St. Viator College Newspaper, 1929-12-24

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The Viatorian, Vol. XLVII, No. 6


Volwne XLVll

Academy Presents Christmas Play

The Academy "Literary and Dra­

mat:c Society" ~l>Onsored a. very beau· ti{ul li ttle Christm..a.s play Thursday

1!\'fning, on the annual "Scholastic

Christmas r,:;ve," the night befot·e the

genHaJ exodu~ of the students f1·om the

campu~. Tl1e entertainment was given

br a cast ~elected from the membership

o! the St. Ylator AC'ademy Literary and

D~>bating Society. lt wns a ve1·y fine

~ Interpretation of the :\<fy~tcry Play, '· Ln

Honor of the Xaturi t y of Our Lo1·d, ·•

wrilten by M:.:gr. Ro!Jerl Hugh Benson.

Thfl personal supervision and d:rection

of Mr. J. Allen Nolan, instructor of

English and Public Speech and Bro.

] ;mmett .J. '\\1alsh, Engli~h Instructor,

IJoth of th-e High School De-partment.

accounted, in a large mea.EJure fo1· the

marked su ccess of th e p1·esentation. A

mb~ litiatnrian TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24. 1929.

The Me1nbers of The Viatorian Staff Extend Their Best Wishes for

A Happy Christn1as to the Faculty, Students, Alumni

and Friends of St. Viator

Little "19" Conference Tickets Received For Group of Alumni

Number 6.

Thomas Legris Alumnus of '96 Dies J\11·. Thomas A. Legl'is. well known

bu~iness man of Kankakee, died early

Tuesclay morning, December 10. The

news o f his death was a surprise to his

friends, for thoug-h h e was in a hos­

pital in Chicago. he died awaiting an

operation. The cause of his death was

malignant jallndice.

- Itge and hig h school studen t•. with n Representatives Meet College Campaign Meets at College Bouo·bonnais. o r in the C hurch where

- fair ~prinlding of outsiders from Kan- A conYention of Little Nineteen Col- On ,Vednesclay night, December ll, he for many years has ser·yed as trus-

t:plendicl and enthusiastic c1·owd of col-

The deceased was the son of Joseph

Legris, ancl l ike him, was fur many

yea l's an active business mnn of Kan­

kal<ee. 1-le has been associated with

the Legris Trust and Savings Dank for

twenty-five years. and hacl been a d.i­

r ecto\· of the Independent T elephone

Company before that fi1·m wa~ bought

over by the Bell Telephone Company.

DEsicles. '!'om LC"g ris, or as many of his

friend~ called him, Pete has always

been an aggressive public worker either

in I..::anl<akee, in hi::; nath·e \'illage of

knkee, tunled out for the a.ffni1·. lege representatives was held in Chi- The tickets were rece ived this w eek a small group of Alumni h eld an in- tee. Ever s ince the time of his g radua-

\Vell Dit-ectctl cago on December 6. Re...-. E. J\L fol· th e J\'lodel Home that is being g iven formal meeting in the Office of the lion fl'O in St. Viator Coll ege with the

The act:ng of the JWincipals in the. Kelly, Director of Athletics, and Coach away in connection \vith the cam paign PreS!ident at St. V iator Colleg-e, at the Class of 1S!l6 he has aided the institu-

l<'ather J. \V. R. Mag uire, C. S. V., i n vitation of the Very R ev. J . \Y. H. tion in every way p ossible: and it was play was superior to the usual ama- Samuel 'McAllister r epresented St. V ia- Preside n t of St. Vial.or College, is di- very common to hear his voice on the teul· efforts that characterize a great tor College at tbe meet. reeling for raising funds to h el p pay off Maguire, C. S. V. , President. The 'd I' v· t thl t' t m;my High Sc hool productions. The meeting was called to cli~cuss the situ- Sl e mes as Ia or a e tc earns were

1It was deciclecl that St. Viator College lhe College debt. Intensive organiza- ation of ath letics at St. v:atot· College contending.

;ctors presented ~0 their . audience ~ would again l)e hosts to Little Nineteen tion is progressing among tl1e student in view of improvement. Several very F un eral D ecembc1· 13 . . n/sh a nd a. pract ced familiarity wit teams participating in swimming. The body both of the College arad the

( 1

Hage etl1ics that wEUi su1·prisirtg. The impo1·tant r esolutions w ere proposed The funeral, held in Bourbonnais F ri-entlre four-act dl'ama was given with Tournament wiJI be h eld sometime in Acade-my to assist in the dl·ive. -o ncl pa.ssed , ·which . when put into effect, clay, D ece mbe1· 13, was pe

1·haps the

- a. polish that h inted of str enuous ap- the fil·st pal·t of Mar ch . The Rem·e- Contest for Stud ents. should improve athletics h ere com::Ccler· most im]wessi\·e and l::u·gest there has

- plication on the part of the student- sentn.tives, in a·wal·ding the $Wimming T here is to be a contest among the ably. been he1·c within recent years. In ad-

actors and the vel'y ahle coaching of m eet to St. Viatol· College f or the thil·d :,,'tudents f ol· the raising of the most Prel iminary t o L a 1·ger .Meetin.t~ . dition to the h ost of friends, the stu·

t he: directors. consecutive yeal·, realize the wonclerf\.11 money dudng the campaign. All t h e This m eeting was but preliminary to dent bodies of Nolre Dame Convent

,John O'lkie n Sh t r s facilitie:s that are afforded by Lhe large- students of the College and Academy a lax,.,.er meet:n" of alumni to IJe hel d and the College were present. The Sol-es t and m ost up-to-dn..te natatorium in :1 • t f t <=> ~

John O'Brien, lmpcn:~onating the an- the conference. have bee n organ izec 111 0 gJ·oups 0 en, ufter the Chl'i:stma.s holidays. The p u r- emn High Ma.~s of Requiem wa~ sung

cie nt and {('(·b l e- Zuch:ny, who fo J·etolcl a n d t h e group collecting t he m os t pose of t h !s othe1· m eeting will be the by the Rt. Rev. M sg r. G. M. L egrh;, D. the advt:nt of lhe !wist Chli<l i nto the Viatol· To H 'fl 'HCii: ':llcam. money cluring the campaign will be same as the onE.'! \ \' ednesday night, an d D., proCesSOl' at St. Viator College, and

world, tJiaycd his part exc·eptionally This year St. Viator 1~ entC" I'ing upon given a Pl'i?.e. A prize \Yill be g·iven to the findings of the latter wi ll be laid brot her of the deceased. Rev. Jn.mes

well. Graham DI.Jfncld wa:; a typical a n ew sport which was dl'OJ)])ed a few the College team ancl to the Academy hef l·e the lar ge meeting. F. Ryan, C'. S. V., Pastor of St. Viator

Innkeeper o(' th€' lime, fail·ly exuding years ag-o clue t.o laclc of interest. At t eam t l1at comes out hig-hest in the The foll-owing Alumni w er e pn;:sent Church, ChicagQ and a former J>l'efect

lhe customary spiJ·!ts nf welcome to- this meeting the Yiatol· M:enlors sched· contest. The prize i:s a theatre and at the meeting: Revel·end l.<.,athers of the deceased, was the deacon. The

~\'ards pl'us]let·tlve bo:u·d~rs yet, ill-con- uled a dua l track meet with Elmhurst I dinner ,p~rty for the. l\~o ·wi~1ning James Fitzgerald, T. E. Shea, Louis Rev. Joseph Lamarre of Chicago was - "Ndlng his unea.slm:H~ in heing- forced College and also decided to enter the /teams. 'Ilns contest begms Jmmecllately O'Connol·. Edmund O'Connol·, .John P. the ~Ub·deason. R ev. \V. J. Ben;in, C.

lo lhc limit to Pl'ovltle comforts to th\" Conference 1.'rack and Field l\-Ieet at in order to give the students a chance Fanell and John Danett. Several lay S. V .. of Newman Hal l. University of

rnmnt~s uf hi~ over loncled hosteh·y. Bradley. to work cludng the Christmas Holidays, Alumni were inviH.d to attend, but Illinois. and Rev. August P ellelie1·, S.

l\lil'!-J Lucille Putz seemed the living .McAlli ste1· pJ·acti cally managed and will close 1\I ay 15 • 1930 · \\' €l? unuble to be present IJecausP of [ S. S .. .Pastor o f J\1otre Dame, ChUJ·ch,

'UUntt:>J·purt of the Ylr~ln 1\l otlwJ• in the i.o complete the basketball and baseball Ca.11ta ins Ch osen . previous engagem ent:-. Ch i cago, who anointed M 1·. Leg-ri!-3 in l1Hhli-hl:'m 5tnblf', MlH!:i Putz was de- schedule for the coming year and the Father B. M. K e lly, C. S. V. has his last agony, celebJ•ai.ecl Low .Masse~ tlrvlng or 11 t,n·l'nt deal of t'n·dit in for- (.Wr·een uncl \Vhite arc assured of a very chosen the following c.:tptalns for the on the Side Altat!-l . Th e mw,;ic was

aklng her poRt rts llhrn.J'Y manager to stiff schedule. College department: College Club furnish ed I>Y a c·hoir· composed or mPm·

hllo\\Juw tlu· t·ole of thl' HJt .. :-; .. t·d Mother. James Flynn, Thomas Doyle, Dil l Holds Smo!{er bers of the Villag-e C.:holr, thl? St. H.ose

l·!tlwunl Ca1·r·!ty very c.n.pabl y lntroduc- Monograms Awarded to Middlet on, Jay \\'a tson, Pau l Mi11s. C'hoi 1• and the J : 1·otilel'H Choir; tlw ac·

·rl P:H'h nd l.·1 tlw <UldiL·nt" IJdur·e the Robe1·t Pucker. !i'ran('is Car·l'Oll, L loyd On the evenin g of D ccembe!· l?, the companicrl wa::~ played by thC> H cv. Ed·

·urt;\.ln was llftt•d Football Men "":u·n e. Kenneth Clothiel·, Martin Too- fir!-lt Co llege Club Smol<er of the ('UI'• gal' Boun;ct. oq.,mnl~t n.t ~l. VlatCJ' 1'hP •·• Ct•ntly l't•nwtlt·lt·d l•:rstmwnt of hill and Byron Evard. S il•ld ,·n ,,,.__. Church, Chien go. M n ny clen;y fmm

tll)y ll:\11 ~f"l'\'(d adlllirnhly as :rn audl· L PhT C S V p l r ent 'cholastlc ylar· \Vas ~ "' nrlum .\t a mt""(c!ting- of the Athletic Board Fathc·t· eo I 1ps, · • · ·• r n- College Clubro-om. The affa'r WHH nelghlmring- tiJwns WN'f:' p1·(·Hcnt: Ve 1·y

What tht• nt-w :-tag-o luc·lccd of ~t. Yiator Colleg-e held Dec. 16, fif·j cipal of the Acade-my annnuncc:s Lhe ~ponso •·ed by the Junior Cia~~- Th~:: Rev . ..1\f~,c;-r .. V. Pritnl'>nu of !\LruHc_ono, n 111'1


' l'ty nnd s<·l·IHry wa:- Wf.'ll ta.lten tef·n men were awarclNl lt•ttel·::l. The fullowing captains for the Academy: H.c·\·cr·€.-nd Fathf'rs F'rancJs ('h·a1·y of

• I'~ uf hy tht• ill{;'f'llUity nf the dJ- :tthl~::•tLs re('ei\·ing thl:' much prlzeLI ;,V" Yincent Ke\1)', Gendt·on Leg-ri.:s. Patrick entcJ·tainment consh:ting n f e~u·d games, \\r(-l.l!iPJ\.a, Han!~ Darchl'> or HmdiE>y, F.

