Start a Blog: Module 5

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Start a Blog:From Hosting to Posting

Module 5: Plugin Settings• Google Account• Google Analytics• Yoast SEO• Social Media• Dropbox• Backup• Security

Google Analytics: Part 1If you do not have a Gmail address, visit the Google Account page to sign up

Google Analytics: Part 2Set up a Google Analytics account

Google Analytics: Part 3Add your website name and URL

Google Analytics: Part 4This page shows your Tracking ID and code you could use to add the ID to your site.

We will be using the Google Analytics by MonsterInsights plugin to add the ID to the site (no coding necessary).

Google Analytics: Part 5To add your newly created Tracking ID to your site, visit your dashboard and click Insights near the bottom of your left menu.

The screen to the right will appear with the option to authenticate your Google Analytics profile here.

Google Analytics: Part 6Clicking the gray button – Authenticate with your Google account – causes another window to pop up.

The first window authorizes the plugin to connect to your Google account.

Google Analytics: Part 7The second window that appears provides the authentication code which you copy and paste where indicated.

Then click the blue Save authentication code button.

Google Analytics: Part 8The last step in this process is to Re-authenticate with your Google account.

Clicking this button will cause your code and website name to appear with the click of the dropdown arrow in the box above.

Be sure to click the blue Save Changes button before leaving this screen.

Yoast SEO: Part 1Locate SEO in the Dashboard menu.

Click the General tab near the top of the screen.

Yoast SEO: Part 2Click the option to use the configuration wizard to add the basic settings.

Yoast SEO: Part 3You can choose to sign up to receive helpful SEO updates from Yoast.

Click the Next button.

Yoast SEO: Part 4Choose the top option from the list.

Click the Next button.

Yoast SEO: Part 5Choose the top option from the list.

Click the Next button.

Yoast SEO: Part 6Choose the option that fits the purpose of your site and add name to the field.

Click the Next button.

Yoast SEO: Part 7Complete as many of these fields as you wish. You do not have to be currently active on the platform. But you should try to have matching names across all the platforms if possible.

Click the Next button.

Yoast SEO: Part 8Leave these options as they are.

Click the Next button.

Yoast SEO: Part 9Choose the option that fits your site.

Click the Next button.

Yoast SEO: Part 10Google Search Console is a free service offered by Google that helps you monitor and maintain your site's presence in Google Search results. You don't have to sign up for Search Console for your site to be included in Google's search results, but doing so can help you understand how Google views your site and optimize its performance in search results.

You will need to create a Google Search Console account before you can authenticate your site.

Yoast SEO: Part 11Create or log in to your Google Search Console account. Click the red Add a Property button in the upper right corner.

When the pop up screen appears, add your domain to the field and click the blue Add button.

Yoast SEO: Part 12When you have added your domain to your Search Console account, head back over to your site dashboard.

Authenticate the same way you did for your Google Analytics account. The following slide shows the Google authentication screen shots.

Click the Next button.

Yoast SEO: Part 13The easiest way to authenticate your site is to use your Google Analytics account (which has already verified your site).

Yoast SEO: Part 14This page provides the option to choose the item that separates the text segments in the URLs that appear in your browser.

Make your choice and click the Next button.

Yoast SEO: Part 15When you reach the Success screen, click the Close button.

Yoast SEO: Part 16Click the Features tab near the top of the screen. Change the first option from Disabled to Enabled.

Click the Save Changes button.

See the results of this change on the following slide.

Yoast SEO: Part 17Enabling the Advanced Settings Pages causes several new menu items to appear in our Dashboard.


Yoast SEO: Part 18Click the Webmaster Tools tab near the top of the screen. You have already confirmed Google Search Console in another screen. You can choose to create an account with Bing and follow the process you’ve used before the add the code to this field.

See the following slides to guide you through the process.

Click the Save Changes button.

Yoast SEO: Part 19Search for Bing Webmaster Tools or use this link.

Sign up or sign in.

Add your site URL to the top field and click the Add button.

Yoast SEO: Part 20You may have to refresh the page a couple of times before your site appears in the list.

Click the Verify now text to the right of your domain.

Yoast SEO: Part 21Highlight the section of code provided that contains the meta tag for your domain and paste it into the Bing Webmaster Tools field.

Click the Save Changes button.

You do not need to make any changes to the Your Info or Security tabs.

Yoast SEO: Part 22This section provides formatting options for Titles throughout your site. You will probably not need to make any changes to the tabs in this section.

If you wish to learn more, click the arrow next to Help Center to access videos and Variables you can use for changing the Title format.

Note: Never remove the %%page%% from any Title Template.

Yoast SEO: Part 23Click on the Social option in the Dashboard and add all the Social Profiles you want to include on your site.

Click the Save Changes button.

Yoast SEO: Part 24Click on the Facebook tab near the top of the screen.

Make sure the Open Graph option is Enabled.

Add an image to the Frontpage settings and Default settings section by clicking the Upload image button. This will take you to the media library and allow you to choose an image from the library or upload a new image. Copy the content from the URL field and pasting it into both fields as noted.

