St. Viator College Newspaper, 1936-06-02

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The Viatorian - Vol. LIII, No. 13


To remember St . Vi.Hor n1e~n•

mor-e th~n a picture o f build· ings. campus and tree•.

than <1 pani ng ph:ue o f li fe .

VOL. Llll.


T o rem e mbe r mc 11 n1 gra teful re:. llutr on In th e pl\ rt St . V III ·

tor h ~ts po.yed I n the build ing o f a sterling upr ig h t mnn .


College Honors Dr. Chas. A. Hart Seniors Laud Viator At Class Banquet

._Ju_s_ILA_R_IAN_.I Commencement Fete Includes Three Alumni

Graduates Hosts To Hundreds Of Guests At Elaborate Dinner In College Refectory

Application Of Chri stian P rin ciples I s Stressed At Sixty-Eighth Graduation

With sparking wit and natura l suavi ty, Stephen G<>u ld, A. B., head­ed the pr ogr am as toastmaster at the ann ual Class Banqu et today. H undreds of par ents and friends of the gra dua t es and alumni of the school r e turned to Bourbon nais to a t tend the elaborate banquet at 12:30 in the college r efectory and the commen cemen t which fo llowed at

Banquet Guest II W ith traditional academic pomp

Addresses Grads and ceremony, St. Viator College ---------------' I g r aduated her s ixty-eight c lass on

3:30. W ith a joke fo r the introduc tion

of ever y speake r and the ability to set the guests at complete ease, Gould carried a lon g with fine good humor . Lester Soucie, A . B ., pro­posed a toast to "The Day Stu­dents" , in which he noted the bene-

. fits of St. Viator College and urg ­ed day studen ts to take part in t h e campus f unctions

Raphael Roch, Ph. B., the only gradu ating a thlete, appropriately Jauded "The A thlete" in a short speech. H e insisted that a good athlete should likemse be a good student, and p r aised the fighting spiri t of Viator men.

The faculty was eloquently laud­ed by W iJliam Fle ming, Ph. B. , who

Dr. John T r acy E llis

thanked the p r ofessors for thei r s •t PI freely-given aid. He point ed out the oror1 y ans spiri t of companionsh ip which ex-

Fathe r M unsch

That the Rev. F. E. M~nsch , C. S . V ., wi ll celebr ate hi s Si lver Sac-e rdotal Jubilee on Wednesday, June 17 ; that the Solemn High Mass of thanksgiving will be cele brated at 10:30 o 'clock i n the Church of the Maternity, Bou rbonn ais; that the R ev. T. J . Rice, C. S. V., life long frie nd of the Jubilarian wi ll preach the sermon are a ll fac t s tha t need no further explanation . B ut for one who sees w ith a deeper vision, their deeper connotation becomes ap­parent.

On tha t day, ther efor e, will cui-min a t e twen t y-five enviable years of servi ce as priest and teacher. Ther e is so much abiding adm ir at­ion both in the limited conf ines of Bourbonnais and in far places for Fathe r Munsch, that words in praise of him and his splendid career Of service seem pathetically in a d equate.

Fassmg over his earlie r year s as a s tudent and as a c lassmate of King Edward Vill at Oxford, and

stu dent. Father Munsch was Javed by ever y

Charles A. Hare, P h. D., LL.D.

Mary Anthony To Head Ciscans ists h er e between t each er and Campus Actl.vl·ty considering first those year s when

James O'Mara, B. S. C., paid tri - "shank le" on the campus, we find Club P raises Moderator As bute to the A lumni and expressed Miss Claire Legris Named that th roughout the years the men- Officers Are Elect ed the hope that ever y g raduate would President At Final Meeting t al pic ture of many among the al-affil iat e h imself with a local Viator u m n i is dominated by a kingly per - As loca l Ciscans closed th ei r cu r~ Club. H e pointed with pr ide at the T he St. Viator College Sor ori ty son a li ty abun dant and radiant in its r ent season, they voiced h ig h p raise numerou s dis t inguished men the drew its c u rrent season of activity ] ch a r m . school numbers among her son s. . Nor has Father Munsch changed. and approval of Miss Anthony's ad-

Edwar d B uttgen, '37, p r esiden t- to a close last week when It m et To his fellow priests and s tudents minis tratio n, and proceeded to r e­

elect of n ext year's g r aduates, af- at the Mrs. Thomas Legris hom e to h e s till seems pe rennia11y young, elect the popular Junior co-ed by te r being invested with cap and Jay p lans for next year . At the en e rge ti cally alive and joyful. Now unanimous vote. Under her p r esi ­gown, p roposed a toast to "The meeting, Miss Claire Leg r is, '37, was as then his inspiration is inescapable . S eniors. Buttgen pr aised the char- n a m ed pr esiden t of th e o r ganization. Born with a rollickin g song in his den cy, Cisca has made great s trides

acter of the sen io rs as be wished Miss Agnes S te lter , ,34 ' was· elect ~ heart, h e still t ouches othe r hearts at St. Viator, and plan s for n ex t them farewell to sympathetic lingering vibr ation. year include even g r eater campus

Dr. John T r acy E llis, '27, now . ed vice-p r esident; Miss Ruth Ar- For t en years, Father Munsch di- and off-campus work.

of Washington, D. C., Ji sted the r ington , '34 , secretary, a nd Miss r eeled the destinies of St. Bernard Don Morgan, '39, was elected

laur els of the Rev. Charles A. Yvonne Rivard, '39, t reasurer. H a JJ . His was the task to build the vJce~president; Robert Regan, ,39,

Hart, Ph. D., in a toast to "The The Ver y R ev. D r . E. v. Car- ins titution from its beginnings, but w as n amed treasurer, a.nd Miss P at· New Doctor of Laws'. Docto1· Ellis d.inal, C. S. V., attended th e m ee t- more particularly to bui ld saintly eulogized the achievements and a bil- ing and, at the r e ues t of th e I and scholarl~ p r iests. and re~ igiou s. ricia McLaughlin, '39, was chosen ities of Doctor Hart and mas t er fu l- q W e who rece1ved our mformation un- secr e tary. ly portrayed him as a "man among young ladies, offered sugges tion for de r hi s tutelage found that if ever It was brought out at the meet­

men." greate r activity on the parts of the there was exemplifi ed the tradit ion ing that mu ch of the cred it for the


1 J une 2. Threatening rain on Mon-day night gave way to s trong winds on Tuesday, and the gowns of the faculty and g r aduates were blown

I p icturesquely as the cer emonies ope n ­ed on the por ch of ~1arsile Alumni H all.

The bachelor orations r anked with the best speeches given here during the past ten year s. Norbert El­lis, Ph. B., with four years of debating and public speaking be­hind him, told in eloquent language

1 of America's duty in the promotion ' of world peace. J ohn Sh ipman, I A. B ., who possesses one of the

most powerful voices on the cam­pus, seconded Ellis's bold and un­compromis ing stand by pointing out the r ecor d of the Church in world peace.

D octor Har t Honored In recognition of his work in re­

ligion, philosophy and teaching , the R ev. Charles A. Hart. '17, Ph. D .. now of . the Catholic University of America, was awarded ,an honorary degree of Doc tor of Laws. H e was invested in his new hood by the Very Rev. Dr. E . V. Cardinal, C. S. V. Doctor H a rt' s effor ts in bringing the Catholic fai th in its true ligh t before the people of W ashington have been indelfatigable, and the nation today recognizes him as one of its foremost philosoph ers.

Doctor Hart' s g raduation address. in which were mingled wit and sen­tim ent, a dvice and proble m s for solution, was the work of a master . The \Vashington professor s pared no superlatives in his praise of the Via ­tor faculty.

Stephen Gould , A. B ., rose to o ra­torical heigh t s in the presentation of his Valedicto ry. His plea was for the application of Ca tholic so­cial and philosophical thought to everyday living, and the s p eech made a marked impression on the audi­ence.

The Mos t Rev. B e rnard J . Sheil, D. D ., LLD., V. G., Senior AuxiHary Bishop of Chi cago , who presided over the Commencement, closed the ex­e r cises with a short talk in which The banque t closed wi th a short co-eds next year . The resolutions that to be of intelligent human ser-

talk, "Au Revoir", by the Rev. Dr. adopted by the sorority r ecognized vice to other s makes for personal

E . V. Cardinal, C. S. V . Father the possible ac tions whic h the col- happiness , it was in th e case of

c lub's success this year be longs to he s t r essed the need fo r spiritual the Rev. William J. Crackne ll , C. S. developmenl.

Cardinal stresst!d the importance of this buoyant priest in whom charity books to the g r aduates, and gave lege president had laid down. and cheer fulness found cons tant kin-

them the life of Louis Pasteur as The hostesses de ligh t ed the ir I ship. Hi s personal r ectitude had an example of a life well-lived. guests with dainty r ef r eshments af- the t e mpe r of fine s t eel, but his

t e r th e transa ction of the meeting's human s ympathy was a constant

V., who h as devoted time a nd work I The processional and r ecessional

in the promotion of Ciscan projec t s . I' were pla yed by the Kankakee Hig h School Band under the d irection of

For hes he lp and advi ce, Cisca has Mr. George E . Piersol. desi r ed to render public a pprecia-

New Building At N. D. bus iness. r evelation to those s truggling up- lion. Former Prof. Honored Continuin e a program of expan-

sian in the fi e ld of science, con­struction began last Monday, on a $300,000 Biology Research building at the U niversity of Notre Dame.

On June 6 the cor enrstone of the new structure will be laid in con­nection wi th the annual Class Day exer cises. Francis P . Garvan, foun­der of the Chemical Foundation, will p reside.

The wor k which the so rority has done in campus social life this year has been great, and the student body bas frequently expressed its appreciation of the co-eds' efforts. The guest speaker at the basket­ba ll banquet las t month paid t r i­bute to the youn g ladies when he insis ted that their presence her e adds "an air of r efin ement" to the school.

ward towar d the realization of an ideal.

For the past two years , Father Munsch has been Libra r ian at St. Viator Coll ege. Intelligen ce, artis­try, and practicality have wrought a mir a cle. Old decor ations , anti ­quated systems of s ervice , inade­quate equipment, all- all have van­ished under his guidance and per­son al labor .

And so it has been fo r twenty -five The Most R e v. Msgr. J . E. La-fruitful year s . Father Munsch's ' berge , P . A., a former instructor eve ry unde rtaking has turn ed to g old her e , wi ll celebrate the s ilver j ubilee unde r th e m a g ic of his touch ; and of his ordina tion on June 14. Msgr. as his Silve r Jubilee t urn s in to gold, Laberge is now pastor of S t. J ohn may th e magi c of his m ind and the Baptist Chur c h in Quebec. Tbe heart continue turning to gold the Very Rev. D r . E. V. Cardinal, C. S . lives of those with whom h e comes V., expects to rep r esent the college in contact. at the celebration.

