers of

developmPnl!lj it& ta,le~, hab its anrl necrl~. I t is in tid"

re~p!'ct t hut tl •e f•lli'<'X<·el!ence of• •11 r con:<ti 1 u lion chie fly consis:s. It nbove 1111 provides tnr the pe1fect unity of fl

multiplil'ity o f intlivirlual s1~1t• · s h .. c:~URI', tlwsc lllnny indivi cl <ud s t.:o lt'!l, even whl'n coloni~ havn nlwny~

exist eo liS one people-in other worcls they Wt: l'l'

pmvi.ientinlly mmsti:ntetl one tliltion, hy the force ••f circum~tnnces won tlrt>ir !nrl!'p!'n.letoce .,, ·•the goorl

people <•f the c, ,Jonh·s" at•ll werP desti ucd from tloe beginni~og to grow· into one mighty nation and not to

loe rlivided into se veral petty a nd iros ignifi..::ont powt•rs.

The unity and multiplicity of States the con~titutiou

Fnfe~unrrls throug't lo1 · folrl'nC,V known ns tl.e genernlun1l the Jarliicnlnr g<>v• rnment~. Ha vc yon 1101. often ~to(d in wonderment ht>f. •re ~orne ingeuion~ pit·C!'

of mnchinl'ry, thl' corliss t>ugine of tlw Pnllmnn cnr­w• rk~, the llyn• mo ,,f sume dt"• ·tl'i<" light plant, the

selfbin•ler <•r even 1h~> !lewin~t maclrinfl.

Tlw machinery of ••or govl'rnment is not lt•> s compli. cate(l. It too hns itsgre:rtwhl'' 1 dw nntionnl govt>rHment., supn•ml' it> all gerernl intt>rt· s·~; n11rl it ha,. nl><o it~<

;mnll ... r whc•vl~ the pnrticnhr ~t:•t,. g"verJ.metols r,.g-nh . private and locn l inter!'sts all( I :dfdt'S. E ch , f the

t te governmeu ~ isnn exact counh:rpart ol it.s protoLJ pe

the gen•ml gov• rnmPnl. lL is hard to eo11V<'.)' to a

foreign er an idea ol this ex,···lle:·.t pointllfom e .... ~titu-ion as it cannot lw 1 X plai-ted hy :uo:dog1· . TIH·n· is llo

C•>n~titution like ours in tlli~ re~p• et ill :dl lri"t"'Y· H.-sid~tbis clvu.octt-rtstic of Cllt>f<', nniry to ••llr n.otural C••IISLil ntion the Coll,.tilllt iOII ,,[' t,lic u.,j .-cl :::l .a : .. s ha::~

mn. :y other excell\•llt P"ints F"r ill~t.:u ee it is ,J , 11 •0-

c~at rc an rl not :rri~tocrat · c . y,. tt llol n l•o •11 th:t t "''' 11\'erl not ha VI' been b •I'll in a cn~<le or p·d :Lct' t. • be all A, ... ,._

ican t•i l Z n? U11der 0 111 Cd nstitut.ion the ll •oblt- Hl'tl tir e go10d GJ,.rious Cl>ioslituti .. n t.hat rec· •glliz,., illdrvid11al

W\ll'th ar.rl plact•s ge11uiue virtue he i'ure the wur .o out prestige of wouiJ.Irp uuhiliry. Ag·aiu our constitution

wi,f:'ly rlt·vides the l"'wer~ iuto three gmups which mnk .. ~ceutnd i;r.nt ion nr C ·o e,:a remnlmo· t :rn i m pn ~i h, 'i · y

A ct ing UfJI•n the wi.-P ~ugg ... stion:< of' ~l o11to ··q · de anJ '

util •zing their experi••nce in g•>Vc•r .tins t'.em•eh e.-, tile cun~t.Lution m:•k•·r, sa w it w · •~ e.•se11ti :r.l :o l't 'r'.ed .. m lo

divid e the powers, fpt llu m bl' IXI~ tt"i ~td !:-•V•r:• ._) hy

'the executive, legislat ive anri j•l'ticr:d tl•··p·ortuwrol:<. Thanks to tltnt :trr:ollgt·' IIIP> ot, lh• n· wilo ue \·er gt· .. \v

lliDI ·tt~ us any potent:. te wltv :ot wil t c •II '""""'" hi~ suloject.s to meek ly how their lll't'k~ It , t ,,.., t!t • x of

d t>,pot i,m. Onr courts :ore t.her• : •v,, 111 ·k·· t .o<l Low, .... rt our presirletotset•s t.!J••y are t'ltf. •reed ;.-T n:o tis ;tl !--SII.,t tld

he :ttlempt 101!'" furlhPr, r. '·' '""" 'Z", he w• ·nl.f he mel by whono? B.1 I hf' grand m· je~I ·J • f d1e A nwrtc .n )Jeople. Agnin ll!\' Ana·rican c•H•stilutinll i- C-'Ce ll .·, t :111rl arl,uir:oh:e ''" :•cc:., unt. t fits uni vers d arlapt:ohil.t.y.

R ·huld we :or•- 42 olllles. E• l'thesec •llllll•>tflYe:o lth s is r.s l:tr;-(e as nn ntd illHrj' Eun•J e:on nnlion. \Y e lrve i11 all climate~, we stretch to the SIIOW6 of C:rn:uh, :mol to

the perenllinl gnrdens of' F to .rid :• ; we touch the two

ocean~, nnol are we nut th e rno~t \'osnwpnllt>Ln peoplt>

on the i':oce of the enrth . \Vh :o t fH'PJ>le b ntnd c of

:<o divl'rsc 11ncl heterog-•' neous e h·me111.. A11d st r:onge nlm··~t increrlilole ns it tuny sePill ou t• con,.titnlion suits

tilt' it~rln ~ tr i • • n s !'<• ·rtll a11 d :ognl'uiLur l ~ .. nth ns wdl a~ th · hu ~t lio•g W e,t .. ~uil.s lhe U,·nn ·•fl , Fr\'111!h ,., ,cl lr i ~ h

Am<'ri can nud tire Y .ol :kt' Po all :dik·· · The n ·a•cw of' llr:11. is b• cau~e our constitut io11 rest~ 11)>011 tin• rat io11al, rloe

l• ·gil,, ] :11.d the t'Pal eil'l'll1l • rder of t.lting~. Tlrat it tHk!•s nwn ns · t ,., :·re not as llu•y :ort• not.

Now Gt-llt]emt'n th('l'l· cit· v,.Jve~ 11J>Oll fiRth·· · pl .. ntli•l

l.m>k, hOt 011fy of admir: r g hut. f llj> 'd ing 0111' C<tllsti ·

t.tttion, • f sturlying i1s par h · tn•uhles o1 growl h, of ur u!!'r~tnnrliPg it~ exc·t•ll!'r .ey t•n d :•h. V!' :dl "~ rl'lurrdug

thm·k• H8 we rlo to-uight to th•· fo· •m!'rS •·f tlo ·ot eo~lls • i­

totioll, ehiPfam ongst wh .. m, • •· tlw illlllH>l'tHI 'V ·>h­ington him,..J f. Ye, , mny it ever rc•main our M ·•gna Ch:~rt:~, thl' p:rlhdittm of •. ur liberties :111rl tlw irr · piring

gl'roi u~ of I he fl'\•est, hr:L\'''··' 1 tnost loya l t•.nl pea<:\'l'ul nnliuns of the world.


