State's Exhibit 210 - PH January 7, 2004

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Wednesday, January 7, 2004


3:14 a.m. Naomie's Testimony of What

Happened Through the Night

It was 10:25 p.m. the last timeI

got throughreporting to you. You were in your chair. You

got up and got readyfor bed and got into bed.

Sent Ida out.

Yes. I got ready for bed and came out of the

bathroom at about 10:45 p.m. I asked you where

you wanted me. You said, "Wherever you dare

get." I felt impressed to stay on the floor. I got a

blanket and just laid down. You went right

unconscious after that. First you said something

like, "It looks like I am going to have send

everyone back to Short Creek. "

That was before I went unconscious.

Yes. You went unconscious shortly after that.

At 11:00 0 'clock p.m. your body trembled. You

twisted over in the bed. It wasn't as severe as it

was in the chair. Then you went very still until

11 :30 p.m. You sat up on your elbow for aboutfive

minutes. As you were laying back down you said,

"Oh, my. Oh, my. What is happening to me? What

is ha enin to me?" Then ou said. "I am

yearningfor Zion, yearning to bring a people who

are trained and who are Zion that will come back

into the presence of God. " You sighed and

groaned again and said, "Is there no one? Is there

no one here? Is there no one among this people

that is prepared?" You groaned again and sighed.

Then you went very still again. It was like you

were being shown something. I am sure you are,

you were. I know you walk and talk with God. He

shows you the things He wants done.

Until midnight you were very quiet and still.Then you sat up on your elbow again. For about

twenty minutes you were like that, up on your

elbow. You said, "There is so much work to be

done here at this place and also at R17. Most of

the people are there. I am yearning the Lord to

show me what to do, how to establish that place,

how to train the people that they will believe. I can

see that having Merril Jessop there will be a great

strength to all the people, for he is very converted

to this. He recognizes the great weight that is upon

me. I need the Lord to handle his wife Carolyn,

remove her that he may put his full time and

attention into this project. He has the faith that it

will be done. He is seeking diligently to unite his

family." You laid back down. You said, "I don't

know what is going to happen qfter this weekend.

My heart is just yearning for this people. I must

make this correction. All the Prophets are

pressing me. The Lord is pressing me to do it, that

there will be a chance for those who will prepare.

There is much good among the people. For the

elect's sake I will go forward, though it weighs

upon me so heavily. I can see I must get the

members of his family away from here today and

take them to R17. Oh, what are we becoming

here? What is happening to us?" Then you went

very quiet again and still. It was 12:45 a.m. by


At 1:00 0 'clock a.m. you again sat up on your

elbow. You kept saying, "Wow. Wow, what am I

seeing? This is amazing. This is amazing." Then

you laid back down after about ten minutes. Then

you said, "The Lord will prosper us at R17 if he

people will unite and join in fasting and prayer.

The Lord will soften the rock. He will blind the

eyes of he neighbors, make them forget what they

have seen. The laborers need to keep going, eat a

little, fast lightly and keep going. We will see what

e or oes or us. ewill prosper us. "

At 1: 30 a. m. you sighed and groaned that really

deep inward groan. You said, "Something is

happening to me. It feels like everything inside of

me is being ripped apart. Something is

happening. " At 1:40 a. m. you again sat up on your

elbow. You had taken the covers offof ou and told

me to turn off he heater. You said, "It is too hot in

here. " So I did. I turnedoff he heater. You stayed

sitting up for about a half hour, just up on oneelbow until 2:10 a.m. As you were laying down

you said, "Isee what must be done. Okay. Okay."

There was such a shining powerful brightness

surrounding you, surrounding this room. Again I

could feel father here so strong and I know there

were others here also with him showing you what

to do, telling you what to do.

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At 2:15 a.m. you said, "Oh, I yearn for this

people even unto pain, great pain, unto great

suffering. ] am so willing to atone that there might

be a few among them that will prepare for the

blessing the Lord has in store." You said, "The

Lord has not given us an impossible job, but He

does require us to reach unto Him. I need to learn

to reach further. Maybe it isjust me.

