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Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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September 2013

Introduction The SRDS database of media rates and information catalogs more than 125,000 U.S. and international media properties. Each listing is verified and more than 20,000 listing updates are made every year.

SRDS provides accurate, up-to-date media information — including detailed ad rates, circulation, and dates. These databases allow you to search and obtain detailed information with direct links to media kits.

Business Out-of-Home

Local Media Consumer


Digital Local Market Audience Newspaper



Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS)

User’s Guide Welcome to the Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) database. This user guide will show you how to get started to access and utilize the wealth of information available from this service.

This is an Internet-based database that may be accessed by using one of the network computers in the McLeod Business Library in Alan B. Miller Hall.

Mason School of Business graduate students, undergraduate students with a business major, faculty and staff may also access this program through the Mason School of Business network.

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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September 2013

Table of Contents

Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 1

Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................... 2

Opening Page ............................................................................................................................... 3

Opening Page Header .................................................................................................................. 4

Header Links .......................................................................................................................... 4

Header Search Function ......................................................................................................... 8

Search Results ........................................................................................................................ 8

Media Page ........................................................................................................................... 10

Business Publication Media Page .................................................................................. 10

Consumer Magazine Media Page .................................................................................. 16

Digital Media Page ........................................................................................................ 17

Newspaper Media Page .................................................................................................. 18

Direct Marketing Page ................................................................................................... 19

Local Media by DMA (Designated Market Area) Page ................................................ 20

Radio Media Page .......................................................................................................... 20

TV & Cable Media Page ................................................................................................ 21

Out-of-Home Media Page .............................................................................................. 22

Databases - Search by Media Type Column .............................................................................. 23

Digital Media Database ........................................................................................................ 23

Consumer Magazine Media Database .................................................................................. 26

Business Publication Media Database ................................................................................. 27

Direct Marketing Database .................................................................................................. 29

Local Media by DMA Database .......................................................................................... 32

Newspaper Media Database ................................................................................................. 33

Radio Media Database ......................................................................................................... 36

TV & Cable Media Database ............................................................................................... 38

Out-of-Home Media Database ............................................................................................. 40

Other SRDS Services ................................................................................................................. 43

Local Market Audience Analyst .......................................................................................... 43

International Media Guides .................................................................................................. 47

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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September 2013

Opening Page The opening page for the SRDS program is your gateway into all the databases included in the Business Library subscription. This page has a header (see page 4) with five links and a search function, a menu column of databases and services, and a display area.

These databases are:

Digital Media (see page 23) Consumer Magazine Media (see page 26) Business Publication Media (see page 27) Direct Marketing (see page 29) Local Media by DMA (see page 32) Newspaper Media (see page 33) Radio Media (see page 36) TV & Cable Media (see page 38) Out-of-Home Media (see page 40)

Also included are these SRDS Services:

Local Market Audience Analyst (see page 43) International Media Guides (see page 47

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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September 2013

Opening Page Header The opening page has a header that is included on all pages throughout the databases. This header is not displayed when the other SRDS services are accessed. These are the Local Market Audience Analyst (see page 43) and the International Media Guides (see page 47).

The header has a search function and links for Resources, Contact Us, Tablet Media, Local Market Info and Reports. There is also a Learn More Here link that will open an information page about any new aspects of the SRDS program. This topic changes from time to time.

Header Links The links for Resources, Contact Us, Tablet Media, Local Market Info and Reports are described below:

Resources The Resources link will open the Resources page. This page has links to a variety of training videos and other information.

The four links near the top of the page will open various information pages. These links are: SRDS System Requirements, DMA Maps and Profiles, SRDS Online Training Calendar, and Helpful Excel and Spreadsheet Tips for Media Planners.

The lower sections of the page have links to training videos that give you tips on how to use the program.

Clicking on one of the video links will open the video in a new window.

The SRDS Online Training Calendar will open a page with information about any training sessions/webinars that may be available. Setting up any of these sessions is not a function of the Business Library.

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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September 2013

The DMA Maps and Profiles link will open the DMA (Designated Market Area) Profiles & Maps page. This page lists numerous market areas in the United States. The list is in three columns. The first column lists the market areas while the second and third columns have links that will open a Profile or Map of the selected DMA.

Contact Us

The Contact Us link in the program header will open an email page so you can send an email to the company. If you are having difficulty using this program please contact one of the Business Library staff members for assistance.

Tablet Media The Tablet Media link will open the Tablet Media Library page. The SRDS Tablet Media Library is used to discover and evaluate ad opportunities on tablets. Discover what the industry’s consumer publishers have to offer by viewing media kits or visiting the different app download pages.

The Table Media Library page has three tabs: Consumer, Business, and Newspaper.

Each tab lists publications that have tablet media content.

The list is divided into two sections: Featured Tablet Media and All Tablet Media. The Featured Tablet Media section is near the top of the list and has links to media kits for each publication listed.

The All Tablet Media section does not have links for media kits.

Other links include Apple (App Store), Zinio, Android, Nook, and Tablet Browser Based. Clicking on one of these links will open the app store for that particular magazine and device.

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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September 2013

Local Market Info The Local Market Info link in the program header will open a menu box with links to DMA Profile & Maps, Scarborough - Newspaper Penetration by DMA and Scarborough - Newspaper Penetration by CBSA/MD.

The DMA Profile & Maps link will open the same DMA Profiles & Maps page as the DMA Maps & Profiles link on the Resources page does. Please see page 5 for information about the DMA Profiles & Maps page.

The Scarborough - Newspaper Penetration by DMA link will open the Scarborough page listing the Average Daily and Sunday Issue Readership of Metropolitan Newspapers (listing by DMA - Designated Market Area).

The Scarborough - Newspaper Penetration by CBSA/MD link will open a similar page listing by CBSA/MD - Core-Based Statistical Area/Metropolitan Division.

Reports The Reports link in the program header will not work until you have selected at least one media. Clicking on the Reports link with no media selected will open a box telling you there are no tagged media. There is a link in this box (How to Use Reports) that will open a page with directions on using this feature.