) t I

} l


·we hnve re<'eivecl the ft,ll .. wing ln•m Rt>v. A. l\1ll g lli e ll, with :o ll![lles t to 1 ub!.sh the ~am•· :

" .\11{ HO.L \1 ES' CO.:--;VERSION"

•·The report in :F~tPI !'h) · ~ AmPricno 1•f tl1 c wit!o­

c: rawnl fr01u ::St. Mar~·' , S" m ill:lo,Y. P:oc:1. St : c l't, of l\11

J . W . Hol!ll l'S , n ~t · nli11aria11 stu 'yiug for •he , .. riPslLt •l•d

(•f the :o n. Catho lic Ciiiii'Ch, "n·at•·d COII~idcrallk t al k in b o t It Pn.tcs h ol\1. :u,d C:orho lic cirel1 ~ . :nken iu

c•m 11 ec ti o n with. hi s n.d dress :t l. B ,,th "I} I.o lep<' llde tot l\:i<>t. h odi~t O i l li i C h a11d hi$ n lCPj•Lio •• h_v th ·1t e- o~ogregaL .t •ll ·

I' ll W t~ d t t (' S l<ly ni g ht. The A men 'ca.n rcef•iYt•d th1- fi .J iu wi1 .g I'Cll lllttllil·: otiou

fr to n_l A. i\:l ng1 1il'l l, S . • J., 0 . D., pre.- id e • I ' of i II " ,(•ni ·non :

S t. \l :• ry '~ St' llli " '" ') ' · F •· l,l 'll <l'.) 13. 1890 ToJ the ElJ,tur of The B(tflmwn American:

Th,-. :onicle 111 yt·St.< ·rday's American ~: -... ,.<"l·n ing· M •. J. W. Ht~ lnH· S w 8 Lh0 tir .~ L i11Li111:tlit!11 I had . I I•·S

inkn ion to le:we thu S• ' llll l •:ll"} . I h• g to I'OII'Pet tlo . statern eut th : ~ t '•he had lwen n. long t-! noe :11. th<! .-eudll " IJ' .

nnci tlmt. he wn.:o; ne:triug thl-' ti111e L" e11 1er till· pri~~ ~ ­

h9 01l." Mr. 'Holmes e1 .t1:reo t l ·i~ it.~titu i. 1: tl .l· 14• oJ Ot·eP mh cr laEt , v ftt!l' h:n ing Lt .t ' ll iu tl11· d.ull'l•

only a l~w wcel<t! h~> f.,rt • . Pl'i"r to this he had, :oecon !. ing to his uw11 :< : ... tem tcll t , lwPu l'ut ~~~ -~ ~ · t.inll' a ~twlel<l

nt tl:e Bapti :- t Seu.illnrJ , ,f l\Jorgau P::rl\ 0 .. c" Iuiug bU'e he beg:on tloe <:I•Hr~e u l pl•ilo~•·J hy, nut! W• t•lo con~ Pqt_IPutly have L1·cu ubli getl lu ~tutly six }l'llr~

b11 f1•1'f• prontul ion to I he priesi hood. I>u i i ng h i::. "t")

l.i e w:1t1 mo~ l. of tht • time u,.tl,le to fullow il•e ~tu <l i• · s

:1nrl exerci~ l" ~ uf the hPu:<e 011 <JI 'tl tlll' · ,.f c• · u~ l :llo.

i11:<011111i:J , fl'llll1 wloi eh he load iJCl'll ~ llff, · r lf og SiiiC• · i:tSt

M •1 rch, and for which h0 w:ts uo~•lt•l ' t.h e tr•·>tlluPn ' , ,f

Dr. C. W. V :111 B -hber.l 111ake 110 further l'l'lll'•rk a,:< to

hi s sta t ements concerning the prn c t ic1 ·s of th e ~· · mi .:on· referring, ns tbey do, to -c harg11~ ag : tiu~t Catlh, ' lt - a

thousanoi tim es 111 et ancl an~wcred . Hes ~· · ctfully,

A . i\IHgnieu, ti . J. lJ . D.

R t3 v. K R. Dyt•r, D. IJ., a IJI'":ffe~ ~or aL St. M:<l') · ~

SPnlilutry, ,Yt•s t enl:l,r s::t irl to :til A metitau report1•r:

' ·I" rt-·gnrrl t.P Mr. H · olm es :<n_ying that we offer 110 d•·vo­tion tu Chri,t. l111L Pltl,Y 10 th e Virgiu i\1 " '}, I CHI•

explain it I J s:• Jit ·g I >liJ.IP"~"• n~ a I'~' CP11I couv .-·r :, it w:~~ n e w t.o ld •n, 1t irri~at.c,1 h1111 likP n pin w u ld lht•

, fl , sh, wh1·rea~ hnd he h C·>•!o c ll:'e tl t" we:~ r tl1 e R"111 :1 11

Cntlll •lic cl .., v.,tit!ll'i, it tV ltllll LV d ~l' • l •V I I ·t'i l':c~y , IIH !nral

nnrl comfort,. Lie Hs n suit o f dt~Lhe:'. \Vt< w .. r~ltip Q,,

tb r ugh Chri s t . The 1bily lll ·tss and 1rt ily v isits to till'

B leesed S:te ra me 11t a ll ha VH the cle vor ion to Chri :< t. a" the ir direc t ubj ect., and al though the rl e \·otion or th e

Virg in Man· i~ l'l'nmiuent. JPL it i:o altog Pt hel' seC,IHI­

ary to that of Cblist. I can gi vc auy oue a co i ·j of t.hh'

pt'>t ,V4' 1'" sai .l morniug n.nd night t o substantiate ' this· J., ··pg·u·d t" wh .tl - M,·, Hug h e~ ~ ai rl aho u ~ ltu • r end •ug ·

tlte Seripturt•,, I w1l ~"Y tha t durir. g tlw prf'limiu:oi'Y · t ,., _,. or t.lw nl-ts~i l , S I he t-fll , : t• n l.~ he: r II(' ll"IJ Se rip­

tur· s I'Citd tlll'l ~ e Limeo dai :y . Dllrlllg the entite ::.ix .)'l'nr~ in whicl! they remain 111 tho se ,hi1111·y tlwre

I'P ' W11 WPI'k ' y 1-: S e~ t>t':lt. h•otll ' c ·H: it f>l' h;, ~LliO) , f •hP S\'l'ipf.ll -· ; h · ·~ i , ,. ~ l ll:tl, WI' I bli,!.!P ll l !l ' ll'lt·l.tS I(!

