Standard Sieve Manual1

Post on 24-Oct-2014

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US Standard Sieve Openings

Sieve Number Opening, mm Wire Diameter, mm

4 4.76 1.27

5 4.00 1.12

6 3.36 1.02

7 2.83 0.92

8 2.38 0.84

10 2.00 0.76

12 1.68 0.69

14 1.41 0.61

16 1.19 0.54

18 1.00 0.48

20 0.84 0.42

25 0.71 0.37

30 0.59 0.33

35 0.500 0.29

40 0.420 0.25

45 0.345 0.22

50 0.300 0.188

60 0.250 0.162

70 0.210 0.140

80 0.177 0.119

100 0.149 0.102

120 0.125 0.086

140 0.105 0.074

170 0.088 0.063

200 0.074 0.053

230 0.062 0.046

270 0.053 0.041

325 0.044 0.036



Tyler Sieve Openings[Sizes in red are the same as US Standard]

Sieve Number Opening, mm Wire Diameter, mm

4 4.76 1.27

5 4.00 1.12

6 3.36 1.02

7 2.83 0.92

8 2.38 0.84

9 2.00 0.76

10 1.68 0.69

12 1.41 0.61

14 1.19 0.54

16 1.00 0.48

20 0.84 0.42

24 0.71 0.37

28 0.59 0.33

32 0.500 0.29

35 0.420 0.25

42 0.345 0.22

48 0.297 0.188

60 0.250 0.162

65 0.210 0.140

80 0.177 0.119

100 0.149 0.102

115 0.125 0.086

150 0.105 0.074

170 0.088 0.063

200 0.074 0.053

250 0.062 0.046

270 0.053 0.041

325 0.044 0.036

400 0.037  


Table of Standard Sieves Microns Inches U.S. Standard ASTME 11-61 British Standard BSS: 410-1989 Tyler

3360 0.1320 6 5 6

2830 0.1110 7 6 7

2380 0.0937 8 7 8

2000 0.0787 10 8 9

1680 0.0661 12 10 12

1410 0.5550 14 12 12

1190 0.4690 16 14 14

1000 0.0394 18 16 16

840 0.0331 20 18 20

707 0.2800 25 22 24

595 0.0232 30 25 28

500 0.0197 35 30 32

420 0.0165 40 36 35

354 0.0138 45 44 42

297 0.0117 50 52 48

250 0.0098 60 60 60

210 0.0083 70 72 65

177 0.0070 80 85 80

149 0.0059 100 100 100

125 0.0049 120 120 115

105 0.0041 140 150 150

88 0.0035 170 170 170

74 0.0029 200 200 200

63 0.0025 230 240 250

53 0.0021 270 300 270

44 0.0017 325 350 325

37 0.0015 400 400 400

32 0.0013 450 440 450

25 0.0010 500 – 500

20 0.0008 635 – 635

13 0.0005 1000 – 1000

10 0.0004 – – 1250

5 0.0002 – – 5000

1 0.00004 1 – 10000





Tyler ScreenScale Equiv.


Standard(a) Alternate mm equiv-alent

mm equi-valent

125 mm 125 5 8 0.315  106 mm 4.24 in. 106 4.24 6.4 0.252  100 mm 4.0 in. (b) 100 4 6.3 0.248  

90 mm 3 1/2 in. 90 3.5 6.08 0.2394  75 mm 3.0 in. 75 3 5.8 0.2283  63 mm 2 1/2 in. 63 2.5 5.5 0.2165  53 mm 2.12 in. 53 2.12 5.15 0.2028  50 mm 2.0 in. (b) 50 2 5.05 0.1988  45 mm 1 3/4 in. 45 1.75 4.85 0.1909  

37.5 mm 1 1/2 in. 37.5 1.5 4.59 0.1807  31.5 mm 1 1/4 in. 31.5 1.25 4.23 0.1665  26.5 mm 1.06 in. 26.5 1.06 3.9 0.1535 1.050 in.

25.0 mm 1.0 in. (b) 25 1 3.8 0.1496  22.4 mm 7/8 in. 22.4 0.875 3.5 0.1378 .883 in.

19.0 mm 3/4 in. 19 0.75 3.3 0.1299 .742 in.

16.0 mm 5/8 in. 16 0.625 3 0.1181 .624 in.

13.2 mm .530 in. 13.2 0.53 2.75 0.1083 .525 in.

12.5 mm 1/2 in. (b) 12.5 0.5 2.67 0.1051  11.2 mm 7/16 in. 11.2 0.438 2.45 0.0965 .441 in.

9.5 mm 3/8 in. 9.5 0.375 2.27 0.0894 .371 in.

8.0 mm 5/16 in. 8 0.312 2.07 0.0815 2 1/2 mesh

6.7 mm .265 in. 6.7 0.265 1.87 0.0736 3.0 mesh

6.3 mm 1/4 in. (b) 6.3 0.25 1.82 0.0717  5.6 mm No. 3 1/2 © 5.6 0.223 1.68 0.0661 3 1/2 mesh

4.75 mm No. 4 4.75 0.187 1.54 0.0606 4 mesh

4.00 mm No. 5 4 0.157 1.37 0.0539 5 mesh

3.35 mm No. 6 3.35 0.132 1.23 0.0484 6 mesh

2.80 mm No. 7 2.8 0.111 1.1 0.043 7 mesh

2.36 mm No. 8 2.36 0.0937 1 0.0394 8 mesh

2.00 mm No. 10 2 0.0787 0.9 0.0354 9 mesh

1.70 mm No. 12 1.7 0.0661 0.81 0.0319 10 mesh

1.40 mm No. 14 1.4 0.0555 0.725 0.0285 12 mesh

1.18 mm No. 16 1.18 0.0469 0.65 0.0256 14 mesh

1.00 mm No. 18 1 0.0394 0.58 0.02285 16 mesh

850 um No. 20 0.85 0.0331 0.51 0.0201 20 mesh

710 um No. 25 0.71 0.0278 0.45 0.0177 24 mesh

600 um No. 30 0.6 0.0234 0.39 0.0154 28 mesh

500 um No. 35 0.5 0.0197 0.34 0.0134 32 mesh

425 um No. 40 0.425 0.0165 0.29 0.0114 35 mesh

355 um No. 45 0.355 0.0139 0.247 0.0097 42 mesh

300 um No. 50 0.3 0.0117 0.215 0.0085 48 mesh

250 um No. 60 0.25 0.0098 0.18 0.0071 60 mesh

212 um No. 70 0.212 0.00083 0.152 0.006 65 mesh

180 um No. 80 0.18 0.007 0.131 0.0052 80 mesh

150 um No. 100 0.15 0.0059 0.11 0.0043 100 mesh

125 um No. 120 0.125 0.0049 0.091 0.0036 115 mesh

106 um No. 140 0.106 0.0041 0.076 0.003 150 mesh

90 um No. 170 0.09 0.0035 0.064 0.0025 170 mesh

75 um No. 200 0.075 0.0029 0.053 0.0021 200 mesh

63 um No. 230 0.063 0.0025 0.044 0.0017 250 mesh

53 um No. 270 0.053 0.0021 0.037 0.0015 270 mesh

45 um No 325 0.045 0.0017 0.03 0.012 325 mesh

38 um No. 400 0.038 0.0015 0.025 0.001 400 mesh


(a) These standard designations correspond to the values for test sieve apertures recommended by the International Standards Organization Geneva, Switzerland.

(b) These sieves are not in the fourth root of 2 Series, but they have been included because they are in common usage.

(c) These numbers (3 1/2 to 400) are the approximate number of openings per linear inch but it is preferred that the sieve be identified by the standard designation in millimeters or um.



Tyler Standard




USA Sieve SeriesEquivalents

Openingin Inches

OpeningIn inches



1.05 1.05   26.5 mm 1.06 in.

  0.883   22.4 mm 7/8 in.

0.742 0.742   19.0 mm 3/4 in.

  0.624   16.0 mm 5/8 in.

0.525 0.525   13.2 mm .530 in.

  0.441   11.2 mm 7/16 in.

0.371 0.371   9.5 mm 3/8 in.

  0.312 2.5 8.0 mm 5/16 in.

0.263 0.263 3 6.7 mm .265 in.

  0.221 3.5 5.6 mm No. 3 1/2

0.185 0.185 4 4.75 mm No. 4

  0.156 5 4.00 mm No. 5

0.131 0.131 6 3.35 mm No. 6

  0.11 7 2.80 mm No. 7

0.093 0.093 8 2.36 mm No. 8

  0.078 9 2.00 mm No. 10

0.065 0.065 10 1.70 mm No. 12

  0.055 12 1.40 mm No. 14

0.046 0.046 14 1.18 mm No. 16

  0.039 16 1.00 mm No. 18

0.0328 0.0328 20 850 um No. 20

  0.0276 24 710 um No. 25

0.0232 0.0232 28 600 um No. 30

  0.0195 32 500 um No. 35

0.0164 0.0164 35 425 um No. 40

  0.0138 42 355 um No. 45

0.0116 0.0116 48 300 um No. 50

  0.0097 60 250 um No. 60

0.0082 0.0082 65 212 um No. 70

  0.0069 80 180 um No. 80

0.0058 0.0058 100 150 um No. 100

  0.0049 115 125 um No. 120

0.0041 0.0041 150 106 um No. 140

  0.0035 170 90 um No. 170

0.0029 0.0029 200 75 um No. 200

  0.0024 250 63 um No. 230

0.0021 0.0021 270 53 um No. 270

  0.0017 325 45 um No. 235

0.0015 0.0015 400 38 um No. 400

  In the table of the Tyler Standard Screen Scale Sieve Series both the square root of two Series as well as the expanded series for closer sizing according to the fourth root of two as shown.


  Stainless Steel Bolting Cloth is woven of extremely smooth, highly durable wire to speed up the bolting action and increase the capacity of screening machines.

      Tensile Bolting Cloth is ideal for industrial uses where a combination of high capacity and strength is required. 

Meshes Per Linear Inch

Opening Wire Diameter

Open Area

Inches M.M. Inches M.M.

