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Prepared For: Himachal Pradesh State Roads Project (HPSRP)

Contract Ref: Contract - PW-SRP/RIDC/Procurement-RADMS/2014-12

Date: 22-May-2017


Contents amendment record

This report has been amended and issued as follows:

Version Date Description

0.1 03-Dec-2014 TRL’s Draft Version of Standard Operating Procedure

0.2 31-Jan-2015 TRL’s second draft after discussion with Police

1.0 20-Feb-2015 Final version

2.0 10-Mar-2017 Final version – Updated to Version 2

3.0 10-Mar-2017 Final version – Updated to Version 3

4.0 22-May-2017 Final version – Updated to Version 4


Table of Contents

1 Introduction 2

1.1 Purpose of this document 2

1.2 Background to iMAAP RADMS and the SOP 2

1.3 Development of the SOP 3

1.4 Scope of the SOP 3

2 Submission and Review of “Quarterly Road Safety Performance Report” 3

3 Summary of Procedures 4

3.1 Submission of Accident Data 4

3.2 Validation and Quality Checks 5

3.3 Validation of Number of Accidents 5

3.4 Escalation Mechanism 5

3.5 General 5

4 Standard Operating Procedure 5

4.1 Police Department 5

4.2 Management of RADMS database 8

4.3 Other Stake holders using RADMS 10

4.4 Continued training for the users of RADMS 15

4.5 Joint Committee for data driven interventions in Road Safety 16



Acronym Description

ADE Assistant Divisional Engineer

ADMC Accident Data Management Cell

DCRB District Crime Records Bureau

DSR Daily Status Report

FIR First Information Report

GPS Global Positioning System

HP Himachal Pradesh

HPRIDC Himachal Pradesh Road Infrastructure Development Corporation

iMAAP Road Traffic Safety Management System developed by TRL

IO Investigating Officer

JTC Joint Transport Commissioner

MoRTH Ministry of Road Transport and Highways

MVD Motor Vehicles Department

MVI Motor Vehicle Inspector

PWD Public Works Department

RADMS Road Accident Data Management System

HPRTC Himachal Pradesh Road Transport Corporation

RTO Regional Transport Officer

SARATHI Web application for registration of vehicles by Regional Transport


SCRB State Crime Records Bureau

SOP Standard Operating Procedure

USB Universal Serial Bus

VAHAN Web application for licensing of drivers by Registering & Licensing



1 Introduction

In order to support the improvement of the road safety situation in the State of Himachal Pradesh, the Government has implemented iMAAP which is a Crash data management System from Transport Research Laboratory (TRL). It is called RADMS - Road Accident Data Management System in Himachal Pradesh. RADMS will help stakeholders develop data led, result-oriented countermeasures programmes and strategies. As motorisation and traffic increases the problem of road accidents and casualties is escalating, it is a problem affecting all but it hits the poor particularly hard. RADMS is therefore vital to help direct scarce resources effectively and to evaluate efforts.

RADMS is used for capturing the crash reports by the Police and links to related data sources from different stakeholders. It is used for conducting road safety analyses and for reporting patterns and issues, it can assist with the identification and management of Blackspots. RADMS is available in Hindi and English – the mobile data capture version is installed in over 318+ devices used across the State. The system is interfaced with CCTNS/CIPA, VAHAN and SARATHI and is hosted at the State Data Center in Shimla.

The system is only useful if the data capture is timely, accurate and of sufficient quality, in addition it needs to be used actively by different stakeholders. The SOP document sets out the required procedures to operate RADMS effectively giving actions, roles responsibilities to ensure the system is effective.

1.1 Purpose of this document

The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) document is to set out the guidelines for the users of iMAAP RADMS. The major stakeholders of RADMS are:


Public Works Department (PWD)

Motor Vehicles Department

Health Department

Himachal Pradesh Road Transport Corporation (RTC)

These agencies need to work together to achieve the aim of providing a total and effective solution.

The SOP describes the actions to be performed by, and responsibilities of, all the stakeholders for using and supporting RADMS. The SOP covers collection of road accident data, its validation and verification to ensure quality and defines the required analyses which are to be performed to assist stakeholders to improve road safety.