The entry for each publication has a check box to add that publication to the report. The check box is located on the right side of each entry. Clicking on the check box so that it is blackened will add that publication to the report.

Clicking on the Reports icon (separate from the Reports link) will open a box with a summary of the media selected. The Go to Reports link will open the Report page. (See page 7.) Clicking on the name of a publication will open the page for the publication.

Clicking on the Reports link, with media selected, will immediately run the report and open the Report page. (See page 7.)

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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September 2013

Report Page Clicking on the Reports links in the program header (with one or more media selected) or the Go to Reports link in the Reports box will run the report and open the Reports page.

This page is a listing of the various media you had added to your report. Each media listed includes a brief description of the publication, its circulation and page rate (for four color ads). The name of the publication and the icon are links to that publication’s Media page. See page 10 for information about the Media page.

There is a row of icons across the bottom of each entry. These icons will link you to various aspects of the publication. These icons are Tablet Edition, Instant Edition, Research Data, Featured Marketing Opportunities, Distribution/Audience Profile, AAM Statements (not included with the current subscription), MRI Audience (Mediamark Research & Intelligence), Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Not all of these are included with all publications. These icons are also on the publication’s Media page. See page 10 for information about the Media and page 11 for information about these icons.

The left column on the Reports page lists the various media, broken down according to type and has a link: How to Use Reports. This will open the SRDS Reports page with information and a video on how to get the most out of your report.

The top of the Reports page has three links that allow you to sort the media either alphabetically, by total circulation or by page rate.

There are also three icons at the top of the Reports page: Print, Contact Report, and Detailed Report. The Contact Report and Detailed Report features are not included in the current subscription.


The Print icon will open your report in a new window and format it in a simplified manner for printing. But it will still include advertisements.

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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September 2013

Header Search Function The program header includes a search function. This feature includes the All Media drop-down menu, the search box for search term entry, the Go button and a link (Search Tips) to a page with information on how to improve your search technique.

To make a search, select the databases you want to search from the All Media menu. You may select as many media databases as you need. You may also select to search only the media titles. If you do not make a selection using the All Media menu your search will automatically search all media in the SRDS program.

Enter a term into the Search By Keyword(s) box and click on the Go button.

The All Media menu also has a help feature. Clicking on the See How link will open a page with a search tutorial video.

Search Results Once you have entered a search term and clicked on the Go button your search results will be listed in the main display area of the page below the search function. A single word search term searching all media types will produce a very large number of media in the results list.

The search for “financial” with 8,627 results is pictured. The publications are listed 50 to a page.

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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September 2013

You have the option to have the results listed by Media or by Media Companies by selecting the desired tab in the Search by Media Type column.

The Search by Media Type column also has a Narrow By section. This section lists the Media Types or Company Types in which the results are included.

Each listing of type includes the name of the media or company type and the number of results that type includes.

Clicking on a type name will display only the media included in that type.

The results list in displayed in the middle of the page. Each media listed includes a brief description of the publication, its circulation and page rate (for four color ads). The name of the publication and the icon are links to that publication’s Media page. See page 10 for information about the Media page.

There is a row of icons across the bottom of each entry. These icons will link you to various aspects of the publication. These icons include Tablet Edition, Instant Edition, Research Data, Featured Marketing Opportunities, Distribution/Audience Profile, AAM Statements (not included with the current subscription), MRI Audience (Mediamark Research & Intelligence), Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Not all of these are included with all publications. These icons are also on the publication’s Media page. See page 10 for information about the Media and page 11 for information about these icons.

There is also a check box on the right side of each media entry. These are used to select that media for the report. See page 6 for information about the Report page.

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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September 2013

Media Page Once you have selected a specific media to research it will be displayed on a media page. The media pages for the various types of media vary slightly from one to the others. They are described below:

Business Publication Media Page When you select a publication from the Business Publication Media database the media will be opened using the Business Publication Media page.

This page lists the publication name and publisher. The page also has two buttons near the top, a row of icons and six tabs. Not every publication has all the icons and tabs.

The check box to add this publication to the report feature is located just below the buttons. See page 6 for information about the Report.

Buttons The buttons are RFI (Request Information) and Print. The RFI button will open your email program so you can send a request for information about the publication to SRDS.

The Print button will open the publication page in a new window in a printer-friendly format.

The entire page, including the information on all the tabs, will be displayed on one long scrolling page.

To print the page you must use the print commands in the browser menu.

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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September 2013

Icons The row of icons on the Business Publication Media page will link you to various aspects of the publication. These icons are Tablet Edition, Instant Edition, Research Data, Featured Marketing Opportunities, Complete Metrics (not pictured), Media Kit (not pictured), Distribution/Audience Profile, AAM Statements (not included with the current subscription), MRI Audience (Mediamark Research & Intelligence), Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Not all of these are included with all publications.

The Tablet Edition icon will open the publication’s website to its media page, usually

with the media kit. This page will give you information about the publication’s electronic content.

The Instant Edition icon will open a page with some sample editions of the publication you are

researching. You may page through them to get an idea of the publication you are considering for your campaign.

Clicking on the Research Data icon will link you to the publication’s website with information about the publication and advertising information.

The Featured Marketing Opportunities icon will open a

small window with information about marketing opportunities available with the publication you are researching.

The Complete Metrics icon will open a page on the

publication’s website with website usage data.

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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September 2013

The Media Kit icon will open a new SRDS window with a video of the SRDS media kit specific to the brand you

are researching.

The Distribution/Audience Profile icon will connect you to the publication’s website with information about

the publication’s target audience and other pertinent information.

Clicking on the MRI Audience icon will open a new window with the page scrolled to the Mediamark

Research & Intelligence (MRI) section. This gives you a general idea of the audience demographics of the publication. This is the same information that is displayed under the Circulation & Audience tab.

The Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn icons will take you to the selected account of the publication you are researching.