Once you’ve completed the last section, be sure to click the Save Changes button.

Yoast SEO: Part 25Scroll down to the last section and click the Add Facebook admin button. Add your name to the Admin user field.

To find your user ID, you need to copy the URL from your Facebook page.

See the following slide to learn how to find your user ID.

Yoast SEO: Part 26Visit and paste your URL into the field. Click the Find numeric ID button. Copy and paste the number that appears in the user ID field on your Yoast settings page.

Yoast SEO: Part 27Click on the Twitter tab near the top of the screen. Choose between Summary or Summary with Large Image as the format for your tweets.

Click the Save Changes button.

Yoast SEO: Part 28Click on the Pinterest tab near the top of the screen.

View the following slide to learn how to create your Pinterest confirmation code.

When you have pasted the code into the field, click the Save Changes button.

Yoast SEO: Part 29Visit your Pinterest page and click the Settings icon.

Scroll down your Profile page until you see the Website field. Add your URL and click Confirm website button.

From the popup screen that appears, copy and paste the code into the Pinterest field in Yoast settings.

Click the Finish button on the popup screen.

Yoast SEO: Part 30Click on the Google tab near the top of the screen.

Visit your Google+ page. Copy the URL and paste it into the field as shown.

Click the Save Changes button.

Yoast SEO: Part 31Click on the XML Sitemaps option in the Dashboard. Check to confirm that sitemaps are enabled.

Click the Save Changes button if needed.

Google Definition: A sitemap is a file where you can list the web pages of your site to tell Google and other search engines about the organization of your site content. Search engine web crawlers like Googlebot read this file to more intelligently crawl your site.

Yoast SEO: Part 32Click on the Search Console option in the Dashboard.

Confirm that the URL for your site appears in this field. If not, click the dropdown arrow to see if it appears or Reauthenticate with Google.

Congratulations!You make it through a detailed

tutorial.The rest of this module will go


Simple Social Icons: Part 1The Simple Social Icons widget gives you an easy way to display links to your social media accounts to allow your readers and visitors to be able to follow you.

To add Simple Social Icons to your sidebar (or other widget area), click on Appearance and then Widgets from the Dashboard menu.

Look through the available widgets on the left-hand side of the screen. You can drag and drop the widget into the Sidebar or other widget container or choose an option from the dropdown menu. Your widget areas may differ than the ones you see here, depending upon your theme.

Simple Social Icons: Part 2The Simple Social Icons widget will appear in the Sidebar ready for settings.

Add a title.

Check the box to Open box in new window.

The next section provides you the ability to style your social media icons including size, square to round, alignment, and colors.

Simple Social Icons: Part 3In the lower section of the widget, add the URL for each of your social media accounts.

Click the Save button.

Simple Social Icons: Part 4Visit the front page of your site and you’ll see how the widgets appear.

The appearance is based upon the theme’s styling and the widget settings.

Simple Social Icons: Part 5By editing the Icon Size and the Icon Border Radius, you can easily change the look of your icons.

UpdraftPlus: Part 1Even if your hosting service provides a backup service, it is important that you also maintain a regular backup stored somewhere besides your host.

I recommend Dropbox. You can create a free account by providing an email address. You can then connect your backup plugin to your Dropbox account.

UpdraftPlus: Part 2To set up UpdraftPlus, click on the text link at the top of your screen and choose Settings from the dropdown menu.

Set the Files backup schedule to weekly with 2 copies retained. Set the Database backup schedule to daily with 7 copies retained.

Clock on Dropbox or another remote storage option of your choice.

Scroll down toward the bottom of the page and check the box by Email.

Click the Save Changes button.

UpdraftPlus: Part 3Once your changes have been saved, click the note at the top of the screen to authenticate your Dropbox account with UpdraftPlus.

Wordfence:Part 1In the Dashboard, locate Options under the Wordfence heading.

Wordfence:Part 2In the Basic Options settings, check the first two boxes and the last two boxes. Add your email address to the alerts field.

Click the Save Changes button.

Wordfence:Part 3In the Alerts section, I check all the boxes except Alert when someone is locked out from signing in. How many different alerts you choose to receive is a personal preference.

In the Email Summary, do not make any changes.

Check to be notified of all Alerts except if someone is locked out from signing in.

Wordfence:Part 4In the Live Traffic View, do not make any changes.

In the Scans to include, check all the boxes.

Wordfence:Part 5In the Rate Limiting Rules section, do not make any changes.

In the Login Security Options, I suggest the following limits:

Lock out after how many login failures – 3

Lock out after how many forgotten password attempts – 3

Count failures over what time period – 1 day

Amount of time a user is locked out – 30 days

Wordfence:Part 6In the Other Options section, check the boxes as indicated.

Click the Save Changes button.

I share easy-to-follow tutorials and effective tools to improve your blogging journey. I specialize

in identifying the best resources to prevent online overwhelm.