· i1•Vote :1 C4'1lalll tilllt" d :~ IIJ Iii t he l"ll•fiil •g t I lht• 1>f1f'l't'd t.• ·x •, ' 111'1 I'Very •J •H' i-; .ll\1~ ,. I to r1•:d ' jM rLion of t.he ~ . - w T e,t. rom e1. 1 , 1• I i- k1 " 4' , w 1tb l.t ·ntl 11. .C vtrPd, <f , v. 1111.)' ld,~i11g •h1· SIIT,·d text nt. the e11d.

f11 th e I tPI) , uhli l,..d h· ·••k 4.j ' Cn•dit ::.l G1bbon!'

111- 1-:mr• • ~"IHW, in reg·ard to t his mrttter-page 116-say ~ :

· ·I ·'P' ''lk .. r m) ~e ' f, " ot bee:~ use my c ase is nx ceptio n ri.l,

hut , •·ll tlw 4'"111 - r:~r,\, bt-e:o.tiSt' my PX'•Illpl<' will ~w rve Lo

illus:r:~ te tl11· '}S • nt l'III'~Uf.'d t ;,wa td ., et·clt-:<i:o.~ t ; cal

"tttdt'IIIS ill a ll Co i l e_.:.H• throught 1UI. t lte ·Catholic wur,ci i11 1"1 ·f 1'< '111'1· l · th1• 1·1 ·ly St•rip! tll' •' ' I, "ur c ·111· -e ·"

I'IJ(I)a.lli : it ' :-' W I' •i,lt•ll4•tlt · VI ' I'} t l:.} t<~ t ~ l l' Jl•adiPg t •f t t'

B lol - , \\ ltl ' ll W4 ' \\'4' 1'1' ::d\' :-1 I' • d ( ., t l11 higl •4 I l1l'a1 .ell e::.

•·I plt : ln~" l h,) n1•tl I} 11 ]I l!) 1b1 · ' 111'1,\ ,f' ll.t · ~: < l l'• .

~ 1'<p1Urt' ' r; ·nn ,-d :1'1 imp,rtaut p :ti'L ul t Ul 1-·dJ ,_;:tti ., l:.

\Vt• r<> d, hes :rl .- ~ 4· v ·· •·y d '.\"• ·1 cluprer , ,f t·h•· ~· · w Tt•8 1. , lliPIIt, 11••t ,; : an t:11g-or si · tin~, !Jul. IIJ!vll to ll!' k1we~ ,

:•11 :1 r•'\"•·rt•ntl ,) 1{1 :< l"l t:1e iu•pil'l•i p tg'<'. vV,· lis t.e ne 1 e:l(:lt rL:J t .. S"lt-•·t 1••118 i'rolll ,t.h.- · B lJle at Olll ' ll! tl ·18· an .\ we :dway s earned about us a co py of the N e w Te~ta II I I'll t."

.\lr.-J . \\' H ,· me;:, tlw I'<~IIVerl, mad1• " sh . • l·t arlthbs

r\t L111 · c!to"e of •. lit' l't · V v ·.t l·xer,·i:;e ,., a.t. B t.h:11) l ·tde. pt>wlt•nt .\ll'lht~ . : L- t Cltureh hsL 11igi11. By 11 qu • ~r. , ltf'

· j!:lill ~pokt• t • flll~ t'XjH'I'illiiCC ·ts :t (;,.thtJil t.: . •11•l it wa,

t!toL~t.auu " lly · t.d ~''"'P''rle 1. 111 y c~t,•r hy··, A netica 1.

GEO . . U(;y & TATERS.

"I rl1rl ' nt ,,~, . 111 l, i i. ' ' J.dl.i!/ i1. uli - Jf' ~< ~Lu• ," he sot·l, as Ill' heaved 11 sigh like the groan of a eick .horse.

·•My bO,\ n .... ·, IH· )<til h<.old of book~ :wd things, and

hl":tl•l' IH•d 1•111. " ' :o I"' , ,J, gi .- t; Ht· g 4• t H) i<l' p •11ld t,,,_l~ ol .~ltatu ""1.! Jorrnulr uns, ,, ,_, ; bl' l$, :•1· · .d/j .s '" rl in_dica ,,Jtu/18, :-ou•i 11114· day ltP 'ai 1 to IIH', Hz he· : •· I >a<!, t.loar' t; a l'O:IIIIIit•l' Ill. • Ill ' la11 •l". ••1-J,_.w d'.)'P k 1. -1\ ?' ' "J'\1' )ll'ul4

jH't!lt•d ,.nd r .. u ... l i •l l ; ca•hllll~ . Til L ~ ltu ii hill i:J cllu .· l< lnl] . f, ., , 1." •·A .. rl 1h :1 t h11ll ' lalt' r 1-•atd·l i" full, fwet ·d, ' ~, z

I y.,ll s· · ~·. r ,old ~h rt 1<\1 g-Pid· -)!J lit d W• ·n1 [t•Pg on t. oll'l' ' , au . I I .,,,,,.tJ il. Q,,. ,J,.y a'"' " 'll• ·r w.tlt :o , quin t

i 11 h1s '')' <' eum ·ol .. ,~. ""I · tf n-·d Ill • $8-~ 0 . fn , "'.Y 1 •lid, n.11-l away s!u· w~>nL " .. L'ld-r .. .. v t·t l 1'111 '1-· lr •v i., · '111n!e

tf'!lm !'urn l i vi ', :o11tl :d t tit• · il ~ : i 1· : . ~lt.1' D .. 1.' k • fit .tl ar' to the tfL t..: L th,,L I u be sent. t o :.t lu na t ic a~j I nut.

Wall St. News.

P.: . i.

. rr '

ST. VIATEUR'S COLf..~GE .JOURNAL. · .. :· 83 ·, . ··, ~ ~ .: .' :; ., :;;·· •.

'' \Vhi~l~ i)ar t of my rh apsorly ... cli.(l you most enjt•y ?" lgn.l!ran~u$,-.. ,- · " W i• le l• p~rt?" . ·

'' •, I'

''Ye~, whi ch movem~nL?''

''Qh j t l1 e _ 1_~1s5.. ?ne," " Ah ! th:~.t is t.h c prtes: o." " Paebt O? w.]{n. t n q LH'C l' n ~ me !" "Do you think oo?"

,;y,., _ Up . o ur wnr,·whel'i n 111~1 , gNs np, hend ~ hi s lwei\, ~m i le, ti • t h" : ' f ( ~ i enc.e v1:0 ,,.;r. ih < ff , we call it a. bo"' !"

):..indley, d1e pintti vf o ur fHlL< i~, was mu c h more

·· e l t~qu Pilt on h i~ cello t hRn in hi s speech, he heing nn in­

VPler:llf' Slfl tn.e r.H . . Wi th . IPfe rPI •Ce li> lh is i1ofi r mit.y, hP w>< s w!.•11 t ln rd;,,·P. 11t: :i . in go in g thro ugh \-V nrd o nr

~l l f't · l · ( l .li(· rl: ' . I· ~ n l liPl i<• l '" '' nlt lll('lf'd by :1 v e ry h:; Ji d ~ < > ll l·~ "pi~·.V . Jl ~l l 'l ·; .-i . whi< ·h W :r~ <':XJ '< >Pel f<•r >'lllf'. j-( p

,j; J >I · • · · ' · ;"~ '·J · sii · id' J·o l l•f' ' vc·•·<lPr. c-'· ·<· .cn u he SP ··' I'-SJl

'' '' k ?;" ·,·Yf'' ." r '··p lipd 1 he rn" " · ., p n·c i1111S sight b et.le r Lh :tt l .\ ·cql (· :~ n. f lt' 1·,1 w1 iP '..'. h i-.. h 1 f'~ ... E>d n t-·1·k.


