Stepper Motor Through Laser

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  • 8/6/2019 Stepper Motor Through Laser




  • 8/6/2019 Stepper Motor Through Laser


    The aim of this project is to control the speedand direction of the stepper motor, using theoptical means through laser.This project consist of 2 parts

    1. Transmitting part.2. Receiving part.

    Laser is only providing the medium ofcommunication between the transmitting andreceiving end; hence allowing to control it from aremote area without being physically presentnear the motor.

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    As already mentioned that this project consist of2 parts i.e. transmitter and receiver, transmitteris to generate the signals for specific purpose

    (i.e. it is to control the speed and/or direction ofthe stepper motor) in the form of d.t.m.f (dualtone multiple frequency) through d.t.m.f encoder(ic91214). These signals are amplified and aregiven to the laser torch, as the signals are

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    electrical signals of different frequencies, socorresponding intensity of the laser torch isproduced.

    receiver part:In the receiver region, infrared opto diode isused to receive the laser signals. These laserlight signals are converted again into electricalform. Now these electrical signals are given tothe d.t.m.f encoder (mt 8870 ) which convertthese signals into 4 bit binary sequence. Thesebinary sequences is given to the micro controllerwhich drives the stepper motor.

    Main components used are..

    1. D.T.M.F (Dual Tone Multi Frequency)


  • 8/6/2019 Stepper Motor Through Laser


    When we press a button in the telephone set keypad, a connection ismade that generates a resultant signal of two tones at the same time. Thesetwo tones are taken from a row frequency and a column frequency. Theresultant frequency signal is called "Dual Tone Multiple Frequency". Thesetones are identical and unique.

    A DTMFsignal is the algebraic sum of two different audio frequencies,and can be expressed as follows:

    f(t) = A0sin(2**fa*t) + B0sin(2**fb*t) + ........... ------->(1)

    Where fa and fb are two different audio frequencies with A and B astheir peak amplitudes and f as the resultant DTMF signal. fa belongs to thelow frequency group and fb belongs to the high frequency group.

    The amplitudes of the two sine waves should be such that

    (0.7 < (A/B) < 0.9)V -------->(2)

    The frequencies are chosen such that they are not the harmonics ofeach other.

    When we send these DTMF signals to the telephone exchangethrough cables, the servers in the telephone exchange identifies thesesignals and makes the connection to the person you are calling.

    The row and column frequencies are given below:

    Fig (A)

    When you press the digit 5 in the keypad it generates a resultanttone signal which is made up of frequencies 770Hz and 1336Hz. Pressing

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    digit 8 will produce the tone taken from tones 852Hz and 1336Hz.

    Figure (E). Circuit diagram of the DTMF encoder

    2. MT 8870 DTMF decoder:

    This project will use very simple, cheap, and common electricalcomponents. This chip uses digital counting techniques for thedetection and decoding of all 16 DTMF tones, and delivers a binaryoutput corresponding to one of these DTMF tones. This output will befed directly into a micro controller 89C51 chip, which will drive the

    Relays for activating and deactivating various appliances.The outputs of the 8870 chip will be fed into a micro


  • 8/6/2019 Stepper Motor Through Laser



    DTMF generated by rectangular pulses and RC filters works reliably. The

    mentioned MT 8870 uses two 6th order band pass filters with switched

    capacitors. These produce nice clean sine waves even from distorted inputs,with any harmonics suppressed.

    IC MT8870/KT3170 serves as DTMF decoder .

    Working of IC MT8870:

    The MT-8870 is a full DTMF Receiver that integrates both band splitfilter and decoder functions into a single 18-pin DIP. Its filter section usesswitched capacitor technology for both the high and low group filters andfor dial tone rejection.

    MT-8870 operating functions include a band split filter thatseparates the high and low tones of the received pair.

    The low and high group tones are separated by applying the dual-tonesignal to the inputs of two 6th order switched capacitor band pass filterswith bandwidths that correspond to the bands enclosing the low and highgroup tones.

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    The input arrangement of the MT-8870 provides a differential inputoperational amplifier as well as a bias source (VREF) to bias the inputs atmid-rail. Provision is made for connection of a feedback resistor to the op-amp output (GS) for gain adjustment.

    The internal clock circuit is completed with the addition of a standard

    3.579545 MHz crystal.

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    4.Introduction to stepper motors..

    Stepper Motor Basics

    A stepper motor is an electromechanical device which converts

    electrical pulses into discrete mechanical movements. The shaft

    or spindle of a stepper motor rotates in discrete step increments

    when electrical command pulses are applied to it in the propersequence..

    Stepper Motor Advantages and Disadvantages


    1. The rotation angle of the motor is proportional to the inputpulse.

    2. The motor has full torque at stand-still (if the windings areenergized)

    3. Precise positioning and repeatability of movement since goodstepper motors have an accuracy of 3-5% of a step and this error

    is non cumulative from one step to the next.

