Stem Cell Research Daniel Hanison, Carrie Oliver, Dane Livelsberger, Andrew Burks Danny Shay, Daniel...

Post on 31-Dec-2015

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Stem Cell Research Daniel Hanison, Carrie Oliver, Dane Livelsberger, Andrew Burks

Danny Shay, Daniel Swingle


D1. Remove Restrictions on federally-funded embryonic stem cell research OR Authorize federally-funded stem cell research only on adult and cord blood stem cells.

Defn: Stem Cell Research

A current field of research involving the manipulation of adult and embryonic stem cells

Future prospects: solutions to physical trauma, degenerative diseases, and possibly genetic disorders

One of the most controversial issues in modern science

What is a Stem Cell?

Two categories: Embryonic and Adult Unspecialized cells Constantly renew themselves Can develop into entire organs, such as the

brain, heart, lungs, and other vitals Are found in the developing human embryo,

or in certain adult tissues

Embryonic (Fetal) Stem Cells

Found within the first 5 days of human embryonic development

Have the highest potential of all types of stem cells

Do not come from a woman’s body, but from labs

Cells are transferred to another dish

Embryonic (Fetal) Stem Cells (cont.)

Cells will self-replicate and crowd dish Scientists can harvest cells for up to 6

months Researchers will modify the culture’s

surface, composition, and conditions to stimulate differentiation

Cells will become brain, muscle, or organ tissues

Adult (Somatic) Stem Cells

Undifferentiated cells found in a differentiated tissue

Primary purpose is to renew the medium tissues and help support tissue growth

Origins of somatic stem cells still unknown Much harder to force differentiation on than

embryonic stem cells

Adult (Somatic) Stem Cells (cont.)

Have a tendency to differentiate into the host tissue that they were harvested from

Large usage in transplants Blood-forming stem cells have been used in

transplants for 30 years Have less potential, but also less

controversy surrounding the issue

Adult vs. Embryonic

Embryonic Greater potential Higher differentiation

abilities Easily grown in labs and


Large controversy Expensive in life and


Adult Less controversy Less expensive Can be reintroduced to

host with no organ rejection

Less potential and differentiation ability

Very hard to grow and find

Stem Cell Research and the Presidency

In 1995, Clinton signed the Dickey Amendment into law Dickey Amendment: Prohibits all federal funding for research resulting

in the destruction of an embryo regardless of its origin Clinton would not provide federal funding for research on embryos

created purely for research Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005: to allow federal funding

on stem cells from human embryos created for fertility treatments. Passed in the House by 238 votes to 194 votes (May, 2005). Passed in the Senate by 63 votes to 37 votes (July, 2006). First and only veto by President Bush (July 2006).

Stem Cell Research and the Presidency

“The bill would support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others…it crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect. So I vetoed it” “American taxpayers would, for the first time our history, be compelled to fund the deliberate destruction of human embryos” President Bush

Vote fell short of a two-thirds majority to override the veto Both Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) and Bill Frist (R-TN) supported the bill while

social conservatives sided with Bush Congress is still trying to provide federal funding but will find this hard with Bush

in office The Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007 (HR3) passed the house by

253 votes to 174. If it passes through Senate (which is likely) then it will be vetoed once again by the President.

Unless there is enough support for a two-thirds majority override then nothing will change until there is a new President.

Proposition 71

Established the California Institute for Regenerative Medicines (CIRM)

Established the constitutional right to conduct stem cell research (NOT human reproductive cloning research)

Authorized the state of California to allocate up to $3 billion over the next 10 years ($350 million annual limit) towards research grants given out through CIRM

CIRM Funding

As of this year, CIRM is the largest funder for stem cell research in the United States and one of the largest in the world

$12.1 million last year for educating 168 college students in the field of stem cell biology

$45 million to 72 two-year grants (February, 2007)

$76 million to 12 four-year grants (March, 2007) The next round of grants is scheduled for

sometime in July and is expected to total to $48.5 million for laboratory space

Advocacy - Supporters

Stem Cell research can lead to treatments and cures for many diseases, cutting health care costs

Proposition 71 prohibits funding for human cloning research in keeping with California law

Proposition 71 will generate thousands of new jobs as well as generate millions of dollars in new state revenue

Main supporter: The Alliance for Stem Cell Research

Advocacy - Opponents

There is already billions of dollars in bond debt, further borrowing is irresponsible

Pharmaceutical companies and venture capitalists are using taxpayers to fund the very narrow field of stem cell research

Proposition 71 is a constitutional amendment, making it impossible for the governor or the legislature to control how the money is spent

Main opponent: Doctors, Patients, and Taxpayers for Fiscal Responsibility

View of scientists

Treatment for Degenerative Diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson

Struggle with balancing ethnical views with scientific views

What cells to use?

Adult vs. embryonic Animal ( mouse) vs. human Affected vs. normal Supernumerary vs. Created

Recent views

“ It is very clear from my point of view that the current cell lines will not be sufficient to do research we want to do…It’s not possible for me to see how we continue the momentum of science and in stem cell research with the lines we currently have.”

-Elias Zerhouni, National Institutive of Health Chief ( March 20,2007)

Common Religious Misconceptions

Adult Stem Cell Research has eliminated the need for embryonic stem cells.

All religious organizations oppose embryonic stem cell and somatic cell nuclear transfer research.

Adult stem cell research makes nuclear transfer research unnecessary.

General Christian Views

Oppose Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Encourages Adult Stem Cell Research

Denominational Beliefs

Interest Groups

Biblical Proof (NIV)

Psalm 139:13 –“For you created my inmost being; you knit me

together in my mother’s womb.”

Psalm 139:16 –“your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days

ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

General Jewish Views

Fully Supports Stem Cell Research

Halakic Doctrine of Pekuach Nefesh

14-Day Embryo is equal to water

Christian Thought: Epikiea

General Islamic Views

Fully Supports Stem Cell Research

Recommends Minimal Use of Embryonic Stem Cells

Obligatory to Pursue Research

Recommends Adult Stem Cells as Primary Vessel

Issue Groups – The Greatest Representatives

Issue Groups – The Greatest Representatives

Do No Harm: The Coalition of Americans for Research Ethics

Does not support embryonic stem cell research Ends do NOT justify the means

Human embryonic stem cell research violates existing law and policy

Human embryonic stem cell research is unethical Human embryonic stem cell research is scientifically unnecessary

“If anything is to be gained from the cruel atrocities committed against human beings in the last century and a half, it is the lesson

that the utilitarian devaluation of one group of human beings for the alleged benefit of others is a price we simply cannot afford to


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