Tabs The tabs on the Business Publication Media page are: General Information (the opening display), Contacts & Reps, Circulation & Audience, Rates & Policies, Issues & Specs, and Brand Portfolio.

General Information Tab The General Information tab is the initial display when the page is first opened. This tab gives you a positioning statement, profile, website links and a breadcrumb line showing you your location in the SRDS program.

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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September 2013

Contacts & Reps Tab The Contacts & Reps tab opens a display with general contact information, a short list of top personnel, and branch offices (if any).

Many of the personnel have email information listed.

Circulation & Audience Tab The Circulation & Audience tab will open a display of information about the publication’s circulation (including distribution) and audience.

This is the same information that is displayed when the MRI Audience icon is selected.

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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September 2013

Rates & Policies Tab The Rates & Policies tab will display a page with various aspects of the rates clients will have to pay for advertising in that publication. Rates include black & white and color for various areas of page space.

Issues & Specs Tab The Issues & Specs tab will display a listing of information about back issues of the publication, including dates of publication and information about the content of each issue.

There is also a section on general specifications.

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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September 2013

Brand Portfolio Tab The Brand Portfolio tab will open a page with information provided by the publication. This page is strictly sponsored content.

Not all Media pages will have this tab.

Much of the information is duplicated in other areas of the Media page.

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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September 2013

Consumer Magazine Media Page When you select a publication from the Consumer Magazine Media database the media will be opened using the Consumer Magazine Media page.

This page lists the publication name and publisher. The page also has buttons near the top, a row of icons, and six tabs. Not every publication has all the icons and tabs.

The check box to add this publication to the report feature is located just below the buttons. See page 6 for information about the Report.

This page is similar to the Business Publication Media page. It will have many of the same icons and tabs. See page 10 for information about the Business Publication Media page.

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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September 2013

Digital Media Page When you select a website from the Digital Media database the media will be opened using the Digital Media page.

This page lists the website name and owner. The page also has buttons near the top, a row of icons, and tabs. Not every media has all the icons and tabs.

The check box to add this media to the report feature is located just below the buttons. See page 6 for information about the Report.

This page is similar to the Business Publication Media page. It will have many of the same icons and tabs. See page 10 for information about the Business Publication Media page.

The Contacts tab is similar to the Contact & Reps tab of the Business Publication Media page.

The Audience Metrics tab will open a page with the same information that is available from the Complete Metrics icon. This is information located on the website.

The Ad Sizes & Opportunities tab will open a page giving information about recent ad sizes and formats on the website.

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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September 2013

Newspaper Media Page When you select a publication from the Newspaper Media database the media will be opened using the Newspaper Media page.

This page lists the publication name and publisher. The page also has buttons near the top, a row of icons, and tabs. Not every publication has all the icons and tabs.

The check box to add this publication to the report feature is located just below the buttons. See page 6 for information about the Report.

This page is similar to the Business Publication Media page. It will have many of the same icons and tabs. See page 10 for information about the Business Publication Media page.

The Comprised Of tab lists all the newspapers included in the media being researched.

The Circulation tab is similar to the Circulation & Audience tab of the Business Publication Media page.

The Classified Rates & Data tab includes general contact information, personnel, general rate information, classified rates, circulation and more.

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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September 2013

Direct Marketing Page When you select a datacard from the Direct Marketing List database the media will be opened using the Direct Marketing page.

This page lists the datacard’s name and owner. The page also has buttons near the top, a row of icons, and tabs. Not every media has all the icons and tabs.

The check box to add this datacard to the report feature is located just below the buttons. See page 6 for information about the Report.

This page is similar to the Business Publication Media page. It will have many of the same icons and tabs. See page 10 for information about the Business Publication Media page.

The Selects & Counts tab displays the number of items on the lists and the price.

The Requirements & Policies tab lists various policies of the list owner.

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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September 2013

Local Media by DMA (Designated Market Area) Page When you select a media from the Local Media by DMA database the media will be opened using the page format of the type of media selected. That is, the Local Media by DMA database searches through all types of media for any media in the selected DMA.

The search results will list all media found. This will include Business Publications, Consumer Magazines, Digital Media, Newspapers, etc. So, selecting a media from the results list will open the media page specific for that media. A Business Publication media will open a Business Publication Media page.

See page 32 for information about the Local Media by DMA database and how to make a search.

Radio Media Page When you select a media from the Radio Media database the media will be opened using the Radio Media page.

This page lists the radio station, name, and owner. The page also has two buttons near the top and tabs. Not every radio station has all the tabs.

The check box to add this radio station to the report feature is located just below the buttons. See page 6 for information about the Report.

This page is similar to the Business Publication Media page. It will have many of the same tabs. See page 10 for information about the Business Publication Media page.

The Facilities tab lists information about the radio station and its operations.

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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September 2013

TV & Cable Media Page When you select a media from the TV & Cable Media database the media will be opened using the TV & Cable Media page.

This page lists the TV station/channel and owner. The page also has two buttons near the top and rows of icons, and tabs. Not every media has all the icons and tabs.

The Cable System selections will have similar pages but will not have the row of icons.

The check box to add this radio station to the report feature is located just below the buttons. See page 6 for information about the Report.

This page is similar to the Business Publication Media page. It will have many of the same icons and tabs. See page 10 for information about the Business Publication Media page.

The Traffic Specs tab will list traffic specifications for incoming materials to be transmitted.

The Facilities tab lists information about the TV station/channel and its operations.

The Insertion Networks tab will list the networks on the system.

The Coverage tab will list the markets the system reaches.

The System Background tab lists information about the system and its operations.

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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September 2013

Out-of-Home Media Page When you select a media from the Out-of-Home Media database the media will be opened using the Out-of-Home Media page. Out-of-Home Media includes all media types that you would encounter outside of your home, this includes billboards and other outdoor advertising, in-office advertising, event marketing, and more.

This page lists the media name and has two buttons near the top, a row of icons, and tabs. Not every media has all the icons and tabs.

The check box to add this publication to the report feature is located just below the buttons. See page 6 for information about the Report.