    4. Excellent response to starting/stopping/reversing.

    5. Very reliable since there are no contact brushes in the motor.

    Therefore the life of the motor is simply dependant on the lifeof the bearing.

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    6. The motors response to digital input pulses provides open-loopControl making the motor simpler and less costly to control.

    7. It is possible to achieve very low speed synchronous rotation

    with a load that is directly coupled to the shaft.

    8. A wide range of rotational speed can be realized as the speedis proportional to the frequency of the input pulses.


    1. Resonances can occur if not properly controlled.

    2. Not easy to operate at extremely high speeds

    There are three basic stepper motor.

    1. Variable-reluctance

    2. Permanent-magnet

    3. Hybrid

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    Variable-reluctance (VR)

    This type of stepper motor has been around for a long time. It iseasy to understand from a structural point of view

    Figure shows a cross section of a typical V.R. stepper motor. Thistype of motor consists of a soft iron multi-toothed rotor and awound stator. When the stator windings are energized with DCcurrent the poles become magnetized .Rotation occurs when the

    rotor teeth are attracted to the energized stator poles.

    Permanent Magnet (PM)

    The permanent magnet step motor is a low cost and lowresolution type motor with typical step angles of 7.5 to 15. (48 -

    24steps/revolution) PM motors as the name implies havepermanent magnets added to the motor structure. The rotor no

    longer has teeth as with the VR motor. Instead the rotor ismagnetized with alternating north and south poles situated in astraight line parallel to the rotor shaft.

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    These magnetized rotor poles provide an increased magnetic fluxintensity and because of this the PM motor exhibits improved

    torque characteristics when compared with the VR type.

    Hybrid (HB)

    The hybrid stepper motor is more expensive than the PM steppermotor provides better performance with respect to step

    resolution, torque and speed. Typical step angles for the HB

    stepper moto range from 3.6 to 0.9 (100 - 400 steps perrevolution). The hybrid stepper motor combines the bestfeatures of both the PM and VR type stepper motors. The rotor

    is multi-toothed like the VR motor and contains an axiallymagnetized con-centric magnet around its shaft. The teeth on

    the rotor provide an even better path which helps guide the

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    magnetic flux to preferred locations in the air gap. This furtherincreases the detent, holding and dynamic torque characteristics

    of the motor when com-pared with both the VR and PM types.

    The two most commonly used types of stepper motors are thepermanent magnet and the hybrid types.

    Size and Power

    In addition to being classified by their step angle stepper motors

    are also classified according to frame size which correspond tothe diameter of the body of the motor.

    For instance a size 11 stepper motor has a body di-ameter ofapproximately 1.1 inches.

    Likewise a size 23 stepper motor has abody diameter of 2.3

    inches (58 mm),etc. As a general rule the available torque out-

    put from a motor of a particular frame size will increase with

    increased body length.

    Power levels for IC-driven stepper motors typically range from

    below a watt for very small motors up to 10 -20 watts for larger

    motors. For example, a size 23 step motor maybe rated at 6V and1A per phase. Therefore, with two phases energized the motorhas a rated power dissipation of 12 watts. It is normal practiceto rate a stepper motor at the power dissipation level where the

    motor case rises 65C above the ambient in still air.

    They can be used to advantage in applications where we need to

    control rotation angle, speed, position and synchronism.

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    Some of these applications include printers, plotters, high endoffice equipment, hard disk drives, medical equipment, fax

    machines, automotive and many more. The Rotating Magnetic Field

    When a phase winding of a stepper motor is energized withcurrent a magnetic flux is developed in the stator. Figure 5 showsthe magnetic flux path developed when phase B is energized with

    winding current in the direction shown. The rotor then alignsitself so that the flux opposition is minimized. In this case the

    motor would rotate clockwise so that its south pole aligns with

    the north pole of the stator B at position 2 and its north polealigns with the south poleof stator B at position 6. To get the

    motor to rotate we can now see that we must provide a sequenceof energizing the stator windings in such a fashion that provides a

    rotating magnetic flux field which the rotor follows due tomagnetic attraction.Torque Generation

    The torque produced by a stepper motor depends on several


    1 The step rate.

    2 The drive current in the windings.

    3 The drive design or type.

    In a stepper motor a torque is devel-oped when the magnetic

    fluxes of the rotor and stator are displaced from each other.The stator is made up of a high permeability magnetic material.The presence of this high permeability material causes the

    magnetic flux to be confined for the most part to the pathsdefined by the stator structure in the same fashion that

    currents are confined to the conductors of an electronic circuit.

