STARGATE · Stargate SG-1--“FORSAKEN” Episode#P669...

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November 4, 2002

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Stargate SG-1--“FORSAKEN” Episode#P669 1




01:00:04:25 O'NEILL: Lots of interesting nebulous things going on?

01:00:07:10 CARTER: Yes, sir.

01:00:16:05 O'NEILL: I don't see squat.

01:00:18:04 CARTER: Well, you wouldn't, sir, during the day.

01:00:22:23 CARTER (CONT’D): When the local sun sets and it gets dark, you can actually

see a luminous layer of ionized gas around the dying core expanding.

01:00:32:24 O'NEILL: Fascinating.

01:00:34:13 CARTER: You don't care.

01:00:35:28 O'NEILL: Hey, I like gas as much as the next guy.

01:00:41:00 CARTER: Five hours to darkness, sir.

01:01:02:08 O'NEILL: Carter.

Stargate SG-1--“FORSAKEN” Episode#P669 2

01:01:03:27 CARTER: Yes, sir?

01:01:06:07 O'NEILL: We've never been to this planet before, have we? We meaning humans

from Earth.

01:01:09:16 CARTER: No, sir. Why?

01:01:11:12 JONAS (O/S FILTERED THROUGH RADIO): Colonel, Major, you have to see


01:01:17:11 O'NEILL: Okay. You'll have to let us know where you are.

01:01:21:00 JONAS (O/S FILTERED THROUGH RADIO): Right. Head east.

01:01:42:27 JONAS (O/S): Incredible, isn't it?

01:01:44:13 O'NEILL: That had to hurt.

01:02:06:00 O'NEILL: Teal'c, what have you got here?

01:02:08:10 TEAL'C: I am unfamiliar with this type of vessel, O'Neill. It is not Goa'uld.

01:02:13:22 CARTER: It's not Asgard or Tollan, either.

01:02:17:24 JONAS: You know, these markings resemble ancient Celtic.

01:02:23:15 CARTER: Hello?

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01:02:27:10 CARTER: Looks like there were no survivors.

01:02:29:00 CORSO (O/S): Actually, there were three of us.


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01:04:11:20 O'NEILL: Now what?

01:04:13:04 CORSO: You tell me.

01:04:16:29 JONAS: We're peaceful explorers, okay?

01:04:21:10 JONAS (CONT’D): We didn't come here to harm anybody.

01:04:23:03 O'NEILL: Unless otherwise provoked.

01:04:32:08 CORSO: I'm Aden Corso, Captain of the Sebrus. This is my First Officer, Tanis

Reynard, and Navigator Lyle Pender.

01:04:43:01 O'NEILL: Colonel Jack O'Neill, U.S. Air Force. Teal'c, Major Carter, Jonas Quinn.

01:04:49:27 CARTER: We're from a planet called Earth.

01:04:51:27 PENDER: Never heard of it.

01:04:53:04 CARTER: It's--

01:04:54:02 O'NEILL (O/S): Nice.

01:04:55:01 O’NEILL (CONT’D): It's nice.

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01:04:56:24 CORSO (O/S): I'm sure it is.

01:04:59:20 CORSO (CONT’D): Sorry for the less-than-warm welcome, but you kind of


01:05:02:11 CORSO (CONT’D O/S): up on us.

01:05:03:06 REYNARD: We didn't hear your ship land.

01:05:04:21 O'NEILL: No, you wouldn't.

01:05:06:12 CARTER: How long have you been here?

01:05:08:11 CORSO: Too long.

01:05:12:10 JONAS: That's a rough landing.

01:05:14:01 PENDER: It's not as bad as it looks.

01:05:16:04 REYNARD: We were on our way to relieve an off-world mineral-extraction team

when an asteroid storm blew us right off course.

01:05:21:20 PENDER: A fuel line got messed up in the crash and all the reserves leaked out

before we knew what was happening.

01:05:27:00 CORSO: You wouldn't happen to have a whole lot of extra fuel in your ship, would


Stargate SG-1--“FORSAKEN” Episode#P669 6

01:05:30:20 O'NEILL: Not exactly.

01:05:32:20 PENDER (O/S): I think the engines are okay, we just don't have enough...

01:05:34:13 PENDER (CONT’D): power in the batteries to fire them up. All we have access to

is a few auxiliary systems.

01:05:39:02 CARTER: Communications?

01:05:40:20 REYNARD: First thing to get hit in the storm.

01:05:42:26 CORSO: We couldn't even get a distress signal off.

01:05:44:25 CORSO (CONT’D O/S): What's frustrating is that...

01:05:46:11 CORSO (CONT’D): our home planet, Hebridan, must be close. We could plot a

course if you could take three passengers.

01:05:51:08 O'NEILL: That might be a problem.

01:05:53:24 TEAL'C: We did not travel to this world by vessel.

01:05:57:11 JONAS: We came through the Stargate.

01:05:59:10 CORSO: Excuse me?

01:06:01:04 O'NEILL: Big "O," decent walk that way.

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01:06:06:00 CORSO: We didn't know what that was.

01:06:07:16 CARTER: It's a transportation device.

01:06:09:21 CORSO: That explains a few things.