14 Mesh 0.0624" 1.580 0.009" 0.229 76.4%

16 Mesh 0.0535" 1.359 0.009" 0.229 73.3%

18 Mesh 0.0466" 1.184 0.009" 0.229 70.2%

20 Mesh 0.0410" 1.041 0.009" 0.229 67.2%

22 Mesh 0.0380" 0.965 0.0075" 0.191 69.7%

24 Mesh 0.0342" 0.869 0.0075" 0.191 67.2%

26 Mesh 0.0310" 0.787 0.0075" 0.191 64.8%

28 Mesh 0.0282" 0.716 0.0075" 0.191 62.4%

30 Mesh 0.0268" 0.681 0.0065" 0.165 64.8%

32 Mesh 0.0248" 0.630 0.0065" 0.165 62.7%

34 Mesh 0.0229" 0.582 0.0065" 0.165 60.7%

36 Mesh 0.0213" 0.541 0.0065" 0.165 58.7%

38 Mesh 0.0198" 0.503 0.0065" 0.165 56.7%

40 Mesh 0.0185" 0.470 0.0065" 0.165 54.8%

42 Mesh 0.0183" 0.465 0.0055" 0.140 59.1%

43 Mesh 0.0183" 0.465 0.0050" 0.127 61.8%

44 Mesh 0.0172" 0.437 0.0055" 0.140 57.5%

46 Mesh 0.0162" 0.412 0.0055" 0.140 55.8%

46 Mesh 0.0172" 0.437 0.0045" 0.114 62.9%

48 Mesh 0.0153" 0.389 0.0055" 0.140 54.2%

48 Mesh 0.0163" 0.414 0.0045" 0.114 61.5%

50 Mesh 0.0145" 0.369 0.0055" 0.140 52.5%

50 Mesh 0.0155" 0.394 0.0045" 0.114 60.1%

54 Mesh 0.0130" 0.331 0.0055" 0.140 49.4%

54 Mesh 0.0145" 0.368 0.0040" 0.102 61.5%

56 Mesh 0.0138" 0.351 0.0040" 0.102 60.2%

58 Mesh 0.0127" 0.323 0.0045" 0.114 54.6%

58 Mesh 0.0132" 0.335 0.0040" 0.102 59.0%

60 Mesh 0.0122" 0.310 0.0045" 0.114 53.3%

60 Mesh 0.0127" 0.323 0.0040" 0.102 57.8%

62 Mesh 0.0116" 0.295 0.0045" 0.114 52.0%

62 Mesh 0.1210" 0.307 0.0040" 0.102 56.5%

64 Mesh 0.0111" 0.282 0.0045" 0.114 50.7%

66 Mesh 0.0112" 0.285 0.0040" 0.102 54.2%

70 Mesh 0.0106" 0.269 0.0037" 0.094 54.9%

72 Mesh 0.0102" 0.259 0.0037" 0.094 53.8%

74 Mesh 0.0098" 0.249 0.0037" 0.094 52.7%

76 Mesh 0.0095" 0.241 0.0037" 0.094 51.7%

78 Mesh 0.0091" 0.231 0.0037" 0.094 50.6%

80 Mesh 0.0088" 0.224 0.0037" 0.094 49.6%

84 Mesh 0.0084" 0.213 0.0035" 0.089 49.8%

88 Mesh 0.0079" 0.201 0.0035" 0.089 47.9%

94 Mesh 0.0071" 0.180 0.0035" 0.089 45.0%

105 Mesh 0.0065" 0.165 0.0030" 0.076 46.9%

120 Mesh 0.0057" 0.145 0.0026" 0.066 47.3%

130 Mesh 0.0059" 0.152 0.0017" 0.043 60.7%

135 Mesh 0.0051" 0.129 0.0023" 0.058 47.4%

145 Mesh 0.0047" 0.119 0.0022" 0.056 46.4%

160 Mesh 0.0048" 0.123 0.0014" 0.035 60.2%

165 Mesh 0.0042" 0.107 0.0019" 0.048 47.1%

200 Mesh 0.0034" 0.086 0.0016" 0.041 46.2%

230 Mesh 0.0029" 0.074 0.0014" 0.036 46.0%

270 Mesh 0.0023" 0.058 0.0014" 0.036 38.6%

325 Mesh 0.0020" 0.051 0.0011" 0.028 41.3%

Vibrating Screen Bed

Depth Formula


The feed to a vibrating wire mesh screen contains a mixture of material in varying sizes. The oversized material will retard passage of the undersized material, creating a temporary restriction which results in a build-up (bed) of material on the surface of the screen. 

Bed depth diminishes as the undersize material passes through the wire mesh screen apertures.  

The material bed should not be allowed to reach a depth that prevents the undersize from stratifying before discharge at the wire mesh screen surface end. 

Generally, the discharge end bed depth should not exceed four times the size of the wire mesh screen surface aperture when separating 100 lbs. per cubic foot material, or three times for 50 lbs. per cubic foot material.


Aggregate, Ore and Gravel Screening Formula for calculating theoretical discharge end bed depth:


   ______O x C______     5 x T x


= Inches of Bed Depth

  DBD = Discharge End Bed Depth

O = Oversize in STPH

C = Cubic Feet Per Ton of Material

5 = Formula Constant

T =  Rate of Travel (nominal 75 fpm for inclined screen at slope of 18º to 20º with flow rotation and nominal 45 fpm for horizontal screen)

W = Width of Screening Area in Feet

Basic Wire Cloth and Wire Mesh Weaving Methods

The weave type is the manner in which warp (lengthwise with roll) and weft (across roll width) wires are interwoven. Each weave type has special advantages which must be considered when selecting the correct type for a specific application.   

Wire Cloth is woven in two general classifications, common (loom force crimped) or precrimped, both groups include a wide variety of distinct patterns.  

Common Weaves

Specifications of 10 Mesh or finer are typically woven of smooth drawn wires which are "force crimped" into place during the weaving operation by the loom ram. 

As the ram (often referred to as the beater) moves forward pushing the weft wire into position between the warp wires, both warp and weft wires are deformed (crimped) in a proportional relation to the wire tensile/yield strength.

Wire cloth is most frequently produced in common weave patterns as it is more economical in course to medium mesh production and essential in the production of fine mesh specifications. 

Precrimped WeavesSpecifications coarser than 10 mesh are typically woven of wire that has been crimped before the weaving process.


Precrimped weaves are produced in two separate operations, first the wires (typically both warp and weft) are crimped (deformed) to suit the selected pattern and mesh count, then the "precrimped" wires are woven together on the loom. The crimping operation may be accomplished through the use of a wheel crimper or a punch crimper.  The wheel crimper is more practical in finer mesh specifications and coarser mesh specifications on substantial quantity production runs. Punch crimping is most practical when working with larger diameter wire due to its strength, or when production

Common Weaves, Wire Cloth Weaving Styles


Plain Woven

The most popular wire cloth weave.  Each weft wire passes alternately over and under each warp wire and each warp wire passes alternately over and under each weft wire. Warp and weft wire diameters are generally the same.



Twill Weave

Each weft wire alternately passes over two, then under two successive warp wires and each warp wire passes alternately over two and under two successive weft wires, in a staggered arrangement. Twill weave is normally used to allow a heavier than standard wire diameter in association with a given mesh.



Plain Dutch Weave

While the warp wires remain straight, the weft wires are plain woven to lie as close as possible against each other in a linen weave forming a dense strong material with small, irregular and twisting passageways that appear triangular when diagonally viewing the weave.



Dutch Twill Weave

Similar to Plain Dutch weave, except that the weave is twilled, allowing a double layer of weft wires. There are no apertures in the true sense of the word as the filtrate follows a sinuous path through the depth of the wire cloth.



Reverse Dutch Weave

This is the reverse of the Plain Hollander (Dutch) weave, in that the weft wires are heavier than the warp wires.

Pre-crimped Weaves, Wire Cloth Weaving Styles

Wire cloth woven of previously crimped wires provides accurate openings and  is woven tighter than plain weave. Pre-crimped weaves are preferred for  vibrating screens and many other applications where sizing is critical.   Space Screen and Square Mesh in 10 mesh and coarser are typically woven of precrimped wires.



Visit Common Loom Weave Specification Page 

Main Index    Product Specifications    Weaves     Reference    Source

 Comparative Gauge / Decimal Wire Diameters

Gauge sizes are indicated as whole numbers, the tables below give the decimal equivalents of the different gauge numbers.  Much confusion has resulted from the use of gauge numbers, in ordering wire cloth or wire mesh it is preferable to state the exact dimensions in decimal fractions of an inch or a millimeter.  The decimal method of indicating wire diameters has the advantage of being self-explanatory, whereas arbitrary gauge numbers are not.  

Most common wire cloth specifications such as Bolting Cloth,  Filter Cloth, Fine Mesh, Market Grade and Mill Grade utilize decimal wire diameters. 

Industrial Hardware Cloth and Space Cloth specifications are typically identified by a gauge number rather than the actual decimal value of the wire


Gauge Number

  Washburn    & Moen

British Imperial Standard (S.W.G.)

Birmingham or Stubs

American or Brown &


7/0 .4900" .500" --- ---

6/0 .4615" .464" --- .5800"

5/0 .4305" .432" .500" .5165"

4/0 .3938" .400" .454" .4600"

3/0 .3625" .372" .425" .4096"

2/0 .3310" .348" .380" .3648"

1/0 .3065" .324" .340" .3249"

1 .2830" .300" .300" .2893"

2 .2625" .276" .284" .2576"

3 .2437" .252" .259" .2294"

4 .2253" .232" .238" .2043"

5 .2070" .212" .220" .1819"

6 .1920" .192" .203" .1620"

7 .1770" .176" .180" .1442"

8 .1620" .160" .165" .1284"

9 .1483" .144" .148" .1144"

10 .1350" .128" .134" .1018"

11 .1205" .116" .120" .0907"

12 .1055" .104" .109" .0808"

13 .0915" .092" .095" .0719"

14 .0800" .080" .083" .0640"

15 .0720" .072" .072" .0570"

16 .0625" .064" .065" .0508"

17 .0540" .056" .058" .0452"

18 .0475" .048" .049" .0403"

19 .0410" .040" .042" .0358"

20 .0348" .036" .035" .0319"

Gauge Number

  Washburn   & Moen

British Imperial Standard (S.W.G.)

Birmingham or Stubs

American or Brown &


21 .0317" .032" .032" .0284"

22 .0286" .028" .028" .0253"

23 .0258" .024" .025" .0225"

24 .0230" .022" .022" .0201"

25 .0204" .020" .020" .0179"

26 .0181" .018" .018" .0159"

27 .0173" .0164" .016" .0141"

28 .0162" .0148" .014" .0126"

29 .0150" .0136" .013" .0112"

30 .0140" .0124" .012" .0100"

31 .0132" .0116" .010" .0089"

32 .0128" .0108" .009" .0079"

33 .0118" .0100" .008" .0070"

34 .0104" .0092" .007" .0063"

35 .0095" .0084" .005" .0056"

36 .0090" .0076" .004" .0050"

37 .0085" .0068" --- .0044"

38 .0080" .0060" --- .0039"

39 .0075" .0052" --- .0035"

40 .0070" .0048" --- .0031"

41 .0066" .0044" --- .00280"

42 .0062" .0040" --- .00249"

43 .0060" .0036" --- .00222"

44 .0058" .0032" --- .00198"

45 .0055" .0028" -- .00176"

46 .0052" .0024" --- .00157"

47 .0050" .0020" --- .00140"

48 .0048" .0016" --- .00124"

49 .0046" .0012" -- .00111"

50 .0044" .0010" -- .00099"

Most of the specification tables provided in this handbook include both imperial and metric decimal diameter values

Diameter Tolerances

Weaving Wire

  The wire diameter tolerance before weaving shall be in compliance with the table below.  Mechanical deformation of the wire occurs during the weaving process, therefore the wire diameter if measured

after weaving, should only be interpreted as a guide to the original diameter prior to weaving. 

Stainless Steels

Wire Diameter Tolerance

Inch mm Inch mm

0.500 and larger 12,70 and larger +/-0.0020 +/-0,05

Under 0.5000 to 0.3125 Under 12,70 to 7,94 +/-0.0015 +/-0.04

Under 0.3125 to 0.0440 Under 7,94 to 1,12 +/-0.0010 +/-0,03

Under 0.0440 to 0.0330 Under 1,12 to 0,84 +/-0.0008 +/-0,02

Under 0.0330 to 0.0240 Under 0,84 to 0,61 +/-0.0005 +/-0,013

Under 0.0240 to 0.0120 Under 0,61 to 0,30 +/-0.0004 +/-0.010

Under 0.0120 to 0.0080 Under 0,30 to 0,20 +/-0.0003 +/-0,008

Under 0.0080 to 0.0048 Under 0,20 to 0,12 +/-0.0002 +/-0,005

Under 0.0048 Under 0,12 +/-0.0001 +/-0,003


Carbon Steels

Wire Diameter Tolerance

Inch mm Inch mm

0.500 and larger 12,70 and larger +/-0.0030 +/-0,08

Under 0.5000 to 0.0800 Under 12,70 to 2,03 +/-0.0020 +/-0.05

Under 0.0800 to 0.0350 Under 2,03 to 0,89 +/-0.0010 +/-0,03

Under 0.0350 to 0.0280 Under 0,89 to 0,71 +/-0.0008 +/-0,02

Under 0.0280 to 0.0200 Under 0,71 to 0,51 +/-0.0006 +/-0,015

Under 0.0200 to 0.0160 Under 0,51 to 0,41 +/-0.0005 +/-0.013

Under 0.0160 to 0.0110 Under 0,41 to 0,28 +/-0.0004 +/-0,010

Under 0.0110 to 0.0060 Under 0,28 to 0,15 +/-0.0003 +/-0,008

Under 0.0060 to 0.0045 Under 0,15 to 0,11 +/-0.0002 +/-0,005

Physical Properties of Wire 

Wire MaterialNominal Tensile  psi

  Electrical Conductivity

Density (lb./cubic

in.)Hard Drawn Annealed

Aluminum 5154 65,000 40,000 29% 0.095

Brass 80/20 130,000 50,000 32% 0.313

Bronze 90/10 110,000 45,000 44% 0.318

Copper 65,000 40,000 100% 0.322

Incoloy® 800 175,000 100,000 1.9% 0.287

Inconel® 600 200,000 100,000 1.8% 0.304

Monel® 400 140,000 75,000 3.6% 0.319

Nickel 200 150,000 75,000 18% 0.321

Nichrome® 1 250,000 110,000 1.6% 0.288

Stainless Steel T-304 300,000 110,000 2.4% 0.290

Steel, High Carbon 300,000 160,000 17% 0.283

Steel, Low Carbon 120,000 52,000 17% 0.284


Corrosion Resistance of Stainless Steel Wire Cloth

  Standard Stainless Steel grades T-304, T-316 and T-430 are amoung the most popular materials utilized in wire cloth weaving.  Stainless Steel is generally resistant to atmospheric corrosion, foodstuffs, sterilizing solutions, dyestuffs, many organic chemicals and a variety of inorganic chemicals. 