.. \·:f~~\;.l();·nin ,Q- ;m~y in winter I nwoke nnrl founrl the

gr11i;,;r] C.O I'Prerl ·with snow. I r fl.n to rny rnarr.m n. " l'rl'

t nltl her i.t wns just th e kin rl of fl. rby 10 hunt r n~1h i ts

~ nrl it 'Yo uld lw ~ u ch goorl fun to let me go. ShP ~ni rl

I con)cl, so I rnn np stn ir~ nnrl gor. my ll;, n , nn d wns

rlown th:' fi rkl in lit Lle tim<' . 1 did n"t go f: tr from ·

hom<' bcfnre J onw St~me trn cks, th Py f u t h funny

li t tl e tr:,cb FOI kn e w tliPy were mnrl e by ra bbi ts . I

followNl the .t rnck ti ll I sn.w tlH'\ r:,bhi t., nnrl wb :•t rl o

yon ~llJl i'OSe he n·ns cl oing? why he IYflS s itl ing on his

hinrl IP,QS ~ nrl lnok erl jn ~ t ns if he was making fun ofme-

1 _ ~ h nt. r!l. h in1 hut hi t n. t ree that stood n ea r by. The

r"hhit. l('nl;Prl arounrl nnrl then star terl to run awn.y but

I shot agni n anrl broke o ne of hi s !Pgs. H e co uld not

run very las t and my rlog caught him. T pnt. llw r >l hhit

in n' ,ack T cn rrierl an(l then I tri ed to finrl :mother. I rl irl N ot p-o vr ry fnr "'ben I saw one d o ing j ust wl:tat.

t.llf' first one rlkl. "'hen I shot the gu n made an nwfn l,

nn i'e nnr\ honnderl a nrl knockerl m P rlown very bnri! .

My rlog g-ot. so scn r erl thnt he rnn home, so without a.

g un nr n rl ng. I ennlrl hunt no m ore, a nrl 1 wen t ho rn e

tno-. Bn t J hHrl ]ot.s of fun, nncl bnrl a rn bh it too. My

Mnmmn ~nnk E'rl th e r:1hhit. for rlinne1·, a ncl Papa ami oth er~ sai·c] i t '1\">IS. jL1St fin e. .

:William Ht>nry Lennon (nge 8. )


GALLET- f'ASE - Mr, Erl . Ga !l p,t '85 now li ving in

Helena .. · Mnnt.~nn, was latP ly mani,>rl to one "f t,J. p in.irf'l~t

of 1.hnt city's bell es, 1\1 i ~s L. CnsP. The e vPn t was to en me

off ;;ooner b ut f,w n.n acci rl <·:nt wh ich befPI1 Mr. Ga lle t. / la;; t winte1· Be·t.t e r :~. t.e nE've r Ecl . We sencl con­

g ratulation s to the happy couple.

C' AN;·~ A~x-~q~,~.. ~,E~INE-:-On_e ()f Uie )i reat events of the ,

season took place on the 6.Lh . u l t: whc·n Mr. T . Canav;an · ..

'78 l e<l.Do tlt'\)onn,ais'.fa, iri)~; t Larly to Hym ~n's nl' and:·

there pleclge<l f:l it b that knows ' no bretrkirlg t h i~ side ·

of the g ntve. 1\Tr.' Can~v.:ti1 m;ty' he prou <1 of hi~ choice

~nd we nil s;1w t he _Ln.rly h:i.rl ,. \Tlfl;,_y s trong rensous for

singi ng tb e finn] yes. i\;J:Hy ha ppinc\,;s n.ttencl yo·u.

PEnso.NA Ls: ·

QUJ•NN-H<' ~' - · .. 1 .. J. Q ui1111, P:J~tor o t Chatsworth ; Ills, spent a few pl<' ll.Sfl lt t hoprs with ns la st wePk. F i>.ther

Qninn is a ;rcn in.l eomp~nion ~swell ns a iea lous p~ies t. HP is a t. prf'sent. h.uiltling fl, iine ch u'r ch . ilt Chats'Vorth.

HP report.~ a very sncc<:>$Rful fair, lately ·closed. F stther

Q nin n hos just. recov (" r~ rl fr o..n'! n. ve;·y severe illness , and w ill he so on rE'n.rlv to resume his duties. ·.. ..,.

O ' DWYRE-He~; _ Frtth er <)'I)wyre ot'l\Iei·'nn, I11s, paid

u s n. vi s it, h st "ee.k .. E::ttlwr O'Dwyrc ha.s latly returned

from a trip nhrQ.acl.whieh., to judge from his hen lt b y nppen l'>J nPe, wn~ ypi'_y s~ ~:v i qeabl e · i ;~ ~ ;;.e t hPl) one wa.;r .

MAnRILE-R!'V J\IT. J ~'f >~ rs il e l~ft'a:y ·for Chicago,

on hmdne~s fro m which phre~ h e goes .to : In <lia nnpolis

to ns~ist. n t t hP g.o.lcll" n .Tu l? il e~ o r: Mg:r. Besson ies.

~liEA- 'Ye n. r E\. pl ens<:> rl to ]eMn t.hnt our 'g-e nia l fri end

.J. ·w. Sl1en , ·!89 hns proeu r•'rl for bim ~erf a ln cra.tive posit ion nR Rook-kN·pP.r for thP .. firm of W. E. Caldwell

nnrl Co., L onisvi ll P, Ky . . John· is . no~pnJ:! nr those kind ·

who 'nre not, lil10l y t.o r.e1na inidle once their .goo(l qualiti es

becnme kn own. vVe e:xtenrl o ur c<mgr?-tulations.

Dn~LON:.......Fr ;tn r. is C. Dill o_p '89 js nt. .presen t en:plnyed .

in City Tick et offi ce of th e C. & A. Ry. Ch icngo. F rnnk ·

l1 ns n. goocl place nn€1 we know bP wi ll do h011 01; to his

sitw•tion n.s wd l as · worthy serv ice to his employers'

Fr:uik ha s o m· goof] wishes for his spc9es~.

1\JURRAY-l\:Ir. Man. in. Murray _returned h ome a few

days ngo on acr.ount o t s icko ess. vVe trust hi ~ illn ess

w ill he of short clur~tion and tl:tat M .. T. will be soorl ·

return. O'CALLAGilAN-Rev. J. J. O'Ca!l sgb~n , after a two

month s tr ip to tbe Nvrtb, retnrn e(l hale lind hearty,

looki ng .th e pi et.nre o f health a nd evi dently well prepared

to as.sut1i e control of. his many n.r duous d uti es.