<!:q.c Uiatorian;,.,J bi w~ A y tCrwz-r,r)'ut t.Le Y"'ar by the Je.LY of S•


A•.vJCta.t,. f..IJithr Atbi•Uc• f/lltr,r S<irr_~rity 1-AIVJt

Glrn.Jl~t.tion ~fa.nag"'r

Vl.ator Coll,.g~

A-4"11tlAnt (.,"1rr JIR.lJtJn • ft.lnl.lgPr

('Junr,u Pf'rY.maliti,.a Alumni Jnr~>rUJII"'g"IAII)

WJIIiam l'h~>la.n , '36 .Joseph Ko~>nlg, '3~

fJa.nlel Murphy, '39

Vlnc·Pnt Murpry, '39

COLI \1 'I J<;T-,


f)Jwar1 Bat ~en. 3l J9.21.-ph P..ondy. 37

\\'iJJ1am Schumacher 3i ( rguf!nte :;(,.n~c '3"l

Palr ;l.lcLaughlln IJ B~"rn:tr'l &-ntn~ ,37

Jack \\'t. ~mg. '3~

Eld• r Sene3ac. '37

Jo~Pph Robms. 3 John .\(orris, 37

OhRe Dandurand '39 Alf>.s.sandro Ale:<t~andn. ':JI

Joseph Prokopp, '33

Richard Kearns. '39


.Jun Prru'r Pa1r1 k ruom \' Eth\ard Bu t!.!:n .. \lt'X \1•·:-.~andn • far,hall L.tnH•• Ju~~·ph Howly \\ ilharn ~Jalont'\ Harold Thnrnp .;II J<i,·hard f rowf,.y

L··~· Pf ou 1t-Wtilwrn I 'httrt·hil ( ']art'u(·t· Kolu•·~·kt·

.John "1"1"""" Elt1•·r ~•·Ht·~aL'


H 1 H1·"­

:\l r ~~·~ Berr.:-~nl .Jar-. I·

B ·ruarJ Hu'

:liar-tie :\I aNI·· )Ju,r .. o~l,•

l<nv B~·rnar;l BernarJ :\larsde

. ophornnrt­

.Jum r

.) unwr ~ophomor'' .Juuwr ~e010r .Juut•lr ~enwr


St. Viator Seventh In Conference Golf

n·ky COUr'S"

school lied for t.h~ tlt'lm t1tle "'1th

Knox Coltt",e, • ch ~··h 1 h \\10~ Jrreg te s ~fl .-~ of 'i'

Durv.ood Ho..."'n~ th,, dt-(endmt:" cha.mp1on. (tna:qhed m ,\ tl"' (or ..., •• ond place "'-... Hh Bob Htll o( Br ldh.'}, each ha.vtng medals o! 15! B Crannell, Vtator captain pi ..: d wl h· 10 the nrst tt.'n \V\Ul an n..,_,r~re~ t ~ s o r e oC 159

Subs(.rlptlon Hate $2.00 per annum

F'rarwis \Yisnil'w~ki Ha ,·mond Hol\'l'r "t•;plwn I: ould \\~illwm ~ehurntu·lu•r

.j Ulll<'' K··lly

Roy Bt•riJ,trd

Koy Bt•rtmnJ Bo•marJ

l{oy Roy Ro1·

. 'eoior ~ophumort' Frt:'shman ~t'Illf)f .Juuiur Sophomoro Freshman ~l'lltor .Junwr Fn•shrnu11

-t )t



-! 4\J ~tl ~ :l:t -! .• t~ 4 :!7 L!:l -!:!:l 4.:lll 4 .17 ~ .un ·LOti Illinois \\'cslt'yn.n anti St tc Nor-.J,.Otl mal tied for third tn team honoN

4 tlO I Wlth scores of 4 96 Bralll<y ha.l -1 :on 502, Eastem State Tellchers' 5 1 ~.

Addr("8! all corrrspomJf'nce referring either to advertising or subscription to The Vlatorlan, Bourbonnais, Illinois.

r•:nt,.rrd a!i second class matter at the Post Office of Bourbonnais, Illinois. und<'r the Act of March 3rd, 1879


CO~RCE SCHOOL Western State Traehr r~. :516, a.nU St. VIator 528

ACM~; PH!NTING (;O. ~[ i('ll!lf·l Hanahau

121 SOUTH WASHINGTON AVIC .• \udrey Barlo'r

1935 Member 193 6 l=bsocialed Colleeiat Press Bruno l'olluk

"amuel Ila111iltou Joseph Hobbins Harold Bunte

Dis tributor of

Shirley " ""'' Madison, Wisconsin ----------- Josepl; Prokopp

Collee>iate Die>est

IN GOOD FAITH 1 ~oseph :\Icy.rath . . , . 1 V 1 •1, 1, 1 \ :\ fl" i:ltepheu II • nthe

AH \If' rl<•ffn on th·· (•dJIOJ'' do·sk lll tlf• . \ 0 ' ' ' 0 tee, John Cahill wr br<•ttllfl• ",iKii of n·IH·f '''"" thou!(h we f,.,.J f' u tin,ly u nsatisfied 1 ('harks Gilbert wi 1il ounwlf. :\t•\'1'1' haq~ \\1' tiiHlPJ'tali:t·u a joh with NtJC·h gra nd Frauc is \Villiatns

Bernard Roy

~ophOIIlOr"P' ~,n·shmuu


.Bernard :\l arsile :\farsil•·

Roy Roy Roy Roy Hoy


Star Cleaner -l ~,n I PHON!'; zss

-l o' Clew>lng. Press ing. Repulrl ng ,! 0·- 257 . 'chuy lc r "\{'llU C

· " Kankakee, Ill. .J,.5 L . A. Beauvais, Prop. 4.53 ... 4-l 4.H H :l ... 35 4.35 .J, ,:J;; .J, ,J] U SI I



602 City Nu ti onal Bank Bid ~

Kankakee, Ill. I t'XJH'I'lHfioJJs liS wiH·n WP hegan 111<· first ishllt> of t hl' pap1..·r last j Robert ' l,raut ~t· p t{' ndJ C't. .\'1·\ t•r hH ''~" wp I'OIItplded our work "ith suc:h hopelt~ss

1 Rob(•r·t Reg all John Burns

di~Matisfa 1 ·t 1011 Hh wlll·ll Wl' now r·w nd tl11• fin~il issw• to pl'PSS. Johu K!im

Bernard Hoy Hoy Roy

l·,r,•t;hmau Junior f:i,rPshman Freshman Junior i:lophomo re F r es hm a n Sophomore l<'res hm a n


.Junior i:lo phomore Fr~shmau ~'reshmun ~ophomore

... 12 ·----------~-., 4.11 Bernard

I ;OOJ.i:illl{ thl'ollgh IIlii' fiJt •S 1 Wt' !Ja \'t' fO\IIId half-fi uisla·tl l:Upir•S

I Requirements of " mi ght hH\'t •- ht•t •us"' JH'OjPds whit·h Wl'rt· hPguu ne\' er to Je ft nished. lk r•· arl' ll'lli'rs o[ obj<•diou sc11t "·'· W<·ll-n~t·aning read· ((


1 )) Be in good discipinary standing . C'a rrv at l~ast J S s~mest~r hours.


•·r• w ho l'l''"''"""·n•d till' P"l"'" when more <'Hpable JH' llS than ours (:l) Achi.eve at least a '*· a1'erage (a " B " sta udi u g).

filled tlll 'Hf' o·o lu"""· In our lll(•mory "'"'" tllf• prott·sts o[ sl u· l-==========================--====== dents who insist<•d that tlw \' 1.\'['0 R I.\:\ I'Ould '"'''~r In· a good

pap o·r without" goss ip l'OlUIIlll i usistl' ll ('O'S whil'h we coulcl notr Fail To Name fore<' OUJ'H>'il' to ,.,.,.d it.

But y 1·st•·nlu y we fou nd a not~ or •·<>ngralulat ion from a NeW Edifor l' l'Ud~r iu Nt'\\' Yodt, and today , in the 1nidsl ol lht· ulJjl•dions

Former Students Awarded Degrees

t'"l '"' r e r 1me ID e yea rs Three former Viato r s tudents ar e Illy a. l' ,tlt•r ll r ,·tist" ncr t·h.~UJ' '''.s whit:h \\"t' hat .! t•fft·t·lt·d in the l'llo.icel Fo th f1' st t ' · th 53

of prlntJu g maUt.•r. ) t'S. 111 our•r IS t'\"t•n ~~ <:anl laudlflg that the VIATORIAN has exis t ed r eceiving degrees f rom the Univer-th c ah~H' Il l't' oi' th(' I radii innal sc·nuthll rolumn. 'r!Jt'SC 1e ttf'rs do as the campus s pokesman, the aca- s ity of Illinois this month. much t o help us hl'lit•Y<' that all our efforts \\'~,·~ not in 1·a iu . demic year closes without an an· Cyril Peckham, C. S. V., has com-\V r- ha Vt"', at 1t:.nst. plt'aRt~d a fl'\\' JH•oplc. ~~r~ncement of the s ucceeding edi- pleted h is undergraduate work there I

Jlowt'\'rr, fl r Hi::h' hn:s hel'u in till' miuority. and we do not I with a major in mathematics; and The Rev. E mmett Walsh, C. S. V., Edward Haungs, C. S. V., leaves

h li11d ou rst•l[ to tht' fad that nnH·li \\·as to ht! dPsin·d in the publication adviso r, admi tted yes- the university with a major in Ger -Y I.\TO I\ 1.\ 1 during lhf' pa st uillf' lllOlllhs. That lflUt•li or thl' blame lterday that he had made DO recom· man. rig-htly hl'longs ~ll our ~ltonldl'l"S. H"l' ~·aJutol dt·ny .. l l lhl' y~1per m endations to the college council fo r / Armand Lottinville, '31 , will be a­hn~ lll't'll lwtlt~r 111 tht> pa~t. Wt' t·an ofh•r no t'Xl'\ISl' lor our hu lu re j the 1936-37 chief. H e s tated that warded a Bachelor of Library Sci-

1 . [" . l If t be was considering several journal- ence, and will leave for W ashing-to rq u n former l'ditors. \\"~' h a\·t· Hl'l'l J<:l'd tmw au< I..' or ists for th e position, but could not to Otl l' t•ditor~ hip. hut our lw!'t was nut good enough. \\. (• harbor tell your reporter the names of the ton, D., C., this summer wher e he u- r ('Ht admirnticm for thcHH' tnen \\h o suec'CNlctl whl'l't' Wt' haYC prospective editors. has accept ed a position in the li-r- brary at the Catholic University of fnikd. Edward Buttgen, '3 7, the retiring America.

y l't II'<" l'llllllOt lol'k tho• door and lc·<ll'<" ou•· otl'ie<• without chi ef, has served on the VIA TORIAN I At Loyola staff fo r three years. H e began as .

t)IYt•ring- :1 word of pn)lt'SL Tht• studt•nt hudy at Yiator has not Sports Editor under Robert Spreit- 1 D r . Vmcen_t Kelly, a tanner Vl~ -bc'l'U journal istienll.'· miuded. Our staff took it responsibilities zer, .34, and last year s tepped into lo r s tudent, •s completing his medi-l i~htl). \Y t' \\'l'I'L' fort't'd to seek nrws from ram pus organizations the junior editorship under Ken - cal s tudies at Loyola University, instC'ati of th~·ir offt'ring nt•ws to us. ThP studl'nt body was l'On - neth Corcoran, '35, sen ior chief. Chicago, this mon th. The young I

j doctor is well r emembered here. lC'nt to rt•nd. t'Ontt'nt to l'l'mnin passin.~. <:Ontent to critieize. but it To all of these young men, the

laekNl ""' initintiv,• to ~outrihutt•. 1'oo often "·c were forced to Father Maguire TO college offers hearty congratulatiom

II'Ork :llone. and th,, itH'l'<'asin!! amount of ~opy demanded of us Conduct Fall Retreat and hopes for successful careers. {'l\\l~t•tl n t'Ol'l't'Rpontlinf! dC'rlitH' in tht' l'Hlibrt? of that copy.

