Stan Lee Media Bankruptcy Fraud Conspiracy Nov 27 01

Post on 11-Jun-2015

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Stan Lee placed Stan Lee Media into Chapter 11 Debtor in Possession Bankruptcy Protection on February 11, 2001. In the documents filed, the primary assets of the company were referred to as copyrights, trademarks and intellectual property- with no description or attributed value.On November 9, 2001, Stan Lee and his lawyer/partner, Arthur Lieberman, who was also the intellectual property lawyer for Stan Lee Media engaged in perfecting SLM's copyrights and trademarks, created a new company, POW Entertainment and a subsidiary, QED Productions for the stated purpose of obtaining the assets of Stan Lee Media in preparation of taking POW public. After setting up POW and QED, Stan Lee and Lieberman, with the help of SLM President Ken Williams, began a series of requests to the Bankruptcy Court to sell and give away all the valuable assets of Stan Lee Media that were identified, to a new company named SLC LLC, a California company that Stan Lee warranted was incorporated and that he was acting as President.When teh Bankruptcy Court approved a complicated sale of assets agreement between Stan Lee Media and SLC LLC, with the agreement of the creditors, the lawyers representing Stan Lee Media failed to protect the company and allowed Stan Lee and Lieberman to take the assets in their new company and not in the company that the Court authorized.This sworn declaration by Williams that no Stan Lee Media insider officer or equity holder would benefit was a boldfaced lie!