01:06:11:13 JONAS: I take it you don't have one where you come from?

01:06:13:18 CORSO: Not that we know of.

01:06:17:02 CORSO (CONT’D): Really no ship?

01:06:20:02 O'NEILL: No ship.

01:06:21:16 CORSO: How does this Stargate work exactly?

01:06:24:12 CARTER (O/S): Well, basically, each Stargate has an address based on its home

planet's point in space.

01:06:29:25 JONAS (O/S): That address is represented by symbols...

01:06:32:27 O'NEILL: Carter, Teal'c.

01:06:35:03 O’NEILL (CONT’D O/S): Excuse us a moment.

01:06:43:20 O'NEILL (CONT’D): Any suggestions?

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01:06:47:05 TEAL'C: We could offer them sanctuary on Earth.

01:06:49:15 CARTER: Or we could fix their ship.

01:06:52:05 CARTER: I'm just saying it's possible. I mean, if all they need is fuel, then maybe

we can find an Earth equivalent. I may be able to recharge their batteries

using the Naquadah generator. I'd have to take a look at the technology.

01:07:03:05 O'NEILL: And why would we do this?

01:07:05:04 CARTER: So I can take a look at the technology. They seem to have spaceflight

capabilities beyond our own, and maybe they'd be grateful. Who knows

what else they have to offer?

01:07:16:15 O'NEILL: Okay...

01:07:18:15 O’NEILL (CONT’D): but charge by the hour. No flat rate for these kids.

01:07:23:03 TEAL'C: The Celts were formidable warriors in their time. Their descendants may

make valuable allies.

01:07:29:07 O'NEILL: You've seen Braveheart too often...

01:07:31:03 O’NEILL (CONT’D O/S): but that doesn't mean we're not going to help you folks


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01:07:33:22 O’NEILL (CONT’D): Carter has to have a closer look at your ship. Worst-case

scenario, you end up on Earth.

01:07:40:07 CORSO: Thank you.

01:07:41:16 CORSO (CONT’D O/S): We would like to see your world and learn more about

the Stargate, but if you can get our ship...

01:07:45:29 CORSO (CONT’D): going, our first priority would be to get home.

01:07:48:18 CARTER: Let's take a look.

01:08:00:02 O'NEILL: T?

01:08:03:10 TEAL'C: I do not know, O'Neill.

01:08:09:15 O'NEILL: Keep me posted.

01:08:11:01 TEAL'C: Indeed.

01:08:27:20 CARTER: What can you tell me?

01:08:29:05 CORSO: Not as much as my chief engineer could.

01:08:33:13 CORSO (CONT’D): He is dead. I'll do my best.

01:08:53:15 O'NEILL: Still?

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01:08:55:14 TEAL'C: There is something out there, O'Neill.

01:08:57:12 REYNARD: Move! Move!

01:09:02:26 REYNARD: Corso!


01:10:22:06 CORSO: Is he gone?

01:10:23:28 PENDER (O/S): Yeah.

01:10:36:15 TEAL'C: He's dead, O'Neill.

01:10:40:15 O'NEILL: What the hell was that all about?

01:10:42:15 PENDER: These guys have been hunting us from the moment we crashed.

01:10:46:15 O'NEILL: With your own weapons?

01:10:50:03 O’NEILL (CONT’D O/S): Captain.

01:10:51:06 CORSO: Colonel, I'm sorry...

01:10:52:14 CORSO (CONT’D O/S): that I didn't warn you about that sooner...

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01:10:54:07 CORSO (CONT’D): but it's been so long since they attacked, we started to think

we were free and clear.

01:10:58:10 O'NEILL: Who the heck are they?

01:10:59:04 CORSO: We don't know, but they've killed five of my crewmembers since we


01:11:03:19 CORSO (CONT’D O/S): Skinned them alive and hung them up in the trees.

01:11:06:18 CORSO (CONT’D): Whoever or whatever they are, they're savages.

01:11:08:23 O'NEILL: Where are they from?

01:11:10:03 CORSO: Don't know. There's no civilization on this planet as far as we could tell.

01:11:13:26 PENDER: We haven't seen any ships, either.

01:11:15:20 CORSO: And now we know that the Stargate is a transportation device, well, they

must be coming through that.

01:11:21:02 CARTER: Sir, she's in need of medical attention.

01:11:24:09 O'NEILL: All right. Let's all get back to Earth, then.

01:11:27:20 CORSO: Colonel, if you can do something to help her, please do it, but I'm staying

with my ship.

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01:11:32:19 CORSO (CONT’D O/S): From what you said, it's still our best chance to get back

to our home planet...

01:11:37:10 CORSO (O/S CONT’D): and I'm not giving it up to these things...

01:11:39:02 CORSO (CONT’D): not after what they did to my crew. The sonic defenses should

be able to keep them at bay.

01:11:42:26 O'NEILL: Yeah, that was kind of annoying.

01:11:45:07 CORSO: We should be able to defend this position until your people have a

chance to fix the ship.

01:11:47:29 O'NEILL: All right. Carter, Jonas, get her back to the gate. We'll watch your six.

01:11:54:20 O'NEILL: We'll be back.

01:11:56:02 CORSO: Thank you.


