StartupSofa - Discovering the Right Startup Ideas for You

Post on 13-Sep-2014

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Unearth your background, expertise, experiences, and unique personality and strengths to figure you with founder Cory Miller of Startup Sofa.


Discovering the Right Startup Idea for You

First things first ...

Finding the right startup for you

Know thyself

Myers-Briggs Test

What expertise and experiences do you have?

What are your passions, hobbies and interests?

What opportunities and ideas do you see for you?

Is it a product or service?

What is your compelling vision?

What is your experiment to test?

What are you trying to change?Make better?What itch are you scratching?What Kool-Aid are you making?Is it something you want to drink?Why do you think it’ll work?

Who are your ideal customers?Are there enough of them?Is there an actual demand for it?Are they willing to pay?Can your target be reached effectively?Who are your main competitors?What are their features, pricing, models?

Getting realistic

Are you really interested in this?

What resources do you need?

Can you bootstrap it yourself?

Are all systems go?