Standards, Regulations and Accreditation Guidelines to

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Standards, Regulations and Accreditation Guidelines to Enhance the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Industry

in Uganda

(Abridged Version)

National Information Technology Authority - Uganda (NITA- U)

Palm Courts, Plot 7A,

Rotary Avenue (Lugogo Bypass)

P.O.Box 33151,

Kampala –Uganda


Twitter: @NITAUganda1


Standards, Regulations and Accreditation Guidelines to Enhance the BPO Industry in Uganda

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Standards, Regulations and Accreditation Guidelines to Enhance BPO Industry in Uganda – (Abridged Version)



1.0 January 2015 Michael Newman Byamugisha

Initial Draft

Standards, Regulations and Accreditation Guidelines to Enhance the BPO Industry in Uganda

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ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ......................................................................................................................... 4

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................... 6

1.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 6

1.2 STANDARDS REVIEW .......................................................................................................................................... 7

1.3 SKILLS ASSESSMENT AND GAP ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................. 10

1.4 ITES-BPO PARK - ENABLER ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................ 12


2. STANDARDS REVIEW ................................................................................................................................... 16

2.1 INTRODUCTION TO STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS ............................................................................................... 16

2.2 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS ..................................................................................... 17

2.3 SUMMARY OF THE STANDARDS .......................................................................................................................... 40

3. SKILLS ASSESSMENT AND GAP ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................... 42

3.1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 42

3.1 THE SKILL GAP FRAMEWORK ............................................................................................................................. 42

3.2 ASSESSING THE TALENT POOL AVAILABILITY GAP ................................................................................................... 44

3.3 ASSESSING THE SKILL QUALITY GAP .................................................................................................................... 50

4. ITES-BPO PARKS - ENABLER ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................... 67

4.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................... 67

4.2 SITE SELECTION FOR AN ITES-BPO BUSINESS PARK ............................................................................................... 68

4.3 ITES-BPO BUSINESS PARK CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................ 69


5.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................... 79

5.2 PHASE WISE ROADMAP .................................................................................................................................... 79

5.3 DEVELOPING STANDARDS & REGULATIONS .......................................................................................................... 81

5.4 DEVELOPING TRAINING CURRICULUM ................................................................................................................. 84

5.5 RECOMMENDATIONS ON INITIATIVES TO BRIDGE TALENT POOL GAP........................................................................... 86

5.6 DEVELOPING THE ITES-BPO BUSINESS PARK ....................................................................................................... 86

5.7 CREATING AWARENESS AND INCREASING ADOPTION .............................................................................................. 88

5.8 DEVELOPING THE INCENTIVES ............................................................................................................................ 90

5.9 RECOMMENDED SPECIAL INCENTIVE PACKAGE FOR THE ADOPTION OF STANDARDS ...................................................... 95

5.10 STANDARDS, TRAINING & REGULATION GOVERNANCE AND ACCREDITATION .............................................................. 96

5.11 RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH STANDARDS & REGULATION AND TRAINING ADOPTION ....................................................... 102

5.12 ACTION ITEMS FOR ITES-BPO STANDARDS, REGULATION AND ACCREDITATION ........................................................ 103

Standards, Regulations and Accreditation Guidelines to Enhance the BPO Industry in Uganda

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Abbreviations and Acronyms

BPO Business Process Outsourcing

BUDS Business Uganda Development Scheme

CICS Competitiveness and Investment Climate

EASSy East African Submarine Cable System

EGI E-Government Initiative

COMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa

EAC East African Community

ERT Energy for Rural Transformation

FDI Foreign Direct investment

FTE Full Time Employee

IRR Internal Rate of Return

IT Information Technology

ITES Information Technology enabled Services

IVCA Indian Venture Capital Association

MoICT Ministry of Information Communication Technology

NGO Non-Governmental Organisation

NBI National Broadband Infrastructure

NCHE National Council for Higher Education

NITA-U National Information Technology Authority, Uganda

NSDC National Skill Development Council, India

Standards, Regulations and Accreditation Guidelines to Enhance the BPO Industry in Uganda

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PFSU Private Sector Foundation Uganda

SEZ Special Economic Zone

SMB Small and Medium Business

SME Small and Medium Enterprise

SWOT Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats

TTT Think Tank Team, Uganda

UBPOA Uganda Business Process Outsourcing Association

UCC Uganda Communications Commission

UEPB Uganda Export Promotion Board

UEPC Uganda Export Promotion Council

UGX Ugandan Shillings

UNBS Uganda National Bureau of Standards

USP Unique Selling Proposition

UNCCI Uganda National Chamber of Commerce and Industry

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1. Executive Summary

1.1 Introduction

National Information Technology Authority – Uganda (NITA-U), under the Ministry of ICT, has been at

the forefront of catalyzing initiatives to foster and facilitate the quick and planned growth of Uganda’s

ITES-BPO industry. In the ITES-BPO strategy report, released in 2012, NITA-U focused on listing various

nationwide initiatives required across various factors critical for the industry’s growth and deemed as

the pillars of growth- like infrastructure, human capital, business environment and supporting structure.

The strategy report further asserted that Uganda has a capacity to generate more than 18500 jobs in the

next 10 years, if it focused on implementing the recommended initiatives and incentives in appropriate

time frame. The following graph depicts the potential job growth in Ugandan ITES-BPO industry

depending on the pace at which the recommendations in the strategy report are implemented.

The ITES-BPO strategy report also recommended target segments to leverage the core strengths and

opportunities the country had to offer. It highlighted that if Uganda could progressively build its strength

around its primary competencies, it could gain market share in the international ITES-BPO service space

across select verticals, horizontals and geographies, as depicted below:







16000 18548



12700 14723







Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10

Estimated ITES-BPO Job Projections

Aggressive Growth Average Growth Conservative Growth

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It was also recommended that NITA-U establishes and facilitates adoption of globally recognized

standards across service delivery, skill development and ITES-BPO Business Parks. This would ensure

that the Ugandan ITES-BPO industry gains sufficient maturity and competitiveness, especially in the

niche market segments identified. In lieu of which, the cardinal focus of Uganda BPO Standards,

Regulations and Accreditation Guidelines is:

Standards Review: Recommend a list of standards and regulations which are globally accepted

across the identified target service segments identified for Uganda.

Skill Analysis & Skill Set Dictionary Development: Recommend training curriculum to align with

skill development across the identified target market segments for associates, team leads and

operations, after assessing the ITES-BPO talent skill and availability gap.

ITES-BPO Business Park Enablers: Recommend best practices and standards for ITES-BPO

Business Park site selection, capacity development and technology platforms to enable smooth

ITES-BPO service delivery.

Roadmap: Create a roadmap that aligns the implementation of recommended best practices

and adoption of standards & regulations to meet the needs of the identified target segment,

over both short, medium and long term.

1.2 Standards Review

25 (twenty five) ITES-BPO standards were reviewed and analysed from across the globe using the

following key pillars:

Standards, Regulations and Accreditation Guidelines to Enhance the BPO Industry in Uganda

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Based on their relevance for the identified ITES-BPO target market segments, the listed below is the

selected set of standards for Uganda:

Pillar Description Standard/

Certification/ Regulation

Description Relevance Target


To Strengthen core Capabilities for Associates, Team Leaders and Managers to successfully perform their roles in ITES-BPO Organizations irrespective of the service lines

Prince 2 Process Based approach for Project Management recognized in Europe


PMP Process Based approach for Project Management recognized Globally


CBOM For developing an operation manager’s knowledge in critical areas like quality, people ,operations and budget


CBTS For developing knowledge of concepts& best-practices in team-leadership roles


CBTL For developing team leadership sills to manage the floor on a day to day basis


NAC For developing readiness of Fresh Graduates and Associates


IAOP Group of


To develop Knowledge of all phases of the Outsourcing Process for Associates and Team Leads



To strengthen Service line based delivery capability for both ITES-BPO Service Provider Organizations and Employees

PCMM For HRO Service Provider Organizations


ISO 20000 Based on ITIL standards for Service Management for IT Help Desk Service Provider Organizations


HDI support Centre


For the Support Centre/ Help Desk Service Provider Organizations


ITIL For excellence in Service Management for IT Helpdesk Professionals


BCI Group of Certifications

Specialist and Associate Level for Customer Interaction Services, Back Office, Data Entry and Technical Support



For Call Center Leadership and Management, meant for Call Center Professionals


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HDI Professional Certification

Role and Knowledge based individual certification for Help Desk Professionals


Pillar Description Standard/

Certification/ Regulation

Description Relevance Target


To develop maturity for Organizational Processes


To improve organizational maturity across areas around 5 broad categories – Planning, Technology, Process, People and Performance Results


COPC Family of standards for performance management in Customer Contact Industry


ISO 9000 Family of standards for Quality Management


CMMi SVC For IT Development/Design/Testing/Maintenance/ Services


Business Continuity Institute

For Business Continuity Planning


COBIT IT Governance Framework for IT Support Service Providers


BTMQ - 07 Talent Quality Management for Smaller ITES-BPO Service Providers


BSDQ - 09 Service Delivery Quality for Smaller ITES-BPO Service Providers



Focus on developing maturity industry specific domain knowledge, capabilities and compliance


Compliance to HIPAA required to protect confidentiality of Patient information while working with US Health Care Providers


SOX Specific mandates and requirements for financial reporting by US companies- compliance by service provider required


Gramm Leach Bliley Act


Requires Financial Institutions to explain their information-sharing practices to their customers and to safeguard sensitive data.


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1.3 Skills Assessment and Gap Analysis

The current availability and skill level gaps were assessed through a Skill Workshop and Survey, where

key stakeholders from Ministry of Higher Education, Uganda National Bureau of Standards, service

providers and training agencies, offered their views and feedback on the framework used, assumptions

made and current state of skill availability and their levels in Uganda.

To develop Uganda’s ITES- BPO talent pool, it is important to compare and benchmark the current

available skill levels with global and regional standards, as well as assess the gap between requirement

and talent pool availability. To ensure that Uganda has the most appropriate training curriculum along

with training delivery mechanisms in place, the methodology used assessed both the talent pool

availability as well as skill gap with respect to anticipated demand.

1.3.1 Assessing Talent Pool Availability Gap

As can be seen from the following summary, there exists a gap of ITES-BPO talent pool only for three

years-2015, 2016 and 2017, peaking in 2016 at 3217 and then dipping in 2017 at 375. This is expected as

the industry is expected to grow at steady pace till 2015 and then stabilize afterwards.

Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Total Industry demand 4950 7840 12320 17920 18458 19521 20106 20709

Total Talent Pool Available 5676 8511 11517 14703 18082 21667 25471 29508

Talent Pool Availability Gap -726 -671 803 3217 375 -2146 -5365 -8799

1.3.2 Assessing Skill Quality Gap

To bridge the skill availability gap that exists till 2015, Uganda will have to encourage and incentivise the

existing students to apply for BPO jobs. With the appropriate initiatives taken in the short and medium

term, Uganda may see a surplus of talent in the medium to long term. Although this can improve the

overall skill competitiveness of the industry and stabilize the wage inflation, it may also lead to some





2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Total Industry demand Total Talent Pool Available Skill Availability Gap

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unemployment among the trained and employable youth. To avoid such disillusionment, NITA-U will

have to ensure that the numbers of ITES-BPO youth trained are aligned with the industry requirement.

To ensure that Ugandan workforce has the requisite skill capabilities, NITA-U will have to facilitate

trainings in services that are most relevant to Uganda. After assessing and understanding the global,

regional and domestic ITES-BPO skill requirements, a skill set dictionary was created for associate, team

leaders and operations managers depending on the identified target market service lines. Uganda ITES-BPO Skill Gap

Ugandan skill gap was assessed by comparing the current skill levels of Uganda with the skill levels in

leading destinations such as India and Philippines. The assessment was conducted on a 3 point gradient

scale with scores of 1, 3 and 5 – 1 being unsatisfactory, 3 being satisfactory and 5 being excellent. The

current state skill level in Uganda was assessed through an online survey and key stakeholder workshop

attended by representatives from the Uganda Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Education, Ministry of

ICT, leading service providers and leading training agencies.

Conclusion: Although Ugandans have inherent strengths that are favorable for the target service lines,

they have to focus on strengthening their skills at the entry level in all areas. There seems to be a lack of

understanding among associates about the requirements and demands of their role. They were also

found lacking in basic computer knowledge, understanding of client satisfaction, office productivity tools

and written communication. To strengthen Uganda’s inherent strengths and offerings, the industry

knowledge of the target verticals, especially in the domestic market, has to be inculcated at the

associate level. However, it was very evident from this skill gap exercise that Ugandans show great

ability to learn as they progress in their career. This is demonstrated by the fact that Team Leaders are

strong in their key skills when compared to associates. Except for transitioning skills, Team leaders and

above demonstrated very good relationship management, industry specific and role specific

competencies. To ensure that Uganda bridges this gap, ITES-BPO related trainings need to be introduced

from senior secondary school onwards along with attracting the youth to the industry. These are

summarized in the following section. Training Recommendations

Based on the identified skill gaps above, training curriculum was developed. For each role, the relevant

people standards are included. NITA-U can either look for training partners that can train the associates,

team leaders and operations on the standards mentioned or design training in collaboration with the

education ministries. The training recommendations are described in terms of key modules and

corresponding objectives for the roles of Associates, Team Leads and Operations Managers.

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1.4 ITES-BPO Park - Enabler Analysis

1.4.1 Site Selection

Selecting an ITES- BPO delivery location within a country is a key strategic decision and is based on

factors such as access to scalable talent pool, operating costs, availability of ICT infrastructure, risk

profile and quality of life. However, to fully leverage the advantages a location offers to the ITES-BPO

industry, it is very critical to ensure that the site selected to develop a business park or for incubation

purposes, addresses some of the critical requirements as indicated and described below:

1.4.2 ITES-BPO Business Park Capacity Development

An ITES-BPO business park provides essential infrastructure that is required to provide the ITES-BPO

facilities to a global clients expectations. This infrastructure includes physical office space, hi-speed and

reliable telecom arrangement and amenities for a healthy working environment. An ITES-BPO business

park also provides facilities that increase the capability of ITES-BPO service providers. These facilities

include marketing and business development support through promotion of the ITES-BPO business park

and skill development through training. In order for service providers to be price - competitive in the

global market, it is essential for an ITES-BPO park to be able to provide quality infrastructure and

facilities at a globally and regionally competitive rate. This is achieved through various incentives

provided by Government in the ITES-BPO parks which are usually built in Special Economic Zones (SEZs).

SEZs play a very important role in strengthening, growing and gaining global acceptance of a country’s

ITES-BPO industry. To ensure long term growth and sustenance of its operations, an ITES-BPO business

park should focus on developing its capacity in the four drivers as shown below:

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1.5 Standards Implementation, Accreditation, and Stakeholder

Communication Guide

To make Uganda an ITES-BPO destination that is renowned for the quality of its service delivery, it is

imperative to follow a planned roadmap that nurtures its inherent strengths and develops its potential.

1.5.1 Phase-Wise Roadmap

Uganda should follow the below roadmap for ITES-BPO Standards & Regulations, Skill Development and

Business park and also aim to support the implementation of it by providing the necessary facilitation.

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Uganda has identified certain inherent strengths and advantages that it can leverage to develop its ITES-

BPO industry. The strengths such as language skills, IT knowledge, lower wages, presence of basic

infrastructure etc. should be enhanced by increasing the adoption world-class standards in the ITES-BPO

organizations, delivery, processes, skills and business park infrastructure. To ensure that it has a self-

sustaining ITES-BPO ecosystem, it should follow a phase-wise roadmap so that it strengthens its core

capabilities and then later advances them to gain regional and wider global recognition. While focusing

on increasing the adoption of various ITES-BPO best practices and standards, it should also focus on

launching nationwide initiatives in each of three streams discussed earlier – ITES-BPO Standards &

Regulations, Skill Development and Business Park.

1.5.2 Standards, Training & Regulation Governance Framework

As shown below, the key aims of governance should be to facilitate adoption of standards, trainings and

regulations among service and training providers by:

Accrediting and incentivising usage of standards among the key service and training providers.

Here, NITA-U should focus on supporting adoption of standards through consulting, marketing

and incentivising standards. NITA-U should also focus on accrediting the training and service

providers based on the key indicators.

Monitoring and evaluating the adoption rate of standards & regulations to make necessary


Synergizing the key stakeholders and representatives to gain required support in facilitating the

adoption of standards as well stay abreast with latest domestic and international trends

Ensuring that the prescribed standards and training curriculum are continuously updated

depending on the domestic and regional first and then global industry requirements. Here,

NITA-U should maintain a Standards & Training Book of Knowledge that lists the standards, their

relevance, accreditation mechanisms etc. and align them with the UNBS standards framework

Accreditation An accreditation mechanism should address the need for establishing and assuring quality in service delivery of service providers, training delivery of training organizations and infrastructure and support services provided in Business Park. The accreditation mechanism should be designed to prepare interested organizations for program certification and professional practice. Following steps describe the process NITA-U should follow to accredit service provider, training or ITES-BPO business park organizations.

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1.5.3 Action Items for ITES-BPO Standards, Regulation and Accreditation Short term (0-2 Years): Focus on Developing Core Capabilities

In the short term focus should be on various incentives and initiatives to create awareness and spread

the adoption of ITES-BPO standards and training curriculum. A thrust towards creating awareness,

beginning various skill development initiatives and putting together the basic infrastructure would be

essential. Results of various initiatives taken up in the short term will start yielding results in the medium

to long term.

The suggested action items in short term are:

i. Creating Awareness

ii. Enhance the Marketing Message

iii. Building ITES-BPO Standards & Training Book of Knowledge

iv. Adoption of Standards

v. Skill Development

vi. Basic Services in the ITES-BPO Park

vii. Incentives for the industry Medium to Long term (2-5 Years and beyond): Focus on Moving up the Value


In the medium to long term, a sustained effort on various initiatives started during the short term phase

will have to be continued. The results of efforts put in the small term will begin to unfold in the medium

to long term. In medium term, Uganda should have achieved a critical mass of service providers, channel

partners and employees that have adopted the recommended standards. Effort will be required to

adopt and customise these initiatives depending on the changes in the Macro and Micro economic

factors affecting them like revisiting the Investment promotion initiatives and taking infrastructure to

the next level by scaling the ITES-BPO park infrastructure. By this time, BPO industry in Uganda should

have established itself as a strong brand in the domestic/regional markets and higher focus should be

put towards placing it as a strong location in the international market. Uganda should also establish a

governance and monitoring & evaluation framework that monitors and incentives the service providers

based on the rate of adoption and quantum of quality improvement.

The suggested action items in medium to Long term are:

i. Take the “quality message” international

ii. Move the service providers up the value chain and adopt industry specific and KPO based


iii. Create self-sustaining ecosystems in its ITES-BPO Business Parks

iv. Customised and Value based incentives

v. Targeted skill set development

vi. Integrate requirements of the ITES-BPO Industry in the education curriculum and increase

number of Training Institutes

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2. Standards Review

2.1 Introduction to Standards and Regulations

The evolution of internet and the global telecommunications has presented clients with a choice of

servicing their requirements from any corner of the world. As a result, competition between service

providers has become more aggressive in the ITES-BPO market. Organizations aim to find the most cost-

effective services they need while maintaining or improving their quality of service or transforming their


The growing market for outsourced business services has attracted a large number of service providers

from various geographies. It is important for service provider organizations to differentiate themselves,

in order to be recognized within the crowd. Buyers of outsourcing services are cautious and careful

while choosing their service providers, in view of the large investments required in the exercise. In the

current economic downturn, while recovery is on its way, buyer organizations are more selective in

choosing their outsourcing vendors and destinations. In order to stay competitive, service providers

have to be recognized for their delivery capability, organizational maturity and talent pool.

In this context, Standards, Regulations, Models and best-practices frameworks have gained enormous

currency for the following reasons:

1) Models and standards are typically a collection of best practices, compiled and presented in a

structured manner. A best practice is a method or technique that has consistently shown results

superior to those achieved with other means, and that is used as a benchmark. In addition, a "best"

practice can evolve to become better as improvements are discovered. Best practice frameworks

provide a ready path by which organizations can leap frog and adopt time-tested matured practices

and processes, which lead to a better, and more consistent, delivery capability.

