STANDING FIGURE, Calcite marble - Mesoweb · STANDING FIGURE, Calcite marble ⅜ × ⅛ × ⅞ in....

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STANDING FIGURE, 500–550Calcite marble

⅜ × ⅛ × ⅞ in. ( × × cm)

Museo Nacional de Antropología / INAH, -

�is is the largest specimen of a group of anthropo-

morphic images carved in whitish or greenish stone

that are exceptional in the public art of Teotihuacan

for their realism, curved volumes, and polished

surfaces. �ey represent naked, standing male indi-

viduals, arms stretched down at their sides and legs

straight. Several of them have been found at the site,

within temples, and under the Feathered Serpent

and Moon Pyramids (see cats. , –, –, ).

In this case, the sculpture is characterized by a dia-

dem with three rings on the forehead, two vertical

black lines that cross the face, and a pair of incised

darts that penetrate the thigh and the instep. Eight

notches in the arms and legs that resemble ligature

markings suggest that the object was tied with ropes

to a post or stand. Everything seems to indicate that

it embodies a Teotihuacan version of the Postclassic

tlacacaliztli ritual, in which a high-ranking military

captive was stripped, tied to a scaffold, and shot to

death with arrows. �is ceremony was linked to

Xipe Totec (god of war and fertility who has lines

across his face) and was carried out within the

framework of military victories and promotions of

dignitaries. �e sculpture was discovered in

near the top of the southern temple of the Central

Plaza, a construction whose last stage dates from the

Early Xolalpan phase (– ). �e image had

been mutilated with chisels and reduced to more

than fragments, which were damaged by fire.

�ese were scattered across floors with fire marks,

among collapsed walls, charred beams, and obsidian

artifacts deformed by heat. �e archaeomagnetic

date of seems to link such iconoclastic acts

with the final destruction of Teotihuacan. —,

Selected Bibliography

López Luján et al. : passim.

López Luján et al. : passim.

Teotihuacan: Cité des dieux : ; cat. .

Cabrera Cortés : .

M. E. Miller : fig. .



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Matthew H. Robb is chief curator of the Fowler Museum at the University of

California, Los Angeles.

Rubén Cabrera Castro is professor emeritus, director of the Proyecto La Ventilla, and

an investigator at the Zona de Monumentos Arqueológicos de Teotihuacan for the

Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia.

David M. Carballo is associate professor in the Department of Archaeology at Boston


George L. Cowgill is professor emeritus in the School of Human Evolution and Social

Change at Arizona State University.

Julie Gazzola is director of the Proyecto Primeras Ocupaciones en Teotihuacan

Dirección de Estudios Arqueológicos for the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e


Sergio Gómez Chávez is an archaeologist, investigator, and director of the Proyecto

Tlalocan of the Zona de Monumentos Arqueológicos de Teotihuacan for the

Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia.

Christophe Helmke is associate professor in the Department of Cross-Cultural and

Regional Studies at the University of Copenhagen.

Leonardo López Luján is senior researcher in archaeology at the Museo del Templo

Mayor and director of the Proyecto Templo Mayor for the Instituto Nacional de

Antropología e Historia.

Diana Magaloni is director of the Program for Art of the Ancient Americas at the Los

Angeles County Museum of Art.

Linda R. Manzanilla is an archaeologist in the Institute of Anthropological Research

at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and a member of El Colegio


Jesper Nielsen is associate professor in the Department of Cross-Cultural and

Regional Studies at the University of Copenhagen.

Nelly Zoé Núñez Rendon is an archaeologist at the Zona de Monumentos

Arqueológicos de Teotihuacan for the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e


Hillary Olcott is assistant curator in the Department of the Arts of Africa, Oceania,

and the Americas at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.

Megan E. O’Neil is associate curator in the Program for Art of the Ancient Americas

at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

Jorge Pérez de Lara Elías is an independent photographer based in Cuernavaca,


Alejandro Sarabia González is an archaeologist, director of the Proyecto Pirámide del

Sol, and director of the Zona de Monumentos Arqueológicos de Teotihuacan for

the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia.

Nawa Sugiyama is assistant professor in the Sociology and Anthropology

Department at George Mason University.

Saburo Sugiyama is research professor in the School of Human Evolution and

Social Change at Arizona State University and professor of the Graduate School of

International Cultural Studies at Aichi Prefectural University.

Erika Carrillo is an archaeologist at the Zona de Monumentos Arqueológicos de

Teotihuacan for the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia.

Laura Filloy Nadal is senior conservator at the Museo Nacional de Antropología for

the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia.

Nikolai Grube is professor in the Department for the Anthropology of the Americas

at the University of Bonn.


