Stem Cell Breakthrough!

Post on 30-May-2015

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description The future of medicine has arrived. Scientists have figured out a way to program the human body to repair itself using advanced cell technology. Watch this video to learn about how this amazing new technology works and why it could change every life in America.


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What if you could go into any automotive store and buy a special box?

Put the box in your car. Then, if your car broke in any way…

Magically transform that box into a new part.

This technology is about to happen. Not for cars, but for your body. Scientists are now able to create a special type of cell that can become anything your body needs. These cells are “multi-purpose” just like the special box for your car which can do any repair.

The human body is made up of over 250 different types of cells, just as a car is made from hundreds of parts. In your body, cells form blood, bones, pancreas, muscle, and so on. 

Blood  Cells  

Bone  Cells  

Pancreas  Cells  

Muscle  Cells  

All cells originate from one box, or one source – a stem cell.

But once these cells take their form as blood, muscle, bone, etc. - they can’t be changed. Until now.

Now, scientists seem to have figured out how to extract a cell from your skin, hair, or other places…

Skin Cell

Turn it into a multi-purpose stem cell…

Which can then become any cell in the body.

Stem Cell

Blood Cell Pancreas Cell Liver Cell Bone Cell

This incredible technology will allow organs such as your heart, liver, or lungs to repair themselves

which has never been possible before.

To learn more about stem cell research and other groundbreaking discoveries visit:

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