2) Models can help an organization systematically grow its capability to meet commitments and

improve effectiveness and efficiency. Standards can provide assistance and reduces the risk of a

buyer’s decision by:

• providing a common vocabulary for communication between the buyer and seller

• providing objective criteria for otherwise vague claims regarding the nature of service

• defining methods for characterizing elusive characteristics such as reliability

• assuring the buyer that specific quality assurance practices were applied

Different standards have focused on different aspects of the problem. Enterprise-level framework,

address business and general process and quality issues. Systems-oriented frameworks address

problems at the hardware/software systems level. Software-oriented frameworks focus on software

management and engineering issues. A myriad of standards and models address specific processes,

work products. Each provides value from its perspective.

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The various standards established specifically for the ITES-BPO sectors, in general, ensure adequate

checks and controls that ensure trust between the buyer and service provider as well as setting the

right expectations of the final outcome from the service providers.

3) Of all the service providers, some are more qualified and competent than others. However, without

a standard to evaluate them, clients make value-decisions in a variety of non-standard ways. In the

absence of standards, service providers would be forced to compete in an increasingly large market

with only a portfolio of previous clients and past experiences to differentiate themselves. Reference

to standards provides clients an independent, third-party certified assessment of a variety of

capability and maturity of providers, and enables them make objective, data driven decisions.

Adoption of standards and certification provides an opportunity for service providers to show-case

their ability and build a reliable brand for themselves.

In order to create the right messaging to attract International and regional buyers, Ugandan service

providers need to establish and achieve certain ITES-BPO standards, that will help establish and propel

the ITES-BPO industry. Today various ITES-BPO organizations across the globe demonstrate their

competence and adherence to quality standards by adhering to various standards which have instilled

confidence in buyers of their services. Most of the top ITES-BPO organizations are ISO 27001, ISO

9001:2000, ITIL, COPC and CMMi certified.

In order to help navigate through the quagmire of multitude of models and standards, the following

sections focus on:

1) A detailed review of existing standards and regulations, with an assessment of relevance to the

Ugandan service providers and their markets, and

2) Recommendations for adoption of these standards in a short-medium and long term time frames

and the associated benefits.

2.2 Detailed description of Standards and Regulations


ITES-BPO Standards can be categorized into four pillars depending on the function or processes areas

they seek to enhance. Depending on their focus areas, ITES-BPO can be broadly categorized as depicted


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2.2.1 People

This section discusses standards that focus on strengthening core capabilities for associates, team

leaders & managers across all service lines. These standards focus on developing the capabilities of


Prince 2 Relevant Service Lines: All ITES-BPO

Service Providers

Target : Individuals

Introduction Projects IN Controlled Environments 2 (PRINCE2) is a structured project management

method endorsed by the UK government as the project management standard for public

projects. The methodology encompasses the management, control and organization of a

project. PRINCE2 is also used to refer to the training and accreditation of authorized

practitioners of the methodology who must undertake accredited qualifications to obtain

certification. PRINCE2 is derived from an earlier method called PROMPTII and from PRINCE

project management method, which was initially developed in 1989 by the Central

Computer and Telecommunications Agency (CCTA) as a UK Government standard for

information systems (IT) project management; however, it soon became regularly applied

outside the purely IT environment. PRINCE2 was released in 1996 as a generic project

management method. PRINCE2, as a method and a certification, is adopted in many

countries worldwide, including the UK, Western Europe and Australia.

Overview A structured approach to project management, PRINCE2 provides a method for managing

projects within a clearly defined framework. PRINCE2 describes procedures to coordinate

people and activities in a project, how to design and supervise the project, and what to do if

the project has to be adjusted if it doesn’t develop as planned. In the method each process

is specified with its key inputs and outputs and with specific goals and activities to be carried

out, which gives an automatic control of any deviations from the plan.

Divided into manageable stages, the method enables an efficient control of resources. On

the basis of close monitoring the project can be carried out in a controlled and organized

way. Being a structured method widely recognized and understood; PRINCE2 provides a

common language for all participants in the project. The various management roles and

responsibilities involved in a project are fully described and are adaptable to suit the

complexity of the project and skills of the organization.

Applicability Existing or aspiring Operations Managers



PRINCE2, as a method and a certification, is adopted in many countries worldwide, including

the UK, Western Europe and Australia.

PMP Relevant Service Line: All Target : Individuals

Introduction PMP stands for Project Management Professional. It is a certificate offered by the Project

Management Institute (PMI). PMP is accredited against ISO 17024 and ISO 9001:2008 which

stand for quality management systems. The application of PMP is transferrable across

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industries and geographies as it is not tied to a single method, systems or organization. PMP

is provided based on both knowledge and experience of a Operations Manager.

Overview The Project Management Framework consists of five broad process groups that are mapped

to 9 knowledge areas and 42 processes: Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and

Controlling and Closing

The nine project management Knowledge Areas:

• Project Integration Management

• Project Scope Management

• Project Time Management

• Project Cost Management

• Project Quality Management

• Project Human Resource Management

• Project Communications Management

• Project Risk Management

• Project Procurement Management

A candidate can refer to the Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK) which

describes approaches and best practices essential for project management.

Applicability PMP is applicable to Operations Managers of any ITES-BPO Service Provider especially in the

field of process transition and process improvement. The certification certifies a Operations

Manager to be capable of running the project with global standards



It is estimated that there are currently 200,000 PMP practitioners globally across various


CBOM Relevant Service Lines: All Target : Individuals

Introduction Certified BPO Operations Manager is a domain independent certificate for Operations

Managers and operations managers, recognized globally.

Overview The Certifications are structured as following:

Test Code Test Area Test Sweep

BC-401 Managing

Operations & Work


Strategic Operations Management; Resource

Budgeting and Costing; Knowledge Management for

Operational Excellence; Workforce Optimization;

Client Satisfaction Management Practices and

Techniques; Client Process Establishment & Audits;

Productivity Planning Techniques

BC-402 Quality Quality Standards in BPO; Establishing &

Standards, Regulations and Accreditation Guidelines to Enhance the BPO Industry in Uganda

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Management Propagating Client's Quality Standards; Monitoring

Compliance to Quality Standards and Processes;

Quality Improvement Strategies, Processes & Tools;

Minimizing Quality Variations and Divergences

BC-403 Team & People



Team Recruitment, Induction and Deployment;

Performance Planning & Targeting; Performance

Measurement, Analysis & Appraisal; Workgroup and

Participatory Culture Development; Building

Empowered Teams; Top Performers Retention;

Training & Career Development; Absenteeism

Management; Feedback and Coaching; Mentoring;

Stress Management Practices

BC-MT-01 BCI BPO Managerial

Ability Test

This test is designed to evaluate a registrant’s

competencies, reflexes and aptitude for handling

Mid-management level roles in a typical BPO service

provider organization. The 2-pronged BMAT seeks to

assess and rate a registrant on the aspects of

Managerial Effectiveness and Interpersonal Skills.

RR-995 Referee Reports



The RR requires CBOM® registrants to get a detailed

feedback from their supervisors in a BCI-prescribed

format. In most cases, the RR request goes straight

to the Supervisor, whose name has been mentioned

by the registrant in the Application form.

Applicability A Bachelor’s degree in any discipline and an industry experience of minimum 7 years at least

3 years of which in a supervisory position in a BPO Organization. OR a Bachelor’s degree

with a Specialist Team Leader (CBTS®) certification from BCI and a post-CBTS® experience of

at least TWO years or more as a Team leader/ supervisor in the BPO/ Contact Centre




Adopted by many leading and emerging BPO project operations managers across US, UK,

India and Philippines

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CBTS Relevant Service Line: All Target : Individuals

Introduction Certified BPO Team Lead is a certificate for Team Leader approved by the BPO Professional

Certification Council (BPCC) and is recognized globally

Overview CBTL course is structured as following:







Validity/ Life




Pre- Certification






An experience of

minimum three

years (two years

after attaining


CTSS®/ CFPS®) as

a Senior

Associate/ Junior

Team Lead in


organization. The


should at least

have a


Degree/ Diploma

in any discipline.

Five years

from the

date of

award of the






Board of BCI

requires all CBTS®

applicants to


undergo a

minimum of 16-

24 hrs of



prepare through

online learning

program offered

by BCI authorized



Training Providers



• Online BCI

Examination on

BPO Operations.

• BCI Skills Test

on Team




and assessments

are conducted at

authorized BCI


Centres (BACs)

located in major

cities across the


Applicability An experience of minimum 3 years (2years after attaining CCIS®/ CBPS®/ CTSS®/ CFPS®) as a

Senior Associate/ junior Team Lead in a BPO organization. The applicants should at least

have a Bachelor’s degree/ diploma in any discipline.



Adopted by many leading and emerging ITES-BPO Team Leaders across US, UK, India and


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CBTL Relevant Service Line: All Target : Team Individuals

Introduction Certified BPO Team Lead is a joint effort by QAI and NASSCOM that aims at enabling

participants to acquire skills necessary for a Team Lead. This course introduces the

participants to

• Understand team dynamics and conflict management

• Learn how to manage change

• Monitor metrics

• Improve operational efficiency through quality tools and methodologies

• Build processes to capture tacit knowledge and implement best practices

• Equip self for handling bigger challenges and assignments.

Overview CBTL course is structured as following:

• Overview and Role of a Team Leader/Operation Leader

• Operations Management

o Understanding Metrics

o Data Analysis, Planning and Management

• Quality Management

o Tools for Improvement

o Basics of Monitoring

• People Management

• Dynamic Floor Management

Applicability Team Leaders, Supervisors, Assistant Managers, Executives/Associates aspiring/selected for

becoming Team Leaders across all verticals and horizontals in the BPO sector



The participants after attending the course will be well versed with

Principles of Managing Operations, People and Quality

How to manage using metrics

Skills to manage the floor on a day-to-day basis

Understand the relationships between planning, people, processes and

performance Increase readiness to apply learning ‘on the job’ immediately

NAC Relevant Service Line: All Target : Individuals

Introduction NASSCOM assessment of Competence (NAC) is an associate assessment program jointly

designed by NASSCOM and leading ITES-BPO service providers such as Genpact, Accenture,

Convergys, IBM, WNS & EXL

Overview NAC is a 75 minute objective type examination that assesses the skills of an ITES-BPO

aspirant across Speaking and Listening, Analytical Ability, Quantitative Ability, English Writing

and Keyboard Skills. After the assessment test is taken online, NASSCOM shares the test

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scores with the leading ITES-BPO service providers. The test is widely accepted by all leading

ITES-BPO service providers. The increases the job guarantee for fresh graduates or school

dropouts willing to enter the ITES-BPO industry.

Applicability Associates



This is accepted by all leading ITES-BPO service providers

IAOP group of


Relevant Service Line: All Target : Individuals

Introduction The Certified Outsourcing Specialist (COS) family of certifications recognizes individuals

involved in the delivery of outsourcing services across the role of an associate, team leader

and operations manager. The primary intent is to serve the needs of the provider

community. COS family of certifications are aligned with specific jobs areas of

responsibility. COS certifications provide individuals with updated industry knowledge,

skills and experience required to perform their jobs at the highest standards and enable

their companies to deliver high quality of services to their customers. The COS family

currently consists of the following certifications:

• Certified Outsourcing Specialist-Transaction Processing (COS-TP), meant for data-entry professionals

• Certified Outsourcing Specialist-Finance & Accounting (COS-F&A), meant for F&A professionals

• Certified Outsourcing Specialist-Human Resources (COS-HR), meant for HRO professionals

The above certifications provide strong foundation in their respective areas, especially for

entry-level professionals.

Overview COS-TP

A COS-TP is certified to have the skills necessary to accurately and quickly perform

common tasks to Transaction Processing. The COS-TP test reports each operator’s:

Accuracy (field level and transaction level error rate)

Productivity (speed at which transactions are processed)

Error patterns (distribution of errors across different types of fields)

Error details (list of specific errors made by the operator during the test)

Statistical estimate of long-term accuracy and productivity (based on statistical

methods, COS-TP specifies a range of accuracy and productivity rates such that it

can be 95 percent sure that the operator’s long-term average accuracy and

productivity would lie within the specified range).


A COS-F&A is certified to have the knowledge and capabilities necessary to perform tasks

and deliver services at a basic entry-level proficiency in the Finance and Accounting domain

of the outsourcing industry. The COS-F&A test validates a candidates knowledge of:

Accounting concepts and conventions

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Double entry bookkeeping system

Books reconciliation, ledger accounting, rectification of errors, inventory


Financial statements preparation and analysis

Introduction to capital market and derivatives

Use of IT in financial accounting

Basic knowledge of BPO, personal management, English language, and computer



A COS-HR is certified to have the knowledge of Human Resource processes and concepts

and the capability necessary to perform tasks and deliver services at a basic entry-level

proficiency in the Human Resources domain of the outsourcing industry. The COS-HR test

validates a candidate’s knowledge in :

Various human resources processes including selection, recruitment, training,

induction, etc.

Processing of employee payroll, compensation and benefits

Office administration and human resource linkage in the organization

Basic knowledge of BPO, personal management, English language, and

computer skills

Applicability BPO service providers engaged in Call Centre operations and Customer Integrated Services



This is accepted by all leading ITES-BPO service providers

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2.2.2 Process

This section discusses standards that focus on strengthening ITES-BPO process and service delivery

capabilities in specific service lines. These standards focus on developing the capabilities of both

organizations and individuals.

P-CMM Relevant Service Lines: HRO Target : Organizations

Introduction People Capability Maturity Model (short names: People CMM, PCMM, P-CMM) is a maturity

framework that focuses on continuously improving the management and development of

the human assets of an organization. It describes an evolutionary improvement path from

ad hoc, inconsistently performed practices, to a mature, disciplined, and continuously

improving development of the knowledge, skills, and motivation of the workforce that

enhances strategic business performance.

Overview The People Capability Maturity Model (People CMM) is a framework that helps

organizations successfully address their critical people issues. Based on the current best

practices in fields such as human resources, knowledge management, and organizational

development, the People CMM guides organizations in improving their processes for

managing and developing their workforces. The People CMM helps organizations

characterize the maturity of their workforce practices, establish a program of continuous

workforce development, set priorities for improvement actions, integrate workforce

development with process improvement, and establish a culture of excellence

The strategic objectives pursued in the P-CMM are to

Improve the capability of ITES-BPO organizations by increasing the capability of

their staff,

Ensure that client service delivery capability is an attribute of the organization

rather than of a few individuals,

Align the motivation of the staff with those of the organization, and

Retain assets (i.e., people with extensive skills and capabilities) within the


The P-CMM includes practices in the areas of

Staffing (includes recruiting, selection and planning)

Managing performance



Applicability Process knowledge for HROs



P-CMM has been used by software ITES-BPO organizations around the world for managing

and developing their workforce. Since its release in 1995, thousands of copies of the People

CMM have been distributed, and it is used worldwide by organizations, small and large, such

as IBM, Boeing, BAE Systems, Tata Consultancy Services, etc.

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ISO 20000 Relevant Service Line: IT Helpdesk Target : Organizations

Introduction ISO 20000 is the first international standard for IT service management. It was developed in

2005, by ISO/IEC JTC1 SC7 and revised in 2011. It is based on and intended to supersede the

earlier BS 15000 that was developed by the British Standards Institutions (BSI Group). The

standard actually comprises two parts: ISO/IEC 20000-1 and ISO/IEC 20000-2. ISO 20000-1 is

the 'Specification for Service Management, and it is this which is certifiable against. ISO

20000-2 is the ' Code of practice for Service Management', and describes best practices, and

the requirements of Part 1.

Overview The ISO 20000 standard aligns with ITIL, the IT Infrastructure Library, and specifies the

following key process groups: Service Delivery Processes; Relationship Processes; Resolution

Processes; Release Process; Control Processes. It defines a Quality Management System

(QMS) for IT Service Management. In 2000, the BSI developed the requirements for the

delivery of IT services called BS 15000. In late 2005, the International Standards Organization

(ISO) accepted BS 15000 as a new international standard called ISO/IEC 20000.

The aim is to provide a common reference standard for any enterprise offering IT services –

and a common terminology. This standard promotes an integrated process that is closely

aligned with the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) Service Support and Service Delivery phases

and provides a yardstick for measuring an organization’s ability to implement best practices

as defined by ITIL.

Applicability IT helpdesk and IT service desk management organizations



Some examples of ISO 20000 certified organizations include big, global brands like Wipro,

Capgemini, Accenture, Infosys etc.

HDI Relevant Service Line: IT HelpDesk Target : Organizations

Introduction HDI Support Centre Certification recognizes a support centre’s commitment to excellence,

efficiency, and service quality. The certification is based on the HDI Support Centre

Standard, an internationally recognized standard developed by the HDI International

Certification Standards Committee (ICSC) and conforms to European Foundation of Quality

Management (EFQM). The ICSC is comprised of support industry practitioners and experts

from across the world.

Overview HDI certifies support centres based on following parameters:

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Applicability Support Centres



The HDI support centre certification is widely adopted by both Shared Service Centre

organizations and Service Providers. Some of them include Cognizant, Intergraph, Fujitsu,

NEC, Caretch, AETNA, ActioNET

ITIL Relevant Service Line: IT HelpDesk Target : Individuals

Introduction ITIL stands for Information Technology Infrastructure Library. It is a set of best practices for

service management and is used by both IT Services and ITES-BPO service providers to

establish and showcase their service management capabilities. Securing ITIL also lays

foundation for other important certifications like BS15000, COBIT and ISO.

Overview ITIL v3 (or ITIL 2011) replaced ITIL v2 in June 2011 to encompass full lifecycle of services

rather than just service delivery and support. ITIL v3 addresses problems that are relevant to

the contemporary maturity and sophistication of service offerings. It covers 4 broad areas in

service management: strategy, design, transition and operations. Continuous improvement

is considered as an activity that is applicable throughout the cycle.

Applicability ITIL certifies individuals typically team leads and managers specializing in IT Helpdesk or IT




ITIL is adopted by a multitude of service providers globally. Key staffs within these

organizations are ITIL certified. Some of the more recognized organizations are BPO

Service providers such as IBM, Accenture, TCS, WIPRO, Infosys and HCL

It is estimated that there are about 600,000 ITIL foundation level certified

professionals; 60,000 ITIL intermediate level certified professionals and about 6000

ITIL experts

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for Associates

Relevant Service Line: Multiple Target : Individual

Introduction The BCI certifications are designed to equip the new-age associate with critical skills

required to perform their roles in various service-lines and discipline successfully. Covering

all critical BPO/ KPO domains, such as Customer Service, Transaction Processing, Back-

office services, Finance & Accounting, and Technical Support, BCI’s CCIP® (Customer

Interaction), CBPA® (Business Processes), CFPA® (Financial Processes), and CTSA®

(Technical Support) Certifications span the entire BPO Service Provider space.

Overview CCIP (Certified Customer Interaction Professional):

CCIP® program is designed for graduates desirous of starting a career as customer service

associates in ITES-BPO organizations and contact centres or in-house customer care

operations of other non-BPO organizations. The CCIP assessments seek to evaluate the

overall preparedness of young talents in terms of their knowledge, communication,

aptitude and basic interpersonal skills for working on various types of customer-service

tasks both in inbound- and outbound operations.

CBSA (Certified Back Office Service Associate):

CBSA® program is designed for graduates desirous of starting a career in non-voice

transaction services BPO organizations. The CBSA® assessments seek to evaluate the

overall preparedness of young talents in terms of their knowledge, communication,

aptitude and basic interpersonal skills for working on various types of transaction services


CTSA (Certified Technical Support Associate):

CTSA® program is designed for graduates who want to make a career in technical support

BPOs. The CTSA® assessments seek to evaluate the overall preparedness of young talents

for handling common tasks and services related to troubleshooting customer problems

through email, chat or phone.

Applicability Fresh Graduates



In 2009-2010, more than 50,000 university graduates attained BCI Certifications across

almost 30 countries.

CIAC Relevant Service Line: Customer

Interaction Services (CIS)/Contact


Target : Individuals

Introduction CIAC Certification is an industry-recognized and accredited credential that develops and validates

the competency of contact centre professionals. The CIAC Certification standard was designed by

the Call Centre Industry Advisory Council - a broadly representative group of contact centre

practitioners and industry subject matter experts. They identified role-specific knowledge, skills

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and attributes (competencies) that underlie superior contact centre job performance.