Maybe it isme holding everyone back. "

I know you are ready, Warren. Ifwe were all

like you, it wouldalready be done. At 2:30 a.m you

said, "] marvel at the Lord's patience with us. His

arm of mercy is stretched out still. We better

hasten andprepare, fo r the time is too short. After

this correction is made, great things will start

happening among the people. The Lord will send

me forth to deliver the honest in heart. So I see

what must be done today. I will go forward and do

it, though I will be stopped on every hand. TheLord will prosper us ifwe seek unto Him. He is my

strength. He is my guide. It is Him I seek to please.

I must know that I please Him. There are many

things He is showing me I must do. Many men's

hearts are being revealed. He is showing me who I

can use and who I cannot use. "

At 2:40 a.m. you said, "I am just seeking to

know, seeking diligently to know what the Lord

will have me do, where He will have me stay in

Shoh Creek ufie;Salm

day UJ "88/6 19JiJilfiiWCl

work there a couple ofmore times. "

At 2: 45 a. m. you sat up again on your elbow.

You sat there for a few minutes, just quiet. Then

you laid back down. Then you sat up again and

told me to go get you some bread and some aspirin.

I went out to get your bread and when I came back

in you were saying -- I didn't hear the first ofwhat

you said, but as I got closer to you, you were

saying, "The Lord is requiring me to make this

sacrifice of my family here. There is only a few

left." Last night you said you would be takingTammy and Margaret and the boys and Jen and

Joanne and Ora.

You said, "The First Presidency has had to

make the sacrifice of their family. I am yearning

unto the Lord that Uncle Fred can keep all of his

ladies that are here, that Wendell can too, that

none of hem will have to be sent away. The Lord

will reveal more to me as I accomplished the work

He has given me to do today." You said, "Wher

am I going to put them all there? That is th

question." Then after that you sat up on you

elbows. I gave you your bread and aspirin.

I know you know what we need, Warren, n

matter what we have to go through we are s

willing to do it. I know our tests are nothin

compared to what you are going through. Youtest is so much greater because your capacity is s

much greater. I rejoice in you and yearn to be


10:56 a.m. Training on the Places of Refuge

Given While Traveling to R17

Those present: President Warren S. Jeffs and

his ladies Sharon Jeffs andNaomie; his daughters

Shirley and Teressa; and and his son Raymond

I have just read from June 20 revelation the

started the recording. We keep a record of whhas been trained. And you must realize you ar

entering into a sacred covenant to not talk abou

these things unless I tell you to. Okay everyone

Do you all agree to that?

Response: Yes.

Alright. I am going to have Shirley kind oftur

this way and read this revelation. When I say stop

will talk a little about it. This is September 17. Al

of you noticed that I was gone a lot during th

SttftlfBef. Tlti lQrd s t ar t ed leading me all over thUnited States. He told me that our faithful peopl

will be driven from Short Creek and He starte

having me search for places where we coul

scatter and be protected. We call them places o


You are going to live on a place of refuge, an

this revelation is the Lord telling me what to do

You must understand it, that this is a step up tha

we are now going on to the redemption of Zion

The Lord will humble His people and allow them

to be driven and persecuted, and then He will show

me who of our people is worthy. He will nam

who ofour people can go on these places of refuge

And on these places of refuge we enter into the law

of the United Order in fulness, which means yo

are promising to live the first two grea

commandments unto perfection. And if you don't

just like you have seen some people come back, w

send them back to Short Creek if they don't obey

if they aren't prayerful enough. So many peopl

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have come, then I have had to send some away

because the Lord wouldn't bless us if they stayed.

So coming here doesn't mean you have everything

done, you have got to work hard and pray hard.

So listen to what she reads. I would read it incould. I will start it. It is hard to read while I drive.