'lttnrs. art.~; Donald .Andf'rson. FnmC'is C'anoll. Fan·eJI. Barry Hartigan, H(IW::trd BnH:-· piano, aaxaphOnf', and vocal selrctions X. llaz•·n. ('. H. V .. or Hrnvf'r\'lllt•, Ar·

It \\.'a!o! tlh- gl·nt'l'a lly • XJll' Hst•ll w·::;h Byron Evan!. ClnrPnN• H.omO.t'")'. ,-..;·n- ker, Joseph ~lurphy, "'llliam :\Iocklr·r. re>ndeJ·ed by tal£-ntecl membe!'s ut thr thUJ' Glnu·cl ''t ~lcmwncC' •. Josl·ph r.. .. u. t the dtltlio·nc·l• that thl~ play W~>Uld h.. rcenneth Paul Graham. \YIIIlam Sulllvun and club, W:lS preceded hy a Vf"I'Y lntcrt!·t· Plantt•, c•. l-5. V .. <of J .' ' t'rfi iJie. I ' •.

1nly th{• tir!<l o f ;1 l'-Prlt•l" ~J\·pn h y the liam Todd, Paul ()'l\lclllt-y, "' lng tall< by F:lthet· Maguh·e and the ·c. P. L'lothh:r, "'llllam H amilton, Ma!·tln E:Uwurcl G(•rrity. usual business mc>,.tlng or tht'l club. 'Pugny c,f Pullman, A. Sa\'~UT of Sl.

111'ltU·r ancl Ur·amilth· x, ,,. ty uml lhat Tuohill. James Furlong-. E:dwaJ·d 'Veb· The Fr·~shmen ::>UCC'N·cl ed In carn.•lng Cerwgf', (:fl·:rrd Pi('arrJ (Jr C'hicugo, M. h \'i•r.v wond• rtul Jnlvnt UJH '~\'~'l't..'d in I '"~ 1\' 1'00 1 "~ R I' ( 'JI' \ '<"D

.,,. \\.·illinm C:i111H)I1S, EU /lunt. l~·,·ancls ........ > '- ·~ • .. . . ~,, ·~ ~ IJff the honor·s in the c·artl gum('~. Mornblc·a u, P. ])ufHu\t and .J. Me~ally 111' inhtn.l apf'C•armwt· or lh~.;• yt•ar ht· <.'as~irly, anrl \'incent ~looney. ~ :"\ IHE L IHH.\.RY of th~· of Kfl..nkakec.

lllnw•·d t(l tlt•tll'l!-ih In (IHUI., pr·oduc- Th<• Athelt"tlc D<Jar·' ·.tll!lOUilC"·.· ~clenc·(' and the Modt·t·n \\'tn·Jd . . ....... Phillip 1\fackf•y, sta lwart leaf"ocrl:.'t" lll"i ".<·, luiiK .. ~,.~ "·~ Professor A. N. \Vhitehe~d Fre~hmnn ('Jr.t.~fl. won the ·~ ,. L a r'J:!'P J l'~unJ i y Sun, h·c~.

Til t• ('u~ l 1,, 11 11 0" ~": throm:-h lhe Ylatarian, that th~ win· Pruct·s:; anti Reallty \Thich was a quality ~-; having outfit ~.Jr. Lr·,t.:Tis / f-1 l'i urv fv o<>d by two hr·l,th -

:\lls!-l Ll.l<'!lle Putz nin~ nf ~t nvnwgrnm dot..•s not merely ProCessor· A. N. \\'hlt~head !rom thf' finn of Dt'Q\\"n a nd M!Jls. r·nL .l\1!-igr. r: . i\J. Legrl~. lLnrl .f:l'rr•d r~rlck \lauril'' Mall•TO nu•an a ~uf'l'lch ut am•,tmt ut P~trtic'ipa- "nud" l)oyl<•, loyally ~trivlng- to uphl,Jll Ll•gl'ili, Hr·nlor. br,th (J! Hour!Jr,nnalM, by

tlon in lntt•r·colh·.s::-fate- cnntbt~. but al· 'rht;,> :\"~uur.-- of the Physical \\'orkl tt h r hi 1 )' h 1 h .J •hn rrnrh-n Protessm· A. S. Eddington •e onor 0 s ,. aH~. c· In<' 1

t t r· hiH wltc :n-li l :t t :un ll ,v of C'ight c·hlldr·r·n. I Thl su tlw \\lllin.l!'n,·s~ nf tht• ~tUtlPnts to ('0- ''booby" prJz(•, whi,...h \\.' a."l ll l11vr·ly Mrt;. LC>.t{Tik was ((,rmr·rly Ml),l!-1 Evangf··

'l't !l.tnid ~t.tddt.'n uJ.,.'I';> \\ lth tht' cnac·h ;mel to ~hO'i\' a Plays Cor Pur·itan~ metal !Janjo from th" fn_moU!i \\' I f ~ht·ph• nls I ln\\!u·tl Hro.·k··r (_'t' amnunt CJ! ability In t>ach and Geol·ge Bernard Shaw wonh company uo. lin~ r~ar~·nt. rlaughll•r of lhl· Prlrnr,

l Sttt-slh,·nt i l,a,],

John Bull"s Othr;>r Island ~Jinl~tt~r ot tht· Prov)n(·r· of Qut•).Jf•f',

Smokt:"s and rlf'll~htful n·Cri>~-Chmt-nl", Canada ..

Tht> VlatQrlan wl~h~>H to t·xtl·nfJ lho

Pa;<" ' l wo

THE VIA TORIAN P ublish ... d Bt w .... k!y Throughout th• Scho la tt r Year by the

S tuden t& of S t. Viator Coll~ge


~ ~-~ :~~MN:.::::_~ L------------------------------ ~{1( hb unci~ Mr Thom.a..~ 1..-grts h l"e'

jOf- {'\. W ST A~ FORD ... ~- _ .. . . . Ed1tor-in-Chief · 111t Frl > Ill' rt-turn 1 tmm~ t• :t The r. LLOYfJ 0 WAR . F. .. .. . .. .. . Managing Editor o hbo "ork. CII .L MILDDLLTO.'l. KEN~ETH C LOTHIER .Athletics BF.R:--.A RD G EY ... Aiurnnt Edt tor '.!ll,..auK• e I '"""' nn t JARI.ATH M WATSON .................... Feature Writer I th~ """ all• nat I<Tid H PA L L MILLS ............. Feature \Vriter J· n HI k ·'<•d. • l•t th JOS F.Pl 1 I .OGA~ ... Feature Writer ocorod lhla year hy l l •ntu•tte• :<>I· ROBI.HT TL,;CKER Fea ture Writer I oil t•am. I~ polnta 1HrP th~ "nrk <•f C RAYMOND SPRAGuE.. lnqutring Reporter hi fa!!t an• I •blfty half back ln the PATRIC K M CLEARY .. Campus Briefs nrnlng troc ·~""""· J"hn '"""'""'c1"'1

HA YMO~D M BOYSEN .. V iatorlana 1 put u f•·n mon~ f•·nthe-nJ In hl-c hat, "'r~tt h lrt 't tt'lt" m:w. n"ld his PIUl!'«'~•

Circulation ROBERT G. DOYLE


Department JAMES R. HULL


Suboc ripi10n Rate : $2 .00 per Annum Addrr•• All Correspondence Referring Eit her to Advertising or

Subscription lo The Viatorian, Bourbonnais. Ill inois

tor he- ha~ th" r•·putatlnn .. r heing- n Ia~· In hl!t un•l·~r:~~tln.ting ,, r hH r~llC\\

.-\ drlv~ r• C'Pntl) r c,,,.hNt, c· H. ,.

mPn 0 • • • I u~ talk~ nnl l I vrn hl ..

tdh•n'"· " wrrE' Cull t• C wltcolnm, whll~ vrry

•nchwt••fl h~· .t~ath('!r Jlttln u t it \\n~ nl\ I'!Chool m.\tte~ .. \ h'

l 'n"'t r n C ~t. r:;,J. How lon.a: will Ill)(" hc t•'rt~ ynuth harn ..

w:1nJ'!' \'hurdl C'hh ;IJ:u, .1nd his a~l-llq.

t.ant. F utlv-r l :AI \\ oLnl f:o"" lt zpa t r kk, C. S.

\' ., "j•JJt ltlt- J l;lli~h IIVI'r ~~ QUOl; i ln

thnt ull \\'1!-ld"rn '" nnt In h mkl'l, t h:1t

1 tw \'t~r~· l lrl:'!'ft•n ce n ! nwn llkt• F.tthPt

lt lv tn l I~ t•n ll ~ h tt•nln"'. Thf'rr nn• Ct•w

t lw fi nly X a me F und t ur thP n•·w T••ch- m•·n nlll In lh<> world ltl•lay who w ould

Entr.rt-d as Second Class Matter at the Po! toffice of Bourbonnais, HI. nlr·nl ~1'11n"l th1• ..\ n:hdlo<'f·:-.;.tn Jr ·ly no t gl\·(· t:w w. fnrtunt' nr g lniT tt) hnn·1 Under the Act of Marc h 3rd, 18 79 . =-:nmt• ~("wilt·" are t•ri'( tin~ nt.~ar l.t'-~ltH••l hal C thP li Ctl ht~ lh·t·ol. H nw man:r

-_______________________________ ,mnnt, TllinoiM. r lht\ hn\~ nf (tllh\\ , , •• ,uz~ \\h,\l ~t

\"llPU rs m•. L n<~. 1:\e-r} man \\hn

JoRt>Jlh "DuC' l<" Hlh ·}, ':!6, 1 ~ a ~a l t.•!; h.L!'4 l•et n o~s~•<'latPtl \\ lth Ht•Unt mnn f+,r an nil c·nmpany in Dec· ttu r , hns l •· t t sumethln~: nf hlm~t· lt eve n It hl'


a nti CIIV(.'no~ t£'rr itt n·y In tht.• ~ou the z· n hns passed on . . \\ 'l1w St. \ 'latru r !-1 PfC

p;u·t u t th{• ~tatt>. He ha:-~ play...-rl prv ft.·s- the Cncl:' o f tile ea r th nnd thr> In fi uf'nt'l• ~.tu na l foothall thf!-1 yf·ar with A~sump· u f th t• mf'n a~socintt·d with It wlll ~til l

tlon. Ylrdt·n nnd l.kC'atur.

.Jnmr~-; P 1--l fe1· . ' :! 1;, IFI :p·!JI~T-tnt !;!ecre· tru·y o f th(' K nights o( Columbus in ~pl'ln ~ r! eld . l n thl ~ po!11 tlun Jim mus t be r£·ml nded o r h i~ co ll l:'~r> d ay~. when ht.' W tl!-1 tl ckl'l-WkH Cnr Fnt het· K e ll y .

