State religion was Zoroastrianism. Religious:. Practiced respect and tolerance for non-Persian...

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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• State religion was Zoroastrianism.


• Practiced respect and tolerance for non-Persian traditions. • Not concerned with converting conquered people.

Art & Architecture:• Royal Road

connected the cities, and like the sea did for Greeks, it promoted trade.

• Borrowed art from conquered peoples.

• Greatest achievement; “the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.”

• Created the first batteries (Baghdad Battery)

Technology and Science:

• Stimulated trade by introducing a uniform system of gold and silver coinage.

• Long-distance trade due to political stability.

• Patriarchal society.

social stratification

MilitaryHigh honor; provided with special




King & Royal Family


TradersBusinesspersons who trade in commodities throughout the


CraftsmenManuel workers with specialized


PeasantsFarmers, either laborers or owners of small farms.

• Zoroastrianism forbids slavery.

• Very little slavery in the Persian Empire.

• Most people enjoyed freedom and basic civil rights.

• Specialized labor leads to greater social stratification.

• Truth in high esteem.

• Telling a lie was most disgraceful things a person could do.

• Women enjoyed social and legal freedom.

• Could rule if king died and prince was still a minor.

Rights of Women:

• Free to choose their spouse.

• Represent husband in court.

• Owned property.

• Could work and earned wages.

That concludes The Persian Empire.

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