Ústav struktury a mechaniky hornin AV ČR, v.v.i. · events result in serious rockbursting damages...

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ACTA MONTANA 1992Series A, No. 2 (88), 81-90


'BIGARRE P., "TlNUCCI J., 'BEN SLIMANE K., cPIGUET J.P. & dBESSON J.C.alNERIS, Parc de Saurupt, 54000 Nancy, FrancebITASCA Consult. Gr., 1313 Fifth St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414, U.S.A."School of Mines, Parc de Saurupt, 54000 Nancy, FrancedU.E. Provence, bp 1, 13590 Meyreuil, France

Abstract: a research program has been carried out at lNERIS aiming to quantify rockburst potentialfrom mining-induced fault-slip. As a part ofthe research, numerical modeling of'fractured rock masshas been undertaken, using the three-dimensional distinct element code 3DEC. Results presented inthis paper demonstrate a very good agreement between calculated-deformations of modeled faultsand the experienced rockburst sequence of the Estaque-sud district of the collibry.

Key words: rockbursts; fault-slip assessment; three-dimensional modeling; distinct elernent method


At the Provence colliery, coal is mined at a depth reaching 1100 m. The seam thickness is around3 meters, while strata dips westward around 10°. The longwa!l face method wíth caving process isused, involving high mechanization and self-advancing support for faces of 200 m of span. Rate ofproduction has increased steadily all along the past, reaching now the value of 11 tonnes per shift andper day, with a average, daily rate advance of 6 meters per day and per working faces.

Nowadays, the coal mine experiences a daily average of20 seismic events of magnitude 1.5 andgreater, 150/0 of which are magnitude 2 and more. Most of these event s are attributed to the goaffingprocess associated with the longwall mining operation. However, on an annual basis, many of theseevents result in serious rockbursting damages at the advancing face and along haulage gateways. Asregards the southern part of the co1liery and the míning of Estaque-sud district,which began in 1987,many major tectonic faults have been suspected to play a major pan in dynamic loading of the coalseam through fault-slip induced bymining.

The general geologicaJ setting ofthe basin is quite simple. After Caviglio& a! [1988], the structure is overriddenby a major thrust sheet overthrustingnorthward, with a average dip of 25°(figure 1). Strike-slip, sub-verticalfaulting is presen tal1over the area, withlengths of several hundreds af meters.Two major zones have been dis-

sw NEEtoHe overthrusl seamI Diota Iault ~

~ .. ,;;:..~~

o Eocene

GJ Rognadan

O Begudian

g Valda FlNelian



§ AptianAlbian

E3 Jurassic

Urgonian §.';.'5 Trias

lig. 1- Geologicai cross-section 91 the basin

.- 82 -

tinguished in the coal field, with regard to the direction of the strata and stress measurernents . In thezone we are concerned with, there is a strong anisotropy of tne principál stres" cornponents,characterized by high horizontál tectonic stresses and a sublithostatic vertical ~tres5. Both have beenexplained by the regional, geologícal history (Piguet & Georges [1981], Revalor [1986], Gaviglio[1985]). Associated strata are made of limestones, qualified as hard and brittle (Josien [1981]).


FOl the last fifteen years, stimulated by the steady increase in the daily mine tremors andannually rockburst occurences, a research program has been undertaken at I~ffiRIS, aiming first tounderstand the mechanisms involved and then to irnprove preventíon. Classified with regard torockbursts locations and effects at the Provence coalmine, three main types of bursts have been recognized,as (Revalor [1988]) (figure 2): I

type 1: ends of the faces, especially on the oldpanel side. These bursts are now largelycontrolled by means of destressing holes(figure Za), although this method is not accurate,

type 2: coal bumps, buckling of the floor, morecurrent at the present time, over length sometimesgreater than a hundred meters, can affect thehau1age gateway s either ahead of the face (oldpanel side) or behind the working face, at adistance ranging from 50 to 150 meters (figure 2b)

type 3: strain bursts in unrnined, overloaded stiffpillars (figure 2c)

