Status Report of the Bologna Scanning Lab

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Status Report of the Bologna Scanning Lab. Bologna Scanning Lab. Last activities in the Bologna scanning lab Scanback of the cosmic muon bricks (8199, 5914) extracted from the OPERA apparatus with the CSD scanned at LNGS Test of the lateral X-ray mark finding with the ESS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


1/19G.Sirri – INFN Bologna LNGS 2007-09-13

Status Report of the Bologna Scanning LabBologna Scanning Lab

Last activities in the Bologna scanning lab

Scanback of the cosmic muon bricks (8199, 5914) extracted from the OPERA apparatus with the CSD scanned at LNGS

Test of the lateral X-ray mark finding with the ESS

Installation of the last DB-driven scanning infrastructure and new acquisition software modules

CERN 2007-July pion test beam analysis

2/19G.Sirri – INFN Bologna LNGS 2007-09-13

CS-Brick Connection (8199, 5914)

Brick 8199

LNGS prediction:

SX = -0.403SY = 0.518

projected to -4800 µm from CS2

best candidate:

ΔX = -95 µm ΔY = 57 µm ΔSX = 3 mradΔSY = 7 mradPH = 29

Brick 5914

LNGS prediction:

SX = 0.117SY = 0.408

projected to -4800 µm from CS2

best candidate:

ΔX = -52 µm ΔY = -89 µm ΔSX = 6 mradΔSY = 12 mradPH = 24

3/19G.Sirri – INFN Bologna LNGS 2007-09-13

Brick 8199 Scanback [old sw]

The scanback of this brick was presented in the last meeting (2007-07-18).

the track followed from pl 56 to pl18 (then the track comes out of the brick side)

basetracks found in 33 plates out of 39 (1 plate skipped because of mark on the wrong side)

all base tracks confirmed by visual inspection


4/19G.Sirri – INFN Bologna LNGS 2007-09-13

Brick 8199 Scanback [new sw]

A new scanback of the same predicted track performed:

OLD NEWold DB schema DB schema 4.x beta2 2.1

vertigoscan5 vertigoscan5.3smarttracker8 smarttracker8.4

optical marks lateral X-ray marks3x1cm² calibr. zones none

5/19G.Sirri – INFN Bologna LNGS 2007-09-13

BRICK 8199 Scanback [new sw]



6/19G.Sirri – INFN Bologna LNGS 2007-09-13

Brick 8199 Scanback [new sw]

FPX-PPX (µm)

FPX-PPX (µm)

FPY-PPY (µm)

FPY-PPY (µm)

[old sw] [old sw]

[new sw] [new sw]

RMS 16 µm

RMS 20 µm RMS 34 µm

RMS 22 µm

7/19G.Sirri – INFN Bologna LNGS 2007-09-13

Brick 8199 Scanback [new sw]


[old sw] [old sw]

[new sw] [new sw]

RMS 12 mrad

RMS 8 mrad RMS 12 mrad

RMS 17 mrad


8/19G.Sirri – INFN Bologna LNGS 2007-09-13

BRICK 5914 scanback [new sw]


Scanback paused at plate n.13 to check reason of inefficiency


9/19G.Sirri – INFN Bologna LNGS 2007-09-13

BRICK 5914 offline check

1 cm2 x 10 plates scanned around the prediction.

offline scanback performed after volume fine alignment5 basetracks and 3 microtracks found out of 10 plates

Basetracks manually confirmed.

The track seems to have lower pulse with respect to the track of brick 8199. Under investigation…

PLATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

PULSE 20 MT 15 MT X 28 20 X 20 MT

10/19G.Sirri – INFN Bologna LNGS 2007-09-13

Lateral Mark Finding with ESS

All the scanback done with lateral X-ray marks and without intercalibration zones.

The implementation of the lateral X-ray mark finding in the ESS scanning software presented in the last meeting (2007-07-18).

Currently, the automatic search of the first mark has been tested and the manual setting of mark position implemented (but never used).


The mark finding module works smoothly. The mark finding reproducibility is very good (a few µm).

