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Search EngineOptimization Series

Google Rocketship


How to Find the Money-Making Keywords for Your SEO Campaign and Discover Exactly What You Need to Do

to Crush Your Competition

How to Find the Money-Making Keywords for Your SEO Campaign and Discover Exactly What You Need to Do

to Crush Your Competition


Search EngineOptimization Series

Introduction .....................................................................................3-4

Chapter 1: The Right Approach to SEO .........................................5-7

Chapter 2: Keyword Research......................................................8-32

Chapter 3: What Does It Take to Be First? .................................34-40

Appendix A: SEO Cheat-Sheet ........................................................41

Appendix B: SEO Tools ...............................................................42-43

Appendix C: The Best Firefox Add-Ons for SEO ........................44-45

Appendix D: How to Outsource Your SEO .................................46-47

Appendix E: Best SEO Resources ..................................................48

Epilogue ...........................................................................................49

About StartupNation .........................................................................50

About Zeke Camusio .......................................................................51

Table of Contents

Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved. The information in this document is confidential and proprietary. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, except for brief quotations in reviews or articles, without prior written permission of the publisher, StartupNation, LLC. Requests to the publisher for permission should be sent to

Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


Search EngineOptimization Series

This book is a little different from most SEO (Search Engine Optimization) books out there. This book won’t teach you about algorithms, the history of the search engines or other information that has little bearing on your Google results. Instead, this book will show you step-by-step how you can take your own website to the top of Google. Plain and simple, this book is about getting you results. It will walk you through a step-by-step blueprint that will take you to the top of Google and leave your competitors in the dust, if you put it to action.

Excited? Great, let’s get started!

Book One: Google Rocketship - How to Find the Money-Making Keywords for Your SEO Campaign and Discover Exactly What You Need to Do to Crush Your Competition

This book is the first in StartupNation’s Search Engine Optimization Series covering the most important aspects of SEO that will drive your business results. This first part of the series will teach you about the right approach to SEO, keyword research and competitive analysis.

The first chapter of the book will teach you a highly effective approach to SEO. It will teach you about Black Hat SEO, and why you have to stay away from it. It will similarly teach you about White Hat SEO, and why it’s so critical to your SEO success.

The second chapter will show you how to do keyword research. It will teach you why keyword research is so important and how to do it right.

The third chapter is extremely important. It will show you what it takes to outrank your competitors. You’ll learn how to evaluate your site and compare it against your top competitors.

At the end of each chapter you will find a summary with the most important takeaways of each section. No matter how well you think you know a certain topic, don’t skip it and go directly to the summary. Each chapter will teach you at least one thing you didn’t know, no matter how much of an expert you are.

At the end of the book you’ll find a cheat sheet that you can print and put against your wall so you can see it every day. This cheat sheet will contain the step-by-step plan covered in this book to ensure that you get real business value out of the recommendations presented here not just today, but tomorrow and into the future as well.


continued on pg. 4

Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


Search EngineOptimization Series

You’ll also find some very cool bonuses towards the end of the book. Use them. Leverage them. And drive your SEO results even further!

The Rest of the Series

The second book of the series, Google Rocketship - How to Make a Website and Create Content that Google and Your Visitors Love, will teach you how to optimize your site to increase your search engine rankings. It will also instruct you on content creation and how to create great content that will get you thousands of organic links and will help you become an authority in your field.

The third book of the series, Google Rocketship - The Definitive Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Thousands of Great Links and Dominating Your Market in No Time Flat, will teach you the importance of link building and will walk you through the most effective link building tactics. It will also guide you through measurement of your SEO campaigns so you can see exactly how much you are investing in SEO and how much you are getting in return.

StartupNation and Zeke Camusio

To help you master SEO and send your Google rankings skyward, StartupNation has partnered with Zeke Camusio of The Outsourcing Company in bringing you this exclusive SEO book series. We are confident that you will find the series to be highly valuable in increasing your online visibility and website traffic. And we look forward to any feedback you may have at to help us customize future books in line with your specific interests.

Invaluable Advice

And here is one piece of invaluable advice: you won’t get high rankings by just reading this book; you have to DO what’s in it. That’s how you should use this book. You should do what’s explained in each chapter as you read the book. If you just read it and decide to do SEO later, “maybe one day,” it’s never going to happen.

Get to work, rank high, grow your business and have fun!


Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


Search EngineOptimization Series

You’ve probably heard about “Black Hat SEO” and “White Hat SEO”. The former is the “unethical” way of doing SEO and the latter is the “ethical” way. The most effective approach to SEO, however, is “Aggressive White Hat,” which stays away from shady tactics and focuses on aggressively leveraging ethical, White Hat tactics. What is Black Hat SEO?

In order to avert potential penalization by Google, these are some of the things you need to stay away from when conducting SEO:

Keyword stuffing (putting your keywords all over your website, even where they don’t make sense) Hidden text (for example, white text on white background) Cloaking (showing one thing to the search engines and a different thing to your visitors) Doorway pages (pages with no real content, created solely to rank for a given keyword) Black Hat Redirects (for example, creating a page with great content and once it’s ranking high, redirect your traffic to your shopping cart page)

Basically, anything done with the purpose of deceiving the search engines will be considered Black Hat. Stay away from it. You are a lot more likely to get hurt than to gain something. You’ve been warned.

Chapter 1: The Right Approach to SEO

continued on pg. 6

Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


Search EngineOptimization Series

What is White Hat SEO?

Everything that adds real value to your website and your visitors is White Hat. Write great content, post awesome videos, build tools, create a community and build a valuable resource that people want to visit and tell all their friends about it.

What is Aggressive White Hat SEO?

Once you’ve learned what adds value to your website and your visitors, do a lot of it! That’s what Aggressive White Hat SEO is.

You’ll see a lot of offers out there claiming that they can get you Number One rankings for $100 overnight. Stay away from those offers, and don’t try to do things like that yourself. SEO is a long-term investment. Go after the right keywords, build a great website full of amazing content that people love spending time on and telling their friends about. That’s the right way to do it. Don’t take shortcuts. How Hard is SEO? How Much Time Should I Spend Doing It?

