Stephen ofm - · 15/07/2018 · 15th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR B 15th JULY...

Post on 27-Jul-2018

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St. Mary’s - Elizabeth Street, Woodend St. Brigid’s - Matthew Street, Rosewood

Mater Dei - Cnr Ferrett Street and Rowland Tce, Sadliers Crossing St. Joseph’s - 42 Pine Mountain Road, North Ipswich

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal - Robertson Rd, Eastern Heights Immaculate Heart of Mary - 22 Old Toowoomba Road, Leichhardt

A very warm welcome to anyone visiting our Parish. It is good to have you with us.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about the Ipswich Catholic Community please visit our

parish website at We hope you enjoy your time in Ipswich. Please come again soon.

Dear Parishioners,

Spiritually, discernment is the process of listening for and responding to God’s call. It’s a popular activity these days in churches, schools, and businesses. Discerning the right career, the best choice, the right person for a job - or even the right person to marry - occupies a lot of adults. I often talk about discernment with young people because Catholic tradition has much to offer to the process. We can draw some principles of discernment from our readings today. From Ephesians, we learn that God has called us into the mission of Christ and to praise his glory in the world. Does the life you live now allow you to do that with a full heart? From Amos, we learn that God doesn’t call only the ones we think are holy enough, brave enough, or religious enough. God calls all of us wherever God finds us. Amos was a dresser of sycamore trees. We might be teachers, parents, or students in school, but we are all part of Christ’s mission by baptism. Finally, in Mark, we learn that mission is a communal affair. We are together in mission. We are to go into

every house, depending on God to tell us what to do and give us what we need. With our different gifts, we help each other spread God’s word and love those we meet. Finally, we learn that not everyone will hear us, but we must not let that weigh us down. We must shake the dust from our feet and move on. These and other principles of discernment can apply no matter where we find ourselves along the road. How have you responded to God’s call today? Pray about that and ask God to strengthen you in your faith!

Have a good week!

Stephen ofm

POPE FRANCIS IS A BREATH OF FRESH AIR: This is a man who, as we've seen, takes the time to visit the sick, bless children, embrace the imprisoned. He chooses to live in in an apartment rather than the papal rooms, and promotes the spirit of his namesake, Saint Francis. Yes, Pope Francis has much to teach us about faith, hope, and charity. Enjoy these quotes from our pope

“Love is the greatest power for the transformation of reality because it pulls down the walls of

selfishness and fills the ditches that keep us apart.”

“The secret of Christian living is love. Only love fills the empty spaces caused by evil.”

“Holiness means giving ourselves in sacrifice every day. And so married life is a tremendous path to


“Lord Jesus, make us capable of loving as you love.”


Monday, 16th July - Ordinary Time 15

7.00am NO MASS St Joseph’s, North Ipswich

7.00pm NO MASS Mater Dei, Sadliers Crossing

Tuesday, 17th July - Ordinary Time 15

9.00am NO MASS Immaculate Heart of Mary, Leichhardt

Wednesday, 18th July - Ordinary Time 15

9.00am LITURGY OF THE WORD, St Mary’s, Woodend

9.30am NO MASS St Brigid’s, Rosewood

7.00pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Thursday, 19th July - Ordinary Time 15

9.00am NO MASS St Joseph’s, North Ipswich

9.00am NO MASS St Mary’s, Woodend

Friday, 20th July - Ordinary Time 15

9.00am Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Eastern Heights

WEEKEND MASS TIMES - 21st and 22nd July


4.30pm Immaculate Heart Leichhardt

5.30pm OLMM Eastern Heights

6.00pm St Mary’s Woodend


7.30am St Joseph’s North Ipswich

8.00am St Brigid’s Rosewood

8.30am St Mary’s Woodend

6.00pm St Mary’s Woodend

6.30pm St Boniface’s Marburg



Friday 8.30am-8.50am OLMM

Saturday 4.15pm-4.25pm Leichhardt

Saturday 5.00-5.30pm St Mary’s


Parish Priest

Parish Ministers

Pastoral Associate

Fr Stephen Bliss ofm

Fr John Hong (on leave) Fr Enoch Iheme

Bernadette McAndrew Ph 0488 008 817

Administration Staff Mrs Maree Coyne Mrs Kathy Lund Mrs Rosalia Risati Mrs Kate Castles Mrs Bernadette Lenihan