1.2 Background to iMAAP RADMS and the SOP

RADMS is primarily concerned with the capture and electronic storage of Police accident report information and its subsequent analysis to assist stakeholders to improve road safety systematically. The system encompasses the capture of key data using mobile devices by police (chiefly at the accident scene) and additional data entry/correction in the office.


This data can then be analysed to develop effective strategies to reduce road casualties.

The police can use this system to generate standard ‘MoRTH’ reports and other reports on accident causation factors which are of particular interest for enforcement aspects. Other stakeholders can use the data to perform a range of analyses which will assist them to identify problem and then develop effective strategies.

RADMS can also provide stronger evidence to support the case for increasing capacity in terms of general staff and also resources targeted to improvement of road safety in the State through increasing a range of relevant activities.

It is important that all stakeholders clearly understand their roles and responsibilities to support the RADMS system. The SOP document sets out the required tasks in detail.

The SOP does not set out the technical details of the actions required. These are defined in other guidance and manuals.

1.3 Development of the SOP

The SOP document has been developed based on the information derived from the review of the existing procedures for road accident data collection and its use by the stakeholders. The expectations and requirements of the stakeholders have been taken fully into account local factors in the development of this SOP to ensure relevance of the RADMS system to Himachal Pradesh.

The SOP actions are based on the procedures which have been proposed and agreed by the key stakeholders in order to support the new system and achieve the level and quality of the data that is required. These procedures have been reviewed by the stakeholders and the comments provided were incorporated, thus ensuring that they are practical and achievable.

1.4 Scope of the SOP

The SOP describes the actions that need to be taken by all the stakeholders using RADMS. The actions required are to ensure the accuracy of the data collected together with a comprehensive verification programme to ensure all accidents are recorded in RADMS.

This document also sets out the escalation mechanism and steps to be taken to make RADMS widely available to all stakeholders who have the authority to access the system across the state.

The document will also define the reporting structure and frequency of summary reports which should be generated by stakeholders.

2 Submission and Review of “Quarterly Road Safety Performance Report”

The “Quarterly Road Safety Performance Report” is to be submitted by the Road Safety Cell in State PWD in consultation with all stakeholders to the Chief Secretary or Additional Chief Secretary through the proper channels for quarterly review. Based on the report submitted,


the Chief Secretary or nominated officer should conduct quarterly review meetings involving all stakeholders to evaluate progress and the quarterly and yearly plans.

The Quarterly Road Safety Performance Report should cover the following:

Performance measures on data quality – State-wide and for individual stakeholders

Timeliness and completeness of accident data collected and reported by different regions / police stations and stakeholders.

Summary of accident rates and/or summary according to:

1. Population

2. Number of registered vehicles in each police station / region

3. Hospital jurisdictions and injury details

Summary of actions taken by State PWD to reduce crash rates “based on data from iMAAP RADMS”. This should include:

1. Progress on State-wide blackspots identification and treatment, continued monitoring and evaluation of blackspots based on data from iMAAP RADMS

2. Road Safety Audits and inspections undertaken and subsequent actions taken based on data from iMAAP RADMS

3. Mass Action Plans and implementation progress based on data from iMAAP RADMS

4. Road Assessment programs similar to iRAP, its implementation and progress

5. Actions to be taken on improving road safety through enforcement campaigns for managing speed, drink driving, seat belt and helmet wearing. The enforcement campaigns would be undertaken by police and respective stakeholders but the Road Safety Cell should produce initial guidelines based on data from iMAAP RADMS. The Road Safety Cell should also produce continued monitoring and evaluation of actions implemented.

6. Targeted road safety campaigns, initiatives and awareness programs for specific problems identified based on data from iMAAP RADMS in line with WHO Road Safety Management Guidelines

Summary of plans, road safety countermeasures or actions taken “based on data from iMAAP RADMS” by each individual stakeholder within their jurisdictions / departments – PWD, Police Department, Health Department, Motor Vehicles Department.

