Starting Primary Education in Bromley 2013 Booklet 2

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  • 7/27/2019 Starting Primary Education in Bromley 2013 Booklet 2


    Starting Primary Education

    in Bromley

    3 and 4 year olds born between 1 September 2008 and 31 August 2009

    Application deadline

    Tuesday 15 January 2013

    Education and Care Services


    It is secure, simple and convenient to apply online





  • 7/27/2019 Starting Primary Education in Bromley 2013 Booklet 2

    2/602 Starting Primary Education in Bromley 2013

    This book provides important information and

    advice about applying to start education in Bromley.

    nly use the enclosed application form if you are a ondon Borough of Bromley resident

    If you live in another borough you must apply for schools via your home ocal Authority

    (contact details on page 55). ou can include Bromley schools on your application.

    A child should by law be attending school at the beginning of the term following his/her

    5th birthday.

    In Bromley all children start school in September 2013, however Bromley schools would

    consider a request for a child to start later (in January 2014)

    Please note there is: NO automatic transfer from a nursery into a school.

    NO automatic offer of a sibling place.

    You must apply by the application deadline.

    Your child must meet the admissions criteria of the school to be offered a place.

    Application deadline Tuesday 15 January 2013

    o Application no place!

    The Reception admissions process is managed by Bromley Admissions in accordance with the

    DfE School Admissions Code, February 2010.Published by The Stationery Ofce

    Information you provide will be entered onto a database. This information is protected by the

    Data Protection Act 1998 which ensures it can only be used for dened purposes and can only

    be passed to specic people.

    The dened purposes are:

    Administering the admissions process as set out in this booklet.

    Preventing fraud or other criminal offences or to ensure the safety of the child.

    Every care has been taken in the compilation of this booklet however changes can occur.London Borough of Bromley cannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions. Please let us

    know if anything is incorrect.

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    Application process opens

    nline applications open on 1 September.Bromley borough residents can apply usingthe link at, the application form for Bromley

    borough residents is in the centre of this booklet.

    All your preferred schools should be listed on

    this form regardless of which Local Authority

    they are situated in. Residents of other boroughs

    can apply for Bromley schools on the application

    form issued by their own Local Authority. Contact

    details are on page 55.

    Supplementary Information Forms (SIFs) available

    from Bromley schools with religious admissions

    criteria. SIFs must be completed and returned to

    the relevant schools by the application deadline

    (Tuesday 15 January 2013).


    Tuesday 15 January: Applicationdeadline dont be late!

    Online applications close at 11.59pm.

    Tuesday 12 February

    Last date for proven changes of address to be

    taken into account for offer day.

    Last date late applications with good reason

    taken into account for offer day.

    The applicants permanent residential address on

    this date will be used by the preferred school/s to

    apply their oversubscription criteria.

    Important dates February Letter sent to all Bromley borough resident

    applicants conrming application address,

    preferences and the order they have been

    entered on to the admissions system.

    ednesday 17 April Offer letter posted rst class to Bromley borough

    residents at the application address. From 5pm online applicants will receive

    notication that the outcome of their application

    is available to view.

    Last date late applications with good reason will be

    accepted for inclusion in the reconciliation offers.

    Thursday 18 April Offer letter should be received by Bromley

    borough resident applicants.

    Thursday 2 May Deadline for applicants to respond to offer letter

    and request to go on waiting lists.

    Any returned places no longer required will be

    re-offered according to schools waiting lists after

    this date.

    Late applications not with good reason, and

    proven changes of address for on-time applicants

    received between 16 January and 12 February

    will now start to be processed. Plus late

    applications with good reason received between

    13 February and 17 April.

    After Monday 20 May Late applications, proven changes of address

    and requests for additional preferences will be

    processed. Total number of preferences per child

    cannot exceed nine.

    2014 Waiting lists will be deleted at the end of the

    Reception year (31 July 2014). Applicants can

    re-apply in September 2014.

    Application Received Background Application Processed

    By 15 January 2013 All required documents received with application Offer day

    By 15 January 2013 Pending required documents received by

    13 February 2013

    Offer day

    Between 16 January and 12 February 2013 ith good reason* Offer day

    Between 16 January and 12 February 2013 ithout good reason* During May reconciliation

    Between 13 February and 17 April 2013 ith good reason During May reconciliation

    Between 13 February and 17 April 2013 ithout good reason After 20 May 2013

    Between 18 April and 20 May 2013 When all documents received After 20 May 2013

    After 20 May 2013 When all documents received According to place availability

    NB: Applications received at any time will only be processed when all required supporting documents have been received

    *Circumstances will be considered by the Admissions Team Manager

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    In Bromley, we are very ambitious for the children who attend our

    school settings. We want what you as parents and carers want;

    a school where every child has the opportunity, encouragement

    and guidance to thrive and full their true potential. Our record of

    achievement and the success of our schools demonstrate this. At the

    time of going to press, 68% of primary school settings in Bromley are

    judged as good or better by Ofsted, with 22% judged as outstanding.

    Our national Standard Assessment Tests (SATS) in 2011 show that

    Bromley 7 year olds attain above the national average results in reading,

    writing and mathematics. The same is true for our 11 year olds who also

    attain above the national average results in English and mathematics.

    Our provisional 2012 results show attainment continues to be above

    national averages.

    We are proud of our school prole and, as the numbers of young

    children in the Bromley increase, we are expanding our primary

    provision to include nine extra classes across the Borough from

    September 2012.

    As parents and carers, you can consider a range of provision in our

    borough to suit your childs need, from a Reception class for your

    child in an infant school or primary school to a Reception class at one

    of our newly converted infant or primary academies. Whatever you

    decide, all our educational settings will take account of and build on

    the development which will already have taken place both at home

    and through the pre-school provision which your child may have

    experienced. We are condent that, whatever the educational setting,

    the teachers will encourage and support your child to extend their early

    learning skills and equip them well for their education through the years

    to come.

    This is an important decision for you and we want to make sure that

    the process is as smooth as possible. This booklet provides important

    information and advice about starting education in Bromley as well as

    information on every Bromley primary setting. Please read the booklet

    carefully before applying either on the application form enclosed or

    online. You need to note that the closing date for applications is:

    Tuesday 15 January 2013

    I hope you nd this booklet useful in making your decisions and I wish

    all our new school starters every success in the future.

    Dr Tessa Moore

    Assistant Director (Education)

    Education and Care Services


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    Message from Bromley admissions team to

    Bromley residents

    Promise to our residents:

    This booklet explains the admissions arrangements forour primary schools and how we administer the process.

    We will give you all the advice and information you

    need to make an application for your child to start


    We will give you a professional service. We will be

    prompt and courteous.

    When you have submitted your application with all the

    required documents it will be processed according to

    the London Borough of Bromley published Co-ordinated

    Primary school admissions scheme.On Wednesday 17 April 2013 we will write by 1st class

    post offering your child a place. The place offered will be

    at one of your preferred schools, unless the places are

    taken by applicants with higher priority under the schools

    admissions criteria.

    If we cannot offer your child a place at one of your

    preferred schools we will write to you to explain why.

    The letter will conrm that you can put your childs name

    on the waiting lists of your preferred Bromley school/s

    and give advice on waiting lists for outborough schools.

    As you pay your Council Tax to the London Borough

    of Bromley the letter will also include an offer of an

    alternative school which has a vacancy and will advise

    you of your right to appeal.

    hat we expect our residents to do:

    To read this booklet before completing an application.

    To research the schools to ensure applications will be


    Submit the application with all the required documents

    by the application deadline (Tuesday 15 January 2013).

    Complete an application form even if your child is

    attending the nursery at a preferred school or you

    have an older child already at that school (sibling) see

    page 6.

    To respond promptly and courteously to any letters,

    emails or telephone calls you receive from us.

    You must notify us immediately of any changes

    of address or circumstances that may affect your


    If you fail to do so the Local Authority reserves the

    right to withdraw an offered place at any stage in

    the process.