~ \.,. "~' ll'UY1..' oul' NlitoriA l chair. then. we hope that t't'~~~'l' will \'s~,.•npt' tlw ob~taelc-s that wt• han: l'lh'Olllltt~rt?d. ho• ahlo• tt1 c•nn·~· th<' \ ' 1.\TORI.\:-\ to its pl:t<'<" in th~

our suc - VINCE RlNN WEDS )fay he That the Very Rev. J. w. R.

Maguire, c. s. v., will conduct the 1 On Saturday, ~he sixth day of sun. up second annual Laymen's Retreat June, Vincent G. Rinn, former stu-

here on September 5, 6, 7 was an- dent of St. Viator academy was nounced by the retreat moderator

TO THE GRADUATES today. Father Maguire's abilities as

united in marriage to 1-.I.iss Irene Owens. The cer emony took place at St. Hilary's Church, Bryn Mawr and 1 California avenues.

Tht~ t)llt)\\'iU!! i:: an e:cerpt 1akt'n from thf:' b~uedidion given as preacher have long been establish­ed. and his name should prove an

by thl' ~h)s.t Rt'Y. Bt•rnard .1. ~heil. Sl'Uior nuxiliary bishop of added attraction for men interested Vince is at present a successful I Chit•:l~(l. at tht' ~.·lo~t' of tltt• C'ommt:"Ul't:'lllt.'llt roda~-- in a retreat. la'"'·yer with offices in the Burham

".\ s you h.""':l\'t' ~t. Yiat or. be earnest .ht'" intent upon this Early enthusiasm for this sec- Building on ~orth LaSalle street, ond retreat is already being mani- Chicago

'l'''~ifi~ thiuf:' thnt ~·ou de1·t'!op ~·ourself to loYe Christ better and fested by men who attended the ini- His ~Y friends at St. Viator portrny Him beth'r in your dnil~· life. To your moments of strU!!!!le tial retreat last year, and plans are send him their heartiest congratula­anti .. iis.illnsit)Hnh.~ut. rt'lllt""'Tnht'r his nnd your adjustment to modt?rn being laid fo r the accommodation of tions and extend to his bride their lift~ will ~·otth' swiftly ::.nrl su r ely ' '. an increased number of retreat.ants. best wishes for much happiness.

VANDERWATERS Young l\1en's Clotbe8

Furrti shing't u nd S hee~t

TAYLOR THANS t'ER, Go. In c. Ins ured Freight Forwll.rde r8

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P hone 407

T i l ,_01\ Y . Jl1Nl': 2. I U86. T il t<: VIATOHIAN

Sp iritual Renaissance And Recovery

('lvlllzutlom~ of t he pflBt. With that cc.J uc,Llo r . Almost. fL l H er blrtb sh e be fountl the cause o/ his own be­deeper undcr sl tLnd lng J sec how co rfl - uchl •vcd th e most cducu- log, that h e m igh t. poaaJbJy have

p lc l c ly tl1 nL phllosopl"ly of t ho Hupcr- Uonul laRk th e blalory of ·d ucullon some extr em ely Important rclat.fonn

nu tu r u l hm lutes Lh o ulh o ll c co ll ege r ·cor dH that of th e lumlng und with lhul cause, lbul poaallJJy the in t he educationa l wo r ld today. T b e c i vi li zi ng of th e ba.r burlu.o hordes r eal root o! the present lliJ ot a.Jl MCparnllon m uy HCCm more striking l hul brou g ht abo u t th e ful l o f an- confusions m ight be In tbe to us here t h an I t Ia In o t her clcnl c. These She led captive fact t hat u n t il m en possessed a s pheres of life bu t th result on th e to the feel of Chri s t within that rig h t r ·fallon with that sou r ce of

Commencement Address At St . Viator College Graduation By The who le 18 the same. Our• I• u posl- twi light per iod we urc wont Lo call their being whose reflection they Rev. Charles A. Ha.rt, Ph. D., LL. D., of Catholic University lion of contin u ing th e tradition of Lh e Dark Agea. It Is to amll e now were, th•·y could not even hope to

"Off the record" o.s l he phrase goes in W ashington, I usually man ­age to d raw som e measure of a p­proval when opening com mencemen t addresses by bold ly decla ring that such addresses are nuisances, tha t people do not assemble on such occasions to hear them a t a ll. Obvi-

lhe s u per naturo.J ln the a.ITa.i rs of at t he u. rmy of new co mers, Je t us have a nything like orderly relations O' Mahoney, 3 M ngui r e, a Lowney, men w hereo.s In the world of cd u- kiO.y of th e las t few centuri ckl, that with eu.c h other. The s ilence on a.JI

a Munsch , a R ice, a I<enyon, a La- calio n a rou nd u~ th at no tion bas fro m th e ir own purely naturall stlt: th ese lsklues was natura.J iy­P lante and m any ano ther who m a de well ni g h disappeared a nd in its ou tlook prescribe a mu llltude of re- pre ted lL':4 denying th ey exJstecL W ell the love of learning oolh by th eir }J io.c a pu r'e ly natura l or sec ula r g ul atlons fo r her schoo ls as the th e writer In his blUer arraign­example as w ell as by thei r inspir- outlook prevai ls. Man Is the meas- p r ice of their recognition. This Is rnent calls his criticism quite caus­a tion the g reat es t of ad ventures nev- u re of al l th ings say the major not to condone or excuse any s loven- ti cally over his shoulder as he Ieav-er to be again set aside. Today prophe ts of tod o.y's educa Uon . S uch liness or fai lure on ou r part to at- es the parental halls.

ous ly they com e to s hake hands wi th J ohn and to kiss M a ry and t ell her how lovely sh e looks, to wish both J ohn and Mary well. Indeed encouraged by this never fai ling approval of my sound observation I ha ve thought o! ina ug ura ting a Socie t y for the Prevention of Com ­mencernen t Addr esses. It bas oc-

many new names a re added to, and a na tura lis ti c education perfectl y tach Jlny lh lng of wor th that modern It Is certain that no thing in the r eplace, these older ones but I know em bodies fro m its fo unda tion to it s educationa l r esearc h may bring history of mankind gives any justi­tha t the peculia r s pirit which makes final ach ievem ent a comple te break fo r th, but It does express an em- ficat1on for this view that rules out the per sonality o! this college s till with man's past beliefs. It is a phalic insistence that general per- the spiritual and supernaturaL Every pe rvades these precincts. For ob- cleavage which began with the Re- spectlves s hou ld not be lost to our cuJture or c ivilization of the past viously colleges do ha ve personW it- naissance, Wl:l.S fu rther ed by the Re- view. ll Is a plea for a sense of that baa rise n to prominence has ies since you can m ake them only !orm a tion and was carri ed out ln its p ropo r tions. For us education can had some supernatural belief as its out of m en and not r eally out of p r actical conseq4ences in li fe In the never b an end but must always vital force and radjating center. It

curred to m e also that it mus t be significant o! something or o ther that m y proposed S . P . C. A. has Identically the same alpha be tical de­s igna tion as ano ther most ancient and noble S. P . C. A ., the Socie ty tor the Prevention of Cruelt y to Animals.

But today I am g lad tha t my p roposed societ y is not ye t in ex­ist ence and hence no such obstacle p revents m y expression of deep g r a t ­itude which I feel in the honor which my Alma Mater p ays to me today. Ther e is no group any­where in m y calling as p r ies t and professor , whose good opinion , bum- r

a.nly speaking, I p rize m or e hig hly than tha t of th e facul ty of St . Via­lor College; even thoug h I am full y aware tha t I am no t deserving of su ch high dis tinction at thei r bands. I know the intellec tual m other' s in­dulgent k indness tha t prompts m any actions. It is nearly twenty years s ince I s tood on the stage of th at noble edifi ce the old gymnasium­scene of so many physical in tellect­uaJ and a r tistic combats - to de­liver a valedictory address and r e­ceive my firs t academic degr ee. The years inter vening have on1 y m a de m e mo r e deeply conscious of the debt which I shall always owe to these men who h ave spent themsel­ves withou t stin t for the idea1s and the s piri t of S t. Viator . To them, figura te ly speaking, I owe my in­tellectual soul Through their search­ing glance and wise guidance I found myself. A wise educator once said th a t th e real t es t of a t eacher or of a group of teachers we call a college is the ability of such a college not only to im pa r t sound k nowled ge, but even mor e t o fi re its s tuden ts wi th such a quen ch less enthusiasm for such subjects as are considered worthy of attention tha t they desir e to con­tinue in those f ields as of perennial interest to th em. With such an achievement to its c r edi t a college


may be counted a success however a Umit ed may be Its r esources. W ith- Rev. Bernar d J . Sheil, D. D., LL. D., V. G. ou t it however rich it m ay be in cos tly buildings they are but hol- s tick s and s t on es however hig hly r evolution in industry with its la is- be in a lar ge ,part only a m eans to Jow shells and t hat college bas r eal- or widely or handsomely you may sez fai r e Jiberal ism of th e last cen - a higher end . Jy fail ed . By such a standard how pile them. It sWl r emains t rue that t ury. Every essential principle of •I was r ather s truck r ecently with well have the Sons of S t. Viator a school is a p lace with Mark Hop- that philosophy and ther efor e of the extent to which our outlook is succeeded. On basis they need kins on one end of a log and a that way of life is diametrically op- comple tely for eign to that of the make apology to no one. For in pup il a t the other end for al1 the posed to our own as matter is op- typical product of the secular uni ­this is the g lory of thei r tradition, energetic labor s of the various ac- posed to spirit and pure natur al ism versities when I read an essay in one the sound founda tion of the love and crediting a gencies in th ese latter to s upernaturalism. That is wha t of ou r p rom inent self styled qual ­esteem of their al u rnnL H ence we days. I mean by ou r isolation in the edu- ity g roup periodicals entitled "Over do no t hesitate to r epeat of our And it is in this primacy of the cational world. Alld we cannot My Shoulder at A lma Mater". lt