This page is similar to the Business Publication Media page. It will have many of the same icons and tabs. See page 10 for information about the Business Publication Media page.

The Markets Served tab will list the markets reached by that media.

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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September 2013

Databases - Search by Media Type Column The SRDS program Opening page has a Search by Media Type menu column on the left side of the page. This menu lists all the SRDS databases that are included in this program.

These databases are: Digital Media, Consumer Magazine Media, Business Publication Media, Direct Marketing, Local Media by DMA, Newspaper Media, Radio Media, TV & Cable Media, and Out-of-Home Media. The databases are accessed by clicking on one of the database names. This will open the database page. Each database has similar database pages but each page is tailored to the selected database. These database pages are described below.

The lower part of this column has a section for links to Other SRDS Services (see page 43). These include the Local Market Audience Analyst and a group of International Media Guides.

Digital Media Database Clicking on Digital Media in the Search by Media Type menu will open the Digital Media database page. This page consists of the Digital Media column (below the Search by Media Type drop-down menu) and the main display area.

The Digital Media column has two tabs: Media and Ad Networks & Groups.

When the database is first opened a link to a tutorial video is displayed in the main display area of the Media tab.

Media Tab The Digital Media column in the Media tab allows you to narrow your search by selecting one or more of the items in the column. The items are divided into five topics: Consumer: Classifications; Business: Classifications; Local: DMAs; Website Metrics; and Audience Demographics.

Each topic area is expanded when the page first opens but may be collapsed by clicking on the arrow by each topic name.

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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Items are selected by clicking on the check box beside the item you want. As you click on the check box, it is filled in and the media represented by that item (the number of media included in the item is indicated by the number in parentheses) is listed in the main display area.

The main display area has three icons, some sort selections, and two links.

The icons are List, Grid, and Print. The List and Grid icons affect the way the results are displayed. The List icon is the default display when the list is opened.

Clicking on the Grid icon will list the results in a table format. The information will be abbreviated compared to the List format but will be easier to compare the different media.

The table has columns for Featured/Alphabetical, Unique Visitors, Demographics, Media Type, and Classification DMA.

The column headings are active and allow you to sort the list according to the material in the column by clicking on the heading.

The Demographics column has View links that will open a window with audience demographics displayed.

The check boxes in the Featured/Alphabetical column allow you to select items for the report feature. See page 6 for information about the report feature.

Clicking on the media name will open the Digital Media page for that item. See page 17 for information about the Digital Media page.

The Print icon will open the list or grid page in a new window in a simplified format for printing. Use the print controls in the browser menu bar.

Both the List and Grid displays have Select All and Deselect All links that will select all the items on the page for inclusion in the report feature, or remove them from the report feature. See page 6 for information about the report feature.

Both displays also have a navigation tools that allows you to move from one page to another. The results are displayed 50 items to a page.

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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The List page, which is the default opening display, has sort selections that allow you to sort the results according to the alphabet (ascending or descending) and by the Unique Visitors data included in each entry (ascending or descending).

The default display is for Featured media to be listed. The Featured media are displayed at the beginning of the alphabetical listing.

This list is similar to the Search Results page. See page 8 for information about the Search Results page.

Clicking on the entry title (name of the media) or the large icon will open the Digital Media page for that item. See page 17 for information about the Digital Media page.

Ad Networks & Groups Tab The Digital Media column in the Ad Networks & Groups tab has one selection: Ad Networks & Groups. The main display area lists the media included in this selection.

The main display area has three icons, some sort selections, and two links.

The icons are List, Grid, and Print. The List and Grid icons affect the way the results are displayed. The List icon is the default display when the list is opened.

This tab is similar to and operates in a similar manner as the Media tab. See page 23 for information about the Media tab.

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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September 2013

Consumer Magazine Media Database Clicking on Consumer Media in the Search by Media Type menu will open the Consumer Magazine Media database page. This page consists of the Consumer Magazine Media column (below the Search by Media Type drop-down menu) and the main display area.

The Consumer Magazine Media column has one tab: Media.

When the database is first opened a link to a tutorial video is displayed in the main display area of the Media tab.

Media Tab The Consumer Magazine Media column in the Media tab allows you to narrow your search by selecting one or more of the items in the column. The items are divided into three topics: Media Types, Classifications, and Audit & Audience Data.

Each topic area is expanded when the page first opens but may be collapsed by clicking on the arrow by each topic name.

Items are selected by clicking on the check box beside the item you want. As you click on the check box, it is filled in and the media represented by that item (the number of media included in the item is indicated by the number in parentheses) is listed in the main display area. This list is similar to the Search Results page. See page 8 for information about the Search Results page.

The main display area has two icons, some sort selections, and two links.

The icons are List and Print. The List icon is the default display when the list is opened.

The Print icon will open the list page in a new window in a simplified format for printing. Use the print controls in the browser menu bar.

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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The List display has Select All and Deselect All links that will select all the items on the page for inclusion in the report feature, or remove them from the report feature. See page 6 for information about the report feature.

There are also navigation tools that allows you to move from one page to another. The results are displayed 50 items to a page.

The List page, which is the default opening display, has sort selections that allow you to sort the results according to the alphabet (ascending or descending).

The default display is for Featured media to be listed. The Featured media are displayed at the beginning of the alphabetical listing.

Clicking on the entry title (name of the media) or the large icon will open the Consumer Magazine Media page for that item. See page 16 for information about the Consumer Magazine Media page.

Business Publication Media Database Clicking on Business Publication Media in the Search by Media Type menu will open the Business Publication Media database page. This page consists of the Business Publication Media column (below the Search by Media Type drop-down menu) and the main display area.

The Business Publication Media column has one tab: Media.

When the database is first opened a link to a tutorial video is displayed in the main display area of the Media tab.

Media Tab The Business Publication Media column in the Media tab allows you to narrow your search by selecting one or more of the items in the column. The items are divided into six topics: Media Type, Business Classifications, Healthcare Classifications, Market, Classified Advertising, and Audited Publications.