A*    Recommended, pitting may result under certain conditions.


B   Subject to light chemical attack, use with care.

B*    Subject to light chemical attack, pitting may result under certain conditions.


C   Material was chemically attacked, not recommended.

N    Material not tested, no results available


-A-Chemical / Substance Temp. ºF 302/304 316 430

Acetic Acid5 to 20% 70º A A A

50% 70º A A A80% 70º A A A

100% 70º A A A50% Boiling B A C80% Boiling C A C

100% Boiling B A C

Acetic Anhydride 

90% 70º A A A90% Boiling A A B

Acetic Vapors       

30% Hot B A N100% Hot C B N

Acetone70º A A A

  Boiling A A A

Acetylene70º A A A

Alcohol, Ethyl70º A A A

  Boiling A A A

Alcohol, Methyl70º A A A

  150º B A B

AluminumMolten C C C

Aluminum Acetate 

Saturated 70º A A NSaturated Boiling A A N

Aluminum Chloride   

25% 70º C B CSaturated 70º A N A

Aluminum Fluoride70º C B C

Aluminum HydroxideSaturated 70º A A A

Aluminum Potassium Sulphate2% and 10% 70º A* A A*2% and 10% Boiling A* A B*

Saturated Boiling A* A B*

Aluminum Sulphate10% 70º A* A C

Saturated 70º A* A C

10% Boiling A* A* CSaturated Boiling A* A* C

Ammonia (Dry or Moist) 

All Concentrations 70º- 212º A A AAnhydrous 70º A A AAnhydrous Hot C C C

Ammonium Bicarbonate70º - Hot A A A

Ammonium Carbonate1% - 5% 70º A A A

aerated or agitated 70º A A A

Ammonium Chloride1% 70º A* A A

10 - 28 - 50% Boiling A* A* N

Ammonium NitrateAll Concentrations 70º A A A

Saturated Boiling A A A

Ammonium Oxalate, 5%70º A A A

Ammonium Persulphate, 5%70º A A A

Ammonium Perchlorate, 10%Boiling A A A

Ammonium Phosphate5% 70º A A A

Saturated 70º A A A

Ammonium Sulphate1% and 5% 70º A A A

10% Boiling A* A* NSaturated Boiling A* A* N

Ammonium Sulphite70º A A N

Boiling A A N

Aniline, 3%70º A A A

Concentrated Crude 70º A A A

Aniline Hydrochloride70º C C C

AntimonyMolten C C C

Antimony Trichloride70º C C C

Amyl Acetate (conc.)70º A A A

Amyl Chloride70º A A B

Arsenic Acid150º A A N

-B-Chemical / Substance Temp. ºF 302/304 316 430

Barium Carbonate70º A A A

Barium Chloride5% 70º A* A B*

Saturated 70º A* A A*Aqueous Solution Hot A* A* N

Barium NitrateAqueous Solution Hot A A N

Barium Sulphate70º A A A

Barium SulphideSaturated Solution 70º A A A

Beer70º A A A

Barley- Malt and Hops70º A A A

Alcohol 3-1/2% to 4-1/2%160º A A N

Benzene70º A A A

Benzoic Acid70º A A A

Benzel70º A A A

Blood (Meat Juices)Cold A* A A*

Borax 5%Hot A A A

Boric Acid5% Hot A A A

Saturated Solution Boiling A* A* A*

Bromine70º C C C

Buttermilk70º A A A

Butyric Acid5% Hot A A A5% 150º A A A

Aqueous Solution Sp. G. .964 Boiling A A A

-C-Chemical / Substance Temp. ºF 302/304 316 430

Calcium Carbonate70º A A A

Calcium ChlorateDilute Solution 70º A A NDilute Solution Hot A A N

Calcium ChlorideDilute Solution 70º A* A* B*

Concentrated Solution 70º A* A* B*

Calcium Hydroxide10% Boiling A A N20% Boiling A A N50% Boiling B A N

Calcium Hypochlorite 2%70º A* A* B*

Calcium SulphateSaturated 70º A A A

Carbolic AcidCP 70º A A ACP Hot A A A

Carbonated WaterCarbonic Acid Cold-Hot A A A

Carbon Bisulphide70º A A A

Carbon Monoxide Gas1400º A A A

1600º A A A

Carbon TetrachlorideCP (Dry) 70º A A ACP (Dry) Boiling A A A

Aqueous Solution 10% 70º B* A* B

ChinosolAntiseptic Solution 1-500 70º A A N

Chloracetic Acid70º C B C

Chlorbenzol (Pure, Dry)70º A A A

Chloric Acid70º C C C

Chlorinated WaterSaturated 70º C B* C

Chlorine GasDry Gas 70º B B B

Moist Gas 70º C C C

Chloroform (Dry)70º A A A

Chromic AcidCP 10% 70º A A ACP 10% Boiling B A CCP 50% Boiling B B C

Chromic Acid50% Commercial 70º A A N50% Commercial Boiling C C C

Chromium Plating Bath70º A A N

Cider70º A A A

Citric Acid10% 70º A A A25% 70º A A A50% 70º A A N10% Boiling A A B25% Boiling C A N50% Boiling C A N

Coca-Cola Syrup70º A A A

CoffeeBoiling A A A

Copper AcetateSaturated 70º A A A

Copper CarbonateSaturated Solution in 50%


Copper Chloride1% Aerated 70º A* A* A*5% Aerated 70º C B* C

Copper CyanideSaturated Boiling A A A

Copper Nitrate5% 70º A A A

50% Boiling A A N

Copper Sulphate 

5% Aerated 70º A A A50% Boiling A A N

Creosote (Coal Tar)Hot A A A

Cyanogen Gas70º A A N

-D-Chemical / Substance Temp. ºF 302/304 316 430

DichloroethaneBoiling A A N

DinitrochlorobenzeneMelted and Solidified 70º A A A

Dyewood Liquor70º A* A N

-E-Chemical / Substance Temp. ºF 302/304 316 430

Epsom SaltMagnesium Sulphate Cold-Hot A* A* A

Ether70º A A A

Ethyl Alcohol 10% to 100%70º A A A

Ethyl Chloride (Dry)70º A A A

Ethylene Glycol, Concentrated70º A A A

-F-Chemical / Substance Temp. ºF 302/304 316 430

Ferric ChlorideAll Concentrations 70º C C C

Ferric Hydroxide70º A A N

Ferric Nitrate, All Concentrations

70º A A A

Ferrous Chloride, Saturated70º C B N

Ferrous Sulphate10% 70º A* A B10% Boiling A A N

Fluorine (Gas)70º C C C


(Formaldehyde 40%) 70º A* A A*

Formic Acid5% 70º A A A10% 70º A A A50% 70º A A N

100% 70º A A N10% Boiling A A C50% Boiling A A C

100% Boiling A A N

Fruit Juices70º A A A

Fuel OilHot A A N

Furfural70º A A N

-G-Chemical / Substance Temp. ºF 302/304 316 430

Gallic Acid5% 70º A A A5% 150º A A A

Saturated 212ºF Boiling A A A

Gasoline70º A A A

Gelatine70º A A A

GlueDry 70º A* A A

Solution Acid 70º B* A* NSolution Acid 140º B* A* N

Glycerine70º A A A

-H-Chemical / Substance Temp. ºF 302/304 316 430

Hydrobromic Acid70º C C C

Hydrochloric AcidAll Concentrations 70º C C C

Hydrocyanic Acid70º A A B

Hydrofluoric AcidAll Concentrations Hot - 70º C C C

Hydrofluosilicic Acid70º C C N

Hydrogen Peroxide70º A A A

Boiling A A A

Hydrogen SulphideDry 70º A A AWet 70º B** A** B**

** Attack may occur if sulphuric acid is present.

-I-Chemical / Substance Temp. ºF 302/304 316 430

Iodine70º C C C

Iodoform70º A A N

-K-Chemical / Substance Temp. ºF 302/304 316 430

Kerosene70º A A A

Ketchup70º A* A A*

-L-Chemical / Substance Temp. ºF 302/304 316 430

Lactic Acid1%, 5% and 10% 70º A A A

1% Boiling A A A5% Boiling B A B10% Boiling B A C

Lard70º A A A

Lead (Molten)1000º B B B

Lead Acetate 5%Boiling A A N

Linseed Oil70º A A A

Lysol70º A A C

-M-Chemical / Substance Temp. ºF 302/304 316 430

Magnesium CarbonateAll Concentrations 70º A A A

Magnesium Chloride1% and 5% 70º A* A* A1% and 5% Hot B* A* B

Magnesium Hydroxide70º A A A

Magnesium NitrateAll Concentrations 70º A A A

Malic AcidCold-Hot A A A

Mayonnaise70º A* A N

Mercuric Chloride Dil. Sol.200º C C C

MercuryA A A

Methanol (See Methyl Alcohol)

Milk (Fresh or Sour)Cold-Hot A A A

Mixed Acids50% H2SO4 + 50% HNO3 Cold A A N

200º A A NBoiling B B N

70% H2SO4 + 10% HNO3 +20% Water Cold A A N

  200º A A NBoiling C C N

15% H2SO4 + 5% HNO3 +80% Water 200º A A N

Boiling A A N

MolassesA A A

Molybdic Acid 5%70º A A N

Mustard70º A* A* B*

Muriatic Acid70º C C C

-N-Chemical / Substance Temp. ºF 302/304 316 430

Naptha Pure  70º A A A

Naptha Crude70º A A N

Nickel Chloride Sol.70º A* A* N

Nickel Sulphate Sol.70º A* A* N

Niter CokeFused A A A

Nitric AcidAll Concentrations 70º A A A

5% Boiling A A B20%, 40% and 65% Boiling A A A

Concentrated Boiling A A BFuming Conc. 70º A A AFuming Conc. Boiling C C C

Nitrous Acid 5%70º A A A

-O-Chemical / Substance Temp. ºF 302/304 316 430

Oils CrudeCold-Hot A** A** A**

Oils, Vegetable and Mineral Cold-Hot A** A** A**

Oleic Acid5% 70º A A A

10% 70º A A A10% Boiling C B C25% Boiling C B N50% Boiling C B N

Oxalic Acid

5% 70º A A A10% 70º A A A10% Boiling C B C25% Boiling C B N50% Boiling C B N

** Attack may occur if sulphuric acid is present.


Corrosion Resistance of Stainless Steel Wire Mesh

Stainless Steel is generally resistant to atmospheric corrosion, foodstuffs, sterilizing solutions, dyestuffs, many organic chemicals and a variety of inorganic chemicals.  The selection of the most suitable stainless steel grade for a given environmental condition should be given careful consideration.



A*    Recommended, pitting may result under certain conditions.


B   Subject to light chemical attack, use with care.

B*    Subject to light chemical attack, pitting may result under certain conditions.


C   Material was chemically attacked, not recommended.

