State the 7 methods Giving Advantage and disadvantage of ... · Define Farlek Training (A01) Give...

Post on 17-Jul-2020

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State the 7 methods of training


Define Weight Training (A01)

Giving Advantage and disadvantage describe why an athlete would use

Weight (or resistance) training


Define continuous training


State an advantage of continuous training and

suggest a sport it would benefit the most


State an disadvantage of continuous training and

suggest a sport it would not benefit from this type of



Define Interval Training


Evaluate whether a 50M Front Crawl Competitive swimmer should use a combination of interval and

weight training to improve their performance.

Contiue on next page if needed

Evaluate whether a 50M Front Crawl Competitive swimmer should use a combination of interval and

weight training to improve their performance.

What does the swedish work Fartlek mean?


Define Farlek Training (A01)

Give two advantages and two disadvantages of fartlek and suggest

two different types of athlete that would use it.

Sarah is a middle age women who is looking to get into shape.

Explain the advantages and dissadvatge of Sarah taking fitness classes.


Name 5 different types of fitness

classes (A01)

State a fitness class that would increase an individuals



Define Circuit Training (A01)

Miriam wants to increase her fitness for netball. Her teacher suggests

circuit training would be an appropriate method to use.

(a) State two advantages of using

(b) Miriam is following a six week circuit training

programme to improve her fitness for netball. Table 4 shows her fitness test results collected during her six

week training programme.

(i) Analyse the data in Table 4 to determine the trends for each fitness test

(ii) Justify one circuit station for Miriam in order to optimise her performance in netball.

Define Plyometrics


Explain the disadvantages of Plyometrics


Explain the Advatages of Plyometrics