Each topic area is

Standard Rate & Data Service (SRDS) User’s Guide McLeod Business Library, Mason School of Business

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expanded when the page first opens but may be collapsed by clicking on the arrow by each topic name.

Items are selected by clicking on the check box beside the item you want. As you click on the check box, it is filled in and the media represented by that item (the number of media included in the item is indicated by the number in parentheses) is listed in the main display area. This list is similar to the Search Results page. See page 8 for information about the Search Results page.

The main display area has two icons, some sort selections, and two links.

The icons are List and Print. The List icon is the default display when the list is opened.

The Print icon will open the list page in a new window in a simplified format for printing. Use the print controls in the browser menu bar.

The List display has Select All and Deselect All links that will select all the items on the page for inclusion in the report feature, or remove them from the report feature. See page 6 for information about the report feature.

There are also navigation tools that allows you to move from one page to another. The results are displayed 50 items to a page.

The List page, which is the default opening display, has sort selections that allow you to sort the results according to the alphabet (ascending or descending).

The default display is for Featured media to be listed. The Featured media are displayed at the beginning of the alphabetical listing.

Clicking on the entry title (name of the media) or the large icon will open the Business Publication Media page for that item. See page 10 for information about the Business Publication Media page.

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Direct Marketing Database Clicking on Direct Marketing in the Search by Media Type menu will open the Direct Marketing database page. This page consists of the Direct Marketing column (below the Search by Media Type drop-down menu) and the main display area.

The Direct Marketing column has three tabs: Media, Managers & Owners, and New Lists.

When the database is first opened a link to a tutorial video is displayed in the main display area of the Media tab.

Media Tab The Direct Marketing column in the Media tab allows you to narrow your search by selecting one or more of the items in the column. The items are divided into five topics: Media Type, Business: Classifications, Consumer: Classifications, Market, and List Type & Selects.

Each topic area is expanded when the page first opens but may be collapsed by clicking on the arrow by each topic name.

Items are selected by clicking on the check box beside the item you want. As you click on the check box, it is filled in and the media represented by that item (the number of media included in the item is indicated by the number in parentheses) is listed in the main display area. This list is similar to the Search Results page. See page 8 for information about the Search Results page.

The main display area has three icons, some sort selections, and two links.

The icons are List, Grid, and Print. The List icon is the default display when the list is opened.

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Clicking on the Grid icon will list the results in a table format. The information will be abbreviated compared to the List format but will be easier to compare the different media.

The table has columns for Featured/Alphabetical, Universe, Base Price, Media Type, and Classification.

The column headings are active and allow you to sort the list according to the material in the column by clicking on the heading.

The check boxes in the Featured/Alphabetical column allow you to select items for the report feature. See page 6 for information about the report feature.

Clicking on the media name will open the Direct Marketing page for that item. See page 19 for information about the Direct Marketing page.

The Print icon will open the list or grid page in a new window in a simplified format for printing. Use the print controls in the browser menu bar.

Both the List and Grid displays have Select All and Deselect All links that will select all the items on the page for inclusion in the report feature, or remove them from the report feature. See page 6 for information about the report feature.

Both displays also have a navigation tools that allows you to move from one page to another. The results are displayed 50 items to a page.

The List page, which is the default opening display, has sort selections that allow you to sort the results according to the alphabet (ascending or descending).

The default display is for Featured media to be listed. The Featured media are displayed at the beginning of the alphabetical listing.

Clicking on the entry title (name of the media) or the large icon will open the Direct Marketing page for that item. See page 19 for information about the Direct Marketing page.

Managers & Owners Tab The Direct Marketing column in the Managers & Owners tab has three selections: Broker, Manager, and Owner/Compiler.

As each selection is accessed the main display area lists the media included in that selection.

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The main display area has three icons, some sort selections, and two links.

The icons are List, Grid, and Print. The List and Grid icons affect the way the results are displayed. The List icon is the default display when the list is opened.

This tab is similar to and operates in a similar manner as the Media tab. See page 29 for information about the Media tab.

New Lists Tab The Direct Marketing column in the New Lists tab has seven selections. As each selection is accessed the main display area lists the media included in that selection.

The main display area has three icons, some sort selections, and two links.

The icons are List, Grid, and Print. The List and Grid icons affect the way the results are displayed. The List icon is the default display when the list is opened.

This tab is similar to and operates in a similar manner as the Media tab. See page 29 for information about the Media tab.

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Local Media by DMA Database Clicking on Local Media by DMA (Designated Market Area) in the Search by Media Type menu will open the Local Media by DMA database page. This page consists of the Local Media by DMA column (below the Search by Media Type drop-down menu) and the main display area.

The Local Media by DMA column has one tab: Media.

When the database is first opened a link to a tutorial video is displayed in the main display area of the Media tab.

Media Tab The Local Media by DMA column in the Media tab allows you to narrow your search by selecting one or more of the items in the column. The items are divided into three main topics: Media Type, DMA, and Classification. The Classification topic is divided into four sub-topics: Business, Business Healthcare, Consumer, and Out-of-Home.

Each topic area is expanded when the page first opens but may be collapsed by clicking on the arrow by each topic name.

Items are selected by clicking on the check box beside the item you want. As you click on the check box, it is filled in and the media represented by that item (the number of media included in the item is indicated by the number in parentheses) is listed in the main display area. This list is similar to the Search Results page. See page 8 for information about the Search Results page.

The main display area has two icons, some sort selections, and two links.

The icons are List and Print. The List icon is the default display when the list is opened.

The Print icon will open the list page in a new window in a simplified

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format for printing. Use the print controls in the browser menu bar.

The List display has Select All and Deselect All links that will select all the items on the page for inclusion in the report feature, or remove them from the report feature. See page 6 for information about the report feature.

There are also navigation tools that allows you to move from one page to another. The results are displayed 50 items to a page.

The List page, which is the default opening display, has sort selections that allow you to sort the results according to the alphabet (ascending or descending).