N    Material not tested, no results available


316430Chemical / Substance

ParaffinTemp. ºF302/304Cold-Hot A A A

Petroleum EtherA A A

Phenol (See Carbolic Acid)

Phenolic ResinsCold-Hot A A N

Phosphoric Acid1% and 5% 70º A A A1% and 5% Boiling A A A

10% Still 70º A A A10% Boiling B A C50% Boiling C A N

Picric Acid70º A A A

Pine Tar OilCold-Hot A A N

Potassium Bichromate25% 70º A A A25% Boiling A A N

Potassium Bromide70º A* A* N

Potassium CarbonateSolution 70º A A ASolution Boiling A A A

Potassium Chlorate, SaturatedBoiling A A A

Potassium Chloride1% and 5% 70º A* A* A*1% and 5% Boiling A* A* N

Potassium DichromateAll Concentrations Cold-Hot A A A

Potassium Ferricyanide5% 70º A A A

5% and 25% Boiling A A N

Potassium Ferrocyanide70º A A A

Potassium Hydroxide5% 70º A A A

27% and 50% Boiling A A N

Potassium IodideAll Concentrations Cold-Hot A A N

Potassium Nitrate50% 70º A A N50% Boiling A A N

Potassium OxalateA A A

Potassium Permanganate5% 70º A A A5% Boiling A A N

Potassium Sulphate1% 70º A A A5% 70º A A A5% Hot A A N

Potassium Sulphide Sol.Hot A A N

Pyrogallic AcidA A A

-Q-Chemical / Substance Temp. ºF 302/304 316 430

Quinine Bisulphate, dry  A A A

Quinine Sulphate, dryA A A

-R-Chemical / Substance Temp. ºF 302/304 316 430

RosinMolten A A A

-S-Chemical / Substance Temp. ºF 302/304 316 430

Sauerkraut Brine70º C A N

Sea Water70º A* A B*

SewageA** A** N

Silver BromideB* A* C

Silver ChlorideC C C

Silver Nitrate 

10% 70º A A A10% Boiling A A A

Soaps70º A A A

Sodium Acetate, MoistA* A A

Sodium BicarbonateAll Concentrations 70º A A A

5% 150º A A A

Sodium Bichromate  A A A

Sodium Bisulphate

10% 70º A A N10% Boiling A A N

Sodium BorateAll Concentrations Cold-Hot A A A

Sodium Carbonate5% Boiling A A A

50% Boiling A A NMolten 1650º C C N

Sodium Chlorate25% Cold-Hot A A N

Sodium ChlorideAll Concentrations 70º A* A* A*

Saturated 70º A* A NSaturated Boiling A* A N

Sodium CitrateAll Concentrations Cold-Hot A A N

Sodium Fluoride5% A* A* B*

Sodium Hydroxide20% and 30% 70º A A A

20% Boiling A A N30% Boiling A A B

Molten 650º A A N

Sodium Hypochlorite5% 70º B* A* C

Sodium Hyposulphite70º A A A*

Sodium NitriteAll Concentrations Cold-Hot A A A

Sodium Perchlorate10% 70º A A N10% Boiling A A N

Sodium Peroxide10% 70º A A N10% Boiling A A N

Sodium Phosphate5% Cold-Hot A A N

Sodium Sulphate5% 70º A A A

Saturated Boiling A A B

Sodium Sulphide5% 70º A* A A*

50% Boiling A* A B*

Sodium Sulfite5% 70º A A B

25% and 50% Boiling A A A

Sodium Thiosulphate25% 70º A** A** N

Saturated 70º A** A** ASaturated Boiling A** A** A

Acid Fixing Bath (Hypo) 70º A A N

Stannic ChlorideSp. Gr. 1.21 70º C B NSp. Gr. 1.21 Boiling C C N

Stannous ChlorideSaturated 120º B A NSaturated Boiling N C N

SteamA A A

Stearic Acid70º A A A

Strontium Hydroxide  A A N

Strontium Nitrate Sol.Hot A A N

Sugar JuiceHot A A A

SulphurFused 265º A A NBoiling 830º C C N

Sulphur ChlorideCold-Hot C C C

Sulphur Dioxide GasDry 575º A A A

Moist 70º A A B

Sulphur Monochloride70º B A N

Sulphuric Acid5% 70º B A B

10% 70º B A B50% 70º C B C

Conc. 70º A A AFuming 70º B A N

5% Boiling C B C10% Boiling C C C50% Boiling C C C

Conc. Boiling B B B

Sulphurous AcidSaturated 70º B* A* B*

150# Pressure 375º B* A* B*

-T-Chemical / Substance Temp. ºF 302/304 316 430

Tannic Acid10% 70º A A A50% 70º A A A10% Boiling A A A50% Boiling A A A

Tanning Liquor70º A A N

TarA A N

Tartaric Acid10% 70º A A B50% 70º A A N10% Boiling A A C50% Boiling A A N

TinMolten C C C

Trichloracetic Acid70º C C C

Trichlorethylene Dry70º A* A* B*

Tung OilCold-Hot A A N

-U-Chemical / Substance Temp. ºF 302/304 316 430

Uric Acid70º A A N

-V-Chemical / Substance Temp. ºF 302/304 316 430

Varnish70º A A AHot A A N

Vegetable JuicesA A A

Vinegar70º A A AHot A A A

-W-Chemical / Substance Temp. ºF 302/304 316 430

WhiskeyA A N

WortA A N

-Z-Chemical / Substance Temp. ºF 302/304 316 430

ZincMolten C C C

Zinc Chloride5% 70º A A A*20% 70º A A A*70% 70º A A N5% Boiling A* A* A*20% Boiling A A C70% Boiling C A N

Zinc Cyanide Moist70º A A N

Zinc Nitrate Sol.Hot A A N

Zinc Sulphate5% 70º A A A

Saturated 70º A A A25% Boiling A A N


Wire Cloth FormulasWire Mesh FormulaIf opening and wire diameter are known, add both and divide the sum into 1.

Mesh  =   


(D + O)

   D = Wire Diameter

   O = Opening    Open Area FormulaThe percentage of wire cloth open area may be determined by the following equation

% OPEN AREA = (1-ND) (1-nd) x 100N = Wires Per Inch in Warpn = Wires Per Inch in ShuteD = Diameter of Warp Wired = Diameter of Shute Wire

    Compute Wire Cloth OpeningTo determine a wire cloth opening, divide the mesh count into 1, and subtract the wire diameter.

Opening  =


   - DN

N = Wires Per InchD = Wire Diameter

 Wire Mesh Roll Width TolerancesStandard wire mesh roll widths are:

24",  36",   39.37" (1 Meter) ,  48" and  60".  The allowable deviation in the width of standard production wire mesh rolls, except when slit to specific dimensions, shall be in compliance with the tolerances shown in the table below. 

Roll Width Tolerances

Mesh inch mm

6 mesh and coarser +/- 1/4 +/- 6,4

Over 6 mesh to 50 mesh +/- 1/8 +/- 3,2

Finer than 50 mesh +/- 1/16 +/- 1,6

 Vibrating Screen Slotted Opening Wire Cloth SpecificationsA Light Applications, 50-75 lb. cubic foot - Coal

B Standard Applications, 75-100 lb. cubic foot - Limestone, Sand and Gravel

C Medium-Heavy Applications, 100-120 lb. cubic foot - Average Ores - Abrasives

D Heavy Applications, 120-140 lb. cubic foot - Heavy Ores - High Abrasive



Sieve Opening

A B C D Feed Size

OpeningWire Dia.

Open Area

OpeningWire Dia.

Open Area

OpeningWire Dia.

Open Area

OpeningWire Dia.

Open Area


10 M.065" x 1-

1/4".035" 60% .064" x 2" .054" 50% .062" x 2" .063" 45% .063" x 2" .080" 42% 3/4" 1"


8 M .084" x 1" .041" 64% .080" x 2" .063" 51% .082" x 3" .072" 50% .080" x 3" .080" 46% 3/4" 1"1-


1/8" .100" x 2" .054" 57% .104" x 2" .063" 57% .102" x 3" .080" 52% .108" x 3" .092" 49% 1"1-


3/16" .125" x 2" .054" 64% .125" x 2" .072" 57% .125" x 3" .092" 53% .125" x 3" .105" 49% 1"1-


1/4" 3/16" x 2" .063" 65% 3/16" x 3" .092" 61% 3/16" x 3" .120" 55% 3/16" x 4" .135" 53%1-



3/8" 1/4" x 2" .072" 70% 1/4" x 3" .120" 60% 1/4" x 4" .135" 59% 1/4" x 4" .148" 57% 2"2-


1/2" 7/16" x 4" .105" 72% 7/16" x 4" .162" 65% 7/16" x 4" .177" 63% 7/16" x 5" .192" 62%2-



  Wire diameters listed are suitable for column 1 feed size.When feed size exceeds column 1 but not column 2 use next larger wire diameter.

Should feed size exceed column 2 but not column 3 increase wire diameter two sizes.    Should feed size exceed column 3, provide relief deck to increase screen life.


Sieve Opening

A B C D Feed Size

OpeningWire Dia.

Open Area

OpeningWire Dia.

Open Area

OpeningWire Dia.

Open Area

OpeningWire Dia.

Open Area


1/2 mm.0197" x .156"

.028" 34%.0197" x .159"

.032" 28%.0197" x .239"

.041" 26%.020"

x .328".063" 19% 1/4" 3/8" 1/2"

20 M.028"

x .250".035" 37%

.029" x .337"

.054" 29%.030"

x .343".063" 22% .028" x 2" .072" 25% 3/8" 1/2" 3/4"

10 M .064" x 2" .044" 50% .062" x 2" .063" 45% .063" x 2" .072" 42% .063" x 2" .080" 39% 3/4" 1" 1-


8 M .079" x 2" .054" 51% .082" x 3" .072" 50% .080" x 3" .080" 46% .082" x 3" .092" 42% 3/4" 1"1-


1/8" .104" x 2" .063" 53% .102" x 3" .080" 52% .108" x 3" .092" 49% .102" x 3" .120" 42% 1"1-


3/16" .125" x 2" .072" 55% .125" x 3" .092" 53% .125" x 3" .105" 49% .125" x 4" .148" 41% 1"1-


1/4" 3/16" x 3" .080" 61% 3/16" x 3" .120" 55% 3/16" x 4" .135" 53% 3/16" x 4" .162" 48%1-



3/8" 1/4" x 3" .092" 60% 1/4" x 4" .135" 59% 1/4" x 4" .148" 57% 1/4" x 5" .192" 51% 2"2-


1/2" 7/16" x 4" .120" 65% 7/16" x 4" .177" 63% 7/16" x 4" .192" 62% 7/16" x 5" .207" 60%2-




 Standard Sieve Series Specifications for Wire Cloth 

The "Standard" designations listed below correspond to the values for test sieve apertures recommended by the International Standards Organization (ISO) Geneva, Switzerland.