Alma Mater the wor ds of t he great s piri tual with in these walls as in have it otherwise and r emain true was written by a young man just Daniel W ebst e r in th e famous Dar t - some degree it is within the walls to our ,p rinciples. .ll mus t . obvi- 1 graduating from one of our oldes t mouth college case of an earlie r o! every Catholic college worth y of ously m ean a great dtffer ence m our 1 and mos t h ighly endowed of the day: "It is a small college s ir , but the name and true of its trust that programs and even in the methods 1 eastern univer sities. The keen young lher e a r e those who dearl y love it" . h . h t b I find my theme today . The years by w IC our programs a r e o e [ author intuitively fe lt that he bad

H ere youth in it s fi rst fin e frenzy that I have ~ent entirely in the carr ied out. . H ence the necessi ty ~f I been cheated by his university which ot idealis m has ever found encour- field of Catholic education s ince I our possessmg a profound Catbolt c had piled up cou rses in science par­agement and sym,pathetic under- began it here have bu t deepened sense in education if we would not ticularly but had neved stopped to standing . It was an unforgettable my understanding of just what that lose our own iden t ity in th e voca- aid him in for mulating any philo­experience of t went y or more years primacy of the spiritua l must mean lion of an echo of what is entirely sophy of life. It had never even ago to be challenged by a Bergin, in the life of any man as well as foreign to us. hinted that ther e was evidence of a Legris. a Munday, a Rivard, an what it has meant for al l the great Tbe Catholic Chu rch is a very old a supernatural, that th er ei n might

has declin ed when and to the extent that it lost that vision. Only w ithin the r elat ively recent pas t has man ever attempted to make himself ex­c lusively the center of his life and now he ls r eaping th e full fruit of thi s d1sorder , this dislocation, the very foundation of his being. I s it any g r eat s u rprise then that the peace which he craves and wh1ch St. Augustine so aptly defines as the "tranquilllt y of order", should constantly elude him, that having but finish ed one suicidal s trife he should live constantly in the fearful shadow of another (whi ch by com­parison would dwarf the old sacri­fice ot' some ten or t welve millions of lives and countless billions of dollars In laboriously er ected signs of civilization)? A r ecent writer has graphically pictured modern man under the form of a human wolf wandering r estlessly over the desert that ls Western civilization today "hideously crying his hunger and thi rst for eternity."

Note bow at every turn this root disorder in man's very being has its devestating consequences. He finds threatened his ancient demand for political freedom which is such an essential part of his West ern culture antedating even Christianity ye t being reenfor ced by it in the Christian emphasis on the dignity of person . This heritage of political f r eedom from ancient Greece and Rome is no longer a reaJ ity today without e. measur e of economic f r ee­dom. He attempts to obtain that security only to f ind too f r equently that his impoverished spi ri tual out­look, entrenched greed , which has lost all conception of a brotherhood of man because it knows nothing of a fatherhood bf God bring his best effor ts to nought. Thus do millions live in the fear of destitution in the midst of a plenty fo r al l wh ich, ironical ly enough, for the fi r st time in histor y has been made possible by that inventive genius which is the f ruit of the very spirit within man which he never theless denies. The banquet is prepared but not all may sit down. Nor is the renunci­a tion of f r eedom in a dic tatorship any means of escape to security. It is not religion aJone that suffers by this con t raction of man's s piri t but every phase of his human existence and that because his r eligion is woven into every fiber of his being. Truly may we echo the thought of the Russian philosopher , Berdyaev: "'Wher e ther e is no God there is no man." Thus does our economic life take on that hard mechanical, r e lentless and utterly inhuman ap­pearance that bespeaks its affinity with decay.

Recently one of America's most p r ominent economists, in considering our present economic uifficuJty s till euphemisti cally known as "the de­pr ession" , center ed his discussion a­round the question, " Is capitalis m

(Con tinu ed on Page Five )


J A..'>I.ES .J. O'~tA IV

" J iron CbiCB;l'O. Ill.

Class Secretary i . T r ack 2. I . R. C. 1, 2, 3 . Vlator ia.n 1, 2. Banquet Speaker 4.


By W liUa m P . Fle mlng, P h . B. Today I am hono red in giving a

1 toast to the Faculty, not only as


\\ 'ILLIAM P . FL.EMTI\0 G " BUl"

J e rseyville, lll . BANQUET TOAST1 ''Sooe' ' G rant Park, Dl.

College Club T reasurer 4.. I Glass Pr esident 3. Be rgin Debating Socie ty 3. TO THE A L U i\'lNI C lass Vice-President 4 . Class Vice-pres iden t 2. By J ames 0'1\lar u., B. · C. Via tor ia.n 2. 3. St. John Berchmans Society 1, 2, 3 . I have the honor, today, of toas t- Glee C lub 2.

Viatorian 1.

Dramatic Clu b 3. Glee Club 1, 2.

I ing the alumni.. Witbln the s pace 1 Dramatic Club 2. of a fe w hours we, the gradua tes


Instructors and spiritual advisers, but as com rades and pals. It is

" J im" fi rst set foot _on the cam- cer tai nly not my intention to be­pus fou r years ago. w nen he came littl e t he ir dignity, but I can t r uth- When September . 1936 rolls a­to us from De La.Sall c High in Ch i- fu lly s a y they h a ve lowe red th em- rou nd, t h e eve r -smiling fa ce of cago. He chose the commer ce selves so that they might become " B ill ' Fle m ing will be amo ng those cour se, a nd has fo llowed t hat par ti - real f r iends, meeting us on our own 1 missing. and h is host of f rien ds will cul a r fi eld du r ing his coll ege ca reer . level, talk ing to us in our own ian- mo re th an bem oan the. loss. F rom Whenever there a rose a question de- guage. No doubt they wi ll be m a ndl ng the k nowledge of accoun t- g la d to see us dep a r t, and they ce r­Ing or an un derstand ing of the in- tainly s ho uld fee l re li eved. T h ey tr icac les of Business Pri nciples o r have been re lieved of m any thi ngs

of 1936 . our selves . becom e m embers Twenty-s ix miles is a tong d.ts­

of that o rg anization. One of the lance to drive to school, but with joys of g r aduating is in knowing that althou g h we a r e lea ving th e g uiding hand of the fac ulty · w e are able to preserve our contac t with

a s mile on his fa ce and a song in his heart. Leste r Soucie bac ked bis car out of the g a r age in G rant P a rk , and nosed for Bou r bonnais

the school th rough our association eve r y morning. Duri ng h is studies with others w ho have known the h er e, a semi-ser ious na tu re hidden tea chings of the Viatorians. It is by a gene ra l personal it y has obtain­

fi nal w or d .

' 'Jim" was pr evented f rom en gag­ing in a thle tics at S t. Vi a to r by his v en t u r e into t h e f i el d of A c­counting and teachin g , but he main­tained his l eader ship in h i s class and in t he var ious soc ie ties on t he


Always qu iet and unassu m i ng , " Jim " won his way in to the hearts of his c lassmates and the f acul ty easily and quick ly . His elevation to one of the most cove ted offices of the Senior class is an indication of t he h igh rega rd en t erta in ed for h im by his class mates.

T his student always had h is h and out to g ree t a nd to make welcom e som e vi sitor . H e h ad many fr iends and his cheerfu l spirit m ad e him a

pleasant la d for con ve rsation. I The records h e has se t will do­ te th e scholast ic and social an­nals of t he college fo r many year s . It is our fi rm belief and deepest wish that this young man w ill be s uccessful and ha ppy in whatever he may undertake; t h e a b ilit y he has s hown and the prog r ess h e is cap­a ble of m aking a r e assuran ces tha t this, our wis h , will be f ul f illed.

For Health and

Better Quality


HUFF & WOLF JEWELRY CO. 172 E . Court Street

A Good Pl..ace to B u y Your

J6\ve lry

th e pas t fou r years. W e have smok­ed the ir cigare ttes, worn their top­coats, used a nd abused the ir books, an d lounged in t h eir rooms.

The nobl e acts and t eaching of the facu lty w ill a lways be held close

The g u idan ce they have g iven to us can not be m ea s-

W e know and we r ealize the sacri-

(Continued on P age Five)


Sen~cu., Ill

I n t e rnational R elst tions Club 1, 2,

R. c . 2. Delegate to Co ll ege Counc il 2 .

S t. J ohn B er chmans Societ y 1.

Debating 1, 2. 3 , 4. Manage r of De bate 3. P r esident Ber gi n De ba ting Soc-

ie ty 4. Junio r Class Vice-Pres ident 3. Class Treasu re r 4. Bachelo r Orat ion 4 .

The g r eatest bi t of for t u ne to befall St. Via to r in m a ny m oon s was th e a p pearance of '' Doc" Ellis on t he campus in t he fa ll of 1932. S incf' that ttm e, "Doc" has prob­a bly been one of the most ac tive s t udents here. His talent as a de­bater is known far and wide, and the b reach he will leave in the ranks of the debating society wi ll cer tain­ly be g reatly fe lt. H is ability as a lead er , however, is no t confined to t he platfor m alo ne, fo r h e has oc­cupied sever a l of the m os t importapt position s among t h e s tudent body.

''Doc's" pleasing per sonality won him a host of fri en ds, and h e will long be r em embered as one of the most popular m ember s of the class of ' 36. A lthough his antics a nd h is jokes have been more or less (no sarcas m meant ) a musin g, h e has .p roved himself to be a student of t h e highes t o rder.

"Doc" was a lways an eager and interes ted m ember in eve ry ac tivity of his class and school, and we a r e p roud to have hlm in the 1936 bro­tlle r hood of Seniors. W e wish him luck in h is chosen f ield , and we know that he w ill be as d evoted an

] alum nu s as he was a f rien d to all his fellow students.

the d ay of h is arr ival at S t. Viator fou r years a go, ' 'Bill " has been one of t he mos t po pula r fe llows on th e camp us. During th is t im e he h as had the f r ie ndship of a ll with whom he cam e into con tact. His dis posal towa rds a rgum ent on any and a ll s ubject s at any a nd a ll times made his room one of the m ost popular meeti ng p laces on the ca m pus , and "Bil ~' ' n~gh tly p ropou nded his phil­os ophy t9. an ever increasin g g roup of disciples .

I n h is senior y ea r , "Bill" was e lect ed treasu r er of the College Club. H is inherited bus iness ability an d s tr ic t ' conse rva tis m ena bled him to su ccess fu lly handle th e swelling coffe r s of t h a t or ganizat ion . His devo t ion to d uty was eviden t in a ll h is under tak ings, and was the prin ­cipa l fac tor in h is s uccess.

" Bill" p lan s to make his caree r in law and politics, and , if h e dis ­plays t h e same zea l a nd p e r sis ten ce that h e has shown d u ring th e past ,four years, s uccess is certain to be h is.


By Raphael IWch e , P h . B .