    This serves to concentrate the flux at the stator poles. Thetorque output produced by the motor is proportional to the

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    intensity of the magnetic flux generated when the winding isenergized.The basic relationship whichdefines the intensity of

    the magnetic flux is defined by: H = (N i)


    N= The number of winding turns


    H=Magnetic field intensity

    l=Magnetic flux path length

    This relationship shows that the magnetic flux intensity and

    consequently the torque is proportional to the number of windingturns and the current and inversely proportional tothe length ofthe magnetic flux path. From this basic relationship one can see

    that the same frame size stepper motor could have very

    different torque output capabilities simply by changing thewinding parameters. Moredetailed information on how thewinding

    parameters affect the outputcapability of the motor can befoundin the application note entitled DriveCircuit Basics.Phases,Poles and SteppingAnglesUsually stepper motors have twophases,

    but three- and five-phasemotors also exist.A bipolar motor with

    two phaseshas one winding/phase and a unipolarmotor has onewinding, with a centertap per phase. Sometimes theunipolarstepper motor is referred to as a four-phase motor,even though it only hastwo phases.Motors that have two

    separatewindings per phase also existthesecan be driven ineither bipolar orunipolar mode.A pole can be defined as one oftheregions in a magnetized body wherethe magnetic flux density

    is con-centrated. Both the rotor and thestator of a step motorhave poles.Figure 2 contains a simplified pictureof a two-phase

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    stepper motor having 2poles (or 1 pole pairs) for each phaseonthe stator, and 2 poles (one polepair) on the rotor. In reality

    severalmore poles are added to both the rotorand stator

    structure in order to increase the number of steps perrevolutionof the motor, or in otherwords to provide a smaller basic(fullstep) stepping angle. The permanentmagnet stepper motor

    contains anequal number of rotor and stator polepairs. Typicallythe PM motor has 12pole pairs. The stator has 12 pole pairsper

    phase. The hybrid type steppermotor has a rotor with teeth.

    Therotor is split into two parts, separatedby a permanantmagnetmaking halfof the teeth south poles and half

    northpoles.The number of pole pairs isequal to the number ofteeth on one ofthe rotor halves. The stator of a hybridmotor also

    has teeth to build up ahigher number of equivalent poles(smallerpole pitch, number ofequivalent poles = 360/teeth pitch)comparedto the main poles, on whichthe winding coils are wound. Usually4

    main poles are used for 3.6 hybridsand 8 for 1.8- and 0.9-degreetypes.It is the relationship between thenumber of rotor poles and

    the equival-ent stator poles, and the number thenumber of

    phases that determines thefull-step angle of a steppermotor.Step angle=360 ? (N Ph)=360/NPhN =Number ofequivalent poles perPhphase = number of rotor polesPh=Numberof phasesN=Total number of poles for allphases togetherIf the

    rotor and stator tooth pitch isunequal, a more-complicated

    relation-ship exists.Stepping ModesThe following are the mostcommondrive modes.

    1 Wave Drive (1 phase on)

    2 Full Step Drive (2 phases on)

    3 Half Step Drive (1 & 2 phases on)

    4 Microstepping (Continuously varying motor currents)

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    For the following discussions pleaserefer to the figure 6.In WaveDrive only one winding isenergized at any given time. Thestator is

    energized according to theA Bsequence A ? B ? ? and therotor

    steps from position 8 ? 2 ? 4? 6. For unipolar and bipolar wound

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    motors with the same winding param-eters this excitation mode

    would resultin the same mechanical position. Thedisadvantage ofthis drive mode is thatin the unipolar wound motor you areonlyusing 25% and in the bipolarmotor only 50% of the total

    motorwinding at any given time. Thismeans that you are not ettinghemaximum torque output from themotor.

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    In Full Step Drive you are ener-gizing two phases at any giventime.The stator is energized according toA ABthe sequence AB?B ? ?Band the rotor steps from positionA1 ? 3 ? 5 ? 7 . Full step

    moderesults in the same angular movementas 1 phase on drive but

    the mechanicalposition is offset by one half of a fullstep. Thetorque output of theunipolar wound motor is lower thanthe

    bipolar motor (for motors with thesame winding parameters)since theunipolar motor uses only 50% of theavailable windingwhile the bipolarmotor uses the entire winding.Half Step Drive

    combines bothwave and full step (1&2 phases on)drive modes.

    Every second step onlyone phase is energized and during theothersteps one phase on each stator.The stator is energized according

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    Torque vs Angle Characteristics

    The torque vs angle characteristics ofa stepper motor are therelationshipbetween the displacement of the rotorand the torque

    which applied to therotor shaft when the stepper motorisenergized at its rated voltage. An idealstepper motor has a

    sinusoidal torquevs displacement characteristic asshown in figure8.Positions A and C represent stableequilibrium points when noexternalforce or load is applied to the rotorshaft. When you

    apply an external to the motor shaft you inforce Taessencecreate an angulardisplacement, ? . This angularadisplacement, ? ,

    is referred to as aalead or lag angle depending on wetherthe

    motor is actively accelerating ordecelerating. When the rotorstopswith an applied load it will come torest at the positiondefined by thisdisplacement angle. The motor, in oppositiontodevelops a torque, Tathe applied external force in order

    tobalance the load. As the load isincreased the displacement

    angle alsoincreases until it reaches themaximum holding torque, T

    , of thehmotor. Once T is exceeded the motorhenters an

    unstable region. In thisregion a torque is the opposite direction iscreated and the rotorjumps over the unstable point to thenextstable point. The displacement angle is deter-mined by the

    following relationship:X = (Z ?2p) sin(T ?T )where:a hZ =rotortooth pitch

    T =Load torquea

    T =Motors rated holding torqueh

    X=Displacement angle.