The presence of a duplicated x-strip 1 mm far from the reference one caused some failures during tests. The software has been modified and will be tested as soon as possible


Test Beam @ CERN July07Test Beam @ CERN July07

Scanning the data-set: F9-F16(8 consecutive plates 2 weeks in the oven)

Beam: pions @ 10GeV 7 beam directions with about 5 tracks/mm2 each

Scanning surface: 2x2 cm2 on each plate x: -70000-50000 y: 40000 60000 Total scanned area: 460 mm2



Raw data: EqualizationRaw data: Equalization


Raw data:Raw data:

~ 4500-5000 cluster /layer ~ 350-400 micro-tracks /view (slope < 0.75 rad)



Bottom side Top side


Base Tracks-qualityBase Tracks-quality

Peaks selection (5 sigma)

Quality cut: chi2<0.5*PH-5

All linked base-tracks


All bt after the quality cut chi2<0.5*PH-5



Pulse height vs thetaPulse height vs theta


Micro-track angular residuals vs theta

Theta (rad)

19/19G.Sirri – INFN Bologna LNGS 2007-09-13


Scanback and volume scan of the cosmic muon bricks extracted from the OPERA apparatus are in progress.

The scanning done with the the last DB-driven scanning infrastructure, the newer acquisition software modules and with lateral X-Ray mark.

The implementation of Lateral X-Ray mark finding in the ESS software is in progress. Test version are working smoothly.

CERN 2007-July pion test beam analysis in progress.

20/19G.Sirri – INFN Bologna LNGS 2007-09-13

Spare slides

22/19G.Sirri – INFN Bologna LNGS 2007-09-13

Lateral Mark Finding reproducibility

X0 Y0 X1 Y1 #find home...

8199 1 0 0 125352.1 8226.9 125309.9 103026.28199 1 0 0 125353.9 8230.4 125311.1 103030.18199 1 0 0 125353.1 8225.3 125310.8 103029.78199 1 0 0 125353.1 8228.1 125311.1 103028.28199 1 0 0 125352.9 8228.2 125311.1 103028.08199 1 0 0 125353.5 8227.7 125310.8 103027.38199 1 0 0 125353.2 8224.6 125309.4 103029.08199 1 0 0 125352.8 8227.8 125310.6 103027.28199 1 0 0 125353.9 8227.8 125310.8 103027.08199 1 0 0 125352.8 8228.2 125309.3 103028.08199 1 0 0 125353.3 8226.0 125311.0 103025.68199 1 0 0 125353.1 8225.7 125310.1 103031.68199 1 0 0 125353.0 8227.7 125312.7 103027.08199 1 0 0 125353.0 8227.9 125310.2 103027.08199 1 0 0 125354.8 8228.1 125309.5 103027.68199 1 0 0 125353.5 8228.5 125311.3 103027.3

# find home ...8199 1 0 0 125354.5 8227.8 125312.2 103026.68199 1 0 0 125353.1 8226.4 125315.2 103026.68199 1 0 0 125353.2 8226.6 125315.3 103026.28199 1 0 0 125353.2 8227.8 125315.2 103027.68199 1 0 0 125353.3 8226.4 125315.3 103026.58199 1 0 0 125353.9 8224.3 125315.9 103027.68199 1 0 0 125354.9 8226.5 125312.3 103024.68199 1 0 0 125353.5 8228.1 125315.6 103026.98199 1 0 0 125353.0 8224.2 125314.9 103028.9

23/19G.Sirri – INFN Bologna LNGS 2007-09-13

Lateral X-ray mark


24/19G.Sirri – INFN Bologna LNGS 2007-09-13

Mark recognition

Not possible to be done: No extra camera with low magnification optics

are available Only a small amount of the lines can be


The two lines are not always long enough to print a clear crossing point Not possible to scan only one FOV per mark

The approach is: Three pieces of each line are scanned and

lines are obtained by a linear fit. The coordinates of intersection point are the mark coordinates.




25/19G.Sirri – INFN Bologna LNGS 2007-09-13

Mark finding procedure

1. Set the corner

This is the procedure currently under test.

2. Scan this edge to find a

first line segment

3. Scan further two line

segment here

4. Repeat 2,3for the 2nd line

5. Repeat 2,3,4 for the second


6. Evaluate the intersection points and evaluate the transformation

26/19G.Sirri – INFN Bologna LNGS 2007-09-13

Scan Back: vacuum groove position

scan back of brick 8199 and brick 5914 with a predicted muon

This scanning has been done at Bologna using a vacuum system with a standard vacuum channel

To avoid interference with the image of the vacuum channel the emulsion plate was placed at the edge of the channel with lateral mark outside the vacuum area.

Vacuum channel

27/19G.Sirri – INFN Bologna LNGS 2007-09-13

The MARK is the intersection point between 1 and 2



WARNING:3 can be confused with 2

3 4