    If you have any questions regarding the

    process or need assistance with completing the

    application form please speak to a member of the

    Bromley admissions team on 020 8313 4044.


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    Getting readyStep 1

    The advice and application form contained in this book is for Bromley residents. If you pay

    Council Tax to another ocal Authority you can still apply for Bromley schools but must do so on

    the form issued by your home ocal Authority (see page 55 for contact details).

    Application deadline

    Tuesday 15 January 2013

    Applications received after this date may not be

    considered for offer day 17 April 2013.

    Doing your research

    Before submitting your application you are strongly

    advised to contact your preferred schools or the

    admissions team to check that you are likely to beoffered a place. We advise you to visit schools whenever

    possible. They have their own brochures and websites,

    which together with this booklet, are a valuable source

    of information.

    Be realistic

    Decide on the order of your preferred schools

    Submit your application on time supported by the

    required documents

    All schools receive more applications than they have

    places to offer. It is very important that you include in

    your application schools that in recent years have always

    easily reached your address. The demand for Reception

    places can vary and the impact on schools means

    that offers cannot be guaranteed. Recent distance

    information is given on pages 40 and 41 of this booklet.

    Supplementary Information Forms

    Some of the schools offer their places according to a parent/

    carers involvement with a church. These schools require

    applicants to complete a Supplementary Information Form

    (SIF) to collect information not requested on the main

    application. SIFs are available from the relevant school

    and must be returned to that school. A SIF will T be

    considered on its own you MUST also include the school

    as a preference in your main application.

    Sibling application

    Even if you have an older child already at a school

    you must still complete and submit an application

    for your younger child.You will NOT automatically be

    offered a place at the same school without going through

    the application process.

    As the denition of sibling may vary, please check with

    the relevant school to make sure your younger child is

    guaranteed a place. If your child does qualify (and this is

    your preferred school) you need only list this one school

    on your application.

    Sibling status only applies if a child has an older

    brother or sister attending the school at the

    beginning of rst term the younger child starts.

    An older sibling in Year 6 during the application process

    does not qualify as he/she will have left the school by

    the time your younger child starts.

    Applications for twins, triplets and other multiple


    Schools consider applications separately. If parent/

    carers want their children to attend the sameschool the applications must be identical (ie the

    same schools listed in the same order). This will

    ensure the same offer is made to each child.

    Where twins, triplets or children from other

    multiple births qualify for the last school place to

    be allocated, all of the qualifying siblings will be

    considered as excepted pupils and be admitted in

    excess of the published admissions number.

    Please note that if a school is offered to one child

    with special educational needs (SEN) after it has

    been named on their statement, the child/children

    without a statement must qualify under the

    schools admission criteria to be offered the same


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    ondon Borough of Bromleyapplication addresses

    The applicant pupils permanent residential home address

    is either:

    Owned by the pupils parent/carer with parental

    responsibility, and lived in by the parent/carer and the



    Rented by the pupils parent/carer with parental

    responsibility under a recognised letting agency

    tenancy agreement, and lived in by the parent/carer

    and the pupil.

    You cannot use your new address until you are

    resident in the property and able to prove you have

    no connection with your previous address. As some

    applicants give false information, all changes of

    address will be thoroughly investigated to ensure

    there is a permanent commitment to the new

    address and it is not a temporary arrangement to

    access a preferred school.

    If an applicant still owns another property a

    temporary address may not be considered for

    applications.This includes all rental agreements and

    moves to live with family and friends.

    You cannot use the address of a relative or childminder,

    or an address where your child stays or sleeps because

    of special domestic circumstances or an intended future


    In cases where parents live separately but have joint

    custody (or when a child lives with a carer other than a

    parent) the childs principal residential address must be

    used. A residence order or other legal documents will be


    Any recent change of principal carer and/or parentalresponsibility (if a child moves to live at another address)

    must be supported by satisfactory legal documents such

    as a court order.

    Change of address between 16 January and12 February

    If an application has been made by the application

    deadline (15 January) any change of address will be

    taken into account for offer day only if supported by the

    required documents. Documents must be received by

    Tuesday 12 February and prove residence at the newaddress and ending of responsibility for the old.

    We will thoroughly check all applicant addresses

    against records held by this Local Authority and other


    Application home address documentsrequired

    You must support your application with proof that you

    have parental responsibility for your child and documentsto conrm where you (and your child) are permanently

    living on the application deadline (Tuesday 15 January

    2013). Your application will only be processed if supported

    by the required documents listed below.

    Full version of your childs birth certicate (showing

    parent/s name)


    Current London Borough of Bromley Council Tax

    document (2012-2013)


    Recent utility bill for water, gas or electricity (issued

    within the last six months)


    Letter from the Child Benet Ofce conrming your

    entitlement to receive Child Benet dated within the

    last 12 months, showing your name and your childs

    name at the application address.

    If you have lived at the application address for less

    than one year or you move during the process, youmust also include documents with your application

    proving the move and closure of your previous address.

    These are:

    All the documents listed above to support your new



    Solicitors document conrming completion of the

    purchase or copy of your new tenancy agreement

    through a letting agent or Housing Association.

    and the following for closure of your previous address

    Closing Council Tax bill


    Closing utility bill for gas, water or electricity


    Solicitors document conrming completion of the

    sale or a copy of your closure of tenancy if you were


    If you are unable to provide any of these documents

    please speak to the Bromley admissions team on

    020 8313 4044.


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    Completing your applicationStep 2

    ou must use the enclosed application form if you are resident in the borough of Bromley.

    If you live in another borough you can still apply for Bromley schools but this must be via your

    home ocal Authority (see page 55 for contact details). Any Bromley application forms submitted

    by residents of other ocal Authorities will be posted back to the applicant.

    You can apply for up to six schools, putting the school you

    want the most as your rst preference. These schools

    can be in Bromley and/or in other Local Authorities.

    All applications will be considered equally at the same

    time after the application deadline.

    There is automatic transfer from a school nursery

    into Reception and there is automatic offer of a

    sibling place without making an application. You must

    submit an application by the deadline and your child must

    meet the admissions criteria of the school to be offered

    a place.

    Guidelines for completing yourCommon Application Form (CAF)

    Section 1

    About your child

    Enter your childs name as it appears on his/her birthcerticate, together with the address where your child

    lives. You must attach the required documents to prove

    the information you have given.

    Enter the details of your childs nursery. If he/she does

    not attend a nursery leave this space blank.

    Section 2

    our details

    Make sure you complete this section in full, givingtelephone numbers so you can be contacted quickly if


    You will be asked to prove your parental responsibility.

    Section 3

    School preferences

    The order in which you list the schools is very


    You can list up to six schools. These schools can be in

    Bromley borough or another Local Authority.

    Put the school you want the most as your rst


    If you are applying for a sibling place, make sure

    you have given the details of the older child already

    attending that school.

    It is very important to be realistic when consideringwhich schools to apply for. Do your research and

    include a school that has always safely offered to your

    address, even as the lowest preference. Listing this

    school does not affect your applications to schools you

    list higher. It will ensure a safety net offer if all your

    higher preferences allocate their places to higher priority

    applicants according to the requirements of the schools

    admissions criteria.

    It is not possible to guarantee distances schools

    will reach, as proximities vary from year to year. See

    pages 40 and 41 for recent proximity distances of the

    Bromley primary and infant schools.

    Section 4

    Children in public care -ooked After Children (AC)

    If you are a carer for a child in public care (ie a foster

    carer) please state which Local Authority is responsible

    for the child.

    You must attach a letter from the social worker

    conrming the legal status of the child and give

    specic reasons for the school preferences made.

    Section 5


    Details of the admissions criteria which will be used

    when schools are oversubscribed.

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    Section 6

    Parent/carer with parental responsibility but

    not living with the child Please complete this section only if you are happy for

    us to share details of your application with this person

    if they request it.