    Therefore if you have a problem with the step angle error of theloadedmotor at rest you can improve this by changing the

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    stiffness of the motor.This is done by increasing theholdingtorque of the motor. We can see thiseffect shown in the

    figure 5.Increasing the holding torque for aconstant load causes a

    shift in the lagangle from Q to Q .2 1

    Step Angle Accuracy

    One reason why the stepper motor hasachieved such popularity asa position-ing device is its accuracy and repeat-ability. Typically

    stepper motors willhave a step angle accuracy of 35%of one

    step. This error is also non-cumulative from step to step.Theaccuracy of the stepper motor ismainly a function of the

    mechanicalprecision of its parts and assembly.Figure 9 shows atypical plot of thepositional accuracy of a stepper motor.Step

    Position Error

    The maximum positive or negativeposition error caused when themotorhas rotated one step from the previousholding position.Step

    position error = measured stepangle - theoretical anglePositional

    ErrorThe motor is stepped N times from aninitial position (N =360/step angle)and the angle from the initial positionis

    measured at each step position. Ifthe angle from the initial

    position tothe N-step position is ? and theNerror is ?? where:

    N?? = ?? - (step angle) N.N N

    The positional error is the differenceof the maximum andminimum but isusually expressed with a sign. Thatis:

    1positional error = /2(?? - ?? )

    Max Min

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    Hysteresis Positional ErrorThe values obtained from themeasure-ment of positional errors in bothdirections.

    Mechanical Parameters,Load, Friction, InertiaThe performance ofa stepper motorsystem (driver and motor) is alsohighly dependent

    on the mechanicalparameters of the load. The load isdefined aswhat the motor drives. It istypically frictional, inertial or

    acombination of the two.Friction is the resistance to motiondueto the unevenness of surfaceswhich rub together. Frictionisconstant with velocity. A minimumtorque level is required

    throughoutthe step in over to overcome thisfriction ( at least

    equal to the friction).Increasing a frictional load lowers thetopspeed, lowers the acceleration andincreases the positional error.Theconverse is true if the frictional load isloweredInertia is the

    resistance to changesin speed. A high inertial load requiresa highinertial starting torque and thesame would apply for braking. In-

    creasing an inertial load will increasespeed stability, increase theamount oftime it takes to reach a desired speedand decrease the

    maximum self startpulse rate. The converse is again trueif the

    inertia is decreased.The rotor oscillations of a steppermotor willvary with the amount offriction and inertia load. Because ofthis

    relationship unwanted rotor oscil-lations can be reduced bymechanicaldamping means however it is moreoften simpler toreduce theseunwanted oscillations by electricaldamping methods

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    such as switch fromfull step drive to half step drive.Torque vs,SpeedCharacteristics

    The torque vs speed characteristics arethe key to selecting the

    right motorand drive method for a specificapplication. Thesecharacteristics aredependent upon (change with) themotor,

    excitation mode and type ofdriver or drive method. Atypicalspeed torque curve is shown infigure9.To get a betterunderstanding ofthis curve it is useful to define thedifferent

    aspect of this curve.Holding torqueThe maximum torque producedbythe motor at standstill.

    Pull-In Curve

    The pull-in curve defines a area referedto as the start stopregion. This is themaximum frequency at which themotor can

    start/stop instantaneously,with a load applied, without lossofsynchronism.

    Maximum Start Rate

    The maximum starting step frequencywith no load applied.

    Pull-Out Curve

    The pull-out curve defines an arearefered to as the slew region.It definesthe maximum frequency at which themotor can operate

    without losing syn-chronism. Since this region is outsidethe pull-inarea the motor mustramped (accelerated or decelerated)into this


    Maximum Slew Rate

    The maximum operating frequency ofthe motor with no load

    applied.The pull-in characteristics vary alsodepending on the load.

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    The larger theload inertia the smaller the pull-inarea. We can seefrom the shape of thecurve that the step rate affects thetorque

    output capability of steppermotor The decreasing torque output

    asthe speed increases is caused by thefact that at high speedsthe inductanceof the motor is the dominant circuitelement.

    The shape of the speed - torquecurve can change quitedramaticallydepending on the type of driver used.The bipolarchopper type driverswhich Ericsson Components produceswill

    maximum the speed - torqueperformance from a given motor.

