Starting activity: I AM HOMER P FIGG-Brainstorm what is happening in America at this time in...

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Starting activity:I AM HOMER P FIGG-Brainstorm what is happening in America at this time in history. Also, think about the main character of the story, Homer P. Figg. What is he like? What character traits does

this character possess?

Vocabulary: Chapters 1-4

Using the definition provided, use each word correctly in a sentence.

Preys (verb)-to victimize another or others (usually followed by on or upon ): loan sharks that prey upon the poor

Inflicted (verb)-to impose as something that must be suffered: to inflict punishment.

Perished (verb)-to pass away or disappear: an age of elegance that has forever perished.

Wretched (adjective)-very unfortunate in condition or circumstances; miserable; pitiable.

Ambles (verb)-to go at a slow, easy pace; stroll; saunter: He ambled around the town.

Vocabulary: Chapters 5-9

After reviewing the definitions for each word, provide a synonym for each word. Use it correctly in

sentence. Bough-(noun) a branch of a tree, especially one of

the larger or main branches Prodigious-(adjective) wonderful or marvelous: a

prodigious feat. Emancipation-(noun) the act of freeing from

restraint, influence, or the like Sneer-(verb) to smile, laugh, or contort the face in

a manner that shows scorn or contempt: They sneered at his pretensions.

Schoolmarm-(noun) a female schoolteacher, especially of the old-time country school type, popularly held to be strict

Chapter #1After reading,

students will state the setting and

describe one main character.

Chapter #2

After reading, write two to three sentences summarizing the

chapter along with a visual.

Chapter #3

After reading, write a 5-7 sentence

paragraph describing the


Activity for Chapters 1-4

You will take an open book assessment consisting of twenty

multiple choice questions.


Chapter #5 and #6

After reading, create a picture and three

to five sentence description about Stink and Smelt.

Activity for Chapter 7

Create a time line using chronological order and

inferencing skills to explain how

Samuel Reed “darky” got to be with Stink

and Smelt.

Activity for Chapters 5-9

For this activity, you will write a 5-7 sentence paragraph using imagery.

All of the five senses should be used in your paragraph with at least one simile, one hyperbole, one personification, and 10-15

adjectives. You may describe Mrs. Bean’s kitchen or Mr. Brewster’s


Vocabulary: Chapters 10-20

. Measly-(adjective)contemptibly small, meager, or

slight: They paid me a measly fifteen dollars for a day's work.

Scuttling-(verb)to run with quick, hasty steps; scurry.

Abducted-(verb) to carry off or lead away (a person) illegally and in secret or by force, especially to kidnap

Fugitive-(noun) a person who is fleeing, from prosecution, intolerable circumstances, etc.; a runaway: a fugitive from justice; a fugitive from a dictatorial regime

Lurking-(verb)to lie or wait in concealment, as a person in ambush; remain in or around a place secretly or furtively.

Pestilence-(noun) something that is considered harmful, destructive, or evil.

Vocabulary: Chapters 10-20 caravan- (noun) a group of travelers, as

merchants or pilgrims, journeying together for safety in passing through deserts, hostile territory, etc.

Indisposed-(adjective) sick or ill, especially slightly: to be indisposed with a cold.

Glint-(noun)a tiny, quick flash of light. Comply-(verb) agree She has complied with

the requirements. Congregation (noun)-a gathered or

assembled body; assemblage

Activity for Chapters 10-11 A simile is a comparison of 2 unlike things using

like or as. Philbrick uses many similes throughout the

novel to help us visualize the events. Your challenge is to find 5 similes in the novel.

You need to write the sentence containing the simile, underline the simile, give the page number where it is located, and then in a sentence tell what it means.

Example: Bears as big as boulders p.23 The bears are really big!!

Activity for Chapters 10-14

You will take an open book assessment consisting of twenty

multiple choice questions.


Activity for chapters 15-16 Write a prediction paragraph describing

why Kate and Frank are being introduced at this point in the story. What role will they play in the novel? How will the further the plot? 5-7 sentences.

Activity for Chapters 17 and 18 Make a comic strip for the scene

between the steward and Homer. Make a follow up comic strip of what happens to Homer after he black outs and smells pigs.  Each comic strip should have at least 5 panels.

Activity for Chapters 19-20

You will create an advertisement for The Fleabottom Caravan of Miracles.

This advertisement has to have:1) a picture with color and detail2) three examples of figurative language, 3) one fact and one opinion

Vocabulary: Chapters 21-25 After reviewing the definitions for each word,

provide a synonym for each word. Use it correctly in sentence.

odiferous-(adjective)odorous or fragrant bide-(verb) wait; remain elixir-(noun) a sweetened, aromatic solution of

alcohol and water containing, or used as a vehicle for, medicinal substances.

dexterity-(noun)skill in using the hands or body; agility.

tantalizing-(adjective) attractive to the your senses EX: the tantalizing aroma of the pizza

Fetid-(adjective) having a strong, unpleasant smell

Activity for Chapters 21-25

You will take an open book assessment consisting of multiple

choice questions.


Vocabulary: Chapters 26-30

Select a menu option and complete the option using the following words:


Activity for Chapters 26-30

After watching clips on the spies in the Civil War, you will be given an article (half the class a Union spy and half the class a Confederate spy). After reading and completing the article and activity, you will meet with a partner, and

fill out a Venn diagram comparing the two spies.

Activity for Chapters 31-36

Select two of the nine activities presented on sheet. Each activity will

be need to be at least five to seven sentences. Please follow the paragraph

writing strategy and include two compound sentences per paragraph.