"Alternate" designations are derived from ASTM specification E-11-95

Sieve DesignationNominal Sieve

OpeningNominal Wire



Standard Alternate mm inches mm inches  

125 mm 5" 125 4.921" 8.00 .3149 5" OP

106 mm 4.24" 106 4.173" 6.40 .2519 4-1/4" OP

100 mm 4" 100 3.937" 6.30 .2480 4" OP

90 mm 3-1/2" 90 3.543" 6.08 .2393 3-1/2" OP

75 mm 3" 75 2.952" 5.80 .2283 3" OP

63 mm 2-1/2" 63 2.480" 5.50 .2165 2-1/2" OP

53 mm 2.12" 53 2.086" 5.15 .2027 2-1/8" OP

50 mm 2" 50 1.968" 5.05 .1988 2" OP


Sieve DesignationNominal Sieve

OpeningNominal Wire



Standard Alternate mm inches mm inches  

45 mm 1-3/4" 45 1.771" 4.85 .1909 1-3/4" OP

37.5 mm 1-1/2" 37.5 1.476" 4.59 .1807 1-1/2" OP

31.5 mm 1-1/4" 31.5 1.240" 4.23 .1665 1-1/4" OP

26.5 mm 1.06" 26.5 1.043" 3.90 .1535 1-1/16" OP

25.0 mm 1" 25.0 0.984" 3.80 .1496 1" OP

22.4 mm 7/8" 22.4 0.881" 3.50 .1377 7/8" OP

19.0 mm 3/4" 19.0 0.748" 3.30 .1299 3/4" OP

16.0 mm 5/8" 16.0 0.629" 3.00 .1181 5/8" OP


Sieve DesignationNominal Sieve

OpeningNominal Wire



Standard Alternate mm inches mm inches  

13.2 mm .530" 13.2 0.519" 2.75 .1082 17/32" OP

12.5 mm 1/2" ** 12.5 0.492" 2.67 .1051 1/2" OP

11.2 mm 7/16" 11.2 0.440" 2.45 .0964 7/16" OP

9.5 mm 3/8" 9.5 0.374" 2.27 .0893 3/8" OP

8.0 mm 5/16" 8.0 0.314" 2.07 .0814 2-1/2 Mesh

6.7 mm .265" 6.7 0.263" 1.87 .0736 3 Mesh

6.3 mm 1/4" ** 6.3 0.248" 1.82 .0716 3-1/4 Mesh

5.6 mm No. 3-1/2 5.6 0.220" 1.68 .0661 3-1/2 Mesh

  **These sieve specifications are not in the standard series, they are included due to popular usage. 

Sieve DesignationNominal Sieve

OpeningNominal Wire



Standard Alternate mm inches mm inches  

4.75 mm No. 4 4.75 0.187" 1.54 .0606 4 Mesh

4.0 mm No. 5 4.00 0.157" 1.37 .0539 5 Mesh

3.35 mm No. 6 3.35 0.131" 1.23 .0484 6 Mesh

2.80 mm No. 7 2.80 0.131" 1.10 .0433 7 Mesh

2.36 mm No. 8 2.36 0.093" 1.00 .0393 8 Mesh

2.00 mm No. 10 2.00 0.078" 0.90 .0354 9 Mesh

1.70 mm No. 12 1.70 0.066" 0.81 .0318 10 Mesh

1.40 mm No. 14 1.40 0.055" 0.72 .0285 12 Mesh


Sieve DesignationNominal Sieve

OpeningNominal Wire



Standard Alternate mm inches mm inches  

1.18 mm No. 16 1.180 0.0464" 0.650 .0255 14 Mesh

1.00 mm No. 18 1.000 0.0393" 0.580 .0228 16 Mesh

850 µm No. 20 0.850 0.0334" 0.510 .0200 20 Mesh

710 µm No. 25 0.710 0.0279" 0.450 .0177 24 Mesh

600 µm No. 30 0.600 0.0236" 0.390 .0153 28 Mesh

500 µm No. 35 0.500 0.0196" 0.340 .0133 32 Mesh

425 µm No. 40 0.425 0.0167" 0.290 .0114 35 Mesh

355 µm No. 45 0.355 0.0139" 0.247 .0097 42 Mesh

Sieve DesignationNominal Sieve

OpeningNominal Wire



Standard Alternate mm inches mm inches  

300 µm No. 50 0.300 0.0118" 0.215 .0084 48 Mesh

250 µm No. 60 0.250 0.0098" 0.180 .0070 60 Mesh

212 µm No. 70 0.212 0.0083" 0.152 .0059 65 Mesh

180 µm No. 80 0.180 0.0070" 0.131 .0051 80 Mesh

150 µm No. 100 0.150 0.0059" 0.110 .0043 100 Mesh

125 µm No. 120 0.125 0.0049" 0.091 .0035 115 Mesh

106 µm No. 140 0.106 0.0041" 0.076 .0029 100 Mesh

90 µm No. 170 0.090 0.0035" 0.064 .0025 170 Mesh


Sieve DesignationNominal Sieve

OpeningNominal Wire



Standard Alternate mm inches mm inches  

75 µm No. 200 0.075 0.0029" 0.053 .0020 200 Mesh

63 µm No. 230 0.063 0.0024" 0.044 .0017 250 Mesh

53 µm No. 270 0.053 0.0020" 0.037 .0014 270 Mesh

45 µm No. 325 0.045 0.0017" 0.030 .0012 325 Mesh

38 µm No. 400 0.038 0.0015" 0.025 .0010 400 Mesh

32 µm No. 450 0.032 0.0012" 0.0011 .0004  25 µm No. 500 0.025 0.00098" 0.0010 .000039  20 µm No. 635 0.020 0.00078" 0.0008 .000031  

 Vibrating Screen Installation and MaintenanceYou can dramatically increase the life of your wire cloth screens and do a more efficient job of material screening by following these steps. 

Screen Installation1.  Channel rubber or crown bar rubber must be replaced before

new   screens  are installed to assure longer screen life. 

2. Use new tension bolts and tension all bolts equally on both sides of the deck.  

3. Screens should be centered on the deck before clamping rails are applied. 

4. Make certain butted screen panels are tight together to avoid oversized material leakage. 

5. Clamping rails must be the exact length of the screen panel being installed.      

Never overlap clamping rails. 

6. After 4 to 8 hours of operation, retighten the screen to take up any stretch that might have occurred.   

Screen Maintenance1. Inspect all clamping bars for corrosion

and wear.

Make sure bars are not warped

or worn to the point that they cannot provide even, tight tension.

2. Inspect all nuts and bolts.

Replace all worn or damaged parts in the screen assembly.

All hole positions on the clamping bars must be utilized.

3. Maintain the support deck.

Remove channel rubber to inspect steel bars for wear, high and low spots, or bar breakage.

Support area must be uniform to ensure an even and tight screen fit.

4. Change your channel rubber frequently.

Remember that channel rubber will wear from the bottom up as well as from the top down. Check both sides.

Never mix channel rubber sizes or styles such as Flat-Top and Round-Top on the same deck.

5. Check cushion and spread of material feed.

Cushioning of feed to the screen deck is essential to long screen life. Use feed plates or stone boxes so that materials do not hit wire cloth directly.

Material should be spread out to feed evenly over the entire screening surface for maximum screen life and production.

This also reduces uneven wear as the vibrator is operating in a more balanced condition.

6. Inspect equipment for balance and excessive vibration.

An unbalanced machine can cause premature wire cloth failure.

Equipment with a violent, uneven vibrating motion will cause stresses in the screen, and the cloth may actually break apart.

Correct the unbalanced condition before continuing screening operation.

Vibrating Screen Square Opening Wire Cloth SpecificationsA Light Applications, 50-75 lb. cubic foot - Coal

B Standard Applications, 75-100 lb. cubic foot - Limestone, Sand and Gravel

C Medium-Heavy Applications, 100-120 lb. cubic foot - Average Ores - Abrasives

D Heavy Applications, 120-140 lb. cubic foot - Heavy Ores - High Abrasive

Clear Square Opening

A B C D Feed Size

Wire Dia.

Open Area

Wire Dia.

Open Area

Wire Dia.

Open Area

Wire Dia.

Open Area


1/8" 0.041" 57% 0.054" 48% 0.072" 40% 0.080" 37% 5/8" 3/4" 1"

3/16" 0.047" 64% 0.080" 49% 0.092" 45% 0.105" 41% 3/4" 1" 1-1/4"

1/4" 0.063" 64% 0.105" 49% 0.120" 46% 0.135" 42% 1"1-


5/16" 0.072" 66% 0.120" 52% 0.135" 49% 0.148" 46% 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2"

3/8" 0.080" 68% 0.135" 54% 0.148" 51% 0.162" 49% 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2"

7/16" 0.092" 71% 0.148" 56% 0.162" 53% 0.177" 51% 2"2-


1/2" 0.105" 68% 0.162" 57% 0.177" 55% 0.192" 52% 2"2-


9/16" 0.105" 70% 0.177" 58% 0.192" 56% 0.207" 54% 2-1/2"3-


5/8" 0.120" 70% 0.177" 61% 0.192" 58% 0.225" 54% 2-1/2"3-


3/4" 0.135" 72% 0.192" 63% 0.207" 61% 0.250" 56% 3"3-


7/8" 0.148" 73% 0.207" 65% 0.225" 63% 0.250" 61% 3"3-


1" 0.162" 74% 0.225" 67% 0.250" 64% 5/16" 58% 3-1/2"4-


1-1/8" 0.177" 75% 0.225" 69% 0.250" 67% 5/16' 61% 3-1/2"4-


Wire diameters listed are suitable for column 1 feed size.

When feed size exceeds column 1 but not column 2 use next larger wire diameter.

Should feed size exceed column 2 but not column 3 increase wire diameter two sizes.

Should feed size exceed column 3, provide relief deck to increase screen life.

Clear Square


A B C D Feed Size

Wire Dia.

Open Area

Wire Dia.

Open Area

Wire Dia.

Open Area

Wire Dia.

Open Area


1-1/4" 0.192" 75% 0.250" 69% 5/16" 64% 3/8" 59% 4" 5" 6"

1-3/8" 0.207" 76% 0.250" 72% 5/16" 66% 3/8" 62% 4" 5" 6"

1-1/2" 0.225" 76% 0.250" 73% 5/16" 69% 3/8" 64% 4" 5" 6"

1-5/8" 1/4" 75% 5/16" 70% 3/8" 66% 7/16" 62% 4-1/2" 5-1/2" 7"

1-3/4" 1/4" 77% 5/16" 72% 3/8" 68% 7/16" 64% 4-1/2" 5-1/2" 7"

1-7/8" 1/4" 78% 5/16" 73% 3/8" 69% 7/16" 66% 4-1/2" 5-1/2" 7"

2" 5/16" 75% 3/8" 71% 7/16" 67% 1/2" 64% 5" 6-1/2" 8"

2-1/4" 5/16" 77% 3/8" 73% 7/16" 70% 1/2" 67% 5" 6-1/2" 8"

2-1/2" 5/16" 79% 3/8" 76% 7/16" 72% 1/2" 69% 5" 6-1/2" 8"

2-3/4" 5/16" 81% 3/8" 77% 7/16" 74% 1/2" 72% 5" 6-1/2" 8"

3" 3/8" 79% 7/16" 76% 1/2" 74% 5/8" 69% 6" 7-1/2" 9"

3-1/2" 3/8" 82% 7/16" 79% 1/2" 77% 5/8" 72% 6" 7-1/2" 9"

4" 7/16" 81% 1/2" 79% 5/8" 75% 3/4" 71% 7" 8-1/2" 10"

 Standard Sieve Series Specifications for Wire Cloth 

The "Standard" designations listed below correspond to the values for test sieve apertures recommended by the International Standards Organization (ISO) Geneva, Switzerland.