\\-l' wen• gl ~ul to fwc• Joh n ' 'Bud "

Cla ncy, '~3. o! th(' \\'hlte ~ox. with us

n•maltl.-l•~athf'r RIYnrd, l•'at h£•r ).Ia •··

!'llt•, Fa th('r Ryan. ·FnthPr CJ'Mn h o n ey, I MonMt'h:neut- Lt•gr l~. F i llht'r l.en nnrtz,

a nd n hos t or ot h f'r~ llnw llt ll t• I

Complim nts f



United Cigar Store Cor. Court and Schuyler

Complete Line of moker ' rticle~

Fountain & Luncheon Se-vic;.,

Trade at

Philip T. Lambert's Good Service H&J'dware

Reach, Wright and Dibon


129 E. Court Sl Kankake•



The College Boys' Favorite Place to Eat.

Bourbonnai.•, III.

W e wi ll not go to sch ool forever. but are destined r e latively last. Friday, when he came O\'E'r to soon to paHs into the ranks of the A lu mni. When we become A lumni, :-lt.·e th e Var!-! lty bt>at Carbondale Teach­so w e a re to ld by those who have preceded us. our outl ook on Col- •·rs. "Bud" look s Cin e, and ht• will cer· le g e a nd o ur opinion of our o ld school will undergo a cha n ge. No talnly be in the ver y best o t: condit ion

w ro , w hen I n ~chool, lotfl \\ th ~' value o f Cr lt• tHl ~ h i p with m •• n llk r> th e:.-Je. T...l!c

hrlnJ.:H fe w m or e LNt utf tul memoz-les. and as the years nt' liCe ('t't•t.·p o n , th t· \'U !U l! o r such n...'4~oclatlon ~TIIW !'I on us. I n thl~ lettf'r I tnt>rt.· ly wnnt tu pay my

small t r ibute to F at hi•r Rh·a rd's mPm-~ ory, a nd to lay a IJl tlt· roae ot Jove in ,--------------­his ha nd . He may h u \ 't' pn~Af>d beyond a nd be now reaping the result& or his

doubt w e will b e wai l lost opportun ities. reflect that we h ad aspired w hen a couple of months f rom now he li fe of ,s.:-nd ll ness. bu t his mPmory w ill

to the s tars. we wou ld at least have reach ed the m ountain tops, rf't ur ns to the Sox cn.m p. a lways be n livi ng f•nli ty nt dear t.J i ll

whereas o n graduation we might find ourse lves barely emerged from s t. YI;Heurs. ~Jay a ll the~f' men ll ng('r th e bowels of the earth . Bu t threnodies and salt tears for lost op- i\!r . N. Mnrcottc, 'U3, our local bar- on In our memory n~ th t.·y cannot dn portunities have been hy1nned or shed so often it is trite to say more. ber . h; ::.lowly rccoverl n~ from a very In II({>, a nd may W (· <~ l>nrt•(' l ate thli"i r

!lo wever. the sec ond statement made above, regarding o ur c h a n ged ~e ri o u s 11Iness. lives nM w e ;:~~:.~rl .s in cl·re l y opi ni on of o ur s c h oo l after we leave, d eserves so rn e few remarks a t · · thi s lime. when the campaign for funds for the Coll ege is ge tting Hugh A. O'Donnell , o! t he Class of ('hct G. \\'oo<l, · o~ . under way. 'way back when ' Is sti ll with the )Jew

\Vhat is our opinion of our sc hool now? It is difficu lt to for- York T imes, where the VJatoz- welcome T~;h: · ~~:(:~~ =-;a.'4 not a llottea s utficte1,t

mulat e a universal statemen t. Some regard their school as a place Is stronger than e \·er.

where they are "'llowed to sit a t the feet of the mighty of mind to be fed w ith the accumulated wisdom of all the ages. Others are here, they 101ag ine. to squander their paren ts ' money. and what is more lament able, their own gorgeous youth. Others reg<ord the p lace as an ins t1tuti o n that h ".s sprung up a round an athletic team. or as an cX!p en ~ive winter-reso rt complete ly extra-territorial to the kingdom of th e m ind . It is s trange. but after g raduation all of these will almost lo a m a n be united in a commdn bond of deep respect for their col­lege. and will desir e ea rnestly to see it prosper.

Thomns "Red" Dun ne. who complet· pete in the pz·lze s hfJrt "tory contPa t t"d his Academy ami two yt.•ar'i 0 t: Col· being sponsored by t he Vintorian. T he h·s-e with the Cla..<;s o! '27, ls we ll es ta b- con tc.!it wn!'l Cl n~t a. nn,wnced in the lished with t he Hoyal l ndL•mnfty Com - :-\ov. 12 l!-!sue ot tht• Vla.toria n , n.ncl

pany, Claims Di.·partmtont, 166 , ,-est DPc. 9, 1929 . was ~f·t aR thC' t ime \·an nuren l .. Chicago. limit Cor the sending In nt: ma.r:.W"l'riptq.

This l!i by no mf'an~ ennu~h time In whlc·h to write a pr izf• Hhort story.



Telephone Main 1987

Bourbonnais, Ill.


Sanitary Market

346 E. Court Street

Telephone 137

There is much commendab le prid e in being ab le to say you are a gradua te of a famous College or Univers ity. There is a more real nnd ge nuine ca u se fo r exultion in claiming c o n nection with a small •chool labo ring under featful financial burdens, that somehow or

OBITUARY To Brother .John T . R yan, '25, ot

Such a contest '<houhl Pxtend r..ver a •

per iod o r thret> mon t hH. I MUgge-st the I;--------------editor cn ntl n ue the crmtest un t il a Ctl?r CALL 76 the Neme~tl' l' examination.

othe rs m a n ages to k eep its place hig h a mon g the high in the realms th~ Ylat• nan St·minat).' In Washington. 1 John J. Ryan

of le nrni:ng. a nd turns out fini shed sc h o la rs . g lorious C hris tia n g en- h' stud('nt~ anti faculty or the College 1 -extt•nd sincere !-!ympathy upon the A Fn·~hm~n RE:-purt or the Junlor­

tlemen to take prominent places in all the walks of life. St. Viator death oof hi' !ather, ,lr. J. P. Ryan. Fro>shmen Game: Coll e~e. w e ca n proudly and with stric t jus tice say, belongs to this Burial took place· at Lo~ _\n.:;-f'le~ L'al Thr.! juniors. patrklu.nH CJt: the school second class o f sch ools. \Ve are proud of th is . but it seems that from hom" of th"' decea.serl and the link between the rabble and


No Cbarge for •Extru.

Yell ow Cab Co. n1e r e ly selfis h n1otiv e~ it \vou!d be_ advantag eous to do all _we c~ __ j thP unattn..inablf!' Senlr.~ 1-s. condescended to n1a k e o ur sch oo l s ttll m o r e tllustnous, a nd "\¥e c ould have In add1- Tn (ft"un:t" Bun·ola~. "3:!, ,.,.e extend to cnt:<Jt:"f'! the Fre..;hmPn In a game ot '---------------h o n t~ e ~~d ed ~1 o tiv e o f g r a titude for wha tever we think our Col- ~ our c nd"l"'nces up~•n the ,}<>~~h ot his haPk~'"-thall. Th(:lr jurl~+"mPnt , r thei r ;---------------le~e- 1 ~ ~ 1"\ m g U s. . uncle, Peter B(lreola..-;, who tii ... >d at AI- owr.: power wa." \'indicatE-d by the 1!-11

Rig ht now, b y uns:tinted effort on our part. we c an do mu ch b\.ort ~. .:\Ilnnesota. DPCember 111. verdlcr. The Fro~h., !allln~ to appre· fo r our sch o ol ln the present c ampa ig n . The Alumni view their Alma I-~unl' . 1 !"•~t·vict·~ wE-rt> ht-ld the- follow- dU€.• properly the r.n·or being conferred 1\lnt e r w ith m o re truth th a n we, see ing it a s they do in perspec tiv e. i1:.; ~,rlday in Kankakee. uvon tht-m, di~co,· thal the Juniors nnd c onsequ e ntly they n e ed little inducement to help vvith the cam- couJ<J be ,,·rork(>d e<.a. ... i~r than a pansy paig-n : the ir c o o peratio n is a ssure d . But it is a trifl e harder for us to Junior Class Notes on a 1)iano-scart and soon plied up an rea li ze a ll the r ea.S;ons w e h a ve for w o rking hard. 11-5 lf•ail. The uppt-r classmen. like th'!'

T o c ome t o s o m e thing more definite. it is clea r ,,;e should a s A meeung ot: the Junion was ht:ld t'> potlr tt·l .. phone q-irl, kept plu;ging right I ind iv idu. ls a nd a.s team s st ri , -e w ith infi c it e e ndeavor to raise: a s plan a H•>lhlay Smoker tor the mem- alon~ untU scmeone r~me-mbered that nluch money as p o -sib le. k n o w in g that the a m o unt \'\'e v.;ll procure o:N c·C the Coll<>geo Club. President r ul ..;hot~ count halt as much as field­fo r the College " ; ll be the n1e a sur e of the added prid e '"'e can take C1•.•thi~r a...~ked that the m<e-mbers of the cools. The Juniors imme··Uat.eJy beg< n in o u r sch ool wh e n w e becom e _-\lumni. wi ll be the expressio n of our ·la...,,. help him in ew•ry po.: "-Sible way to re'\-e-1 in an or;y or !r~throw . g rat itud e fo r wha t ,.,.e h a v e rec eived here. and th e pro of of our in order to put the- ~mokf'>r 0 ,·er sue- n-h..-n :h.,_.. ~cor~ became 11-10, a l.!oul:tt wilhngness to d o our own p art in the g rand w ork o f Catho lic Edu· -<fully. ~" :o f rm on the mind.. o! the c a ti on.

\~ 'e must no t b e d eceiv ed by the fallacy that the relatively small amount w e m ight coiled is negligible a nd tha t therefore our efforts would b e futile. The spirit o f cooperatio n w e sho"·· e,·en if w e can collect but a trifle, will spur others on. and moreover we should always remember that the great works o f the world hav e not b een m ade possib le so much by the g old of the g reat a by the cop-

The comm.ittee in charge of the ar- F!'t:.,.bmen as to ~hi!th€'r all ~·as vn:·U "t:'anc-e-!lle'nt~ con:o:.. .... -;. o( the !ollow!n~ l)n the Hardwood Front. This doub: m ... mbers: Pre--•dent Clothier. Georg~ lx-c::une a definit"-" au,.-pfclon t.t..a: tb~ Hy11d... .... '\YIIliam Todd and Uoyd Warne.. r~!~ree and tan~-k~eper were s!Jghtly

ThL""l b tht:o Ia!'l"· o:-..>claJ e~ent c! the pre!udlctaJ ~h~n it was !·Jund t..h.a.r t he Coli ~ Club Get~.>re th-<- Chrk- n - game had aln:a.dy run teo minutes o~er-

(Continue-d on Pas:-= F our)

Everybody Likes

CANDY We Supply Sl Viator

F . 0 . SA VOlE CO.


Demand Arseneau's 'Uniform


G.. ARSENEAU BAKERY Bourbon:naU, m.



Tuesday, December 24, 1929.