M6CAI-ni..C:..:.Uev J ohn l\I<.!C ,,nn ass istant at St. James

Churc h, C hicn go, -pRicl ·us a flyiug v isit last. week.

CoNwAY-Rev. P~tri ch: Conway '84, bas b een as8ig' i1ed· '·'

to clut.ies nf EvMston, Ill. BR.o~sEAu-A . J. BrosH='aU '87, ngent for th e Unioi1

Cen t r:d LifP I nsnra ncr Compn ny at Fnrgo, No r-tb De­

k otn., >\on.s wi th u s for n fe w hours lnst Monclny.

CLEHMHNT-Rev. Fath(•r Clermont, Pastor of South

C nv i ngt.on. K v. w :~ s 011P nt o ur Holirlny visitors.

BERGILl:ON-Dr. ,l nseph Bergero n hns locateti his offic~>

on Harr!son St., C bicngo.



ST. VIATEUR'S COU.EGE JOURNAL. ' ·~:~" .. "" *"·" ... ' ~ ~~ ..... , _, .. ..._J-... \,..,., ••• ~.... ... ...

) .; ·,. ·-· ~ "" - . !'')

!'> II rt F: --lt•• \ . ,J. P. 0 .. t' '89, uf the Cat hed nt l t .f · ' I

H o ) N:o m•·, Clucar; " · p:·id us n V(·ry wt)lc••tfltl ,\· F :Lt ttl r 1). ·r~ i11 thu ~ ... no t:i •f oil . ,, • i(l helll't}~,: ~u·•.t l vial

He j , t't •j yi••g a vaiw .ion,, h.\V•IIg b~·llll .,bu-._1. w :.: kt·d du ing the paht ft·w wet'ks. · · ·

Wa~bingt.o•t ; Ct·ll]o ·t.:< r,) ;': •· 'f!;~i; t;l E\ AJ ;.; ,m;t~'fur 1889." Tht· bo k~ . ar., i ~~~tt·d n~ "hxtr11~~ by the Trih~ne1 nud co11tnin much v:•lu ,. ble wfo;~·mati~n .

"\ ~ ' . ~ . -·-· --, - -~ -~·-;--,·-p ··-;

o'B .. t•·:s-Th. · .Joo ·R~A :. ,ck tO v[ , l r', i 3l 0 00 kiwllv ... 1 h R ·

0 B ' f ., • ... · • Erw1ry Plicem,: ·;s • '1•1' dt<.>)J,~ 1 rcg~tlnr \' isitors, an;J we

u<)tla t•·• J t'V C ilas. •'l .t . . S ~o. Pa;. rtek' , CIHII'• h . Pcorm 1 <~. 1! . WOJ are .. lw:t) K pl ra~e· l to .a.>t•• ' s11 ch fw, ! 1·~. • r:rrt ;r, ;tJirt,. one ·<J ( ~/.~~ ,w.t'hi).il'Q,e , <} ~'•t- ~ . ~~'ll ~ .. f ·h, .is~pe c •n-

t ''! ·' ... ~: p n,~ .rJmW go,< otl n•:ul ,in!,!, , .'.',B,t~rip \l'h•;, J t,~ :;J)te' ' is a

~====================~=-: l:dr ,nrti<;lt;.,. The IH.i 's, n}lu:· if~n J-n , R~Huc i!t. ~he nhove Bt'OK~ A~ 0 P.ElUOI>li ' ALS . , , ''}.'y.i9le_ i ~> _n<~~ ,to,, h ~:~ ~: •kt l~CI)'v)f ,l), ,' \l l..t· h9J" :'(:,. )lf'l !!~emR to

" • I ::' E' l'f<'t ·i v • d ft 1•m Jol.n B. Aldt•ll 393 P••:U'I St .. I\'•, · ,,t:•;qn!n ;, SJ.Ie::kJ)Jg' up.{or~~< : .i'/11<J.~Rf..Jf t('i•·tr ~,eM , ;• ,~:~.<l do wn­y . <·• ·!Ji~ .;( Parnassus · m .,11tl• :y mag-: ~iuf· .,f Ppe't r y . ·· :o;.tii,,).'S .. 8 . Y",: , --TI •° Fbtl{ j f , ;)f:;~ rs ~- , , ~ 1 1 0 ~ to ~ontinue Tli ts ii , tle p;:,?,'o t L~,J ~~ ·a gem 111 it~:~ w.•y , Each i~bne cnf'." .. 1".11·g. J;\. 'YLn" 1~ <J!:!) s ,,~: :m•; .t ! ·~1 :\y ?, .. Tl,tE;.. ;Pi: le ~ , Wt':tves t:iiw:-, s·. · ~~ -e ~tnt.• : oliu: rl ,; Wl'll ~ .. thE' price .. _,,·,. ~ E'l;' r·~ 0 .j t\ w•:\'.,!1! t~l f pi t ~: IC,t' 1t. , 1Wl '' LIJ . ~,V \fJ!, ~}pg~jl jl .. 'r-~ \l'h song

b II J I F b l•L .~~· J l!e. t.o~er8.:,· Rv m,e.'ll g.~ea:.n,esll .ns_ :t··· mHilnry., J•owe.r is Sll . crtpt.Jou . .. ·~ 111. uu• .•·· . no!'. cop ta l·· . • olle• ... · • ·" .... ~r ...... , "o,·<~ ,,,.,. -,,,,, .. ., .. . .

fellow'e •• Eva t•g• lht· • Tlli,;_ li t: g: z Itt ' t: l '>l6 LuI 3) c; lok ' f,•:~~ ~~i ~·!Y. ·J · ~ .!P' p·~ , •. l>ll}o .~,)~ ~s,,;; ~;i,-J ~gr~:.\t 1 AJ t! V~i! ~'ele~s iII

a c<>J-'Y ai• <l ' th•• y ·~a1 :lJ ~u ol·s~ripti !' i ~; ~~ ~ ·I)~ · 2.5 c1s. ' olhP.~,, t;rWff.ll!,, ,'lf '(S,h.~ .. ~i~l ~f111 iJ i,• ·w· .. , t~ .. P.•· .. c:;y !krl the .. ~tt,lrrllll CilJ , We _wt• re not awarP ,. f t.:w nwl_'s abili ty to

Man, a rnc.ntbly n •:•g ' z·i :· t· •·t'Bi••grnphy,it•-m ·ci bJ tbe . ' . . I

'the same publi,hcr, is 1.0 lt•ss i .. tere~t ' : •g t!t:'m th~ 6 s ! ,_ ' ' . • ~ "

u:tineil 1Jeri v •lica \. T ote pt·ice i~ the s tnv, ~5 ctso ,per

year . T h.t· Ft ~· · ·, liO.l>l, 1 t ~ o lltnil·~ Btt.•gr:opi oo\ t f Livit ,g .stout>: by Tholl: hes _ ;m t.ho~ o f l 1olll B vwu's S~l.ool daJs. a i. Rughy .' These ltttle w. •rl<~ fll,: , ti<r~h g<)ll•-1 r~111Lng · . at ':L j't0Wlllll