Revelation Given to President Warren S. JeffsAt His Home in Hildale, Utah

Wednesday, September 17, 20031. Thus saith the Lord, even Jesus Christ,

your Redeemer unto you my servant, Warren


2. Verily, you are in mine hands, and

though you do not see all things now,

continue to trust in me; and I will lead you

whithersoever you should go, an d prepare a

way for your escape from the enemies ofmy


3. And though you will suffer at their

hands, yet I will be with you, an d nothing canstay my hand or hinder my purposes on the


4. I have sentyou to seekplaces o f efuge

A place ofrefuge is a place ofprotection that we

have to keep secret so that the wicked don't know

where we are to come and hurt us.

4. I have sent you to seekplaces of efuge

for my people, and for you my servant,

against the time of great persecutions and

sufferings, and I will open the way according

to yourjmm,jor me purchase a} these lands.

5. Seek unto me diligently, an d I will open

up the way for the monies to come into your


6. And these lands shall be mine, and

consecrated unto me as sacred places on

earth, for the faithful o fmy children.

So this is how the Lord will remove the

alfhearted, and the complainers and the criticizers

ho won' t become Zion. He will only

hose He names - He will send me to onlyHe names to a place of refuge and

He doesn't name will be left

So coming to a place of refuge, you are

going to redeem Zion. You are going to build

s. You can' t he naughty. You have to be good

And listen to what the Lord said:

7. An d all who dwell on my sacred lands

must abide the laws of he Celestial Kingdom,

even the order ofEnoch.

So you are entering into the fulness of theUnited Order.

8. For these places of refuge shall be

gathering places in preparation for going to

the center stake ofZion, even that place

Jackson County, Missouri,

8. ...which I have appointed through my

servant Joseph Smith Jr.

9. And as the wicked come against you

and my people, which I the Lord will allow as

a test, and a purification ofmy people, even

so shall I preserve the faithful;

So the Lord will allow this great driving and

persecution to come. Most of it will come from

among our people as the halfhearted fall away and

don't support me. The faithful will be taken to a

place of refuge. The Lord gives more training

about the redemption ofZion. Then He talks about

the places of refuge. Can you hear me? Okay.

15. Verily I say unto you my servant

Warren, visit these places of efuge again as I

shall lead you, and organize their

development as I shall reveal to you.

16. And put in store in those places the

necessaries of ife to preserve the lives ofmy


Who will be taken to these places?

16. ... they who shall come unto thee, my

servant, for guidance and deliverance, and

by revelation I shall direct them through you

where to go.

18. And let there be establ ished in these

places a presiding Elder, and establish my

storehouse in these places ofrefuge, and let

my people who dwell thereon abide the law of

consecration and stewardship, even the

order o fEnoch.19. And though my people shall be

scattered, let them organize themselves as my

servant shall direct them, and abide my holy

laws; and in the day of adversity they shall

see I have prepared a way fo r their escape,

and I love them still and will be with them i f

they abide in me in keeping my


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20. And thefaithful ofmy people shall yet

be gathered and shall dwell with me in Zion,

***21. And let my people who call

themselves after my name hasten to prepare

themselves, and seek unto me, their God, in

the day of scattering and gathering. And I

will be their shield and protector, for I will

preserve unto myself a people purifiedthrough tribulation.

22. Be ye clean that bear the vessels of he

Lord, that I may preserve and own and bless

you. I the Lord have spoken it. Even so,


So you see I am on the Lord's errand and doing

His will. Father is guiding this. The Lord is

guiding him and now many ofmy father's and my

family are moving to places of refuge where we

have bought the lands. The Lord had me travel

throughout the United States and now we are going

toward the East. Jackson County, Missouri is East.

We are not allowed to that place yet. We will be

scattered in different places in smaller groups to

these places of refuge and then on these places of

refuge, only the faithful people can go there. And

you must enter into a promise to live the United

Order, the Celestial Law in its fulness. And you

will only be allowed to live there if you keep

sweet, ifyou are prayerful and obedient.