The time and effort that will take you to get to the top depends mostly on: How competitive your market is How much you know about SEO

Regardless of how competitive your market is, make an effort to spend at least 30 minutes each day working on SEO. When you make it to the top of Google, something great will happen. You’ll start getting busy. Never again will you complain about not having enough clients. So invest in yourself and work every day, for at least half an hour, on ranking your site at the top. There Is More Than One Way to Skin this Cat

If you’ve read other SEO books, blogs and manuals, you’ll find that the Aggressive White Hat approach described in this series of books might be a little different than others you’ve seen out there. That’s OK. The truth is that nobody has it all figured out when it comes to SEO. Nobody owns Google (OK, Larry Page and Sergey Brin do, but they don’t do SEO).

Chapter 1: The Right Approach to SEO

continued on pg. 7

Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


Search EngineOptimization Series

SEO is a very controversial field because nobody has all the answers. Google, Yahoo! nor Microsoft will ever reveal their algorithms so most SEOs have different (but similar) theories based on their findings. Some will say that duplicate content is not an issue and some will differ; some always put meta keywords in their code and some don’t. Don’t sweat the small stuff; the truth is that all of us agree on 95% of the things and the other 5% doesn’t really make much of a difference most of the time.

The bottom line is that you will find a lot of contradictory information—the more you learn, the more you’ll find, but don’t freak out. The basics are always the same. No respectable SEO expert will advise that you get low quality links or that you get duplicated content from other sites. Building a high quality site is always the priority. When you find these contradictions, go with your common sense. What if You Don’t Want to Do It Yourself?

After reading all this information and learning how to do SEO, you might find out that you don’t want to do it yourself. That’s OK. Even if you hire someone, it’s always good to understand what they are doing for you.

You can even do some kind of hybrid SEO. You can do some of the stuff and outsource the tactics you don’t want to do. A lot of people do it this way.

One way or another, just make sure it gets done. You will find an appendix at the end of the book with information on how much SEO agencies usually charge for each of the tasks explained in this book.

Chapter’s Summary Stay away from Black Hat SEO. Commit to doing White Hat SEO for at least 30 minutes per day.

There’s a lot of mixed information about SEO. Don’t freak out. If in doubt, follow your instinct.

Chapter 1: The Right Approach to SEO

Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


Search EngineOptimization Series

Keyword research is one of the most important parts of SEO. If you do it wrong, you’ll be wasting a lot of time, money or both trying to rank for the wrong keywords. Keyword Selection Criteria

In order of importance, these are the most critical things to consider when choosing keywords:

Relevance (keyword relevant to your market) Search volume (lots of people searching for that term)

Current ranking (if you are #11 for a high-volume keyword and #700 for another one, it might be wise to push for the former so you start getting qualified traffic faster) How NOT to Choose Your Keywords

Although many people will tell you that you should go after easy keywords (i.e., keywords without much competition), don’t. Keyword difficulty shouldn’t be the deciding factor. Go after relevant keywords with high search volume. If they are difficult, all that means is that you’ll have to work a little harder and will take you a little longer to rank for them. But resist the temptation to feed your ego by becoming #1 for “red round table with flower centerpiece”. Yes, you can be first overnight for that term, but nobody is searching for it.

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

continued on pg. 9

Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


Search EngineOptimization Series

That being said, sometimes it’s useful to check the difficulty level of ranking high on a keyword, so you can get an idea of how hard you’ll have to work for it. You can use the SEOmoz Keyword Difficulty Tool, which is great but you need a membership, or the SEOlogs Keyword Difficulty Check Tool, which is a little bit more basic but free.

SEO can be always done for free, but sometimes a few paid tools will make your life a lot easier. With this in mind, this book will mention some paid tools for your consideration but will also show you a way to do the same thing for free. Step 1: Brainstorming

Let’s review a real life example,, and let’s make it rank high. offers tango lessons in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The first step is to create a seed list of keywords. To come up with these, ask yourself, “How would my customers search for my products?” For this process, invite as many members of your company as possible, explain your goal and have them identify as many search terms as possible. Record the whole session and have someone extract all the keywords and put them onto a list. Don’t let anyone judge the search terms that others suggest. You will filter out the bad terms later; the goal of the session is to come up with as many words as you can.

For example, the following is a sample seed list for

Tango tours Learn tango Dance tango

Tango Tango trip Tango travel

Tango vacations Tango holidays Tango classes

Tango lessons Argentina tango Tango Argentina

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

continued on pg. 10

Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


Search EngineOptimization Series

Step 2: Expand Your Keyword List

We are going to use three tools to find more keywords: Google Keyword Tool, WordTracker and WebCEO. The latter is a desktop application that has free and paid versions. The free version is very good and definitely enough for this keyword research, but if you are serious about getting top rankings, you should consider buying the full version.

The goal now is to expand the initial list of keywords. No matter how experienced you are in SEO or how much you know your industry, it’s difficult to know all of the keywords people use to find a company like yours. We need to optimize for the keywords people search, not the ones we think they do.

Let’s try the Google Keyword Tool first.

Enter the seed keywords in the box, then the CAPTCHA code and hit the button at the bottom.

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

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Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


Search EngineOptimization Series

This is what you’ll see:

The box on the right is our “keyword basket”; we’re going to “put” all the good keywords we find there. At this point, let’s try to create a big list. Don’t worry too much about the quality of the keywords. Just put as many as you can in your basket.

Sort the results by search volume, so you can start from high-volume searches and move down to keywords with fewer searches.

After you’ve added several keywords to your basket, you’ll see a button like this:

Use it a few times to get more keywords related to the ones you already have in your basket.

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

continued on pg. 12

Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


Search EngineOptimization Series

Then save the results to TXT:

Copy them and paste them right below your seed list. Now in your keyword list you’ll have your seed list and keywords from the Google Tool. Next, use WordTracker and WebCEO, and then this step will be completed.