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    Mostmotor manufacturers provide thesespeed - torque curvesfor their motors.It is important to understand whatdriver type

    or drive method the motormanufacturer used in developing

    theircurves as the torque vs. speed charac-teristics of an givenmotor can varysignificantly depending on the drivemethod used.Single Step Response andResonancesThe single-step response

    character-istics of a stepper motor is shown infigure 11.When onestep pulse is applied to astepper motor the rotor behaves in

    amanner as defined by the above curve.The step time t is the

    time it takes themotor shaft to rotate one step angleonce thefirst step pulse is applied.This step time is highly dependent

    onthe ratio of torque to inertia (load) aswell as the type of driverused.Since the torque is a function of thedisplacement it follows

    that the accel-eration will also be. Therefore, whenmoving inlarge step increments ahigh torque is developed andconsequentlya high acceleration. Thiscan cause overshots and ringing asshown.

    The settling time T is the timeit takes these oscillations orringing tocease. In certain applications thisphenomena can be

    undesirable. It ispossible to reduce or eliminate thisbehaviour by

    microstepping thestepper motor. For more informationonmicrostepping please consult themicrostepping note. Steppermotors can often exhibit aphenomena refered to as resonanceatcertain step rates. This can be seen as asudden loss or drop in

    torque at cer-tain speeds which can result in missedsteps or loss

    of synchronism. It occurswhen the input step pulse rate coin-cides with the natural oscillationfrequency of the rotor. Often

    there is aresonance area around the 100 200pps region and also

    one in the highstep pulse rate region. The resonancephenomena ofa stepper motor comesfrom its basic construction and there-foreit is not possible to eliminate itcompletely. It is also dependent

    uponthe load conditions. It can be reducedby driving the motor inhalf or micro-stepping modes.

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    Stepper motors translate digital switching sequences into

    motion. They are used in printers, automated machinetools, disk drives, and a variety of other applications

    requiring precise motions under computer control. Unlike

    ordinary dc motors, which spin freely when power is

    applied, steppers require that their power source be

    continuously pulsed in specific patterns. These patterns, or

    step sequences, determine the speed and direction of a

    steppers motion. For each pulse or step input, the stepper

    motor rotates a fixed angular increment ; typically 1.8 or

    7.5 degrees. The fixed stepping angle gives steppers their

    precision. As long as the motors maximum limits of speed

    or torque are not exceeded, the controlling program knows

    a steppers precise position at any given time. Steppers are

    driven by the interaction (attraction and repulsion) of

    magnetic fields. The driving magnetic field rotates as

    strategically placed coils are switched on and off. Thispushes and pulls at permanent magnets arranged around the

    edge of a rotor that drives the output shaft.

    When the on-off pattern of the magnetic

    fields is in the proper sequence, the stepper turns (when its

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    not, the stepper sits and quivers). The most common

    stepper is the four-coil unipolar variety. These are called

    unipolar because they require only that their coils be driven

    on and off. Bipolar steppers require that the polarity of power to the coils be reversed. The normal stepping

    sequence for four-coil unipolar steppers appears in figure.

    There are other, special-purpose stepping sequences, such

    as half-step and wave drive, and ways to drive steppers

    with multi-phase analog waveforms, but this application

    concentrates on the normal sequence. After all, its the

    sequence for which all of the manufacturers specifications

    for torque, step angle, and speed apply.

    Figure. Normal stepping sequence.

    If you run the stepping sequence in figure forward, the

    stepper rotates clockwise ; run it backward, and the stepper

    rotates counterclockwise. The motors speed depends on

    how fast the controller runs through the step sequence. Atany time the controller can stop in mid sequence. If it

    leaves power to any pair of energized coils on, the motor is

    locked in place by their magnetic fields. This points out

    another stepper motor benefit: built-in brakes.

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    Many microprocessor stepper drivers use four

    output bits to generate the stepping sequence. Each bit

    drives a power transistor that switches on the appropriate

    stepper coil. The stepping sequence is stored in a lookuptable and read out to the bits as required.

    This design takes a slightly different

    approach. First, it uses only two output bits, exploiting the

    fact that the states of coils 1 and 4 are always the inverse of

    coils 2 and 3. Look at figure 3 again. Whenever coil 2 gets

    a 1, coil 1 gets a 0, and the same holds for coils 3 and 4. In

    microcontrollers designs, output bits are too precious towaste as simple inverters, so we give that job to two

    sections of the ULN2003 inverter/driver. The second

    difference between this and other stepper driver designs is

    that it calculates the stepping sequence, rather than reading

    it out of a table. While its very easy to create tables with

    the Stamp, the calculations required to create the two-bit

    sequence required are very simple. And reversing the motor

    is easier, since it requires only a single additional program


    5.ULN 2003:-

    The wires from the Logic PCB connector to the stepper motor in a TM100 Disk Driveare as follows

    This means that, to use the stepping sequences as is, the Green and Brown wires are the

    wrong way round. There is no need to alter the wires at the connector, of course - it canbe done in the cable from the PC parallel port or microcontroller.