"The Poetry of Rupert Brooke"

By J. Anthony Mathews

Few men \vere so obviously born to

di.<ltinction as Rupert Brooke; he shone

{rum first to la.~t. and seldom disap­

pOinted expectations. He had no clisad­

\":tntages to contend with; his athletic

and irtte!Jectual gifts matched the

beauty of his fonn and face. Of his

per~;onal appeal'ance, a good deal has

been said. One who knew him, writing


Closes his memory, glooms his dream, =::::l:)CllliC=::::l>llDIC=::::loclliC=::::loClDIC==•~

glides Book Reviews. \\"ho lii>s the roots o' the shore, and A Library Christmas


Page Three

a= Column Exchange

=~M~M•====~a~==~-a~c====~ Superb on um·eturning tides." a a -.go< ac::::= Th R E h In his poems on love, which form the Con tem po, by John ana R uth Vassos-. {'l'his de~cription of the Christmas e enson d'Etre of an xc ange

T1·ee in the College Library, 1928. ap- Column. grealer part of his work, the same IIi- (E. P. Dutton ancl Co .. Inc. $5.001 The first letter to The Viatorian's tensity is felt: it enters into every one The first pictorial interpretation of pea,·ed in this week's is~:J-e of "The Li- new column "The Critique," the letter of his many moods. Brooke was not our fast modern Ame-rican life, hns brary Journal"-Eclitor's Kote) . II

perhaps much more inconsistent in his been recently published by Dutton un- During the last few months of 1928 In t Wll c~ tl~e sugg:tion was made to

philosophy than other men, but he had der the title of "Con tempo,'' illustrations St. Vator College Library was in the Cll t le 'xc lange 'ditor from the pay­this perculiarity, that he cared little for by John Vassos and accompanying text proce~s of recataloging, a very busy ro~l, was shown t-o me before tt w~ Lhe watertight theory, and was too by Ruth Vassos. There are twenty- place indeed, with catalogers, typ!sts, ~~~~t~~l i~n a~:::a::t i~ss~~~~t,I t~:o:::. honest, or too d-etached, to tal<e any ac- two large full page illustrations, mocl - mal"l<ers, and so on, working at top tion of American Collee-e Journalism

speed. ""hatever the rush of this spe- ~ f th d iJ ap s said that count of his own inconsistencies. He ernlstically drawn, on the most char-

In one o e a Y P( er acteristlc phasas of what seems to b €1 cia! task however, the e''eryday worlt w ould h..: grt.>atly jeopardized, since it ''To look at, he was part ot th~ youth alternated between moods. and set them of the library must go on and in this would mean my voluntary withdrawal

ot the world. He was one of the hand- all down with sincerity notwithstanding cal1ed American civilization. The ill us- everyday work. publicity has its full from the Eclitoric'\.1 Slaff o f The Via· somest Englishmen of his time. His that some were moods of belief. In the trations posess a sophisticated dignity t 1 N t tl cl't moods seemed to be merely a disguise mood of ''The Hill"; and, in nearly all cases, an intelligibility share. So when the Christmas season or an.f

0 one, n: even


1: e

1 o~·-!or the radiance of an early summer "\oVe shall go down with unrel uctant that is very often in modern- approached, the spirit of Christmas in· in-chie ' seemed to e great Y arme ·

rlay". Mr. Edward Thomas speaks of tread iRec drawings. John Vassos has spired everyone to have a worth-while, athned atlnlenootlnnlcyems>e.n'mtpat~a~ I,·nreceived was and if p ossible, original Christmas dis· the Issue

him as "a golden young Apollo" , who Rose-crowned into the darkness! caught quite well the wild fury, the play. Each one "put on her thinking then forthcoming eulogies of the dead I d h Proud we were dizzy and reckless activity with \Vhich

made friends, adm rers , a orers w er- And laughed, that such brave true most American life of today moves. cap··, with the following result. woulcl take up the space usually allot-

:::~ ~;e,:enhti~ "~~g=~~:et~~;:u;J~ms::: things to say. Great swerving curves, monstrousl y On the bulletin board outside the ted to my eulogies of the living. I \Va~ h d lk d

. -And then you suddenly cried, and dlS~proportionate representations of eno·ance to the reading room, we placed insulted that I was not allowed to write waved fair hair, laug e , ta ·e m- a h olly wreath, in the center of it a in that issue, and resolved to come dolently, and admired as much as he turned away." mediocrities, exotic chaos and formless Christmas card that we had made, us- back with 'a vengeance this time. I be·

wa.~ admired'' He was tall, and He is splendidly or sadly convinced phantasies are the media through ing a plain catalog card, in one cor- came determined that a slip of easY in his movements. Either he that it is alf a Yain hope. But in "The wh:ch this modern Greek-American f h" h d I I b grammar on my part would not be a

Stooped' Or he thrust his head forward Great Lover.:· he cries: pr-esents his ideas of post-war America. n er 0 w IC we paste a sma oy "Oh never a doubt but, somewhere I It seems he has succeeded in catching reacling an enormous booi< (thi-; picture sufficient cause to deprive the worta of

unusually much to l ook at you with shall awake," the tl·ue spirit of the clay and has been we hacl cut from a publisher~ advertise my 'visdom. his steady blue eyes. There was at the e t) Tl th d f th d The reflectioils caused by these oc-tirst contact. bloom and charm, and And in "The Soldier'', he bids his the first illustrator to present it intelli· m n . 1e o er en o e car was cun·ences, and also by a reading of th e most of all there ·was life. To use the friends think of h is heart as a pulse gibly. The accompanying text is decorated with a scroll cut from the 'I d Fi , E h C 1 f word his friends describe him by, he of the Eternal Mind, giving back, the Wi'E-tchecl Engl ish, but is admittedly a same lea flet. At the top we printed n ex 1 nger, 1 xc ange o umn . o

true echo of America. The text's MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM THE The Niag-ara Index from Niagara Falls,

hackneyed phrases emphasize the plati- LABRARY and below this greeting, N. Y., cletermined me to write this week poems appeared it gained at once recog- He was alternately a passionate be- tudes of our life; its superficiality is an the verse (home-made lil<e the rest of on the topic I have ch?sen. The hand

was " vivld'' . \\'hen his first volume of thoughts by England given.

nitlon which his friends anticipated: :~ev~~~ a;:n~e: i ~~~~~ts~:~:~c- v~~n .. ~e::.t~:: exc&Jlent example of the poverty of the card!) that wields the "Index Finger" too among the new constellation of the American thought; it-s noisy and un- Now there but five days needing, much as if sugar coated pills were be-

~:~:r~~~:nb~ioegh~~·gth:t:~~sS~s~:nc~:Y a::l; ~:T:o:e ,~:;l;nu~~~o~t~v~,:~:g;i~hhte:: natural rhythmn, its conscious striving Have you done your Christmas read- ing administered. Fulsome praise, an

In ·'Kindliness'' in "Thoughts on the for effect, are ind:ces of American ing? unfavorable yet quite tame and proper ami freshne!-is put forth with such sure- bt·avado and r eckless search for fame. The gua,·d hole of the catalogue card o,bservation, and then more fulsome of utterance, seemed to call only Shape of the Human Body", he pro- The prelip1inary judgment, then , to b e was hidden by one corner of the en - praise: that is the procedure. T he

for enthuRiasm. The volume was fol- claims the opposi te conviction : lo-ve, passed upon the book, both upon the ''elope, which was tacked below and writer of the column has these sen-

lowed by a number of single poems, all that was sweet lies at most, grows pictures and the text, is lhat it is a on which we had printed: tences of comment on t h e 'Loyolan',

he:tuti!ul; then came the five sonnets false and dull, "and a ll love is but vE<I·y accurate representat:on of 'this Mr. Library Friend from Del Roy Hills, Venice, California:

ot War, a self-dedication and a fore-- this.'' "It must be so, for man's very Amer ican tempo.' St. Viator College ''\Ve are afraid that we will run out ca.q:t of a happy wan·ior's death. The nature is a deform i ty in the world of

It may seriously be quest ioned Bourbonnais, of adjectives in our comment on this 11resentiment of his death can be seen ideal love". Illinois publication fo~ we are sol d on it. To In his poem •ul'he Soldier": But· bitter as Brooke can be, h e Is whether this is a l·t. An a l·tist is a rare So much for the Christmas d isplay on put in plain language, we like your

"1.r I should die, think only this of not cynical, as we see in his "Dead creature who sees more d eoeply into the the bulletin board. paper ancl, that is that. But we have realities than other men, and who has

me: That there's some co1·ner of a fo-r­

eign flelcl

Thn.t Is !orever England. There shall


In that rich earth a richel' dust


Men's Love" But how best to advertise the Christ- a f ew adverse things to say about it the power of presenting reality through "There was a damned successful Poet; his own chosen m.edium, not as l'eality mas waees that we had to offer in the ancl, if you will pardon our being so

There was a woman like the Slm. simpl y , but quickened by the presence libeary? How better than with a TREE blunt we will enumerate." Next fo l ·

And they were dead. They did not )f gen ius into something noble and - a tree laden with BOOKS! Treasures lows th e mild observat i on about the

know it. ideal. For that reason a confirmed sat- of divers l<incls from divers lands! Sul'e- Loyolan', that "It is not conservative

They did not l(now their time was ~: u e il·ist. can never be a great artist, no ly, in the workroom we felt that "Of enough. You can say what you will of

They did not know hie llymns m a tter in ,vhat field he works; he the making of many books there is n o being old fashioned but we rather ad-A dust whom England bore, shaped, \Ven:i silence; and her limbs,

- . made awa1·e, That had served Love so well, makes what seems iclcal to moM: men end", for we p1·oduced them in several mire being that way instead of em­

so1·did. the reverse or the arlisllc p1·o- languages and in various bindings! bracing radical ideas. We are not con­

cess. Vassos is a satirist; an impress~ Books a little less than two and a haJf cl emmlng you for your stand but m ere-Gave, once her flowers to love, her Dust, and a filthy smell.''

ways to roam. His contempt is always for a lower ionable, he has fo1·med numerous un- by four centirneters-liliputian books ly showing where we disagr ee." Then

A hody of England's, breathing Eng- as compared with a higher. It is the favorab le opinions of Amedcan civill- that a little girl might covet for her comes _more frosting: "Now that we

!ish air, simple truth that at one time he bUI·ns zntion (tor the most part the pecul!ar doll's library table. have fini shed with that, we have a lot

\\"ashed by the rivei'S, blest by with one feeling, at another time he opinions of all thinking m en in America Most of our works were in English, of nice things to say about you ." I

sunli of home.' ' burns with another. toclay), and has put his opinions Into con::;h;ting first of all of a miniature t·esist the temptation of making got··

The beauty , the coura~e. and the Yet o~ Br'<>olte, as of other s, it Is pictures. Since the opinions :1 r e any- Bible with the text, "For unto you is geous sport with these petty lines: ti ffil!slc is the lmm01·tallty o{ Rupert u·ue that the poet is greater than any thing but flattering, the illustrations,· bo1·n this day in the city of David a wm only disc uss the idea of criticism

lll'ooke. Lastly, when that forecast ha<.l of his poems, his story more slgnlfi- their crystall~zation, are satires. The Saviou1· which is Christ the Lord". expo unded In them.

ht•(•n tut!illcd and d eeply mourned, a cant than any of its pages. These two boolt may and will be acclaimed as a There were tiny volumes of Sha})ea- Must we forever be slaves to tho

tlnnl volume was rccC~lved with a(fec- lltt.le \ 'Olumes are not a prod uct of clever at\d wNJ · d eserved pictorial dia- peare, Milton, Franklin, Irving, and theory that right and wrong In any-

h tionat~ admiration. such as has sel dom unequal gems nor the indlsc1·eet reve- tl'ibe on the American and his pet ! et- numbers of other English and Ame1;. thing El. I'C but a matter of agreement

h<·•·n glnm to a young poet by his con· laUon of a too young lover's secret, ishes. but no keen critic will call It can wl"iters. But 1n a library with a or disagreement? Only the coward h1dea

• b mporaries. It wa~ made clear that they are fragmentm·y passages from a aJ·tistic. goodly p1·oportion of foreign works, in bC:chlnd ''de gusllbus". And if something

~I In n gTent moment, black with storm, ~·:J:lirltual d1·ama. How deeply f elt and The Vassos. both John and Ruth, a college where many of the Fathers is wrong If a piece of writing Js wretch·

~ ~1. hL" rudlnn l'C hnd lightened the eyes of how movingly uttered they are may be have been strangely caught In the and Brothers are at horne In ancient. eel . if an idea is false, must we pollte l y

hiR countrymen. judged by any one who will t·ead the lnbyr :nth of the America they sat"rtze. and modern languages, we wished to say we don't condcmu but only c)j fl.