3 Summary of Procedures

3.1 Submission of Accident Data

The Investigating Officer of the relevant Police station is responsible for initially entering the accident report data into the RADMS application using a mobile device. The completed


accident record must then be synchronised (uploaded) with the central iMAAP RADMS database.

For all incidents, an accident report record must to be created in the RADMS mobile device within 24 hours of the time of the collision.

The accident record captured in the mobile device must be uploaded to the iMAAP RADMS application within 24 hours of the time of the incident occurrence.

3.2 Validation and Quality Checks

All Accident records entered onto iMAAP RADMS must be reviewed daily by the Accident Data Management Cell for the entire State. Such reviews will identify inaccuracies within the individual records and the issues will be directed back to the Investigating Officer to correct the information as appropriate.

3.3 Validation of Number of Accidents

The Accident Data Management Cell will undertake a daily validation and checking of the number of accidents reported by comparing the database to a copy of the ‘Daily Status of Incidents’ (DSI).

The Accident Data Management Cell will undertake monthly validation and checking of the number of accidents reported within the State Crime Records Bureau and District Crime Records Bureau with comparing figures expected to the records present in RADMS.

3.4 Escalation Mechanism

Where an accident record within iMAAP RADMS still has errors or missing data fields after initial notification of the issues to the original Investigating Officer, an escalation process will be applied as outlined in this SOP.

3.5 General

The SOP will be reviewed yearly by all the stake holders and any recommendations for changes or adjustments to the document will be agreed formally by all parties.

After six months of full implementation the Government of Himachal Pradesh will, undertake a full review of the status of the RADMS programme and decide if the State Crime Records Bureau should use RADMS exclusively for creating all the IRC reports to be provided to MoRTH.

4 Standard Operating Procedure

4.1 Police Department

Users of RADMS at different levels of Police department are

1. All Police Stations and Police posts in HP

2. Accident Data Management Cell at PHQ, Shimla


4.1.1 Police Stations

All accident cases are reported to Police stations or police posts. SHO/IO of the relevant police station/police post is expected to go to the accident location immediately on receiving the intimation and capture the accident data using the mobile devices provided to them. Accident information collected on the mobile devices using the iMAAP RADMS application needs to be synchronized to the iMAAP RADMS database. This can be done at the scene of accident if the tablet has mobile internet connectivity. If there is no adequate connectivity at the scene of accident, the information can be synchronized when the IO is back in their police station or when they reach a location where there is adequate Wi-Fi, USB cable or data connectivity.

The Mandatory fields to be collected are

1. Police station Name

2. District

3. Accident date

4. Accident time

5. Accident severity

6. Number of vehicles

7. Number of injured/Casualties

8. Location (Latitude and Longitude)

Other fields are also required to be filled by the IO in the mobile device. These fields are:

1. FIR Number

2. Collision Type

3. Light Condition

4. Weather Condition

5. Accident Factor/Cause of Accident

6. Hit and Run

7. Police Description of Accidents/Brief description of accident case

8. Landmark

9. Traffic Movement

10. Vehicle Registration Number

11. Vehicle Type

12. Vehicle Manoeuvre

13. Loading Goods/Passenger

14. Sex of Driver

15. Age of Driver

16. Driver injury severity


17. Alcohol Drugs

18. Seat belt/Helmet

19. Mobile phone used

20. Driver Error

21. License Number

22. License Type

23. Casualty/Injury Class

24. Casualty/Injury Sex

25. Casualty/Injury Age

26. Casualty/Injury Severity

Guidelines for Accident data collection:

1. The location coordinates (latitude and longitude) for the accident position must be collected using the GPS system present on the tablet device. This will be filled in automatically once the device gets a fix on its location.

2. Photos should be taken using the device camera, these should clearly show:

a. The general incident scene, showing junction/road type, surface, skid marks and any features which might have contributed to the accident occurrence

b. The main resting place of vehicles involved. However it is acceptable to capture the point where vehicles left the road if the final location cannot be safely reached.

c. Damage to vehicle/property

d. In case of poor visibility (night time, fog, heavy rain, etc.), the Investigating Officer will be required to return to the site and capture the appropriate photos when the visibility is better

3. The mandatory data fields must be filled at the scene of accident, on the mobile device, immediately on reaching the scene of accident.