The default display is for Featured media to be listed. The Featured media are displayed at the beginning of the alphabetical listing.

Clicking on the entry title (name of the media) or the large icon will open the Local Media by DMA page for that item. See page 20 for information about the Local Media by DMA page.

Newspaper Media Database Clicking on Newspaper Media in the Search by Media Type menu will open the Newspaper Media database page. This page consists of the Newspaper Media column (below the Search by Media Type drop-down menu) and the main display area.

The Newspaper Media column has two tabs: Media and Reps & Press Associations.

When the database is first opened a link to a tutorial video is displayed in the main display area of the Media tab.

Media Tab The Newspaper Media column in the Media tab allows you to narrow your search by selecting one or more of the items in the column. The items are divided into three topics: Media Type, Markets, and Newspaper Types.

Each topic area is expanded when the page first opens but may be collapsed by clicking on the arrow by each topic name.

Items are selected by clicking on the check box beside the item you want. As you click on the check box, it is filled in and the media represented by that item (the number of media included in the item is indicated by the number in parentheses) is listed in the main display area. This list is similar to the Search Results page. See page 8 for information about the Search Results page.

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The main display area has two icons, some sort selections, and two links.

The icons are List and Print. The List icon is the default display when the list is opened.

The Print icon will open the list page in a new window in a simplified format for printing. Use the print controls in the browser menu bar.

The List display has Select All and Deselect All links that will select all the items on the page for inclusion in the report feature, or remove them from the report feature. See page 6 for information about the report feature.

There are also navigation tools that allows you to move from one page to another. The results are displayed 50 items to a page.

The List page, which is the default opening display, has sort selections that allow you to sort the results according to the alphabet (ascending or descending).

The default display is for Featured media to be listed. The Featured media are displayed at the beginning of the alphabetical listing.

Clicking on the entry title (name of the media) or the large icon will open the Newspaper Media page for that item. See page 18 for information about the Newspaper Media page.

Reps & Press Associations Tab The Newspaper Media column in the Reps & Press Associations tab has one selection: Reps & Press Associations. The main display area lists the media included in this selection.

The main display area has three icons, some sort selections, and two links.

The icons are List, Grid, and Print. The List and Grid icons affect the way the results are displayed. The List icon is the default display when the list is opened.

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Clicking on the Grid icon will list the results in a table format. The information will be abbreviated compared to the List format but will be easier to compare the different media.

The table has columns for Featured/Alphabetical, Circulation, Page Rate, Media type, and DMA | City, State.

The column headings are active and allow you to sort the list according to the material in the column by clicking on the heading.

The check boxes in the Featured/Alphabetical column allow you to select items for the report feature. See page 6 for information about the report feature.

Clicking on the media name will open the Newspaper Media page for that item. See page 18 for information about the Newspaper Media page.

The rest of the page icons and links are similar to and operate in a similar manner as the Media tab. See page 33 for information about the Media tab.

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Radio Media Database Clicking on Radio Media in the Search by Media Type menu will open the Radio Media database page. This page consists of the Radio Media column (below the Search by Media Type drop-down menu) and the main display area.

The Radio Media column has two tabs: Media and Reps, Networks & Owners.

Media Tab The Radio Media column in the Media tab allows you to narrow your search by selecting one or more of the items in the column. The items are divided into four topics: Media Type, Markets, Format, and Primary Demo. The Markets topic has two sub-topics: Metro Markets and Non-Metro Markets: States.

Each topic area is expanded when the page first opens but may be collapsed by clicking on the arrow by each topic name.

Items are selected by clicking on the check box beside the item you want. As you click on the check box, it is filled in and the media represented by that item (the number of media included in the item is indicated by the number in parentheses) is listed in the main display area. This list is similar to the Search Results page. See page 8 for information about the Search Results page.

The main display area has two icons, some sort selections, and two links.

The icons are List and Print. The List icon is the default display when the list is opened.

The Print icon will open the list page in a new window in a simplified format for printing. Use the print controls in the browser menu bar.

The List display has Select All and Deselect All links that will select all the

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items on the page for inclusion in the report feature, or remove them from the report feature. See page 6 for information about the report feature.

There are also navigation tools that allows you to move from one page to another. The results are displayed 50 items to a page.

The List page, which is the default opening display, has sort selections that allow you to sort the results according to the alphabet (ascending or descending).

The default display is for Featured media to be listed. The Featured media are displayed at the beginning of the alphabetical listing.

Clicking on the entry title (name of the media) or the large icon will open the Radio Media page for that item. See page 20 for information about the Radio Media page.

Reps, Networks & Owners Tab The Newspaper Media column in the Reps, Networks & Owners tab has four selections: Group Owners, Networks, Rep Firms, and Syndicators.

Clicking on a selection lists the media included in that selection in the main display area.

The main display area has three icons, some sort selections, and two links.

The icons are List, Grid, and Print. The List and Grid icons affect the way the results are displayed. The List icon is the default display when the list is opened.

Clicking on the Grid icon will list the results in a table format. The information will be abbreviated compared to the List format but will be easier to compare the different media.

The table has columns for Featured/Alphabetical, Format, Primary Demo, Media Type, and MSA | Non-Metro Market.

The column headings are active and allow you to sort the list according to the material in the column by clicking on the heading.

The check boxes in the Featured/Alphabetical column allow you to select items for the report feature. See page 6 for information about the report feature.

Clicking on the media name will open the Radio Media page for that item. See page 20 for information about the Radio Media page.

The rest of the page icons and links are similar to and operate in a similar manner as the Media tab. See page 36 for information about the Media tab.

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TV & Cable Media Database Clicking on TV & Cable Media in the Search by Media Type menu will open the TV & Cable Media database page. This page consists of the TV & Cable Media column (below the Search by Media Type drop-down menu) and the main display area.

The TV & Cable Media column has two tabs: Media and Reps & Owners.

Media Tab The TV & Cable Media column in the Media tab allows you to narrow your search by selecting one or more of the items in the column. The items are divided into three topics: Media Types, Markets, and TV Stations/Cable Systems.