1t ha~ bL•C~n questioned whether such sonnet caled ""\Valktki": In the Foreword John vas~-os takes the- have at leost one representa tive from agr·ce? I hf)pe not. "\Ve should apply

lin rf>Jllltntlon, won a~ it were, b)" aur- ''I recall, lose, g1·asp, f orget agu.ln, trt:Juble lo say: "If I have also shown the ancient and one from the mode1·n s tandards to the writing, anu.lyze and

11ril'1'' nntl contirmPd tn the emotion And still remember, a tale 1 have ~ touch of Paganism. you must forgive group. 'l'he small Latin book that we Lest the Ideas, then present the verdict.

tJt :\ nati(lnnl <' Is Jlkt•ly to st.nnd heard, o1· known, me and remember that my anceston1 p1·oduced wa.o.; Indeed a de Juxe edition: If we can't do thia. better quit wdtlng.

thp tP:-ot oC time. Naturally, timt" will An empty tale-, o! ideleness and pain, nfLe1• all were Hellenic.'' He manlfe!its the artistic, colo1-fu l envelope llnJng of If the verdict is unfavorable, don't apn-

~ tl'lL bul It rnny be noted thnt Brool<c-'s or two thut loved-or dhl not love- Pagani~m. not because his ancestorli an ear ly-mailed Chrlstma.!:l card p 1·ovld- l rJg-lze ancl half reverse It before lt. Ia

~- work I~ 1'\'lllfl.l'kttlJie tor Its orh;·lnalit~· and one were pagans, I think, but because he ed the handsome cover; the lining- announ ced. An Exchange Column Ia

nt'd Its t"HLility, tho l\\'0 qualities which \\"hose perpiE>xed heart dlcl evll, tool - has been overmuch influenced by the (Continued on Page Four) the critique or. College Journalism. H In romblnutlon lun1c nlwa.ys made !or lshly, :"iew Paganism of Amel"ica. The traces Hpecimcns of coll ege writing are gJvon

j t•Hnlant.·n ct.:". HIM adlstlc method was A long while since, and by some or. Jlell1 nlc Paganism are few and ttl- to us ohM<:enlty. Ruth Vassos criticizes that are senslbl o and <lc:servlng ot mlovtt•\-1 rath£'r thnn lnYented, but was other sea." most t o1·gtvable, the frequent nudes and thr- :Mo\'ies: "Woman Is tempted but praise, wr· havP- a 'Critique ot Puro

1\ •nu tht' h.•s.·-> l.ll1J:;lna.l. "rht:' content or It Is the cry of. one haunte-d by r emem- the allegodcal deification of such 1JOE:'~ n<Jt fall-but show the tempting; HPason': if tl'fvfal ancl Inane, without

h ·- l>twtry· hls 1-iUl>jects for the must L>rance In the Circean Isles of the Pa- rorces as electrtc:ty and radio. The ~vii I~ flouted-but show In all dAta!! cear-dn.r; to be J<antJan, we havt:! a

I rt llre Lnvt> nnd Dl~nth. Ill;"! spenk~:t of ci!ic. Drnmatlcally, too, came the war mode1·n Paganism Is not. The old th1 tvll.'' This Is just criticism ot sev- 'Cr-Itique.-- ot Pure Nontu:mac·.

1 Ut)', but not, n~ som{\ havtl done, to cut the tangled thread:-~, nnU with GrNI<a at least gav~ religion a plu.ce e-ral times borders dangerously on this H.NtHrm ru· nonHr·nHr· we: may find In

ot tht• s~;\rt'h tnr It: for blm £'XPrt'Sshm thi~ drnmn he away. "\VIltred in lite: Ya~.sos with the moderns at- iwn· I•'or example, sh~ C'l'itl~l7..<'!4 ('ol!Pg,. fJUJIC"-'ltlons today, but we

\\ th~ uh~nlutl' n\.--ed, nn\1 Dt•nuty n Ulbsun·~ tribute took the torm o t n tempw. the satirize it into a non-entity; 'Suhway .Morality," but in dolng' Ho h1·- Hh(Ju]d c·n.ll th(•m by lhf'lr tight nn.rn<.•M 11lath·r or Yislon. lluw lnt..mse yo::t ~hart pot:>rn r-aile-d "The Going": thE- Gr, ks were shockin~Jy l'en.llstkal f•om£s positiv-ely suggestiV(· h("n· 1d!. wlwn WP. !Jnd th,.rn, and not mflk<· nt how ortginal Jn its lnt(!n~ity was hi~ "lh·-~ g'·n~. tt timf's, but in their extant contrlbu- ThP lJ{'JoSt crilfc:sm of thF- brJr.k l!-4 to ~ay 1-:x('hnn"'' f'olumnA pucwill! and color-

\ !Qn or lhlng~ In tlkm~dve~ common- I dv not understn.nd tons to literaturP, painting and sculp- that th("re !-!hould be- a twenty-thll·d IHR v£>rhlut:f·, nt:·lthf>r br1t nr,r cold, ancl

t' This may 00 ca~lly provec.l by 'I only know ttJr(> thr-r•:> are !~w e-x•tmplf'R wh ,. illustration and text. with "ContPmpo,'' "·h!f·h (~v,·ry Jnt('llfgr-nt p(:rHrm ur1tH1

-rb(l 1-""L-ih": Thn.c n!4 he turned to ,::o they df•litt+'rately went out of th~ way J.:r Va81!0:1' for tltl~>o. rNttlln):;" lft Nm!itt:.dnNJ to vomit forth

"''n u. t.."()(l} <'Un·tn~ worhl ht' lh'S An.t w~,-ed hls han•l, t11 b6 )b~E"nf.:>; mot1ern Pagan!Km Is ol•· The !ipltndld makr·-up CJ( tho btJCJk, with c1ulU• juHtfffablt~ dfHhlJ ~t . . \nU riN•lt·~ whh u.~rk \'l"stn~c~. In hi~ yuun~ eyt·s a ~u~hlf'n g-lory --u·•·IW tur the mr.-re !<ake ot • b!ie'"t>nlty th(' sur1f:rfor· r.larlt:r of lhP plctur~"-~ ftnd \\'lth apt1l()gfr·H to the Blrv·k Prine(•,

Th kln,J lul:Ul"l•HlS 1-lJl~~ nn1l stool ~hone, In ··cont(·mpo'·, t~ t('Xt t•.!<pPclally !-IP\"· thP niJvt:-1 prr:senta.tir,n of ce-rtainly nnt a.nrl 1 H:UJI!Jf,HI, t() the rhythrniHtH, J takr•

·"b!lt,..~a ull his unln•r:s~ to ft.~~~ Aml I w;L"> dazzled by~\ ~un~l"l ~tow- 1'111 timf.,'-1 borders Uangrr..u~ly on thl:i novtl Jll <L"'', the mo~l Hh.;-niftNlnt aiJ my mr1tL(J: '1-ftJOI 8f.Jit CluJ Mal y

\114.1. \.;.1\0\\ 411\l be. th\l c-lln~lnG' stream .-\nU hoe \Vas gone." the worst kind or lmmoralJt:r. gratul- thing~ ab(lut ''Con tempo," t:crJt'.


Page Four

V acant the campus, the gym and the store. In sipid the student, the boob and the bore. All are gone for the short Christmas vac. Things won't be the same till the old crew gets back. Ohl where are Santy's li ttle red pants? R eturn them fellows and give him a chance In some real way to spread Yuletide joys And en liven the hearts of good little boys. N ow since C hristmas comes but once a year,

A tru e sp irit sh ould prevai l of friendship a nd ch eer. M a ry C hristmas

THE VJATORIAN Tuesda). December 2-1

I Viator-Anna's All-Time

F oothall T earns Freshmen Lose to

Sophomores 11-5

\Yf·h mythk:tl elP'-'""~ !"O rampart, Jn :1. Prkl~wnrthy t•frt 1f'l to impn: :-: "h.\t ,.( the- h. '\t• Prlnt•'1.1 fn ttn~· k

Jt 1,£(lt~ J~ to nm~h"l nut nur choiC'e furth•~r Up(•n th•· Fru•hnwn n :;;t~n~of.' •'l te~. "(flnria In f''\("t l:-.1!4 r"~•:"\l' \' n.


r'ea .. QU.r

llanlr Locke







RE .... .I£ ..



thE-ir £"t•nt·rfll USt.·h-~:-ont':'(~, lht Sophn· ld•U·t·mu~··. Th• Fn•n, h '''1rk \\,U'I

"'at pole mc•n·s mt>t :10d dr·t~.· lt•·•l thf'm hy a S<'~>rt• t>tht•t· pr tllld\nn o( '' hkh w~ "" ltooker of 11-15. Thl~ J.:"O.nw WI\!'! ht•ld ~:ltUI·· partlt.Uk\rly pt·,,url Fnr ilh• t<'Xt ,~

IlulC"her day (>\"l·nin&;" altE>r d1:qwl chnor.'~t·. "\"old nntrt• ]1\l·u. ne d'ut

Pame ThE" l•~rosh. with n flnl? di~re~nrd or \'il'l"l!t'' h• ~Pknt•Ur ·h- glnilt• t•st '-'ll\

RO Sa\"U.t:'P Land•)r ronvt>ntlon. stnrtt·rl to run th£> ~how loJltlt.• .J,. lan~e~ • The J),:qt r t"tl\'t"'l" 1

L(; .....

C---·· _ Rll.