Keyword research is not only good for SEO, but it’s also a great way to get ideas for your business. For example, these are some of the keywords found through the research process:

Buenos Aires tango (Who would have known that so many people knew where they wanted to learn tango. More keyword research on this market would be helpful.)

Tango club (Are people searching for tango clubs in Buenos Aires? If so, this is a very interesting segment of the market.)

Tango festival (What a great idea! Maybe you could start your own tango festival in Buenos Aires. More keyword research around this term would be helpful.)

Tango shoes (Currently, this website is not in this market, but with 40,000+ people searching for this every month, maybe you can create a strategic alliance with a tango shoes vendor and get commissions for each pair of shoes you sell to your clients.)

Tango videos (If 18,000 people are searching for this every month, maybe this would be an amazing way to attract a lot of qualified traffic.)

Do you get the idea? Do keyword research with an open mind and you’ll get a lot of great ideas to grow your business.

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

continued on pg. 13

Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


Search EngineOptimization Series

When you find a market that really interests you, dig deeper. For example, let’s say you like the idea of organizing a tango festival because the term “tango festival” has 40,500 searches. Then do a search for that keyword only:

Take a look at the 5th keyword on the list: Buenos Aires tango festival. Wow! That’s a keyword to be very interested in. Doing some research you find out that there is a tango festival in Buenos Aires every year and people from all over the world travel to Argentina to be part of it. If you were first on Google for this keyword, maybe you wouldn’t need to do any more marketing; that would be enough.

Are you starting to get an idea of what the “discovery phase” of keyword research looks like? You start with some keywords you and your team came up with, and then grow that list as big as you can so you can discover segments of your market that you had no idea existed.

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

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Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


Search EngineOptimization Series

Let’s use WordTracker now:

These are the results:

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

continued on pg. 15

Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


Search EngineOptimization Series

So you click on tango dance and these are more suggestions:

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

continued on pg. 16

Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


Search EngineOptimization Series

Go back and click on “argentine tango,” and this is what you get this time:

Pretty cool, huh? You should spend at least 4-6 hours finding more and more keywords. This could be a little boring for some people, but you’ll spend the next couple of months (or years) doing SEO and if you do it for the wrong keywords it will be a complete waste of time.

Get as many keywords from WordTracker as you can and add them to your existing list.

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

continued on pg. 17

Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


Search EngineOptimization Series

Let’s use WebCEO now.

It works pretty much the same way as the previous two applications, but each of these keyword tools gets data from different sources so it’s always smart to use more than one tool.

Note that you can add keywords from a file, so feel free to import the list of keywords we have so far to get more suggestions.

You can also use the option “1. Explore Niche” of the WebCEO software, which will see what keywords your competitors are using and will give you more ideas for your own research: This is a great tool to sneak up on your competitors and get some great competitive insights.

Keyword Discovery is a great (and paid) keyword research application; if budget is not an issue, by all means get a subscription, but you can definitely do a great keyword research job without it.

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

continued on pg. 18

Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


Search EngineOptimization Series

Keep this in mind: the Google Tool works best when you enter one keyword at a time. If you want to find more keywords related to “tango festival”, search for that keyword only. If you put it on a list with 10 other keywords, you will find a lot less keywords related to “tango festival”.

The diagram above shows you how you always start your keyword discovery phase from broad keywords (not too specific to what you offer but a high search volume) and you move toward long-tail keywords (less searches but very specific and more relevant to your offer).

This is the second phase (keyword discovery) process in a nutshell:

1. Run your seed list of keywords through Google Keywords Tool.

2. Add to the basket all the relevant keywords.

3. Write down (on a piece of paper) the most relevant keywords so you can do further research later. I wrote down “learn tango”, “tango classes”, “tango lessons”, “tango argentina”, “tango studio”, “tango travel”, “tango school”, “tango tours” and “tango instruction.”

4. Do the same thing with WebCEO and WordTracker. Add the relevant keywords to the Google Tool basket and write down more ideas on the piece of paper. 5. Now that you have a list of keywords in your basket and a list of keywords on your paper list, dig deeper into all of the keywords you wrote down on the paper to find more related keywords. Do it one at a time using the Google Keyword Tool and add all the new findings to the basket. For example, if you run the tool for “learn tango”, Google will show these words: “learn to tango”, “learn argentine tango”, “learn how to tango”, “learn to dance tango”, etc. Add all these to the basket and move on to the second keyword: “tango classes”.

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

continued on pg. 19

Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


Search EngineOptimization Series

Some of the keywords you should go after are: Company name (e.g., Best Buy)

Generic names of products (e.g., digital cameras, flat screen TVs, etc.) Products + attributes (e.g., affordable digital cameras, pocket-size digital cameras, etc.) Brand names (e.g., Sony digital cameras)

Models (e.g., Sony DSC50 digital camera)

Specials (e.g., digital camera free shipping)

Event-related keywords (e.g., Father’s Day gifts)

Product uses (e.g., corporate gifts, efficient-cooking products, etc.)

Action keywords (e.g., buy digital cameras)

Research keywords (e.g., Sony DSC50 reviews)

Problem-related keywords (e.g., how to lose weight)

If you want to be successful at SEO, you need to understand the buying cycle. Let’s say you have a car dealership in Seattle, WA. You don’t want to go after the keyword “car.” It’s extremely difficult, and people might be searching for that term for any of a multitude of reasons, including:

They want to know what a car is

They want to learn how a car operates

They might be searching for Central African Republic (CAR) or the California Association of Realtors (CAR)

They are looking for photos of cars

They like cars but don’t have the money to buy one

They are looking to buy a car

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

continued on pg. 20

Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


Search EngineOptimization Series

Even if the last option is the right one, it doesn’t mean that they are your market.

They might be looking to buy used cars and you sell new cars

They might be looking to buy a Ford and you sell Chrysler

They might be in Miami, FL and you are in Seattle, WA

A very small percentage of people performing online searches are ready to buy, and these people go through a cycle like this:

Search What They Are Thinking

cars “What cars are there in the market?”

used cars “I know I want a used car, but which one?”

used Ford cars “I know I want a used Ford, but which one?”