Each topic area is expanded when the page first opens but may be collapsed by clicking on the arrow by each topic name.

Items are selected by clicking on the check box beside the item you want. As you click on the check box, it is filled in and the media represented by that item (the number of media included in the item is indicated by the number in parentheses) is listed in the main display area. This list is similar to the Search Results page. See page 8 for information about the Search Results page.

The main display area has three icons, some sort selections, and two links.

The icons are List, Grid, and Print. The List icon is the default display when the list is opened.

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Clicking on the Grid icon will list the results in a table format. The information will be abbreviated compared to the List format but will be easier to compare the different media.

The table has columns for Featured/Alphabetical, Network Affiliation, Programming Schedule, Media Type, and DMA.

The column headings are active and allow you to sort the list according to the material in the column by clicking on the heading.

The check boxes in the Featured/Alphabetical column allow you to select items for the report feature. See page 6 for information about the report feature.

Clicking on the media name will open the TV & Cable Media page for that item. See page 21 for information about the TV & Cable Media page.

The Print icon will open the list or grid page in a new window in a simplified format for printing. Use the print controls in the browser menu bar.

Both the List and Grid displays have Select All and Deselect All links that will select all the items on the page for inclusion in the report feature, or remove them from the report feature. See page 6 for information about the report feature.

Both displays also have a navigation tools that allows you to move from one page to another. The results are displayed 50 items to a page.

The List page, which is the default opening display, has sort selections that allow you to sort the results according to the alphabet (ascending or descending).

The default display is for Featured media to be listed. The Featured media are displayed at the beginning of the alphabetical listing.

Clicking on the entry title (name of the media) or the large icon will open the TV & Cable Media page for that item. See page 21 for information about the TV & Cable Media page.

Reps & Owners Tab The TV & Cable Media column in the Reps & Owners tab has five selections.

Clicking on a selection lists the media included in that selection in the main display area.

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The main display area has three icons, some sort selections, and two links.

The icons are List, Grid, and Print. The List and Grid icons affect the way the results are displayed. The List icon is the default display when the list is opened.

This tab is similar to and operates in a similar manner as the Media tab. See page 39 for information about the Media tab.

Out-of-Home Media Database Clicking on Out-of-Home Media in the Search by Media Type menu will open the Out-of-Home Media database page. This page consists of the Out-of-Home Media column (below the Search by Media Type drop-down menu) and the main display area. The Out-of-Home Media database contains media for advertising in any out of the home areas (billboards, doctor’s offices, buses, etc.)

The Out-of-Home Media column has two tabs: Media and Reps & Networks.

When the database is first opened a link to a tutorial video is displayed in the main display area of the Media tab.

Media Tab The Out-of-Home Media column in the Media tab allows you to narrow your search by selecting one or more of the items in the column. The items are divided into two topics: Markets and Media Types.

Each topic area is expanded when the page first opens but may be collapsed by clicking on the arrow by each topic name.

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Items are selected by clicking on the check box beside the item you want. As you click on the check box, it is filled in and the media represented by that item (the number of media included in the item is indicated by the number in parentheses) is listed in the main display area. This list is similar to the Search Results page. See page 8 for information about the Search Results page.

The main display area has three icons, some sort selections, and two links.

The icons are List, Grid, and Print. The List and Grid icons affect the way the results are displayed. The List icon is the default display when the list is opened.

Clicking on the Grid icon will list the results in a table format. The information will be abbreviated compared to the List format but will be easier to compare the different media.

The table has columns for Featured/Alphabetical and Media Type.

The check boxes in the Featured/Alphabetical column allow you to select items for the report feature. See page 6 for information about the report feature.

Clicking on the media name will open the Out-of-Home Media page for that item. See page 22 for information about the Out-of-Home Media page.

The Print icon will open the list or grid page in a new window in a simplified format for printing. Use the print controls in the browser menu bar.

Both the List and Grid displays have Select All and Deselect All links that will select all the items on the page for inclusion in the report feature, or remove them from the report feature. See page 6 for information about the report feature.

Both displays also have a navigation tools that allows you to move from one page to another. The results are displayed 50 items to a page.

The List page, which is the default opening display, has sort selections that allow you to sort the results according to the alphabet (ascending or descending).

The default display is for Featured media to be listed. The Featured media are displayed at the

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beginning of the alphabetical listing.

Clicking on the entry title (name of the media) or the large icon will open the Out-of-Home Media page for that item. See page 22 for information about the Out-of-Home Media page.

Reps & Networks Tab The Out-of-Home Media column in the Reps & Networks tab has one selection: Reps & Networks. The main display area lists the media included in this selection.

The main display area has three icons, some sort selections, and two links.

The icons are List, Grid, and Print. The List and Grid icons affect the way the results are displayed. The List icon is the default display when the list is opened.

This tab is similar to and operates in a similar manner as the Media tab. See page 40 for information about the Media tab.

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Other SRDS Services The SRDS program Opening page has a Search by Media Type menu column on the left side of the page. This menu lists all the SRDS databases that are included in this program. See page 23 for information about these databases.

The lower part of this column has a section for links to Other SRDS Services. These include the Local Market Audience Analyst and a group of International Media Guides.

Local Market Audience Analyst Clicking on Local Market Audience Analyst in the Search by Media Type menu will open the Local Market Audience Analyst page in a new window. This page has a header with three links, a menu column on the left and the

display area in the main part of the page (which also has three links).

The header links are: Local Market Audience Analyst Overview, Contact SRDS and Close. The Local Market Audience Analyst Overview link will return you to the Local Market Audience Analyst page. The Contact SRDS link opens a page with an e-mail form and contact

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information. The Close link will close the special Local Market Audience Analyst window.

The main display area’s initial display is of an overview of the Local Market Audience Analyst program. It gives a brief description of the program and each of the four reports that are listed in the menu column.

This section also has a Click Here link that will open a page with links to tutorial videos. There are five videos available. One for an overview and one for each of the four reports.