    Section 7

    Documents required

    Read this section carefully and make sure that you

    send all the required documents with your paper or

    online application.

    Section 8

    Declaration and signature of parent/ carer

    Remember to sign and date the form, and return it by

    Tuesday 15 January 2013.

    The Bromley application form is a legal document and

    will not be valid unless you have signed it.

    An unsigned CAF will be sent back for signature and

    must be returned to us by the deadline otherwise it

    will be classied a late application.

    Remember to sign and date

    your CAF and return it by

    Tuesday 15 January 2013.

    How to submit your CAF

    Bromley residents must return their completed CAF

    before the application deadline to either any Bromleyprimary/infant/junior school during school hours or

    direct to Bromley Civic Centre during ofce hours

    (Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.00pm). A card will

    be issued to acknowledge receipt and this should be


    Parents are advised to hand-deliver their CAF and not

    risk posting it.

    ver-subscription criteriaAll Bromley schools will receive more applications

    than they have places to offer. To determine who can

    be offered, each school will apply its over-subscription

    criteria to the list of applicants.

    The majority of Bromley infant and primary schools will

    use the following criteria. The remaining schools offer

    their places according to a parent/carers commitment to

    a church.

    1. Children in public care - Looked After Children (LAC)

    A LAC or a child who was previously a LAC but

    immediately after being looked after became subject

    to an adoption, residence, or special guardianship

    order. A LAC is a child who is (a) in the care of a Local

    Authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation

    by a Local Authority in the exercise of their social

    services functions.

    In relation to school admissions legislation a Looked

    After Child is only considered as such if the Local

    Authority conrms in writing that he/she will be in

    Public Care when admitted to the offered school. Thisstatement must be attached to the CAF at the time of


    2. In exceptional circumstances there is discretion to

    admit children on the grounds of their or their familys

    acute medical or social need for that particular school

    and who would not otherwise qualify for admission.

    The application must be supported by a letter from a

    hospital consultant, the special support service, social

    worker or similar professional, setting out the reasons

    why the school is the only one to meet the childs

    needs, before an admission decision is made. The

    admission decision will be considered in consultation

    with sub groups of the Admissions Forum which

    includes teaching and medical professionals. Medical

    professionals provide advice on applications made




















































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  • 7/27/2019 Starting Primary Education in Bromley 2013 Booklet 2


    under medical conditions and teaching professionals

    advise on applications made for social or special

    reasons. Supporting evidence must be provided

    before the closing date for applications.

    3. Siblings - Siblings are dened as being a full brother

    or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or

    sister, step brother or sister, or the child of the parent/

    carers partner. In every case the child and applicant

    parent should be proven to be living permanently

    in the same family unit at the same address as the

    sibling/s at the school. This needs to be reected

    in proof of parental responsibility through ofcial

    documentation including Child Benet entitlement.

    Siblings of older children who attend a schools

    Special Opportunity Unit will also qualify under

    this criterion for a place in the mainstream school.

    However, this does not apply to siblings of children

    who attend the Speech and Language Disorder

    Unit of Raglan Primary School.

    Sibling status only applies if the older child is on roll

    and attending the school at the beginning of the

    term the younger one starts. Therefore a child with

    a brother or sister in Year 6 during the application

    process will not qualify for a sibling offer.

    4. Proximity (straight line)

    Proximity is measured in a straight line from the front

    door of the childs home address to the main entrance

    to the school building using the Local Authoritys

    computerised measuring system. Those living closer

    to the school have higher priority.

    nline applications

    Bromley borough residents can apply online from

    1 September 2012 at The

    website links to information on all Bromley schools andthose in other Local Authorities.

    Free internet access can be booked at any Bromley


    Your application will be acknowledged and you will be

    given a reference number which you should keep for your


    You can view and amend your application at any time up

    to the deadline (11.59pm on Tuesday 15 January 2013).

    If you apply online, the registration process has a

    number of security measures aimed to verify the

    identity of the applicant.

    Online applicants must still send the required

    supporting documents as specied during the online

    application process. Online applications will not be

    processed without these documents.

    Documents can be scanned and attached to your

    online application until 15 January or posted to

    Bromley admissions marked with your childsname,date of birth and your online application

    reference number.

    Bromley School Admissions Team

    Education and Care Services

    Civic Centre

    Stockwell Close

    Bromley BR1 3UH

    Only one application per child will be processed.

    If duplicate paper applications are received, the latestby date will be processed.

    If an online application and a paper application are

    made for the same child, the online application will be


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    Submitting your applicationStep 3

    The application deadline is Tuesday 15 January 2013.

    Preferences cannot be changed after this date.

    Data-entry check letter

    In February Bromley admissions will write to all

    Bromley borough resident applicants to conrm their

    preferences and the order they have been entered on to

    the admissions database. It will be your responsibility

    to check this letter to ensure the preferences you listed

    on your application have been entered correctly and the

    correct application address is being considered.

    Please note you cannot change your preferences but

    you must let us know immediately if a mistake has been

    made during data-entry and this will be corrected.

    What happens next?

    How it is decided which school your childwill be offered

    Bromley admissions will give your childs details to each

    school you have listed. Schools are not told which others

    you have applied for or what preference number they are.

    The school will then apply its over-subscription criteria

    to determine which applicants are entitled to receive an


    This information from the schools is returned to Bromley

    admissions and entered against the applicants list of


    If only one of your preferred schools can offer a place,

    this is the school you will be offered.

    If more than one preferred school can offer you a place

    you will be offered the one highest on your list.

    If you pay your Council Tax to Bromley and none of the

    schools you listed can offer, Bromley admissions is

    required to offer a place at the school closest to home

    that still has a vacancy.

    otication of application outcome

    We will write to all Bromley borough resident applicants

    with details of the outcome of their application. This letter

    will be sent by 1st class post on 17 April 2013. It will be

    addressed to the rst named parent/carer on the original

    application. Only one school place will be offered.

    From 5pm on 17 April 2013 online applicants will

    receive notication that the outcome of their

    application is available to view.

    Deadline for accepting an offer

    You should return your acceptance slip by

    Thursday 2 May 2013.

    Refusing an offer of a school place

    We have responsibility to ensure all children of statutory

    school age (5 years old) whose parent/carers pay their

    Council Tax to Bromley have a school place. Refusals will

    not be accepted unless written notication is received

    from the parent/carer conrming the details of the

    alternative school place they have secured.

    ithdrawing an offered place

    Schools may ask for continuity of address throughout

    the application process. It may be necessary for

    you to prove that you were living at the application

    address on offer day (17 April 2013) and also that you

    (and your child) are still there when he/she joins the


    If it is discovered that a place has been offered on

    the basis of a fraudulent or intentionally misleading

    application (for example, a false claim to residence)

    that offer may be withdrawn.

    It is also reasonable to withdraw a place if it has been

    offered by Bromley admissions in error.

    DfE Admissions Code


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    aiting lists

    Waiting lists will be kept in over-subscription criteria

    order. Any places returned as no longer required will be

    re-offered in waiting list order from May 2013 onwards.

    You can request your child to be added to the waiting list

    for any school/s you put above the preference you are

    offered. He/she does not stay on the waiting list for any

    school you put below the one that has been offered.

    If you pay Council Tax to Bromley and none of the

    schools you listed on your application can offer a place,

    we will offer you an alternative school that still has a

    vacancy and your child if requested will remain on the

    waiting list for your preferred school/s.

    From 1 September 2013, any children without a reception

    offer will be prioritised on waiting lists.

    Waiting lists will be deleted in July 2014.

    Late applications

    Applications received between 16 January

    and 12 February 2013nly those agreed to be late with good reason will be

    included in the process for the offers made on 17 April

    2013. Documents showing why the application was not

    made on time MUST be enclosed with the application for


    Those made between these dates that are T

    agreed to be late with good reason will not be

    processed until May when your childs name will be

    added to the waiting list of your preferred school/s.

    ther late applications

    See timetable on page 3.

    Changes of address

    See page 7.