Inst it u t iOns of h igh e r learning have as t h ei r p urpose the t r a ining of in- · di victuals w ith a well-rounded pe r­son a li ty. Therefor e, t he s tuden t is trained mor a lly and intellec tual ly, and is given the opportunity to de­velop his phys ical b eing.

I n fo rmer' years, i t had too often been the prac t ice to p lace u ndue em­phasis on the las t m entioned branch of college ac tivity. In m ost s chools, scho lastic r equiremen ts were s t r a in­ed, and var ious courses wer e intr o­duced wi th the r esult that certain prac tices b eca m e r egarded as a necessar y evil in our school sys tem . N ow, h owever, t h e s tanda r ds have risen again . W e f ind that the a thlete has been placed on a p a r with the aver age s t udent and a n intelligent athle t e is no longer an ex­ception and subject for comment.

It is to this type of atll le t e t hat I pr o,pose this t oast - the athlete whose purpose is the developmen t of his w hole p er sonality, no t on ly his p h ysical being - but a lso his mor a l and Inte llectual being. H e

(Contin ued on P age Fi ve)

with g r eat anticipation t hat we look fo rwar d to ou r alliance with an or­g anization that nu mber s a m ong its members s u ch notables as His Ex­cellency Bis hop She il and t ing u ished co mmen cem ent Dr. H a rt. W e h a ve th e of th ese m en and of coun tless oth e rs who hold up befor e us the idea l of wha t a Via tor man shou ld be. They a r e a cr edit wo r th y produ c ts of

(Continued on P age Five)

RAPH E AL M. ROCHE ;'Jeepers."'

Ch icago, Ill. j,' oo tball , 1, 2, 3, 4 , Captain 4.

G lee Club 2. D ramatic C lub 2. Monog r a m Club 1, 2, 3, 4 .

Vice-p r esident 3. Class Vice-pres ident 1. Deba ting 3. Propagation of F aith 4 .

Cisca 4 .

Soc iology C lub 3.

When Ray Roch e stepped upon the campus of S t. Viator fou r years a go, St. R ita of Chica go sen t an athle te , g en tl eman a nd a scholar , all co mbined in a winn ing per son al­ity.

From his f reshman year to his senior, " J eepe r 's" a bilities as a n a thle te wer e ou tstanding. H e won a gua r d position on t he footba ll t eam as a f r osh , and h eld that posi­t ion fo ur year s . '' J eep er' s " fight­ing s piri t on the g r id- iron w ill be greatly m issed when Coach McNam­ara calls roll next f all . H is abili t­ies w er e r ecognized by t he Little 19 Confe r en ce, and h e was p laced on the Confer en ce All S tars during his f irs t two years. I n his senior yea r, his a bi li ty and h is popularity lead h s t eam-mates to e lec t him to s har e the co-captaincy wi t h his room-mate.

of his to ry and a prom i.(lent in Viato r ann als. class recognized h is ability

as an organizer and leade r by e lect­ing him pres iden t in his Junior year and vtce-p resident in h is senior t e rm. In add ition to his class offices, "Soos" w as an a c tive member of tOe Via ­torian s taff , the Gl ee Club and Dr a­m a tic· Club .

His gradua tion this year will lea ve a grea t gap in the r an_k s of t h e day students . To k now him was to lov e h im . l t is our fi r m belief and d eepes t w is h that "Soos " w ill be successful and h a ppy in wh a tever he may under take. If h e tea ch es school, may his pupils win a ll th e state awards. If h e operates a chick­en f a r m, m ay his h en s lay the big­

the county. Good luck.

J OH N M. S HIPMAN, C. S . V. sO mething of the schola rly re ­

c lus e and som ething of the good fel­low combined to g ain for B r other Sh ipman a hos t of f riend s and ad­mi rers. Never ask ing for f riends hip, never seeking acquain tance, the young cle r ic d rew people to him.

B roth er Ship m an bas entertain ed a keen inte r es t in his tory a nd phil ­osophy, and h e expec ts to make English his tory the object of his g r adua te s tudies . F ew s tuden ts h e r e h ave acqui r ed a view of the past as compreh en sive as has Bro­ther Shipman.

One of U1e worst p ieces of luck to be fa U any m an is the p ref ec ting of the f reshman corridor, and B ro­the r Shipman m us t have been born under an evil s tar, for h e was nam­ed to k eep the frosh in or d er for t wo semesters. This work took him out of much participation in campus affairs. This work , we feel s ure, w ill m ake h im premat u r ely g ray. But h is uncompromising adhesion to his d u ty h as long commanded the r esp ect of the s tuden t body. May

His work in the classroom has the future yield h im r ich h a rvests been in no deg r ee short of his f r om the seeds of chara c ter building athle tic accomplishments, and he he has sown while her e.

h eld t he resp ect of his instruc tors as w ell as that of his ,p layfellows in s porl

Roch e's ever -ready good h umor and his frank personality made him one of the most popular m en on the campus. · H e changed acqua!nt­ance3 in fri ends with a mys t erious

alch em y of the m oment s t rangely h is own. He will b e m is sed f rom the campus almos t as much b y the f r esh m en of las t y ear who knew him but for a sing le t e rm as by the upper-c lassm en who have known him for al l their years at St. Viator. Ray was a "regular fellow ".


Brother Gedwill Is BANQUET TOAST Spiritual Renaissance BANQUET TOAST Cleric For 25 Years

(Continued From Page Fou r) (Continued F rom Page li''our) And Recovery TQ THE ATHELETE April 8 should have been a g reater TO THE FACUU£Y

Is the real amateur and the real day at St. V,iator College than it flee that these men have (Continued from Page Three) undo the slaver y of the old but a thlet e. H e combines the true actuall y was. It was on that day so that t h ey might be able to de-

to Blame ?" In subs tance his an- that will be a ccomp lished ultimate- amateur spirit with the spirit or the that B rother C. J . Gedwi ll , C. S. V.. vo te th eir lives to th e honor and swer was that it could not be s ince ly as sure as effect follows cause. s tudent, and is guided in everything comple ted twen ty-five years of his g lory of teaching. Th e ideaJs that capitalis m was a mere phase or And w ith the passing of the old by m anly principles, The qualities of re lig ious life. Characteristic of his th ey have set up for us will serve ~ect of a much deeper underlying materialism must go the equally sportsmanship, courage and integrity unassuming personality, the good to guide us in the future as they cause which was the machine of our dangerous concept of science which that he learns ln the game becomes brother le t the day pass unannounc- have in the pas t. industrial system and which because eschews any claim to pronounce up- a part of him ln all his activities. This body of devoted men will al-it needed even vaster s tores of ac- on the ultimate nature of rea.llty H e plays the gam e to win- not for ways be held as exemplars of the cumula ted wealth to keep it going and considers science simply as a mercenary purposes, but fo r a nob- truth, and as ideals of sincerity and capitalism became a consequent nee- kind of magic talisman for gainlng ler end. The love of the game and r espect. The example they have essity. Vigorously reform capital- control over nature by means of the thrill of competi tion permit hlm shown to us wi ll r eign suprem-e ism or put communism in its place endless ingenious invention s - the to enrich his character . throug hout our lives. What the and you will not have touched this 'power ' concept with no accompany- I, ther efore , give a toast to the faculty has done for us can never underlying cause. Man, the machine- ing SJJirit to forbid any transfer of athlete, not only to the s tar and be set down adequately in separate tender, caug ht in the maze of the the power to any utterly unscrup- the r egular, but also to that vas t detail ; bu t the sum total of their machine's perpetual m otion, suffers u lous hands, that may seize it ; the army of subs titutes who are fodder teaching shall manifest itself in a primarily, from .. a loss of any science that slays its ~reat01· be- for practice. Only men can play gradual broadening of ou r minds sense of wholeness of life, of a cause it is a creature without a the game with the s piri t that I and ennobling of our hearts. harmonious relation be tween its soul, a Frankensteinian monster have found here. May it thus al- They have not only awakened in component parts without which no s ta lking to its p rey. ways remain. our hearts an a rdent desire lor culture can preserve its integrity In this renaissance of spirit, how- ed and consequently unsung. In the knowledge but they have inplanted or individuals have unthwarted liv- ever faint, s uch centers of the per- - - - ----- name of the faculty, therefore, the in our minds a profound store of es." Men have lost -their belief in ennial tradition as the Catholic col- olic lay men and women in our hun- Viator ian s taff takes this opportun- the spiri tual things of life. They the WQrth of what they do, of the lege may take on new courage and dred and fifty Cathollc colleges upon ity to cong ra tulate Brother and wish have sanctified our intellects, they deeper purpose of the lessons of hope o~ far deeper influence. H ere whom has been lavished so much a t- him AD MULTOS ANNOS! have s trengthened our wills, fo r history as he is of the deePer cause we are, the heirs of the ages pos- tention the Chur ch has a nght to I Brother GedwiJJ bas been associ- they are the disciples of God. Their of our discontent, the loss of the sessing truth of w hich the modern place H er chief hopes for the fu- ated with the college since 1921 teachings, their influence and their sense of the wholeness of life is man is so desperately in need. Ther(! ture in this country. That 1s as 1t when he was transferred from Col- example we shall always endeavor rooted in man's loss of belief in is abundant evidence both in Europe should be To whom much 1s umbus College, Chamberlam, Sou th 1 to follow. their place in Chris t 's Mystical and A merica of a real Catholic re- given from him much shall be ex- Dakota. He has occupted several For these precious gifts which Body. With that loss there went vival, a deeper consciousness of our peeled. Was the Church' s Divine positions while here including the they have lavished upon us, we are the failure to understand what man- own solidarity of Our understanding Counterpart, Christ Himself, ever assistant dir ection of the young dee,ply and humbly thankful. We ner of men they are. Without faith of the profound significance of the more severe in H is condemnation m en studying for the pries thood, realize in this par ting hour that ~ the source of unity in life or in · doctrines of the Mystical Body of than of that man w ho having re- and the office of dean of discipline we can never discharge our debt a culture which any socie ty sets up Christ and the role of every member ceived a gift or talent proceeded in St. Viator Academy. When the to them. For splritual goods have there is this inevitable sense of therein. Here, in what is now a to bury the same and produce no- Academy was discontinued in 1931, no equivalent in material things. futility and ~preaching decay. Re- strictly self-contained America with thing. They are traitors, false to he was appointed Provincial Secre- We must confine our idea of gratl­ligion as a culture's inner aspect Catholic imigrations no long- their trust before God and man who tary in which position he has proved tude and appreciation to the fond is the key to its significance and er adding to our population the day as h earers of the word and not himself invaluable. wish of our hearts-that our teach­not its outer economic life as Marx of indi.tferent financial support on doers are likened to the man who Brother Gedwill has come to be a el"S may be blessed with many more and recently the German pbiloso- the part of our Catholic laymen as beheld his own countenance in the much loved figure on the campus. successful years of service to St. pher Spengler would have us be- the sum total of Catholic action no g lass of tru t h and then went his With a genial personality and a Viator College, to young men, and lieve. Today as I have said, our lqnger suffices. We have left the way and forgot the manner of man happy smile and good word for to God . Western cul ture has been attempt- brick and mortar stage and must en- he was. Never has the Church everyone he meets he has done ing the impossible, what no civiliza- ter in the arena of clashing thought presented more varied forms of ac- m uch to spread around him an at­lion has ever before tried: the di- and opposing cultutal and social sys- tivity for the educated Catholic lay- tar of happiness. H e is never vorce of r eligion from life, if not terns w hich constitute the present may than today. It is the layman's too bll.9y to do the little favo r you religion's complete suppression. The A m erican scene. Yet Catholic in- great age in the Church, the most ask ; and as one of his confreres result is apparent a s recorded in tellectuals in America have never definite call to him to participa te ac- remarked : "Brother Gedwill is al­