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Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco • de YoungLos Angeles County Museum of Art

Published by theFine Arts Museums of San Francisco • de YoungandUniversity of California Press

M AT T H E W H . R O B B

W I T H R U B É N C A B R E R A C A ST R O , DAV I D M . C A R B A L LO , G E O R G E L .

C O W G I L L , J U L I E GA Z Z O L A , S E R G I O G Ó M E Z C H ÁV E Z , C H R I STO P H E

H E L M K E , L E O N A R D O LÓ P E Z LU JÁ N , D I A N A M AGA LO N I , L I N DA R .

M A N Z A N I L L A , J E S P E R N I E L S E N , N E L LY Z O É N Ú Ñ E Z R E N D Ó N , H I L L A RY

O LC OT T, M E GA N E . O ’ N E I L , A L E JA N D R O S A R A B I A G O N Z Á L E Z , N AW A






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Directors’ Foreword . . . Max Hollein and Michael Govan

Foreword . . . María Cristina García Cepeda

Foreword . . . Diego Prieto Hernández

Lighting the World: Teotihuacan and Urbanism in Central Mexico . . . David M. Carballo and Matthew H. Robb

A Speculative History of Teotihuacan . . . George L. Cowgill

Teotihuacan: Planned City with Cosmic Pyramids . . . Saburo Sugiyama

Reappraising Architectural Processes at the Ciudadela through Recent Evidence . . . Julie Gazzola

�e Underworld at Teotihuacan: �e Sacred Cave under the Feathered Serpent Pyramid . . . Sergio Gómez Chávez

�e Feathered Serpent Pyramid at Teotihuacan: Monumentality and Sacrificial Burials . . . Saburo Sugiyama

�e Sun Pyramid Architectural Complex in Teotihuacan: Vestiges of Worship and Veneration . . . 6Alejandro Sarabia González and Nelly Zoé Núñez Rendón

�e Central Plaza of the Sun Pyramid: Collective Space at Teotihuacan . . . Nelly Zoé Núñez Rendón

�e Moon Pyramid and the Ancient State of Teotihuacan . . . Saburo Sugiyama and Rubén Cabrera Castro

�e Ritual Deposits in the Moon Pyramid at Teotihuacan . . . Leonardo López Luján and Saburo Sugiyama

Pumas Eating Human Hearts? Animal Sacrifice and Captivity at the Moon Pyramid . . . Nawa Sugiyama

Teotihuacan Apartment Compounds, Neighborhood Centers, and Palace Structures . . . Linda R. Manzanilla

Foreigners’ Barrios at Teotihuacan: Reasons for and Consequences of Migration . . . Sergio Gómez Chávez

La Ventilla and the Plaza of the Glyphs . . . Rubén Cabrera Castro

�e Xalla Palace in Teotihuacan . . . Linda R. Manzanilla

Daily Life in Teotihuacan’s Southern Periphery: �e Tlajinga District . . . David M. Carballo

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Of Gods and Rituals: �e Religion of Teotihuacan . . . Christophe Helmke and Jesper Nielsen

�e Storm God: Lord of Rain and Ravage . . . Jesper Nielsen and Christophe Helmke

�e Old Fire God . . . Matthew H. Robb

�e Maize God . . . Matthew H. Robb

�e Water Goddess . . . Matthew H. Robb

Space, Object, and Identity in the City of the Gods . . . Matthew H. Robb

Lapidary Work at Teotihuacan: Production and Use . . . Julie Gazzola

�e Colors of Time: Teotihuacan Mural Painting Tradition . . . Diana Magaloni

Stucco-Painted Vessels from Teotihuacan: Integration of Ceramic and Mural Traditions . . . Megan E. O’Neil

Mapping Teotihuacan . . . Hillary Olcott

Map of Teotihuacan . . .














XALLA . . .

Bibliography . . . Index . . . Acknowledgments . . . List of Contributors . . . Map Sources and Image Credits . . .


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�e Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco and the

Los Angeles County Museum of Art are grateful to the

following exhibition sponsors and lenders.


National Endowment for the Humanities

Diane B. Wilsey

�e Donald L. Wyler Trust

�e Charles D. and Frances K. Field Fund

Wells Fargo

Janet Barnes and �omas W. Weisel Family

Alec and Gail Merriam


Art Institute of Chicago

Cleveland Museum of Art

Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, DC

Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

Los Angeles County Museum of Art

�e Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Museo Nacional de Antropología / INAH, Mexico City

Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

Saint Louis Art Museum

University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology

and Anthropology, Philadelphia

Zona de Monumentos Arqueológicos de Teotihuacán / INAH,

Teotihuacán, Mexico

�is catalogue has been published with the assistance of the

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Endowment for Publications.

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