Office Hours Monday: 10.00am-3.30pm Tues-Thurs: 8.00am-3.30pm Friday: 8.00am-1.00pm

Ipswich Catholic Community Contact Information

Telephone Email Post Mass Times

07 3281 2133 PO Box 23, Ipswich 4305 07 3281 0707

New Media—Evangelisation


Find us by searching for ‘ipswichcatholic’ on

Facebook / YouTube / Twitter / iTunes

Schools and Colleges in our Community

St Mary’s Primary Immaculate Heart St Joseph’s School St Brigid’s School St Mary’s College St Edmund’s College

Woodend Leichhardt North Ipswich Rosewood Woodend Woodend

07 3281 1998 07 3812 1077 07 3201 6188 07 5464 1563 07 3432 5444 07 3810 4400


Wed, 18th July

Wed, 18th July

Music Jam

HIVE - Adoration

7pm, St Joseph’s, North Ipswich

7pm, St Mary’s Church

Wed, 25th July RCIA - Enquiry night 7.00pm, St Mary’s Parish Centre

Thurs, 26th July

Thurs, 26th July



10am - 2pm, Mater Dei

3.30pm & 6.30pm, St Mary’s Church

Friday, 27th July PARISH DINNER 6.30pm, Brothers League

Thursday 23rd, August


PlenaryCouncilPrayer Come, Holy Spirit of Pentecost.

Come, Holy Spirit of the great South Land.

O God, bless and unite all your people in Australia

and guide us on the pilgrim way of the Plenary Council.

Give us the grace to see your face in one another and to recognise Jesus, our companion on the road.

Give us the courage to tell our stories and to speak boldly of your truth.

Give us ears to listen humbly to each other

and a discerning heart to hear what you are saying.

Lead your Church into a hope-filled future, that we may live the joy of the Gospel.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord, bread for the journey from age to age. Amen.

Our Lady Help of Christians, pray for us.

St Mary MacKillop, pray for us.







6:30pm (for

7:00pm start)


We’ve had a great response so far with bookings to our PARISH DINNER. Thank you! But please don’t wait til the last minute – book sooner rather than later – as we’d like to finalise numbers on Monday afternoon (23rd July). There has been some questions raised as to why $30 for 1 ticket & $55 for 2 tickets. The reasoning behind our offer of reduced price for 2 tickets is simply to encourage those who might be on their own, or wish to come and don’t have anyone to come with, to seek out a fellow parishioner with whom to attend, and for doing so receive a $5 discount.

A lovely winter roast dinner and dessert.

Please book and pay at the Parish Office by

Monday 23rd July.

(phone bookings with payments via credit card are welcome). Donations of raffle prizes would be very much appreciated and

can be left at the Parish Office.

… What’s happening in the Ipswich Catholic Community ...

The SECOND edi-

tion of TALKA-


is available this

weekend. Please

RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA): Each year our parish receives many enquiries from people seeking to belong to a faith community, who is committed to offering support and companionship while they explore God’s invitation to deepen their lives through the process of Christian Initiation. If you know of someone who may be interested in finding out a little more about the process, please let them know that the Ipswich Catholic Community is offering the opportunity to attend an evening where questions will be answered and the process explained. We will offer a warm, friendly atmosphere

with members of the parish RCIA team available to share their experience or to offer support. For further details please direct your enquiry to Bernadette McAndrew at the parish office, 3281 2133.

SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION: Calling all children who are in Year 3 and above who are baptised in the Catholic Faith to be part of the preparation for the celebration of their Confirmation. Sessions for parent and child will commence on Thursday, July 26th. There will be two choices

for the session to attend – either one at 3.30pm or 6.30pm. Sessions will be held each Thursday until the celebration of Confirmation, which is the on Thursday, 23rd August. For further details please contact the Parish Office on 3281 2133.