After I moved some 0 tea les 0

place of refuge, they became light-minded. They

didn't say their prayers. The Lord had me warn

them. He was ready to send a scourge because

Heavenly F ather considers that we at these places

of refuge are the new Zion's Ccamp. And you

know what happened to Zion's Camp in Joseph

Smith's day. They didn't obey. They didn't live

the first two great commandments, and He sent a

scourge of the cholera where fourteen were taken

in death and sixty-eight were taken sick and almost


After just a few weeks there, they thought they

would relax and not say their prayers and treated it

lightly, and the Lord told me He was ready to

scourge us and send a sickness where even some

would be taken in death, and He allowed me to

suffer for them and pray for them.

They were warned the next week and then two

weeks later again, until finally I had to send some

away or else they would have been scourged an

suffer. I actually have sent eight people back t

Short Creek after they came. And you saw some o

them after they came to stay with me. Some o

them are still there who were on the place o

refuge. So I am showing you that going her

doesn't mean you get to stay because if you ar

there, this is the most dangerous place fo

disobedient people. The Lord will scourge anyon

who doesn 't be obedient. And yet, this is the nex

step. And what the Lord wants us to do on thes

places of refuge is to build up Zion in its fulnes

and to go through a training and live togethe

where we have to share, where we work togethe

and work hard. And we who are on these places o

refuge, I am telling you now, we have the missio

to earn the presence of God and the angels wher

they will actually be among us. No lazy people ca

be there. No disobedient people can be thereThey will be sent away if they are disobedient o

lazy. They can go back to their homes in Sho

Creek or wherever. And even when the wicke

come against our people, only those the Lor

names to me will be brought to these places o

refuge. When you go there, you don' t call home o

a telephone. You don't go to stores in the towns

From now on, you are in hiding with me. And yo

are making a promise to be obedient and swee

and do what is right.

ere are 0 er rev ...... . .that I have recorded that you will hear about as yo

come on these places of refuge. For now, we ar

taking you for another twelve hour drive. Yo

have just been about five hours, now you are goin

for twelve more hours. We are not allowed i

Jackson County, Missouri yet, but we are movin

east to different places. These places of refuge ar

in different states and it is my mission to go t

Short Creek, teach people and bring them to thes

places of refuge secretly. And only those who g

to these places are taking the next steps to th

redemption ofZion, and all the halfhearted will b

left behind, even of my family.

I know you don't know everything that i

happening, but I can tell you this much that I an

Uncle Fred and Uncle Wendell have all left Sho

Creek never to return. The First Presidency is on

place of refuge and we are not going to return t

Short Creek. The redemption of Zion is takin

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lace, and among the Priesthood people will come

any who will fall away. Many of our relatives

will turn against me, and they will persecute the

aithful. The greatest persecutors will be those

ho are still part of the Priesthood who are now

alling away.

And so, you are learning these secrets of

You shouldn't even talk amongjust told you but go and join

in this great mission called the redemption ofZion.

hat is why when I have called all of you, and I

am not

oming back to Short Creek to live. I am going on

to the redemption ofZion.

The Lord and father have led me to these places

t we are buying and have bought. On these

e don't have hardly any houses. This

of this family gets to live in tents ande get to share just a couple of bathrooms and we

get to be in a building effort. We get to clear the

plant crops. The Lord is having us be

so that

hen we go to the Center Stake of Zion we will

So we are going through a great

You won't get to run to Wal-Mart or the store

or thjngs )TOU wantThere

is PO daiq' or ice creamto go to. You get to stay home and work hard

The boys get to sleep in one little area

to sleep in another little area. And

u get to share. And the mothers with babies get

area. And it is a marvelous experience.

o here we are. Are you still willing to go with

Response: Yes!

And now you must be obedient. You can't

You can 't criticize. You have to beso prayerful.