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01:12:37:04 JONAS (V/O): Their home planet is called Hebridan.

01:12:38:29 JONAS (CONT’D): By the sound of it, their ancestors might have come from

somewhere near the outer Hebrides Islands off the coast of Scotland.

01:12:46:05 CARTER: Based on its position in space, I've determined that it doesn't have a

gate, at least not one that we're aware of.

01:12:50:26 HAMMOND: Then how did a society of humans evolve there?

01:12:53:25 CARTER (O/S): It's possible...

01:12:55:11 CARTER (CONT’D): the Goa'uld kept a gate there as long as it suited them, and

then took it with them when they left.

01:12:58:24 JONAS (O/S): The real mystery...

01:13:00:04 JONAS (CONT’D): is how their society managed to advance so far beyond Earth's

level of technology.

01:13:04:02 CARTER: These engines are way ahead of anything that we could build.

01:13:07:15 CARTER (CONT’D O/S): They use liquid nitrogen...

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01:13:09:04 CARTER (CONT’D): to fuel an ion-propulsion system. Now, personally, I can't

wait to see how they generate enough--

01:13:13:12 HAMMOND: Your evaluation of these people, Major?

01:13:16:00 CARTER: Cautiously optimistic, sir.

01:13:18:11 HAMMOND: Can you fix it?

01:13:20:06 CARTER: If I can recharge their batteries using the Naquadah generator and

there are no other system problems resulting from the crash, then...

01:13:26:26 HAMMOND: Take whatever you need.

01:13:28:11 CARTER (O/S): Thank you, sir.

01:13:29:22 HAMMOND: And SG-15.

01:13:32:18 CARTER: Yes, sir.

01:13:40:05 O'NEILL: Got a name for these guys?

01:13:42:00 CORSO: Nothing polite.

01:13:44:00 O'NEILL: What kind of weapons were they using before they got yours?

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01:13:46:06 CORSO: I don't know. Nobody survived the first attack, and ever since then,

they've been using ours. They must like them better.

01:13:52:15 O'NEILL: How many could they have?

01:13:54:00 CORSO: Eight or nine.

01:13:55:08 O'NEILL: They travel in pairs?

01:13:56:20 CORSO (O/S): A scouting party.

01:13:58:00 CORSO (CONT’D): Probably trying to test your firepower.

01:13:59:20 PENDER: Which isn't very accurate.

01:14:03:20 O'NEILL: I was trying to wound him.

01:14:05:23 CORSO: Well, the one that got away, I'm sure, is reporting to his friends right


01:14:11:13 O'NEILL: Yeah, so you say.

01:14:13:00 CORSO: Believe me, Colonel, when they come back, they'll come back in force.

01:14:19:14 CARTER: Sir, Hammond sent SG-15 as backup.

01:14:22:05 MAJOR PIERCE: We have the gate covered, sir.

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01:14:23:25 O'NEILL: Good. We have an unknown number of armed and apparently hostile

aliens in the area.

01:14:30:23 MAJOR PIERCE: We've got your back, Colonel.

01:14:32:10 CARTER: Sir, I brought some equipment back to fix the ship, but I'll need help to

get it here.

01:14:36:03 TEAL'C: Indeed.

01:14:54:06 JONAS: How are you?

01:14:55:25 REYNARD: Hey. Fine, since they stopped the bleeding.

01:15:00:04 REYNARD (CONT’D): The painkillers aren't bad, either. I should be up and

around pretty quick.

01:15:05:00 JONAS: Good.

01:15:08:14 REYNARD: I guess I owe you.

01:15:10:01 JONAS: Not a bit.

01:15:17:02 JONAS (CONT’D): So...

01:15:20:00 JONAS (CONT’D): you looking forward to seeing anybody when you get back?

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01:15:23:07 REYNARD: I hate to sound like a hopeless case, but my parents died when I was

young and I've been serving with Captain Corso since I graduated flight

school 10 years ago, so...

01:15:32:08 REYNARD (CONT’D O/S): he and Pender, they're like my family...

01:15:35:12 REYNARD (CONT’D): especially after what we've been through.

01:15:42:10 REYNARD: So tell me more about the Stargate. How does it work exactly?

01:15:49:01 JONAS: Basically, it uses a dimension outside of our known time and space that

we call subspace...

01:15:55:22 JONAS (CONT’D): and it creates a wormhole, which is like a tunnel, between two

connecting gates.

01:16:03:04 PENDER: And how many Stargates are there?

01:16:06:04 JONAS: There's a lot of them.

01:16:08:24 REYNARD: And there are other humans out there like us?

01:16:12:21 JONAS: Oh yeah. Yeah, some primitive, some advanced...

01:16:18:21 JONAS (CONT’D O/S): some non-humans, as you're already aware, some are


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01:16:23:02 JONAS (CONT’D): some are bad, some are very bad, but all in all, it is pretty


01:16:30:24 REYNARD: Yeah...

01:16:33:20 REYNARD (CONT’D): it sounds like it.

01:16:45:07 CORSO: No engine diagnostics, no life-support status.

01:16:49:07 CORSO (CONT’D): We've been running the auxiliary weapons systems directly

off the battery, but without a computer we don't know...