Seimic energy associated with rockbursts variesaround 108_109 Joules, with an associated Richtermagnitude ranging from 2 to 3. At the Estaque-suddistrict of the mine (figures 5-6), mining started in1987 with longwall T13. During the 3 years followingperiod, with a span of one panel wide (200 m), thentwo (400 m) and three (600 m), 22 rockbursts' wererecorded, starting with the mining of the second panelT14, most of the events being of type 2. A schernaticdescription of the larger damages is suggested infigure 3, with following characteristics:

- violent expulsion of the coal in the gateway,

no significant fracturation ar convergence oftheimmediate hangingwall,

quite often accompanied by floor heavagereaching 1 meter (whether due to buckling me-chanism or deeper shear failure is still not clear(Mathieu, [1989]». It is worthy noting that this kind of damage has been controlled for the lastyear by floor slotting ahead of the face, although the efficiency of this method has not beenaccurately estimated, due to the lack of data since its implernentation.



fig. 2- kinds of rockbursts

fig. 3- shematic description of the damages

1) We include here all significant dynamic events recorded, rangíng from dynamic spal1ing to large,underground damages described here-after.

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The main hypothesis for type 2 events tends to classify them more preoisely as rockburststriggered by dynamic loading generated by large mine tremors, induced by tectonic fault-slip orsudden failure of stiff bedding planes in the high roof. Naturally, potential means of confirming thiskind of mechanism are very few because of the difficulties to get data. Extensions of the mining areas,poor access to faulted areas (one mined seam) and poor understanding of the roof behaviour do notpermit to get valuable information. Two types of investigations have therefore been undertaken:

- developing a mine-scale seismic network, able to give location of each mine tremors with goodaccuracy as well as its energy and seismic moment. This should permit ťo relate the locatedfocus ofthe mine tremor and the underground damaged areas and thus assert which mechanismmay be considered. This has been undertaken two years ago (Ben Slimane & al, 1990). Themine is currently improving the network to get accurate locations and better focus parameters,

, ,- analysingwith all avalaibledata the major, suspected faults respectively with mining geometry

and seenario to get a better understanding of potentíal fault-slip behaviour. This has beenundertaken recently and use of numerical methods is presented in this paper.


Numerical modeling has been carried aut aiming to quantify rockburst potential for the seismictriggering mechanism from fault-slip along major, pre-existing geologie struetures. Because ofboththe mining eonfiguration and orientation of the faults of the Estaque-sud area to be modeled, it waschosen to undertake three-dimensional numerical analysis. Eventually, the strongly discontinuous .nature of the problem conducted us to the choice of the distinct element method.

Due to the lack of seismic data over the period of mining of the Estaque-sud district and the insituconditions for mined areas of such extents, the aim of this study was to:

- examine the ability of the three dimensional distinct element method (3DEC, Itasea) to studyfault-slip assessment for a complex system of diserete, deformable blocs,

- examine the fault-slip potential for large-scale1faults lying in the mined ~rea and correlate inspaee the modeled mining proces s and the incremental plastic defonnations with the insiturecorded rockburst sequence,

- to bring forward a methodology of modeling closely associated with geological survey andabove all data from the newly settled seismic network available.


3DEC is a PC-based computer pro-gram using the distinct element methodand a central finite difference sheme to

contact force

f~ ,--(_o_r S_U_b-<:_o_n_IB_ct_fo_rC_G_l..J'_ update I

block centroidtorces

retetíve ccnteetvelocltles

simulate the mechanical response ofthree-dimensional blocky systems.Handling either rigid or deformable blocs,the formulation used permits to simulatelarge displacements and rotations of the blocs relative to one another, including detection of newcontacts, while the solution sheme is explicit in time. During each increment of time, the mechaniea!calculations may be described as in figure 4, which shows the importance of the contact logicimplemented. A complete description of this and of the calculation cycle are given by Cundall [1988]and Han & al [1988] respectively. Note that when deformable blocs are used, modeled joints aresudivided in subcontacts corresponding to the finite difference tetrahedral zoning of the faces, whileeach surface node is the centroid of an area defined as the subcontact. This onb keeps track of theinterface forces as well as slipping ar separation. Graphical interface is largely developed. pennitting

block motionupdate

fig.4 - 3DEC sherne calculations (after Hart, [1988])



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- 84 -

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rfig. 6 - modeling of the Estaque sud districtfaults are indicated with dip direction and dip

fig. 5 - map of the most recent mined districts

to model as efficientl y as possible well-condi tionned problems compared to their original cornplexity.Modeling of rockburst mechanisms with 3DEC has been undertaken be~ore, to simulate fault-

slip behaviour of discontinuous medium, applied to fault and dyke slip at the Strathcona mine,Canada (Hart & al, [1988]), (Tinucci & al, [1990]), The numerical analyses were able to point outthe consistency of fault-slip assessment in mine-induced seismicity and rockbursting.