"Alternate" designations are derived from ASTM specification E-11-95

Sieve DesignationNominal Sieve

OpeningNominal Wire



Standard Alternate mm inches mm inches  

125 mm 5" 125 4.921" 8.00 .3149 5" OP

106 mm 4.24" 106 4.173" 6.40 .2519 4-1/4" OP

100 mm 4" 100 3.937" 6.30 .2480 4" OP

90 mm 3-1/2" 90 3.543" 6.08 .2393 3-1/2" OP

75 mm 3" 75 2.952" 5.80 .2283 3" OP

63 mm 2-1/2" 63 2.480" 5.50 .2165 2-1/2" OP

53 mm 2.12" 53 2.086" 5.15 .2027 2-1/8" OP

50 mm 2" 50 1.968" 5.05 .1988 2" OP


Sieve DesignationNominal Sieve

OpeningNominal Wire



Standard Alternate mm inches mm inches  

45 mm 1-3/4" 45 1.771" 4.85 .1909 1-3/4" OP

37.5 mm 1-1/2" 37.5 1.476" 4.59 .1807 1-1/2" OP

31.5 mm 1-1/4" 31.5 1.240" 4.23 .1665 1-1/4" OP

26.5 mm 1.06" 26.5 1.043" 3.90 .1535 1-1/16" OP

25.0 mm 1" 25.0 0.984" 3.80 .1496 1" OP

22.4 mm 7/8" 22.4 0.881" 3.50 .1377 7/8" OP

19.0 mm 3/4" 19.0 0.748" 3.30 .1299 3/4" OP

16.0 mm 5/8" 16.0 0.629" 3.00 .1181 5/8" OP


Sieve DesignationNominal Sieve

OpeningNominal Wire



Standard Alternate mm inches mm inches  

13.2 mm .530" 13.2 0.519" 2.75 .1082 17/32" OP

12.5 mm 1/2" ** 12.5 0.492" 2.67 .1051 1/2" OP

11.2 mm 7/16" 11.2 0.440" 2.45 .0964 7/16" OP

9.5 mm 3/8" 9.5 0.374" 2.27 .0893 3/8" OP

8.0 mm 5/16" 8.0 0.314" 2.07 .0814 2-1/2 Mesh

6.7 mm .265" 6.7 0.263" 1.87 .0736 3 Mesh

6.3 mm 1/4" ** 6.3 0.248" 1.82 .0716 3-1/4 Mesh

5.6 mm No. 3-1/2 5.6 0.220" 1.68 .0661 3-1/2 Mesh

  **These sieve specifications are not in the standard series, they are included due to popular usage. 

Sieve DesignationNominal Sieve

OpeningNominal Wire



Standard Alternate mm inches mm inches  

4.75 mm No. 4 4.75 0.187" 1.54 .0606 4 Mesh

4.0 mm No. 5 4.00 0.157" 1.37 .0539 5 Mesh

3.35 mm No. 6 3.35 0.131" 1.23 .0484 6 Mesh

2.80 mm No. 7 2.80 0.131" 1.10 .0433 7 Mesh

2.36 mm No. 8 2.36 0.093" 1.00 .0393 8 Mesh

2.00 mm No. 10 2.00 0.078" 0.90 .0354 9 Mesh

1.70 mm No. 12 1.70 0.066" 0.81 .0318 10 Mesh

1.40 mm No. 14 1.40 0.055" 0.72 .0285 12 Mesh


Sieve DesignationNominal Sieve

OpeningNominal Wire



Standard Alternate mm inches mm inches  

1.18 mm No. 16 1.180 0.0464" 0.650 .0255 14 Mesh

1.00 mm No. 18 1.000 0.0393" 0.580 .0228 16 Mesh

850 µm No. 20 0.850 0.0334" 0.510 .0200 20 Mesh

710 µm No. 25 0.710 0.0279" 0.450 .0177 24 Mesh

600 µm No. 30 0.600 0.0236" 0.390 .0153 28 Mesh

500 µm No. 35 0.500 0.0196" 0.340 .0133 32 Mesh

425 µm No. 40 0.425 0.0167" 0.290 .0114 35 Mesh

355 µm No. 45 0.355 0.0139" 0.247 .0097 42 Mesh

Sieve DesignationNominal Sieve

OpeningNominal Wire



Standard Alternate mm inches mm inches  

300 µm No. 50 0.300 0.0118" 0.215 .0084 48 Mesh

250 µm No. 60 0.250 0.0098" 0.180 .0070 60 Mesh

212 µm No. 70 0.212 0.0083" 0.152 .0059 65 Mesh

180 µm No. 80 0.180 0.0070" 0.131 .0051 80 Mesh

150 µm No. 100 0.150 0.0059" 0.110 .0043 100 Mesh

125 µm No. 120 0.125 0.0049" 0.091 .0035 115 Mesh

106 µm No. 140 0.106 0.0041" 0.076 .0029 100 Mesh

90 µm No. 170 0.090 0.0035" 0.064 .0025 170 Mesh

Sieve DesignationNominal Sieve

OpeningNominal Wire



Standard Alternate mm inches mm inches  

75 µm No. 200 0.075 0.0029" 0.053 .0020 200 Mesh

63 µm No. 230 0.063 0.0024" 0.044 .0017 250 Mesh

53 µm No. 270 0.053 0.0020" 0.037 .0014 270 Mesh

45 µm No. 325 0.045 0.0017" 0.030 .0012 325 Mesh

38 µm No. 400 0.038 0.0015" 0.025 .0010 400 Mesh

32 µm No. 450 0.032 0.0012" 0.0011 .0004  25 µm No. 500 0.025 0.00098" 0.0010 .000039  20 µm No. 635 0.020 0.00078" 0.0008 .000031  

Nominal Dimensions of Standard Sieves

Sieve opening (mm) USA standard ASTM E 11-61 Mesh number Tyler (mesh/in.) British standard (mesh/in.)

0.037 400 400 —

0.044 325 325 —

0.045 — — 350

0.053 270 270 300

0.063 230 250 240

0.074 200 200 —

0.075 — — 200

0.088 170 170 —

0.090 — — 170

0.105 140 150 150

0.125 120 115 120

0.149 100 100 —

0.150 — — 100

0.177 80 80 —

0.180 — — 85

0.210 70 65 72

0.250 60 60 60

0.297 50 48 —

0.300 — — 52

0.354 45 42 —

0.355 — — 44

0.420 40 35 35

0.500 35 32 30

0.595 30 28 —

0.600 — — 25

0.707 25 24 —

0.710 — — 22

0.841 20 20 —

1.00 18 16 16

1.19 16 14 —

1.20 — — 14

1.41 14 12 —

1.68 12 10 10

2.00 10 9 8

 Woven Wire Cloth SelectionThe following information is required to process your inquiry promptly and efficiently:  Mesh -or- OpeningThe mesh count (number of openings per linear inch) or the desired opening (clear space between adjacent parallel wires) should be entered in the form.

Wire DiameterThe wire diameter has a direct proportional relationship between strength and the percentage of open area.  As the wire diameter increases, strength increases and open area decreases.  As the wire diameter decreases, the open area increases and the strength decreases. 

Greater strength improves screen life. 

Greater open area improves screen throughput.  If you require assistance in selecting the wire diameter, please provide detailed information regarding your application in the "Comments" text box.

MaterialThe pull down menu in the material field contains several different types of materials that are most frequently utilized in the production of wire cloth.

For assistance in material selection, provide detailed information

regarding the application in the "Comments" section.

Roll LengthThe standard woven wire roll length is 100' although shorter or longer rolls can be provided.

If you prefer, wire cloth can be provided in panels rather than in roll form. Panels may be produced by cutting existing roll stock to the desired length or cut to length during the weaving process.

Please indicate the desired roll or panel length. Any critical tolerances should be specified in the "Comments" text box.

Roll WidthStandard roll widths are 24"   36"  40"  48" and  60".  Narrower specifications may be slit directly on the loom or as a secondary operation from existing roll stock.

Edge ConditionNormal raw (slit) edges will be provided unless otherwise specified.When necessary, smooth selvage edges can be provided at extra cost. The most popular selvage is "looped" although brushed, feathered, plastic coated or welded edge treatments are available by order.

QuantityPlease indicate the number of panels (pieces) or rolls required.

If the total quantity is to be delivered in a number of shipments, please specify the amount desired per release and the dates required in the "Comments" text box. 

 WIRE MESH OPENING CHARTThis wire mesh chart is provided to simplify the process of selecting a "standard" wire cloth specification suitable for your screening application.  The most popular wire cloth specifications listed on this page are listed by screen opening (aperture) size, sorted in descending order. 

Screen OpeningMesh

Wire DiameterOpen Area Product Group

inch mm inch mm

0.446 11.33 2 0.0540 1.370 79.6% Mill

0.437 11.10 2 0.0630 1.600 76.4% Market

0.292 7.420 3 0.0410 1.040 76.7% Mill

0.279 7.090 3 0.0540 1.370 70.1% Market

0.215 5.460 4 0.0350 0.890 74.0% Mill

0.203 5.160 4 0.0470 1.190 65.9% Market

0.187 4.749 4 0.0630 1.600 56.0% Market

0.168 4.270 5 0.0320 0.810 70.6% Mill

0.159 4.040 5 0.0410 1.040 63.2% Market

0.139 3.530 6 0.0280 0.710 69.6% Mill

Screen OpeningMesh

Wire DiameterOpen Area Product Group

inch mm inch mm

0.132 3.350 6 0.0350 0.890 62.7% Market

0.119 3.039 6 0.0470 1.193 51.8% Market

0.115 2.921 7 0.0280 0.711 64.6% Mill

0.111 2.815 7 0.0320 0.812 60.2%  0.108 2.739 7 0.0350 0.889 57.0%  0.100 2.540 8 0.0250 0.635 64.0% Mill

0.097 2.463 8 0.0280 0.711 60.2% Market

0.096 2.434 7 0.0470 1.193 45.0%  0.093 2.362 8 0.0320 0.812 55.4%  0.090 2.286 8 0.0350 0.889 51.8% Market

Screen Opening Mesh Wire Diameter Open Area Product Group

inch mm inch mm

0.088 2.235 9 0.0230 0.584 62.8% Mill

0.080 2.032 10 0.0200 0.508 64.0% Mill

0.078 1.981 8 0.0470 1.194 38.9% Market

0.077 1.955 10 0.0230 0.584 59.3%  0.075 1.905 10 0.0250 0.635 56.2% Market

0.068 1.727 10 0.0320 0.812 46.2%  0.065 1.651 10 0.0350 0.889 42.2% Market

0.065 1.651 12 0.0180 0.457 60.8% Mill

0.062 1.585 14 0.0090 0.228 76.4% Bolting

0.060 1.524 12 0.0230 0.584 52.4% Market

Screen OpeningMesh

Wire DiameterOpen Area Product Group

inch mm inch mm

0.055 1.397 12 0.0280 0.711 44.0% Security

0.054 1.371 14 0.0170 0.431 58.0% Mill

0.0535 1.359 16 0.0090 0.228 73.3% Bolting

0.0514 1.306 14 0.0200 0.508 51.8% Market

0.0513 1.303 12 0.0320 0.812 37.9%  0.0480 1.219 12 0.0350 0.889 33.6%  0.0466 1.183 18 0.0090 0.228 70.2% Bolting