Ford Taurus reviews “This car looks nice, let’s see what other people think about it”

Ford dealerships in Seattle “People seem to love this car. I’m going to go for a test drive”

When you do SEO (especially if you are on a budget) you have to start from the bottom and work your way up. If you had a Ford car dealership in Seattle, you should start working on “Seattle car dealership,” “Seattle Ford dealership,” “Seattle cars,” etc., and once you have top 3 positions for these keywords you can start working on ranking for “Ford Taurus reviews” and “used Ford cars.”

In this case it probably wouldn’t make a lot of sense to try to rank for “used cars” if you can serve only the Seattle area. But if you are or (two of the most popular car marketplaces in the US) and can serve the whole American market, by all means go for those broad keywords, because they are going to bring you huge loads of traffic.

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

continued on pg. 21

Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


Search EngineOptimization Series

Step 3: Search Volume, Relevancy and Score

By now you should have anywhere between 100 and 1,000 keywords (unless you have thousands of products, in which case you’ll probably have a few times that much).

We are going to use Google Keyword Tool to get an idea how many searches each of those keywords has.

First export all the keywords in your basket to a TXT file:

Copy all of them from the TXT file, paste them in the box at the top and set the options as shown in the image below.

Hit the Get keyword ideas button.

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

continued on pg. 22

Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


Search EngineOptimization Series

In order to get more accurate search volume data, choose Exact Match instead of Broad.

Go to the bottom of the page and export the keywords to an Excel CSV file.

Tip: Try removing the second and third columns and keep only the “Keywords” and “Global Monthly Search Volume” columns.

Then add two more columns: Relevancy and Score. The relevancy is a grade from 0 to 100 that you can use to arbitrarily give to each keyword based on how likely people searching for that term are to buy your products/services. For example, you may give “tango” a 10 and “tango tours to Buenos Aires” a 100. And the formula for the score is:

Total Searches * Relevancy / 100

So if a keyword has 1,000 searches and you gave it a relevancy score of 50, the formula would look like this:

1,000 * 50 / 100 = 500

This formula is useful because it takes into consideration the two most important factors to choose keywords: relevancy and search volume.

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

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Search EngineOptimization Series

This is what the spreadsheet looks like after sorting the results by Score.

Search Type of Keywords Volume Relevancy Score Comments KW

tango 6,120,000 10 612,000 Too broad 1

tango argentino 165,000 40 66,000 Spanish Keyword. 2 My market is US.

argentine tango 110,000 50 55,000 Maybe just doing research 1

dance tango 135,000 40 54,000 Too broad 1

buenos aires tango 49,500 70 34,650 Good KW. Maybe doing 1 research, maybe ready to buy.

tango music 90,500 30 27,150 Too broad M

argentina tango 49,500 50 24,750 Maybe just doing research 1

tango argentina 49,500 50 24,750 Good KW. Maybe doing 2 research, maybe ready to buy.

tangos 201,000 10 20,100 Too broad M

tango lesson 33,100 50 16,550 Good KW. Indicates buying 1 intention, but where?

tango argentin 27,100 50 13,550 Good KW. Maybe doing M research, maybe ready to buy.

tango lessons 22,200 50 11,100 Good KW. Indicates buying 1 intention, but where?

tango dancing 27,100 40 10,840 Too broad 2

tango club 49,500 20 9,900 Not relevant, we’re not a M tango club

the tango 90,500 10 9,050 Too broad M

tango festival 40,500 20 8,100 We don’t offer a festival M

learn tango 12,100 60 7,260 Good KW. Indicates buying 1 intention, but where?

tango milonga 18,100 30 5,430 Not relevant M

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

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Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


Search EngineOptimization Series

Search Type of Keywords Volume Relevancy Score Comments KW

how to tango 9,900 50 4,950 OK KW. Looking for online 2 tutorials?

tango classes 8,100 60 4,860 Very good keyword? Looking 1 for local classes or Argentina?

learn to tango 8,100 50 4,050 Learn from where? Online, 2 from a DVD, from a teacher?

tango steps 12,100 30 3,630 Not relevant M

tango travel 3,600 80 2,880 Very relevant keyword! 1 Travel where?

argentinian tango 5,400 50 2,700 Doing research or looking 2 for a tour and lessons?

tango argentinian 5,400 50 2,700 Doing research or looking 2 for a tour and lessons?

the tango lesson 6,600 40 2,640 Not relevant M

tango class 4,400 60 2,640 Very good keyword? Looking 2 for local classes or Argentina?

tango studio 4,400 60 2,640 Very good keyword? Looking 2 for local classes or Argentina?

dance argentine 3,600 60 2,160 Doing research or looking 2tango for a tour and lessons?

tango buenos 2,900 70 2,030 Very relevant 2 aires argentina

ballroom tango 6,600 30 1,980 Not relevant M

dance the tango 6,600 30 1,980 Not relevant M

argentine tango 2,400 80 1,920 Extremely relevant. 2 lessons

argentine tango 3,600 50 1,800 Doing research or looking 2dance for a tour and lessons?