4. The completed accident record must then be synchronised with the central iMAAP RADMS database.

5. A Supervisory officer/SHO in each station must regularly check that Investigating Officers are using the tablet devices correctly to record every road accident and are synchronizing the accident data to iMAAP RADMS database.

4.1.2 Collection and synchronisation of Accident data

Station House Officer (SHO)/Investigating Officer (IO) goes to the accident scene.

The SHO/IO will record all the required data in the tablet device using the provided data collection ‘app’.


For all fatal accidents and non-fatal accident cases, an accident record must to be created in iMAAP RADMS within 24 hours of the accident being reported.

Data collected via the tablet device is firstly saved within the tablet device and then synchronised to the RADMS database. This is either achieved immediately if internet connectivity is available in tablet or subsequently at a police station via Wi-Fi or USB cable connection with internet.

If there no adequate data connectivity to the tablet device and no internet connection available in the local police station, the mobile device will need to be transported to a location where there is 3G connectivity or to a nearby police station with internet connection to synchronise the data. This shall be done within 48 hours (two days) of the accident being reported for fatal accident/non-fatal accidents. If this timescale cannot be achieved, the SHO/IO must provide an explanation for the delay to the ADMC and their Sub Divisional Police Officer (SDPO)/Superintendent of Police (SP).

4.1.3 Amending data

Where there is a need to change any details of a recorded accident data, for example if a grievously injured casualty dies in hospital the accident severity will need to be changed to fatal. The Investigating Officer for the case can change the accident record, using the web application on a computer linked to the internet. Any changes will be recorded in the audit trails in iMAAP RADMS.

4.2 Management of RADMS database

4.2.1 Inspector General (IG), Assistant Inspector General (AIG)

1. The Inspector General (IG), Assistant Inspector General (AIG) will be provided with a monthly report detailing missing accident records that have not been recorded in the RADMS application (Missing accident records are accidents which have been reported in the police station but not entered in to RADMS).

2. The Superintendent of Police of each District will ensure that all the road accidents are entered in to RADMS and accident reports are created within the above specified time frames.

3. The Inspector General (IG), Assistant Inspector General (AIG) will ensure that the Accident Data Management Cell (ADMC) is maintained as a resourced and adequately staffed full time operational unit.

4.2.2 Accident Data Management Cell (ADMC)

The Accident Data Management Cell (ADMC), at the Police HQ, will work under the administrative control of the IG/AIG (TTR) and will be responsible for:

1. Acting as the central point of contact for all stakeholders for all matters associated with the authorisation, use and maintenance of RADMS.


2. Ensuring all fatal and non-fatal accidents resords, are synchronised with the RADMS central database within a day. ADMC will check the ‘Daily Summary of Incidents’ from the PHQ control room and ensure that all accidents are captured in RADMS.

3. Taking necessary steps to improve the accuracy, timeliness, completeness and overall quality of all crash records and data in the RADMS application.

4. Produce and submit monthly “Crash Data Quality, Assessment and Improvement” report to the Road Safety Cell and State Road Safety Council.

5. Sanitise crash data and make manual improvements where required on a daily basis.

6. Link crash data records from the Health Department with police crash records.

7. Undertake a daily audit, using the validation process built into iMAAP RADMS, to identify all missing data fields. The audit must also provide feedback to the Investigating Officer (IO) and Senior Officer (SO) in charge of the relevant Police station. The feedback should specifically assess the quality of accident data, by checking the missing fields. The process will be as follows to achieve the corrections required:

a. Firstly, accident data entered by an Investigating Officers during the previous day shall be audited by ADMC the next day. If any fields listed in the above section are missing, this shall be brought into the notice of the IO/SHO for immediate correction.

b. If the above mentioned correction is not done within a stipulated time, it shall be escalated to the IG/AIG.

4.2.3 Escalation Mechanism

In case any where the complete accident data is not entered in RADMS, the ADMC staff will

contact the concerned police station and inform them of the specific issue and giving them

notice of the time period by which the correction is to be done (three days). If this is not done

within the next 72 hours (three days) the matter will be brought to the attention of AIG (TTR)

who will ensure that the data will be entered by applying pressure through the appropriate

chain of command - SHO/SDPO/SP.