11 priC<.', and :,hlluld ' he weJco'm" \'isilt!r:> o,O • • 1 . ·' ' .. ,,.

sing wafch-;-so.ngs; it .m u~t. be _t.hat. •·ur mu-;ic:tl e ··r Lwk~

>~orne • f lht' d.,licr•<:y it ~bould hnv<>. nnrl h('nce fail s t o

_peret~ ~·e thcnJt ~Jod i O lt S ll q t e8, vf iJi t' w:·· I :g ow). \V e hop<> thnt no unki)ld 1•hil:tntrop1,st will t•lll us that the

·:row is ll••_ted 1\.o r .it;,. mi lky -whit•· plun:nge :onrl t

.. f l ~str~ ·Y 1)11. the fot d im :~ gfs of .. ur chil.dho••d. W e f{'.ar. . The 1Vebste1· .J,·m·oat of Grove C• ty . p,L., _ reaclte,;

·.us .tbr the tirll t.t in ·eo The mott.n , f the pnl'" " : T r uth ,

TbeCatholwW.Jd { t' ,t· '!<' '· · , ! : •<¥ill! vi .thgnql.. t .Hvnor,K , owl.t-dgt·.,canllot IIUt i .!npre~s•ne . W•· a re ' re~tciiug ' ; ;A New Oo purture iu Collt>Jl·: Di~cipline" 1s Hue .- th :~ t tlwse wunls :<re liOt_cmp:y suun J :s Lut impeH

1rum tfe pi·n of ~laurice F . Eg:o• ; ·•1-l,qmotism" is au .. the Jo·u1·na,l to gn·:•t a<'l-s ~ In a~o nr t id~ 011 ' ' l'he Clt•,ice

'11 " :~ t · xvo~ition of 1-he uhj• :nt hy Dr .• J,ns ... T . . U'Coun•r•l : of a Co!li·go;" t.he_ wnter a J vallt' t s bt -me stl'l •ug ;orgu ­' K i.'li~ri;·,e . Tyu';.n , •i escrihe!! '·Oxford Uodvt'r~>ity> · jr; 11 ,. meuts ,"h.)·, .lu we:.lthkr ,Collt:gP!! are ,,ot tlli•BI

WIIJ ·pc•c uli11r to Ler,l'lr. · .. A :r\uve) Ddet St ol . the ciesirahle fur 11 Y" ung ~>tu•h: ut. ~l'hc wri ter huldll tha b p,,lJtlc' ,.chuol" show!! the fallncies and t'u lltracii'ctioll : a .\'ouug mau to bt- :•ropnly educaleci and- e ultlln:<l

th11t . ~veu wdl~miudc•d i'eople •· · y I.e letl i11t• 1 ~· hp u ttea'tiug :. I'Hl•j•·t·t ••II wltieh tl1• J c· lu~k wi :h t ilt·

eye of f:..a·ne:.s . .. l'alkM ub•·U~ ~e .\' B •• .uk::.'' is u •. u, ~allJ .. i'ntot rel!ti'n'g.

The Centu,-y c1v3 ·~ i,, it ., ~"ob . issue ,th .., .' ·.H i3torol _of A'br:.b:oito L11 coht ;" "A ~idt · Light ou ll,ret'k A r t" t1 e.nt; ·of' uew di sci>Vt'l'in• nu<l fnnHtU;, fi6 lll't'l; th :~t · ~lust deiigho

the lover of the be:ouLiful ; · •.E~~t erSoJt's Talks with :t

College Bvy" willlutt're, t all t;L11dt"Ht6.

.. W~ :. ck119~IE>dge. tho rcc•·ivt of . t)~~ fy!!v,winJ L~·o~ ki •·lll.v l!eut us l>y _Sl(U: ._ru,k Tribune

"Tuo , tw.o .PI' c~b)ielot:ou A:>·,. mb.l it · ~: !.!t' J 889" ' II~ • • • ~ ·~ ' \ 1 -.

slum(. I tak<o a (ull c •. ur~e . 1'11 ~ . l c~ ;;er c,Jl•·ge~, iu gt·L• ral in>i~t on thi~ hd(m· Co: t •fcr i t g degn•e,., he t ' tJI ·.·

f?lllflt·~ , aud t·.ig,htly lt•O, •h:tt Jo ii Ch rc·,9uire t!l l'llts o n the p:.rt of ! .Ia· f·•·tdt) t!o more good to the ~tudeut, than if tlwy ~:-tm .ply T• qnire<i hjm t'.'· pu ~s tl e certniu 111 ucit t·' Or

lt'l l_ th e ~ ltt .,u, t·u•_trdy to the >lt•tl•·ut . Tt:u·t- i~ IJ(> doubt :t CH tlbC e u-.Lr: c i••g t.lte Lnt•gUH go~, ?.h.tLciU:tlil s, ·thtl PI ti if ·sopf1y i ~ Lite 111 •::1 pr"I.Jer :111·! ten < 1:; to. ,Je velo p

U i el> ill :o ll th•·•r ~ . to u • l- • e~ . The A111cric:Ln youth uct.- d~

' tltl> l•l• /. ii i~ idllm.e tl t!<.l Itt· , ·, lt-n i< , Ul tie tlte ~< d va11t:-tges of ~uelt :.: Cu urse. w;. ~UIJp06t' thtl printer is

•:e•l' '" "iblt· lt.n .. Puma J;acia · whiu ' We uoticcd in the ~nm• · dl'l i cl~c It ,·o Ol· the "l:Jr." t•llght to 1-' U' •htJ l>bme ou

Liro, h ·t u. ut!IHtll•g lti ~ fac,a.

';~T· ~pyi~. ~. MA.]~J!llEl1 • C ltn .ne" t '~ ro r•rte>S ot all ·k, .. d .. w •

full ·· suti~f . ct.inl'l guarantee1l, may ·lJ,.

•· .()REG. VlQ~ANT,



t is' Co;lrt; · K~nka:kee. Til.

l, .1\l L WORK ;INISHED .iN Bf o T

' . ' .. .. STYLE-•


' bat i i'••"niJ' sti·,-rc:'" Gi~~ t'u c: :; r . t .t. It . (! IIIIo\ f! ~ntl, 1 I, Rememlu · .\o. ~5 C.>urt l:i~..,

~ }(..u< K.Aiilbll: liL U LA SUU S1'R U'J', lUCAGU, IU.. .1:1. I{k·~~B~Xi¥t.it1!&r~;E~.u


::i 1'. VIATEU l ~·s COLLEGJ<; JOU RNAL.



'1'11 1~ C oLLEGt·; nff"' rds e:xc·ell ent f,: cilities for stud y , nnrl t he ncquircment of ft thoroug h kn owlcclge o1 r.IODERN LA.~GUAO ES, :l'ttATIIEMAT ICS, CLASSICS, MUSIC, SC IENCE, Pll!LOSOPI-lY, ancl THEOLOGY. l\fost cnrefu l ntt.enti on is pnirl tr) t.he bu~in ess trniui11 g of young men, nnrl a th orough prn.ctica · knowl edge of BOOK-KEEPI~G nncl CO~LHf<:RCIAL LA \Y is im p:trted by skilled Professors .