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    If you have a stepper motor with different wiring, look here.

    Four-Wire Connection

    The ULN2003 / MC1413 is a 7-bit 50V 500mA TTL-input NPN darlington driver. This

    is more than adequate to control a four phase unipolar stepper motor such as the KP4M4-001.

    It is recommended to connect a 12v zener diode between the power supply and VDD (Pin

    9) on the chip, to absorb reverse (or "back") EMF from the magnetic field collapsingwhen motor coils are switched off. (See Douglas W. Jones' rather more sophisticated


    Here's one I made earlier

    I recycled the power and motor lead connectors from the TM100 Logic PCB. A

    convenient source of 12v and 5v is an old IBM-PC power supply unit. The 9-way D-typeconnector is appropriate for the number of (parallel) control lines needed in the cable.

    Here's some example software for this setup

    y One of my student groups used an enhanced version of this circuit for theirRemote Control WebCam project.

    y One of my individual students produced a microcontroller-driven version for hisSMACK project. Read his report for more details.

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    Two-Wire Connection

    With the addition of a few resistors, you can control this kind of motor with only two data

    lines (compared with the Four-Wire Connection, above). This uses the fact that, with

    Two-Coil Excitation, at any time two of the coils have the inverse excitation (on/off) of

    the other two.

    (based on Parallax BASIC Stamp Application Note 6)

    You only need to supply the on/off signals for coils 3 and 2, according to the Two-CoilExcitation sequence. The corresponding inverted signals for coils 1 and 4 are supplied by

    the circuit itself.

    I used this circuit (times two) for the StoneAge DiskDrive Logo Turtles and the Pan-and-Tilt Mount for a camera.

    The same technique is used by the (discontinued) UDN2544B (PDF) Quad DarlingtonPower Driver chip from Allegro MicroSystems

    A disadvantage of this method is that you cannot half-step the motor.

    Allegro's UCN5804B Stepper-Motor Translator/Driver chip supports all three excitation


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    Allegro 5804B

    This translator/driver chip provides complete control and drive for a four-phase unipolar

    stepper motor.

    from the data sheet (PDF)

    The logic section provides the sequencing logic, DIRECTION and OUTPUT ENABLE

    control, and a power-on reset function. Three stepper-motor drive formats, wave-drive(one-phase), two-phase, and halfstep are externally selectable.

    Drive Format Pin 9 Pin 10

    Two-Phase L LOne-Phase H L

    Half-Step L H

    Step-Inhibit H H

    I used the following circuit (times two) for a third (different) controller board for mystudents.

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    With Pin 15 OUTPUT ENABLE tied to Ground (always enabled), four data lines arerequired to interface the chip, for all three drive formats to be selectable in software.

    From the Data Port of the PC Parallel Port, I used:

    Bit Function

    0 Step Input

    1 Direction CW/CCW

    2 One-Phase/Two-Phase

    3 Half-Step/Full-Step

    Bits 1-3 need to be set to 1 or 0 to reflect the desired direction of rotation and drive

    format. Bit 0 must be set to 1 initially. To step the motor, Bit 0 must be reset to zero for aminimum 3 sec then set back to 1.

    Note: If the controller board is powered up but not connected to the PC and under

    software control, the motor(s) will free run as Pin 11 STEP INPUT floats low. Thisbehaviour can be prevented by connecting a 10K pullup resistor between pin 11 and +5v.

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    The fol lowing is the basic circuit that makes the8051 works:

    A struggle has been going on between MCU manufacturers

    for quite a long time, each of them trying to best respond to

    the ever-increasing demands of the market. Every couple of

    days there is a brand new chip available, working at higher

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    frequency, with more memory or with better A/D converters.

    And yet, a closer look to their interior reveals the same or at

    least very similar structural design referred to as "8051


    Although this family had quite limited capabilities by today's

    notions, it quickly captivated the world and became the

    standard for what is today understood as 'micro controller'.

    The most significant cause for such a success can be found

    in the cleverly chosen configuration which can satisfy adiversity of needs, yet allowing for continuous upgrades (in

    form of new controllers). In a brief period of time, a decent

    amount of software has been developed for 8051, making

    further changes of the hardware core simply uneconomical.

    Consequently, there is a variety of MCUs available today,

    basically just the upgraded 8051 models. still manufacturedby all the major companies,

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    As can be seen on the image above, there is nothing

    particularly remarkable about MCU 8051:

    4 kilobytes of ROM is neither too little nor too much. 128 bytes of RAM (SFR registers included) can satisfy

    the basic needs, but is not really astounding.

    4 ports totaling 32 I/O lines , are usually sufficient for

    connecting to the environs and are by no means luxury.