The audits will be undertaken by the Accident Data Management Cell, using the validation

process built into RADMS. This auditing process will take place on a daily basis. All records

which were synchronized into the iMAAP RADMS program which have not been audited by

the day before the date of audit will be considered for this audit.

Level Reporting Officer Escalated to - Hierarchy No. of hours after Accident

Level 1 ADMC Investigating Officer 24 Hours

Level 2 ADMC AIG (TTR) 72 Hours


4.3 Other Stake holders using RADMS

The major stakeholders who will be using the RADMS system, other than the police, are the Public Works Department (PWD) and the Motor Vehicles Department. The following sections of the SOP lay out the broad procedures required of these stakeholders.

4.3.1 Public Works Department

The Public Works Department (PWD) will be analysing the road accident data in the RADMS to identify locations on the road which have safety issues. The data will also help the PWD in identifying accident factors which are related to road infrastructure, which can be useful in suggesting countermeasures. The PWD needs to set up a Road Safety Cell, to analyse the data on RADMS and to follow up on actions required on the findings.

Designated PWD officers are expected to capture the following engineering related data from the site visits on an on-going basis. This will be located on the data entry screen in RADMS in a separate table:

1. Road Surface Type

2. Road Works

3. Surface Condition

4. Area Type

5. Road Type

6. Road Description

7. Nature of Surface

8. Carriageway width

9. Junction Type

10. Junction Control

11. Vertical Feature

12. Horizontal Feature

13. Road Speed Limit

14. Road Engineers Comments

15. Attachments – Road engineering related photos/images and documents.

The road engineering data has to be captured in the system within seven (7) days of the creation of the accident record.

4.3.2 Road Safety Cell (PWD)

1. The PWD will establish a Road Safety Cell comprising at least three civil engineers (and/or Design Engineers) based at PWD HQ Shimla.


2. The Road Safety Cell will be the central point of contact for all matters associated with RADMS with respect to the authorisation, use and maintenance of iMAAP RADMS within PWD.

3. The Road Safety Cell shall maintain direct regular contact, with the Road Accident Data Management Cell within police HQ Shimla. Such contact will include:

a. Authorisation of users within PWD (setting up usernames/passwords)

b. Operational and maintenance issues with RADMS within PWD.

c. Exchange of information, data and reports with respect to analysis of the data retained within the RADMS program by PWD.

The Road Safety Cell will be responsible for:

1. Undertaking monthly, an analysis of all the accident data held within the RADMS database after filling any missing fields related to road engineering. The analysis will involve a review to identify accident locations of significant importance with respect to engineering matters that fall within the PWD’s remit.

2. Communicate the findings of the monthly analysis to the Field Engineers (EEs, SEs and CEs) in charge of the roads through email.

3. Every three months undertake, , an analysis of all the accident data held within the iMAAP RADMS database with respect to ‘black spots’ as defined within the iMAAP RADMS program.

4. Provide a report, every three months, on the findings of the analyses to the Chief Engineers, the PWD Director, the Motor Vehicles Director and the ADMC.

5. Publish an annual report on accident black spots, road safety improvement actions taken and any achievements through these actions to the HP Government.

Figure 1 Responsibilities of Road Safety Cell, PWD

Responsibility of PWD Circle

Analyse accident

data for safety issues

within PWD remit


findings to Field


Analyse accident

data to identify

‘accident blackspots’

Publish report to

PWD, Transport

Dept. and ADMC

Implement road

safety improvement


Publish annual

report to HP


Quarterly tasks

Monthly tasks

Yearly tasks


The Assistant Engineer /Design Engineer in the each PWD Circle is responsible for correcting/adding any missing fields in the accident records on RADMS and upload of additional photographs related to road infrastructure. This task needs to be performed every month for the accidents which took place within their jurisdiction. RADMS mobile tablets will be issued to each PWD circle for this purpose. Superintending Engineer heading the PWD Circle should monitor the progress of the updating of the data by the Engineers and send monthly data update reports to the Road Safety Cell through email.