Msgr. Fulton Sheen Urges Conquest Of

Communisitic Evils the observations of the thoughtful had a more magnificent opportnn- tively in the Apostolate of the heir- ways on the job whether it be in Noted Viator .>\.lumnus Says World economist of whom I have just ity to present their way of life to arcby which is today breathlng new the chapel, in his office, or simply ltipe For Spiritualization made mention. multitudes of thoughtful but utter- life in the Church under the name in enjoying good fellowship with

But it seems to me indications ly confused men and women of to- of "Catholic Action" . the other members of the faculty'' . Declaring that the problem of appear here and there that thinking day, a m essage which thinking My wish for you my dear f riends the f uture for the Catholic Church men are about to change their Christians must believe to be the as you s tand perhaps on the thres- BANQUET TOAST is not one of intellectual opposition minds. S trangely enough we may difference between sound progress hold of your careers is most of all but one of battling for the right of find the cause of change in the and chaos. I think it is just pos - that you may be possessed of a a man to be a man, for a man to newer and more profound view which sible that the age of rejection of the deep sense of your responsibility live, the Rt. Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, the leaders of science today are supernatural and the deification of commensurate with the opportunity (Continued From Page Four) noted priest of the Catholic Hour presenting as to the ultimate na- man is already past. It has been and privilege that has been yours; TO THE ALUMNI broadcasts, and Viator alumnus, urg-ture of the material world. The old widely observed that we apt that you may have the enduring education. They are s uccessful in ed the students ot St .. Mary's Col­billiard ball picture, as Whitehead to think in terms of the past to sat isfaction, as the years increase, the only real sense of the word. ~ege, ~otre Dame, Indiana, to r eal-

speak of it as though it were still to feel that you have been faithful If our stay here at St. Viator has IZe thetr r esponsibilities and to seize la bels it , which ca,ptured the m inds present. W e know definitely that to your trus t . May you never b tt d . d t h I every opportunity for fighting Com-of the nineteenth century and which so many o ther phaseS of man's life get the notion that your single e er e us lD any way an aug t . considered matter in motion as the us how to li ve, we may show our murusm. final analysis of r eality is now are in profound transitions. May efforts are not of transcenden t im- appreciation not only by applying in In pointing out to the students qu ite as dead as a dinosaur. It is no t the same apply to man's atti- portance but be conscious always our lives t he princi,ples that we their part in this battle agains t true that the masters of Soviet tude towards the spiritual and the that the power of spirit knows not have learned, but by actively assoc- communism, Monsignor Sheen said Russia do not know this and they t r anscendent? If we rely upon the such limits as are placed on body. ia ting ourselves w ith our brother al- in par t: are still attempting to build a so- rhythmic action and r eaction which A single comp elling mind has so umni.

ciety upon the basis of a dialectical seems to hold for so many other often in the past and can now The alumni have been organized ing f rom any intellectual opposition. materialism that is definitely dis- phases of history then the return change a whole community, a state, fo r many years and have done splen- The opposition today is moral. It is proved by the ver y scientif ic theory to the spiritual is already a r eali ty a nation. The whole world may did work. With increased member- not how the Church thinks that

''Today the Church is not suffer-

that conceived it. Perhaps it was and it is only those who are s low in be its f ield of influence.Nor may I tt t th ·t· b t h r ecognizing the new situa t ion. The close without reminding you of your ship, however , there has arisen the rna ers o e oppos i wn, u ow

the utter fi nality of this old view, earliest possible recognition obvious- duty of loyalty to this insti tution need for more local assemblies. Just the Church ' lives. Our new enemy which professed to pronounce the ly will mean much for us in th e which has mother ed you. It has pro- recently the a lumni of Chicago have is one of invasion and that is the very last word on reality and that way of new faith and s tronger trust vided you wi th a priceless possess- organized the Chicago Viator Club . invasion of communism with the utmost s implicity, that ap- in our own potentialities. ion, a power against which the The enthusiasm manifested at ·the "Lenin's definition of communism

~~e:~:~ ~oy t~:~~tic::n~~r=~~ong t=~~ In the sense that the years which world may seek to break you but :~~~e:ee~;g to:.: t~: ~~~~~o:;~:~n:e~~~wf:r ~~~ =~ they were no longer capable of en- these graduates have now completed in vain . And that with which you hoped that this action of the Chi- out any regard for any set or rul-vis ion1ng any system which gave have been years of preparation, of have been endowed has been at the ' cost of the very life substance of cago men will lead to one great es. place to human freedom. Appar- attempt to grasp principles, whereas many self-sacrificing men who have unified Viator club with local or- "Communism is a ,philosophy of ently however that tragedy must be the year s to come must be predom- had but meagre aid from outside. ganizations in all parts of the na- life and all manner of social in­played to the bitter end. The new inantly years of acting on those The consciousness of the transcend- tion working in harmony with each justice f locks to communism. It has physicist realizes. and in his real - principles. This finishing and most ent iiDJ>Ortance of their task well other. Although we who are g r ad- some good things, Uut the good ization insists, that his r eport of properly this commencing is some- done has been their only reward. uating are small in number, we things in communism came from us." reality phrased in the most abstract thing of a r eal milestone for them Your activity in their behalf will promise our active support to all of mathematical formulae by its May I also remind them that it is be a fair index, a good mirror of alumni undertakings and sincerely Harvard students who sent fake very nature, cannot be anything a commonplace that if we do not the worth of your other endeavors. hope that we might , in some way, borb to Gov. Curley and p inned a more than partial, that science must act as we have been learning to May God bless you. be of assistance to our college in the r ed fl ag on the f lagpole of the recognize the transcendent in reality, think we shall quite soon begin to upward swing to her p lace in the ' Supreme Court building in Wash-the non-material, in s imple language think as we really act. The hu- sun. ington may be severely disc iplined the spiritual. Now science is the man mind is a unitary principle Mrs. James H. R. Cromwell,' the To the alumni, then, we offer this by the college. modern Messiah and therein is the and will not long tolerate and ser- former Doris Duke, "richest girl," toast. May you who are graduates =====:;:=====:=::.: hopeful sign. It will take time of lous division between intellect and spent two days on the Duke Uni- of St. Viator never forget the ideals that lnsplred you in your student course for this new view to trickle will, between thinking and acting. versity campus recently-~d wasn't that were set here before you and days, throughout the r est of your down to the masses of men and Upon the thousands of young Cath~ recognized. may you keep all those sentiments lives.




g raduates of a that ever pr onounces an indictment T oday we are

Catbollc College. How we upon us when we do w rong. How

unlike other g radu ates and what foolish are they that claim that the does thls Catholic education m ean to fami ly evolved from promiscuity, the us? Is it j ust a name? Does it ch urch from irreligion. and the s tate mean that we will follow the ordi- from anarchy. Do they not know nary duties that a re expected of a that it is a natural thing for man

to have these institutions, as natur­Catholic? Indeed, it m eans more a1 as it is for him to eat n order


~;n ~~s~au:;~~\~~ ::::bl~:~~ to satisfy his appetite. These pro-Intangi ble to set down ln words. It blems of our mor al life become more has burnt i tself deep Into our very corn,plicated in our age by the rise souls and left there an indelible of birth control, s terilization, and mark. Yes, a mark that should the r ecent movement of euthanas ia. djstlnguish us from the ordinary These problems are the problems of college graduate provided tha t we the graduate of today, and it is our

~~th~a~es~a~~ :::ul~ii:: •. tbro~~~ ~:;: ~~~iv:ef:~e ~s u;~s~:~e~l=~~~~~ education bas taught us many things, college. Not one of us can excuse som e or which will aid us in our ourselves with the plea of ignorance, material life. More important than for we were taugh t that birth con­this, it w UI help us to interpret our trol is unnatural to man, that modern life and its philosophy _ euthanasia is no more than legal­it wll1 lead us on to e ternal g lory. ized murder, and that the right of Thls and this alone Is all that we the stat e in r egard to sterilization can desire and ever hope for. should be exer cised seldom, if at all.

Ours was the privilege to be taught Our Catholic education has given lhe mys te ries of the philosophers. us the solution for our modern so­H ere were pointed out to us the cial problems. W e were shown two profundities as w ell as th e fal s ities great gu ides and those guides will of their thought. Nevertheless, w e be forever r emember ed-the g reat w ere astoni shed by the teachings of encyclicals o! Pope Leo XIII and A r istotle and Plato, for their writ~ Pope Pius XI. The g reat writings ings were even then filled with the of these two Popes point the way t eachings of the yet-to-be-born in our social .and economic life. In

Bloomington, m. College Club President ~ .

Senior Class Presiden t 4. CLASS BANQUET

Toastmaster .............................. Stephen Gould, '36, Class President I . R . C. Presiden t 4. The Day Student .............. ·-·-·· ......... Les ter Soucie, '36 St. J ohn Berchmans Society 2, 3. The Athlete .......................... . ................ -.................. Raphael Rocbe, '36 Pres ident 3· The Faculty ...... -..................... _ .. _ .. ,_,_,_,_._ ..................... -William Fleming, '36 Bergin Debating Society 2, 3, 4 . Manager of Debate 4. Viatorian 2, 3. • Banquet Toastmaster 4. Valedictory 4.

The Alumni ....... _ .. _ .... James O'Mara. '36 Investing o f PN!81dent or Class of 1931 with cap and gown

The Seniors .......................... Edward But tgen , '37, Class President The N ew Doctor of Laws .................................... J ohn Tracy Ellis, '28, Ph. D. Au Revoir ... .. ..... Very Rev. E . V. Cardinal, C. S. V., Ph. D., Pres.

COMMENCEMENT Processional, Pomp and Chivalry .. Roberts "America and World Peace" ........ ................................... . Norbert E llis , '36 "The Church and World Peace" .......... John Shipman, '36 Overture, Marylarid ...... . Fuhrer Reading Citation for Honorary Degree .. .. Rev. Bernard Mulvaney, C . S . V.,

.......................... .. ..................... ........... A . M., Dean Conferring of Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws upon the

Reverend Charles A. Hart, '17, Ph. D., ............. .. Very Rev. E . V. ....... -.... ·-- .... . ..... .. Cardinal, C. S. V., Ph. D ., President

Graduation Address .................. Rev. Charles A. Hart, ' 17 , Ph. D., LL. D. Conferring of Degrees Grantintr of Diplomas

Awarding of Honors Valedictory ... .. .... ... .......... ......... .. ...... Stephen O<>uld, 'S6 Benediction ................ Mos t R ev. Bernard J. Sheil, D. D ., LL. D., V. G.,

Senior Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago .............. Sousa

CLASS OFFICERS President ......... ... ........... . Vice-President Treasurer Secr etary

"··················-··- .. W . Stephen Gould, A . B. ............................. Lester J . Soucie, A . B.

