Steel Pans By Jacob Svenkeson

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Steel Pans

By Jacob Svenkeson


• Invented during WW2 times on the Island of Trinidad

African Roots & Rhythms

• Slaves were brought over from Africa in the 1700s. Part of the culture they brought over included the playing of hand drums.

• Hand drums became the main percussion instrument in the annual Carnival celebrations.

• British government banned the playing of drums in 1877, but the slaves would use whatever they could find to invent new instruments.

Tamboo Bamboo

• When drums were banned, Slaves used bamboo sticks to imitate the drum sound.

• They hit the large hollow sticks on the ground, and the smaller sticks were hit together.

• Called it Tamboo Bamboo.

Transition to Metal

• In the 1930’s, Tamboo Bamboo bands incorporated scrap metal objects that were hit with hands or sticks.

• The bands slowly translated over to a metallic sound, and bamboo sticks were pretty much abandoned.

Metal Instruments

• Cans

• Pots

• Tin pans

• Biscuit tins

• Hubcaps

• Dust bins

The Pan is Born

• People soon found that metal pans changed pitch after they were beaten, and through trial and error the steel pan instrument was formed.

• This was during WW2 times, and Trinidad produced a lot of oil, so there was an abundance of empty oil drums to turn into steel pans.

True Pan Development

• It wasn’t until in the 40’s and 50’s that steel pan inventors started to experiment with note patterns and tuning.

Steel Pans Today

• Today, the steel pan is constructed of a 55 gallon steel barrel, concave on the bottom end and precision tuned with a hammer.

Chromatic Pans

• Today steel pans can be tuned with such precision as to have a full chromatic scale in one pan.

Bass Pans

Tenor Pans

Double Guitar

4 Pan Cello