Shirley, Teressa, Raymond, the Lord showed

have become more prayerful. Have

Now you stay at it because ifyou go here and

u stop your prayers He will tell me that too. And

me to have to take you back to

hort Creek do you? Now you know about the

of refuge. This is a far away place; so far

way you can 't run back to Short Creek real quick.

We transport you in the motor home because we

are very recognizable. People know of us. They

can see that we are different. So we carry our own

restroom with us in the motor home. I don' t own

that motor home but a man bought it and let me

have it. One of he faithful men in Short Creek. .So

there is going to be about twenty-three of you in

that motor home. Two days ago, three - le t ' s see,

last Friday, there were twenty-five of us in it. Soyou are not the first to experience this. Everybody

there has heard these revelations. Everybody has

been taught. Now you have been taught. So are

you all willing to enter into the full United Order?

and that means you are promising to live the first

two great commandments, loving the Lord with all

your heart, might, mind, and strength, thinking of

Heavenly Father, living to please Him every

minute and also to love your neighbor as yourself.

You are promising to live it every minute. Will

you do that Shirley?

Shirley: Yes.

And Teressa?

Teressa: Yes.

And Raymond?

Raymond: Yes!

And Sharon?

Sharon: Yes!

And little Samuel needs to be taught to bless

others because we are on the mission to redeem

and build up Zion. And Zion means God with us

and among the people. Ifyou don't have it in your

heart to earn the privilege of walking in the

presence of Heavenly Father in this life, you

shouldn't be here. You should just be back with

the halfhearted in Short Creek.

Raymond, Heavenly Father wants you to come

and work hard. Will you do it?

Raymond: Yes.

That means get up early. You will do school.

This place has lots of hard work for children, lots

of good hard work. I call it R17 because we don't

want to name the state we are in. If ever you do

write a letter to those in Short Creek you don't

name where we are at and you don't tell them what

it is like or what we are doing. We have a mobile

phone but you don't make calls. We need this

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place protected because soon many of the

Priesthood people will fall away and persecute the

faithful. And if you reveal where we are at, you

will be a traitor to Priesthood and you could cause

the death of the innocent people on the place of

refuge. If you are a traitor, you will lose your

Priesthood blessings and be sent away. So you

have just left Short Creek never to return. Youmust be faithful. And we are looking to the Center

Place ofZion, Jackson County, Missouri. Do you

believe me?

Response: Yes.

Will you smile? Okay.

I want my boys to learn to be good clean

Priesthood men - think good, talk good, keep

sweet. Levi is allowed to be there but Mosiah and

Ammon aren't allowed yet. They need to get rid of

some of their bad habits. Did they see all of youleave?

Response: No. Everybody but Ammon and Roy


So Josie saw you leave. Did she ask where you

were going? Okay. I sure hope she will become

more prayerful.

Now listen. There are two things you have to do

because people who don't do it are sent away.

ve to ra all the time. And number two,

they have to work hard.

The men who are here, they get up at 5 :00 a.m.

and they work past midnight. They have entered

into the United Order and they are building houses

hard and fast. The men are living in a separate

little area than my family. There is one house built

there already. It is a three bedroom home. And

Earnest Jessop is there with his family. That is two

ofmy sisters married to him, Elizabeth and Rhoda,

and also LeRoy's daughter, Janet. Mother Gloria

is there. Now Mother Ruth is coming with us inthis motor home.

We have two trailer houses. We have one of

them. It only has three bedrooms, a living room

and a kitchen. So we have three tents set up. We

are going to get more trailer houses. And then

Raymond Jessop's family lives in the other trailer

house. That is Mary and Maryanne and Rosemary

are there. Mother Nette is there. All the other

children are there. I now don't have any children

at the other places of refuge. I only have them

this one.