Overview CIAC Certification is a standardized and accredited credential for the call centre management

profession, and governed by a globally-representative group of contact centre practitioners and

industry experts. The CIAC Certification standard has been updated in 2012 to reflect the

challenges of today’s contact centre professional. CIAC Certification provides a competency-based

framework for call centre leaders and managers to develop and formally validate the professional


The competencies are categorized into four domains of contact centre management responsibility:

• Leadership

• People

• Customers

• Operations & Technology

Applicability The CIAC Professional Designation are explained in the table below:


Strategic Leader











Management Consultant



Senior executives

responsible for

setting the

strategic direction

and vision for

customer care

across all channels

of the



experience in a

strategic call

center leadership


Responsible to

align call center

objectives with


business goals

Accountable for

the call center's





responsible for

directing day-to-

day call center




managing call

center operations

involving all areas

specified in the



Responsible for


customer care


Accountable for

the call center's

performance to

service and

quality objectives

New to call center


With limited call


management job

role experience

Pursuing a career

in call center

management via

formal education

Call center

supervisors with




Ability to gain

mastery of the

knowledge and

skill requirements

Call center consultants

Call center training


Call center and




May or may not be

affiliated with an end-

user organization

Ability to gain mastery

of the knowledge and

skill requirements

specified in the CCMC


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Shared Service Centres of Coca Cola, American Express, McKesson, Cardinal Health and


Service Providers like People Support Centre, Philippines Eatel,USA PDL Contact Centres,


HDI Relevant Service Lines: IT HelpDesk,

Contact Centres

Target : Individuals

Introduction HDI is the leading professional association and certification body for technical service and

support professionals. Facilitating collaboration and networking, HDI hosts industry

conferences and events, produces comprehensive publications and research, and connects

solution providers with practitioners; all while certifying and training thousands of

professionals each year.

HDI serves a community of over 110,000 members, followers, customers, solution providers,

and contributors throughout the service industry, supporting sixty local chapters across

North America. Guided by an international panel of industry experts and practitioners, HDI is

the community’s premier resource for best practices and emerging trends.

Overview To help organizations to provide quality customer service, HDI offers a series of certifications

for support centre professionals.

There are various certifications for different roles and responsibilities

HDI Customer Service Representative (HDI-CSR)

HDI Desktop Support Technician (HDI-DST)

HDI Support Centre Analyst (HDI-SCA)

HDI Support Centre Team Lead (HDI-SCTL)

HDI Desktop Support Manager

HDI Support Centre Manager (HDI-SCM)

Applicability Contact Centre and Support Centre Professionals across associates (HDI-CSR, HDI-DST, HDI-

SCA), team leads (HDI-SCTL) and operations managers(HDI-SM, HDI-SCM)



ISO 9000 has been globally adopted. In recent years there has been a rapid growth in China,

which now accounts for approximately a quarter of the global certifications. Other leading

countries include Italy, Japan, Spain, Russia, Germany, United Kingdom, India, and USA.

Some leading companies to have certified ISO 9000 include WIPRO Infosys, HCL etc.

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2.2.3 Operations

This section discusses standards that focus on developing organizational and operational maturity.

These standards largely focus on developing the capabilities of organizations.

SPOT Relevant Service Lines: All Target : Organizations

Introduction SPOT stands for single point of truth. It is essentially a performance maturity model that

provides ITES-BPO service providers a mechanism to judge their organization’s performance

levels and ascertain initiatives required to develop their maturity. It is built around 5 broad

categories – Planning, Technology, Process, People and Performance Results. Depending on

the assessment, it classifies a service provider into three tiers:

Tier 1 – Adequate

Tier 2 – Superior

Tier 3 – Leading

Overview SPOT offers roadmap to the service providers to map their current processes, procedures,

financial and operational performance to the described performance levels in each tier.

SPOT also includes a roadmap tool as a guide for advancing to the next tier. The roadmap

also prioritizes initiatives in order of their importance and criticality for the advancement.

The importance is judged by the ROI expected from that particular initiative. SPOT LLC or its

licenses offer certification in these three tiers.

The SPOT model contains 5 broad categories and 69 individual requirements

Category 1 – Planning: This category concerns mission statement, planning and

measurement of business goals. This category consists of 9 requirements

Category 2 – IT and Telecom Infrastructure: This category concerns of

implementation and updating of IT infrastructure. This category consists of 6


Category 3 – People: This category concerns job profiles, required skills and

experience, recruitment, training effectiveness, skill assessment, staff performance

management, absenteeism and attrition. This category consists of 22 requirements

Category 4 –Process: This category concerns documentation, design, control,

improvement, contingency planning, data security & privacy and integrity of

business processes. This category consists of 24 requirements

Category 5 – Achievement/Performance: This category concerns measuring

organizational financial and operational performance, complain tracking and

management and supplier management. This category has 8 requirements

Applicability SPOT is applicable to ITES-BPO service providers offering services in:

Customer Integrated Services

Back office

Website Hosting



SPOT is adopted by many leading ITES-BPO organizations such as ACS, Convergys, HP, IBM,


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COPC Relevant Service Lines: All Target : Organizations

Introduction COPC is a standard to benchmark call centre services performance, created by the Customer

Operations Performance Centre Inc. (COPC) based in Austin, Texas. The latest standard

offered by COPC Inc. most relevant to customer service providers (CSP) is COPC-2000 CSP.

Obtaining the certification qualifies the BPO service providers to be of high quality standard

with efficient and effective processes and high customer satisfaction.

Customer service providers can increase their profitability by achieving excellence in

performance by delivering superior service whilst minimising operating costs. COPC-2000

CSP stresses on excellent performance that requires: constant process improvements,

strong leadership, proper planning, proper harnessing of work force resources and the

application of performance measurements.

The standard stresses on:

Enhancing customer satisfaction through improving service and quality

Increasing revenue through higher performing sales and collection programs

Reducing the cost of providing excellent service

Increasing measurability of processes and tracking the performance against pre-

defined metrics

Overview COPC -2000 CSP is a set of management best practices, key metrics and trainings required to

enhance customer service operations to reach globally recognized standard. The standard

broadly covers the following three areas:

Drivers – focuses on leadership and planning which include processes such as the

establishing a strategic direction and measurement and review of business


Enablers – focuses on processes and people which is aimed at making the

workforce more skilled and motivated that use well designed processes. This

includes processes like process control, audits, security management and

forecasting along with job definition and measurement of staff performance

Goal - focuses on achieving high client and user satisfaction along with optimum

service performance and productivity.

The COPC standard identifies 19 processes that need to be addressed in order to improve

service effectiveness, quality and cost-competitiveness. They aim at:

Ensuring effective service deliver by clearly defining operational best practices and

training the staff to ensure that the best practices are followed throughout the


Ensuring the customer service related activities are done right first time and are

produced with highest quality

Ensuring the costs incurred by the organization reflect the quality of customer

services it provides.

Applicability BPO service providers engaged in Call Centre operations and Customer Integrated


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Adopted by WIPRO Spectramind, Firstsource, IBM, Infosys

ISO 9000 Relevant Service Line: IT HelpDesk Target : Organizations

Introduction ISO 9000 is a quality management standard that presents guidelines intended to increase

business efficiency and customer satisfaction. The goal of ISO 9000 is to embed a quality

management system within an organization, increasing productivity, reducing unnecessary

costs, and ensuring quality of processes and products.

Overview The ISO 9000 family of international quality management standards and guidelines has

earned a global reputation as a basis for establishing effective and efficient quality

management systems. It serves many different industries and organizations as a guide to

quality products, service, and management. ISO technical committee ISO/TC 176 is

responsible for the ISO 9000 family of standards for quality management and quality


There are many standards in the ISO 9000 family, including:

ISO 9001:2008: Sets out the requirements of a quality management system

ISO 9000:2005: Covers the basic concepts and language

ISO 9004:2009: Focuses on how to make a quality management system more

efficient and effective

ISO 19011: Sets out guidance on internal and external audits of quality management


Applicability IT helpdesk and IT service desk management organizations



ISO 9000 has been globally adopted. In recent years there has been a rapid growth in China,

which now accounts for approximately a quarter of the global certifications. Other leading

countries include Italy, Japan, Spain, Russia, Germany, United Kingdom, India, and USA.

Some leading companies to have certified ISO 9000 include WIPRO Infosys, HCL etc.

CMMi-SVC Relevant Service Line: All Target : Organizations

Introduction CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) is a process improvement approach that

provides organizations with the essential elements of effective processes, to improve their

performance. CMMI-based process improvement includes identifying the organization’s

process strengths and weaknesses and making process changes to turn weaknesses into


Overview Customers want their Service Providers to have a CMMI rating or capability profile, for this

reason SEI has developed a new and trusted model for Service Industry – CMMI for Service

(CMMI-SVC). CMMI-SVC lets Service providers have the same opportunity that the

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development companies have enjoyed for years through the use of CMMI for Development

(CMMI-DEV). CMMI-SVC emphasizes on the improvement of the processes that specifically

address the interests and concerns of service providers. CMMI-SVC is the model of practice

that service organizations have been waiting for. CMMI for services product suite covers the

establishment, management, and delivery of services.

CMMI for Services is a collection of best practices from the service industry.

CMMI for Services is a process improvement approach that provide organizations

with the essential elements of effective processes (PAs)

CMMI for Services can be used to guide improvement across a team, project,

division or an entire organization.

CMMI for Services helps to set process improvement goals and priorities the


o Provide guidance for quality processes,

o Provide a point of reference for appraising current processes

CMMI-SVC draws on concepts and practices from CMMI and other service focused standards

and models, including the following:

Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)

ISO/IEC 20000: Information Technology—Service Management

Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (CobiT)

Information Technology Services Capability Maturity Model (ITSCMM)

Applicability CMMi –SVC is for all BPO organizations and services industry




Mphasis – L3

NTT DATA Global Delivery Services Limited – L3

Accenture China – L5

Xchanging – L5




Relevant Service Lines: All Target : Individuals

Introduction The BCI Certificate was launched in 2007 to establish standards for business continuity

management. The term Business Continuity describes a mentality or methodology of

conducting day-to-day business, whereas business continuity planning is an activity of

determining what that methodology should be. The business continuity plan may be thought

of as the incarnation of a methodology that is followed by everyone in an organization on a

daily basis to ensure normal operations.

Overview Business continuity is the activity performed by an organization to ensure that critical

business functions will be available to customers, suppliers, regulators, and other entities

that must have access to those functions. These activities include many daily chores such as

project management, system backups, change control, and help desk. Business continuity is

not something implemented at the time of a disaster; Business Continuity refers to those

activities performed daily to maintain service, consistency, and recoverability.

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The foundation of business continuity are the standards, program development, and

supporting policies; guidelines, and procedures needed to ensure a firm to continue without

stoppage, irrespective of the adverse circumstances or events. All system design,

implementation, support, and maintenance must be based on this foundation in order to

have any hope of achieving business continuity, disaster recovery, or in some cases, system

support. Business continuity is sometimes confused with disaster recovery, but they are

separate entities. Disaster recovery is a small subset of business continuity. It is also

sometimes confused with Work Area Recovery (due to loss of the physical building which

the business is conducted within); which is but a part of business continuity.

Applicability Business continuity managers and operations managers



BCI has been adopted by globally leading service providers like TCS BPO , Mphasis , NTT

DATA Global Delivery Services Limited, Accenture and Xchanging

COBIT Relevant Service Lines: All Target : Individuals

Introduction COBIT stands for Control Objectives for Information and related technologies and is

developed by ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association). The most

important aim of COBIT is to extract maximum stakeholder value by establishing an IT

governance framework and control mechanisms that address issues and recommend best

practices to derive the maximum value of IT investments, manage IT related risks and

control the usage and sharing of information. IT governance consists of leadership,

organizational structure and processes that ensure that business leverages IT to achieve its

goals and sustain its strategy. COBIT focuses on establishing the right controls (the “what-to-

do”) rather than the execution (the “how-to-do”). COBIT establishes the business-IT linkage


Organising IT activities into a generally accepted process model

Identifying the major IT resources to be leveraged

Defining the management control objectives to be considered

COBIT provides metrics and maturity models that assign responsibilities to process owners

and measure their achievement against a set criterion. In essence, COBIT recommends the

best practices in IT governance to better manage an organization’s information related


Overview COBIT framework focuses on following five key areas within IT Governance:

Strategic Alignment: Ensuring that IT delivers value to the business and is aligned

with the business operations

Value Delivery: Focused on optimizing the process costs and enhancing the

efficiencies and effectiveness of IT

Resource Management: Focused on optimization of IT costs through proper

management of application, information, people and infrastructure.

Risk Management: Ensures that risks pertaining to the organization and IT

investments are communicated and regularly monitored. Also, focuses on securing

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necessary compliance with regulatory requirements

Performance Measurement: Uses metrics, dashboard and similar tools to regularly

monitor the IT performance

The above 5 goals are mapped to 34 COBIT processes that are broadly classified as:

Plan and Organize (10 processes): Provides direction to the solution delivery and

service delivery

Acquire and Implement (7 processes): Provides the solution and passes them to be

turned into services

Deliver and Support (13 processes): Receives the solution and makes them usable

for end users

Monitor and Evaluate (4 processes): Monitors all processes to ensure that the

direction provided is followed

Applicability Business process managers and quality assurance and audit professionals.

Before using COBIT, it is advisable for organizations to reach a certain level of maturity and

have a dedicated quality assurance function.



It is estimated that there are currently 150,000 COBIT practitioners globally

BTMQ - 07 Relevant Service Lines: All Target : Organizations

Introduction BTMQ-07 (BPO Talent Management Quality) is a talent management excellence credential

for mid-sized, special-purpose ITES-BPO service provider organizations that offer value-

added and customized services to a select group of clients. It focuses on seven dimensions

of Talent Management function that handle business critical and often, extremely sensitive

processes and activities for their clients and therefore need to maintain a qualified team of

talented and specially trained employees and managers

Overview BTMQ-07 implementation and audit cycles are designed to be sharp, and least disruptive to

present operations. It measures an organization’s recruitment cycle time, brand appeal and

applicant quality, employee development programmes, attrition, wage systems,

management performance and work atmosphere.

Experienced and trained Audit & Implementation Partners (BIAPs), manage the entire talent

management lifecycle in which processes and practices in seven dimensions are

implemented. Finally, once the organization is made compliant, the BTMQ-07® Certification

is awarded.

Applicability Mid-Sized ITES-BPO Organizations



Leading mid-sized BPO Organizations

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BSDQ - 09 Relevant Service Lines: All Target : Organizations

Introduction BSDQ-09® is a specialized service delivery credentialing program for smaller, more

specialized BPOs offering small volume value added services to a limited number of clients

or for those offering standard services to a single client in a particular geography.

Overview According to a BCI ISRG estimate, more than half of global outsourcing contracts were being

serviced by small and mid-sized BPO service providers having capacities between 25 to 100

associates. Some of the most complex and specialized research, consulting and other value-

added business processes are being handled by smaller-sized BPO outfits and their numbers

are only going to increase with the rise of BPO entrepreneurship across Asia, South America,

and Africa. They handle critical business and often, extremely sensitive processes and

activities for their clients and therefore, there’s little scope for quality errors or


In BSDQ -09, nine strategically identified Service Delivery Quality drivers (SDQ drivers) are

installed and activated during the implementation. All BSDQ-09 pre-certification activities in

a country or a geographical zone are handled by BCI's Service Standards Audit Group (SSAG)

or Authorized BSDQ Implementation and Audit Partner (BIAP) in that area.

Applicability Mid-Sized ITES-BPO Organizations



Leading mid-sized BPO Organizations

2.2.4 Regulations

This section discusses standards that focus on developing maturity industry specific domain knowledge,

capabilities and compliance. These standards largely focus on developing the capabilities of


HIPAA Relevant Service Lines: All Target : Organizations

Introduction The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 was enacted by the United

States Congress and signed by President Bill Clinton in 1996. Title I of HIPAA protects health

insurance coverage for workers and their families when they change or lose their jobs. Title

II of HIPAA, known as the Administrative Simplification (AS) provisions, requires the

establishment of national standards for electronic health care transactions and national

identifiers for providers, health insurance plans, and employers. The Administrative

Simplification provisions also address the security and privacy of health data. The standards

are meant to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the nation's health care system by

encouraging the widespread use of electronic data interchange in the U.S. health care


Overview Title I of HIPAA regulates the availability and breadth of group health plans and certain

individual health insurance policies. It amended the Employee Retirement Income Security

Act, the Public Health Service Act, and the Internal Revenue Code. Title I also limits

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restrictions that a group health plan can place on benefits for pre-existing conditions.

Title II of HIPAA defines policies, procedures and guidelines for maintaining the privacy and

security of individually identifiable health information as well as outlining numerous

offenses relating to health care and sets civil and criminal penalties for violations. It also

creates several programs to control fraud and abuse within the health care system.

However, the most significant provisions of Title II are its Administrative Simplification rules.

Title II requires the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to draft rules aimed at

increasing the efficiency of the health care system by creating standards for the use and

dissemination of health care information.

Applicability Service Provider with US healthcare Clients



HIPAA is generally required for vendors of US healthcare payers and providers

SOX Relevant Service Lines: All Target : Organizations

Introduction In July 2002, the United States Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act ("the Act") into law.

The Act was primarily designed to restore investor confidence following well-publicized

bankruptcies and internal control breakdowns that brought chief executives, audit

committees, and the independent auditors under heavy scrutiny. The Act is applicable to all

publicly registered companies under the jurisdiction of the Securities and Exchange

Commission (SEC).

Overview The stated purpose of the law is "To protect investors by improving the accuracy and

reliability of corporate disclosures made pursuant to the security laws, and for other

purposes.” SOX is considered the most substantial piece of corporate regulation since the

securities laws of the 1930's. The act contains 11 titles, or sections, ranging from additional

corporate board responsibilities to criminal penalties, and requires the Securities and

Exchange Commission (SEC) to implement rulings on requirements to comply with the law.

The act also covers issues such as auditor independence, corporate governance, internal

control assessment, and enhanced financial disclosure

Applicability All corporations that fall under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Securities & Exchange

Commissions are subject to SOX requirements. This means that any publicly traded company

must abide by SOX. The Act directly affects all publicly traded companies, financial services

companies, CPAs & CPA firms as well as attorneys of publicly traded companies. Certain

private companies whether interested in going public or potential targets of mergers and

acquisitions by public firms, will also fall under SOX. Most of these publicly traded firms also

need their service providers to be SOX compliant.



The SOX act is mandatory for US Clients. All organizations, large and small, must comply.

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GLBA Relevant Service Lines: All Target : Organizations

Introduction The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) of 1999 first established a requirement to protect

consumer financial information. Financial services regulations on information security,

initiated by the GLBA, require financial institutions in the United States to create an

information security program to:

Ensure the security and confidentiality of customer information;

Protect against any anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of

such information; and

Protect against unauthorized access to or use of customer information that could

result in substantial harm or inconvenience to any customer.

GLBA is comprised of three (3) major components 1) Financial Privacy Rule 2) Safeguards

Rule and 3) Pretexting Protection

The Safeguards Rule requires financial institutions (and in turn their process service

providers) to develop a written information security plan that describes how the company is

prepared for, and plans to continue to protect clients’ non-public personal information. (The

Safeguards Rule applies to information of any consumers past or present of the financial

institution's products or services.)

Overview Relevant to any industry that handles PII including Financial Services (banks, insurance

companies, brokers), retail (credit card information). The Privacy Rule protects a consumer's

"non-public personal information" (NPI). NPI is any "personally identifiable financial

information" that a financial institution collects about an individual in connection with

providing a financial product or service, unless that information is otherwise "publicly


Applicability Service Providers serving US Financial Institutions



The SOX act is mandatory for US Clients. All organizations, large and small, must comply.