. The lv~s t n.ut lw rs :11;rl most npprovcd system o f teaching nre adopted in a ll gmdes or the College. Sturlent s may euter at any t ime. T erm and t ui tion willuegin with date of entr:UJcc.

T erm s tin· board nnd tu ition $200.00 per an num. Cntn l(lgues, and auy desired in to rmation w ill be cnre!'ully g iven on nppl icat.ion to the Director.

--------e-------~o: 12 COURT STREI<;'l' ,

KANJC,\IU:E, ILL. De" ler in F <,reig-n. nnd I)omestie



.J E '\'VEL J .... ER.

KAX!<Al< E~: , ILLJ);OTS.

C. \\'OLFE. ... Jla rh~r ~l)np. ,

U'rtllPr Hmhaf'h 's lTai"tH·s~ HtorP, 1\anl<akec. Ill. · • Flr!'t. ('lass Work l!'nn >·,.ni~P<l. llt~ P ~pcc hLlly invit,rrl.

R r:v . M .• J. i\IARSILE, C. S. Y. St. V intew's Cvll ege, Bo urbon nni~ Grove, Kankakee Co., Ill .

. ' -·-·---· _ ____.:·----'''-· · -----

H .-\ SI ·::H ,\1.1.~ ;\ltd T:L~T~. Ft~ JII .N<1 TACJ-\LE.

KA~KAKEE, IL L. TO\:S , GRO<.H1ET. BAilY CA lmLI L:l~t-1 .

R. (J. IIANNA, \\'IIOI.ESA J.I( A 1'\ ll HETA!L


CO ;\ll\IISSION l\IERCI! A:\T, ~:ta Uonrt ~i 1·•-·et.

K A\' K A K i:: 1·:. 1 L L.

D!{A YTO.\ & Clll{ l'-,TI A(\ nr~ ,\ LEHS in l\!eu 's, \\' olllPil'~, 1\i is~cs' anti L'l niUr·eu:S.IitH.' H-llll lll t'dium t>hoc=--: also a.ll s fz• '~ :t :!ll ~gra.d~ · :s of Boots. :--;pt: c i a.l in d ucl' IIH' Ill s fo r

S . nd euts.

J> O I:J EAST A \'ENUE, K AN K A.I\ ~f, 11.1..

J ubbing Dune to .. 01·der.


202 IJnrrabcc S t. Chif'a.g·o, Il l.


W il l be in Bonrbonnais ' on . tht 1st or each .Month.


Wholesale Paper Dealers. A full lin e or Cards and Wedd i ng g ood$

kt'pt t 'OU 8 t.<tlltly O il hand.

JS os. I ts3 & 185 Monroe &<:>t,

Chicago, Ill. PETER W ALZ~M .

Grower of ! PUl{.E ALTAit WINE. I

Two d ovrs uonll of Post ulfic~.; .

Ka a!mkt?e , Ill.

Warsaw, Hancock Co., Ill. --------------REFERE~cEs.

m. l~n . . Jus. M RI.Cl!OR. lll•lwp of Green ll: y li t . -l:cv. l\L Flnk. Ri~hop of l.Pa.vNl:worth. ·

C. P. TOvVNSI~N D. J as t AV<'. 1 •lonr ~onlh o! l{n etclh'R fll o e.k

K AN f{ A JOi) E , fLJ,

TIJOS J(E RH, IIAHIJWARE, ~TOVE~ . lllO:\'. ~TEEL, TI?\\VAHE, ;'\AILS, Etc· ..

l {anknl,er ~ :-HHl Lime Cm~pany. ·

I~COJU'OHATED FEB. 23nl. 18G7. Proprit'tors ol th e Cel el~l·at cd Ka.llka.keeil a.t;

l.illH' s toll f'S <..J;uarri ef5 .

Ft\'Sh Wood l.Jurilecl L'im c I Job work done in any part of th e Coun ty. · Cor. (' om·t. ~L. aud Schuyler A v<:>nue . ~lwny~ on lwJJd. ' KANKAKEF , ILL '. KAXKAKKII: , TLT,.


.! \V. -CliU I\I·: ItT i' o ,J• ,I'~)Jt OF 'I'HB

., .. ,, , l ~· 1 d A~J~ricqu Phmnacy q .. r .,'11 1\ :--; 1. !\A"{ h. \'' R lf. . I ll

. 1 l\ nH 11:1 d " l' nl l li ll c> of · , :,: ,J! ;!:ItS, ?AHH S, OI LS E C, H !l.

li lt' lin o!' l'otlt~ t .\•:-; of ;d l ki n d ... ftll . t 'i_..!.;L r ... ;tnd T oll ac·eo.

~ ... -1'\1,1. \ :"i ll :o; I ~ I C 1\ I K.~-

) • 1 _\ u. l~~ EC liT~

Merchant Tai lor,

tU<:ADY-MAUE Clot-hing

Jhots aud C><[>S.- Gen L's un dt·r wear.

Tru!!~:s, Valises, FlU'ni shin g Goods .

W!lson Bros' l<! ne i:ihirts.

NOS. 2 AN D -b CO U RT kTREE'l

l{nukall:ee, U.

~JL SlC .FREEl ;.;,._; , ,~a. .. U ,,c .... '" ;:,

For l ll :ti ltlJ ~ , tP.t.l , J,, r eLur H1 n:cl'iY~

$8 Wonu u1 1\1usic.

Colltpri:·d!Lg 1ro t:1 ., ~.-v o l .. ~ ·c\.! .-, , t.l n; ta.l.C!:it t.l[ on iJ lUdlU~ d, ICI H,"''I 101' liH · [ l tl l'lJO:-ot · Il l. l lllro ll t l\.; li l)il.

C..::!&' Alltllt ·.-;s: l\ 11 111\ t.' l ')!' '·"'·' U l 'L \J JI Vv ;·,L r l.'~.. v l . LVu t d, u.I.V,

t\1\HU,h:li \Va"' l atalh~;;,

ti L~ark \Yax,

, " ;;II:> , . ,

" 1t 20 I,., I

tl l HT ia.i i ' n t: t ' ~ l o pari..d:.~ s lH1 y l11 g iu l a rg" 11tla ..


Cath oli<: l 'rayer ilooks ~D c.t.s. upwa rd ....

\\ itl: t wu la rg·c cla!';t 's aad Faucy Edg:l· $9.99 ~ . ·

tree Lu any par i of U. :;, on re~e i pt of price .

GRAHAM & SONS, l nq w r t<:• r s of C l~tu·c iJ Uootl s, .JoiJl.Hn·s in ~ 1 l , );ooks :11111 Calnol ie Buu]\:je tl e i'S .

: J ;~ S. · l h'::;pltti lH\S St. ( ~ o r . . \ l o ll r'o(~. ('1\ ieag-o , I I

()o i ' I'(JSI Hlliii4HH'(' soli i1•i tp(f ,

T y_r L'A ( ' LE . C\ .. .[;__, , r .