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

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Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


Search EngineOptimization Series

Search Type ofKeywords Volume Relevancy Score Comments KW

argentine tango 2,900 60 1,740 Doing research or looking 2dancing for a tour and lessons?

tango de argentina 3,600 40 1,440 Doing research or looking M for a tour and lessons?

learn tango dance 2,400 60 1,440 Relevant. Learn where? How? 2

tango argentina 2,400 60 1,440 Misspelled. 2 buenos

tango in argentina 1,900 70 1,330 Very relevant. Research or 2 buying KW?

tango schoo 1,900 70 1,330 Local or maybe in Argentina? 2

tango dancers 6,600 20 1,320 Not relevant M

tango tour 1,600 80 1,280 Very relevant. Tour to where? 2

aires argentina tango 2,400 50 1,200 Misspelled. M

argentine tango music 2,900 40 1,160 Doing research or looking M for a tour and lessons?

tango dance lessons 1,900 60 1,140 Local or maybe in Argentina? 2

modern tango 3,600 30 1,080 Not relevant M

tango ballet 3,600 30 1,080 Not relevant M

tango tours 1,300 80 1,040 Very relevant. Tour to where? 2

argentine tango lesson 1,600 60 960 In Argentina or Argentine 2 Tango lesson somewhere else?

learn to dance tango 1,900 50 950 Learn how? M tango dancer 4,400 20 880 Not relevant M

tango en argentina 1,600 50 800 Spanish Keyword. 2 My market is US.

the argentine tango 2,400 30 720 Research keyword maybe? M

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

continued on pg. 26

Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


Search EngineOptimization Series

Search Type ofKeywords Volume Relevancy Score Comments KW

tango lessons 720 100 720 Extremely relevant. 2 buenos aires

learn argentine tango 880 70 616 Where? How? 2

escuela argentina 1,000 60 600 Relevant KW but in Spanish. 2 de tango We’re after the US market.

learn how to tango 1,000 60 600 Learn how? 2

learning tango 1,000 60 600 Learn how? 2

tango dance lesson 1,000 60 600 Online lessons, CD, DVD, 2 local or in Argentina maybe?

tango instruction 1,000 60 600 Where? How? 2

argentina tango dance 1,600 30 480 Research keyword maybe? M

tango dance argentina 1,600 30 480 Not relevant M

tango lessons argentina 480 100 480 Extremely relevant. 2

argentine tango classes 720 60 432 Where? How? 2

argentina tango lessons 480 90 432 Where? How? 2

learn the tango 720 50 360 Where? How? 2

professional 720 50 360 Research keyword maybe? 2 argentine tango

tango academy 720 50 360 Located where? 2

tango dance classes 720 50 360 Where? How? 2

tango events 720 50 360 Where? What kind of events? 2

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

continued on pg. 27

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Search EngineOptimization Series

Search Type of Keywords Volume Relevancy Score Comments KW

tango holiday 590 60 354 Relevant. Holidays where? 2

tango holidays 590 60 354 Relevant. Holidays where? 2

argentina tango show 480 70 336 Very relevant, although our 2 market isn’t shows but lessons

tango dances 1,600 20 320 Not relevant M

tango classes 320 100 320 Extremely relevant. 2 buenos aires

argentina tango music 1,000 30 300 Research keyword maybe? M

tango of argentina 590 50 295 Research keyword maybe? 2

tango dancing lessons 480 60 288 Where? How? 2

ballroom dance tango 1,300 20 260 Not relevant M

argentina tango lesson 260 100 260 Extremely relevant. 2

tango dance class 390 50 195 Where? How? 2

tango schools 390 50 195 Where? 2

argentinean tango 590 30 177 Research keyword maybe? M

tango argentinean 590 30 177 Research keyword maybe? M

tango from argentina 590 30 177 Research keyword maybe? M

tangos argentina 880 20 176 Not relevant M

tango trip 260 60 156 Trip to where? 2

tango school 140 100 140 Extremely relevant. 2 buenos aires

tango tour 140 100 140 Extremely relevant. 2 buenos aires

tango tours 140 100 140 Extremely relevant. 2 buenos aires

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

continued on pg. 28

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Search Type of Keywords Volume Relevancy Score Comments KW

argentine tango video 1,000 10 100 Not relevant M

tango vacations 140 70 98 Vacations where? 2

tango instructions 480 20 96 Not relevant M

argentine tango school 91 100 91 Extremely relevant. 2

tango school buenos 140 60 84 Misspelled. 2

argentine tango instruction 260 30 78 Not relevant. M

tango vacation 110 70 77 Vacations where? 2 tango dance instruction 210 30 63 Where? How? M

argentina tango dancers 590 10 59 Not relevant M

tango chicago 40,500 0 - We are not in Chicago M

tango shoes 40,500 0 - We don’t sell shoes M

tango video 40,500 0 - We don’t have videos on the site M

tango videos 18,100 0 - We don’t have videos on the site M

tango clips 1,300 0 - Not relevant M

For now, don’t pay attention to the last column. The Comments column is included above so you can see the underlying thought process when assigning a relevancy value to each of the keywords; you don’t need to include that column in your spreadsheet.

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

continued on pg. 29

Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


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Step 4: Choosing the Primary Keywords, Secondary Keywords and Keywords Modifiers

Although the formula used above is very useful, ultimately you have to make your own decisions using your market knowledge and common sense.

Our goal is to choose 5-10 primary keywords, 20-60 secondary keywords and a few keyword modifiers.

Primary keywords: the keywords with the best score. These are highly relevant and have a large search volume. How to tell if a keyword is a primary keyword? Easy; if you are first on Google for one of the primary keywords you choose, your business will do great even if you don’t do any other kind of marketing. If a keyword follows into this category, it’s a primary keyword. If you were first on Google for “tango”, a term with over 6 million searches, you’d get about 2 million unique visitors per month and 2,000 new customers per month at a 0.1% conversion rate. That’s how you know that’s a primary keyword.

Secondary keywords: these are keywords with lower search volume but extremely relevant, or keywords that are good but not good enough to be primary keywords. If you are getting started with SEO or you don’t have a big budget, don’t choose more than 3-5 primary keywords because you will be spreading too thin instead of focusing efforts. Sometimes deciding if a keyword will be primary or secondary is an arbitrary decision and the only way to know if it was a good decision is to test both and see which one has the highest conversion rate. For now, though, go with your instinct; it’s a lot more reliable than any keyword research tool.

Keyword modifiers: these are words that could go before, after or in the middle of a primary or secondary keyword. For example, one of the secondary keywords used in this case study is “tango vacations.” One of the modifiers could be “in Argentina” (as in “tango vacations in Argentina”) or “affordable” (as in “affordable tango vacations”).