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2.3 Summary of the Standards

The selected set of standards, based on their relevance for the identified ITES-BPO target market

segments, is listed in the following table:

Pillar Description Standard/

Certification/ Regulation

Description Relevance Target


To Strengthen core Capabilities for Associates, Team Leaders and Managers to successfully perform their roles in ITES-BPO Organizations irrespective of the service lines

Prince 2 Process Based approach for Project Management recognized in Europe


PMP Process Based approach for Project Management recognized Globally


CBOM For developing an operation manager’s knowledge in critical areas like quality, people ,operations and budget


CBTS For developing knowledge of concepts& best-practices in team-leadership roles


CBTL For developing team leadership sills to manage the floor on a day to day basis


NAC For developing readiness of Fresh Graduates and Associates


IAOP Group of


To develop Knowledge of all phases of the Outsourcing Process for Associates and Team Leads



To strengthen Service line based delivery capability for both ITES-BPO Service Provider Organizations and Employees

PCMM For HRO Service Provider Organizations


ISO 20000 Based on ITIL standards for Service Management for IT Help Desk Service Provider Organizations


HDI support Centre


For the Support Centre/ Help Desk Service Provider Organizations


ITIL For excellence in Service Management for IT Helpdesk Professionals


BCI Group of Certifications

Specialist and Associate Level for Customer Interaction Services, Back Office, Data Entry and Technical Support


CIAC For Call Center Leadership and Management, meant for Call Center Professionals


HDI Professional Certification

Role and Knowledge based individual certification for Help Desk Professionals


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Pillar Description Standard/

Certification/ Regulation

Description Relevance Target


To develop maturity for Organizational Processes


To improve organizational maturity across areas around 5 broad categories – Planning, Technology, Process, People and Performance Results


COPC Family of standards for performance management in Customer Contact Industry


ISO 9000 Family of standards for Quality Management


CMMi SVC For IT Development/Design/Testing/Maintenance/ Services


Business Continuity Institute

For Business Continuity Planning


COBIT IT Governance Framework for IT Support Service Providers


BTMQ - 07 Talent Quality Management for Smaller ITES-BPO Service Providers


BSDQ - 09 Service Delivery Quality for Smaller ITES-BPO Service Providers




Compliance to HIPAA required to protect confidentiality of Patient information while working with US Health Care Providers


SOX Specific mandates and requirements for financial reporting by US companies- compliance by service provider required


Gramm Leach

Bliley Act (GLBA)

Requires Financial Institutions to explain their information-sharing practices to their customers and to safeguard sensitive data.


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3. Skills Assessment and Gap Analysis

3.1 Introduction

The ITES-BPO industry has been growing consistently over the last decade and will continue to do so. It

is expected that by 2020, the industry will account for global spending of about $65 Billion. The industry

provides employment to large youth population, especially from emerging countries and from diverse

educational backgrounds as well as those who are college students or dropouts.

The ITES-BPO industry is a people-intensive and manpower-dependent industry, and as such, availability

of a skilled work force in sufficient numbers is a key factor in determining the attractiveness of any

offshore location.

The global corporates during the process of offshoring work would like to understand:

Does a given region, country, or locality have enough skilled workers to support their particular

outsourcing initiative at a cost that makes sense for their business.

Does the size of the skilled labor pool meet their immediate needs, and can it grow to meet

their growing requirements?

Do local workers have expertise in the specific business process their company is looking to


What is the overall education/skill level in the areas that are most important to their business?

What percentage of the workforce has been specifically trained and certified in the relevant


Are workers trained in quality methodologies such as Six Sigma, ISO 9000, and TQM?

And what are the recent trends in local universities?

Sustainable and readily employable talent pool of a destination is one of the most important criteria the

buyer companies seek when they decide to outsource their requirements to an emerging destination

like Uganda.

Creating a sufficient and skilled talent pool is cardinal to the development of ITES-BPO industry in

Uganda. In order to create significant demand for its ITES-BPO services and stay internationally and

regionally competitive, Uganda will have to showcase to the western and regional markets that it has

sufficient supply of employable talent that can cater to the increasing demands from the western and

the regional markets. It will also have to showcase that the skills of its youth match up to the skills in the

leading and emerging ITES-BPO destinations like India, Philippines, South Africa and Sri Lanka.

3.1 The Skill Gap Framework

To develop Uganda’s ITES- BPO talent pool, it is important to compare and contrast the current skill

levels with the global and regional standards as well as assess the talent pool availability gap. To ensure

that Uganda has the most appropriate training curriculum along and training delivery mechanisms in

place, an assessment of both the talent pool availability as well as skill quality gap was done using the

methodology below.

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Each Skill Assessment Stream is explained below:

3.1.1 Stream 1 – Assessing the Talent Pool Availability Gap

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3.1.2 Stream 2 – Assessing the Skill Quality Gap

3.2 Assessing the Talent Pool Availability Gap

3.2.1 Introduction

To assess the skill availability gap in Uganda, a mathematical model that compared the available talent

pool with the demand required was used as described below:

This model assesses the graduate talent pool gap for short, medium and long term. Since the new ITES-

BPO jobs created year on year will be filled in majority by the graduates, the model focuses on graduates

that enter the Uganda talent pool every year.

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The model initially calculates the total industry demand by factoring the industry attrition. The demand

distribution is calculated then by factoring in the acceptance ratios at each educational level. The talent

supply is assessed starting with the gross graduate talent pool. The gross graduate talent pool is arrived

at by assessing graduates enrolled in secondary, tertiary and post-primary institutes and assessing the

impacts of factors like passing out ratio and students being absorbed by other industries. The net

available ITES-BPO talent pool is then deduced by assessing the suitability of the graduates based on

aptitude and skills. At this stage, the additional jobs that need to be created due to attrition from the

industry are assessed to arrive at the total demand of ITES-BPO jobs. The Talent pool gap is then arrived

at by calculating the difference between the net talent pool available and total demand required. The

assumptions made in the model are:

Variable Description Assumption

Source for


Total Enrolment Total Students Enrolled in the final

year of respective education






Completion Ratio Percentage of students graduating

to the students enrolled

Estimated East Africa Industry




Unavailability Ratio

Graduates absorbed by other

industries, outward migration,

voluntary unemployment etc.

Although 60,000 to 70,000 students in

Uganda leave secondary school each

year qualified to go on to higher

education, only some 35 per cent of

them (at most 25,000) are able to find

places at the limited number of

institutions. The majority of students

go to universities, both public and


NITA-U, Media

Suitability Ratio Graduates that are likely to be

absorbed by the ITES-BPO industry

Estimated East Africa Industry



Rate of Acceptance

by MNCs

Percentage of Graduate Applicants

accepted by MNC Service providers

Estimated Global Average NITA-U

Rate of Acceptance

by Domestic


Percentage of Graduate Applicants

accepted by Domestic Service


Estimated East Africa Industry



CAGR of Enrolment


Percentage increase or decrease in

total student enrolment year on


Estimated East Africa Industry



Attrition Attrition of Employees from the

ITES-BPO industry

Estimated East Africa Industry



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Although the above variables were verified in the Skill Assessment Workshop with the key stakeholders,

NITA-U can use this as a continuous monitoring tool and can change assumptions as per the industry

feedback and national level statistics. These assumptions act as levers for bridging the talent pool

availability gap.

3.2.2 ITES-BPO Talent Pool Demand in Uganda

As detailed in the earlier published ITES-BPO strategy report, the employment potential from the above

listed target market was:

To segregate the demand by the student-levels, the following percentages were derived by considering

the acceptance rate by ITES-BPO Service Providers in emerging economies and deducing the acceptance

rates for each student-level. These are mentioned in the below table:

Total number of ITES-BPO job opportunities Short Term

0-2 Years

Medium Term

2-5 Years

Long Term

5+ Years

Domestic Call Centres for Telecom & BFSI 1500 2000 2500

Regional Call Centres for Telecom 1000 1000 1500

International Call Centres for Telecom - 1200 2000

Domestic Contact Centres for Utilities 200 300 300

Domestic Contact Centre for health care 100 400 500

Regional Contact Centre for health care 250 300 300

International Data Entry for Healthcare 200 700 800

Domestic and International IT helpdesks 500 1000 1500

Digitization and Data Processing for e-Government 400 900 1000

Domestic Data Processing for BFSI 150 500 1000

International Data Processing for BFSI - 1500 2200

Domestic Content Development & translation for

the Education Sector 100 200 300

International Content Development & translation

for the Education Sector - 300 600

Human Resource Outsourcing for 100 500 1000

Knowledge Process for Law/Architecture - 200 500

Total (Cumulative) 4500 11000 16000

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Students Rate of Acceptance by MNCs/ domestic companies

Percentage of acceptance from various education levels

Secondary Schools (A level) 8% 61%

Post Primary (Final Year) 11% 16%

Tertiary (Final Year) 13% 22%

After factoring in attrition and the percentage of acceptance from various education levels, the demand

distribution was arrived at as shown below:

Talent Pool Gap Analysis

Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Industry Demand

Potential Demand Estimated 4500 7000 11000 16000 16480 16974 17484 18008 18548

Industry Attrition Expected 10% 12% 12% 12% 12% 15% 15% 15% 15%

Total Industry demand 4950 7840 12320 17920 18458 19521 20106 20709 21331

Demand Distribution

Demand for Secondary School Graduates 3029 4798 7539 10966 11295 11946 12304 12673 13053

Demand for Post Primary Graduates 808 1280 2011 2925 3013 3186 3282 3380 3482

Demand for Tertiary Graduates 1113 1763 2770 4029 4150 4389 4520 4656 4795

3.2.3 ITES-BPO Talent Pool Supply in Uganda

To assess the current state and projected state of talent pool supply in Uganda, the number of students

passing out of each educational stream was considered. The source of students passing out of each of

the above streams was the “UGANDA EDUCATION STATISTICAL ABSTRACT 2011”. Based on the

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assessment, the following current state assessment of ITES-BPO talent pool availability in Uganda was

arrived at.

Students Total Enrolment

Completion Ratio

Total Passing out

ITES-BPO Talent Unavailability Ratio

Gross ITES talent pool

Suitability Ratio

Net Available Talent Pool in 2011

Secondary Schools (A level)

158115 45% 71152 75% 17788 10% 1779

Post Primary (Final Year)

14378 60% 8627 60% 3451 10% 345

Tertiary (Final Year)

44,683 60% 26810 85% 4021 10% 402

Total Available ITES-BPO Talent Pool in 2011 2526

To project the skill availability in short, medium and long term, the following growth rates were


CAGR for Secondary School Enrolment 7%

CAGR for Post Primary Enrolment 5%

CAGR for Tertiary Enrolment 2%

Based on the assessment Uganda’s ITES-BPO skill gap projections are shown in the below table:

Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Supply Distribution

Incremental Supply for Secondary School Graduates

1903 2037 2179 2332 2495 2669 2856 3056 3270

Incremental Supply for Post Primary Graduates

362 380 399 419 440 462 486 510 535

Incremental Supply for Tertiary Graduates

410 418 427 435 444 453 462 471 481

Incremental Talent Pool Available 2676 2835 3005 3186 3379 3585 3804 4037 4286

Total Talent Pool Available 5676 8511 11517 14703 18082 21667 25471 29508 33794

Please note availability of 3000 skilled resources in 2011 as a base talent pool in Uganda was based on in

making the projections. The total talent pool for a year is the sum of available talent pool in the

previous year and the incremental supply in the current year.

3.2.4 ITES-BPO Talent Pool Availability Gap in Uganda

As can be seen from the following summary, there exists a gap of ITES-BPO talent pool only for three

years-2015, 2016 and 2017, peaking in 2016 at 3217 and then dipping in 2017 at 375. This is expected as

the industry is expected to grow at steady pace till 2015 and then stabilize afterwards.

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Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Total Industry demand 4950 7840 12320 17920 18458 19521 20106 20709

Total Talent Pool Available 5676 8511 11517 14703 18082 21667 25471 29508

Talent Pool Availability Gap -726 -671 803 3217 375 -2146 -5365 -8799





2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Total Industry demand Total Talent Pool Available Skill Availability Gap

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3.3 Assessing the Skill Quality Gap

3.3.1 Introduction

Skill requirements in an ITES-BPO industry can be classified as shown below:

Content Skills: They can be defined as those skills that are mandatory for every ITES-BPO

employee but also change according to the role based and client specific requirements. These

can be divided into direct, process and domain skills.

o Direct Skills which include skills required to execute the ITES-BPO activities and


o Process Skills that include platform and product specific knowledge that is required to

adhere to in order to use it effectively and efficiently

o Domain Skills that include industry knowledge required that are required to understand

the client problem and empathise with the client. These can also vary from industry to

industry. For example, the financial services industry will require the agent to have

knowledge and certifications pertaining to the financial industry whereas electronic

retailers will require the agent to understand the problems specific to the product.

Core Skills: These are skills that reflect an individual’s professionalism, interpersonal

effectiveness and self-management capability. These also change from a role to role. For

example, a team lead will require mentorship skills, an Operations Manager will be required to

comfortable with more uncertainty and agent will need to be process oriented and possess

analytical aptitude.

o Explicit skills are those that are easily observable and are demonstrated while

interacting with other people. These concern communication, teamwork and reasoning.

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o Implicit Skills concern personal development and are less easily observable. These

require self- awareness and ability to regulate one’s emotions. These concern

Professionalism, Ethics and Self-motivation

Depending on the performance in their roles and aptitude shown towards leadership, client

management or operations, an agent grows in an order of roles as below:

Associate to Senior Associate: Focus on gaining process expertise,

customer service orientation, problem analysis, resilience &

flexibility, drive & persistence

Team Lead: Expectations are of managing a team of 15-30

associates, gaining 5 to 6 years of industry experience, people

management skills, logical reasoning and numerical ability

Assistant Manager and above: Expectations are of stakeholder

management, understanding and delivering on business goals as well

as possessing decision making ability, motivational skills and


The role definitions and skill classifications, as discussed above, are

fundamental to creating an ITES-BPO skill dictionary. A skill

dictionary can be defined as a set of skills required to perform a role successfully.

3.3.2 Skill Dictionary

In order to achieve the global skill standards, it is important to define the required skills and key

performance indicators that Uganda should try to achieve in its recognized “low hanging” ITES-BPO

target market segments. The target market segments are:

Contact Centre across Telecom, E-Governance, Utilities, Healthcare, Education, BFSI and Others

IT Help Desks across E-Governance, Utilities, Healthcare, Education, BFSI and Others

Digitization and Data Processing E-Governance, Utilities, Healthcare, Education and BFSI

Content Development, Translation and Knowledge Experts in Healthcare, Architecture and Law

The skill set dictionary for each of them have been described below in terms of the required Educational

Qualification , Content Skills (which includes professional experience, technical skills and domain

knowledge) and Core Skills ( which includes role based behavioral skills)

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(i) Contact Centre

Role Educational Qualification Content Skills Core Skills

Band 1: Associates

Graduates/Diploma Holders/ Under graduates- pursuing graduation

Basic knowledge of computers: MS Office

Good communication skills- verbal & written with neutral accent Good customer service skills Self-motivated with attention to details

Band 2: Team Leader

Graduates / Diploma Holders

Experience in managing teams Basic understanding of the industry segment Basic knowledge of computers: MS Office

Self-motivated with attention to details Good communication skills- verbal & written Good analytical and team management skills Good client interfacing skills

Band 3: Operations Manager

Post Graduates 5+ years of experience in managing teams Good understanding of the industry segment Basic knowledge of computers: MS Office

Strong customer service focus Ability to work well under pressure and manage high workloads Ability to communicate effectively with people at various levels Team leading and mentoring skills Issue management and problem solving skills

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(ii) Information Technology Help Desk across Industry Segments

Role Educational Qualification Core Skills Core Skills

Band 1: Associates

Graduates in Technology or Graduates with recognized IT certifications (e.g... Cisco certified, ITIL certified etc.)

Up to date knowledge of IT, Operating Systems, Networking and helpdesk skills including: -Server and desktop operating systems -Fundamental networking concepts -Troubleshooting applications on desktops & laptops -Backup & storage technologies -Virtual Machines – VM Ware, ESX, Hyper V, etc. -Ability to use tools such as WebEx, team-viewer Up to date knowledge of IT, Operating Systems, Networking and helpdesk skills

Good customer service skills Good communication skills- verbal & written Good analytical and problem-solving skills Good client interfacing skills

Band 2: Team Leader

Graduates in Technology or Graduates with recognized IT certifications (e.g. Cisco certified, ITIL certified etc.)

Experience in Managing Teams Proven experience of providing and managing IT help desk services Up to date knowledge of IT, Operating Systems, Networking and helpdesk skills Experience in supporting common desktop and network applications and operating systems.

Strong communication and language skills with the ability to liaise effectively with other teams Good customer service skills Good analytical and team management skills

Band 3: Operations Manager

Post Graduates (MBA/MCA) with Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or Engineering

5+ years of experience in managing teams supporting common desktop and network applications and operating systems Up to date knowledge of IT, Operating Systems, Networking and helpdesk skills

Strong customer service focus Ability to work well under pressure and manage high workloads Ability to communicate effectively with people at various levels Team leading and mentoring skills Issue management and problem solving skills

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(iii) Digitization & Data Processing across Industry Segments

Role Educational Qualification Core Skills Core Skills

Band 1: Associates

Graduates/Diploma Holders/ Under graduates- pursuing graduation

Excellent typing skill with typing speed of 40 words per min and accuracy above 95% Basic knowledge of computers: MS Office

Self-motivated with attention to details

Band 2: Team Leader

Graduates Experience in managing teams Basic knowledge of computers: MS Office

Self-motivated with attention to details Good communication skills- verbal & written Good analytical and team management skills

Band 3: Operations Manager

Post Graduates 5+ years of experience in managing teams Basic knowledge of computers: MS Office

Strong customer service focus Ability to work well under pressure and manage high workloads Ability to communicate effectively with people at various levels Team leading and mentoring skills Issue management and problem solving skills

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(iv) Data Entry in the health care for International Clients

Role Educational Qualification Content Skills Core Skills

Band 1: Associates

Science Graduates/Diploma Holders

Basic knowledge and understanding of the health care vertical Excellent typing skill with typing speed of 40-60 words per min and accuracy above 95% Basic knowledge of computers: MS Office

Self-motivated with attention to details

Band 2: Team Leader

Science graduates Experience in managing teams Basic knowledge and understanding of the health care vertical Basic knowledge of computers: MS Office

Self-motivated with attention to details Good communication skills- verbal & written Good analytical and team management skills Good client interfacing skills

Band 3: Operations Manager

Post Graduates 5+ years of experience in managing teams Knowledge and experience in the healthcare domain

Strong customer service focus Ability to work well under pressure and manage high workloads Ability to communicate effectively with people at various levels Team leading and mentoring skills Issue management and problem solving skills

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(v) Content Development & Translation for the Education Sector

Role Educational Qualification Content Skills Core Skills

Band 1: Process Associates

Arts or Commerce graduates

Excellent command on language with a flair for creative content writing Expertise in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio

Good communication skills- verbal & written Ability to communicate effectively with people at various levels Independent, self-motivated and willing to develop Subject Matter Expertise

Band 2: Team Leader

Arts or Commerce graduates

Experience in managing teams Excellent command on language with a flair for creative content writing Expertise in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio

Self-motivated with attention to details Good communication skills- verbal & written Good analytical and team management skills Good client interfacing skills

Band 3: Operations Manager

Post Graduates 5+ years of experience in managing teams Knowledge and experience in the education domain

Strong customer service focus Ability to work well under pressure and manage high workloads Ability to communicate effectively with people at various levels Team leading and mentoring skills Issue management and problem solving skills

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(vi) Knowledge Process for Market Research

Role Educational Qualification Content Skills Core Skills

Subject Matter Expert

Bachelor's or Master's degree in Marketing Statistics, Operations Research, Management Science or other quantitative discipline

Experience in operations research and analysis Knowledge of research techniques including surveys, focus groups, secondary research, etc. Ability to use primary and secondary sources to collate and analyse information and make specific recommendations Proficiency in word processing, spread sheet, graphics and statistical software applications

Excellent analytical skills Conceptual thinking Building and maintaining relationships, mentoring and presentation capabilities Attention to details Good communication skills- verbal & written

(vii) Knowledge Process for Health Care

Role Educational Qualification Content Skills Core Skills

Subject Matter Expert

Healthcare professionals including doctors, clinicians, pharmacists and health management experts

Previous experience of working in the Health Care industry Good understanding of the Health Care industry across Payers, Providers & Pharmacy Understanding of the industry based on the geography in focus (US, UK or domestic)

Good communication skills- verbal & written Ability to communicate effectively with people at various levels Independent, self-motivated and willing to develop Subject Matter Expertise

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(viii) Knowledge Process for Law

Role Educational Qualification Content Skills Core Skills

Subject Matter Expert

Graduate/Post graduate degree in Law Lawyers / Legal Advisors practicing law

Prior experience in law firms Good understanding of the Legal industry Understanding of the industry based on the geography in focus (US, UK or domestic)

Good communication skills- verbal & written Ability to communicate effectively with people at various levels Independent, self-motivated and willing to develop Subject Matter Expertise

(ix) Knowledge Process for Architecture

Role Educational Qualification Content Skills Core Skills

Subject Matter Expert

Graduate/Post graduate degree in Architecture

Good understanding of subjects in Architecture

Good communication skills- verbal & written Ability to communicate effectively with people at various levels Independent, self-motivated and willing to develop Subject Matter Expertise

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3.3.3 Current State Skill Assessment & Quality Gap

To analyse the current ITES-BPO skill gap in Uganda, a skill assessment workshop that aimed at receiving

feedback from the key stakeholders such as policy makers, buyers and service providers on the existing

ITES-BPO skills was conducted. The skills were categorised by roles, functions and client domain. The key

areas that were assessed by the stakeholders were:

1. Associates, General Skills -

a. Verbal and written English for regional and international contact centres

b. Basic knowledge of computers and MS office applications for IT helpdesk support

c. Up to date knowledge of IT, Operating Systems, Networking and helpdesk skills

d. Typing skills for Data entry operations

e. Creative write for content development

f. Analytical Skills

g. Process and Quality Orientation

h. Emotional Intelligence

2. Associates, Domain Specific Knowledge

a. Advanced knowledge in research and analysis for

i. Market Research

ii. Healthcare

iii. Law and Architecture

b. Understanding of the service line

c. General skills such as typing speed, voice modulation and understanding of the client


3. Team leaders and Operations Managers

a. Time Management Skills

b. Coaching and Mentoring

c. Customer relationship and management

d. Project Management

e. Attitude towards confidentiality and privacy requirements

f. Transition/Operations Managers - Thorough understanding of Transition Methodology,

Project Planning, Resourcing, Stakeholder interaction skills

Ugandan skill gap was assessed by comparing the current skill levels of Uganda with the skill levels in

leading destinations such as India and Philippines. The assessment was conducted on a 3 point gradient

scale with scores of 1, 3 and 5 – 1 being unsatisfactory, 3 being satisfactory and 5 being excellent. The

current state skill level in Uganda was assessed through an online survey and key stakeholder


The skill gap analysis is described below:

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Associates, General Skills

Associates – General Skills

Strengths Weaknesses

Ugandan associates were rated fairly well in

the areas of:

o verbal communication

o ability to handle pressure and

o Willingness to develop subject matter


Ugandan associates are known to have an UK

centric English diction and can be easily trained

to enhance it to suit international standards.