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    Frequently asked questions

    hat is co-ordinated admissions?

    Co-ordination was introduced by central Government to put an end to multiple offers. It ensures

    each child receives just one offer of a school place on the same day (when the application hasbeen submitted by the application deadline). In the past parent/carers made applications direct

    to individual schools and sometimes received more than one offer. They often took a long time

    to decide which offer to accept which delayed the unwanted places being re-offered to other

    children who needed them.

    Are places offered on a rst come

    rst served basis?

    No. Applications received by the application deadline

    15 January 2013 are considered at the same time.

    Do I need to apply for more than

    one school?

    Listing only one school will not automatically give you a

    place at that school as your child needs to meet the over-

    subscription criteria to be offered a place.

    However, if you are guaranteed a sibling place because

    you have an older child already at your preferred school

    and he/she will still be attending when your younger child

    starts, you need only list that one school. (See page 6 for

    details of sibling applications).

    What happens if there are more

    applicants than available places at

    the school?

    All Bromley schools receive more applications thanthey have places and will not be able to offer to all

    applicants. When this happens the school applies its over-

    subscription criteria.

    Will the school be told my

    preference order?

    No. They do not need to know this.

    Can I make changes to my

    preferences after the application


    Unfortunately, no.

    Do I have a choice of schools?

    You do not have a right to choose which school your

    child attends. However, you do have the right to express

    a preference, but there is no guarantee that your

    application to that school will be successful.

    All schools receive more applications than they have

    places to offer. They will therefore need to apply theirpublished over-subscription criteria to determine who can

    be offered. You should therefore be realistic and check

    that your preferred school has always easily reached your

    address on distance. If it has not, it might be a wasted


    Do schools have catchment areas?

    No. If the application is considered under the proximity

    criteria it will be measured in a straight line from home

    to school, with those living nearest to the school being

    given priority. The distances will change each year (see

    page 40 and 41).


  • 7/27/2019 Starting Primary Education in Bromley 2013 Booklet 2


    Frequently asked questions

    Will I be offered my rst


    Your preference order is only used when you could beoffered more than one of the schools you applied for.

    You will be offered the highest preference available.

    Are Bromley residents given priority

    for Bromley schools?

    No. Legally schools cannot discriminate against

    applicants because of where they live.

    In 1989 a group of Lewisham residents took the LondonBorough of Greenwich to court claiming it was illegal for

    Local Authorities to discriminate in this way. The court

    upheld the Lewisham residents challenge and the case

    law is known as The Greenwich Judgement. Many

    Bromley schools are very close to the borough boundary

    and under their proximity criterion may offer to children

    from other Local Authorities. Equally, this ruling applies to

    Bromley residents who wish to apply for schools outside


    What happens if I only list one

    school on my application?

    Applying for only one school will NOT improve your

    chances of being offered a place at that school.

    You are strongly advised to check with the school that

    your application will be realistic. If it is not realistic and

    you list only that one school, you will risk leaving your

    child without an offer of a place. Applicants are always

    strongly advised to include in their application a school

    that has always easily reached their address on proximity

    so they dont leave their child without an offer of a

    preferred school.

    Could I be offered a place at a

    school I do not want?

    If none of your preferred schools could offer you a placeand you pay Council Tax to Bromley, you will be offered

    an alternative. This can only be for a school that still has a


    If you follow our advice and include in your application a

    school that has always very easily reached your address

    on proximity it is unlikely that you will put your child in

    this position. Please see pages 40 and 41.

    What happens if I do not want toaccept the place I am offered?

    Refusing a place could leave your child without a school.

    Your childs name will, however, be kept on the list of the

    school you have been offered until you have secured an

    alternative. He/she will remain on the waiting list at your

    preferred school/s if requested, but there is no guarantee

    a place will become available.

    14 Starting Primary Education in Bromley 2013

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    An insight into Bromley infant

    and primary schools


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    Schools A-ZSchools with against their name have a Nursery attached.

    Schools with S against their name require a supplementary information form.

    Alexandra InfantSchool

    DfE Number: 305/2001

    Kent House Road,

    Beckenham BR3 1JG

    (020) 8778 4714

    Head Teacher: Ms M Lewis

    Age range: 4 - 7 Years

    Places: 60

    Applications received for 2012: 344

    Status: Community

    Ofsted states: This is an outstanding school.

    Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage and

    pupils in Years 1 and 2 thrive academically and

    personally in the schools caring and inclusive

    environment. The school works successfully to

    promote pupils independence, strong social

    skills and very positive attitudes to learning.(Ofsted 2011)

    Children have opportunities to work alongside

    professional artists, learn to play the violin,

    use ICT in a wide range of situations and experiment with different art forms. The

    school is proud of its inclusive philosophy where everyone counts. We have two

    specialist resource classes for children with autism and a team of professionals

    who adapt the learning to suit the individual childs needs.

    Alexandra is a dedicated Infant school with 190 pupils on roll and a 16 place

    specialist provision for autistic pupils.

    To nd out more about our school, join one of our open mornings that will be held

    on the 12th and 19th of October and on 16th November at 9.30 am and hear aboutour school. You will be able to have a tour of the school on the morning. Please

    phone the school ofce to make an appointment.

    Balgowan Primary

    DfE Number: 305/2002

    Balgowan Road,

    Beckenham BR3 4HJ

    (020) 8658 6374

    Head Teacher: Dr A Swatland

    Age range: 4 - 11 Years

    Places: 90

    Applications received for 2012: 436

    Status: Academy

    Balgowan Primary is an inclusive, vibrant and

    exciting place for children to learn. The school

    successfully promotes the achievement of high

    standards of work and behaviour enabling all

    pupils to become skilled, independent learners

    as well as condent and caring members of

    the wider community. Balgowan became an

    independent Academy on 1 August 2011.

    Motto: Be kind, work hard, make friends

    Bickley Primary

    DfE Number: 305/2082

    Nightingale Lane,

    Bromley BR1 2SQ

    (020) 8460 6790

    Head Teacher: Miss J Mayhew

    Age range: 4 -11 Years

    Places: 60

    Applications received for 2012: 330

    Status: Community

    Bickley Primary School is a friendly and thriving

    school which opened in 1998 and is gradually

    expanding to two forms of entry. We have a

    bright, well equipped building and extensive


    We aim to provide a safe and caring

    environment in which all our children will ourish

    and develop a love of learning. We have high

    expectations and standards and rmly believe

    that learning should be interesting and fun.

    We provide a broad and creative curriculum, with a wide range of opportunities

    for all children. We are proud to have received several national awards, includingQuality Mark, Artsmark, Activemark, International Award, Sustainable Travel Award

    and Healthy Schools Award. Each child is encouraged to become a condent,

    independent and caring member of the community, with a strong sense of pride

    and responsibility. We work very closely in partnership with parents and provide a

    wide range of extra curricular activities. Please contact us to arrange a visit.

    Features include:

    Talented and hard-working staff,

    who teach a creative, rigorous


    Well equipped classrooms

    Good ICT facilities, with an interactive

    white board in every class

    Proven excellence in many areas

    including sport and the arts

    Well above average Foundation Stage and

    National Curriculum assessment results

    Very high standards of behaviour

    A wide range of visits, trips and extra

    curricular activities

    A good Ofsted report

    We look forward to welcoming you to our


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    Biggin Hill Primary

    DfE Number: 305/3510

    Old Tye Avenue,

    Biggin Hill TN16 3LY

    01959 575846Head Teacher: Mr D Payne

    Age range: 4 - 11 Years

    Places: 60

    Applications received for 2012: 107

    Status: Academy

    Biggin Hill Primary School offers children abroad and balanced curriculum, including acommitment to the arts and sports. It is set ona spacious green site with excellent playgroundand eld facilities as well as comprisingmodern, well equipped buildings.