Conceming this study, the sofware was run on an IBM compatible 80486-50 MHz computerwith 24 megabytes of RAM, although only 11 megabytes were effectively used by the modeLComputationallimitations came from the time calculations which required 4 days of run time as wellas the will to restrict the model on the base that first it is a qualitative study and secondly datainterpretation becomes increasingly complex with the increasing number of blocs and structuralfeatures being modeled,


Our 2800mxI600mx2400m model consits of 188 convex blocks formed by 7 structural features,comprising 5 large-scale faults (500 to 2000 m of extension in space) and two bedding planes(dipping east-west 10°) located at 150 m above the seam, in the upper roof, and below the seam, inthe lower footwall, respectively (figures 5-6). Four longwalls (T13, T14, 1'25 and TI5) aresimulated, with a mining scenario reproducing the in-sítu excavation proces s geometry, The rourlongwalls were then excavated in 15 incremental steps, made of deletion of blocs, (figure 6) withequiIibrium reached at each step, providing a quasi-statíc analysis able to put rorward the influenceof the incremental mined areas on the plasticdeformations along the modeled faults. Eachstep represents an excavated volume equivalentto two months of mining at a rate of 100 metersper month.

Deformable blocs, zoned by 70.000 finite-difference zones, are assumed to behave table 1 - elasto-plasticpararnetersof Lijemodel

tablc 1 I structural features rock matrix

stiffnesses kn,ks= ooסס1 MP. K,G=13333,BOOO

M.C. pararncters Fric=35', Cohe 0, Rr- °

- 85 -

elastically, while ail structural features follow a perfect,elastoplastic behaviour, based on a Mohr-Coulomb yieldcondition (table 1).

lnitial pre-mining state of stress is ehosen to be veryclose to available field measurements obtained in theEtoile-sud distriet, closest to the one modeled. Valuesand orientations are described in table 2. table2 - input stresses

Two parameters are quantified in order to relate plastic deformation along each feature to eachsequential excavation:

table 2 aI a2 a3

valueMPa -40 ·20 -17

dip' 120 30 o

dip 00. c o o 90

M = 2.A.D~. SuK.

be interpreted coarsely as the seismic moment of the fault divided by its shear modulus. Itcharacterizes the mechanieal moment acting on the structure whi1e new equilibrium is reached.


where As is the subcontact area and D't its tangential displacement. M may

M = ~ LFsD~ where F, is the tangential force acting at the subcontaet location. Lili is theL. SubC.

non-recoverable, released energy dissipated by the excess shear force induced at each step.These two parameters are related, in sueh a multi-step, quasi-static analysis by the rela-

tion: M = Ij.E where ,. is the tangentia! stress acting at the subcontact location .••


Figures 7 and 8 indicate the energy dissipated through plastic strain and the parameter Mat eachstep, with the rockburst sequenee plotted on the right, vertical axis. Results show that only thesimulated overthrusting fault (fault A) and upper bedding plane (feature I) show large plasticdeformations, These defonnations appear above all from starting of longwall 14 (mining step 8-9).Summing up briefly, we can do the following comments :

- the qualitative correlation between M for both faults and rockburst sequence shows a goodagreement

- rupture mechanism along fault A is due to shear failure, induced by both decrease in normalstress and increase in shear stress. The amount of defonnation seems essentially sensible to thewidth of the mined out area, i.e. extension from east to west. It deereases with extension inlength of a longwall (steps 6-7-11). Geometrie projections of locations of maximum sheardisplacernent (figure 9) on the seam plane are approximately, vertical1y plumbed with the step

fig.7energy dissipatedar each step forjoints A & I





3 IJ Iault l

-e- rockburst S<lMfJeocs

- 86 -


pseudo-s elsrnic moment ~ fault A & I




G 10000

fig.8 13000

pararneter M ateach step forstructures A & I 4000


fig. 9a view of the rock matrix fig. 9b fault A

fig.9c coal seam-longwall faccs fig. 9d shear displacement aJong fault A & I

- 87-

excavation. Energy dissipated at step 9, if calculatedon adaily basis, provides a value of Ll Oi'J,which corresponds to an event with a order of magnitude of 3.