Also, as most of the school curriculums are

affiliated with English universities, Ugandans

are used to writing in English from a fairly

young age.

Ugandan associates were ranked poorly on


o quality consciousness,

o customer service,

o attitude towards confidentiality and

o analytical capabilities

o acumen in professional writing

They also received a low ranking in basic

knowledge of computers. Although recent

pass-outs are acquainted with basic surfing

and social-networking, they are known to

falter while diagnosing and resolving basic

computer related client problems.















Basic Knowledge ofComputers

Oral Communication Skills

Written Communication Skills

Customer Service orientation

Analytical and ProblemSolving Skills

Knowledge of IT andNetworking

Self Motivation

Best in Class Uganda















Attention to detail

Creative writing skills

Willingness to developSubject Expertise

Ability to handlePressure

Quality Consciousness

Process Orientation

Attitude towardsconfidentiality

Best in Class Uganda

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Associates, Domain and Service Line Specific Skills

Associates – Domain and Service Line Specific Skills

Strengths Weaknesses

Uganda came out strongly in understanding of

international healthcare, legal and architecture


Their strengths also lied in desktop and

networking support. This shows that if focused

training is provided, they show a tendency to

grasp the basic computer knowledge well.

This is also buttressed by the fact that Uganda

has maximum number of CCNAs in East Africa.

Although Uganda has inherent strengths, it has

to enhance its knowledge of domestic

healthcare and education verticals

On the similar lines, although Ugandans are

good with conversant English, they lacked in

professional and creative writing

Ugandans also fared poorly in basic data-entry

skills such as typing speed

Ugandans lack the skills of basic computing and

office productivity tools but advance well after




















Basic understanding of theindustry segment

Basic knowledge ofcomputers: MS Office

Knowledge of IT andNetworking

Experience in supportingcommon desktop and network


Typing skill typing speed

Basic knowledge ofcomputers: MS Office

Basic understanding of thehealth care vertical

Basic knowledge ofcomputers: MS Office

Knowledge and experience inthe healthcare domain



ct C




p D





n &


a En



a En


in H




Best in Class Uganda



















Creative content writing skills

Expertise in MS Word, Excel,PowerPoint, Visio

Knowledge and experience inthe education domain

Understanding of Healthcarepayers and providers

Understanding of US, UK ordomestic Healthcare Industry

Previous experience of workingin the Health Care industry

Understanding of the Legalindustry

Understanding of US, UK ordomestic Legal Industry

Understanding of subjects inArchitecture



















r H

















ss f






Best in Class Uganda

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Team Leaders & Operations Managers

Please note that the ranking for team leaders were done keeping in mind an individual who is new to the

role. Team leaders in Uganda are rarely hired without any prior experience at the same level.

Team Leaders & Operations Managers

Strengths Weaknesses

Ugandan team leads were rated very highly in

building and maintaining relationships not just

with the clients but also internal stakeholders.

This is a very positive sign for Ugandan ITES-

BPO industry as it matures, to attract

international clients.

Although a team leader was ranked high in

most of the requisite skills and competencies,

the recurring gap was in the knowledge of

computers and attitude towards confidentiality

The skills for transitioning were found lacking.

This shows that although the relationship

building skills of senior resources is strong,

they lack the basic process understanding and

analytical orientation to successfully transition

and map the client process.























Basic Knowledge of Computers,MS Office

Customer Service Focus

Ability to work well underpressure

Ability to communicate wellwith people at various levels

Team leadeding and Mentoringskills

Issue management andproblem solving skills

Self Motivation

Attention to detail

Analytical skills

Conceptual Skills

Transition Methodology &Stakeholder Management





Best in Class Uganda























Presentation skills

Ability to build and maintainrelationships

Training skills

Ability to provide constructivefeedback

Quality Consciousness

Process Orientation

Time Management Skils

Budget Management Skills

Attitude towards confidentialityand privacy requirements

Exposure to Process OrientedTools

Project Management & AnalyticalSkills




s &








Best in Class Uganda

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Conclusion: Although Ugandans have inherent strengths that are favourable for the target service lines,

they have to focus on strengthening their skills at the entry level in all areas. There seems to be a lack of

understanding among associates about the requirements and demands of their role. They were also

found lacking in basic computer knowledge, understanding of client satisfaction, office productivity tools

and written communication. To strengthen Uganda’s inherent strengths and offerings, the industry

knowledge of the target verticals, especially in the domestic market, has to be inculcated at the

associate level. However, it was very evident from this skill gap exercise that Ugandans show great

ability to learn as they progress in their career. This is demonstrated by the fact that Team Leaders are

strong in their key skills when compared to associates. Except for transitioning skills, Team leaders and

above demonstrated very good relationship management, industry specific and role specific

competencies. To ensure that Uganda bridges this gap, ITES-BPO related trainings need to be introduced

from senior secondary school onwards along with attracting the youth to the industry.

3.3.4 Training Recommendations

This section lists the training topics that are required to be covered for each role in the roles and

competencies for which there was a significant skill gap. For each role, the relevant people standards are

also mentioned. NITA-U can either look for training partners that can train the associates, team leaders

and operations on the standards mentioned or design training in collaboration with the education


(i) Training Curriculum for Associates, Focus: Short and Medium Term

Applicable People Standards: NAC, IAOP Group of Certifications and BCI Group of certifications

Module 1: ITES-BPO Basics

Objective: An agent after completion of this training module will have an overview of the BPO Industry;

understand demands of the role along with an appreciation of the client’s culture and nuances of English


Module 2: Computer Literacy

Objective: An agent after completion of this training module will have a basic understanding of using a

computer to login, work with Office Tools and appreciate the protocol for online communication.

Module 3: Problem Solving and Analysis

Objective: An agent after completion of this training module will have an awareness of the skills and

approaches required to solve the day to day problems along with the job expectations.

Module 4: Communication

Objective: An agent after completion of this training module will be able to use appropriate syntax and

structure in written format with the client

Module 5: Process Orientation

Objective: An agent after completion of this training module will be understand the process and broader

context of the client’s problem

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Module 6: Help Desk Fundamentals

Objective: An agent after completion of this training module will have a broader understanding of a

Client’s problem and thus respond accordingly. This will also help the agent identify opportunities to

sell, upsell and cross- sell.

Module 7: Data Entry Fundamentals

Objective: An agent after completion of this training module will be able to improve the accuracy of

written communication with the client and quicken his typing speed

Module 8: Voice Training

Objective: An agent after completion of this training module will be able to understand and replicate

various accents as well as sustain conversations and make sales with client

Module 9: Culture Sensitization

Objective: An agent after completion of this training module will be able to better understand and adapt

to the differences between Ugandan and US/UK business cultures.

To ensure that the trainings are provided at the appropriate levels, the mapping of trainings to the

respective graduates is provided below. These graduates will enter the Ugandan ITES-BPO industry as


Key Competencies required for Associates

Secondary Schools (A level)

Post Primary (Final Year)

Tertiary (Final Year)

Basic Knowledge of Computers

Oral Communication Skills

Written Communication Skills

Customer Service orientation

Analytical and Problem Solving Skills

Knowledge of IT and Networking


Attention to detail

Creative writing skills

Willingness to develop Subject Expertise

Ability to handle Pressure

Quality Consciousness

Process Orientation

Attitude towards confidentiality

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(ii) Training Curriculum for Team Leaders, Focus: Medium Term

Applicable People Standards: CBTS, CBTL, IAOP Group of Certifications and BCI Group of Certifications

Module 1: Operations Management

Objective: A team leader after completion of this training module will be able to measure, analyze and

improve quality of operational performance. The Team Leader will also be able to manage project time

and staff absenteeism.

Module 2: Management Principles

Objective: A team leader after completion of this training module will be able to organize, manage and

forecast workforce demands and requirements. A team lead will also be able to adapt the leadership

styles depending on the situation.

Module 3: Process Benchmarking

Objective: A team leader after completion of this training module will be able to appreciate

benchmarking and KPIs and use them to improve their own team and operational performance

Module 4: Technology

Objective: A team leader after completion of this training module will be able to use IT tools like MIS

and MS Excel in their project management and day-to-day tasks

(iii) Training Curriculum for Managers, Focus: Long Term

Applicable People Standards: Prince 2, PMP, CBOM and BCI Group of Certifications

Module 1: Communication

Objective: To exhibit good verbal and non-verbal communication skills at the workplace in terms of

Presentation Skills, Body Language, Listening and Writing Skills

Module 2: Managing Process

Objective: To manage processes by exhibiting knowledge about quality, business, finance, and change.

Module 3: Managing Workforce

Objective: To demonstrate the ability to manage workforce requirements of the process

Module 4: Managing Performance

Objective: To demonstrate the qualities of a coach and mentor for improving team performance and

effective team management

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Module 5: Leading Teams

Objective: To demonstrate the qualities of a good team player to achieve workplace targets.

Module 6: Customer and Result Orientation

Objective: To prepare the manager to service the customer and handle customer complaints in an

effective way.

3.3.5 Modes of Training

There are various methods of training, which can be divided in to cognitive and behavioural methods.

Trainers need to understand the pros and cons of each method, also its impact on trainees keeping their

background & skills in mind before giving training.

Cognitive methods are more of giving theoretical training to the trainees. The various methods under

Cognitive approach provide the rules for how to do something, written or verbal information,

demonstrate relationships among concepts, etc. These methods are associated with changes in

knowledge and attitude by stimulating learning.

The various methods that come under Cognitive approach are:




Computer Based Training (CBT)

Behavioural methods are more of giving practical training to the trainees. The various methods under

Behavioural approach allow the trainee to behaviour in a real fashion. These methods are best used for

Skill Development. The various methods that come under Behavioural approach are:

Games and Simulations


Business Games

Case Studies

Equipment Stimulators

In-Basket Technique

Role Plays

Both the methods can be used effectively to change attitudes, but through different means. Another

method is the Management Development Method, which is more future oriented and more concerned

with the development of the employee. This method could be broadly divided in to

On the Job Training- which has four techniques



Job Rotation

Job Instruction Technique (JIT) and

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Off the Job Training- some popular techniques are listed below

Sensitivity Training

Transactional Analysis

Straight Lectures/ Lectures

Simulation Exercises

4. ITES-BPO Parks - Enabler Analysis

4.1 Introduction

The main objective of an ITES-BPO business park should be to create an enabling ecosystem to setup

and nurture small and medium ITES-BPO organizations. Emerging countries like India, China and

Philippines have had great success in advancing local ITES-BPO industry by building business parks that

have world class infrastructure, skills and organizations. By providing world class infrastructure and

facilities at local prices, business parks in these geographies have attracted buyers from across the globe

and generated more than two million IT-BPO jobs. By being able to generate surpluses and attractive

returns, business parks have also become great engines of wealth creation not just for service providers

and employees but also for their promoters.

To nurture local small and medium service providers, ITES-BPO business parks should provide high

quality and high technology facilities and services. At its crux, an ITES-BPO business park provides ready-

to-move-in facilities along with other ancillary services that help a service provider manage and run ITES-

BPO operations smoothly. These facilities and services when offered at a viable rate and world class

quality enhance the competitiveness of a service provider. The cardinal objectives of an ITES-BPO park

can be listed as follows:

Employment creation

Enable the creation of new and growth sustenance of existing ITES-BPO service providers

Enhance the competence of local service providers and in turn the location

Attract large ITES-BPO MNCs to bring in inward investment and global recognition

Promotion of ITES-BPO industry as a whole

The gamut of facilities and services that a world class ITES-BPO Business Park should provide is indicated

as following:

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To be able to create world class facilities at competitive rates, it is cardinal to select the most optimal

site that balances cost advantages as well as access to various amenities. Also to consistently sustain

the operations of an ITES-BPO it is important to build the capacity of the park so that demand is

continuously generated and the tenant service providers have the required support system to deliver

the services at world class levels. The following two sections describe the key ITES-BPO site-selection

criteria and recommendations for ITES-BPO park capacity building that include technology platform


4.2 Site selection for an ITES-BPO Business Park

Selecting an ITES- BPO delivery location within a country is a key strategic decision and is based on

factors such as access to scalable talent pool, operating costs, availability of ICT infrastructure, risk

profile and quality of life. However, to fully leverage the advantages a location offers to the ITES-BPO

industry, it is very critical to ensure that the site selected to develop a business park or for incubation

purposes addresses some of the critical requirements as indicated below:

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4.3 ITES-BPO Business Park Capacity Development

An ITES-BPO business park provides essential infrastructure that is required to provide the ITES-BPO

facilities to a global clients expectations. This infrastructure includes physical office space, hi-speed and

reliable telecom arrangement and amenities for a healthy working environment. An ITES-BPO business

park also provides facilities that increase the capability of ITES-BPO service providers. These facilities

include marketing and business development support through promotion of the ITES-BPO business park

and skill development through training. In order for service providers to be price - competitive in the

global market, it is essential for an ITES-BPO park to be able to provide quality infrastructure and

facilities at a globally and regionally competitive rate. This is achieved through various incentives

provided by Government in the ITES-BPO parks which are usually built in Special Economic Zones (SEZs).

SEZs play a very important role in strengthening, growing and gaining global acceptance of a country’s

ITES-BPO industry. To ensure long term growth and sustenance of its operations, an ITES-BPO business

park should focus on developing its capacity as shown below:

These are described below along with their respective best practices and suggestions:

4.3.1 Infrastructure & Services

For an ITES-BPO business park that has a value proposition to provide ready-to-move in facilities, it is

essential for the park to provide the required physical and technology infrastructure in a delivery centre.

This saves the interested service providers time and cost to start providing services to its clients and also

increases the business park’s appeal service providers. The infrastructure provided should be reliable

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and be of world class quality. The infrastructure to be planned in an ITES-BPO business park should

reflect the technological transformations that are occurring globally. Most of these transformations

have a bearing on the range and quality of facilities and services to be incorporated in the park.

An ITES-BPO business park should provide developed plots of different sizes that have full infrastructure

support. These sizes should satisfy requirements from varied set of clientele – large MNCs and small &

medium service providers. The infrastructure services should include world class provisions for road,

drains, sewers, lighting, etc. These plots can be either leased for periods of about 10-15 years or bought

outright. Some ITES-BPO parks have multi-tenant buildings and incorporate modules of different sizes

with electricity, water, telephone and access to specific centralised services. The size of these modules

may range from 10 sq. metres for fledging start-ups to 1000 sq. metres or more for large MNCs.

Physical Infrastructure Standards

Business parks are usually developed to Global Special Economic Zone standards. Specifications of one

of the upcoming business parks in India are mentioned below as an example:

Type of Premises Bare Shell

Total Chargeable Area Approx. 2,70,000 sq. ft.

Total Carpet Area Approx. 2,10,000 sq. ft.

Carpet Area Efficiency 78%

No. of Floors Stilt level for parking & services + 7 Upper Office Floors

Floor plate Approx. 38,450 sq. ft. of chargeable area

Car Parks 1:1000 sq. ft. (Stilt and open)

Floor to floor height 4.00Mtrs

Column Spans 8 X 8 Mtrs

Slab Loading 4KN/m2

No. of Elevators 6Nos. Of 16 Passengers and 2 Nos. of Service Elevator

Other services encompass Cafeteria, Post Office, Bank, Gymnasium, Crèche, Guest House, etc. ITES-BPO

business parks must also provide facilities that make life easier and more interesting, such as ample

green space, retail and entertainment complexes, and recreational facilities. According to a survey by

the International Association of Science Parks, 40 percent of ICT parks in the world devote a third or

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more of their space to green areas. Technology parks are usually associated with sprawling greenery

and beautiful campuses.

ITES-BPO Business Parks should be considered as a prestigious premium facility that will attract

top and highly paid talents who demand high quality facilities and amenities. Almost always they need

air-conditioned, clean and attractive working environment including pleasant surroundings.

Infrastructure has an important role to play in delivering high quality services to the client and the end

customer along with facilitating daily ITES-BPO operations. While building ITES-BPO infrastructure, it is

important to recognize that it needs to support and host a 24/7 operation. While setting up a 24/7 BPO

delivery facility, sufficient care should be taken to ensure that it has all the provisions like safety, food,

recreation & a pleasant work environment for its employees. A fully fledged ITES-BPO delivery centre

will require physical infrastructure as mentioned below:

Basic Infrastructure

Ensuring a basic necessities for daily functioning of BPO operations

Training rooms

Conference room with audio/visual equipment

Server room

Administration area

Electrical & UPS room

Air-condition plant room

Telecom service room

Supporting Infrastructure

Ensuring a reliable, safe and stimulating working environment


Medical room

Recreation room


Physical Security

To protect the BPO Service Delivery Centre from any untoward human incidents, physical security

should be strengthened by means of:

Installing digital cameras on the floor and on premises

Deploying security guards at front and rear entrances

Restricting access to production area

Planning for business continuity during pandemics - organizations should plan for up to 50

percent staff absenteeism for a period of about two weeks

Installing fire safety equipment & stationing trained fire safety personnel

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In an international work setting, it is very important to have an aesthetic and comfortable interior design

that creates an atmosphere for an employee to focus and enjoy an otherwise stressful work routine.