...... Norbert E. E llis, Ph. B. ............... ..... ................... Jam es J . O'Mara, B. S. C.

Chris tianity. Th e wonder of it a ll the encyclicals on labor a new hope The fall of '33 brought to our

was instilled in the hearts of the midst a gentleman who was destined BANQUET TOAST BANQUET TOAST will make the observer pause and laborer, and the continual strite be- to become one of the fo r emost lead-contemplate these e ternal truths h s v

tween capital and labor was lament- ers upon t e campus of t . iator that were sought for and found tby ed Here was defined for the r ir st College. With "Steve" Gould's a r- TO THE SENIORS these greatest of thinkers. Ai er rival , St. Viator received a man the birth of this new re ligion men's time the duties and the rights of among men We need only r ecall Edward Buttgen, '37. souls sought sti ll greater heights. employer and employee. The r abid hts list of achievements dunng his The highest tnbute that we can

TO THE DAY STUDENTS By Lester Soucie, A. B .

A long witb otber tlllngs that have come to me, while making that ef­fort toward the development of a moral character that is commonly known as securing an education, has been the fact that with any attain-

The mind with the truth then in its doctrine of "Laissez Falre" was de- three years here to r ealize that our pay the graduates thts afternoon 1s grasp beg an to sear ch r easons for nounced and a new ou tline of co- school IS losmg one of the fmes.t the expressiOn of our hope that they this truth and to look about itself operation was formulated in these flgures on the campus "Steve" I Will never change. We know them with the aid of this new philosophy. encyclicals. The downtrodden lab- came to VIator rn his second year now, w e have known them for three Man waited and searched, but with orer was offered a kindly and ass ist- of college, but Withm a short time years, as men who have found the the great Saints Augustine and ing hand. Their right to organize hts talent was recogmzed , and With elus1ve key which unlocks the door ment or honor , there appear at once Thomas Aquinas came the teachings was upheld and the laboring man this r ecognition follow ed his rapid to good hvmg, to social hap.pmess, r espons ibility and obligation. of Plato and Aristotle clothed in was raised to his deserving heights progress in to offices that demanded to personal integrity. In them, w e lhe beauty of Ch ri stianity and pro- of nobility. Man, we were told, r esponsibilty and mental prowess. have seen m uch to admire and imi-pounded s till further by the bril- was not to be considered jus t a tate, and we hope that the people taint m.inds of these two great phil- machine to be driven and oveiWork- Not only was "Steve" a leader who will know them 20 years hence osophers. In that philosophy we ed, indeed not, for man, be h e rich among his fe llow students, but h e will find in them the same qualities were taught the mysteries of the or .poor, employer or employed, is a lso was an outstanding figure upon that we have fo und.

Hence ,along with the honor or being the only Senior Day Studen t at St. Viator this year, comes the r espons ibility and sentiment s which the spi rit of St. Viator has i.n.stlled into m e, and I believe into every heart has been associa ted for four years with this insti tution and

mind, and her e was explained to sti ll human and still has a right to the forens ic platform. During his To Norbert Ellis and Jim O'Mara, us the r e lation between truth and a decent livelihood. However, the last two years, he was an outstand- we owe a debt for lessons in good­the natural law of God . world s till adores at the throne of ing member of the Bergm Debating fellowship. They have shown us a

But we learned more than the Mammon and everything, even life Society, holding a most responsi- spirit t r aditionally Viatorian- that When we left High School we thought of the past- w e learned how itself is sacrificed to it. Time was ble position on the team and parti- friendship makes life infinitely more looked to the higher things in life, to apply this thought to the pro- when the rights of the working man cipating in every major debate in worth-while and that Roy Hall is the and bad an unquenchable thirst for blems of the present. This modern were trampled upon and ground in- which Viator took part. The Ber g in best place in the world for being truth. After four years of search­age is the age of gross materialism to the earth . But there has ap- Debating Soc~ty r~grets yo~r loss friendly . Their possessions were ing, with the aid ot a never tiring and it is this fal se doctrine that we peared on the ho.rizon a new life as a most a le de ater, an your ours, and their good words, every- and able faculty we have been re­must strive to overcome and defeat. and a new hope. During the last vacancy, "Steve", will be most dH- body's heritage. warded to the extent that it now There are still those w ho, even as of four years there have been tremend- ficult to fill. From association with Bill F1 em- appears we have just begun to see

its faculty.

old, declare t hat there is no God _ ous improvements in the w elfa re of In parting, we wish you a most ing, undergraduates have been ex- ~ those who claim that w e have no the laborer. Ours is an era of successful career as a lawyer, and posed to the catching philosophy (Continued on Page Seven) free will _ and even those who change- an age of r ead jus tments may your r ecord in the world be that many serious pr oblems in life hold that our three primary pillars and of reOrganization , and ours is as unblemished and as brilliant as are best solved by laughing at them; -----------of society, the church, the s tate, and the duty to do all w e can to sup- your career at St. Viator. that men love a humorist; and he none more diffi cult, that of prefect-th e fami ly have evolved from their port this new awakening. S lowly who can find the humor in life has ing the freshman corridor - he has

ompanifpo_s ietsetsa.tionsonofalla pseoidepsleowfhuoshaarvee but surely this selfis h doctrine of Dr EIII"S HeadS C U A the world at his finge r- tips. ::e!h~wl::'d~g~~ ~:~:e~~ r~~~ rugged individualis m is fal!ng into • • • • Despite his fluidity of s,peech this he has ever been the most helpful

been misled - yes, misled because d isre,pute-even into popular disre- Summer SChOOl afternoon, Steve Gould 1\o.s seldom they w ere told that a1l of us are pute. The principles enunciated by demanded the floor . H e has been of men - even when his hours were to follow the whims of our desires the Popes are s lowly exercising theit; content to listen-yet every organiz- too full for helping us - has never without the help of w ell-ordained au- powerful influence. May their Dr. John Tracy Ellis, '27, has been ation on the campus has r ecognized been d enied, and in him w e see that thority - and where have they been teachings be adopted in their en- him as a leader , and the offices he they are the busiest m en w ho have led ? At least the Catholic grad- tirety! We as Catholic graduates renamed director of the Southern has held for thr ee years speak elo- mos t t ime for others. ua te has been instructed in .princi- .pledge to do our part in spreading Branch Summer Session of the Catb- quently of the faith Viator has plac- Finally, a ll of us are bet te r for p ies _ principles which a re as old thi s bl essed doctrine. olic University of America. The ed in his abilities. It has been having known Ray Roche. To the as the world and even older - Ours is the hope that the teach- school was opened in San Antonio, pleasant to work under Steve in school, he has stood for more than principles which have existed from ings found in these encyclicals will T exas, last year, when Doctor Ellis the student activities that be has football ca,ptain. He has the dis­eternity. It is the duty or the become the guide of governments. was appointed as its firs t director. directed. tinction of being the only athlete Catholic graduate to apply these The policy of brotherhood among The high success of the venture Lester Soucie has examplitied the among the graduates, it is t rue: principles, which have been taught men m us t sti ll be strengthened. Na- r esults o! application to and effort but Ray was also a debater, a man to him , to the great probl ems which ions of the world m us t soon r ealize r ecommended the form er Viator s tu- in college work. Knowledge, not inte r es ted in music, a man acquaint­he is to meet . No God! the world that their destinies and the destin- dent and professor for the r e-ap- a degree, has been the s tar toward ed with a hundred phases of life. H e may shout. But cannot the Cath- ies of other nations a re closely in - polntment this year. which he s teered , and as w e learned could bluf the freshmen ; he could oloic graduat e call to mind the terwoven. Nations, too, must adopt to know him, we learned the wis- discuss international diplomacy. As-great argumen ts of Thomas A quinas. a n ew policy of peace les t they per- cation means - the appli cation of dam of h is ideal . Today we have sociation with him has shown us Yes, arguments so overwhelming in ish from the earth . Do not w e, sound principles to the problems of nothing but admiration for his the versatility of a well- rounded man. thei r logic that no man from his who profess a universal r eligion of modern life - principles old as the achievements , nothing but pride in These men we have known and day to this has ever s uccessfully love also profess a universal r eli- ages, principles that have come from his friendship . loved. These men we shall miss. r efuted them. No free will! the gion o! peace? P eace among na- God Himself. It is to these sacr ed For Brother Shipman, undergrad- And as they leave St. Viator, we determinis t may exclaim. But bow tiona is our hope as well as peace principles and these ideals that we uates have hidden a secret r espect say to them : "May all good fortune pitiful their arguments before the among our fellow m en. as Catholic graduates dedicate our- -a respect for his devotion to duty. befaU you, and each day some ray testimony of our own conscience 1 This, then, is what Catholic edu- selves forever . With a difficult t ask befor e him - of golden light falJ on your path" .

T U ESDAY, J U NE 2, 1936. THE VIATt>RIJUII P AGE ~EVEN ----------------------------------------·----------------------------------------



Mind Viator Sports A



lndees End Season Irish Grid Sked With A Double Bill For 1936 Is Tie 4-4; Lose 8-6 Announced Ticulka Smashes Out Another J ordan College Of Michigan May

Homer As Viator Nine Loses Be Homecoming F oe

With Dolph Guy allowing on ly Coach MeN amara announces tha t th r ee hits in t he six inn ings he t h e V iator g ridmen of n ext y ear will worked a nd with the Green Wave m ee t a t least seven opponent s and


Covers A ll A thleties

RE-APPOINTED Wright College Green Wave Downs Bows to Viator; State Nine In 2nd Fray, 4-3 Return Tilt Dolph Guy 's P inch Hit P roves Stevens, Ticulka and Lee Star As

Winning Punch Of Game Irish Win 10.8.

Tom Finnegan, f r eshman south- Fresh f rom their triumph ove r

paw h urler , t urned in a masterful Wright College on Friday, the Irish

performance agains t Wright Coll ege b aseball men journeyed to the Kan-


I would lik e, if I may, to offer and the large c rowd indicated the KAN KA I<EE'S

this advice: Ent er into t he ac tivities of your school wi th a ll the energy you command . Realize early th a t upon your efforts m ust depend your fut ure. Remember, that though t h e

reviving interes t in the na tional past­time on the local campus.

S wnmary St. Via to r (4) AB H R Sala, U.

facul ty is capable and willing and Palladino, ss. the equi pmen t complete, these things Bower , 2b. ar e only a means to be used by you Rohlnsky, c. in your sear ch for learning. Ticulka, 3b.