4.3.3 Motor Vehicles Department (MVD)

The MVD will use the road accident data on RADMS to identify road safety issues which come under the remit of this department, such as accident factors related to driving license, vehicle fitness etc. The MVD needs to set up a Road Safety Cell to analyse the data on RADMS and follow up on the actions required on the findings.

MVD is expected to capture the following data around vehicle data from the field on a going basis: This will be located on the screen within a separate tab/section:

1. Age of Vehicle*

2. Ownership/Usage*

3. Vehicle defect*

4. Vehicle Damage*

5. Driver education*

6. Residence of Driver*

7. Certificate of Fitness*

The vehicle data has to be captured in the system within seven (7) days of the creation of the accident record. Road Safety Cell (MVD)

1. The Director, MVD will establish a Road Safety Cell with a minimum of three personnel stationed at Transport HQ in Shimla.

2. The Road Safety Cell (MVD) will be the nodal point of contact within the Motor Vehicles Department for any issues related to the use RADMS.

3. The Road Safety Cell (MVD) will communicate with the ADMC on a daily basis to sort out issues related to RADMS use, such as:

a. Authorisation of users within the MVD (username/password setup)

b. Operational and maintenance issues with RADMS within the MVD.

c. Exchange of information, data and reports with respect to analysis of the data retained within the RADMS program by the MVD.

The Road Safety Cell (MVD) will be responsible for:


1. Undertaking monthly, an analysis of all the accident data held within the iMAAP RADMS database. The analysis will involve a review to identify accident factors of significant importance to the MVD.

2. Communicate the findings of the monthly analysis to the Director of HPRTC and the Director of MVD.

3. Undertake, every three months, an analysis of all the accident data held within the iMAAP RADMS database with respect to drivers, vehicles and public transport.

4. Provide a report, every three months, on the findings of the analyses to the Chief Secretary, MVD Director, the PWD Secretary and the ADMC.

5. Submit an annual report to the Chief Secretary on budgets allocated and expenditure, including human resources and capacity building for implementing road safety countermeasures related to Motor Vehicles Department using data, analysis and outputs from iMAAP RADMS.

6. Submit an annual report to Chief Secretary on driver, vehicle and public transport related road safety issues based on data from iMAAP RADMS, the actions taken and any achievements through these actions to the HP Government.

Figure 2 Responsibilities of Road Safety Cell, Motor Vehicles Department

4.3.4 Health Department

The Health Department is responsible for the medical and trauma care facilities available in the state. The Health Department will provide health related data on road accident victims to RADMS. This data will include the medical details of injuries, emergency/trauma care given

Analyse accident data

for safety issues within

Transport Dept. remit


findings to Transport


Analyse data for driver,

vehicle and public

transport safety issues

Publish report to

PWD, Transport

Dept. and ADMC

Implement road

safety improvement


Publish annual

report to HP


Quarterly tasks

Monthly tasks

Yearly tasks

Contact ADMC for

any RADMS issues Daily tasks


to the injured and medical treatment given to the injured at a hospital. The Health Department needs to set up Nodal Offices at state and district levels to facilitate this.

There are a number of fields in the ARF, which capture data on injuries to road accident victims and the medical treatment given to them. The Health Department should ensure that these fields are captured in the ARF from hospitals on an ongoing basis. These fields are listed below:

1. Time Of Initial Call

2. Time Arrived At Scene

3. Time of Arrival At Hospital

4. Method of Transportation To Hospital

5. Medical Treatment On Route

6. Trauma Care At Scene

7. Field Impression

8. Pulse Rate

9. Grimace

10. Respiratory Effort

11. Abbreviated Injury Scale

12. Glasgow Coma Score

13. Injury Type

14. Part of Body injured

15. Chest Movement

16. Breath Sounds

17. Brought Dead

18. Condition On Discharge

19. Discharge Note (Scanned attachment / image) Nodal Office

1. It is proposed that the Health Department sets up a Nodal Office at every district to work with the R.S.C (PWD). A Nodal Officer should be nominated for each district, who will be provided access to iMAAP RADMS. The Nodal Officer will be responsible for the data entry of the fields relating to the Health Department, for all the road accidents reported in that district.