We are going to be building houses at differe

places ofrefuge. The work crew will work here f

a while and then they will move to another plac

and build houses. And we are starting to coloniz

and build and redeem Zion. These houses are lo

houses that we can build real quickly. The womeare not to go and work with the men. But the boy

will work with the men and the ladies. We a

going to plant orchards and gardens. We are goin

to plant wheat. We are going to raise our ow

food. We have already transported many sem

loads of goods from Short Creek. We have o

own storehouse there that, in the time of need an

when we don't have money, we will have som

food to last us until we can raise our own crops.

We are going to work to become self sufficie

to where we don't run to the stores for what w

need. And we are going through a training whe

we will learn how to bless one another, grow ou

own food, make our own clothes, so that when th

Lord destroys the wicked people off this land, w

will continue on and still be able to survive. And

is from these places of refuge where are scattere

around and the Lord protects us that we will be le

to the Center Place of Zion. So we are movin

partway east. We will prepare on these places o

. ion. Each of these placemust become Zion and then as the Lord destroy

the wicked people, we will go to the Center Stak

of Zion from these places of refuge. And that

how Zion will be redeemed.

The faithful will be driven from Short Creek

and Short Creek will become a very wicked place

Only the evil people will remain there. And the

the Lord will destroy that place because they wer

the people that had the light of the Priesthood -

they rejected it and they actually persecute thI


Very soon the Lord will have me correct certa

men who think they hold Priesthood and they don

hold Priesthood. And four of those men the Lor

will have me correct I have named to the people o

the places of refuge and I have told them, "If yo

have anything to do with these men you are no

with Priesthood"; and they are Joseph I. Barlow

Dan Barlow Sr., Nephi Barlow, and Lois Barlow

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These men don't hold Priesthood and yet they

think they do. So when I correct them, it is going to

create a test on the people: Will they believe me or

will they turn away? There is going to become a

great test in Short Creek so the Lord is opening up

the way by having these places of refuge, these

places of protection that the faithful will know to

go to as the Lord sends me to gather them up.

Only those the Lord names to me, even of my

own family will go to the places of refuge. I still

have over thirty of my family in Short Creek who

don't even know ofthese places of refuge, and they

will only be allowed there if they prepare and

become Zion. So you children and you my wife

Sharon must realize you have taken a step that you

cannot turn back on. Everything you have been

taught of how to help build Zion you must live

now. And you must pray for the training and then

you must live it, because if you tum back to yourlazy ways and you are not praying and your selfish

ways and feelings, you could bring the curse of

God upon you.

The Lord said this to me as He was about to

scourge the family members. He said:

Revelation Given to PresidentWarren S. JeffsAt His Place of Refuge

Thursday, October 23, 2003

5. And ifyou are not aware, wherein I

have offered you great blessings, and

through your unbelief and treating Ugh"y

these sacred promises and blessings, you will

receive the greatest ofcursings.

So to be on a place ofrefuge and disobedient the

Lord will either send you away, or else He will

start sending sickness and troubles and disease,

other things upon the people there if there is

disobedient people among us because now you are

promising to live the fulness of the United Order

and keep sacred things secret. So you need to stop

asking what you can have. You need to start

asking Heavenly Father, "What can I do to better toprepare to come into your presence? How can I

work harder? Teach me how to pray. How can I be

more obedient?" You have now taken a step up.

And yet it is going to be more training, more

testing, and I will send anyone away who will not

be obedient. They cannot stay there unless they do

right. Do you understand? Are you willing to do it

all of you?

I say on the record that everyone said they will

do right. I love you. I want you with me. My work

is to gather the faithful ones and bring them to the

places of refuge, teach and train them how to live

the fulness of the Celestial Law, the United Order

and bring them into the presence of God on these

places of refuge and then He will lead us back to

Zion, Jackson County, Missouri.

Do you remember that dream I told you in

meeting where I said we were moving the people

and I went from to house to house to tell them to let

go of their darling idols? It wasn't just a

symbolism, it was a reality. It is real. That dream

was what we are doing, we are moving the faithful

to places of refuge, only taking what we need and

we are building Zion.

Many wouldn't help me and I had to call on the

young men and that is what I am doing right now.