01:16:54:02 CORSO (CONT’D O/S): how much power we have left.

01:16:55:25 CARTER: So the first thing we need to do is give you a boost, so we can get your

computer back on-line...

01:16:59:01 CARTER (CONT’D O/S): then we can run the full diagnostic.

01:17:01:00 CARTER (O/S CONT’D): Any idea how we can interface...

01:17:02:23 CARTER (CONT’D): our power source with your system?

01:17:04:18 CORSO: I'll show you the engine room.

01:17:10:26 CORSO: You know, my department is more telling people what to do-- fly this

way, fix that, don't crash.

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01:17:19:09 CORSO (CONT’D): Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

01:17:25:10 CORSO (CONT’D): This is the main power coupling.

01:17:28:25 CARTER: Well, this will do the trick. We'll have to jury-rig something, but it should


01:17:36:07 CORSO: Amazing. CORSO: For a supposedly less-advanced human, you're

pretty comfortable with our technology.

01:17:42:10 CARTER: Well, you're in luck. I have a little more experience with this sort of thing

than most people on my planet.

01:17:47:17 CARTER (CONT’D): Besides, all we're really doing is plugging your ship into my


01:17:52:08 CORSO: Whatever you say.

01:17:58:00 CARTER: I guess that didn't sound very good, did it?

01:18:02:24 CORSO: So let me get this straight here, Major. You're an officer in your

homeworld's military...

01:18:07:16 CORSO (CONT’D O/S): you're a scientist, an explorer...

01:18:10:01 CORSO (CONT’D): and apparently, you're a pretty fair mechanic.

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01:18:13:15 CARTER: And I make a mean soufflé.

01:18:17:00 CORSO: Sorry?

01:18:18:09 CARTER: Oh, it's something you eat. It's very difficult to make.

01:18:24:05 CORSO: Oh, well, add to that list funny, charming, and beautiful.

01:18:27:22 CORSO (CONT’D): I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you.

01:18:30:24 CORSO (CONT’D O/S): See, rule number one when you're stranded on an alien

planet and someone...

01:18:34:09 CORSO (CONT’D): offers to fix your ship, flatter them profusely.

01:18:37:09 CARTER: Pass me that--

01:18:39:16 CORSO: Yeah.

01:18:41:11 CARTER: Thank you, and continue at will.

01:18:48:04 CORSO: Colonel O'Neill doesn't trust us...

01:18:50:04 CORSO (CONT’D): does he?

01:18:52:18 CARTER: Well, trust is something that you have to earn with us, and Colonel

O'Neill is less concerned with showing his distrust.

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01:19:00:10 CORSO: So why are you helping us?

01:19:01:26 CARTER: Well, it's the only way you make new friends, take a chance on

someone and hope they don't make you regret it.

01:19:39:00 O'NEILL (O/S): Don't move.

01:19:47:25 O'NEILL: Hey! Take it easy!

01:19:49:20 PENDER: We can't let it get away.

01:19:51:10 O'NEILL: I was thinking of taking it alive.

01:19:52:20 PENDER: Why would you do that?

01:19:53:20 O'NEILL: Because that's how you gain intel on an enemy you know little about.

01:19:57:01 PENDER: I know all I need to know, Colonel. If those things get a hold of you or

one of your friends, you will, too.

01:20:04:15 O'NEILL: Damnit. Teal'c.

01:20:07:20 O'NEILL (CONT’D): Carter?

01:20:08:24 CARTER: Yes, sir.

01:20:10:22 O'NEILL: We spotted one of the aliens. We're going after it.

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01:20:13:13 CARTER: Roger that, sir.

01:20:14:20 CORSO: You're safe here.

01:20:15:25 CARTER: We're secure inside the ship, sir.

01:20:18:07 O'NEILL: O'Neill out.

01:20:40:08 CARTER: Don't get your hopes up. This is as far as I'm going.

01:20:45:25 CORSO: You know, I've been stuck on this rock with a novice navigator and a

grumpy first officer who doesn't like men, but I will attempt to control


01:20:59:23 CORSO: Mind if I have a look?

01:21:06:13 CORSO (CONT’D): It's interesting. It's not like your other one.

01:21:08:26 CARTER: It's a little less lethal. It's not Earth-made. One shot stuns, two shots kill.

01:21:16:27 CORSO: So do you have anyone special back on Earth?

01:21:20:13 CARTER: Nothing I care to discuss.

01:21:22:13 CORSO: All right, now that's a little too interesting for me to let go.

01:21:29:14 CORSO: How about you choose a topic?

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01:21:46:14 PENDER: Colonel... We can cover more ground separately. Teal'c gave me one

of these. We can stay in contact.

01:21:54:00 O'NEILL: All right. Not too far.

01:22:11:03 JONAS: General.

01:22:12:08 HAMMOND: I was in the area.

01:22:17:05 HAMMOND (CONT’D): Is there anything more?

01:22:19:27 JONAS: I was just looking for some reference on the name of the ship.

01:22:22:04 JONAS (CONT’D O/S): There's a slightly different spelling, but basically the same.

01:22:25:21 HAMMOND: Is it significant?

01:22:28:02 JONAS: I'm not sure.