    Our skilled staff enables children to developtheir core skills of literacy, numeracy and ICTthrough the provision of an exciting curriculum,tailored to the individuals needs and foundedon an understanding of what makes learning

    effective. Additionally, we believe that children need to feel safe and secure anddevelop socially, and our staff members work hard to support this side to schoollife.

    Parents and carers are fully supportive of the school and feel able to approach uswith any concerns. Our partnership with them is one of the keys to our successand new children and families are always welcomed into our school community.The Head Teacher operates an open door policy and is always pleased to answer

    any enquiries you may have.

    Blenheim Primary

    DfE Number: 305/3508

    Blenheim Road,

    Orpington BR6 9BH

    01689 819955

    Head Teacher: Mrs A Whiting

    Age range: 4 - 11 Years

    Places: 30

    Applications received for 2012: 63

    Status: Community

    Blenheim is the right decision for your childseducation. Here, we believe in developing thewhole child. Excellent academic achievementin the SATs is reached through a stimulatingand fun approach to the curriculum. Sportingactivity too is a real strength and Blenheimhas achieved an ActiveMark for outstandingprovision in successive years.

    Blenheim is well resourced to deliver whatits motto promises challenging ourselvestoday to succeed tomorrow. The staff here is

    100% committed to offering the best opportunity for your child. The school has

    specialist facilities for delivering ICT as well as extensive grounds including threeplaygrounds, two gardens and an adventure trail.

    We believe that a happy child makes the best of all opportunities we have to offer.

    Please visit us to see for yourself.

    Bromley Road InfantSchool

    DfE Number: 305/2003

    St Georges Road,

    Beckenham BR3 5JG

    (020) 8650 5246

    Head Teacher: Miss K Minnis

    Age range: 4 - 7 Years

    Places: 90

    Applications received for 2012: 182

    Status: Community

    Bromley Road is a three form entry communityschool for children in the heart of Beckenham.Our location means we can easily access localplaces of interest and businesses to supportthe childrens learning and experience. Ourcurriculum is creative and based on rst-handpractical and play experiences, designed tostimulate and enthuse young children. We

    encourage our families to take an active part inschool and local community life.

    We expect all adults and children to full theschool motto, To do our best - the staff are determined to provide the bestteaching and learning experiences to help the children gain the skills they need,in a caring school family. As well as developing academic skills, we encourage thechildren to develop healthy and active life-styles. Our School Council involves allthe children in becoming responsible for aspects of school life. We offer a range ofafter school clubs and have access to a local breakfast club and after school carefor children.

    We have developed a dedicated Foundation Stage Outdoor area for Receptionchildren to learn in a spacious outdoor environment, as well as in our attractive andwell resourced classrooms. We have extended our Outdoor Learning Environment

    to include a fantastic new outdoor classroom situated in a wildlife garden, with thechildrens allotments nearby. Our Garden Council oversee the development of thispart of the school.

    Our Year Two children are guaranteed a place at Worsley Bridge Junior School withwhom we have close links. We have a good transition programme to help childrenprogress successfully into Year 3. The Head Teacher offers guided tours so that youcan see Bromley Road Infant School in action. Please telephone the school ofceto make an appointment.

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    Schools A-ZSchools with against their name have a Nursery attached.

    Schools with S against their name require a supplementary information form.

    Burnt Ash Primary

    DfE Number: 305/2014

    Rangeeld Road,

    Bromley BR1 4QX

    (020) 8697 2441Head Teacher: Mrs L Crawley

    Age range: 4 - 11 Years

    Places: 60

    Applications received for 2012: 137

    Status: Community

    Burnt Ash is a welcoming two form entry school,sitting at the heart of the local community.The school has an extensive range of facilitiesincluding a large outside area for receptionchildren, ICT suite, soft play room, sensory room,outside classroom and a large sports eld.

    We are committed to providing a high standardof education and strive for our school to havecondent, happy pupils who are able to takeresponsibility for their own learning. Children

    of all abilities thrive in our calm and purposeful atmosphere where compassion,honesty and friendship are emphasised, alongside every child fullling their fullacademic potential.

    To ensure the development of the whole child we provide a wide range of excitingcurriculum activities through visits, hosting international staff and by working withlocal secondary schools. We have a good range of after school clubs includingfootball, judo and choir and our children regularly take part in Borough and Nationalevents. We further support the curriculum through regular high-quality visitors and

    through our hands-on approach with the children helping to care for our chickens.Our popular Breakfast and After School Club offers a stimulating and caringenvironment from 8am to 6pm, while Little Ashes Pre-school gives youngerchildren the opportunity to develop the skills they need for starting school andsocialising with others.

    Castlecombe Primary

    DfE Number: 305/2029

    Castlecombe Road,

    Mottingham SE9 4AT

    (020) 8857 1504

    Head Teacher: Mr T Smith

    Age range: 4 - 11 Years

    Places: 30

    Applications received for 2012: 103

    Status: Community

    Castlecombe Primary School is a mixed oneform entry Community School situated on anextensive site on the edge of Elmstead Woodsin the London Borough of Bromley.

    The current building was completed in1995. We have a rst class ICT suite and aNeighbourhood Learning Centre which provides

    outreach courses for parents. The school isproud of its community links which it hasworked hard to achieve.

    The staff at Castlecombe have always been open to new ideas and have createdan innovative and enriching environment for our children.

    At Castlecombe there is a clear focus on raising achievement. Children areencouraged to participate and succeed to the best of their ability across the wholecurriculum and to feel that they are valued members of the school. We excel inmeeting the needs of all our children.

    Chelseld Primary

    DfE Number: 305/2034

    Warren Road,

    Chelseld BR6 6EP

    01689 825827

    Head Teacher: Mrs M Foley

    Age range: 4 - 11 Years

    Places: 15 (60 for 2013)

    Applications received for 2012: 94

    Status: Community

    A Small School Making A BIG Difference.

    Ofsted, says:

    Pupils social and moral development isoutstanding.

    Pupils behaviour is excellent

    Pupils of all abilities are keen to learn and take

    a pride in their achievements.

    What we do:

    We provide high quality

    learning and teaching

    We work in partnership with

    parents and children. We are an inclusive school

    and provide excellence for all

    whatever their needs or abilities.

    We have a CAN DO attitude.

    Chelseld Primary School is a village school.

    We are committed to provide all that is best in

    a small school. We are nurturing and caring and

    we promote mutual cooperation and respect

    for our whole school community. We are also

    committed to provide outstanding resourcesand an exciting and creative curriculum. We

    have excellent ICT equipment, high adult to

    child ratios and a very high level of resourcing.

    The children are happy because they are

    learning and learning because they are happy.

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    Chislehurst(St icholas)CE Primary S

    DfE Number: 305/3301

    School Road,

    Chislehurst BR7 5PQ

    (020) 8467 2993

    Head Teacher: Mr J Paddington

    Age range: 4 - 11 Years

    Places: 30

    Applications received for 2012: 103

    Status: Voluntary Aided

    As Head Teacher I have the privilege of leading

    a team of hard working and dedicated staff

    towards our shared goal of providing an

    environment where our children grow to have

    an enjoyment and a thirst for learning within a

    happy and secure Christian family base.

    Our school is a successful blend of old and

    new. Located on the picturesque Chislehurst

    Common, the beautiful red-brick buildings,

    which date from the early Victorian period,

    conceal a school enjoying a rich and varied curriculum and a 21st century approach

    to learning.

    We are a Christian school belonging to the Church of England Diocese of

    Rochester. Belief in God is central to the life of the school and how we approach

    our involvement in the wider community. We strive to instil in our children, a

    balance between personal achievement and the sense of purpose with which

    Christianity challenges us.

    Churchelds Primary

    DfE Number: 305/2004

    Churchelds Road,

    Beckenham BR3 4QR

    (020) 8650 5247

    Head Teacher: Mr T Hyndley

    Age range: 4 - 11 Years

    Places: 60

    Applications received for 2012: 214

    Status: Community

    Thank you for your interest in Churchelds

    Primary School. This is an exciting time for the

    school as we hope you will see. Weve just

    celebrated our best set of results and our most

    recent Ofsted identied many good aspects

    to the school. Although we are very proud of

    all our children and their achievements, we are

    always keen to improve further.