    Obviously, 8051 configuration is intended to satisfy the

    needs of programmers developing the controlling devices

    and instruments. This is one part of its key to success: there

    is nothing missing, yet there is no lavishness; it is meant for

    the average user. The other clue can be found in the

    organization of RAM, Central Processor Unit (CPU), and

    ports - all of which maximally utilize the available resources

    and allow further upgrades.

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    Pins On The Case

    18: Port 1: Each of these pins can be used as either

    input or output according to our needs. Also, pins 1 and

    2 (P1.0 and P1.1) have special functions associated

    with Timer 2.

    9: Reset Signal: high logical state on this input halts

    the MCU and clears all the registers. Bringing this pin

    back to logical state zero starts the program anew as if

    the power had just been turned on. In another words,

    positive voltage impulse on this pin resets the MCU.

    Depending on the device's purpose and environs, this

    pin is usually connected to the push-button, reset-upon-

    start circuit or a brown out reset circuit (covered in the

    previous chapter). The image shows one simple circuit

    for safe reset upon starting the controller. It is utilized in

    situations when power fails to reach its optimal voltage.

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    10-17: Port 3: As with Port 1, each of these pins can be

    used as universal input or output. However, each pin of

    Port 3 has an alternative function:

    Pin 10: RXD - serial input for asynchronous

    communication or serial output for synchronous


    Pin 11: TXD - serial output for asynchronous

    communication or clock output for synchronous


    Pin 12: INT0 - input for interrupt 0

    Pin 13: INT1 - input for interrupt 1

    Pin 14: T0 - clock input of counter 0

    Pin 15: T1 - clock input of counter 1

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    Pin 16: WR - signal for writing to external (add-on)

    RAM memory

    Pin 17: RD - signal for reading from external RAM


    18-19: X2 and X1: Input and output of internal

    oscillator. Quartz crystal controlling the frequency

    commonly connects to these pins. Capacitances within

    the oscillator mechanism (see the image) are not critical

    and are normally about 30pF. Instead of a quartz

    crystal, miniature ceramic resonators can be used for

    dictating the pace. In that case, manufacturers

    recommend using somewhat higher capacitances

    (about 47 pF). New MCUs work at frequencies from

    0Hz to 50MHz+.

    20: GND: Ground

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    21- 28: Port 2: If external memory is not present, pins

    of Port 2 act as universal input/output. If external

    memory is present, this is the location of the higher

    address byte, i.e. addresses A8 A15. It is important to

    note that in cases when not all the 8 bits are used for

    addressing the memory (i.e. memory is smaller than

    64kB), the rest of the unused bits are not available as


    29: PSEN: MCU activates this bit (brings to low state)

    upon each reading of byte (instruction) from program

    memory. If external ROM is used for storing the

    program, PSEN is directly connected to its control pins.

    30: ALE: Before each reading of the external memory,

    MCU sends the lower byte of the address register

    (addresses A0 A7) to port P0 and activates the output

    ALE. External register (74HCT373 or 74HCT375

    circuits are common), memorizes the state of port P0

    upon receiving a signal from ALE pin, and uses it as

    part of the address for memory chip. During the second

    part of the mechanical MCU cycle, signal on ALE is off,

    and port P0 is used as Data Bus. In this way, by adding

    only one cheap integrated circuit, data from port can be

    multiplexed and the port simultaneously used for

    transferring both addresses and data.

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    31: EA: Bringing this pin to the logical state zero (mass)

    designates the ports P2 and P3 for transferring

    addresses regardless of the presence of the internal

    memory. This means that even if there is a program

    loaded in the MCU it will not be executed, but the one

    from the external ROM will be used instead.

    Conversely, bringing the pin to the high logical state

    causes the controller to use both memories, first the

    internal, and then the external (if present).

    32-39: Port 0: Similar to Port 2, pins of Port 0 can be

    used as universal input/output, if external memory is not

    used. If external memory is used, P0 behaves as

    address output (A0 A7) when ALE pin is at high

    logical level, or as data output (Data Bus) when ALE pin

    is at low logical level.

    40: VCC; Power +5V

    Input Output (I/O) Ports

    Every MCU from 8051 family has 4 I/O ports of 8 bits each.

    This provides the user with 32 I/O lines for connecting MCU

    to the environs. Unlike the case with other controllers, there

    is no specific SFR register for designating pins as input or

    output. Instead, the port itself is in charge: 0=output, 1=input.

    If particular pin on the case is needed as output, the

    appropriate bit of I/O port should be cleared. This will

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    generate 0V on the specified controller pin. Similarly, if

    particular pin on the case is needed as input, the appropriate

    bit of I/O port should be set. This will designate the pin as

    input, generating +5V as a side effect (as with every TTL


    Port 0

    Port 0 has two-fold role: if external memory is used, it

    contains the lower address byte (addresses A0-A7),

    otherwise all bits of the port are either input or output.