Now take a look at the last column of the spreadsheet and you’ll see 1s, 2s and Ms. Those are the indicators for primary keywords, secondary keywords and keyword modifiers, respectively.

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

continued on pg. 30

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These are the main keywords:


Tango argentine tango dance tango buenos aires tango argentina tango tango lesson tango lessons learn tango tango classes tango travel These are the secondary keywords:

tango argentino tango argentina tango dancing how to tango learn to tango argentinian tango tango argentinian tango class tango studio dance argentine tango tango buenos aires argentina argentine tango lessons argentine tango dance argentine tango dancing learn tango dance tango argentina buenos tango in argentina tango school tango tour tango dance lessons tango tours argentine tango lesson tango en argentina tango lessons buenos aires learn argentine tango escuela argentina de tango learn how to tango learning tango

tango dance lesson tango instruction tango lessons argentina argentine tango classes argentina tango lessons learn the tango professional argentine tango tango academy tango dance classes tango events tango holiday tango holidays argentina tango show tango classes buenos aires tango of argentina tango dancing lessons argentina tango lesson tango dance class tango schools tango trip tango school buenos aires tango tour buenos aires tango tours buenos aires tango vacations argentine tango school tango school buenos tango vacation

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

continued on pg. 31

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Now, for the modifiers, you have to “process” the list and break it down into three smaller lists: Beginning (at the beginning of the keyword), Middle (in the middle of the keyword) and End (at the end of the keyword).

This is a sample list of keyword modifiers:


Ballroom ballroom tango dance the dance the tango Modern modern tango learn to dance learn to dance tango Argentinean argentinean tango Middle

- - End

Music tango music Club tango club Festival tango festival Milonga tango milonga Steps tango steps de argentina tango de argentina Dancers tango dancers Ballet tango ballet from argentina tango from argentina Video tango video Instructions tango instructions Shoes tango shoes clips tango clips

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

continued on pg. 32

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In this case there weren’t Middle modifiers, but if we were selling used cars, “used Ford cars” would be a nice keyword and “Ford” would be a Middle modifier.

The second column shows how these modifiers should be used in the content we are going to create.

Some common modifiers:

Attributes (e.g., free, affordable, cheap, used, high-end, professional, etc.) Intention (e.g., buy, purchase, order, etc.)

Online (as in “buy an iPod online”) Local markets (e.g., web designer in Alabama, in Colorado, in Seattle, etc.)

Specific market segments (e.g., immigration lawyers, divorce lawyers, web design for realtors, web design for attorneys, etc.)

Congratulations, you’ve finished your keyword research! Sure, it was a lot of work, but every second you’ve spent doing keyword research will pay off big time down the road.

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

continued on pg. 33

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Chapter’s Summary

Keyword research is extremely important; spend as much time as you need to get it right.

Choose keywords according to their search volume and relevancy. Don’t worry about how competitive they are. A competitive keyword just means that you’ll have to work harder and it will take a little longer.

Head keywords are broad and have high search volumes; long-tail keywords are a lot more specific and have lower search volumes.

If you want to make the most out of your SEO campaign, you need to understand the buying process and how people research and buy online.

Get together with your team and brainstorm keyword ideas. Create your seed list of keywords.

Use the Google Keyword Tool to add relevant keywords to your basket.

On a piece of paper, write down the keywords you need to dig deeper to find their variations. Use Google Keyword Tool, WordTracker and WebCEO to get ideas.

Dig deeper into these keywords and come up with variations. Add these to the basket too.

Find out the search volume for each keyword. Assign a relevancy value and calculate the score of each keyword.

Choose your primary keywords, secondary keywords and keyword modifiers.

Chapter 2: Keyword Research

Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


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In order to outrank your competitors in Google, you need to beat them in these areas:

Indexed pages

Incoming links

Incoming links with the anchor text matching the keyword you want to rank for

Site age

Domain PageRank

Page optimization

If you beat your competitors in all those areas, you are 90% likely to rank above them. There are some factors that could prevent this from happening, though, such as:

You have duplicate content issues

Your website structure is less than optimal

Your internal linking structure is horrible

The incoming links you have are from low-quality sites or link farms

Your incoming links are coming from sites that aren’t related to the topic of your site

You don’t have enough content around the keyword you want to rank for

You don’t have at least one page optimized for that keyword

Chapter 3: What Does It Take to Be First

continued on pg. 35

Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


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Is this too technical? Don’t worry. This book will explain all these things so even a 5-year old can understand them.

First, let’s explore how you can find out each of these pieces of information. Then we’ll go over the process of retrieving all this data for your website and the five highest ranking websites for the keywords you are trying to rank.

Number of Indexed Pages

You can figure out how many pages on your site the search engines indexed by doing a search. The syntax is different for Google, Yahoo and Bing. This is how it works:

Use Google for the preliminary report you create.

Chapter 3: What Does It Take to Be First?

continued on pg. 36

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Incoming Links

To find out how many websites link to yours, Yahoo Site Explorer is the best tool out there. Let’s see it in action.

Make sure you set it up the way it’s shown above. This domain has 16,840 incoming links. Work hard to get more (and better) incoming links than your competitors. By better, this means generating the following types of incoming links:

From higher-authority sites

From sites that are related to yours

Links with the right anchor text (more information about anchor text below)

Incoming Links with Anchor Text Matching the Keyword You Want to Rank For

In case you don’t know what anchor text is, here’s an example:

The text in blue is a link. The anchor text is the text in the link. In this case, the anchor text is “an exclusive community forum.”

How can you check how many links pointing to your site have the right anchor text? For a useful paid tool, try SEOmoz Backlink Analysis (Membership is required, but their service is awesome.). But if you want a free tool, Aaron Wall’s Backlink Analyzer is great, too.

So why is it important to get as many links as possible with the right anchor text? Because if you wanted to rank for the keyword “dry cleaner in Seattle,” you’d rather have only 100 links if 70% of them have “dry cleaner in Seattle” in the anchor text than 1,000 links if only 1% of them have that anchor text.