The right side of the Overview section has three links in the section header. These are: Print & Copy Tips, Print, and Copy.

The Print & Copy Tips link will open a window (left) with information on how to

print and/or copy the reports and maps provided through this program.

The Print link will open the material in the display area in a new window (right) in a printer-friendly format. Click on the Print button in this window to print the material.

The Copy link with place the material in the display area in the computer’s clipboard. You may then copy it into another program such as Excel.

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The menu column lists the various reports that are available. These reports are in four sections: Market Profiles Reports, Lifestyle Analysis Reports, Demographics Reports, and PRIZM Reports. Each section has two or three selections and an Overview link. Each selection also has an information icon that will open a description of the selected material in a new

window (above). Each informational window is tailored to the material selected.

The Overview links each will open an overview description of the selected report section (right) in the display area.

Each report section in the menu column has two or three selections. These are described below.

Market Profiles Reports The Market Profiles Reports section has three selections: Demographic Overview, Lifestyle Ranking Index, and Area Map.

Each selection opens a search page in the main display area. All the search pages operate in a similar manner.

The Demographic Overview and Area Map search pages have only one box (Select a Single DMA or County). The Lifestyle Ranking Index search page is pictured. This page has a two-step

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search function.

Each of the boxes has items listed. Beside each item is a folder icon. Clicking on this icon will expand that item to display all the selections included in it. Some items will have folders with more folders in the expanded view. You may continue expanding folders until to reach the lowest level - items with radio buttons. Items are selected by clicking on the radio buttons.

In the two-step search function you select items from both boxes.

After making your selections click on the Search button in the lower right corner of the main display area.

The results of your search will be opened in the main display area, replacing the search function.

If you searched for a map, it will be opened in the main display area. The map will have a legend.

A new button will be added to the lower right corner, the New Search button. This will return you to the starting search function, with your original selections filled in, so that you may make a new search.

Lifestyle Analysis Reports The Lifestyle Analysis Reports section has three selections: Lifestyle Ranking Index, Market Potential Report, and Market Potential Map. Each of these selections will open search pages. These search pages are similar to and operate in a similar manner as the pages opens in the Market Profiles Reports section. See page 45 for information about the Market Profiles Reports section.

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Demographics Reports The Demographics Reports section has two selections: Demographic Concentration Report and Demographic Concentration Map. Each of these selections will open search pages. These search pages are similar to and operate in a similar manner as the pages opens in the Market Profiles Reports section. See page 45 for information about the Market Profiles Reports section.

PRIZM Reports The PRIZM Reports section has three selections: PRIZM Target Group Concentration Report, PRIZM Target Group Concentration Map, and PRIZM Target Group Lifestyle Report.

PRIZM is a lifestyle segmentation system that yields consumer insights to reveal customers’ preferences by combining demographic, consumer behavior, and geographic data to help marketers identify, understand and reach their customers and prospects.

Each of these selections will open search pages. These search pages are similar to and operate in a similar manner as the pages opens in the Market Profiles Reports section. See page 45 for information about the Market Profiles Reports section.

International Media Guides Clicking on International Media Guides in the Search by Media Type menu will expand the menu to include five more selections under International Media Guides. These are: Business: The Americas, Business: Asia-Pacific/Middle East/Africa, Business: Europe, Consumer: Worldwide, and Newspaper: Worldwide.

Business: The Americas Clicking on Business: The Americas will open a new window with the International Media Guide: Business - The Americas search page displayed. The search page opens with the Step 1: Select Search Type section ready for use. Select the type of search you want to make from the drop-down menu and click on the Search button.

This will open the Step 2 section. Depending on the type of search you may have one or more menus from which to select items. There are also items in a list that you may deselect to limit the search. After making your selections click on the Search button.

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This will open a results page with a column on the left displaying the media found in your search.

The name of the media (e.g., Boating Industry) is a link that will display information about that media in the right side of the page.

The top of the media section has two links: Tag for Output/Reports and Data Check. The Tag for Output/Reports link will add this media to the reports feature. This is accessed by clicking on Reports in the header menu. See page 49 for information about the Reports feature.

The Data Check link will open a window with an e-mail form so you may report suspected errors in the data.

The left column of the results page also has a View Profiles link. This will open a list of profiles of all the media listed in the left column in the right side of the page. Each media name in this profile listing is a link that will open the media in the right side of the page, replacing the profiles list.

Page Header

The header of the International Media Guide: Business - The Americas page has a menu bar with three selections. A fourth selection appears after a search has been made. These selections are: New Search, New Search: Class, Reports, and Int’l Resources Center.

New Search will return you to the initial opening page with only the Step 1 section displayed so you may start an all new search.

New Search: Class will return you to the search function displaying both Step 1 and Step 2 so that you would only have to change the selections in the Step 2 section.

Int’l Resource Center will open a new window with a list of links to useful web sites.

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Reports will open the Reports page. The left side will list any selected media (at the bottom of the column). Clicking on the Submit button will display the list on the right side of the page.

Once the report is displayed you

may print the report by using the browser print commands (e.g., Ctrl + P) or copy it by using cut and paste actions. The Report Printing & Saving Tips link will open a window (above, left) with information on how to print or save the report.

Business: Asia-Pacific/Middle East/Africa Clicking on Business: Asia Pacific/Middle East/Africa will open a new window with the International Media Guide: Business - Asia Pacific/Middle East/Africa search page displayed. The search page opens with the Step 1: Select Search Type section ready for use.

This page is similar to and operates in a similar manner as the International Media Guide: Business - The Americas page. Please see page 47 for information about the International Media Guide: Business - The Americas page.

Business: Europe, Consumer: Worldwide, and Newspaper: Worldwide The Business: Europe, Consumer: Worldwide, and Newspaper: Worldwide selections will open the page for the selected program. These pages are similar to and operate in a similar manner as the International Media Guide: Business - The Americas page. Please see page 47 for information about the International Media Guide: Business - The Americas page.