Installation of service light units with sensors to detect the number of people in the production

area for intensity & on/off

Setting office lighting at standard 200 - 300 Lux

Air-condition Server Room

Installation of precision air-conditioner units with humidity control

Minimum requirement is two number on rotation basis with full load capacity

Air-condition for Operation Area

General air-conditioning can be used at 30% surplus capacity

Minimum requirement is two number on rotation basis with full load capacity

Noise Reduction

External noise reduction by double panel windows with sealing

Internal noise reduction by noise reduction boards installed at associate desk

Carpet across operations floor

Noise cancellation microphones by Plantronics/Netcom can be used

Telecommunications and Technology

The telecom and technology infrastructure provided by an ITES-BPO park is critical to running high

quality ITES-BPO services. Most business parks offer high speed telecommunications and world class IT

Networks. For example, MSC Malaysia features 10/100 Mbps (megabytes per second) broadband fiber

optic connectivity and Dubai Internet City features an advanced Metro Ethernet broadband infrastruc-

ture and has the world’s largest commercial IP telephony network. The recent ZTE ICT Park in Ethiopia

will have bandwidths upto 40 Giga bytes per second. High speed telecommunications help ITES-BPO

service providers offer reliable and value added services like medical transcription and online education.

The telecommunication channels include high quality fixed and mobile lines, last mile access to optical

network, microwave network, satellite communication, ISDN and VSAT links.

ITES-BPO technology is ever evolving to meet the rapidly changing demands of consumers and

businesses. It has matured significantly over the last few years to provide greater process, productivity

and cost efficiencies to ITES-BPO service providers. Although back-office and front-office operations

require the basic infrastructure, front-office operations require more components in the infrastructure.

In order to protect an ITES-BPO delivery centre from malwares, virus and other attacks care should be

taken to

• Deploy clean disk policy

• Monitor social networking & Web 2.0

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• Re-Architect the technical security perimeter and firewalls

• Deploy data leakage prevention tools

• Re-evaluate incident response capability and compliance to laws and regulations, malicious

incident or infection, denial of service , employee abuse

• Secure mobile & mobile data storage devices

• Antivirus & personal firewall

• Defend against social engineering

• Implement cryptographic key management (CKM).

• Verify virtual machine (VM) security

Ancillary Services

ITES-BPO service providers who are tenants of the business park require a range of services. Given that

many Ugandan ITES-BPO service providers will be start-ups or in their initial phase of growth, this

becomes that much more important. Sometimes even large MNCs require a significant support with

their business services in business parks, where such access to high quality services form third party

vendors is not available.

The support services may cover one or many of the following areas:

Single-window support in getting statutory and other approvals

New business opportunity screening

Legal advice for technology transfer, patenting and IPR

Preparing project report and Business Plan

Match-making between service providers and their clients

Accessing project finance

Training, Seminars and Workshops for capability building

Recruitment of employees Secretarial


Full range of support for start-up firms under the Incubator Program

Business parks typically have a centralised facilities centre that contains business park authority, point of

contact for auxiliary services like physical and virtual conferencing, advanced communications, shared

knowledge repository, directory and other secretarial services. Depending on the concentration of

service providers or the basic aim of the business park, these can also include incubation centres, tool

rooms, collaboration laboratory, environmental testing laboratory, CAD/CAM and other testing and

quality control services.

4.3.2 People Development

After creating the physical infrastructure, ITES-BPO parks in Uganda will have to focus on creating an

ecosystem that enables and catalyses ITES-BPO knowledge talent base. Some of the important

considerations in order to achieve the objective are:

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Integration of government, industry, and education: Next-generation business parks should

provide access to government ITES-BPO initiatives, help drive the enhancement of the

curriculum in universities, and serve as a liaison between industry and education through

placement programs, career fairs, and joint ventures.

Advanced ITES-BPO education and research: Links to universities allow business parks to play a

role in helping transition to knowledge-based societies. Some business parks also provide

vocational training and educational programs for workers who want to continue their education

and keep their skills fresh.

Business parks are also an integral part of the applied research infrastructure in most countries.

Assistance with transforming ideas into businesses: Incubation services and business

accelerators are important catalysts of innovation, providing business advice and mentorship to

companies that need them. They are part and parcel of many incubator business parks.

4.3.3 Incentives

Governments or Local/ Regional Authorities (especially developmental agencies) promote an ITES-BPO

Park because it generates new employment and helps promote industrial development, often in specific

identified target market segments. Such public sector agencies may fund infrastructure facilities and

provide other services like marketing/promotion assistance. They typically also support start-up

companies by providing grants, soft loans, guarantees or subsidies. Governments also benefit from the

returns of such an investment through tax generated, land sales, charges from rents and services or

number of direct and indirect jobs created due to the construction of the ITES-BPO Park. Government

provides both monetary and non-monetary benefits to ICT parks through policies and incentives which

can be categorised as below:

Service providers Depending on number of jobs


Training Agencies Depending on number of

hours of training

Promoters & Investors Depending on funding


Developers Depending on the current

and future demand

Quality International data-com connectivity at subsidized rates

Uninterrupted power

Corporate tax benefits

Duty concessions on import of hardware, software and equipment

Expeditious licensing procedures

Hassle-free single-point clearances and approvals

Guarantees and assurances regarding service provisioning and quality

Support in large skill development like train the trainer

Grant and jobs for students that complete the course successfully

Subsidies for food and transport

Funding through private equity, public-private partnerships and other dedicated funding

Common facilities and infrastructure, which lower capital investments

Investment incentives like investment subsidies, grants, soft loans, interest subsidies

Income tax benefits

Duty concessions

Relaxation in municipal laws

Provision of utilities

Investor-friendly foreign exchange regulations and repatriation rules

Procurement subsidies for procurement related to construction and hardware and software tools

Tax breaks

Subsidies for power

Funding through public-private partnerships

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4.3.4 Marketing & Promotion

Marketing & promoting an ITES-BPO park is essential to create demand for ITES-BPO services that

service-providers are planning to offer. A good marketing strategy builds on value proposition and its

unique selling proposition. A marketing & branding strategy should focus on creating and

communicating the right message in order to build the right expectations from client, service provider

and investor community. Based on the assessment of successful marketing & promotion strategies for

ITES-BPO Business Parks globally, it is recommended for Uganda to create a marketing & promotion

initiative in the following steps:

1. Creating Value Proposition – To understand the current state of the ITES-BPO park maturity and

understanding factors that will attract service providers, investors and buyer community

2. Marketing & Branding Strategy – That emphasises the right message for the right market

segment to create the demand

These steps are described below:

Creating Value Proposition

In order to create an effective marketing and branding strategy for an ITES-BPO park, it is essential to

create a value proposition that indicates the current state of development and maturity of the ITES-BPO

Park. The value proposition highlights the most beneficial advantages that service providers can gain if

they move in immediately. Development of a good understanding of current state is extremely critical to

development of an effective value proposition. Value propositions also indicate the direction an ITES-

BPO park has decided to take in the mid-term and long-term future. Value propositions can be

categorised in 3 prime sequential categories as indicated below that highlight the services that can be

offered immediately as well as the services that will be offered to service providers in future:

Development of a clear and distinct Value Proposition is crucial to promoting an ITES-BPO park. This

helps create a unified and comprehensive market positioning which provides confidence to local

businesses, investors and multinational outsourcers as well as differentiates the ITES-BPO Business Park

against its close competitors. The Value Proposition defines the positioning of an ITES-BPO Park,

describes its success drivers and emphasizes its focus on creating a sustainable ITES-BPO ecosystem. A

value proposition for an ITES-BPO service provider can be arrived at by analysing the following:

Location of the ITES-BPO Park – proximity to hotels, airports, financial institutions

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Infrastructure covering Telephone/Internet connectivity, rental structure, tenancy options,

residential facilities

Regulatory compliance covering Foreign Direct Investments, Legal & IP issues, and taxation


Power Supply & Availability


Hardware and Software Support

New enterprise incubation facilities

Value Added Services and Amenities – Housekeeping, Gymnasium, Training, Retail areas,

Recreation, Restaurant and Food Court, Clinics, Banks

State of development opportunities in future

It is important to also consider the factors that an investor values the most. Value Proposition of ITES-

BPO Park for an investor should try to answer the key questions below:

What are the unique advantages being provided by the ITES-BPO Park in addressing the

challenges faced by local and global businesses?

How easy it is to set up a new business at the ITES-BPO Park?

What facilities/benefits can businesses avail at the ITES-BPO Park?

What advantages does ITES-BPO Park provide in terms of physical and telecom infrastructure

required to support the industry?

What advantages ITES-BPO Park provides in terms of legal and regulatory compliances?

What type of government incentives are being provided at the ITES-BPO Park?

How secure is doing business at the ITES-BPO Park?

How to uniquely position the ITES-BPO Park for each target market to create and strengthen

positive perceptions as a destination for investment

Once the value proposition is decided, a park should create an ITES-BPO buyer focused unique selling

proposition (USP) that builds confidence in the buyer community.

This can be arrived at by analysing the following factors:

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The analysis for creating the USP should focus on:

Current ITES-BPO service offerings

ITES-BPO business locations

Challenges being faced by ITES-BPO service providers in Uganda

Demand for services which can be provided from ITES-BPO Park

Understanding the buyer decision criteria in selecting service provider geographies.

List of primary attributes that companies look for when deciding where to outsource operations

or to locate an offshore facility

Target markets where there is opportunity for marketing ITES-BPO Park

Anticipated trends and growth in the target markets

Buyers perception of Uganda’s efficacy as a service provider destination when compared to

other geographies

Current and future competition

Creating an effective Marketing & Branding Strategy

Based on the value proposition created, a branding strategy and plan should be developed to achieve

the overall objectives of:

1) Creating awareness on the advantages offered by ITES-BPO Park for setting up businesses, and

2) Making ITES-BPO Park an attractive destination for investments in target markets.

An effective branding strategy should include articulation of key branding elements that uniquely

position an outsourcing location amongst competing regions within the minds of potential investors &

influencers and other stakeholders. The graphic below provides an overview of how the factors the

promotion them can focus on

1. Market: for which market is the value proposition being


2. Value experience or customer

experience: what does the market value


3. Offering: which products or services are

being offered?

4. Benefits: what are the benefits the market

will derive from the product or service?

5. Alternatives and differentiation: what alternative options does the market have to the

product or service?

6. Proof: what evidence is there to

substantiate your value proposition

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Business Friendly: ITES-BPO Park should be promoted as a business and investor friendly

destination through best-in-class policies and incentives, as well as a supportive Government.

This is an important element to be portrayed especially to encourage entrepreneurial


Innovative Approach: ITES-BPO Park should be positioned for certain key target segments to

build a unique value proposition

Service Excellence: ITES-BPO Park should strive to build a strong service culture with emphasis

on continuous improvement.

Future Proof: Creation of significant awareness around ITES-BPO Park’s existing facilities and

advantages and also policies and plans for ensuring continuous modernization of infrastructure

keeping an eye on the future needs of all stakeholders involved.

Relationship Building: Building relationships with local businesses as well as potential investors

and other supporting entities provides a positive image

The plan of action for this stage should focus on:

Creating a branding strategy for ITES-BPO Park and laying down the action plan for increasing

awareness about ITES-BPO Park offerings within target markets. The branding process should

address concerns in the decision making process of Investors, such as establishing presence in

geographies like Uganda. The plan should assist in creating a positive mindshare and perception

for the ITES-BPO Park

Providing reference Case Studies of what has been done in other countries to promote ITES-BPO


Development of a branding strategy and communication plan

Developing an investor outreach and engagement approach and framework

Delivering a well-structured, time bound, and result oriented roadmap with measurable targets

to achieve the envisioned promotion of the ITES-BPO Park. This can include:

o Attracting investment from local companies and entrepreneurs into the ITES-BPO Park

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o Attracting companies and investments from other outsourcing destinations like India,

Philippines, China, etc.

o Determining methods for attracting captive centers from other geographies like USA,

UK, India, Philippines, etc.

o Conducting both Outbound (road-shows and industry events) as well as Inbound

(Delegation Visits) events to create awareness about the ITES-BPO Park and its


While creating the messaging the ITES-BPO Park should also focus on differentiating and positioning

ITES-BPO Park against: 1) established ITES-BPO Parks in India, Malaysia, Philippines and China, and 2)

other emerging destinations. Also, the messaging should be consistent and be relevant to expected

global ITES-BPO industry trends.

5. Standards Implementation, Accreditation, and Stakeholder

Communication Guide

5.1 Introduction

To make Uganda an ITES-BPO destination that is renowned for the quality of its service delivery, it

should follow a planned roadmap that nurtures its inherent strengths and develops its potential. This

section summarises and recommends phase-wise adoption of service delivery standards, skill

development initiatives and ITES-BPO park development. It also illustrates the required governance vital

to mitigate risks ensure success.

5.2 Phase Wise Roadmap

Uganda should follow the below roadmap for ITES-BPO Standards & Regulations, Skill Development and

Business park and also aim to support the implementation of it by providing the necessary facilitation.

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Based on the target market recommendation as suggested in the ITES-BPO strategy report, Uganda

should focus on enhancing the delivery capability and quality of the service providers’ organization,

process and people.

Uganda has identified certain inherent strengths and advantages that it can leverage to develop its ITES-

BPO industry. The strengths should be enhanced by increasing the adoption world-class standards in the

ITES-BPO organizations, delivery, processes, skills and business park infrastructure. To ensure that it has

a self-sustaining ITES-BPO ecosystem, it should follow a phase-wise roadmap for adoption of various

ITES-BPO best practices and standards so that it strengthens its core capabilities and then later advances

them to gain regional and wider global recognition.

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In the short term, Uganda should focus on increasing awareness of the globally recognized standards

and regulations among its service providers. It should do so by providing educational support and by

providing the right incentives and providing encouragement and support to its service providers. It

should focus on developing Standards and Regulations for its people, core-service lines and achieving

first level maturity for its processes. It should focus on ensuring that its graduates and associates are

well-versed with expectations from the ITES-BPO industry by initiating various skill developments and

training initiatives for its core services. It should also start garnering industry feedback on the training.

Assuming that it is aiming at kick-starting an ICT park development, it should primarily focus on building

world-class infrastructure and providing essential support in short term.

In the medium term, Uganda should focus on gaining critical mass of service providers that have

adopted the recommended Standards, Regulations and Best Practices. Simultaneously, it should also

focus on introducing and creating awareness for standards that are industry specific and designed for

specialised service lines like knowledge processes. It should continue the trainings introduced in the

short term for graduates and associates and focus on introducing trainings that focus on building team

leader’s capabilities. Its business park initiatives should focus on integrating feedback received from the

industry from the short term.

In the long term, Uganda should focus on establishing a self-sustaining quality control & governance

mechanism. This mechanism should keep abreast with the latest trends in standards, regulations and

trainings and recommend service providers on the most relevant ones. It should also monitor and

evaluate the industry in terms of the adoption rates as well as improvement in service levels and

customer satisfaction. It should also simultaneously focus on developing advanced levels of maturity for

its service providers’ maturity so that they can work on higher end processes from global clients. The

training focus in long term should be on their operations managers so that they can manage bigger

teams as the size of the industry grows. The ITES-BPO Park should have all supporting services that are

required for creating a sustainable career for the employees as well nurturing the organizational

capability of the service providers.

5.3 Developing Standards & Regulations

Based on Uganda’s ITES-BPO strategy, the attainment of standards, certifications and regulations need

to be aligned with not only the service lines focus but also the maturity of the Ugandan ITES-BPO

industry in general. Starting with establishing themselves in low hanging capabilities, Uganda should

look at developing an ITES-BPO service provider organization that is focused on long-term sustainable

growth. This approach will also ensure that the investments for achieving the standards are apportioned

in areas and timelines that fetch maximum returns.

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Developing Standards & Regulations

Short Term Focus (0-2 Years)

Medium Term Focus (3-5 Years)

Long Term Focus (>5 Years)

Focus • Develop Core Skills • Develop ‘Low-Hanging’

Service Line Expertise

• Develop Globally recognized Capability in all Service Lines and Industry Verticals

• Develop Organization processes, governance and maturity for scalable and sustainable growth


• Telecom • E-Governance • Utilities • Healthcare • Education • BFSI • Others

• Telecom • E-Governance • Utilities • Healthcare • Education • BFSI • Others

• Telecom • E-Governance • Utilities • Healthcare • Education • BFSI • Others

Service Line

• Contact Centre • IT Help Desk • Digitization & Data

Processing • Content Development &


• Contact Centre • IT Help Desk • Digitization & Data

Processing • Content Development &

Translation • Knowledge Process

• Contact Centre • IT Help Desk • Digitization & Data

Processing • Content Development

& Translation • Knowledge Process

Geography • Domestic & Regional • Domestic & Regional • International

• Domestic & Regional • International

Pillar • People • Service Lines • Process

• Industry Specific • Process • Service Lines

• Process

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Developing Standards & Regulations

Short Term Focus (0-2 Years)

Medium Term Focus (3-5 Years)

Long Term Focus (>5 Years)

Recommended Standard/Certification/Regulation

• Prince 2 • NAC • CBQA • CBTL • HDI Group of

Certifications • BCI Group of Certification • COPC/CMMi – First Level • SPOT Level First Level

• BCI Group of Certification • IAOP Group of

Certification • HDI Group of

Certifications • CIAC • Enterprise BCI Group of

Certification • COPC/CMMi – Mid Level • SPOT Level Mid Level • ISO 9000

• Six Sigma • eSCM • ITIL/ISO 20000 • COBIT • HIPAA • SOX • GLBA • Certification • COPC/CMMi – Advance

Level • SPOT Advance Level • Enterprise BCI Group of


Uganda ITES-BPO industry should progressively develop their capabilities and maturity and should focus


In Short Term: Establish their competencies in core skills and inherent skills in all the service

lines except knowledge process. The focus of their efforts should be on establishing their mark

in the domestic and regional market.

In Medium Term: To achieve global recognition for their core service lines capabilities and

achieve mid-level organizational maturity. Uganda would also focus on achieve specialized skill

certifications and initiate development in the knowledge process.

In Long Term: To develop organizational processes, governance and maturity for scalable and

sustainable growth. Here, it will focus on gaining process maturity to achieve repeatable

repertoire of best practices. The focus will also be to achieve advanced level of organizational


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5.4 Developing Training Curriculum

This section addresses the skills required for Ugandan target market segments in the order identified in

the ITES-BPO strategy report. It focuses on the key skills required to be trained and prioritises the skill

requirements with respect to short term, medium term and long term strategy. Based on Uganda’s

ITES-BPO strategy, the training curriculum needs to be aligned with not only the service lines focus but

also the maturity of the Ugandan ITES-BPO industry in general. Starting with establishing themselves in

their inherent skills, Ugandans should look at progressively developing and acquiring globally recognized

skill standards. This approach will also ensure that the training investments for achieving the skill

standards are apportioned in areas and timelines that fetch maximum returns. Uganda ITES-BPO

industry should progressively develop their capabilities and maturity going from short term to medium

term and from medium term to long term, building on achievements in the last term. It should focus on:

In Short Term: Establish their competencies in core skills and inherent skills in all the service

lines except knowledge process. The focus of their efforts should be on establishing their mark

in the domestic and regional market.

In Medium Term: To achieve global recognition for their core service lines capabilities and

achieve mid-level organizational maturity. Uganda would also focus on achieve specialized skill

certifications and initiate development in the knowledge process.

In Long Term: To develop skills in knowledge processes and senior management

The curriculum should be organized by modules and each module should be designed to address a

specific skill set. The table below recommends and maps the relevant curriculum to the skill set


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Developing Training Curriculum

Short Term Focus (0-2 Years)

Medium Term Focus (3-5 Years)

Long Term Focus (>5 Years)

Target Service


• Contact Centre

• IT Help Desk

• Digitization & Data


• Content Development &


• Contact Centre

• IT Help Desk

• Digitization & Data


• Content Development &


• Knowledge Process

• Contact Centre

• IT Help Desk

• Digitization & Data


• Content Development

& Translation

• Knowledge Process

Roles • Associates • Associates

• Team Lead

• Operation Managers

Skill Sets

• ITES-BPO Industry


• Basic Knowledge of

Computers and Office


• Written and Verbal


• Knowledge of IT,

Operating Systems and


• Self-Motivation

• Attention to Detail

• Process Orientation

• Analytical Ability

• Corporate Ethics

• Business Etiquettes

• Business Knowledge

• Coaching and Mentoring

• Team Leadership

• Cultural Sensitivity

• Achieving Client Satisfaction

• Organizational

Leadership and


• Budgeting

• Delivery Excellence in a

Global Scenario

Audience Focus

• School Dropouts

• Fresh Graduates

• Unemployed Youth

• Graduates

• Post Graduates

• Business School


• BPO managers

• Team Leaders with high




• Module 1 to Module 8

for Associates

• Module 8 and Module 9 for

Associates; All Modules for

Team Lead

• All Modules for


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5.5 Recommendations on Initiatives to bridge Talent pool gap

The following initiatives are recommended to increase the size of the talent pool

Modify tertiary education curriculum to include courses/training in ITES-BPO/Customer Service

specific skills.