0.0465 1.181 16 0.0160 0.406 55.4% Mill

0.0464 1.179 14 0.0250 0.635 42.2% Market

0.0445 1.130 16 0.0180 0.457 50.7 Market

Screen OpeningMesh

Wire DiameterOpen Area Product Group

inch mm inch mm

0.0410 1.041 20 0.0090 0.228 67.2% Bolting

0.0406 1.031 18 0.0150 0.381 53.3% Mill

0.0395 1.003 16 0.0230 0.584 39.9% Market

0.0386 0.980 18 0.0170 0.431 48.2% Market

0.0380 0.965 22 0.0075 0.191 69.7% Bolting

0.0364 0.925 14 0.0350 0.889 26.0%  

0.0360 0.914 20 0.0140 0.356 51.8% Mill

0.0342 0.869 24 0.0075 0.191 67.2% Bolting

0.0340 0.864 20 0.0160 0.406 46.2% Market

0.0330 0.838 20 0.0170 0.431 43.5%  0.0320 0.813 22 0.0135 0.343 49.6% Mill

Screen OpeningMesh

Wire DiameterOpen Area Product Group

inch mm inch mm

0.0320 0.813 20 0.0180 0.457 40.9%  0.0310 0.787 26 0.0075 0.191 64.8% Bolting

0.0300 0.762 20 0.0200 0.508 36.0%  0.0287 0.729 24 0.0130 0.330 47.4% Mill

0.0282 0.716 28 0.0075 0.191 62.4% Bolting

0.0277 0.704 24 0.0140 0.356 44.2% Market

0.0275 0.699 26 0.0110 0.279 51.0% Mill

0.0270 0.686 20 0.0230 0.584 29.2% Market

0.0268 0.681 30 0.0065 0.165 64.8% Bolting

0.0257 0.653 28 0.0100 0.254 51.8% Mill

0.0248 0.630 32 0.0065 0.165 62.7% Bolting

Screen OpeningMesh

Wire DiameterOpen Area Product Group

inch mm inch mm

0.0238 0.605 30 0.0095 0.241 51.0% Mill

0.0237 0.602 24 0.0180 0.457 32.3%  0.0229 0.582 34 0.0065 0.165 60.7% Bolting

0.0223 0.566 32 0.0090 0.229 50.9% Mill

0.0213 0.541 36 0.0065 0.165 58.7% Bolting

0.0213 0.541 30 0.0120 0.305 41.0% Market

0.0204 0.518 34 0.0090 0.229 48.1% Mill

0.0203 0.516 30 0.0130 0.330 37.1% Market

0.0198 0.503 38 0.0065 0.165 56.7% Bolting

0.0188 0.478 36 0.0090 0.229 45.8% Mill

Screen Opening Mesh Wire Diameter Open Area Product Group

inch mm inch mm

0.0185 0.470 40 0.0065 0.165 54.8% Bolting

0.0183 0.465 43 0.0050 0.127 61.6% Bolting

0.0178 0.452 38 0.0085 0.216 45.8% Mill

0.0175 0.445 35 0.0110 0.280 37.8% Market

0.0172 0.437 44 0.0055 0.140 57.5% Bolting

0.0172 0.437 46 0.0045 0.114 62.9% Bolting

0.0168 0.427 35 0.0118 0.300 34.4& Market

0.0166 0.422 35 0.0120 0.305 33.6% Market

0.0165 0.419 40 0.0085 0.216 43.6% Mill

0.0163 0.414 48 0.0045 0.114 61.5% Bolting

Screen OpeningMesh

Wire DiameterOpen Area Product Group

inch mm inch mm

0.0162 0.411 46 0.0055 0.140 55.8% Bolting

0.0160 0.406 50 0.0040 0.102 64.0% Bolting

0.0155 0.394 50 0.0045 0.114 60.1% Bolting

0.0153 0.388 48 0.0055 0.140 54.2% Bolting

0.0150 0.381 40 0.0100 0.254 36.0% Market

0.0145 0.368 54 0.0040 0.102 61.5% Bolting

0.0145 0.368 50 0.0055 0.140 52.5% Bolting

0.0142 0.360 45 0.0080 0.203 40.8% Mill

0.0140 0.356 54 0.0045 0.114 57.3% Bolting

0.0138 0.350 56 0.0040 0.102 60.2% Bolting

0.0137 0.348 52 0.0055 0.140 51.0% Bolting

Screen OpeningMesh

Wire DiameterOpen Area Product Group

inch mm inch mm

0.0132 0.355 58 0.0040 0.102 59.0% Bolting

0.0130 0.330 54 0.0055 0.140 49.4% Bolting

0.0127 0.323 60 0.0040 0.102 57.8% Bolting

0.0127 0.323 58 0.0045 0.114 54.6% Bolting

0.0125 0.318 50 0.0075 0.191 39.1% Mill

0.0122 0.310 60 0.0045 0.114 53.3% Bolting

0.0121 0.307 62 0.0040 0.102 56.5% Bolting

0.0113 0.287 70 0.0030 0.076 62.4% Bolting

0.0112 0.284 66 0.0040 0.102 54.2% Bolting

0.0112 0.284 55 0.0070 0.178 37.9% Mill

Screen OpeningMesh

Wire DiameterOpen Area Product Group

inch mm inch mm

0.0111 0.281 64 0.0045 0.114 50.7% Bolting

0.0110 0.279 50 0.0090 0.229 30.3% Market

0.0106 0.269 70 0.0037 0.094 54.9% Bolting

0.0106 0.269 66 0.0045 0.114 49.4% Bolting

0.0103 0.262 70 0.0040 0.102 51.8% Bolting

0.0102 0.259 72 0.0037 0.094 53.8% Bolting

0.0102 0.259 60 0.0065 0.165 37.5% Mill

0.0099 0.251 72 0.0040 0.102 50.7% Bolting

0.0098 0.249 74 0.0037 0.094 57.2% Bolting

0.0095 0.241 74 0.0040 0.102 49.6% Bolting

Screen OpeningMesh

Wire DiameterOpen Area Product Group

inch mm inch mm

0.0095 0.241 76 0.0037 0.094 51.7% Bolting

0.0094 0.239 84 0.0025 0.063 62.4%  0.0092 0.234 76 0.0040 0.102 48.4% Bolting

0.0092 0.234 60 0.0075 0.191 30.3% Market

0.0091 0.231 78 0.0037 0.094 50.6% Bolting

0.0088 0.224 80 0.0037 0.094 49.6% Bolting

0.0088 0.224 78 0.0040 0.102 47.3% Bolting

0.0087 0.220 60 0.0080 0.203 27.0% Market

0.0085 0.216 80 0.0040 0.102 46.2% Bolting

0.0084 0.213 84 0.0035 0.089 49.8% Bolting

Screen OpeningMesh

Wire DiameterOpen Area Product Group

inch mm inch mm

0.0079 0.201 88 0.0035 0.089 47.9% Bolting

0.0079 0.201 84 0.0040 0.102 44.1% Bolting

0.0078 0.198 70 0.0065 0.165 29.7% Market

0.0078 0.198 100 0.0022 0.056 60.8% Fine

0.0076 0.193 90 0.0035 0.089 46.9%  0.0074 0.193 88 0.0040 0.102 42.1%  0.0073 0.185 70 0.0070 0.179 26.0% Market

0.0071 0.180 94 0.0035 0.089 45.0% Bolting

0.0071 0.180 90 0.0040 0.102 41.0%  0.0070 0.178 80 0.0055 0.140 31.4% Market

Screen OpeningMesh

Wire DiameterOpen Area Product Group

inch mm inch mm

0.0066 0.168 94 0.0040 0.102 38.9% Bolting

0.0065 0.165 105 0.0030 0.076 46.9% Bolting

0.0060 0.152 100 0.0040 0.102 36.0% Market

0.0059 0.152 130 0.0017 0.043 60.7% Bolting

0.0057 0.145 120 0.0026 0.066 47.3% Bolting

0.0055 0.140 100 0.0045 0.114 30.3% Market

0.0051 0.129 135 0.0023 0.058 47.4% Bolting

0.0051 0.129 110 0.0040 0.102 31.4% Fine

0.0047 0.119 145 0.0022 0.056 46.4% Bolting

0.0046 0.117 120 0.0037 0.094 30.9% Market

Screen OpeningMesh

Wire DiameterOpen Area Product Group

inch mm inch mm

0.0044 0.112 180 0.0012 0.030 61.5% Bolting

0.0043 0.109 130 0.0034 0.086 31.1% Fine-Plain

0.0043 0.109 120 0.0040 0.102 26.8% Fine-Twilled

0.0042 0.107 165 0.0019 0.048 47.1% Bolting

0.0041 0.104 150 0.0026 0.066 37.2% Market

0.0039 0.099 130 0.0038 0.097 25.6% Fine-Twilled

0.0038 0.097 160 0.0024 0.061 37.9% Market

0.0038 0.097 140 0.0033 0.084 28.6% Fine-Twilled

0.00375 0.095 160 0.0025 0.063 36.4% Fine-Plain

0.00375 0.095 180 0.0018 0.045 45.7% Bolting

Screen Opening Mesh Wire Diameter Open Area Product Group

inch mm inch mm

0.0037 0.094 150 0.0030 0.076 30.4% Fine-Twilled

0.0035 0.089 170 0.0024 0.061 35.1% Fine-Plain

0.0034 0.086 200 0.0016 0.041 46.2% Bolting

0.0033 0.086 180 0.0023 0.058 34.7% Fine-Plain

0.0033 0.084 170 0.0026 0.066 31.2% Fine-Twilled

0.0031 0.079 180 0.0025 0.063 30.6% Fine-Twilled

0.0029 0.074 230 0.0014 0.036 46.0% Bolting

0.0029 0.074 200 0.0021 0.053 33.6% Market

0.0028 0.071 220 0.0017 0.043 38.7% Fine-Plain

0.0027 0.069 200 0.0023 0.058 29.2%  

Screen OpeningMesh

Wire DiameterOpen Area Product Group

inch mm inch mm

0.0026 0.066 240 0.0016 0.040 38.3% Fine-Plain

0.0025 0.064 230 0.0018 0.046 34.3% Fine-Twilled

0.0024 0.061 250 0.0016 0.040 36.0% Market

0.0023 0.058 270 0.0014 0.036 38.7% Fine

0.0021 0.053 270 0.0016 0.040 32.2% Fine-Twilled

0.0018 0.046 300 0.0015 0.038 30.3% Fine-Twilled

0.0017 0.043 325 0.0014 0.036 29.7% Market

0.0015 0.038 400 0.0010 0.025 36.0% Fine-Twilled

0.0013 0.033 400 0.0012 0.030 27.0% Fine-Twilled

0.0010 0.025 500 0.0010 0.025 25.0% Fine-Twilled


 Vibrating Screen Bed Depth Formula

The feed to a vibrating wire mesh screen contains a mixture of material in varying sizes. The oversized material will retard passage of the undersized material, creating a temporary restriction which results in a build-up (bed) of material on the surface of the screen. 

Bed depth diminishes as the undersize material passes through the wire mesh screen apertures.  

The material bed should not be allowed to reach a depth that prevents the undersize from stratifying before discharge at the wire mesh screen surface end. 

Generally, the discharge end bed depth should not exceed four times the size of the wire mesh screen surface aperture when separating 100 lbs. per cubic foot material, or three times for 50 lbs. per cubic foot material. 

Aggregate, Ore and Gravel Screening Formula for calculating theoretical discharge end bed depth:


   ______O x C______     5 x T x


= Inches of Bed Depth

  DBD = Discharge End Bed Depth

O = Oversize in STPH

C = Cubic Feet Per Ton of Material

5 = Formula Constant

T =  Rate of Travel (nominal 75 fpm for inclined screen at slope of 18º to 20º with flow rotation and nominal 45 fpm for horizontal screen)

W = Width of Screening Area in Feet

 Wire Cloth Screen Edge Hook Clamping StripsScreens for classifying, sizing, straining, sieving, are typically secured to a vibrating deck by clamping rails that apply tension across the screening surface. The tension is applied through edge treatments on the woven wire cloth screen panel commonly referred to as "hooks" , "hook strips" or "hooking strips".  Proper screen tension is crucial for effective screening and longer screen life.  Banded edges prevent flattening of hook edges and eliminate mesh pull-out on fine wire mesh or high tension screens. 

Plain Hooked Edge

Without  Reinforcing, Typically provided on screens of 5/16" and larger wire diameters. Edges are annealed before forming to eliminate cracking and breakage.



Inside Reinforced Formed Edge

This hook strip is utilized for screens 5/16" and larger wire diameters. Edges are annealed before forming to eliminate cracking and breakage.



Reinforced Shroud Banded Edge

Provided as standard on screens up to 1/4" wire diameter. Standard shrouding is 16 gauge with other thickness' available on request.


Double Folded Reinforced Shroud Banded Edge

This treatment eliminates screen pull-out on screens woven of smaller wire diameters. Standard shrouding is 20 gauge with other thickness' available on request.


Double Reinforced Shroud Banded Edge

This treatment also eliminates screen pull-out on finer wire sizes. It includes a internal metal insert for reinforcement. Standard shrouding is 20 gauge with other thickness available on request.


End Tension Reinforced Shroud Banded Edge

Specially reinforced to prevent pull-out under extreme screen tensioning. Also available in Double Reinforced Style.

   When ordering screen edge preparations, give vertical height of hook (H) and angle of formed edge (A).

Standard hook length (L) is 1".

Standard hook height (H) is 3/4".

Standard angle is 45° - 65°.

 Woven Wire Cloth SelectionThe following information is required to process your inquiry promptly and efficiently:  Mesh -or- OpeningThe mesh count (number of openings per linear inch) or the desired opening (clear space between adjacent parallel wires) should be entered in the form.

Wire DiameterThe wire diameter has a direct proportional relationship between strength and the percentage of open area.  As the wire diameter increases, strength increases and open area decreases.  As the wire diameter decreases, the open area increases and the strength decreases.


Greater strength improves screen life. 

Greater open area improves screen throughput.  If you require assistance in selecting the wire diameter, please provide detailed information regarding your application in the "Comments" text box.

MaterialThe pull down menu in the material field contains several different types of materials that are most frequently utilized in the production of wire cloth.

For assistance in material selection, provide detailed information regarding the application in the "Comments" section.

Roll LengthThe standard woven wire roll length is 100' although shorter or longer rolls can be provided.

If you prefer, wire cloth can be provided in panels rather than in roll form. Panels may be produced by cutting existing roll stock to the desired length or cut to length during the weaving process.

Please indicate the desired roll or panel length. Any critical tolerances should be specified in the "Comments" text box.

Roll WidthStandard roll widths are 24"   36"  40"  48" and  60".  Narrower specifications may be slit directly on the loom or as a secondary operation from existing roll stock.