Chapter 3: What Does It Take to Be First?

continued on pg. 37

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Site Age

SEO for Firefox is a useful tool. As you could tell by its name, it’s a Firefox add-on. By the way, if you don’t have Firefox, download it now! It’s crucial for SEO.

Let’s do a Google search for the keyword “pet gadgets.”

The first two websites are from February of 2003.

Chapter 3: What Does It Take to Be First?

continued on pg. 38

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Domain PageRank

We are going to get this information from the same search we did before.

The first website has a PageRank (PR) of 4 and the second one has a PR of 1. Page Optimization

It’s really hard to rank for a keyword for which you have no optimized content. We will learn later in this book how you can optimize a page and a site to rank for a given keyword. For now, just make sure you understand that if you don’t optimize a page for a certain keyword, ranking for it will take a lot more work.

Chapter 3: What Does It Take to Be First?

continued on pg. 39

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Take Action

Now that you understand how you can get all the information, it’s time to put together a chart like the one below for each of your primary keywords.

tango tours Incoming Indexed # of matching Site Page Links Pages anchor texts age Rank My site 20 8 12 02-09 1 159 79 347 07-02 2 209,000 44,200 522 08-05 8 559 38 1,076 12-04 3 2,450 669 254 03-99 3 66 22 43 09-04 2 Remember that you need to create a chart like this for each primary keyword for which you want to rank.

The chart above has dummy data, but it’s good enough for this case study. Let’s analyze each metric:

Incoming links: You (“my site”) have a lot fewer incoming links than your competitors. You have to get a lot more.

Indexed pages: You have a lot fewer indexed pages too. You need to get more pages indexed.

Number of matching anchor texts: The site has only 12 links pointing to site from external sites with the anchor text “tango tours.” You should get a lot more.

Site age: Your site is a lot younger that your competitors’. There’s not much that can be done here. You’ll just have to get more and better links, and more pages indexed.

PageRank: Is lower than all the top 5 ranking sites. PageRank can be increased by getting more links.

Chapter 3: What Does It Take to Be First?

continued on pg. 40

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So, What Should You Do Now?

There are three things you need to do to outrank competitors:

Optimize current and future content (more information in the next chapter) Get a lot of great links

Create more optimized content and get it indexed

Chapter’s Summary

You need to uncover the PageRank, Number of Indexed Pages, Number of Incoming Links, Number of Incoming Links with Right Anchor Text, and Age Site for your site and the 5 sites ranking at the top for your primary keywords (you can do it for the 10 top rankings if you want).

You need to beat your competitors in all these areas (or as many as possible).

You also need to have optimized content for each of the keywords you want to rank, because if you have one million pages indexed, one million incoming links, and you want to rank for “tango tours” with a soccer site, it’s not going to happen. We will address onsite optimization and content creation in the subsequent book in this SEO series.

Chapter 3: What Does It Take to Be First?

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Appendix A:

SEO Cheat-Sheet

Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


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SEObook Rank Checker amazing Firefox extension allows you to check your search engine rankings in seconds. Just enter your website URL, the keywords, and find out your positions for Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

SEO for Firefox tool is awesome. It lets you see relevant data about the best ranked websites for a given keyword. Once you understand why others are ranking so well, you can copy their strategy.

SEObook Toolbar great tool from Aaron Wall. It shows you very useful information such as PageRank, incoming links, and traffic data.

Keyword Difficulty Tool tool allows you to check how difficult it will be to rank for a certain keyword.

Page Analyzer tool allows you to check several vital metrics at once.

Keyword Density Analyzer keyword density tool. This is another Keyword Density Analyzer tool.

Visual PageRank Tool great way to see the PageRank of all the pages on your website.

Backlink Checker most powerful free backlink tool available.

Keyword Competition Check Tool will love this one. Enter the keyword you want to rank for and you can see an analysis of your top 10 competitors.

Robots.txt Generator this tool to control what pages you want the search engines to index from your website.

CopyScape useful service that allows you to check and avoid duplicate content.

Appendix B:

SEO Tools

continued on pg. 43

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NameBoy your keywords in the URL of your website is very important. This cool application suggests available domains based on the keywords for which you want to rank.

Search Engine Optimization Analysis Tool great way to analyze your pages and improve them for the search engines.

Search Engine Spider Simulator tool shows you a website just like the search engines see it.

Backlink Builder useful backlink tool. Enter a keyword and it returns a list of websites where you can list your own site and get valuable backlinks.

Backlink Summary who is linking to your competitors and ask them for links too.

Google Keyword Tool down, the best free keyword tool available. Find related keywords and find out the search volume of several keywords at once.

PageRank Search search results by PageRank. Very cool.

SEOmoz SEO Tools the best collection of SEO tools in the market. Some of them are paid but most are free.

Appendix B:

SEO Tools

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SEO for Firefox A useful tool that pulls data research right into Yahoo’s and Google’s search results and includes some of the following features:

Page links – Shows estimated total number of links pointing to pages in Yahoo Cached – Shows how many sites in Google are indexed Provides Alexa site rankings Gives PR stats (Google PageRank) Bloglines – check out how many people are subscribed to certain blogs

SearchStatus 1.30 Displays Google PageRank, Compete Ranking, Alexa Rank and SEOmoz

Linkscape mozRank in browser Includes backward/related links Fast keyword density analyzer

SeoQuake Allows users/web developers to view large number of SE parameters

on the internet SEO Toolbar – Parameters shown in separate toolbar in browser SEObar – Shows values of parameters of web pages currently opened

in browser Inclusion of parameters in SERPs (customized by users)

Page Speed Used to evaluate web page performance Web sites run faster – runs diagnostic tests Reduces hosting costs and bandwidth Performs tests on front-end code and web server configuration

SEOpen Yahoo and Google backlinks Alexa traffic and backlinks Page size and PR checker HTML validator

yExplore Quickly accesses Yahoo Site explorer

Niche Watch Tool 1.0 Analyzes niche keyword competition Gives backlink numbers, indexed pages, all in anchor, and page ranks Builds high PR links – gain better search engine placement