- failure mechanisms along bedding plane I are af two types: shear and tensile. Tne relativelysmall energy dissipated is due to a low induced shear stress on the fault, parallel to the seam,and dipping 10° with regard to original principa1 stresses. In fact, tensile fai!ure takes placeessentially at steps 10, 11 ano 15 with the widening of the mining area.

- Along other features, there is no noticeable plastic deformation although! induced stresses areunfavourable for mast of them, i.e. ratio 'C/a increases, except significant deformation alongfault C. However, if large strain was to be obtained on this modeled joint it wou!d conduct toreduce friction to unrealistic values (20-25°).



Concerning joint A, because ofits geometry and the failuremechanisrn at steps 8, 9 and 10(rotation of the srresses withsimultaneously increase of shearstress anddecrease in normal stress),it appears interesting to run andcompare two alternative rniningscenarios (se. 2), in which startingof longwall J 4 would be furthernorth , 100 rn and 200 m respectively, i.e.lengthening of pillar 1 (figure 6). In such configurations,distances between coal seam and fault A increase of around 45 m and 90 m respectively. Figure 10shows the comparative results between the three scenarios for parameter M. 9ifference is slight!ysignificant for the two first steps. However, excavation steps cannot be comparjd directly, since, ona geometrie point of view, the step 8 of rnining scenario 3 is closer to step 9 than step 8 of miningscenario 1, and so on. It is then even more interesting to consider the results i1 terrns of maximumreached, and to notice that scenario 3 shows a very significant decrease of pseudo-seismic momentduring last step. In spite of these results, it is hard to conclude whether a different configuration mighthave been more advantageous, especial!y since pillar 1, which already suffered dynamic spalling,would have been more loaded. Last but not least, such considerations can hardly withstandeconomical arguments. However, it demonstrates the potential of such a tool to evaluate fault-slippotential in tenns of mining scenarios and induced stresses.


"'p, ,"" a s~ 10

fig. 10 parameter M for three different mining scenarios


In fact, the aim of this study is to evaluate whether using modeling of typical, discontinuousproblems in prediction of fault-slip rockbursting might be useful. This study shows an goodagreement between the rockburst sequence and the response of some of the discontinuous features.Mechanisms involved in the response of the system are clearly identified, critical geometry andspans are pointed aut, fault-rupture locations can be calculated, fundamental parameters as seismicenergy and seismic moment areestimated and seem realistic, The three-dimensional aspectin modelingis pointed aut as very critical.

However, at the present time, no calibration can be dernonstrated. As wel!, impact of failureI

along the structures on mining areas are impossible to estimate on a modeling point of view.Therefore, this mine-scale model should conduct to a panel-scale model inl order to get finer,numerical analysis, Recall that 3DEC now provides such a feature, i.e. getting tradtions along interna!

boundaries in a model (figúre 11). But most of all, three-dimensional modeling by the distinct element method appearas a method to be calibrated as closely as possible (figure 12):

- with insitu observations, i.e. detailed, geologieal surveyof the faults and their characteristics, of the localdisturbances of the coal seam, and others partieularunderground conditions,

- above all with seismic results from the settled networkin 1991, giving presently locations and daily seismieenergy distributions. The seismic network is stillundergoing improvements to locate more aecurately,particularly in depth, and to gain understanding of thefocal meehanisms involved in rockburst oceurenees.Association of seismie analysis and dynamic modeling fig. 12 interactingfieldsto exchangedata

is expected to eome aut as very promising.In every case, this research directly benefit the mine by providing a method able to quantifynumerous potential fault-slip problems.

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model I


model 2

fig.l1 interna!boundariesin 3DEC


we greatly appreciate the help of Dr Fairhurst, who made that work possible.


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