.... Lll. . QIL

Lamll by, with anti lnr tht·m~t.·lve~. Enrt~~ In a rkh purplt.', dt•~.:or 11t1l wtth a til Sterne the S<'COnd JWrlod. tht~y hdd a 5·1 lead lht•<hl.llinn·hkt• J\ktlll'l' t1( tht.•

Voltaire Tht~ Sophs canll' out o( It, hoW{"YI r ('hfld IWhkh Wt h:ul t.'Ul fnlln

"•llcte Oscm· and at the halt tht' $('Ore stood at 5 l'hrl~tmtt!'l ~ean: Tht•

.. ........ "'ittler all. .t\tter halt timr, t.hE" St.lphomon.·~ ~nTHE S.\t-\' 1-:l'H, w.u1 lt>lt•·r:

Burroughs ........ FJ; Marlowe grabbed the lend nnd never relinquish- "hilt• Ink, tho whnlf• t'n\'tW ~icllaco

The unique part or our elevens is ed it. Then tlw nid JKlt•m, 1>1-:H TAX:\'1·

t.hat they actually p1ayE"d. The high· Carnry turned out to be ~uch a g-ood HAlT::\t. oc<·Unt·d to ~mm+'(Hll' nntl \'

light~ ot that memorable game we now rdPrc-c that both sidN-J booed him only lt·lt thnt our trt•t• wnuhl nut h(' ~.11 p•·esl'nl. n~ a matter of principle. Culkin. ot the• withnut n tpwt:ltlnn t'1·nm t1

II was "Pater's" day at "Sackville". F•·osh, tickled thl~ Iron hoop's chin lnnd or <"h.-l!-!tll1n!i tn•t·~ So rnt· nnnth•

"J!:ugene F'ield'' was packed. "Edgar" whisker$ three linws to lend the eye. bOflk Wl' chn~t' tht' lint·~~ the ho no•·cd ··ouest" al'l'lved, escorted nlng'R scot'lng with six notnb:!. u Tann(•nhnum, 0 'l'.l.llncn httunl,

hy the tlmekcepe. •·s "Inger·soll'' and \\-1(' g-run !:Jincl d••lnt.· Hllltll'l'! ---::----

After a ll there is nothing like good poet ry to spread the old 'Thel<ho,·". The chee•··Jcaders. "Noyes" C hri stmas Spirit. and "Chatterton" were passing ·•o·

Jlenry·::~·· around to the crowd and had

THE l 'l'tiTIQl' E

(ronllnuccl from Pn.r~l' Two)

Du ~run~t nh·ht nu1· ?.ur Snrnnwrgt·

N;.ln, auch hn \\'lnl<'l", Wl•nn t't: ~~·


---.. --- them rall1e1· "Pepy". All the intellec· time. The a(oremenlioned suspicion \VaM \\'t.• wwd n red C'O\'t~z· fnt' lhl~ vnlun The Viatoriana is ra.ising a Chr istmas fund for the poor singuiar tual star::~ wet·e out, even " 'Moon". On gt·ea.tly strengthened when the game nn1t dernrntt'd It with n wt•P fir tn

Sen ega lese babies. Won't you please join our succor list? the first play Swift "Burroughs" was declared over art('!' Joe Hoog'H xnow lll(lt.•n.

---.. --- throug-h center for first down. "Osca.r" Cleld goal put the thlnl yN11• men in :\'<'XL in nrcll:'r that t·V•·ryonc In tl

It i s somet im es h ard to decide where t o spend the Christmas then got ""\'\~ilde'', circled "Dry-den'', the lcrtd. ('oiJ(•g-(' ·wnulrt lwat· ahout tlw dlHpla

vacation. Of course, there i s "Ma" Cuires place, a nd the "camp- and "Trolloped" down the old "Mase- A Freshman. we dec·ldctl to plncl> n notice In the r horice". Then too, the "Fr e n c h' ' Academy, "Munsch-au sen ", and tield" until he had the "Ball-ad Read- ftc-tr •·y Fm· thl~ WL' HHt•d a cut·m

little " I Iarri-son ". And, by the way, the Green " Mills" Cafe is open ing Cool". They then kicked tor a point Dear Editor: P:tJ1<'1' Chrl"tmas tn.•e anrl Otll ' rhyn

.!tlso. touchdown. "" Is a great ftu· it at l(·a~t Cltlt>d ou1· nl"'('tl:-o anrl ll

To th e Antique:-Why do you not encourage the State Hosp ital to contribute to

y o ur co lumn ? No o n e wou ld ever kn ow th e diff e ren ce. In fact some of them sh ow remarkab le mental acumen. l recall tha t one day I was hunting an d h a d just killed a coup le of wild du cks, which fell at my feet. An inmate approach ed me sayi ng, "My fri ein d. You need not h ave wasted your powder o n those ducks. The fall alone would have kill ed them." As I remained th ere, admirin g th e b eautiful sun­shin e this same fe ll ow sco ffed at m e an d said, 'The m oonshine is b e tte r". When I asked him why, h e replied, " The m oo111 is more usefu l than th e su n. The su n o nly shines in the d'ay when it is light e n o ug h to see anyway. But the moon shines at ni ght when we peed the li ght most."

S incerely-An Alumnus. ---::----

game. yelled "Scott", who was watch· It seems that your Rystcm of hand· ~h:tpl' or tiiP tnpcl'ing- t •·ep: ing lh 1·ough a hole In the renee. It was ling the- doings of alumni is giving- Corne- anct ~PC cllscove•·ed. h oweYel·, t hat Oscar had de· place to •·ather cmban·nssl ng clistinc· OU!' Chl'il-ltll1HH {!'('(''

velopccl a "Bunyan" which gave him tlons. Some have theil' w r ite-ups pl'int- Huc-lcH In g-re-en anti hool<A In hlue-, much "Paine··. So Captain "Kyd" asked eel 011 the first page. Others, equall y B1u l<s in l"1·enC'h aml 1-:ng-ll~h. too.

tor a "~ewman ". "Victor Hugo", said famous and perhaps more accomplish· I)' <-om(' in and tal<(• a. look

Manager "Boswell". Aw ''Shaw" he eel, recei\·e meager recognition in the At f:';l<"h charming- C:hJ·J~tmtts book:

"Kant" play "Hannibal'' yelled the paltry column cal led "Alumni Notes". The Library

c rowd . It ought::t. " Ben Johnson". This M y suggestion is that you convert the Ont:> ol the Falh£>1'S hni)()f'ninl=:' in suJ

ra:t.zing made Coperni -cus and Landor wo•·thwhile a lumni notes into regular g-Pste-d our adding ('opiC'H of llw c-ollrl!

Savage. lt sure beats the "Dickens" "..-ite-ups. and thereby humOJ' the paper, TilE YIATOH IAK. and th

how that crowct can "Crabbe", they alumni and imp•·o,·e yow· paper. Acad(•my onP. TJlE \\'AYE:. \Ve g lad1

ans\\'CI'ed. and we'll have to "Lamb" A Senio•~. sE-t to work to puhliHh (r£.·•·t:Linly f

:;orne guy yet. The crowd was finally nrlnt, in one sen!ie or thP wo•·d) period

quieted by old ".Makepiece Thackeray" The Critiq ue : c:al!'{ as well ns hook!-!. Then we adcled

who said 'After all, what ::tre "Word&- Your column gives me an opportunity <-npy nt the Acatl(·m'y annual , TH. I t i s estimated tha t the ala rm cl ock m a nufac ture rs contribu t e wonh" gentlemen. Get "Hilaire-ious to gl\·e expression to ::t quc~Uon that VOYAGEUR. l::ook!i and pa.pen't we•

more to the r a ising of th e working class th a n ajny other singl e factor. now ancl have them "Belloc" t hat kicl<.". musl lu rl< in th e mincls of the Academy tl1rn punched and tied with gilt co1·

St cl'ne old smolcy "Bacon" was finally g •·aduates of t he last few years. In to lhto tre<:-.

The Skeptics.

Prof. Lowney-Now this substantia l form, wholly impercep­tibl e to the senses in itself, d escends upon prime matter, which is absolute ly undetermin ed a nd mere potentiality. A nd then what have we, gentle m en ?

The class (in to to simul)-No thing , Pro f. ---::---

Prof. Munsch-Now, I ask ed you if Miletus is m Greece then where th e H ellespont.



How would you pulnctuate this senten ce- The smil ed sweetly as sh e passed me o n the s tree t.

young lady

Easy. Just m a ke a d ash after the g irl. ---::---

sent in f or \\'ilcle. He had been "cured" 1925 the graduating class agreeU, and Dut the t.·ee must have more tha

of his "ott-side" habit, and felt a little was tollowed in this by three succeed- books. nt nne ot the worl<Prs cut ou

"rasher". The game went o n with nef· ing classes. to otter a definite sum ot (fmm lhe same attJ·actlve nnd w~eft

ther side scoring. Then in the last money tor the construction or an arch adve1·ll~ement) the- mnst delightft

minute of play the score was tied by o•· some enually appropr·iate ornamental colored lig-ures, nil ladf•n with book!

a cle\·er play in which heacly old " \Vise- entrance to the College grounds. The ,\>Jc i\llcawber mig-ht hH\'e posed rr;

man·• sh ot the bull to ''Newman'' for agreemen t was that the College would on£:" stnut old gentlcmun nnd nne or th

a touchdown.

Bowlers Inaugurate Season with Tourney

begin work on the structure imme- berluunced and bonnNNl ladies e\

diately. Thus tar nothing has been <lently stepped. \\'ith •·etlcul(• and booJ.

done. and I believe I express the senti· :-tra:,:;-ht from the Htref'lM or CRA~

ments or the contributing graduates FORD.

In asking tor an explanation . I do not Then the tree wnf-4 decorated \\it

doubt that the College has a perfectly sm~il l lloweTs and bright garland~ an

The · a nnual bowling tOll rna.ment wa.<:; justifiable motive in holding up this finally dusted wilh and se-L fn sno\\

helcl S~ur·day evening, December 7_ Improvement, but I think we have a Nr>w It wa1:1 placed on a stand in th Three teams of five men each led by right to know that motive. •·eadint:" room. At its snowy ba .. ~e wer

Archimedes prob a bly had the greatest feet in hi story. He once said'--Give me a place to rest my feet an d I'll throw the world up FL Kelly. George Hynds and Joe ~ur­for grabs. phy contended for the honors. Hynds.

assisted by Larkin. Salg, Duftield and To the "C'pperclassmen or

An Alumnus. ananged many attractive ChriHtrrul

hook!-! from the library !-!helves and b¥

neath them all Wa.!i hung the post~r

.\fAKE IT A BOOK CHRlST.MAS. ---::---

Then G. K. C h ester t on sat back in his c h air aft er the Christ- Flynn. maintained a lead throughout St. Viator College: Xow thl' Jihrarian and the worker

m as dinner, h eaved a sigh of contem t . and, p l acing his hands on the c:ntest , but in the last game the This letter is a challenge to the setr- in the <'ataloging room rE-turned to

the o ld wa;stline. said- " \ Vell , boys. A ll i s quiet o n the Western secon team staged such a rally that it styled supermen. the audacious auto- Dl·w~y and othE>r wel~-rht~· vc,lum~~. bu Front n ow... took the supreJne etto.-t.s ot Paul Dut· aristocrate ot the Sophomore. Junior e\·E"r'y now and the-n ~om"'one woul•


Do You Fully Realize--

field to assume th·st honors for his and Seni01· Clas~es of St. Viator Col-team. Paul scored the necessary point lege to give the columns ot The Via· !-!teal rnml her deH.k t(J !-!~ ho,.,· ~h with the last ball or the tournament. torian, it Indeed It be possible, some tre-"" wa..<,4 "taking" and W(IUld com·

11ack with the dellghttul rE-port tba That Jack Dempsey shaves twice a day? That Calvin Coolidge eats two eggs and


:\turph's team finished a poor third. explanation or the apparently sense­a strip of bacon for Final score by Captains: Hynds 2303; less o•·gies or ''Hell \'i"eek". Freshmen ar·oum1 it were groupetl taculty mern

Fr. Kelly 2296; Murphy 1956. The prize mas not be deserving o! the respect br·rs and boys 1'£-adtng the miniatur•

tor the highest individual sco•·e went to ot their lo•·dly peers, but we are at bo k~ hung- on the tr(-1~ and the ~ That th e attenda nce a t las t year's debate exceeded the crowd that gath erede before Tetrault's garage to watch Pyle's cross-country, one-legged. bicycle riders pass through the mai n street of K ewanee, Illinois?

