Step back my wonders

Post on 27-Mar-2016

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Making.Rain personal project, story by Stefanija Najdovska


Step back, my wonders!

I remember the playground was our world. I was just 9 and I thought my world is starting there and goes up in the sky, spreading in the air. I was very happy.

I especially remember the sky. It was blue.

Sometimes, there would be a plane flying above... and then my sky was everyones sky: we all knew what was about to happen.

“Cicko pusti letki!!!”“Cicko pusti letki!!!”“Cicko pusti letki!!!” * * Literally it means “ Uncle throw the flyers!!! ” . It’s a macedonian saying/ ritual when one sees a plane flying over, that is about to throw flyers ( for commercial or political propaganda)

I still remember how it felt. I can still see the colors. In my memo-ries, thousands of papers, re-flecting the sun, were falling down on us. I remember, it didn’t really matter what was on the pa-per. The very purpose of a flyer is it’s content... but we didn’t care. It was just there in the air. Flying. Falling down. Trying to catch as many as we could, it didn’t matter it was just paper, but for us it was beautiful.

That was MY magical sky. Wonders in that sky, surprises coming from any direction, falling down on me. Just for me,

creating new worldsnew spaces.

One can only imagine the view now a days. I am aware that it is very hard to imagine and believe in my childhood wonders in this rainy sky. I don’t ask you to. I just try to remember, to remind my self...

FLYER is just paper.RAIN is just water.

Back then it didn’t matter, should it now?


AMS 2008