From the HIVE:

ADORATION: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be offered on Wednesday 18 July 2018 from 7pm - 8pm in St Mary’s Church. All music, scripture reading and reflection specifically taken from World Youth Day Poland 2016 as it comes around to two years since we sent a small group to experience and know God with millions of other young people. Sadly we cannot offer Reconciliation or Benediction this night, yet everyone is welcome to come along and spend some time in prayer and reflection.

YOUNG ADULT RETREAT: 18-19 August. The cost will be $60. All food and accommodation included. Fr Harry Chan ofm will be our special guest speaker and more. Please text the Hive phone or message us on our social media pages to register your interest.

IGNITE CONFERENCE: is coming up fast in September. If you’re a youth or young adult interested or want more information please message us or approach a Hive Leader at Mass.

CONTACTS: Phone: 0478150103. Facebook: The Hive Youth & Young Adult Ministry. Instagram: @the hive.ministry

Only 2weeks


Book your

tickets this


We had a wonderful response to our sing-a-long session in June! Thanks to all those who came along! The next one will be held on Wednesday 18th July at St Joseph’s Church commencing at 7:00pm. Feel free to bring along a blanket as it may be cold, and we will

revisit some of the hymns from June, and explore some more from the Catholic Worship II hymn book. If you have a copy of this book, please bring it with you. Let’s lift the roof in song!!


LEICHHARDT CARE & CONCERN: Our next Morning Tea will be held on Tuesday 17th July at 9.30am in the School Hall. Everyone is most welcome to come along and have a chat over a nice hot cuppa.




RECENTLY DECEASED: Vance Schefe, May Herring, Clive Geraghty, Ann Madden, Phil Cullen, Len William, Neill McCann, Lucy Hanson, Gerard Byrne, Dorothy Harris, Rita Gimpel, Noel Hayes, Geraldine Boddington, Veronica Stenico, Stephen Eckert, Wayne Hare.

ANNIVERSARY: Fred Wanstall, Peter Leadbetter, Leo Condren, Frank Jay, Monica Brown, Joe Matthews, Marjorie Byrne, John Bishop, Peter Rice, Francis Molloy, Les Fulloon, Alex Elmore, Barbara Kopelke.


ONE NON-PERISHABLE ITEM PER FAMILY EACH WEEK TO HELP THE NEEDY IN THE LOCAL IPSWICH AREA: This is an ongoing contribution for the needy. We are very grateful for your generosity. Thank you for your contributions!

OASIS DAY: We extend an invitation to parishioners to spend a few hours in quiet prayer and reflection on Thursday 26th July from 10-00am to 2-00pm to be held at Mater Dei, Ferrett Street Sadliers Crossing. The day will be a mixture of prayer, scripture, quiet personal reflection, and a shared lunch. Our hope in offering these Oasis days is to encourage a prayerful stillness where we can let go of the busyness of our lives and sit in the presence of God for just a few hours. Bring along lunch to share. Morning tea will be provided. To register for the Oasis day please phone the Parish Office on 3281 2133 or email

RECYCLE REUSE REDUCE: Consumerism impacts on the environment. If we reduce our consumption of both goods and energy we reduce

waste and pollution. When we buy goods, we reduce waste if they are reusable rather than disposable. Recycling is essential at home and at school or work. Don’t let “the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful.” (John 4:19).

THE Annual Catholic Mission Church Appeal on

28/29 July 2018

‘How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, who brings good news…’Isaiah 52:7

On the weekend 28/29th July our parish will be holding the Annual Catholic Mission Church Appeal. This year we are invited to help to heal a nation through education in Myanmar. Led by Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, the Church is developing an alternative system of quality education, with comprehensive teacher training programs and the establishment of new schools, especially in remote areas. It has been called an “education revolution”, and the potential impact is far-reaching.

Freecall: 1800 257 296