Create a Skills Taskforce to develop a national curriculum for ITES-BPO sector. Review and

internationally benchmark educational syllabus at secondary and tertiary levels with a focus on

building language, analytical and computer skills,

Introduce courses providing specialization in ITES-BPO management

Set up ITES-BPO training academies to churn out large numbers into the ITES-BPO talent pool

ready for employment Set up an ITES-BPO vocational training expert group comprising of

industry and educational experts. They would review and comment upon a set of uniform skills

standard for ITES-BPO.

Build a strong culture of science and tech formed from young age groups.

Market ITES-BPO as a source of viable employment for the youth

Attract and retain skilled workers in the industry by: building awareness of career opportunities

provided by ITES-BPO; setting up ITESBPO career counseling cells; and aggressively targeting and

promoting ITES-BPO industry in `Diaspora’ forums.

Enable educators to participate in the ITES-BPO movement by training them and providing a

“hands-on” experience in the ITES-BPO and IT environment through Teacher externships,

summer work programs, and consulting opportunities

5.6 Developing the ITES-BPO Business Park

ITES-BPO Business Parks can be categorised in two basic categories:

Incubator focus: Parks that focus on establish a sustaining ITES-BPO ecosystem and cluster of

service providers, training agencies and other supporting bodies. The primary purpose of such a

park is to develop the required technical expertise to develop the local talent and create a

greater socio-economic development. The incubator parks also play a critical role in integrating

government, industry and the educational institutions.

Commercial focus: Parks that focus on gaining financial returns. These parks mostly attract large

and matured service providers that have a focus on expanding their reach in the geography of

the ITES-BPO Business Park. Their primary focus areas lie in expanding sales and running their

operations to serve the local demand. Such business parks function very well in geographies that

have an increasing local demand and where the existence of world-class business parks is

scarce. These parks provide excellent world class infrastructure but are limited in providing

other support services.

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In order to develop the ITES-BPO industry at the grassroots, Uganda should focus on creating self-

sustaining parks that amalgamate the beneficial factors from both the types. The amalgamation should

create self-sustaining parks that create value through offering business support, incentives and training

as well as by creating facilities for larger organizations. This is shown below:

Uganda’s ITES-BPO park should focus on establishing the following in each phase:

Short Term

Provide Incentives like tax benefits, real estate subsidies and other business support services. Depending on the performance of the service providers, incentives can also be extended, added or increased for the best performing service providers.

Ensure that world class infrastructure is in place like office spaces (both ready to move in and customizable), high speed telecommunications, IT Networks and convenient transportation

Establish a single window access for company registration and setups and other support services

Educate the service providers on the local, regional and international demands and trends in the industry

Medium Term

Encourage universities to establish links with the local service providers to integrate research with industry as well as be a reliable source for talent pool. This will also help in curriculum designing and deployment which reflects the latest business requirements

Assist the emerging service providers with incubation services like assistance with business planning and funding

Integrate various government large scale initiatives for skill and standards development by having representatives set up their offices as enforcing agencies

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Long Term

Ensure that the regulatory policies regarding IP protection and copyright are strictly adhered.

Ensure that a monitoring mechanism is in place that governs the incentive claims made by the tenant service providers.

Ensure that service providers are heard and their feedback is adopted in planning the expansions in Park Development.

Facilitate standards and training adoption among the service providers.

Ensure that sustainable livelihood is provided to the employees such as ample green space, housing, schools, hospitals, shopping & entertainment complexes and other recreational facilities

5.7 Creating Awareness and Increasing Adoption

To facilitate adoption of recommended standards and training, Uganda should focus on creating

awareness in its service and training provider community. It should aim to do so through various

channels such as websites, promotional events, brochures, leaflets and others. This is explained in the

following table:


Focus: Short Term for

Increasing Awareness

& Medium Term for

Spreading the message

of ITES-BPO “quality”

A Website acts as a single window of information.

NITA-U has a very comprehensive website which would act as the primary site for

building awareness for Standards and Regulations that are meant to be adopted. The

following is recommended: & Regulations should act as the central repository

of information and should continually add more information and data to make it a

rich source of information for service providers, investors and buyers. This should

include all information on standards and regulations across all pillars. The

information should include the relevant standards, respective briefs, the

accreditation mechanism and incentives provided. This link can also include success

stories of some of the leading service providers that have adopted the standards should include information

related on training curriculum recommended and incentives provided to the

service providers and interested candidates. This link can also mention a list of

training partners that are capable of providing the trainings and are certified by

NITA-U should include information related to the value

proposition of the park, the progress of its development as well as the incentives

provided to the tenants and investors.

Strong coordination of media / messaging across multiple sites such as UBPOA, UIA

and NITA U is required. NITA-U should work closely with these entities and share its

branding and messaging.

Promotional Events

Focus: Medium Term

for Spreading the

message of ITES-BPO


Promotional events will be the cornerstone of creating awareness among domestic

and international stakeholders about the quality standards that Uganda is embracing

in its ITES-BPO industry

Uganda will need to participate in a number of in-bound and out-bound events to

create awareness about the Industry & Standards

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Business Promotion Events (Outbound & Inbound)

It is recommended that Uganda participate in premier industry events such IAOP,

IOF and NASSCOM, as they ensure high visibility as well as attract key decision

makers. This increases the effectiveness of Uganda’s efforts.

It is recommended for Uganda to hold an Industry focussed event in country as it

provides Uganda to showcase the current capabilities to the Investors.

In country awareness workshops

Conducting a couple of awareness workshops for knowledge sharing and best

practice learning sessions is recommended for Uganda. These sessions should be

focussed on key decision makers from Uganda. This would also help to create

interest in the local industry and hence generate local business.

NITA-U should also facilitate road shows and promotion campaigns in leading

universities that demonstrate the adoption and usefulness of ITES-BPO trainings

that it plans to facilitate




NITA-U should support UBPOA with building its calendar, events and list of activities

and support with critical awareness building and educational initiatives

NITA-U should continue working closely with UBPOA to gather the feedback on

standards and trainings and accordingly work on addressing their concerns

NITA-U should also encourage UBPOA to promote the education of standards and

trainings through seminars and workshops with involvement of industry leaders

Internet / Electronic


Focus: Medium Term

for Spreading the

message of ITES-BPO


NITA-U should extensively employ electronic media and internet to spread its

message to a larger community. The electronic media is highly cost effective and has

a wide reach. It is recommended to employ emerging web technologies as well as

traditional media such as CD-ROMs etc.

Internet Promotion – NITA-U should promote information dissemination through

Social Networking such as LinkedIn, Facebook etc. These are very cost effective and

would enable NITA–U to spread its message to wider prospects. NITA–U should also

consider hosting certain webinars in alliance with leading industry publications and


CD-ROMs – NITA–U could develop CD-ROMs / USB Sticks which would complement

the print brochures and be effective in events organized by the NITA–U. This could

typically cover interviews with honourable ministers, industry participants and NITA-

U, information packs, presentations among others.

Brochures, Flyers,


Focus: Short Term for

Increasing Awareness

& Medium Term for

Spreading the message

of ITES-BPO “quality”

It is recommended to continue building more targeted brochures, flyers and leaflets

providing detailed information for promoting the standards, training and ITES-BPO

park development. Such material would be used in the conferences, workshops and

other such events.

It is important to coordinate the messaging across different entities such as UBPOA &

UIA so as not to duplicate or send confusing message to the market. This can be

accomplished by closely working together with various important stakeholder entities

Targeted materials for such brochures and flyers should be reviewed and developed

in the next phase of the engagement.

Public Relations

Focus: Medium Term

for Spreading the

NITA-U should leverage PR firms and activities to create a positive mind-share with

various stakeholders. The PR activities would work with client markets to create a

positive perception and also engage in lobbying for any specific issues.

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message of ITES-BPO


Leveraging public relations would assist in additional media coverage in the local

media in case of certain events, activities and visits.

Research Content

Focus: Short Term for

Increasing Awareness

& Medium Term for

Spreading the message

of ITES-BPO “quality”

NITA-U should publish regular newsletters and mailers to various stakeholders as

outlined in the operating context.

NITA-U should also publish whitepapers and case studies relevant to the progress of

adoption of standards, training and ITES-BPO Business Park development. Such

content would provide prospective investors with a practical insight into Uganda’s

value proposition of focus on quality.

Industry Roundtables

Focus: Continuous

NITA-U should periodically (preferably quarterly) conduct roundtable discussions

wherein various relevant stakeholders like the Uganda Bureau of Standards, the

Education ministry, leading and emerging service providers and local buyers are

invited to discuss various issues and progress concerning the adoption of standards

and trainings

Local Media

Focus: Short Term for

Increasing Awareness

& Medium Term for

Spreading the message

of ITES-BPO “quality”

NITA-U should continue to work with local media including Print (newspapers,

magazines), TV and Radio to educate the larger talent pool as well as business

community of the potential benefits of the adoption of standards and trainings as

well as setting up businesses and working in the ITES-BPO Business Park

High Commissions &


Focus: Medium Term

for Spreading the

message of ITES-BPO


It is recommended to leverage Ugandan High Commissions in client markets such as

US, UK, India, Philippines and South Africa. The High Commission should host industry

and trade events and invite prominent industry leaders as well as Non-Resident

Ugandans to participate in such events. The events should focus on educating and

sharing the activities undertaken by NITA–U as well as Government of Uganda and

invite investors to setup businesses in Uganda. Such events send a strong signal to

the investor community about the quality value proposition that Uganda ITES-BPO

industry promises.

Non-resident Ugandans

Focus: Short Term for

Increasing Awareness

& Medium Term for

Spreading the message

of ITES-BPO “quality”

Non-Resident Ugandans are a well-qualified and strong community in US and UK. It is

recommended to leverage this community and their personal network to promote

Government’s vision of inculcating quality in its ITES-BPO industry.

This promotion can be carried out by building a database of such individuals and

sharing monthly newsletters and updates with them.

5.8 Developing the Incentives

To encourage the local service and training providers to adopt international standards, Uganda should

provide incentives for standards & regulations, skill development & training and investing in ITES-BPO

Business Park. Some of the incentives in these areas from leading and emerging destinations are listed


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5.8.1 Standards

Country Incentives

India The Government will encourage the SMEs in BPO sector to obtain ISO 9000, ISO 14000 and

similar international certification with a view to promote total quality management and best

practices. Government assistance will be in the form of; meeting 50% of the cost of obtaining

such certification, subject to a ceiling of Rs.75,000 per industry.

The Govt. of India has been operating an Incentive Scheme of reimbursement of expenses of

acquiring Quality Management system (QMS) ISO-9000 certification in the Small Scale Sector to

the extent of 75% of the amount limited to Rs. 75,000/- to each unit. The scope of this Scheme

now has been extended to provide reimbursement of expenses of acquiring EMS-ISO 14001


The Scheme envisages reimbursement of charges of acquiring ISO – 9000/ISO-14001

certifications to the extent of 75% of the expenditure subject to a maximum of Rs. 75,000/- in

each case.

Reimbursement of 20% of expenditure incurred for obtaining quality certifications for CMM

Level 2 upwards. Reimbursement will be limited to a maximum of Rs.4 lakhs. Similar

reimbursement will be made to BS7799 for security and also for ITES Companies for achieving

COPC and eSCM certification.

Sri Lanka The government has also launched a number of programs to improve quality certification in

the IT and BPO industry. The government provides substantial grants to support training and

quality enhancements. To date, ICTA has helped more than 30 companies to get certifications

from the Customer Operations Performance Center (COPC) and the International Organization

for Standardization (ISO), and to achieve capability maturity model integration (CMMi)


Grant subsidies are provided to selected companies in the form of reimbursements against

total costs of certification incurred.

Reimbursements are made in accordance with the size of the company: Small - 75%m,

Medium- 60%, Large - 50% of total costs or USD 25,000 ( whichever is lower) for certification

beyond ISO

China Preferential treatment is granted to software enterprises in the Hightech Zone in Hangzhou.

This includes support for start-ups, development of large and medium-sized enterprises,

encouragement to independent innovation and strengthening of cooperation with research

institutes through establishing special funds; and rewards for enterprises that get listed, win

famous brand certificates or pass CMM/CMMI certification

Brazil The Brazilian government has systematically supported, together with Brasscom and other

sector-related entities, initiatives aimed at qualifying human resources and increasing

certifications and innovations.

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5.8.2 Skill Development & Training

Country Incentives & Initiatives in ITES-BPO Skill Development & Training

Philippines National Competency Assessment and Certification Program : Certification program for

entry level talent in the BPO industry

Scholarship Programs : The “Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP)” has earmarked

funds for IT industry to provide educational grants for the training of BPO applicants

The Advance English Proficiency Training (AdEPT) program aims to improve English

proficiency of the Filipino labor force

TOOL : Increase the number of capable managers in the BPO industry

India Public Private Partnerships: HCL along with the Government of Gujarat has setup BPO

training centers with a primary aim to up-skill rural and Tier 2 cities population to global


Targeted Training : Government of Punjab have deployed a three pronged training model –

one at aimed at English Language skills, one aimed at Domain Specialization and other at

Horizontal functions

NAC – a nationwide skill assessment and certification initiated by NASSCOM for ITES-BPO


China Enterprises with employees granted technical grant will get up to Rmb2000 per employee

per month

A Welcome Home package for Non-Resident workers up to Rmb200,000

Funds and incentives for training in technical skills

Subsidy for graduate recruits to the vendors up to a year

Malaysia Government is aiming to deepen its English expertise through various educational initiatives

which include cross cultural exposure and tie-ups with European universities

South Africa Talent Development Initiative: Known as “Monyetla”, this Program aims to bridge the gap

between campus and the corporate. This will impart life skills, culture sensitization along

with technical skills

The Training and Skills Support Grant is aimed at providing company specific training up to a

maximum of R12, 000 per employee

Training Support Grant towards costs of company specific training up to a maximum of

R12,000 per associate (US$ 1,480).

Brazil Emphasis on engineering education and foreign languages in undergraduate colleges

Brasscom works with the government and the private sector to implement various courses in

order to increase the English proficiency not only of IT professionals but also of the younger


Spending on staff training and development, and research and development can be

deducted against income tax up to 200%

In the Northern and Northeastern States of Brazil, the government subsidizes 40% of salaries

paid to research-focused staff. If they work in technology parks, the subsidy increases to


Brasscom takes part in several institutional forums designed to raise awareness at various

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governmental levels of the need to adapt school curricula and to awaken an interest in the

IT-BPO area. This aligns training and education more closely with the market.

Ghana The Government of Ghana along with World Bank are providing a matching grant that will

facilitate Public and private training providers to create a skill-based workforce of trainers

and professionals

The objective of training grant program is to support the market for training in the ITES

sector in Ghana by providing incentives to public and private institutions for training trainers

and professionals in key segment of the BPO sector. Government has earmarked US$3.0

million for this program.

Egypt Egyptian Education Initiative (EEI): Through a public-private partnership model, it aims to

benefit trade and industry by improving the standards of ICT education in the country’s

schools and colleges. Phase 1 targets 820,000 students across 300 colleges

E-Learning Competence Center (ELCC): The ELCC was established in 2004 as a partnership

between the MCIT and the Cisco Academy Program, a nonprofit arm of Cisco. It is focusing

on delivering elearning to universities and SMEs

Illiteracy Eradication Initiative (IEI): The IEI is looking to create easily accessible digital media

(accessible via CDs or the internet) to teach written Arabic (both words and characters) and

basic mathematics

EDUEgypt: The Information Technology Institute (ITI) offers free training programs to

trainees on Offshoring/Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and Knowledge Process

Offshoring KPO. Such services facilitate investing organizations get high quality services at

less cost and a readily available pool to commission operations with minimal lead times. The

program was offered this year to over 10,000 students at 35 faculties in 10 universities,

focusing on the outsourcing industry

Kenya Public – Private Partnerships for up-skilling: Kenyan universities have started provided

certification courses like BCI and other centers of excellence are sprouting up to reduce the

bottleneck of talent deficit

Use of community-based learning centers to develop ICT skills across the community in

partnership with the private sector, NGOs, and donors

5.8.3 Business Parks

Country Incentives in IT/ITES-BPO Business Park and Special Economic Zones

Philippines Philippines Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) qualifies IT service activities such as business

process outsourcing, call centers, data encoding, transcribing and processing for special

incentives as below :

Income Tax Holiday (ITH) for four (4) years for Non-Pioneer IT Enterprises, or six (6)

years for Pioneer IT Enterprises

After the ITH period, the payment of a special 5% tax on gross income earned (GIE), in

lieu of all national and local taxes

Exemption from payment of import duties and taxes

India Special Economic Zones (SEZ): The incentives and exemptions provided under this scheme

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catalyzed the BPO growth in India. This entitles domestic suppliers to DEPB benefits, CST

exemption and Service Tax exemption. Certain exemptions like Income Tax exemption on

export profits is available to SEZ Units for 5 years, 50% for next 2 years and 50% of ploughed

back profits for 3 years thereafter

China The 1000-100-10 Project: With an aim to establish 10 Chinese outsourcing cities (now 20),

identify 1000 local Chinese vendors, it aims to attract 100 international customers to do

business in the cities with the vendors. The main initiatives include:

a) Funds and incentives for training in technical skills

b) Incentives and funds upgrading delivery quality

c) A better framework for IP protection

d) Improvements in Infrastructure

e) Facilitation of loans and credits to SMEs and international companies

f) Subsidy for graduate recruits to the vendors up to a year

g) Support R&D

h) Taxation benefits to expand business in non-established Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities

i) Most of the provinces have their own incentives and policies for ITES-BPO

business parks

Kenya By operating under an EPZ Service License in Kenya, new call centre and BPO operators will

benefit from various attractive incentives and advantages including: tax breaks, procedural

incentives, better infrastructure, travel connections and quality of life, low cost location and

high quality manpower available in the country. Some of the incentives include:

a) a 10-year corporate income tax holiday, followed by a 25% rate (compared to

the standard 30%) for the next 10 years

b) 10 year exemption from all withholding taxes

c) exemption from import duties on machinery, raw materials, and inputs;

d) exemption from stamp duty and VAT on raw materials, machinery and other


Malaysia The Government of Malaysia has implemented large scale technology infrastructure projects.

It has further been aggressive in its marketing to the western world which has ensured

setting up of captives of many MNCs. The Malaysian Government through its Multimedia

Super Corridor (MSC) is focusing on the IT-BPO industry to a large extent. The vision of this

project is to convert Malaysia into a knowledge economy by year 2020

Brazil Companies installed in technological parks, in any region, do not pay property taxes and

receive discounts on service taxes.



Free Zone Incentives grant the free zone companies 100% exemption for a 15-year term over

the following:

a) Income tax payment

b) Payment of taxes on construction and transfer of real estates

c) Municipality tax payment

d) Payment of import taxes on related equipment promoting the welfare of


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5.9 Recommended Special Incentive Package for the adoption of Standards

Given Uganda’s nascent thrust towards ITES/BPO it is clear that Uganda needs a lot of trust and focus

putting in place necessary infrastructure, business policies, incentives, and has not taken a focused

approach to the target markets. Based on the review and analysis of Uganda’s comparative strengths, it

is recommended that Uganda targets certain key segments in the next 12-24 months as outlined in the

BPO Strategy report and work on putting the basic block for development in place simultaneously to

attract investment into the sector.

Below are some broad guidelines that will help NITA – U put in place strategy to encourage the local

service and training providers to adopt international standards.

Uganda should provide incentives for standards & regulations, skill development & training and

investing in ITES-BPO Business Park.

Area Incentives

Standards The government should run programs / workshops for educating and provide grants to support

training and quality enhancements.