    Another feature of this port comes to play when it has been

    designated as output. Unlike other ports, Port 0 lacks the

    "pull up" resistor (resistor with +5V on one end). This

    seemingly insignificant change has the following


    When designated as input, pin of Port 0 acts as high

    impedance offering the infinite input resistance with no

    "inner" voltage.

    When designated as output, pin acts as "open drain".

    Clearing a port bit grounds the appropriate pin on the

    case (0V). Setting a port bit makes the pin act as highimpedance. Therefore, to get positive logic (5V) at

    output, external "pull up" resistor needs to be added for

    connecting the pin to the positive pole.

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    Therefore, to get one (5V) on the output, external "pull up"

    resistor needs to be added for connecting the pin to the

    positive pole.

    Port 1

    This is "true" I/O port, devoid of dual function characteristic

    for Port 0. Having the "pull up" resistor, Port 1 is fully

    compatible with TTL circuits.

    Port 2

    When using external memory, this port contains the higher

    address byte (addresses A8A15), similar to Port 0.

    Otherwise, it can be used as universal I/O port.

    Port 3

    Beside its role as universal I/O port, each pin of Port 3 hasan alternate function. In order to use one of these functions,

    the pin in question has to be designated as input, i.e. the

    appropriate bit of register P3 needs to be set. From a

    hardware standpoint, Port 3 is similar to Port 0.

    As can be seen from the individual descriptions of the ports,they all share highly similar structure. However, you need toconsider which task should be assigned to which port. Forexample: if utilizing port as output with high level (5V), avoidusing Port 0 as its pins cannot produce high logical level

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    without an additional resistor connected to +5V. If usingother port to a same end, bear in mind that built-in resistorshave relatively high values, producing the currents limited tofew hundreds of amperes as pin output.

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  • 8/6/2019 Stepper Motor Through Laser


    Price list of components used in the project


    y 89c51 150/-

    y L.C.D 16x2 350/-

    y ULN 2003 50/-

    y IC 91214 175/-

    y IC 8870 53/-y BC 548 10/-

    y Rx DIODE 65/-





    y LASER TORCH 60/-

    y +9 VOLTS BATTERY 20/-(PER PC.)y TRANSFORMER(12-0-12) 100/-

    y 7805 35/-


    y PRESET 12/-

    y MICRO SWITCH 10/-

    y AMPLIFIER (TBA 810) 45/-

  • 8/6/2019 Stepper Motor Through Laser



    The soldering kit

    1. Soldering iron: as soldering is a process of joining together twometallic parts, the instrument which is used for doing this job isknown as soldering iron. Thus it is meant for melting the solderand to set up the metal parts being joined. Soldering iron israted according to their wattage, which varies from 10-200watts.

    2. Solder: the raw material used for soldering is solder. It iscomposition of lead and tin. The good quality solder (a type offlexible naked wire) is 60% tin and 40% lead. Lead, which willmelt between 180 degrees to 200 degrees temperature.

    3. Flux or soldering paste: when the points to be soldered areheated, an oxide film forms. This must be removed at once sothat solder may get to the surface of the metal parts. This isdone by applying chemical substance called flux, which boilsunder the heat of the iron remove the oxide formation and

    enable the metal to receive the solder.

    4. Blade or knife: to clean the surface and leads of components tobe soldered is done by this common instrument.

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    5. Sand paper: the oxide formation may attack at the tip of yoursoldering iron and create the problem. To prevent this, cleanthe tip with the help of sand paper time to time or you may useblade for doing this job.

    Apart from all these tools, discussed the working bench

    for soldering also includes desoldering pump, wink wire

    (used for desoldering purpose), file, etc.

    Tips for good soldering

    1. Use right type of soldering iron. A small efficient soldering iron(about 10-25 watt with 1/8 or inch tip) is ideal for this work.

    2. Keep the hot tip of the soldering iron on a piece of metal so thatexcess heat is dissipated.

    3. Make sure that connection to the soldered is clean. Wax frayedinsulation and other substances cause poor soldering

    connection. Clean the leads. Wires, tags etc. before soldering.

    4. Use just enough solder to cover the lead to be soldered.Excess solder can cause a short circuit.

    5. Use sufficient heat. This is the essence of good soldering.Apply enough heat to the component lead. You are not usingenough heat, if the solder barely melts and forms a round ball

    of rough flaky solder. A good solder joint will look smooth,shining and spreaded type. The difference between good andbad soldering is just a few seconds extra with a hot iron appliedfirmly.

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    ADVANTAGESy Secure connection cannot be tempered easily.

    y Cheaper than copper.

    y Faster data transfer rate 3x108


    y Higher Bandwidth.

    Cannot be degraded by rainwater


    y Point of throwing the laser beam should be in line of accepting it by IR Diode.4.ENCYCLOPEIDIA.