Starting Osm Japan2008 Sot M2008

Post on 22-May-2015

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State of JapanPresentation on State of the Map 2008 conference


State of State of OpenStreetMap JapanOpenStreetMap Japan

12th 13th July, 2008State of the Map 2008

OpenStreetMap JapanFounder and Leader

Hiroshi Miura

AgendaAgenda● Motivation● Project goal● Challenges● Activities● Recent political situation

MotivationMotivation● As a FLOSS developer and known

evangelist, looking for next challenge in 2007.

● My experiences are● Cyrix/Intel CPU frequency control driver

in Linux, Samba 2.0 unicode/UTF support and so on...

● Help starting-up OSS business on top system integrator in Japan 2003-

Status for japanese – Status for japanese – end of 2007end of 2007

● Quite small quantily of translated document

● Quite few members on Japan area● No mail list for Japanese● No promotion in Japan● Ordinal japanese have language


Goal on OSM JapanGoal on OSM Japan● Make OSM data good enough for business

in Japan and east asia area.● For this, starting site at Sunday, 9th March

●● Announcement

● OSM-talk ML, LUGs, and Web news media● Promote OSM in Japan

● Provide map in local color scheme(now planning)● Help mapper who are not familiar English

Promotion on mediaPromotion on media● Nikkei ITPro News, 11 March, 2008

State of December, 2007State of December, 2007


State of JulyState of July

ChallengeChallenge● Build up “Wikinomics" community in

Japan/Asia region● Openness, sharing data, peering, global

activity● Not familiar for ordinal japanese

● Try geting thousands of people with 'sharing philosophy.'● It is easy to get free web map for

consumer, how to share values?

Cite from JR east web page:

Tokyo StationTokyo Station

High dense High dense structuresstructures

● High densed layered structure on town and train terminals

● High dense building makes GPS errors

Tokyo station and Tokyo station and Marunouchi areaMarunouchi area, copyright 663highland, lisence:GFDL画像 :Tokyo_Marunouchi01s3872.jpg

Political situationPolitical situation● New law start this April for direction

of advanced application for national special data "National Spacial Data Infrastracture” law

● People can use some basic data freely as freedom.

● Rest of Geodata can be used for nothing, but needed to display origin, and even permission for each application in past.

Field activities – Field activities – Mapping weekendMapping weekend

● 24th May in Kamakura● 13 persons joined● Two mapper got in Kamakura cafe

● Next party - 19th July in Kamakura again!

During PartyDuring Party

TaichiOsm project

in Tokyo Univ.

Presenting his project

State of July 2008State of July 2008

Thank you!Thank you!

OSM Japan