Edge Condition

Normal raw (slit) edges will be provided unless otherwise specified.When necessary, smooth selvage edges can be provided at extra cost. The most popular selvage is "looped" although brushed, feathered, plastic coated or welded edge treatments are available by order.

QuantityPlease indicate the number of panels (pieces) or rolls required.

If the total quantity is to be delivered in a number of shipments, please specify the amount desired per release and the dates required in the "Comments" text box.

Micronic Filtration Cloth 

Particle Retention and Flow Rate Data 

Plain Dutch Weave Filter Cloth

Particle Retention


WeightFlow Rate Per Square Inch


Inches Incheslbs./sq.ft.


Fuel GPM


325 0.0128 0.059 1.03 3.8 8.5 47

295 0.0116 0.048 0.76 3.7 8.3 45

245 0.0096 0.037 0.69 3.6 8.3 44

138 0.0054 0.03 0.52 3.5 7.9 43

102 0.0042 0.021 0.37 3 7.3 38

84 0.0033 0.016 0.27 2.5 7.2 35

82 0.0032 0.02 0.38 1.6 4.5 27

64 0.0025 0.012 0.22 1.9 6.2 33

62 0.0024 0.016 0.28 1.3 4.4 26

49 0.0019 0.013 0.23 1 4.2 24 

Twilled Dutch Weave Filter Cloth

Particle Retention



Flow Rate Per Square Inch

 Microns Inches Inches lbs./sq.ft.Oil



98 0.0039 0.035 0.85 1.12 4.1 19

90 0.0035 0.027 0.56 1.20 4.2 21

74 0.0029 0.028 0.61 1.05 3.1 17

69 0.0027 0.028 0.64 0.90 3.0 16

46 0.0018 0.022 0.59 0.45 2.6 14

41 0.0016 0.012 0.26 0.63 4.1 21

36 0.0014 0.014 0.36 0.24 2.1 12

32 0.0013 0.011 0.25 0.31 2.4 14

17 0.0007 0.006 0.16 0.12 1.89 11

10 0.0004 0.006 0.16 0.10 1.66 9.2

5 0.0002 0.003 0.10 0.06 1.12 7.8


Twilled Square Weave Filter Cloth

Particle Retention Thickness Weight Flow Rate Per Square Inch

 Microns Inches Inches lbs./sq.ft.Oil



145 0.0057 0.033 0.53 4.7 10.1 50

141 0.0055 0.018 0.28 7.2 12.3 84

  Filter Cloth Micron Rating: This data was determined using the "bubble point" test method. One micron equals 0.00003937" or 0.001mm.   Filter Cloth Flow Rate Data: This data was based on a test sample one square inch in area. Oil   - MIL-H-5606-B @ 80°F (viscosity 90 SSU) at 1 psid.Fuel - MIL-F-7024-A, Type II @ 78°F (viscosity 35 SSU) at 1 psid.Air   - Tested @ 75°F at 1 psid.

Plain Dutch Weave

Filter Cloth



Plain Dutch Filter Weaves can accommodate high flow rates with a relatively low pressure drop. They are woven with each warp and weft (shute) wire passing over and under one wire. The weft wires are smaller in diameter than the warp wires and are driven up close together, creating a dense filtration weave.


 Mesh Counts shown without wire diameters are typically not available from stock.   

Nominal Filter Mesh Count

Wire Diameter Inches

Absolute Particle Retention

Nominal Particle Retention

warp / weftwarp / weft

Microns Microns

80 x 300 

32 - 36 25

80 x 400.0049 / .0028

36 - 45 36

50 x 250.0055 / .0045

56 - 63 40

50 x 280 

71 - 75 45

40 x 200.0070 / .0055

75 - 80 56

30 x 150.0090 / .0070

95 - 110 63

24 x 110.0150 / .0100

112 - 125 80

22 x 140 

140 - 170  

20 x 160 

160 - 180  

20 x 150.0098 / .0070

170 - 190 100

16 x 120 

200 - 210  

14 x 110 

220 - 240  

12 x 95 

240 - 260  

14 x 88.0200 / .0130

220 - 240 150

10 x 90 

270 - 290  

12 x 64.0240 / .0165

280 - 300 200

10 x 70 

315 - 335  

8 x 85.0140 / .0126

330 - 350 250

Twill Dutch Weave Filter Cloth



In a Twill Dutch (Hollander) Weave the weft  wires are driven up so tightly that there is always a shute wire above and below the warp wires, creating a weave with the warp wires completely covered. The flow-pass geometry is extremely tortuous, allowing reasonable flow rates while insuring excellent particle size retention. 

Nominal Filter Mesh Count

Wire Diameter Inches

Absolute Particle Retention

Nominal Particle Retention

warp / weft warp / weft Microns Microns

510 x 3600.0010 / .0006

4 - 5 < 1

500 x 3500 .0010 / .0006 5 < 1

400 x 2800 

5 - 6 < 1

450 x 2750 .0010 / .0008 6 - 7 < 1

375 x 2300 

6 - 7 1

325 x 2300.0015 / .0010

8 - 9 2

250 x 1400.0022 / .0016

11 - 12 4

200 x 1400.0028 / .0016

11 - 13 5

200 x 1120 

15 - 17 9

165 x 1400.0028 / .0016

16 - 18 10

165 x 1100 

20 - 21 12

165 x 800 .0028 / .0020 24 - 26 15

200 x 600 .0024 / .0018 28 - 32 20

80 x 700.0040 / .0030

34 - 36 25

120 x 600 .0040 / .0025 40 -45 30

120 x 400 .0040 / .0026 50 - 55 40

40 x 560.0070 / .0040

71 - 80 50

30 x 360.0098 / .0060

95 - 106 80

28 x 500   106 - 112 85

30 x 250 

100 - 112 90

24 x 300   112 - 118 90

20 x 260 

110 - 120 100

20 x 250.0098 / .0079

110 - 120 100


The "Market Grade" group of wire cloth specifications is woven utilizing moderate wire diameters resulting in a high strength square mesh cloth, suitable for general purpose screening.

Market Grade Cloth is produced in Stainless Steel, Phosphor Bronze, Brass, Copper, Aluminum, Monel or Nickel.

Meshes Per Linear Inch

Diameter of Wire

Width of Opening

Weight* Pounds Per Square Foot

Open Area



sM.M. Steel Brass

2 Mesh 0.063 1.60 0.43711.10 .512 .566 76.4%

3 Mesh 0.054 1.37 0.279 7.09 .567 .627 70.1%

4 Mesh 0.047 1.19 0.203 5.16 .576 .637 65.9%

5 Mesh 0.041 1.04 0.159 4.04 .549 .607 63.2%

6 Mesh 0.035 0.89 0.132 3.35 .481 .532 62.7%

6 Mesh 0.047 1.19 0.120 3.05 .882 .975 51.8%

8 Mesh 0.028 0.71 0.097 2.46 .411 .454 60.2%

8 Mesh 0.035 0.89 0.090 2.29 .651 .719 51.8%

10 Mesh 0.025 0.64 0.075 1.91 .412 .455 56.3%

10 Mesh 0.035 0.89 0.065 1.65 .831 .918 42.3%

10 Mesh 0.047 1.19 0.053 1.35 1.4841.640 28.1%

12 Mesh 0.0230.5840.060 1.52 .422 .466 51.8%

12 Mesh 0.0280.7100.055 1.40 .635 .702 43.6%

14 Mesh 0.0200.5080.051 1.30 .372 .411 51.0%

16 Mesh 0.0180.4570.044

51.13 .345 .381 50.7%

16 Mesh 0.0230.5840.039

51.00 .577 .638 39.9%

18 Mesh 0.0170.4320.038

60.98 .348 .385 48.3%

20 Mesh 0.0160.4060.034

00.86 .344 .380 46.2%

20 Mesh 0.0230.5840.027

00.69 .708 .782 29.2%

22 Mesh 0.0150.3810.030

50.78 .334 .369 45.0%

24 Mesh 0.0140.3560.027

70.70 .318 .351 44.2%

30 Mesh 0.0130.3300.020

30.52 .348 .385 37.1%

35 Mesh 0.0110.2790.017

60.45 .290 .320 37.9%

40 Mesh 0.0100.2540.015

00.38 .276 .305 36.0%

45 Mesh0.009



0.32 .283 .313 32.7%

50 Mesh 0.0090.2290.011

00.28 .284 .314 30.3%

60 Mesh 0.0080.2030.008

70.22 .273 .302 27.2%

70 Mesh 0.0070.1780.007

30.19 .233 .257 26.1%

80 Mesh0.005



0.18 .169 .187 31.4%

90 Mesh 0.0050.1270.006

10.16 .158 .175 30.1%

100 Mesh0.004



0.14 .142 .157 30.3%

110 Mesh 0.0040.1020.0050.129 .139 .154 31.4%


120 Mesh0.003




.130 .143 30.7%

150 Mesh0.002




.080   37.4%

200 Mesh0.002




.070   33.6%

325 Mesh0.001



0.043 .049   30.0%

Market Grade Wire Cloth

FINE MESH WIRE CLOTHWire Cloth having a mesh count greater than 90 x 90 is referred to as Fine Mesh.

Fine Mesh Wire Cloth is available in Monel, Nickel and Stainless Steel materials. Fine mesh specifications are typlically available from stock in Stainless Steel Type 304.

Plain Weave Fine Mesh Cloth

Meshes Per Linear Inch

Diameter of Wire Width of Opening Weight Per 100 Sq. Ft.

Percent Open AreaInches M.M. Inches M.M.

100 Mesh 0.0045" 0.114 0.0055" 0.1397 16.2 30.3%

110 Mesh 0.0040" 0.102 0.0051" 0.1295 13.9 31.4%

120 Mesh 0.0037" 0.094 0.0046" 0.1168 13.0 30.7%

130 Mesh 0.0034" 0.087 0.0043" 0.1092 11.9 31.1%

140 Mesh 0.0029" 0.074 0.0042" 0.1067 9.3 34.9%

150 Mesh 0.0026" 0.066 0.0041" 0.1041 8.0 37.4%

160 Mesh 0.0025" 0.064 0.0038" 0.0965 7.9 36.4%

170 Mesh 0.0024" 0.061 0.0035" 0.0889 7.7 35.1%

180 Mesh 0.0023" 0.059 0.0033" 0.0838 7.5 34.7%

200 Mesh 0.0021" 0.054 0.0029" 0.0737 7.0 33.6%

220 Mesh 0.0017" 0.044 0.0028" 0.0711 5.0 38.7%

240 Mesh 0.0016" 0.041 0.0026" 0.0660 4.7 38.3%

250 Mesh 0.0016" 0.041 0.0024" 0.0610 5.1 36.0%


Twilled Weaves, Fine Mesh Cloth

Meshes Per Linear Inch

Diameter of Wire Width of Opening Weight Per 100 Sq. Ft.

Percent Open AreaInches M.M. Inches M.M.

110 Mesh 0.0045" 0.114 0.0046" 0.1168 17.2 25.6%

120 Mesh 0.0040" 0.102 0.0043" 0.1092 14.8 26.8%

130 Mesh 0.0038" 0.097 0.0039" 0.0991 14.5 25.6%

140 Mesh 0.0033" 0.084 0.0038" 0.0965 11.8 28.6%

150 Mesh 0.0030" 0.076 0.0037" 0.0940 10.4 30.4%

160 Mesh 0.0028" 0.071 0.0035" 0.0889 9.6 30.8%

170 Mesh 0.0026" 0.066 0.0033" 0.0838 8.8 31.2%

180 Mesh 0.0025" 0.064 0.0031" 0.0787 8.6 30.6%

200 Mesh 0.0023" 0.059 0.0027" 0.0686 8.1 29.1%

230 Mesh 0.0018" 0.046 0.0025" 0.0647 5.8 34.3%

250 Mesh 0.0016" 0.041 0.0024" 0.0610 4.9 36.0%

270 Mesh 0.0016" 0.041 0.0021" 0.0533 5.3 32.2%

300 Mesh 0.0015" 0.038 0.0018" 0.0457 5.2 30.3%

325 Mesh 0.0014" 0.036 0.0017" 0.0432 4.9 29.7%

400 Mesh 0.0010" 0.026 0.0015" 0.0381 3.7 36.0%