That the power wasted annually by Wrigley devotees and Reming ton Athletes would keep half-a-dam in perpetual motion?

That if Cleopatra's nose had been half an inch shorter history would not have been changed? She would have killed herself any-way!

That there really isn't any Santa C laus?

Viator-Anna and Hard Hearted Hanna-han join in wishi ng you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Hooligan.

---::---\Ve can't mention Scotch jokes on Christmas so we make this

a Finnish .

Paul Duffield for his mark ot 204. least entitled to the privilege of sup- nes diHplaycd IJeneath ll.

Academy Basketball Schedule

Jan. 10-Aquinas, here.

Jan. 13-Aiumni, here.

Jan. 15-St. Bedes, there.

Jan. 18-St. Thomas, there.

Jan. 39-Trinity, pending.

Feb. 1-St. Bedes, here.

Feb. 'i-Aquinas, there.

Feb. 1::!-De La Sal1e, there.

Feb. 19-Trinity, pending.

posing- that rational men always act

!or a puroose. "\\"e may be ignorant. but at least we cra\·e enllghtment. And

what we want now Is a proper expla·

nation or ''Hell ~Yeek". lrt our intellec­

tual superiors do not deign to offer

some reasonable justitlcation of what

to us Is but ignorant folly, we wi11 be

confirmed in our con\'iction that they

nre all intellectuaJ imbeciles, mental

morons, who attempt to make up for

their lack of intelligence hy a blatant

display or brute torce. A l~eshman.

Se-rt·na. f'ubla nailer


Barber Shop Agent for Down-Town Clean·

ing, Pressing and Repairing Establishment.


TaeedaY• December 24 , 1929. THE VIATOR!AN


Teachers Juniors Too Strong

For Frosh \Jat,-,r p -~!,.rrt-d tock took a sub- The- bn.ttle lrJr class supremacy was


Amedee T. Betourne


Cut Rate Drugs

Baird -Swann ell Everything in Sport­

ing Goods v

~:1t!al saJ.n in the l.ittll'! Xln~t~4?n Ex· r.-.·I"J~n,.,.l "'\\"P.'dnesday. December 11.

cJl;1J'ISt 00

th"! nhcht ot Friday, Df"<.'em· wh"'n the- Fre~hmen accepted the Jun· ior'!IC chaJleng-1:" to a basketball game.

bet llth. \\"h~>n th"' ma.rkr·t f'los"'<l, the Althou~h tht Junfors were hard press-

On Championship Way 1

119 Court St., Kankakee, lll.

The snow ~torm last \Yednesday ni~ht I'----------------.! certainly caused many basketball tans

Kankakee's Largest Stock


U1t lrUh wu-.. wcu fJUroted at 3fJ, or

L ftt1e VJinL J.-.a,d fJ\'F:C thf!! lltCJf:k o! the

arliCodale T~at;hl·rA, Th"' nl~ht's busi·

,... was ry E'XC'iltng lJUt the !Wild

't~Utl•<m ,,t th•! Viator pro=-!~rred gave

o bo.Ckf:'f'll a J,:"re.~t d~l rJt con!ld~nce

f:'d ~[ various sta~es during the game. to miss a tast game- at the St. Viator thf> tin:.d score was eleven to ten. I gym. Betore a. ct"()Wd ot perhaps seven·

The Juniors under the leadership ot ty-tive people, exclu~fve o! the loyal

"Fat·· Carrvll presented a fonnldable student body, the Yiator team whipped

~~nPu.': with "Joe:: Hoo_~· "Joe" ~~ga~: \Shurtleff College, 31 to ~0. The game Pal f"1eary, Turk Shea, Rut began with the same 1fneup as did the

Hut€-ckl and "Just" McCarthy. The Carbondale game, with Furlong at tarou~hout the forty mlntH€-s lit uctual .tr-u;;gl~. A'! rully wa .. "' attempted Frosh. under the leadership of PhU center, Evard and Romary at Corl\·ards,