Appendix C:

The Best Firefox Add-Ons for SEO

continued on pg. 45

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Firebug Includes web development tools Allows you to inspect and edit HTML Monitor and debug CSS and Javascript in live web pages Find and edit DOM (Direct Object Model) quickly

X-Ray 0.9 Allows you to easily see how site was created View tags on web pages without seeing source codes Displays class and ID names

Web Developer 1.1.8 Includes many web developer tools Adds toolbars and menu to browser

User Agent Switch 0.7.2 Adds toolbar and menu buttons to switch user agent of browser Allows access to sites that restrict access

Google Global over 20 features - views paid and organic searches from any location across the globe:

Cities Regions IP addresses US zip codes Different languages

Alexa Sparky Shows Alexa information in your status bar Provides Reach and Rank data about the sites you surf Users can view web traffic metrics Find out what sites are more popular than others Allows you to web surf more efficiently – finds related links/sites Won’t interrupt your web browsing

LinkChecker 0.6.3 Checks validity of site links Tool button can be added on browser for easier access Uses color coding to highlight bad versus good links

Appendix C:

The Best Firefox Add-Ons for SEO

Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


Search EngineOptimization Series

Probably after reading this book you realized that SEO is a lot of work and you don’t want to do it yourself. If that’s the case, you didn’t waste your time reading this book. You now know a lot about SEO and can keep your team on track. Luckily, there are also a lot of excellent SEOs out there too. But, how do you choose the right one?

Understand What You Need and What Your Budget Can Buy If I told you that I bought my last car for $10,000, would you think that it was cheap or expensive? There’s no way to know unless I told what car I bought, right? It’s the same way with SEO. You can’t just compare two companies based on price only. That’s like saying that a $5,000 brand new Mercedes Benz is a worse deal than a $4,000 used Ford Taurus just because it’s $1,000 cheaper. There are SEO agencies for all kinds of clients. These are the three main segments:

Premium Agencies ($10,000+ per Month) Pros: they have several SEOs and they’ve worked with huge websites and in extremely competitive markets. Cons: extremely expensive for the average company.

Medium-Sized Agencies ($1,000-$10,000 per Month) Pros: affordable for average companies. Several years of experience in very competitive markets. Cons: maybe a little bit expensive for some startups. They won’t do such a great job if you are in an extremely competitive industry.

Solo SEOs ($500 - $1,500 per Month) Pros: very affordable. Cons: most SEOs that charge this little are not that great. There are some exceptions, of course.

Any of the options above is a good one. Analyze where your business is at the moment and decide what kind of agency you need to hire.

Now I’m going to tell you who you DON’T have to hire:

SEOs that “guarantee” you’ll be on the first page.

Agencies that charge less than $500/month for their services. In this industry more than many others, you get what you pay for.

Appendix D:

How to Outsource Your SEO

continued on pg. 47

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Ask for Results Ask every SEO agency you are evaluating for a list of top 3 Google rankings. They should be able to provide you with at least 50 top 3 rankings for competitive keywords. If they show you that they took a client to the first position for “red and blue table supplier in Denver, CO”, you know what to do.

Ask for References The best SEO agencies will be happy to give you the contact information of at least 3 clients. Call them and ask them about their experience with the agency. Ask for specifics. “They are really cool” means nothing. Ask them how much their traffic increased, about their rankings and how responsive the agency is when they have problems.

Ask About Their Tactics After reading this book you should have a pretty clear idea of what is good SEO. Ask the agencies you are considering about their approach to SEO. If it’s slightly different to the one in this book, that’s OK. All SEOs have different tactics and do things in different order. Ask them if they are going to be creating content for you and what link building tactics they are going to use. Ask these questions in person or over the phone because if you send an email, they have time to do some research. You don’t want them to experiment new tactics with you; you want them to know exactly what they’re going to do for you.

Do They Speak “Geeky Language” or Business Language? Do they talk about organic traffic and rankings only or do they also talk about revenues, profit and sales? The best SEOs are business people and understand that it’s all about business, not rankings.

Appendix D:

How to Outsource Your SEO

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StomperNet - – The best SEO blog out there. They have a great SEO training program:

SEOmoz – – Another excellent SEO blog. They have an amazing SEO training program in DVD:

Search Engine Watch - - SEO blog

Search Engine Land - - SEO blog

Top Rank Blog - - Internet marketing blog

Search Engine Guide - - SEO blog

Search Engine Journal - - SEO blog

StartupNation Marketing -

Let’s Do It! – - This is The Outsourcing Company blog. Don’t forget to subscribe to get an update every time a new article is posted.

Appendix E: Best SEO Resources

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Now you know keyword research and competitive analysis. This is great. But nothing will happen until you DO something. Only a handful of people who learn about SEO actually apply what they have learned. Do your keyword research and identify what you need to do to outrank your competitors. In the next book you’ll learn how to optimize your website and create killer content.

See you there!


Copyright © 2009 StartupNation, LLC and Zeke Camusio. All rights reserved.


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About Zeke Camusio I’m a serial entrepreneur and Internet Marketing geek. I started six Internet-based companies; four of them made a lot of money, two didn’t. I will probably start and grow another 20 companies before I die. I just can’t help it. Every time I try to retire, I get bored. I’m 26 years old and live in Aspen, Colorado, one of the most beautiful places in the world.

My current company is called The Outsourcing Company, It’s an Internet Marketing agency with offices in Aspen, CO and New York.

I write an Internet Marketing blog called Let’s Do It!, If you haven’t subscribed already, do it now!

You can also follow me on

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You can email me at

I want to know what you think about this book, so please shoot me an email. If you liked it, please tell me why. If you think there’s something I could’ve done better, tell me that too. If you need someone who can take care of your SEO, shoot me an email. We aren’t always accepting new clients, but we open our doors to new clients once in a while.

It was great meeting you and I’m thrilled that you’re going to be at the top of Google.

To the growth of your business,