01:22:31:08 HAMMOND: At 0625 hours...

01:22:32:22 HAMMOND (CONT’D O/S): there was a security breach in the main computer


01:22:35:18 HAMMOND (CONT’D): Someone tried to gain access from a remote terminal in

the infirmary.

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01:22:39:14 JONAS: You think Reynard tried to hack into it?

01:22:41:12 HAMMOND: Do you believe she's capable?

01:22:43:06 JONAS: I don't know. It's possible.

01:22:45:20 HAMMOND: Well, I'm on my way to question her about it.

01:22:48:05 JONAS: Yes, sir.

01:22:50:02 JONAS (CONT’D): General?

01:22:52:14 JONAS (CONT’D O/S): If you don't mind...

01:22:56:06 JONAS (CONT’D): I've got another idea.

01:23:04:21 O'NEILL: A little home away from home here.

01:23:06:16 TEAL'C: If the hunters use the Stargate, why set up camp here?

01:23:10:14 O'NEILL: That's a pretty fair question.

01:23:19:18 TEAL'C: You also do not believe the Hebridan's story.

01:23:22:18 O'NEILL (O/S): That alien...

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01:23:23:06 O’NEILL (CONT’D): I caught sneaking around, he was just about to tell me

something when Pender shot him.

01:23:38:00 TEAL'C: These appear to have come from the Sebrus.

01:23:47:17 O'NEILL: Yeah.

01:23:48:27 (WEAPON FIRE)

01:23:51:25 PENDER (O/S FILTERED THROUGH RADIO):Colonel, I've got him!

01:24:04:21 O'NEILL: Pender!

01:24:07:04 O'NEILL (CONT’D): I said alive.

01:24:10:20 O'NEILL (CONT’D O/S): Where is he?

01:24:11:21 PENDER: It was right there.

01:24:12:25 O'NEILL: I thought you said you had him.

01:24:13:28 PENDER: I did. I had to have hit him.

01:24:18:09 O'NEILL: T, what do you got?

01:24:22:08 TEAL'C: I believe it is blood, O'Neill.

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01:24:29:18 PENDER: Told you.


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01:25:01:17 CARTER: There's a connection dislodged back here.

01:25:04:16 CORSO: You got it? Really?

01:25:08:15 CORSO (CONT’D): Ha.

01:25:10:17 CARTER: Only one way to find out.

01:25:12:05 CORSO: Yeah.

01:25:21:21 CORSO: Unbelievable. Ha!

01:25:23:24 CARTER: Okay, Captain, how do we boot up the system?

01:25:26:05 CORSO: Call me Aden.

01:25:28:00 CARTER: Okay.

01:25:30:00 CORSO: You know, I've been saving this for a special occasion. We haven't had

that many around here.

01:25:36:14 CARTER: Oh, no thanks.

01:25:37:20 CORSO: Come on.

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01:25:38:22 CARTER: No, I can't, really. I'm on duty.

01:25:40:18 CORSO: All right, well, I'll have one for both of us.

01:25:43:24 CORSO (CONT’D): To friendship.

01:25:44:27 CORSO (CONT’D O/S): And to you, Major.

01:25:48:26 CARTER: You can call me Sam. That's my first name.

01:25:51:11 CORSO: Sam. It's pretty.

01:25:54:02 CARTER: Not really. It's short for Samantha.

01:25:56:09 CORSO: Even prettier. So, what does it mean, "Samantha"?

01:26:00:25 CARTER: That my father wanted a boy.

01:26:03:08 CARTER (CONT’D O/S): What about you?

01:26:05:02 CARTER (CONT’D): Does your name mean anything?

01:26:06:08 CORSO: Well, I was named for my Uncle Aden who died swimming drunk across

a river on a dare, and Corso, our family name, means "smells like a dead

bird" in ancient Hebridian.

01:26:20:14 CORSO: Yeah, we're a real high-class family.

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01:26:22:28 CARTER: Well, I'm sure they'll be overjoyed to see you again.

01:26:25:22 CORSO: Probably not.

01:26:32:20 CORSO (CONT’D): I've been stuck on this planet for a long time now, dreaming

about getting off of it. Now, suddenly, I don't want to leave.

01:26:39:26 CARTER: Well, we'll stay in touch.

01:26:42:12 CORSO: Oh, I'm sure. You'll want to know about all the things that we have that

you don't.

01:26:48:12 CARTER: You don't have to make it sound like that.

01:26:50:14 CORSO: Like what?

01:26:51:18 CARTER: I don't know, cheap.

01:26:53:27 CORSO: Like that's not the only reason you're helping us.

01:26:56:06 CARTER: It isn't.

01:27:02:07 CORSO: You know, Sam, I've never met anyone like you before.

01:27:06:14 CARTER: Aden...

01:27:07:29 CORSO: Right, um, we should remain professional.

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01:27:15:16 CORSO (CONT’D): Major.

01:27:27:07 REYNARD: This place is amazing.

01:27:29:09 JONAS: You holding up okay? Because we can go back to the infirmary...

01:27:32:03 REYNARD: I'm fine. Thanks.

01:27:37:27 JONAS: And this is where I do my work.