T l the Mackey, ha.d recourse to frequent sub- and Clothier and Cassidy at guards. The

~~~;: ,:;:::}t~;~~: k,.:~:c~~:~ !:~~ un· stitut1ons during the game fn an E'C· Bourbonnais boys had on their new

11 ~rrnfnlng th~ Gn:>f·n's lf•atl. tort to wear down the above mentioned uniforms for the fin~t time. and must

Thi! JIM tJt the lanky Petlagogues .runtor stars. ha,·e been a trifle self-conscious, be­

ro-ved 10 11'0 or llttlf'! hf'>lP In warding The game sta_rted ott ! with the cause tor the first ten or twelve minu-(Contlnucr.l on Pa~e Six) tes. the play was what you might call tt th~ cl~•zzllnJ.r otf~ns~ rJl th~ MeAl·

ragged. But then they snapped out of

,,nJI t o a slate ln th"'lr htu:t twt'l very good centers who a1·e It, and l:ltarted piling up the points

lrwt (•nr·<~llnt•·r (Jr Lh') ln!.l-1\IJO 8,·a.aon. experts In ta])plng t.he ball to their against the Shurtlet! Pioneers. Frank

J-· taln Evnrd l"d thfo lr1!oth att:v·k by t~=>nmmates on the jump. Monical was Cas:ddy, t.h£> lad from way down in nklllg t•Jur buMko-t:-~ und onr- tree :t.lso a shining light Jn the visitor's Holyoke, Massachusetts. who, by the

uuw Tht• rlynamle thtl•· t•Jrward !Jallle nrray. I way, is supposed to be in possession

Jayl!'d n brilliant ~-:arne an•! a.pp•·art>cl to The game wa.."! Cull of thrills and kept of very poor e:res. opened up the gnme

,. 11 r•·ady frJr tht• s;rcnlt·~t tw~n or thl." tans In a hJI{hly excited state. The propet· by sinl<ing a goa l Crom near

1 ctJih•gn t'l'tl't>'·r. [t niH, IookH o...<J It pr·p ot the Ylator rooters was quite the tree throw lin~. From then on. the

Hy"' 1,. ug lin vut to rlf'>!r·rul hlo title


nntiCf'able. game pepped up a bit, but not as much

, hiJ:h puJnl mun In thr, Lllllf· Nln(·· Sl. Vtat.or as It should ha\'e. The !ir::;t halt ended

"fll. Ful'l'•IH.f, :.1. nwmll•-·t· ur lust p•ar's FG FT PF TP with tla.shy " Boob" E\•arll h oling one

1un,l wh'J atartt-d th~ s.ramt• at c·enwr 1-:\':Lrd (t:': ,pt.J r ·- -1 1 1 9 underneath the hoop as the gun went

•C tht• lnl.til'!, lfJO){t•d nliJ.(hty goorl in i'l.qmaa·y f •. -· 0 2 3 2 o!l.

1e pfvut po•lllnn h·rt vacnnt by the lAl!ey, t -· .. .... -· . ... ., (I 0 4 Evidently Coach 1\Ic.Ailister s poke

·' ufttlrm h! " H(JOk!ot'' O'~Lltlt~y Ro· F'url··n~ . c --·-- - ·- 2 1 1 6 words ot meaning to his sqund dua·ing

ury tHHl f'lnthlr.:r, nll"o tn•·m1.1f_lr!i uf lafll J lul~chl'r, c ............... .. . 0 0 1 0 the lnterval ot the ha l[, because they

I -:-~r·,. tc•am, pl.u·•~d llkt• Vl'lt-r:tns and C'ar~on. c tl &urn(lo mighty fine· work 1n hnldlng t~lnthlt•r . K

.. -- - .. . 0 0 0 0 came on the floor to begin the second .. . 1 0 2 2 period with t·enewed vim, \'igor, and

~ •Wn th• c•I-JJ>ti!!lt lon. J..:arr, j.{ -· ••

•nw raw• \n·n1 much t•lat..·d lJy tht· t ';l!-1:-!ldy ,

·mt>· •hnwn !Jy tht• nt·v. rna.u·dnl In

g' ••

1 0 1 2 vitality. \ ;\•tthln a CE'w minutes. they

'' .. 3 6 had run the score up consllh;•rably, and

I (

- - - - the Shurtle!t tPam had called third 12 6 13 30 time-out. apparently to try to rtgure a

·lr t·hunn tiJ "h""•' t1111h- \\ aru'i. The C'arbondale ~orm.'ll ·way to stop Lhe fia~h of gn:·en that

i.1tur lJ()~•Htt•tft an_, llt·~Ji:-l\ 1 ~1ng \IDOO I t:_.\llh!IU·r to "-IOOuth nft the rough !\-l lllt•r,

I'D ur lht tUJ hardWtlfld hi!JII·ruht. Jim L•·IZ

dto )', u lnt·ntlwr u! th~· Un l~L Sail\!

lamplun hlp t•· arn n! )a~l yt· tl', re­

te I I thlll,tl ~ Hl f,,, ''at .t \\hen Lht"rO

·r t)ut u t• w utlnut••R l•·rt tu tJlay. u1na: thnl hurt llnu. l.uff•·Y l'lmlkt.•il



\\ ' hill•. c ~kntt, C


• 1\~u /:~\·~~~~~~~/." ::::::, ~;~~:~:nt:·.:~r~~~~ I ~lnnk:tl ... ~

io ... G FT PF TP was gotng paNt tht·h· eyes much too

1 1 2 3 often. The A I ton team made n. f ew eub-.0 0 0 U stltutlons. :lntl changt-d the position of

0 1 0 1 a tew othPrli, nnd actually did make a

.. 0 0 1 0 J fL·"·· Un..<tketH, to tht• chagt'in nf the VIa·

-- - 0 4 4 (Continued tln Page Slxl 2 l 1 6

.1 1 0 3 ~ 1 2 6

{) 10 21

Fashion Believes m G. G. G. Weaves

• U•l' "u•l'tldy, (tll nwt' llulyuk• t. \tu.s·l ~l'ol:d!-4 - -

~1 1·d1u lt• l"llf~ 8ltu·, plu~~·l ~-" \\hnli• l 1{1-f,·tt·t• : Hulht•rlfn.

Ill cam Ll guat'll lltUI ntnltlbut··~t Jti!IO:•• : 14Vl•O~. St. Vla.tor. , , \ltoilllfl l•l lllt' lthoh I'HWI· '· ~~~lph ,------·------------;

111 \\·c·s. YOUR NEXT SUIT AT

J?-IFFE~_50NS t k~ h. t1 • t.lttp) lltth c'llnl l•fl

1~ . e;U t~ kNt ~~:rut r1urluJ: tht tln~t• tw Crocenes lu In lh rru. .~~- t ureon hllol Jl,•l lwr


I :.otb rt•n 1 t.: \•· , U• th got lru.oJ . li Ill \\ilh & It Jf\l prHlJCu Amedee J. Lamarre ~' •I tralil na lh ~ l" .. !M))'8 l'hvuhl ·1

I~' Into tar pia. e1 1

Ml t bon le q ''nt t vut up , I n r-tul r• ht un.t u1atte tho trl~h I hi I Ul> unll th lut mlnut.- Cig"~

•t aud \\ hll r· l h ~I c...\ nth "

Bourbonnais. fll.



\ ..... hn u,,, r.lin.c '' lwul fll'f' lilrL., .utd ' uun~: l ...J.dif'i, l'h tn~titutf•JI\ t· tulu• Ct"'l t't"' th;~ , L .. to·r of :'outre O;unl!', nd otrer"f

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I Hotel Bldg. Kankakee, III. \


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Einbeck' s Studio Edwin Pratt Sons Co.

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Always Welcome at the

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facie?!; !Bremo Clo-thes L_ _____________________________________ ___ _

WILLIAM P. CANNON, M. D. Attendmg Surgeon to Student• and Faculty of St Vwtor Coll ege

Office Hours : 2. to 4 p. m .. 7 to 8 p. m.

Phone Office. Main 3 3 7 Phone I lome, Mnin 3073

320-322 Arcade Bldg. Kankakee, Ill. r'UI') Oltp!l('tlU\10 tu \41\UI( i.ttll (nr thuroU \1 (.hrl.,tlaU .utd ~ub.r

1'.-.dumtloo. ••n l"f'i'-1 n bl l 'ur· Ut\. 11-lldr~ '

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New Kankakee Hotel

Barber Shop J L -.b Propn•· Jr


w t-· c., .•. e lea'•

Leading Purveyors to the Institutional Table

Forty·lwo year. exp,.uenu 1n "upp lyrn~ Quality Food Productt for in titutional and re taur;,.nt requm·mentl ha1 perfect .. d I)Ut

st-rv•<'-' and our value! b,.yond Qtdtnd-ry com{,iltitton ,

Our Edelwei• Trad ... M .. rk haa bnnme th,. oymbol ,,f line qwdity food• p~. Wherev'< cJ,,..., ''"" intelh!('""'

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Page Six

IRISH D EFEATS SH l"RTLEFF (Continued !rom Page Five)

t0r rooter~. The VJa.tor boys hated to


===== The Inquiring Reporter

AT TH E ) !A.J ESTIC tUI·ned on the supet'charger of the al- Question:-\Yhom do you consider to l)N·, 2Z, "The Rack~tecr" with Roh· ready smooth-running motor, and when be the most outstanding football player

r-rt Armstrong an<l Ca1·rJl Lomlnrd. A Limeke~pet· Joe Richard's gun ended during- the past season'! JOO p£.or Cf'nt talking picture mystery, the game. the score was 11 points In

thrllfH A.n<l ndventur~ aplenty. Added favor of the Irish cagers. 31 to 20. \\rm Gibbons, '33. three actR of vodvil. Sam McAllister again tried out all Abbie Booth of Yale, the hundred and

DN:. 23, 24, 2.5, "They Had to See three centers, Furlong, Carson and Hoi- forty pouncls of highly concentrated f ra.l"lf•'' with \\'Ill Rogers. Hear his Rher. Fw·long is at present the best dynamite, as he was termed by some

runny wi:-;t" cracks. Poor folks !ind oil bet, worl<ing smoother than the other ~POI't critics, iR, in my mind, the most

on thf'll' 1·a11ch and then-They Had to two. Wheth-er thls is due to the fact outst:tnding college player of the coun­SP.e .Paris. Three Acts of O<lvil Christ- that he has the experience with the try. He ran \Yildly through ali opposi·

mas. squad or not is difficult to say. How- lion with the solitary exception of the Dec. 26, 27,28, "Flight" . .All talkie ever , the rest of the contenders for the Harvar·d game, in which he was greatly

with .Jack JToll and Ralph Graves- po::;ition ~He improving clay by day, and handicapped with injuries, preventing ytJu Haw them in "Submarine", now one thing Is certain: Mac will always him from performing at his best.

hem· them In their latest and their best have a reserve center· for emergencies ~\'latched against the greatest stars of

pkture "!J""llght." They' r·e up in the air this year-something he hasn't had in the year, Cagle and Marsters. Booth now. the past.

Dec. 2!3. ''Song of Kentucky", all The box ::;core is as follows:


gloriously rose to undisputed heights to outclass completely his much heavier

r.tnd experienced tivals. Although I have s!nglng anti talking- with Lois Mora,n

and Dorothy Burgess. Into the bacl<

hllls of old Kentucl~y you hear the Evard sweet strains of music. Addecl three Homary

FG FT PF TP never seen Booth in action, his 1·ecords

acts of vodvll. I. .. affey Dec. 30, 31. " The Untamed'' with Furlong

Joan Crawfm·d. You sa\v heL· in ''Our Jlolsher

Moclet"fl l\<faidens" and if you think that Carson was fast, see her in "Untam.ed". She's C"lSSidy

rnarvelous. Karr

................ 2 1

.......... 1

....... 0

.. 1

............. 3

..... 0

..... 3

............ 1

...... 1

on paper are enough to convince me

that he is second to n one on the grid·


A l Taylor, '33.

I conside1· Frank Cariduo, the Notre Dame quarterback, as the outstanding

football player of the season just past.

His generalship h:ept Notre D:'Lme in Special Midnite Show starting at Cloth ier

Jl:--16. Plenty of Snappy Attractions in·

el uding Ann Pennington

Leg::;". in '''l~anned Totals

the undefeated column all season. He ····--······12 7 10 31 completely outsmarted every quartet··

SHURTLEFF FG FT PF T P back that h e played against. In the ,Jan . 1. "Jazz Heaven" an excellent

fi nal m in u tes of close games Carideo ···3 6 would handle the ball h imself to insure

prograrn pictu1·e w ith the usual three N~Ison

aCts of vodvil. ·v.;·ade .ran. 2, 3, 4. "Trespasser" with Gloria Fiessel

Swanso n . Captivating Gloria said to be M:ayf ielcl the world's best actress on the screen . Nicolet See her in her lates and best Talkie. Hiehl

.Jan. 5. "Bn.ttle of Paris" with Gert· G rabbe

rude Lawl'ence and the Bergere Follies Hester of Paris. See Paris at night as it o ught

...... 3

............ 1

........ 1

... 0

........... 0 ......... 0

.... 0

against f umbles. Besides bei n g a great leade r , he was a lso an exceptionaJiy

g-ood passet· and k icker. His e<lucated

toe, as it might be called, won the hardest game of the season, namely,

Southern Cali fornia.

t_o be seen. Added three acts of vodvil. Totals Jan. 6, 7, 8, "Half ·v•..ray to Heaven"

.. ...... S 4 10 20 Jerry Holscher, 33.

with Buddy Rodgers and J ean Arth m·.

A marvelous pair and h ow. As p retty J UNIORS '.rOO STR ONG

(Continued from Page Five)

I consider Hed Cagle one of the most ·flashing backfield men t hat ever ran on the gridiron. A great ball carrier,

a picture as you can make it. F rosh taking the lead which they held passe1·, p u n ter, and was able to h it any

Jan. !l, 10, 11, "VVhy Brin g T hat U p" th r oughout most of t h e game. At half l ine with a great d eal of driving power.

with Moran and Mac]{ a n d the T wo time the score stil l showed in thei r fa- H is name will loom on the football Black Crows the Two Black Birds. vor. 7-5 . T h ings p robably was due to horizon for year s to come, as one of Nuff said . the courtesy of the Jun iors who w is h ed Vilest Point's most valuable men . H is

Jan. 12. "Christina''. Who was to give the crowd a good exhibition of ability to captain a football e leven has

Christina, what was this elegant if not hasl~etball rather t h a n a scoring- ram- SUI'Jlassed many in the Big T en.

sweet createure? See this unique stor y page on their part. In the second stanz:t and see for yoursel f. Added three acts the offensive of the Ju niors started J. Comisk ey, '32. of splendid vodvil. working with the result that t hey I conside.J.' Christian "Red" Cagle the

Jan. 13, 14. "The Kiss". Gt·eta. Garbo speedily overhauled the Frosh . With diminutive half-back on this year's a.nd Com·ac1 Nagel. T he charming about twenty seconds to go, "Joe" Hoog A1·my squad as t h e most outstanding

Swedish actress in he1· latest photo- came through the F resh defense to player of the past season. Their record play, with the ideal leading man . One score n. ln .. sket and gain the victory for of games won and lost does not hinder Jnst Kiss and then--? VVell, see the Juniors, much to the joy o f the h is being placed among the best. Ca gle

for yourself. \ ·\'as she j ustified to kill uppeL'Classmen and t h e d ismay of the made his play ing spectacular by t he

het· husband? Yes? No? Freshmen. effective way in which he skirted

Jan. 15, 16, 17, 18. "The Gold Diggers Jan. 6, ?, 8-"Frozen Justice'' with around the ends and through slashing

of Broad\>•ay" with Ann Pennington Leno-re U ll'ic and Rober t Frazer. A off tackle plays. H is pas~ing was so ancl Conway Tearle. The charm ing act· story played out in God's country, o·ut accll!·ate th<"tt the opposing teams built

thelr defense around the possibility of t·ess of the stage in her new t·ole as a where civilization is cut off. where a stopn,i'ng them. As was the case in the c;oJd Digger, and the irresistible Con· man's a man! way Teal'ie the Lady's man is back


An11y-Notre Dame game. Cagle was Jan. 9, 10, 11-Little Johnny .Tones'' great in bucking up the line on the

with Alice Day. Lovely, sweet, little defense, he was a sure tackler, and he

AT THE: LU~A - Alice Day, she ·was a darb in "The Girl was always behind his line backin g it

Dec. 23, 2-l, 25-"Evidence'' '"'ith ~~:::~ i:r~~~:v:~~'s" and she is m ighty up. He \vas so sure of his t acl\ les that

Pauline Fredricks, the splendid actress Jan. 2-"Nix On Dames"-Robert he was appointed at many times to play back in the safety zone even though

of the speaking stage, plays the leading Ames plays the leading role in th is mel· he was a half-back. role. Dicl they have the evidence odt·ama just from the stage, playing one

against her? of his first pictures! Dec. 26, 27. 28-"l<'orward Pass" with Jan. 13, 14,15-"The Marriage Play-

Daug-las l<'airbanks Jr., ancl Loretta ground" ,-vith Mary B 1·ian and Freel­Younge. This harming pair have play- erick )1arch. Edith \\7 hnxton's Novel ell before and what a fine pair they are. "The Children'' as an All Talking

l"onvat·d Pass is 100 percent talkie. Dt·ama.-Society's Love Whirl! Dec. 29-"Love, Live and Laugh" Ja.n. 1C. 17, 18-''Three Live Ghosts''

with Ge01·ge Jessel and Lila. Lee. A -\\'ith Joan Bennett, Claud Alliste1·, sweet. sweet story with plenty of pa- Raben :vrontgomery and Chas. Me·

Reliable Cleaners Kankakee, Ill.

Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing. Prompt and Efficient Service

through our agent-


thos and plenty of farce ! Naughton . Laugh w i th the three. live Room 219 Roy HaU Dec. 30, 31, Jan. 1-"Is Ever:ybody musketeers who wouldn't p lay "dead"! 1---------------___..!

Happy" ,.,it!1 Ann Pennington and Ted

J..ewls and his Band-some picture and how! Don't fall to see this splendid

att1·action. Jan. 2, 3, 4-"Unholy :-\ight" Loretta

Young, Ernest '.ronence and Dorothy Sebastian. - l\Iyste1·y, mystery, and

more mystery! Jan. 5-"Long, Long 'l't·ail" with

Hoot Gibson. Here's a. rip-roaring western plcture--()1d Hoot rides as no

one else can!

Leave Your Latmdry and Dry Cleaning With


Dry Cleaners Rug Cleaners


Tuesday, December 24, 1•~.


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Forms, Binders, Etc.

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Telephone 406 Kankakee, lll.

' ~-------------------~



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