    Clare House Primary

    DfE Number: 305/2074

    Oakwood Avenue,

    Beckenham BR3 6PJ

    (020) 8658 4633

    Head Teacher: Ms F Mills

    Age range: 4 - 11 Years

    Places: (60 for 2013)

    Applications received for 2012: 278Status: Community

    We are proud of our schools warm, friendlyatmosphere in which a strong team of staffhelp the children to develop condenceand independence. Our open-plan buildingencourages interaction, as well as anunderstanding and appreciation between thedifferent phases of the school.

    Children aged 4-11 play together in our playgroundand work co-operatively on projects throughoutthe year. Parents and carers are welcomed to helpin and visit classes and support our active PTA.

    Play is an important part of the EYFS day, but there is also a balance of highlystructured learning and self-initiated learning opportunities. Children develop theircreativity, resilience and problem solving skills through more open ended cross-curricular activities.

    As well as valuing academic success, we value the childrens individuality, andprogress in their personal and social development as it is important in the preparationfor their future.

    So what is special about Churchelds:

    Strong commitment to achievementfor all children.

    Excellent behaviour in a caring andsupportive environment.

    Passionate commitment to inclusion- we have a unit for pupils withspecial needs within the school andSEN pupils in mainstream makegood progress.

    Very dedicated and enthusiastic staff.

    Fantastic site (the school was builtin 1990 and we have large outdoorareas).

    Commitment to creative and engaginglearning.

    Very strong Foundation Stage withfree part-time Nursery places fromage 3.

    Breakfast Club, After School Cluband a wide range of extra curricularactivities.

    We know that we have improved butplease dont take our word for it. Wealways welcome visits from prospectiveparents as this is the only way youcan really get a feel for what makesChurchelds a great place to learn.

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    20/6020 Starting Primary Education in Bromley 201320 Starting Primary Education in Bromley 201320 Starting Primary Education in Bromley 2013

    Schools A-ZSchools with against their name have a Nursery attached.

    Schools with S against their name require a supplementary information form.

    Crofton Infant School

    DfE Number: 305/2038

    Town Court Lane,

    Orpington BR5 1EL

    01689 826320Head Teacher: Mr R Sammonds

    Age range: 4 - 7 Years

    Places: 180

    Applications received for 2012: 514

    Status: Academy

    Crofton Infant School is a successful and popularschool where everyone works hard to ensurethat the children are safe, secure and part ofa friendly and caring community. We want thechildren to be happy and excited about coming toschool to learn and to develop knowledge, skills

    and understanding across a wide curriculum. Weare opening doors for each child, allowing themto practise important skills for life such as beingresponsible, learning to read, write, count, spell,make informed choices and to love learning.

    There are six classes in each year and we are proud that our parents praise thesmall school inclusive feel at Crofton.

    Standards of teaching and learning are good across the core subjects and acrossthe wider curriculum. Successful learning and development requires a partnershipbetween home and school and we work hard with you to ensure that thispartnership is a successful one.

    We welcome visitors to the school so you can see children and adults working


    Cudham CE Primary

    DfE Number: 305/3004

    Jail Lane,

    Biggin Hill TN16 3AX

    01959 572673

    Head Teacher: Mrs J Tranchina

    Age range: 4 - 11 Years

    Places: 15

    Applications received for 2012: 58Status: Voluntary Controlled

    Cudham is a small Church of England VoluntaryControlled Primary School, with strong links toCudham Parish Church. The school is set in arural area and is surrounded by elds. It hastwo ponds and a wildlife area which enhancethe opportunities for scientic investigation andwhich now provide extensive outdoor learningopportunities through the development of itsForest School. A heated outdoor swimmingpool is used extensively in the summer.

    We are very proud of our school and committed to providing the best possible

    education for all our children. Cudham School places a strong emphasis on thewell being and personal development of each child within a caring, Christian ethos.

    Cudham is a happy school where parents are welcomed as partners in their childseducation. The close co-operation between home and school is very important tous and is vital if children are to achieve their full potential.

    Darrick ood InfantSchool

    DfE Number: 305/2040

    Lovibonds Avenue,

    Orpington BR6 8ER01689 857278

    Head Teacher:

    Mrs A Rampton-Moss

    Age range: 4 - 7 Years

    Places: 90

    Applications received for 2012: 426

    Status: Academy

    Darrick Wood Infant and Nursery school is a

    three form entry school within walking distance

    of Locksbottom village. The school is a well

    resourced, bright and welcoming environment

    and all aspects of provision are outstanding

    (Ofsted 2009). It is situated next to Darrick

    Wood Junior School and the Local AuthoritysSensory Support Service. We celebrate the

    inclusion of hearing impaired children in school

    and all children learn to do basic sign language.

    We have a maintained nursery on site which is run by qualied graduate teachers

    and specialist teaching assistants. The Nursery is very much part of the school

    community taking part in many whole school events.

    We aim to meet the needs of every child within an environment that respects,

    nurtures and inspires. Ofsted 2009 stated that Darrick Wood Infant School

    provides an excellent education for its pupils... pupils are eager to learn and their

    behaviour is exemplary.

    Children learn through a rich and creative curriculum with staff who are committed

    to the education of every individual. We have very high expectations of attainment

    and achievement and take pride in inspiring all learners to achieve their full


    Visits to the school to meet the Head Teacher and to look around are most

    welcome and warmly encouraged. Please telephone the school ofce for dates.

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    Dorset Road InfantSchool

    DfE Number: 305/2030

    Dorset Road,

    Mottingham SE9 4QX

    (020) 8857 3742

    Head Teacher: Mrs J Hiller

    Age range: 4 - 7 Years

    Places: 25

    Applications received for 2012: 76

    Status: Community

    High standards on a small scale

    Dorset Road Infant School has been centralto the Mottingham community for more than110 years. We are committed to working inpartnership with parents to develop each childstalents and potential in a secure, challenging

    environment, which encourages a desire tolearn and achieve success.

    Our children benet from small classes, amaximum of 25 children per class, providing

    opportunities to learn within a stimulating, challenging curriculum. Our childrenare happy, condent learners, rightly proud of their achievements across all areasof learning, and will become secure and responsible citizens of the future.

    Children are at the heart of everything we are and do at Dorset Road.

    Ofsted 2011 Dorset Road is a good school, a welcoming, friendly school. Good,trusting relationships between pupils and adult reect the outstanding care,guidance and support provided

    Parent 2011 my child comes home bursting with excitement at all the things

    she has discovered, learnt or achieved and it is so much funThe school provides a wide range of experiences, inside and outside school,which ensure pupils develop into rounded individuals with an understanding ofthe community and society in which they live. We have a strong Parent TeacherAssociation. Out of school activities include French, Zumba, Music, Maths,Basketball and Breakfast. Rigorous monitoring ensures that individual needs areidentied and met across the whole curriculum. Pupils consistently achieve aboveaverage Key Stage 1 results in Literacy and Numeracy. We have Healthy Schooland Active Mark status, and Artsmark.

    Downe Primary

    DfE Number: 305/2041

    High Elms Road,

    Downe BR6 7JN

    01689 853916

    Head Teacher: Mrs S Fuller

    Age range: 4 - 11 Years

    Places: 12

    Applications received for 2012: 53

    Status: Community

    Downe Primary is a small school situated in a

    rural area. In a happy and caring environment,

    we aim for the children to fully develop their

    potential. We expect pupils to be challenged,

    stimulated and excited by their learning. The

    curriculum is broad and balanced giving many

    opportunities for the pupils to develop both

    academically and personally.

    In October 2011 Ofsted said Downe Primary is a good school with several

    outstanding features. Pupils reach standards that are well above average by the

    end of Year 2 and Year 6. Achievement is good. Pupils are happy, enthusiastic and

    successful learners who like their school and are treated as individuals.