The Government should encourage the SMEs in ITES / BPO sector to obtain ISO 9000, ISO

14000 certification with a view to promote total quality management and best practices. The

Government assistance should be in the form of Meeting at least 50% of the cost of obtaining

such certification.

Reimbursement of 50% of expenditure incurred for obtaining quality certifications for eSCM /


Reimbursement should be made for organizations going in for BS7799 for security

Preferential treatment could be granted to organizations that populate the proposed

technology parks.



& Training

Provide training incentives to firms in the ITES BPO sector that would be linked to the total

number of jobs created.

Government should run Certification program for entry level talent in the BPO industry

Talent Development Initiative to bridge the gap between college pass outs and the skills

required by the corporate.

Provide a matching grant that will facilitate Public and private training providers to create a

skill-based workforce of trainers and professionals.

Encourage use of community-based learning centers to develop ICT skills across the

community in partnership with the private sector, NGOs, and donors



Creation of Special Economic Zone (SEZ) for IT service activities such as business process

outsourcing, call centers, data encoding, transcribing with special incentives as below :

a) Single window clearance

b) Uninterrupted power and connectivity

c) Income Tax Holiday for four (5 - 7) years

d) Exemption from payment of import duties and taxes

e) Service Tax exemption

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5.10 Standards, Training & Regulation Governance and Accreditation

As shown below, the key aims of governance should be to facilitate adoption of standards, trainings and

regulations among service and training providers by:

Accrediting and incentivising usage of standards among the key service and training providers.

Here, NITA-U should focus on supporting adoption of standards through consulting, marketing

and incentivising standards. NITA-U should also focus on accrediting the training and service

providers based on the key indicators.

Monitoring and Evaluating the adoption rate of standards & regulations to make necessary


Synergizing the key stakeholders and representatives to gain required support in facilitating the

adoption of standards as well stay abreast with latest domestic and international trends

Ensuring that the prescribed standards and training curriculum are continuously updated

depending on the domestic and regional first and then global industry requirements. Here,

NITA-U should maintain a Standards & Training Book of Knowledge that lists the standards, their

relevance, accreditation mechanisms etc. and align them with the UNBS standards framework

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5.10.1 Governance of the Core Committee

The aim of the core committee should be to:

Educate and consult service providers and the prospective employees

Manage and market the standards and training curriculum to increase adoption

Incentivise the training providers, ITES-BPO Park tenants and investors and service providers

Ensure that continuous support and feedback is garnered from the all the stakeholders

Accredit the training and service providers depending on the quality of their service delivery

Monitor & evaluate the adoption of standards as well as improvement of service delivery quality

and business performance

The core committee should be led by NITA-U and supported by the steering committee and operations

committee as described below:

I. The Strategic Committee: This level of governance would include representatives from the

Ministry of ICT, Ministry of Education, Uganda National Bureau of Standards, CICS, Trade and

Industry and NITA-U.

The key role of this committee would be to directionally align each of the ministries lobby

favourable policies for the adoption of recommended curriculum and standards and integrate

the efforts to attain a common objective i.e. to create an environment that enables and

facilitates the adoption of standards among the ITES-BPO service providers and employees. This

committee should ensure that the recommendations and enhancements are in line with the

overarching national standards and training framework. Key Role of the strategic committee aim


a. Ensure enabling laws, regulations, policies and strategies for the growth and development of

BPO/ITES are developed and enforced;

b. Build ICT infrastructure that will facilitate the growth and development of the BPO industry

c. Engage senior stakeholders and donors to support BPO/ITES policies and initiatives

d. Assign ownership and accountability for ITES-BPO standard governance to stakeholders.

e. Establish guidelines for investment

f. Provide BPO incentives

g. Investigate and provide ways to remove impediments to industry competitiveness and

improvement in quality

II. The Operational Committee: The operational committee would comprise of key representatives

from NITA-U, Chairman of UBPOA, Representative from UIA, Representative from the Academia

and Key Training institutes, Representatives from other supporting bodies such as Enterprise

Uganda, Private Sector Foundation, Competitiveness and Investment Climate Strategy (CICS)

Secretariat. The role of this committee would be to

a. Monitor and Evaluate the adoption of standards and quality & performance of service

providers and employees

b. Lobby for and monitor development of the ITES-BPO Business Park

c. Work towards enhancing business environment including investment promotion and policies

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d. Operationalize various skill development initiatives and monitor their implementation

e. Identify and mitigate challenges and risks faced by the service providers and employees in

imbibing the standards and training

5.10.2 Synergising Stakeholders

Synergizing the key stakeholders strengthens the ITES-BPO quality development efforts and provides a

monitoring mechanism to ensure rapid growth of the standard and training curriculum adoption in

Uganda. As shown below, the categories of key stakeholders are:

I. Government Entities: The government plays a key role in building any sector in the country. Buy in

from the Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic development, Ministry of Trade and Industry

and Ministry of Education are important as they directly impact the funding the ITES-BPO Park and

building skill sets for the ITES-BPO industry. While developing the Standards Book of Knowledge

(SBOK), NITA-U should ensure that the inputs from the Educational Ministry and UNBS are considered

so that it aligns with their overarching objectives as wells as training and standard framework.

II. Enabling Entities: The enabling entities will help in creating a business environment conducive to the

growth of the ITES-BPO sector. UIA and UBPOA being the two key entities will help in creating

investment incentives and advocate policy changes as per the requirement of the Industry. Here, the

enabling entities such as UIA, PSF and CICS should ensure that the incentives required for adopting

the standards, training and ITES-BPO park standards are discussed with service providers and

investors. NITA-U can also consider training agencies as their training partners that already have the

required infrastructure and trainers for imparting the recommended curriculum.

III. Supporting Entities: These are stakeholders who provide the required feedback on the standards &

training adoption. These stakeholders are buyers, trade agencies and the leading and emerging

service providers. NITA-U should ensure that the quality improvement of CSAT, financial and

operational is continuously monitored in liaison with these stakeholders. Here even feedback from

training agencies and educational institutes should be considered to gauge the impact and reach of

the prescribed training. This feedback should be leveraged to enhance the Standard Book of


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5.10.3 Roles & Responsibilities

The implementation of the roadmap needs to be followed diligently with each stakeholder playing its

part. Key responsibilities for each of the stakeholders in implementing the various short term and long

term interventions are as below:

Elements Action Items Responsibility

Creating Awareness,

Educating and

Increasing Adoption

Focus on key market Segments

Generating awareness

Market promotion initiatives

Building Business Linkages

Service Providers, UBPOA




Defining and

Enhancing Standards

and Regulations

Design and implement Incentives

Building BPO standards

Policy implementation




Skill Development Skill Assessment and requirement


Targeted Skill Development

Integrating BPO curriculum in the education


NITA-U, Ministry of Education and

Sports, UBPOA

NITA-U, Universities

National Council for Higher

Education, NITA-U, UBPOA


Development for the


Plug and Play facilities for BPO

Improve Power and Broadband

IT Business Parks


UCC, UMEME, Telecom Sector

NITA-U, Ministry of Internal Affairs,


5.10.4 Monitoring & Evaluation

Having identified the opportunities in ITES-BPO for Uganda as well as defining the necessary standards

to capitalize the opportunities, it is very important to define the key measurement and evaluation

criteria to monitor, measure and identify corrective measures required. The following key indicators can

be used to track progress of the standards and training curriculum adoption:

# of Service Providers accredited

# of training agencies accredited

# of students and employees trained

Bridging of skill and availability gap

CSAT, Operational and financial improvement

Basic Services and Business Support in ITES-BPO Park

Advanced Services provided in ITES-BPO Park

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5.10.5 Accreditation Mechanism

An accreditation mechanism should address the need for establishing and assuring quality in service

delivery of service providers, training delivery of training organizations and infrastructure and support

services provided in Business Park. The accreditation mechanism should be designed to prepare

interested organizations for program certification and professional practice. Following steps describe

the process NITA-U should follow to accredit service provider, training or ITES-BPO business park


1. Application

In this step, interested organizations should fill in the accreditation application form that indicates that

the minimum eligibility requirements are met. These eligibility requirements can be impact created on

job creation, client satisfaction etc. It is advised here that the interested organization self-assesses the

performance of their organization based on the guidelines of the standards accreditation process. An

application form should include self-assessment done by organizations towards accreditation.

2. Review

In this step the accreditation team should conduct an intensive review of the prepared materials, self-

study report, and the general workings of the interested organization seeking accreditation. The review

report should include the quality mechanisms and checks, necessary documentation, sample projects

and information on assessments at key points in the accreditation. The program assessment reviewers

should then submit the preliminary findings on the organization and any additional questions or areas of

concern to the accreditation board in the form of a program assessment report. Within this report, the

program assessment reviewers make a recommendation to the accreditation board whether the issue(s)

needs to be further reviewed at the site visit.

3. Site visit

In this step, the accreditation board should review the program assessment report to determine the

type, size, and complexity of the organization to be reviewed and the structure, size, and expertise of

the site visit review team to be selected. The accreditation board then selects and appoints the site visit

team. This team should consist of at least three program assessment reviewers (one representative each

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from industry, academia and the ministry) with one team leader. The site visit team conducts onsite visit

and examination according to the program accreditation process. The site visit team should conduct

interviews and discussions with the management, key employees, supporting staff, students, and other

stakeholders. Based on the findings of the program assessment report, the site visit team should focus

on a few aspects and ensure a detailed review during the site visit.

4. Accreditation decision

After the previous phases are completed, the accreditation board should review the steps and affirm or

deny accreditation for the candidate organization. The assessment for accreditation should include

recommendations of the site visit team and the accreditation decision. Within accreditation decision

report, each candidate organization should be awarded a letter grade to represent the level of quality

accredited. At each grade level, program accreditation decision and specific performance feedback

should be shared.

Accreditation of an organization will depend on the duration specified in the standard accreditation

process for that level. The accreditation committee may also grant accreditation but recommend

required follow‐up. NITA-U should ensure that the following steps be followed:

A general review date should be established once accreditation for a certain level is provided.

Full accreditation cycle should be completed as per the accreditation process.

Upon accreditation, the accreditation board should issue an accreditation certificate

The details of the accreditation should be published on the NITA-U website along with the

accredited organization’s details

In case the candidate organization is a training institute, it should be authorized to issue

certificate of completion to students upon successfully completing specific training programs.

The institute should report the details of certificate issuance including student name, program

name, and location for each student trained. The format of the training records may be

suggested by NITA-U.

Special Cases:

Accreditation with stipulations

The accreditation committee may recommend accreditation with stipulations, which may

require the candidate organization to provide evidence that the suitable modifications have

been made to address the stated stipulations. The accreditation board should provide suitable

time to address these issues. However, for any programs that are found severely deficient, the

accreditation board may discontinue accreditation

Denial of accreditation

The accreditation committee may deny accreditation based on the initial report and

recommendations of the site visit team. In addition, failure to meet the stipulations should

result in the denial of accreditation

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5. Continuous monitoring & evaluation

After receiving a standard accreditation, an organization should undergo a review on continuous basis.

The review may include site visits to ensure the commitment to maintaining the quality standards and

encourage on‐going professional development.

6. Re-accreditation

After the specified accreditation period expires, the accredited organization should be encouraged to

maintain the accreditation. For re‐accreditation, the organization should be required to go through all

the steps of the accreditation process. Applying for re‐accreditation displays the organization’s on‐going

commitment to various industry stakeholders. The organization should apply for re‐accreditation before

the existing accreditation expires and the re‐accreditation process can begin on the accreditation

expiration date.

5.11 Risks associated with Standards & Regulation and Training Adoption

The risks associated with the implementation of the roadmap are mentioned below:

Risks Impact Mitigation Strategy Impact


Lack of ITES–

BPO sector


Conduct a regional and global benchmark study to understand the

quantum of budgets required to incentivize Uganda ITES-BPO


Lobby with the government to create ITES–BPO focused funds

Encourage and collaborate with international fund agencies and

private firms to invest in Uganda.

High adoption


compared to

regional levels

Lobby with the Government to provide incentives, taxation rebates

and grants for the first 3 to 5 years of operations.

Conduct a cost benchmarking study that regularly monitors the

standards adoption and training costs regionally and

internationally, especially for the targeted segments

Shortage of



Ensure that the recommended skill initiatives as mentioned in are

taken in short term

Create PPP (Private Public Partnership) programs to enhance

training of manpower through vocational and industry specific

training. Provide adequate incentives to service providers for

providing on the job training




Align stakeholder expectations through detailed service delivery

discussions and contract negotiations

Set the right quality expectations

Keep client regularly updated through regular project updates and


Train team on Relationship Management to effectively manage

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expectation of aggressive outsourcing buyers



During the transition phase ensure requirement gathering is

conducted according to client’s requirements.

Ensure that process training and other basic ITES-BPO trainings are

provided to the employees.

Use on-the-job training to provide regular feedback to the


Aim to attain recommended standards and ensure that the

relevant certifications for these standards are obtained

Ensure a training calendar for the employees is in place which is

regularly updated in accordance with the client

5.12 Action Items for ITES-BPO Standards, Regulation and Accreditation

5.12.1 Short term (0-2 Years): Focus on Developing Core Capabilities

In the short term focus should be on various incentives and initiatives to create awareness and spread

the adoption of ITES-BPO standards and training curriculum. A thrust towards creating awareness,

beginning various skill development initiatives and putting together the basic infrastructure would be

essential. Results of various initiatives taken up in the short term will start yielding results in the medium

to long term. The suggested action items in short term are mentioned below:

Creating Awareness Building awareness within local and regional service providers about the ITES-BPO

standards through organizing various workshops will help create awareness. Uganda, in

the short term should identify leading and emerging service providers within the

government and the private sector to sensitize them on ITES-BPO standards through a

series of educational workshops.

Enhance the

Marketing Message

Along with international and regional investment promotion activities of ‘Brand Uganda’,

NITA-U should also include the message of “focus on world class delivery”. This will

indicate that Uganda has taken positive steps in adopting world class standards as well as

up skilling its talent.

Building ITES-BPO

Standards & Training

Book of Knowledge

Based on the recommendations made in the earlier sections, Uganda should focus on

developing a knowledge repository that contains the following

Shortlisted standards for ITES-BPO service providers. This should also include the

accreditation procedures, a list of channel partners and incentives provided for

each standard

Training curriculum which includes the topics that need to be covered for each

role. This should also include a list of training providers that are suitable to

provide the requisite trainings as well as the incentives offered to the service

providers and trainers.

ITES-BPO Park standards of infrastructure, telecommunications and support

services required. This should also include the vision, value proposition and the

roadmap for the ITES-BPO Park.

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This knowledge repository should act as guide for service providers and channel partners

and should be developed in collaboration with UNBS, The Education Ministry and ULA.

Adoption of


Depending on the service lines identified, Uganda should focus on developing its core

skills and inherent strengths in the service lines identified. In the short term, it should

focus on leading the competition regionally and developing a strong quality focused

culture domestically. It should focus on developing the quality of its people, processes and

service delivery in short term. The recommended standards in short term are:

• Prince 2/ PMP




• HDI Group of Certifications

• BCI Group of Certification

• COPC/CMMi – First Level

• SPOT First Level

Skill Development Developing skills in the short term would require a focused approach towards identifying

the skill gaps between the industry requirements and the current workforce. Further

assessment of the current state scenario would have to be done at a larger scale to

identify the pockets of skill development across the secondary schools, vocational training

institutes and universities. Uganda should ensure that it establishes the curriculum for

training and decides its channel partners. In short term, the skill development should

happen for associates and new joinees to ensure that it addresses the skill requirements

at a grass-root level. It should focus on establishing its competencies and skills in its core

and inherent skills. It should be kept in mind that skill development should be

synchronized with investment promotion, thus ensuring students graduating have a job in

the sector.

Basic Services in the


Physical infrastructure which is at par with the international standards plays a very critical

role in attracting large service providers. This not only instils confidence in them but also

reduces the infrastructure setup time. In short term, Uganda should focus on setting up

the ITES-BPO park with at least facilities for 1000 seats and providing basic services like hi-

speed broadband, requisite physical infrastructure, security, technology platforms for

voice and non-voice based and back-office delivery centres, transportation facilities and a

single-window business support centre.

This will help service providers to setup operations in a plug and play facility with various

incentives on rent, power and connectivity. This will also enable easy scaling up of

operations and reduce set up costs and time for new market entrants substantially.

Incentives Fiscal incentives play a very critical role in attracting investors to a country, especially in

the nascent stages. Careful implementation of the fiscal incentives can result in improving

country’s competitiveness.

In the short term, the Government along with UIA should focus towards building an

incentive structure to encourage the local service providers to adopt people, process,

organizational, client specific standards as well as train its employees. There should also

be incentives provided for channel partners to train individuals. Even the infrastructure

and telecommunication developers for the ITES-BPO park should be incentivised suitably.

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Based on the best practices listed globally for incentives in standards adoption, skill

development and ITES-BPO parks (or SEZs) setups, Uganda should choose an appropriate

set of incentive’s along with their duration, which best meets its requirement.. To achieve

substantial scale in skill and ITES-BPO business park development, Uganda can also

consider various public-private-partnership options

5.12.2 Medium to Long term (2-5 Years and beyond): Focus on Moving up the Value Chain

In the medium to long term, a sustained effort on various initiatives started during the short term phase

will have to be continued. The results of efforts put in the small term will begin to unfold in the medium

to long term. In medium term, Uganda should have achieved a critical mass of service providers, channel

partners and employees that have adopted the recommended standards. Effort will be required to

adopt and customise these initiatives depending on the changes in the Macro and Micro economic

factors affecting them like revisiting the Investment promotion initiatives and taking infrastructure to

the next level by scaling the ITES-BPO park infrastructure. By this time, BPO industry in Uganda should

have established itself as a strong brand in the domestic/regional markets and higher focus should be

put towards placing it as a strong location in the international market. To ensure that the adoption of

standards has happened as planned, Uganda should also establish a governance and monitoring &

evaluation framework that monitors and incentives the service providers based on the rate of adoption

and quantum of quality improvement.

Take the “quality

message” international

The sustainability and scalability of the BPO industry requires a two pronged

approach of targeting both the International and Domestic/Regional market. As a

follow up to the investment promotion activity in the short term, planning for long

term business linkages in essential. Identifying key international events for

participation and promoting the message of Uganda’s focus on quality delivery is


Move the service

providers up the value

chain and adopt Industry

Specific and KPO based


The service providers by adopting the standards recommended for short term would

have strengthened their core operations and performance of their employees. In

medium to long term, Uganda should focus on encouraging service providers to move

up the value chain by providing industry specific and knowledge process based

solutions. It should also focus on encourage service providers to aim for next level of

maturity (mid-level and advanced) for the standards adopted in the short term.

Create a self-sustaining

ecosystems in its ITES-

BPO Business Parks

An important component for the development and growth of the BPO sectors is the

availability of infrastructure. Countries worldwide have initiated several projects

around the creation of business parks that provide organisations and employees a

development-friendly environment and therefore encourage the formation and

growth of businesses in the ITES-BPO industry. Uganda should also focus on

strengthening the industry linkage to understand the existing quality gaps in its

delivery, skills and infrastructure. There has been an increased adoption of Public

private partnership in building the Business Parks.

Customized and Value

based incentives

Sustenance of the incentive structure defined in the short term and providing

customized incentives based on value of the proposition would be required.

Encouraging large international providers to participate in government contracts with

a rider of creating specific number of local jobs would help bring large flagship ITES-

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BPO companies and captive setups to Uganda

Targeted skill set


In the short term, Uganda needs to harness the existing capability in the workforce

and work towards building on them. However in the long term, a focus on building

specific skills based on the market requirements will be essential. Developing the high

value low volume segment, which essentially is the KPO, would require building

strong domain skills in areas of Law, Market Research or Analytics and Medicine.

Specific course designed with the help of public private partnership will help build


Integrate requirements

of the ITES-BPO Industry

in the education

curriculum and increase

number of

Training Institutes

Inclusion of generic BPO trainings in the secondary and tertiary education. Improving

written and spoken English language skills, computer literacy, foreign language skills

can be made as a part of the secondary education curriculum. Building a feedback

loop between the Industry Body/Association such as UBPOA and the NCHE would

help achieve this objective in the long term. There is a significant dearth of ITES-BPO

training agencies in Uganda. Focus should also be on increasing the number of

training agencies that are certified and accredited by international certification


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