LUMBER. A l:trge :1- nrl l'O ill Jl l<-' te a SS lll'Lll h ·'J ,

or L u1nber, iJ ith, S IJi n!! l e~. p.,~ t­~: r s h, D o n r:< , ll li111 1S H IH I !llo uld i11 " · a l wn.ys on ha nd . "'

Fi ili ng l:r rge o rd ers Cor Dinw n t j, ., . Lumbe r a Spec: lt\ lty.

Ya rds, o n East A venue, K nnk:il;:el' . Il l. , 2nd . Y nrcl North Conrt Street. nnd a t 1\fomence, betwee n C. & L. l. a.nd R ive1". Ad dress,



NOTRE DA l\TE ACADEMY, Dm i·:CTim B Y THE SrsTErrs OF '1'11 ~

CoNGREGATION OI' NoT RE DA31 ~­Til ls Ins t.itn t ion :1!\'ords ev~rv :tdvantag•• for

\' on ng Ladies cl es irou~ of o1>talnh1g a snn!l ancl lin ish tltl educat.inn. 11or p >~ rt! cu l >~rs a p ply to

Mother i:i npt, r!or,

,.;c !J I )() L !)0() " !:;.

l\otro D;u ne Arad<'lll,l', Bourbonnrus (;;roY~~.

K anl<akce Uo ., IJI.

F I{ AN !\. 1<: U WAL 1\ LA.'\hi:i.

1\ ELL A i\1 Y. n tU I N

STATlO~ERY. llooks, News, Nl u si c,

\V:;J.U-Papm·, '\V iuuow Sluttlcs . KA"lKAK E E. ILL.

~'OYt>. PICT U lUeS. B All Y CARlli AGEi:i.


KL.\1\'t.:s , J r o11. 1\;t.i ls itlld \Vago n wood st1 w k l' iuw;r re a ud T iu worh: of a ll i >in rl~ .

No;{ Co urt Str eet, K ANKAKE E, IL L.

W. J-1. li;\J -;UJ-I!£

;e n t> r :d C:1· c <' er . A large and well selected Stock of Best

J-:.>ULls constantly on hand come get onr •r ices o n t he bsst articles.

IV e carry tl1e best q ualily of goocl8 S0 -:cLed es jJecially for this market mH1 II kimls o f sm okers' articles the way t o . uke t tmes easy.

Doa l wi tl1 t he rellable Firm of W. H. Da rche,

U m nd Street , Bourbonnais Grove, J II.

BENZIGER BROTHE RS, P ~olishers, Manufact urers of )hurch Goods, Rega lia, & t. c.

Jn,..t Publis hed. . :\1(;1, [ l l M ANU A L:) UF UA TH OL[U l' l!lf.C>­

. l)t'H.~-. · ·~ tl l ted 1\y Hev. Hi cha.rd F . C! a r i~'-' · .; J . 1 mo, elollL

· LUu !C. 1\y l~i.: l "t>'d F C' l:t l'kc. S . . T. at- $ 1,25 Mt.

:2. FI U.ST :..., Jtf :-./Cii:'L t~S Oil' K ~OW I JJI: DG V, . U. J .Jolt u H.i d'-t ~by, ~ .J . Professor o f Logie a11 d . .-tt~·•ral ~\l~ ta.phys i cs a t tit . .i\' H :!l t. ~l;onY-

11 r :- t . net , $ 1-25 . \'l t iH..\1. l 'Hf LOl-> I!H\" ( E TH ICS ANiJ t\ .'\ l'1 H ·\1.

•. \ W) By J u;;Cpll i{Il'k"'by , ::>. J. uet, $ 1 -25 , ~A 1 UHA L l'lll~ O L.OGY. B .) il f' t'l l<.t.rcl J3o l'd({; 1r .. f , Pro fesso r o f Na. l.n ra.l Theo log-y at ~ t : .la r y'."' H ot. ll, ~to nyhu rs t. ' ·Nt•a.rly rea d y.~~

P;; YCH · I! .OGY •)Y :Vl ic lnw l M:-t iH' I', S. J .. l'ro~ ·-'~ t) l ' o !' .\ l !'i l t:l..i P n i lo~oph y .. t toll ,YlJtt i"Si o l h·g.'\ '. · · l 'l'ejli\ rlllg"

1; t~ s tmA t. " l ET \PH YSI CS . By J •Jhn R icka llv ; .1. "l ' J.\ .!j1ar in;; : ' · '

liH i\l ~>N l{IIE ST. CH IC .\ GO I LLS .


!' l( E,;cnrt•no::-<:3 F I LL ED D AY Olt !:UGlH ·, I>atC11t 1\I etlic ines o n llan rl .

WA LLP,t.I,PER A T C'05).[' :

OTTO C. KURRASCH. ;; ( ' or · t·t S t. H <; u kalc~ ; ~ 1' 1,

T<oilc t Ar l!rles, Combs, Brushes , G<iapo, l'c J·[,unrs , P<tl n ts, Oils, lJ\ag ~, L;Hnps.

vVO RK BROTH ERS & tO;, .Man ufacturers of ·

F I N E U~ l l."OH.l\'lS · FOl' t

Mil it.ar_y School :-J n.nd Coll<'ge£5, C le r ilml S 11 its ma de to unle•· •


A. Ehrich . L\~T COURT STREI ·~T

K A~KAI\EE. IJ \·:,I t·i · in -JIO i cc~ t (:lJ-oce ri c~. choicest

li'>llll b of F lot n·. 1\r.r.p."on ha ml constantly :t Ltrge :JS<:t I'CII IC ll t or l:<'cecl :llld Protl tiC('.

l ' li' : I ~ t; ca ll aut! f'ee n1 e before going ;n:y p l::wo ebc.

D I{. /I. Ill. I} U D S5 0 I),, DENTIS'f.

< ~1i.\ 1lli . \ ' l ' t C 'C HJCAI; I ) 0ol _.i.EC!~ OJ·:s·r .-\ : .. "­;-;UiWl-:H¥ <I!'F !CI-:, 0\'!Cll H\\'ANi\' t:L'.'

I>E '\ (:()t_llh "1'01:1·:.

1\ankak t:~, Wimd:; .

l\J~r_.y\\ G I LLO rrS ~fcc! Yl>ettz.

GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 18'78 . m s Ccle!irataa N umb&r.',

303-404-170- 60 4- 332, a.nd kl.s other styles may be had of all dealas

. th1'0U(JhOUt the VJ01'lcl.

. Jo3:;jlh Gillott & Sen~, 1\"cw y,, ._l-;. "~-~-~.-~----·_. , .. ,_ ___ " "" - .

The •·S 'J. '. VI .A Tk'UR'S COL L EGb

JO UHN.::l L ' ' is a firs t class mediu ll.l

for " --\ DVF:RTISlNG." ~ pecial

:• t ten t ion paid to Llle J•l' intin6 , .. r

B{ T \...' I N1 l"' ~I.:C c .\l) D~ J 0 1 . _,.J CIJ...") l-\. \, ~- ~


N<lll.T II :; tO E CO URT ST. J{ AN K A KEE.



a!~, f.' 'I

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