0 0


1 0 0



Schuyler Ave., North of Court The College Indees counted once

in t he third and added two in the fifth w h en F r ank Ticulka banged out a homer with a mate on board. The three final runs came in the s lxth but were not enough to win the f r ay. Viator co llected seven h i t s off the pitching of Suprenant

a nd Senesac while Dave McGr ath a llowed ten blows. These two g am­es fini shed the season for the Irish Independents, who had one of the most miserab le seasons any Viator­iao baseball nine could ever have had. Playing but two inte r-colleg ­iate games the Irish woo one and dropped one for a .500 rall ng in in­ter -collegiate competition .


a light in the distance, which beck- POET: ons us on foreve r .

Dare, cf. Burke, cf. Tures, rf. Sanhuber, lb. Foederer, lb. Guy x,


4 1 0 0 3 0



Mantle Radio Ligh ted W!ocycle Dial

Wor th $12 .50; Specia l $9.95 Coco Suede Leather Jack ets

Knit Collar a nd C uffs. $4.98 !Ui d $5.69

Capeskin or G r a in Leath e r Jru:kets $5.98 an d $7.98

Summary t . V iator (4)

Bowers, 2b. Ticulka, ss. Tures, rf. Saia. cr. Stevens, lf. Rohlnsky, c. McGrath. p. Burke. 3b. F'oedcrer, lb. f"ionegan, p.

AB 4

3 ;;

4 4 3


R 0





(C nlinued on Page E1ght)

It was necessary fo r us to ar­range some sort of anchor or g uide in the developmen t of our fu ture ideals, and for that purpose we have chosen St. Viator College. Since coming here we have attained certain ideals and forms of reality. As an aid in the attainment of these aims and ideals, scholastic

H philosophy has becom e a part of 0 our life and we feel sure tbese o teachings will enable us to take an 2 active part and place in the com-

munity as worth while ci tizens.

11 The fact that I am a Protes tant 1 has caused me no embarrassment 0 whatever, ei ther in the class room 1 I o r on the campus. I am glad I will 0 be able in the future to recall my 0 I ex perience at good old St. Viator

and my association With the faculty as having been altogether fai r ,

U of Georgia's son or daughter, Do you love your alma mater, If so, it should be your duty To protect he r vernal beauty; Man or woman, youth o r lass

McGrath, 3b. Stevens, I f. Finnegan, p.

0 1

0 0 0 0

Pleace don't s tep upon the g rass. Totals 33 4 11 Bair d-Swann ell Te l 800 - Sporti ng Goods De p t .

Hotel Kankakee Sidney H e r bst, Manager


A hearty welco me awaits the students and fr iends of St.

Viator College.

X batted for Sanhuber in 8tb . Umpires- Rogers and Hamilton.




Insurance of A ll K inds 107 EAS T COURT STREET

Phone 1933




11 H(_m<,rllt r~a·•, (.;tJnt~rt'OO f.JD--

T h e Rever en d C h arles Aloysiu Hart, Ph. D. A , tanl Profe.o<10r of Philoaophy

Th,. C6.lhQhC. tinJveralty of Amenca.


B....-h,.klr cJf Art~t 'magna cum laude', l.o--

W iJliam S. G o uld, Bloomington, Dlinola

Th• 11 "The Rrl" lve Dulles or the Church and State in Regard to


John M. S hipm a n Cleveland, Ohio.

Tbeol8- "The Ethico of War". Jl6.(~bf" J or o r A r tft to--

Les ter J. S oucie, Grant Pack, Dlinois.

Th<·•l~r "A History of Grant Park". Blldwlur o f Phll.-phy to-

Norbert E. Ellis, Seneca, Dllnois.

Theall<- "The Supreme Court and the Working Man, 1936".

6fW'Jlelor o f 1'1>11.-phy to-

William P. Fleming, Jerseyville, Illinois.

Thesis "Eulhana.eia". UJ:Wh f' lo r o f l "'hiiOJWJ phy t,o-.

Raphael M. Roche, Chicago, Dl lnols.

Thesis- "An Analysis of the Decisions o! the Su,preme Court wh ich Jnvalldatcd New Deal Meu.sures and Thei r Effect on Recovery" .

tlsM" hr lo r o f Com:m(>rica) ScJ nee t-o--

JameS J. O'Mara, Chicago, Illinois.

Thesi. "The Theory and Computation of G<lod Will".




'" m e d t..ed by-

William S. Gould, Bloomington, Dlinois

tll: l ln M er it.--

John M. Shipman, Cleveland, Ohio.


John M. Shipman, Cleveland, Ohio.

William S. Gould, Bloomington, Dllnois


Samuel Hamilton, Chicago, Dlinois

Joseph W. Prokopp, Springfield, Illinois.


Are Equall ;y M erlh -"d by-

Ri c hard A. Crowley , Mendol a, Dlinoi.s.


l\ta r hall M. L a more, Bour bonnais, Dlinois.

1 <-'t in Meri t-

Patri c k J. Toomey , Cblcago, Illinois


E dw a rd W. B u ttgen, Warsaw, Dlinois.

A u g u st B. B lack, Morris, illinois.

Norbert E. E llis, Seneca. Dlinois.

Willia m S. G ould, Blooming1on_ Dlinoi.s


i-yur Cou:rns Liberal Art C ommerce

Offered Sci e n c e E ducation

Pre-Den t al Pre-Journalis m

P re-Medical Pre - L egal 2-yer.r Couro .. Ot'fered

P r e - E n gineering


T ui t ion $75.00 $150.00 Board 87.50 175.00 Residence 35.00 to $ 60.00 70.00 to $120.00

---- ----$197.50 to $222.60 $395.00 to $445.00

NOTE-These charges were former ly t-600.00 per year.



F oot ball Track

Baseball Swimming H andball Tennjs Bowling Kitten Ball

Basketba ll Boxm g

In t ramural Tournaments in A ll Spor ts


Holy Name Society International Relations Club St . John Berchman 's Society The Drama Club

Coniraternity for the

The Apostleship of Prayer St. Viator College Club Bergin Debatin g Society Intramural League Monogram Club

Propagation of th e F aith

Accredilotion SL VJator College is recognized as a four year college by the following agencies :

University ot D.llnois Catholic Educatlonal Associa tion

Department or Public lnolruction of the State o! Illinol.o.

L t - St. VIator College is sl tuated in Bourbonnais, Dlinols, fl!ty · oc a IOn on e miles south o r Chicago, and three miles north of Kan­


Guy, p Lee. r!

Totals I' (4)

Adams. lb rf Upn!n&nt, 2b.

Janzack, If. Martell, c. Condon, ss Belll!IO. cf.

Impson. 3b. Antone. p.

Totals I. nator (6)

Burke, 3b. Ticulk&, ss. Tures, lb. Saia. cf. Stevens, If. F'lnnega.n, rl . Rohins11y, c. Bowers, 2b. McG rath, p.

Totals CoD!!oUdate<l ( 8) Boule, 2b. Martell, Jb. B. Moisa.nt, rl . w. Molsant. lb. Neuman, C. Suprenant, c!. Cha.rbanne r , cf. Nestor , l!. While, If. W. Neuman. ss. R. Suprenant. p. Senesac1 p.

kakee. It is easy to access via Kankakee on the mail Jine of the Tilin ois Totals Central, Tbe Big Four and the New York Central. It can also be reached by Dlinois R<>utes 113, 17, H . 49, and 25 and U. S. R<lute 4~.

$ v n)

3 0



• 3 3

3 ~




• 3

3 2

28 AB

4 4


4 2 l 2



0 0

• H

0 0 0 3 0

0 0 0


l 1 0 0


0 1


0 2

0 0 0 0




u 0 0 0 0 1


l 0

• H 1 3 0 0 1

0 0

7 H 2

0 0


0 l 0



For further information a.ddresl!l : Ad in the Daily Princetonaln : Din>etor of Admloelona, St. VIator Co~'!~. Dllnol&. ! "WILL THE GENTLEMAN who

----- -- wrapped his girl in one of the

12 Student Converts nelly, historian and T. McCormack, I ;uo:;:m1~, .. Ciub curtams please re­sergeant-at-arms.

At U. of Illinois; Grid !-------- --- ---------­Captain Among Group

Charles S. Gal br eat h, capt ain of ! the football team and an outstand- 1

ing member of the senior c l ass is one of a dozen students at the Uni­ver sity of DJinois her e who have just made public prefession of faith and have been received into the Catholic Church by the Rev. Dr. John A. O'Brien , Catholic chaplain a t the universi t y .


Each semester a cou rse of instruc­tion in the Catholic Faith is con- 1 dueled for the non-Catho1ic students at the universi ty. Each year a con­sider able number enter the Church befor e the entire Catholic s tudent body assembled at Mass. For 20 years it has been the practice to r eceive the student converts into lhe Chur ch at a public ceremony.

: Viator Booster To

1 Give Party June 19

Viator Boosters, C. Y. 0. unit of


St. Viator parish, 4170 Addison street and well known in social and ath­letic circles of the northwest side will add another success to their already long list of social events for 1936 when they hold their sum-mer formal dance on Friday June 19, at the beautiful Mohawk Countr y club. The music t\;11 be furnished

I by the Royal Club Orchestra. The dance committee consists of Thomas

I McCormack, Eugenia Pollo'li\.-y, Ray­mond Leonard, Joseph Gabel and Margaret ManneHy, 'With R ita 1ian­

l nel1~ as gen,era: chairman .. ?fficer s are. the R.-. E. J. McCarthy, chap-lain: Charles Hausman. president: M. .Mannelly. ,;ce-president; Joseph

I Gabel. treasurer; Jean FolloW}·, re­cording-secretary ; Raymond Leonard corresponding secretary ; Rita :Man-






Emulsifi ed


A perfect p r o tective coating ! or brushing, spray1ng or t roweHing, being a high grade Mexican asphalt dlspersed as minute particles In water for convenient handllng. It Ls applied cold. As the moisture evaporates, a b lack, fiex:ible rubberlike fUm remains which Is water­p roof, acid, alk aline and f lre resistant, and shuts out lnllltr aUons or

Mortex r> does not cr ack or p eel ln coldes t weather, nor bUs te r , eag nor run on hottest d a ys and always remains ela.sUc. It Is odor­less, tasteless and noninflammable and can be safely used ln confined places. It r eadily bonds to all clean surfaces. and also to damp sur­faces, but should never be applied over dusty, dlrty, greasy or oily surfaces or an imperfect bon d will resulL Use only on clean su r­fa ces to obtain perfect satisfaction.

Used !or DAMPPROOFING WALLS and FLOORS, PAINTING GALVANIZED IRON, PROTECTING CLEAN IRON A.."'D STEEL, ROOF REPAIRING and as an ADHESIVE. It can be mlxed with P or tland Cement and dries out a sort gray color for patching de· teriorating concre te..

F or Sale a t I....oeaJ Dea.Jen

J. W. Mort:ell Co. Kankakee, m