You see these young men I am using. Many of theolder men aren't prepared or wouldn't support me

and want to do it different. The Lord is in charge of

this. He reads your hearts. He will tell me what

you are doing, if you are qualifying. And you

might receive a warning or two. Be careful. Don't

treat lightly this great privilege. We are going on

to build up Zion. That is what we are doing now.

Okay everyone. You have heard the training.

Will you believe and obey?

Response: Yes.

11:57 a.m. Dictation

I experienced the heavenly sessions through the

night, was told by the Lord that I had to move more

of the family away from Rl to R17. I experienced

the severity of the session for several hours. I

came out of the session about 3 :00 a.m. and by

3 :30 a.m. I was calling people and telling people

what they were supposed to do that day. At Rl I

told Ora, Joanne, Tammy, Margaret, and Jen, all to

prepare, Margaret to get the boys ready, Jen to gether two children ready, Ora her twins, and load up

and we would be leaving soon. I found out the

motor home was at Shiprock, New Mexico, just at

a good place to wait for us. I also called Short

Creek and told Nephi and Rich to bring Millie and

baby, and Sharon and little Samuel, Caroline,

Lissa, and Kate, also Teresa, Shirley, and

Raymond -- as I counted there were twenty-three

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family members coming from both Short Creekand R1 toward R17.

I sat with the family after we loaded up the

trailer to go, at R1, and read to them the revelation

of December 24, 2003, concerning certain menwho don't hold Priesthood, and that this next

Saturday I was to go to Short Creek and perform

that work. Also I discussed with them our missionto redeem Zion was to earn the revelations,

ordinances, and knowledge of how to come into

the presence ofGod. Besides the family members

present, there were Ben Johnson, Kendall's son,

Mike Emack, Benjamin Jeffs. Joshua Jeffs is the

only one on the place of refuge R1 that hasn't

heard the revelation at this time.

We loaded up and that left just four of the ladies

there -- Patricia, Ruthie, and Ida Vilate and also my

mother, Merilyn -- at our home at R1. I arranged

for Seth, Nephi, and Rich to bring the family from

Short Creek, meet David Allred with the motor

home. Ben Johnson and myself drove the family

members from R1 to the rendevous point. We met

all the vehicles together, north of Shiprock, New

Mexico, and transferred all the people into the

motor home and the luggage into the trailer.

I then had my daughter Shirley, my daughter

Teresa, my young son Raymond, and my wife

n Barlow Jeffs, et in the vehicle with me,

and I read to them and spoke to em a ou eplaces of refuge and our mission in the redemption

of Zion. They entered into the covenants of

keeping these things sacred and secret and entered

into the covenant of the United Order, as all are

required to do before they can go to a place of

refuge. I am now escorting the vehicles towa


Oh, before we left, I took Uncle Wendell an

walked down to Uncle Fred's cabin. The Lor

impressed to me to give the training to Unc

Fred's family before I left. Uncle Fred said th

prayer and I then read the revelation on these me

not holding Priesthood, dated December 24,200and also referred to another revelation of ou

mission atR1 to come into the presence ofGod an

redeem Zion in its fulness, placing them all on th

mission. And I told them that I was now removin

most of my family from R1 because they sti

needed to develop and earn the gift of faith like th

brother of Jared. So we continue on.

At Uncle Fred's, he and Uncle Wendell and a

the five ladies of Uncle Fred's willingly receive

the revelation, declared they upheld it and woul

abide the word of God. I told them they needed

be teachable, directable, and not bring their o

ways here and that the Lord was now going t

judge Uncle Fred's ladies to see if they we

allowed to stay there. I asked for their prayers, as

was going Saturday to make those correction

upon the people.

I am now escorting the family, twenty-thre

members, to R17, which will make a total o

fifty-three family members there, excludin

wives and children be raised up redeeming Zio

with constant fervent prayer and constant har

sweet work, knowing we are doing this to qualif

for Zion.

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