    Edgebury Primary

    DfE Number: 305/2069

    Belmont Lane,

    Chislehurst BR7 6BL

    (020) 8467 4199

    Head Teacher: Mrs J Box

    Age range: 4 - 11 Years

    Places: 30

    Applications received for 2012: 192

    Status: Community


    At Edgebury we seek to create a happy,caring environment where everyone is valuedand given opportunities to achieve personalexcellence. With high quality teaching, a sharpfocus on learning and an excellent quality of careand guidance, children of all abilities ourish andmake outstanding progress.

    A rich and enterprising curriculum, enhancedby an attractive setting both inside and outside,which is visually stimulating and has anextensive range of after school clubs, motivates

    pupils to develop new interests and talents and ensures they really enjoy their

    time at school. Investment in ICT has been considerable and creative use oftechnology is contributing to rising standards. Expectations for pupil achievementand behaviour are high. Perseverance and independence are valued, as are goodmanners and an understanding of personal responsibility. Respect for others is atthe heart of our close-knit community. We welcome parents fully into the life of theschool and work in partnership to equip our children with the knowledge and skillsto condently take on new challenges with enthusiasm and a joy for learning.

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    Schools A-ZSchools with against their name have a Nursery attached.

    Schools with S against their name require a supplementary information form.

    Farnborough Primary

    DfE Number: 305/2042

    Farnborough Hill,

    Farnborough BR6 7EQ

    01689 853295Head Teacher: Ms P Farrow

    Age range: 4 - 11 Years

    Places: 30

    Applications received for 2012: 226

    Status: Community

    Farnborough Primary School supports andenriches the development of all, providingopportunities for fulllment, creativity andenjoyment in a stimulating, high achievinglearning environment. Our ethos supports,motivates and challenges children to aspire to

    be the best. We have high expectations, andset clear boundaries for our pupils so they knowwhat is expected of them.

    Founded in 1872 we are proud of our history;however we continue to develop, welcoming new challenges in an environmentthat is modern and forward-thinking.

    Academic excellence, highlighted in our outstanding results; a rich curriculumincorporating art, drama, modern foreign languages, music and sport are all integralto the learning of our exceptional pupils.

    We are a friendly and caring school that guides and supports each childs moral andsocial development, to enable all to be successful citizens.

    Our aim is to provide opportunities for pupils to develop a love of learning and to

    equip them with the skills and knowledge to lead happy and successful lives in arapidly changing world. We look forward to meeting you soon.

    Grays Farm Primary

    DfE Number: 305/2063

    Grays Farm Road,

    Orpington BR5 3AD

    (020) 8300 5283

    Head Teacher: Mr K Reid

    Age range: 4 - 11 Years

    Places: 60

    Applications received for 2012: 122

    Status: Community

    Welcome to Grays Farm Primary School!

    We are a thriving two-form entry primary schoolwith a nursery and popular Breakfast Club. Wecover a large site with outdoor learning areas,eld and a wild life area.

    We aim to give each child the opportunity toachieve his or her full potential by promotinghigh standards of work and behaviour. By thetime children are ready to transfer to secondary

    school we hope that they will have grown incondence and independence and that they are learning to value and respectthemselves and others.

    We pride ourselves in being a friendly, inclusive and welcoming school.

    We take an active part in the area and our extra curricular activities cover a numberof different clubs, including various sports, arts and drama. Teams take part inborough football, netball, relay, cross country and athletics competitions.

    We encourage close links between home and school by working in partnership tocreate a happy and purposeful place in which your child will learn and grow.

    Green Street Green

    PrimaryDfE Number: 305/2043

    Vine Road,

    Green Street Green BR6 6DT

    01689 852781

    Head Teacher: Mrs L Dando

    Age range: 4 - 11 Years

    Places: 60

    Applications received for 2012: 270

    Status: Academy


    Green Street Green Primary is a popular schoolwith a long history of excellence, where we

    passionately believe that happy children enjoy

    learning together.

    Our creative approach to learning and

    teaching, fantastic academic achievement

    with outstanding Arts and Music has led to an

    Outstanding judgement for our most recent

    Ofsted inspection in May 2009.

    We deliver learning experiences which help pupils discover their own strengths

    and interests. As soon as pupils build self condence in music, art, sport or

    curriculum subjects they have the self esteem to tackle everything. Pupil guides

    on Open Days talk proudly about their school, they love the range of clubs andsports offered; we also have the Healthy Schools Award.

    Pupil tracking helps us match teaching to individual pupil need; able pupils are

    appropriately challenged while intervention strategies help others. We have an

    outstanding Speech and Language provision attached to the school and very

    strong special needs support.

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    Hawes Down InfantSchool

    DfE Number: 305/2006

    The Mead,

    West Wickham BR4 0BA

    (020) 8777 4420

    Head Teacher: Mrs G Dufn

    Age range: 4 - 7 Years

    Places: 60

    Applications received for 2012: 260

    Status: Community

    Hawes Down Infant School is a friendly and

    welcoming school with outstanding features

    highlighting the Head Teachers commitment

    to ensure all pupils reach their potential. It is

    a well organised, well resourced school with

    a positive and caring environment. Children

    enjoy school and are secure, condent andkeen to learn new skills. Inclusion, tolerance

    and mutual respect are valued and there are

    strong links with Hawes Down Junior School

    and the community.

    Our awards, which include, Arts Mark Gold, Active Mark, Quality Mark, Healthy

    Schools, and the Green Flag Eco Award reect our ethos of providing a broad and

    balanced curriculum.

    Our latest Ofsted inspection reported that there is a family atmosphere that

    permeates the whole school. The staff know the pupils extremely well and

    this supports the excellent atmosphere and behaviour in classes. In turn, this

    contributes to the pupils outstanding attitudes to learning and enhances their

    good progress.

    Hayes Primary

    DfE Number: 305/5205

    George Lane,

    Hayes BR2 7LQ

    (020) 8462 1769

    Head Teacher: Mrs J Brinkley

    Age range: 4 - 11 Years

    Places: 90Applications received for 2012: 435

    Status: Academy

    At Hayes Primary School we set high standards

    for personal achievement and behaviour. We

    believe that children should enjoy their time

    at primary school and we provide a happy and

    caring environment where children are valued

    for themselves and where their efforts and

    talents are appreciated and extended. Children

    are encouraged to develop an enquiring mind

    and an awareness of moral values encouraging

    self-respect, self-discipline and self-motivation.

    Our curriculum aims to develop the mastery of skills which provide the foundation

    for learning and later to develop those skills to realise childrens full potential. The

    early school years see the development of permanent attitudes and values, and

    we consider that the school has an important part to play in spiritual, moral and

    social development. We foster courtesy and consideration for others, both in and

    out of school. Good behaviour and good manners are expected at all times.

    Higheld InfantSchool

    DfE Number: 305/5203

    Higheld Drive,

    Shortlands BR2 0RX

    (020) 8464 7804

    Head Teacher: Mrs A Golding

    Age range: 4 - 7 Years

    Places: 90

    Applications received for 2012: 445

    Status: Foundation

    At Higheld Infant School we aim for

    excellence. The whole child is celebrated and

    nurtured through the provision of a rich diet of

    curricula and extra-curricula activities. Academic

    achievement at the school is a real strength,along with our partnership with parents and

    carers and we are committed to the notion that

    a broad, rich and balanced curriculum underpins

    this success.

    The team at Higheld strives to provide an education that develops condent,

    independent learners who have the skills and knowledge to become life-long


    Our January 2008 Ofsted reported, Higheld Infant School provides an

    outstanding education for all of its pupils. The school provides a warm, caring

    environment where the excellent welfare for each pupil ensures their outstanding

    academic and personal development.

    Our children enjoy a focus on learning outside and inside as well as a richness ofother resources including planned visits and visitors to the school to enhance the


    The school has achieved the Foundation Award for International Schools, Healthy

    Schools status, Active Mark and the Eco Schools Silver Award. For more information

    look at the website. Visits are warmly welcomed.