01:27:42:10 JONAS (CONT’D): Sorry about the clutter.

01:27:45:24 JONAS (CONT’D O/S): Just cataloging some artifacts we found on P4X-131.

01:27:52:00 JONAS (CONT’D): Oh, it's an alpha-numeric designation we assign to the

different planets we go to.

01:27:59:06 REYNARD: They're beautiful.

01:28:00:22 JONAS: The Goa'uld love this stuff.

01:28:03:00 JONAS (CONT’D): I'll tell you something, the galaxy is full of it.

01:28:14:12 REYNARD: Sorry.

01:28:16:07 JONAS: It's okay. I don't think that any of it is broken.

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01:28:21:28 JONAS (CONT’D): You just caught me...

01:28:25:06 JONAS (CONT’D): off-guard.

01:28:27:21 REYNARD (O/S): I thought it was obvious.

01:28:29:23 JONAS: Uh, no. What... Huh?

01:28:34:01 REYNARD: How much I've wanted to kiss you since we first met.

01:28:36:15 JONAS: Oh, that. Oh, right. That's not obvious, no.

01:28:42:07 REYNARD: Look, I'm really sorry. If you don't find me attractive...

01:28:46:02 JONAS: No, hey, look, you're attractive. I just...

01:28:49:15 JONAS (CONT’D O/S): I don't know.

01:28:52:04 JONAS (CONT’D): We just met and you're injured...

01:28:54:11 JONAS (CONT’D O/S): and, uh... the thought really never...

01:28:56:09 JONAS (CONT’D): crossed my mind.

01:28:58:02 REYNARD: I hope you don't think this is some kind of savior complex-- you know,

I fall for the guy who saved my life-- because I thought you were very

cute way before I got shot.

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01:29:09:25 (INTERCOM RINGING)

01:29:16:28 REYNARD: Are you supposed to do something about that?

01:29:20:06 JONAS: Oh, yeah, right. Right. Um...

01:29:29:03 JONAS: Jonas.

01:29:31:10 JONAS (CONT’D O/S): Yes, sir. I'll be right there.

01:29:34:24 JONAS (CONT’D): That was General Hammond.

01:29:37:14 JONAS (CONT’D O/S): He wants to see me, so...

01:29:39:20 JONAS (CONT’D): if you're going to be okay alone here for a few minutes...

01:29:42:13 REYNARD: Sure. My two friends are just out in the hall there.

01:29:44:27 JONAS (O/S): So, we'll...

01:29:45:23 JONAS (CONT’D): talk more later.

01:29:47:18 REYNARD: Okay.

01:30:06:27 CARTER: Okay, let's try a full reboot.

01:30:16:02 CREWMAN: Transport Sebrus requesting assistance.

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01:30:19:09 CREWMAN (CONT’D O/S): We've been hit by an asteroid storm and thrown off


01:30:22:26 CREWMAN (CONT’D): Repeat, This is Prison Transport Sebrus,

01:30:26:15 CREWMAN (CONT’D O/S): requesting assistance...

01:30:29:11 CREWMAN (O/S CONT’D): Repeat...

01:30:30:17 CREWMAN (CONT’D): This is Prison Transport Sebrus...

01:30:39:18 CARTER: Crap.

01:30:43:29 O'NEILL (O/S): Pender...

01:30:48:04 O’NEILL (CONT’D): Pender, this is O'Neill.

01:30:51:06 O’NEILL (CONT’D): I told you to stay in visual range.

01:30:57:05 O’NEILL (CONT’D): Pender, respond.

01:31:04:05 O’NEILL (CONT’D): Dammit.

01:31:21:06 O'NEILL: All right, let's not lose our heads here.

01:31:25:05 ALIEN: I mean you no harm.

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01:31:28:02 O'NEILL: You're pointing that thing at my friend's head.

01:31:43:25 ALIEN: Please, don't shoot me.

01:31:47:23 ALIEN (CONT’D): Whatever you have been told, it is a lie.

01:31:52:11 O'NEILL: Is that true?

01:31:53:26 ALIEN: I am Warrick. I am the captain of the Sebrus.


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01:32:38:09 CARTER: Hands where I can see them.

01:32:39:25 CORSO: Sam...

01:32:41:13 CARTER: Call me Major.

01:32:42:22 CORSO: Sam...

01:32:45:12 CARTER: Hands where I can see them.

01:32:50:02 CORSO: It's not what you think.

01:32:51:05 CARTER: What do I think?

01:32:53:02 CORSO: Well, actually, I don't know.

01:32:55:06 CARTER: This ship is a prison transport.

01:32:57:16 CORSO: Yeah, that's right.

01:32:59:25 CARTER: Sit down.

01:33:07:03 CARTER (CONT’D): Tie up your legs.

01:33:11:09 CORSO: Sorry that I lied to you, but I just couldn't tell you the truth.

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01:33:15:20 CARTER: Why not?

01:33:16:26 CORSO: Because I'm the reason we're here.

01:33:20:18 CARTER: I don't understand. Hands behind your back.

01:33:25:20 CORSO: I allowed the prisoners to gain control of the ship.

01:33:29:14 CORSO (CONT’D): When the storm hit us, the life support went out in the cells.