2. The Health Department needs to set up a State Nodal Office and nominate a State Nodal Officer, who can oversee and support the functioning of the District Nodal Offices.


3. The Health Department needs to propose a method of collating the data from the various hospitals, at district level. A copy of the medico-legal file will be available with the police department and the Health Department can consider working with the police in collating the data.

4. The State Nodal Office will communicate with the ADMC on a daily basis to sort out issues related to RADMS use, such as:

a. Authorisation of users within the Health Department (username/password setup.

b. Operational and maintenance issues with RADMS within the Health Department.

c. Exchange of information, data and reports with respect to analysis of the data retained within the RADMS program by the Health Department.

The responsibilities of the Nodal Offices of the Health Department will include the following:

1. Update the road accident victim records on iMAAP RADMS for the medical related fields (listed in the earlier section of this report). This should be done periodically, at least on a monthly basis. Ideally, this should be done on a weekly basis.

2. Undertake, every three months, an analysis of all the accident data held within the iMAAPRADMS database with respect to injuries, trauma care and medical treatment. The findings should be communicated to the Director (Health Department) and the Chief Secretary of the State.

3. Submit an annual report to the Chief Secretary of the state summarising the findings from the quarterly analyses of the data on RADMS. The report shall include the budget expenditure, requirements and proposals which can improve the emergency, trauma care and medical treatment situation in the state for road accident victims.

4.4 Continued training for the users of RADMS

The current system of operation within the various stakeholders of RADMS will result in experienced users of RADMS moving out of road safety responsibilities to take up other positions within these organisations. Similarly new users will be taking up the road safety responsibilities to replace the leaving users. This requires continued training of the users of RADMS in the future. The continued training will also needs to address any deficiencies in practices.

The police being the chief stakeholders for RADMS data require continued training programs to be arranged for police officers of appropriate cadre at least once every three months. Accident Data Management Cell (ADMC) will conduct these trainings. In the first one year of operation of RADMS, the Consultant will assist ADMC in conducting these trainings.

The Road Safety Cells in the PWD and the Motor Vehicles Department will also need to conduct training when there are new staff joining the cell. The Road Safety Cell should maintain and retain the knowledge in road safety gained through the use of RADMS. Road Safety Cells in PWD and the Motor Vehicles Department should conduct training on the use of RADMS for its users at least once every three months.


4.5 Joint Committee for data driven interventions in Road Safety

Improving road safety requires coordinated efforts from all the stakeholders. In Himachal

Pradesh, the major stakeholders of the RADMS project who can influence and improve road

safety situation in the state include the Police, the Public Works Department, the Motor

Vehicles Department, the Health Department and the Road Transport Corporation.

Coordinated efforts by these departments will result in effective use of the findings from the

analyses of accident data in RADMS towards successful campaigns and actions to bring down

the number of accidents on the roads in Himachal Pradesh. It is recommended that a Joint

Committee for Road Safety in Himachal Pradesh is set up, including the decision makers from

these five departments.

The Joint Committee should meet once in every three months chaired by the Chief Secretary

and convened by the Principal Secretary PWD, to review the road safety situation in the last

three months based on data, reports and analysis from the RADMS system. The quarterly

safety reports produced by the Police, PWD and Motor Vehicles Department from RADMS

shall be shared among the stakeholders and discussed at the meeting. The emphasis of the

meeting should be on road safety issues and actions based on data, which involve more than

one stakeholder. The agenda for the meeting shall include, but not be limited to, the following


Road accident rates during the review period and its comparison with the past


Road safety improvement actions taken during the review period and its outcomes

Recent results of road safety improvement actions taken

Current road safety issues which require multi-stakeholder intervention

Proposed multi-stakeholder interventions for road safety improvement in the future

The meeting shall produce a quarterly progress report on the proposed multi-stakeholder road safety action plan and submit it to the Chief Secretary of the state for commitment from the State Government in implementing the action plan.