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    24/6024 Starting Primary Education in Bromley 2013

    Schools A-ZSchools with against their name have a Nursery attached.

    Schools with S against their name require a supplementary information form.

    Hillside Primary

    DfE Number: 305/2007

    Dyke Drive

    Orpington BR5 4LZ

    01689 830383Executive Head Teacher: Nick Ware

    Acting Head Teacher:

    Ms Ruth Kerslake

    Age range: 4 -11 Years

    Places: 60

    Applications received for 2012: 103

    Status: Academy (The Priory

    Academy Trust)

    A warm welcome to Hillside Primary School, partof The Priory Academy Trust.

    Our vision for Hillside Primary School is for all staffand pupils to adopt an ambition to be Great byChoice where all pupils have an entitlement to ahigh quality teaching and learning experience.

    We are a welcoming school set in wonderfulextensive grounds. We engage and motivatepupils by enriching the curriculum with visits,visitors, after-school clubs and other activities.

    The pupils learning and achievement is at the heart of everything that we do. Foreach pupil to reach their full potential, we work in partnership with parents and carersand the local and wider community.

    We aim to provide a platform for each individual child to be happy and condent,with good self-esteem, self-discipline and respect for themselves, others andthe environment. We believe that children should have the best possible lifechances and be motivated to achieve highly both in primary school and beyond.Their achievements should be underpinned by respect and a constant drive forimprovement.

    We would really encourage you to visit and experience our school for yourselves.Please contact the school directly with any additional queries or to make anappointment.

    Holy InnocentsCatholic Primary S

    DfE Number: 305/5201

    Mitchell Road,

    Orpington BR6 9JT

    01689 813040

    Head Teacher: Mr R Langford

    Age range: 4 - 11 Years

    Places: 30

    Applications received for 2012: 82

    Status: Voluntary Aided

    Holy Innocents Catholic Primary Schoolprovides a caring loving and welcomingenvironment for your child. The school is proudof its academic success and encourages all itspupils to try their very best in everything theydo.

    As a Roman Catholic school, our mission liesat the very heart of everything we do. We aim

    to provide an educational setting that promotesthe teachings of Christ and His Church.Spiritual, social and moral education permeates

    our curriculum and this has been recognised in our recent Ofsted inspection.

    Access and inclusion is a very important part of what we do at Holy Innocents.We believe that all children have a right to a broad and balanced curriculum givingthem valuable life experiences and enabling them to achieve well. Our staff arecommitted and caring. Their dedication continuously shows that every child doesindeed matter. The school hosts a wide range of before and after school clubsencouraging pupils to lead a healthy lifestyle. There is also a before and afterschool club resident on site which opens at 7.30am and closes at 6pm.

    Holy Innocents has an active PFA which organizes fun events to raise money forthe school. We have very close links with our home parish of Holy Innocents and

    our neighbouring parishes of St. Michael and All Angels, Locksbottom andSt. Theresas, Biggin Hill. We welcome all visitors. Come and see for yourself!

    James Dixon Primary

    DfE Number: 305/2062

    William Booth Road,

    Anerley SE20 8BW

    (020) 8778 6101

    Head Teacher: Mrs K Reynolds

    Age range: 4 - 11 Years

    Places: 60Applications received for 2012: 142

    Status: Community


    We are a lively, happy, inclusive school with arich cultural heritage close to Crystal Palace.We have two forms of entry to Year 4, graduallyincreasing to Year 6 and a nursery with morningor afternoon places for three and four yearolds. At James Dixon we work in partnershipwith parents/carers and the wider communityto ensure all children achieve. Ofsted (March2011) The school is attentive to pupils personaldevelopment and well-being, and provides good

    pastoral support. We provide a stimulating andsafe environment where children make good academic progress as well as enjoyingthe whole curriculum. We have been awarded Artsmark Gold for our commitmentto the arts; also, we have the Healthy Schools Award. We have a large playing eldwith an award-winning school garden. Ofsted (March 2011) Pupils have a goodunderstanding of healthy lifestyles and enjoy participating in sport.

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    Keston CE Primary

    DfE Number: 305/3000

    Lakes Road,

    Keston BR2 6BN

    01689 858399Head Teacher: Mrs J Evison

    Age range: 4 - 11 Years

    Places: 30 (60 for 2013)

    Applications received for 2012: 154

    Status: Voluntary Controlled

    At our Outstanding School (Ofsted June2009) we aim to provide an excellent educationfor pupils of all abilities and backgrounds inthe context of Christian belief and practice.We encourage an understanding of themeaning and signicance of faith and promote

    Christian values and spiritual developmentthrough experiences offered to all our pupils.The school is beautifully situated in a villagelocation. We have a lovely eld, pond, two very

    well equipped playgrounds, a large hall, childrens kitchen and a computer room.The new Dome houses the library, two group rooms and an expansive multi-purpose learning area. Our classrooms are well equipped with computers andsmartboards. The school has a long standing tradition for music and sport, with afantastic band, choir and many sporting awards. The school also provides a vastamount of extra curricular activities.

    The school has received a number of awards: Outstanding School Ofsted2009, Basic Skills Quality Mark, Healthy Schools Award, The Active Mark withexceptional delivery, London Schools Environment Award and Higher StandardLevel for Sustainable Travel.

    eesons Primary

    DfE Number: 305/2064

    Leesons Hill,

    Orpington BR5 2GA

    01689 602786

    Head Teacher: Mrs A Rush

    Age range: 4 - 11 Years

    Places: 30

    Applications received for 2012: 136Status: Community

    Leesons is a successful family orientated primary school.Our school motto Nurturing Excellence is at the heart ofeverything we aim to do. We believe strongly in traditionalvalues and our expectation is that each child can read andwrite condently, is self disciplined, well mannered andtakes responsibility for their actions.

    Our recent OFSTED in February 2012 said, This is a goodschool...children settle quickly into Reception and their academicneeds are met well as they move through the school.

    This is a happy and secure school where children work hard,behave well and make excellent progress. The curriculum

    is well delivered with specialist teachers for PE and Music.After school clubs include a variety of sports, cooking and cycling. The children havethe opportunity to compete against other schools in friendly competitions. As well asmusic lessons and a choir, we also offer individual tuition for piano and guitar.

    The school facilities and grounds are extensive including a pond area and vegetableand sensory garden and these provide endless opportunities for outdoor learning.The school has a very popular breakfast club and after school provision.

    Governors and parents are closely involved in the life of the school and work closelywith the staff to achieve the best possible outcomes for the children.

    Visits are warmly welcomed.

    Malcolm Primary

    DfE Number: 305/2060

    Malcolm Road,

    Penge SE20 8RH

    (020) 8778 4742

    Head Teacher:

    Miss A Constantopoulou

    Age range: 4 - 11 Years

    Places: 30

    Applications received for 2012: 140

    Status: Community

    At Malcolm Primary School we pride ourselveson being diverse, aspirational, unique,

    compassionate, inclusive and happy!We are a busy, friendly one-form entry school inPenge. We are a community of learners whichworks hard to provide a stimulating, attractiveenvironment in which children and adults canwork in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Wewant all our children to be condent, have highself-esteem and to understand how importantit is to be respectful and considerate. We

    believe that a strong partnership between school and home is crucial: we strive tomake parents and carers feel welcome. Malcolm Primary is a thriving, harmonious,multicultural community where pupils ourish academically and socially. Educatingchildren is a great responsibility and privilege and we are fortunate to have adedicated and hardworking staff that provides a stimulating and purposeful

    environment in which children and adults feel safe, valued and respected.The school occupies a spacious building with a sports eld, adventure playgroundand nature garden. Classrooms are well resourced, equipped with computers andinteractive whiteboards. There is a library, music room and computer suite. A varietyof sports, experiences and clubs are offered.

    We have rec