01:33:35:29 CORSO (CONT’D): They were going to die.

01:33:38:04 CARTER: The prisoners.

01:33:39:11 CORSO (O/S): Those aliens?

01:33:40:17 CORSO (CONT’D): They didn't come through the Stargate. They came here with

us. They were our prisoners, prisoners of war.

01:33:49:10 CARTER: Your planet's at war with them?

01:33:51:03 CORSO (O/S): I let them go.

01:33:53:06 CORSO (CONT’D): We crashed before they could kill us all. It's the honest to

goodness truth, Sam. I was just too embarrassed to say that I let that


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01:34:03:12 CORSO (CONT’D O/S): We might have weathered that storm...

01:34:04:14 CORSO (CONT’D): if I had let them die. You have to believe me.

01:34:12:14 CARTER: Where's my radio?

01:34:14:02 CORSO: Sam...

01:34:19:27 WARRICK: Please, hear my side of the story before you kill me.

01:34:32:02 O'NEILL: We're not going to kill you.

01:34:35:17 WARRICK: You shot my first officer.

01:34:38:00 O'NEILL: I was just trying to wound him, and, as I recall, you started things.

01:34:43:01 WARRICK: We thought we had no choice. We had to stop them from enlisting

your help.

01:34:48:04 TEAL'C: And who are they, according to you?

01:34:50:10 WARRICK: Escaped prisoners.

01:34:52:10 WARRICK (CONT’D O/S): The Sebrus was a Prison Transport Vessel.

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01:34:55:25 WARRICK (CONT’D): Three years ago, my crew and I were transporting Aden

Corso and two of his accomplices to a prison colony. We hit an asteroid

storm and began to lose power.

01:35:05:03 WARRICK (CONT’D): Our only hope of survival was to set down on this planet.

01:35:09:18 O'NEILL: And then?

01:35:10:29 WARRICK: We had no choice but to take them out of transport stasis. The ship

had insufficient power to sustain their lives.

01:35:17:07 O'NEILL: How many were there of you?

01:35:19:12 WARRICK (O/S): My crew was eight...

01:35:20:20 WARRICK (CONT’D): including myself. We watched them in shifts. My first officer

and I were looking for food and water when they overpowered the men

guarding them and killed them in cold blood.

01:35:33:09 WARRICK (CONT’D): Corso then took over of the ship and used its defenses

against us.

01:35:36:02 WARRICK (CONT’D O/S): We tried many times to retake the Sebrus, but


01:35:41:14 WARRICK (CONT’D): we were just lucky to stay alive.

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01:35:44:00 WARRICK (CONT’D): They hunted us like wild animals.

01:35:51:22 WARRICK (CONT’D): You must believe me.

01:35:53:29 WARRICK (CONT’D): They are the worst that Hebridan has to offer.

01:35:56:23 WARRICK (CONT’D O/S): No matter what they...

01:35:58:18 WARRICK (CONT’D): must not be allowed to go free.

01:36:09:23 O'NEILL: Who's that?

01:36:18:06 WARRICK: My wife.

01:36:19:16 O'NEILL: Your wife?

01:36:22:03 WARRICK: Athea.

01:36:27:19 WARRICK (CONT’D): My kind, the Serrakin, helped liberate the Hebridan from

the Goa'uld thousands of years ago.

01:36:34:01 TEAL'C: It was your people that brought them advanced technology.

01:36:37:09 WARRICK: Since then, we have lived in harmony...

01:36:40:19 WARRICK (CONT’D): with few exceptions.

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01:36:43:17 CARTER (O/S FILTERED THROUGH RADIO) :Colonel, this is Carter. Come in.

01:36:47:10 O'NEILL: Yeah. Go.

01:36:48:19 CARTER (O/S FILTERED THROUGH RADIO): Sir, I've got everything under

control, but we need to talk... in person.

01:36:53:09 O'NEILL: Tell me about it. Stay put.

01:36:56:21 O’NEILL (CONT’D O/S): We're on our way.

01:36:58:19 CARTER: Carter out.

01:37:04:01 PENDER: My thoughts exactly.

01:37:12:16 HAMMOND (O/S FILTERED THROUGH RADIO): Major Pierce, this is General


01:37:14:13 MAJOR PIERCE: Read you loud and clear, sir.

01:37:16:10 HAMMOND (O/S FILTERED THROUGH RADIO): I want you to hold your fire.

Jonas Quinn and guest are en route.

01:37:20:20 MAJOR PIERCE: Roger that.

01:37:23:08 MAJOR PIERCE (CONT’D O/S): Colonel O'Neill, come in, sir. Jonas and Reynard

have arrived back...

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01:37:28:02 MAJOR PIERCE (CONT’D): from Earth.

01:37:33:15 MAJOR PIERCE (CONT’D): Must be out of range.

01:37:34:24 JONAS: We'll see him at the ship.

01:37:42:25 CORSO: They're onto us.

01:37:43:29 PENDER: Yeah, I'm starting to get that feeling.

01:37:46:21 PENDER (CONT’D): Reynard and Jonas are on their way back.

01:37:48:18 CORSO: Yeah, where's Carter?

01:37:50:01 PENDER: Outside, unconscious. I take it she didn't buy your story.

01:37:52:24 CORSO: Yeah, she's too smart.

01:37:54:07 PENDER: Got to keep trying anyway, huh?

01:37:56:22 CORSO: Yeah, I've got to tell you, it's in my blood. She fixed the ship, though.

01:38:00:21 PENDER: It'll fly?

01:38:02:05 CORSO: Fire it up.

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01:38:12:09 JONAS: Carter!

01:38:18:20 CORSO: We're going home.

01:38:19:22 REYNARD: Really?

01:38:21:06 CORSO: Pender's warming up the ship now.

01:38:22:14 REYNARD: You might want to reconsider that. Forget what we stashed on

Hebridan. It's nothing compared to what's through that Stargate.

01:38:28:00 CORSO: What do you mean?

01:38:29:18 REYNARD: I mean, going back is not worth the risk of getting caught, not when

there are riches out there beyond our wildest dreams.

01:38:34:04 REYNARD (CONT’D): Come on. I've learned enough to get us a good head start.

01:38:38:07 CORSO: They've got the Stargate covered.

01:38:40:08 REYNARD: And we have hostages.


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01:39:19:26 WARRICK (O/S): It's a trap. No doubt they have armed the ship.

01:39:25:17 O'NEILL: Well, we can't leave her down there.

01:39:26:28 TEAL'C (O/S): How do we disengage the ship's defenses?

01:39:30:16 WARRICK: It can only be done from inside.

01:39:32:10 O'NEILL: Cover me, Teal'c.

01:39:34:11 TEAL’C: Indeed.

01:39:36:04 WARRICK (O/S): I know how to disarm the defenses.

01:39:39:08 WARRICK (CONT’D): I will go.

01:39:42:26 O'NEILL: We'll watch your back.


01:40:50:04 CARTER: They have Jonas, sir. They're going to try to escape through the


01:40:53:14 O'NEILL: You all right?

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01:40:54:18 CARTER: A little groggy, sir.

01:40:56:21 TEAL'C: I will stay with her, O'Neill.

01:40:58:20 O’NEILL: Yeah.

01:41:00:11 CORSO (O/S): Hey, there, guys.

01:41:02:20 CORSO (CONT’D): Why don't you put those weapons down?

01:41:05:16 CORSO (CONT’D): You'd best do that now, or he dies.

01:41:10:10 CORSO (CONT’D O/S): All we need...

01:41:10:25 CORSO (CONT’D): to do is dial up the gate and go through. No one needs to get

hurt, all right?

01:41:17:19 MAJOR PIERCE: Yeah, sure. Whatever you say.

01:41:19:24 CORSO (O/S): That's right. Whatever...

01:41:20:25 CORSO (CONT’D): I say. Reynard...

01:41:27:04 JONAS: You get that address from my lab.

01:41:30:29 REYNARD: Yeah.

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01:41:32:07 JONAS: And everything else you said is, uh...

01:41:34:03 REYNARD: Not everything. You are cute.

01:41:44:16 CORSO: All right, let's go.

01:41:55:15 O'NEILL: All right, that's far enough.

01:41:58:22 CORSO: Don't come any closer.

01:42:00:27 PENDER: Back off, or I'll kill him.

01:42:02:22 JONAS: Colonel, just let them go.

01:42:05:08 O'NEILL: Nobody's going anywhere.

01:42:08:01 JONAS: Really... It'll be fine. It's not worth the risk.

01:42:20:04 O'NEILL: Let them go.

01:42:21:14 MAJOR PIERCE: Sir?

01:42:24:01 O'NEILL: Let them go.

01:42:30:02 CORSO: Wise choice.

01:42:47:28 HAMMOND (O/S): Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Earth.

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01:42:51:24 REYNARD: You planted the address?

01:42:53:10 JONAS: Call it intuition.

01:43:03:04 HAMMOND: Well done.

01:43:04:21 JONAS: Thank you, sir.

01:43:18:08 O'NEILL: Everybody locked up okay?

01:43:19:23 WARRICK: They're all in transport stasis.

01:43:23:10 WARRICK (CONT’D): Mr. Quinn, I never did ask you how you figured out who

Reynard really was.

01:43:27:10 JONAS: It was just a feeling, really, although I did come across something

interesting while I was researching the name of your ship.

01:43:35:05 JONAS (CONT’D O/S): There was another ship built by the descendants of the

ancient Celts on Earth. It was called the Ceberus. Coincidentally, it was

designed specifically to transport

01:43:43:02 JONAS (CONT’D): convicts to a penal colony. I mean, the names are so similar, I

thought maybe there was some significance in Celtic history, and, uh...

01:43:51:29 TEAL'C: The meaning of the word never changed.

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01:43:58:18 O'NEILL: Incredible.

01:44:01:15 JONAS: Well, that, and I've always been suspicious of a girl who kisses on the

first date.

01:44:10:02 JONAS: What?

01:44:12:16 WARRICK: Colonel...

01:44:13:11 WARRICK (CONT’D O/S): I want to thank you...

01:44:15:12 WARRICK (CONT’D): for everything that you have done, but mostly for trusting


01:44:21:17 O'NEILL: It's my pleasure.